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Value-Form and the State

The tendencies of accumulation and

the determination of economie policy
in capitalist society


Geert Reuten and Michael Williams

Routledge '
London and New York

This book bas two closely related aims. The first is to theorise the
interconnection in capitalist society of the economy, the state and
economie policy. In this respect it could be placed in the tradition of
classica! politica! economy of Smith, Ricardo and Mill, which, soon
after Marx, was overshadowed by the far narrower 'economics' of
the subjectivist and then the neoclassical tradition. Today, politica!
processes insofar as they can be cast in an economics framework are
allotted to a tiny sub-branch of economics - public choice theory.
Otherwise one is referred to the allegedly different discipline of
politica! science. Major disputes amongst economists on economie
policy, even within the same school of thought, manifest the
inadequacy of this separation. More fundamentally it precludes the
understanding of society: one cannot keep separate in thought
processes that are interconnected - at least if the aim is to theorise
It is of course hard to overcome this separation, given that it bas
gone on for so long. We could not just go back to the classicals and
Marx and pass over a century of - albeit one-sided - theoretica!
work. Moreover, to do so would meao neglecting the question as to
why the separation emerged and has been sustained for so long. This
takes us to the prior aim of the book, which is to develop a method
from which the interconnection of economy, state and economie
policy can be theorised. We distance ourselves from both the purely
abstract formalism, and the empiricism, of economics, as well as
from the empiricist philosophy of science on which it claims to be
based. Abstract formalism and empiricism have, in our view, at least
contributed to\the emergence of the separation of economics and
politica! science; and their persistence bas been sustained by the
widespread indifference to methodology and philosophy of science
amongst mainstream economists.

Value-form and the state Preface

The notion of interconnection, which is central to our work, of the first three Parts bas been written by Reuten, and of the last
derives from Regel, who is, for us, the most profound critic yet of three by Williams. We should like to thank all those who have
empiricist philosophy. Interconnection between empirica! pheno- contributed to the production of this book at some stage. We are
mena cannot be established by applying isolated abstract formal grateful to Neil de Marchi and Eg. Berns for their comments on
categories - as empiricism does. lt rather bas to be established in the (parts of) the manuscript and especially to Jörg Glombowski who
development of the categories themselves from empirica! pheno- bas taken much time to comment on it in detail. We also thank Veith
mena, which are then both reconstituted and concretised so that as a Bader, Meindert Fennema, Gerd Junne and Bob Rowthom for their
result they can be grasped concretely. This dialectica! process should support at different stages of the project.
reveal eventually how and to what extent economy, state and policy
are necessarily, as opposed to merely contingently, connected within May 1988
capitalist society. This systematic interconnection then reveals to
what extent there is, within that society, freedom for systemic change Geert Reuten Michael Williams
of policy. Although we strongly reject Hegel's historicism, in University of Amsterdam Victoria University of Wellington
developing our method we draw heavily on bis logic, so that our Faculty of Economics Economics Group
work might be characterised as 'dialectica! politica! economy'. Jodenbreestraat 23 PO Box 600, Wellington
The coincidence of politica! economy and dialectics explains why 1011 NH Amsterdam New Zealand
throughout this book frequent reference is made to Marx and the
Marxist tradition. Indeed both (as well as historicism) appear in
Marx's Capita/. However, Marx's mature work did not reach the
conceptualisation of the state and economie policy, and the Marxist
tradition bas for the most part been no more successful in theorising
their interconnection. Whilst this is partly due to the often dogmatic
textual exegesis of many Marxists, it is also the case that Marxism
had been influenced by the purely abstract formalism and the
empiricism of economics. To the extent that Marxists distance
themselves from empiricist philosophy, it is often historicism rather
than dialectical logic that is counterposed to it. Relatedly Marxist
politica! economy bas been widely reduced to a one-sided Marxist
economics. Nevertheless, taking the project of dialectica! politica!
economy seriously, we cannot simply neglect Marxist economics nor
for that matter that of neoclassicals, Keynesians or Austrians, each
of which has therefore been critically located within our
Part One provides a systematic account of the method of
dialectica! politica! economy. Such a project is never complete, hut
we feel that the subsequent Parts show that a systematic account of
bourgeois society is feasible, and that it provides an understanding of
the interconnection of social processes, and indeed capitalist society
as a whole. We hope to have shown that our method can indeed be
generally deployed within politica! economy.
This project could only have worked as ajoint effort. We are both
convinced that what we have produced together is much more than
the sum of the parts. Whilst we have both contributed to all the
Parts, and take full responsibility for their coherence, the final draft For a note on the arrangement of the text see pp. 5-6


Summary and Conclusions



§1. The starting point

. ~'
We have expressed our dissatisfaction with the method of main-
stream economics (OS 1), and constructed from within Hegelian-
Marxist politica! economy the method of 'dialectical systematic
theory' as amore adequate altemative (OSS2-3). Our presentation of
the bourgeois epoch is itself developed from the fundamental logical
categories of being and nothing (0§15). In this it differs from most
'"," Hegelian social theory, which tends to start with the social and
.t(., economie categories in The Philosophy of Right. Sociation,
necessary for the existence of individuals inherently incapable of
self-production, is negated on the emergence of the bourgeois epoch
by dissociation. The specifically bourgeois mode of association is
postulated to be the value-form (0§16, lSSl-3): the starting point
(0§8) which the systematic presentation proper is to ground (0§9),
and so to validate (0§12).

§2. The moments reproducing the economy

The value-form is the social universal form grounding the association
of dissociated production and consumption in the capitalist
economy. It is the necessary dimension of useful objects and of the
activity of their creation, which thus each have a contradictory
double reality - use-value and value (which constitutes the useful
object as commodity), and concrete and abstract labour (which
constitvte the activity as labour), respectively (lSSl-3). Value is a
purely quantitative form, whose sole autonomous social expression
is in money as the general equivalent (1 S4), and which is concerned
only to valorise. Use-value, on the other hand, is multidimensional in
Value-form and the state Summary and conclusions

terms of for what or for whom it is a use-value. lt is the theorisation and the interaction of many capitals, concretising the value-form of
of the dialectical unity of value and use-value that marks our value- labour and useful objects. With it, all the moments of the economy
form reconstruction of the abstract labour theory of value. lts have been presented in outline, and so also its (abstract) existence
crucially dynamic nature is maintained in the introduction of ideal (2S5).
pre-commensuration anticipating exchange in production, which
ensures that the form-determination imposed by ubiquitous
exchange is internalised into the very organisation of production. §3. The tendencies of economie development
The labour process itself thus bas the contradictory double form of In the process of accumulation the value-use-value contradiction is
use-value production and valorisation. The production of use-values expressed in the tendencies of accumulation - that to over-
requires in general both labour and means of production. However, accumulation (Chapter 3) and that for the rate of profit to fall
because only labour takes the value-form and yet is itself created (Chapter 4). With increase in the composition of capital blended out,
outside the capitalist economy (in the private sphere - 7Sl), it is the the validation of extended accumulation requires an ever-increasing
only element of valorisation. However, since capital is the necessary rate of accumulation, the condition of existence of which is an
value-form of the elements of production as inputs, valorisation abundant labour force. However, an increasing rate of surplus value
takes the contradictory form of valorisation of capital, which is thus and its accumulation tend to deplete the reserve of labour, so that
contradictorily related to itself as self-valorising value, as expressed valorisation and accumulation tend to be extended up to the point
in the rate of profit (IS5). where capital is abundant relative to labour (3Sl). The tendency to
The logic of the valorisation of capital is its futher expansion, over-accumulation of capital (TOC) is expressed either in labour
which requires increasing control over the labour process by capital, scarcity profit squeeze or in underconsumption. The first is produced
and the investment of profits. The valorisation of capital thus entails when labour scarcity gives rise to wage increase, squeezing profits
its accumulation. The limits to accumulation are initially resolved in and leading to a reduction in the rate of accumulation, until labour
technical change (2S l). The accumulation of capital is grounded in eventually becomes abundant again. Underconsumption is produced
the extended reproduction of labour power (2S3) and the credit when labour scarcity does not generate sufficient wage increase to
system. Banks have been developed from the two forms of maintain effective demand, and so accumulation comes to stagnate.
commercial credit - trade and production credit, doubling respect- Underconsumption and labour shortage profit squeeze are usually
ively into money of account and means of payment, and money put forward as mutually exclusive, but we have presented them as
capital and means of payment. The ex-nihilo creation of credit expressions of the same contradictory force whereby accumulation
money by banks anticipates as a private pre-validation the successful of capital is extended up to its negation in over-accumulation (3S2).
production and social validation of commodities, and is thus a The tendency of the rate of profit to fall (TRPF) is predicated
condition of existence of accumulation. Continuous pre-validation upon an increasing value composition of capital (VCC), concomitant
was itself grounded in inter-bank credit from which was derived the on investment in labour-productivity increasing techniques of
central bank and redeemability of credit money in legal tender. In production. lt contradicts the tendential increase in profit and the
this way (and contrary to most Marxist treatments) money ( l S4) and rate of profit generated by the accumulation of capital in new plants
the credit system have been developed without any recourse to (4Sl, cf. 2Sl). Tuis contradiction bas been conceived by authors
commodity money (2S2). following Okishio (1961) as a theoretical inconsistency justifying the
The interaction of 'many capitals' - competition conceived rejection of the TRPF. The dialectical systematic presentation
abstractly - generates the tendencies to equalisation of rates of profit reveals that the TRPF may be adequately grounded if it is conceived
and to uniform wages and uniform prices. These tendencies, together not as a comparative statie, but as a dynamic process incorporating
with the compulsion to invest capital in cost-reducing and labour- fixed capital. We have shown how this contradiction is transcended,
productivity increasing techniques of production, establish that each and so ~an have existence, in the concretisation of capital stratifi-
branch of production tends to be composed of a stratification of cation. When stratification is extended with composition of capital
capitals according to cost of production, and concomitant rate of increasing techniques at one end, whilst sub-marginal plants are
profit differences (2S4). The concept 'money expression of labour' scrapped at the other, the new plant capital will tend to have a higher
links the determinations of production, valorisation, accumulation productivity and rate of profit than that of the capitals in the

290 291
Value-form and the state Summary and conclusions

previous stratification, whilst the capitals in the rest of the stratifi- devalorisation, it is offset by a loss in the purchasing power of the
cation experience devalorisation and declining rates of profit (4S2). non-banking money capital lent to industrial capital. This causes the
One expression of the TRPF is in devaluation of capital. The price gradual withdrawal of such capital from industry, which has then to
decrease typically concomitant on the TRPF counteracts the rely increasingly on short-term bank credit. This gives rise to an
increasing vee of newly accumulated capital, hut at the same time increasing share of interest in surplus value, reducing the inflationary
falling means of production prices (and/ or generalised over- compensation for devalorisation. Protracted inflation further
capacity) devalue previously accumulated fixed capital, reducing the enforces the cyclical manifestation of the TOe, imposed on an
extension of accumulation. The TRPF is further expressed in restruc- upward growth trend. The associated relative decrease in average
turing and, contingently, in centralisation of capital. The more rapid rates of unemployment inhibits the regular disciplining of the labour
and sustained the productivity increase, the more it generates force, affecting not only the level of the wage hut also the intensity of
scrapping of plants before the capital invested has had time to be labour, so that the rate of surplus value comes under pressure. The
fully amortised. As scrapping of the least efficient plants accelerates, withdrawal of non-banking money capital from industry and the
the range of the stratification of capital is reduced, preventing the reinforcement of the TOe tend to put a further drain on profits,
possibility of a smooth, gradual increase in the vee. lnstead, causing banks to slow down the increase in lending. Tuis may be
technical knowledge then tends to be implemented in waves, accomplished gradually, typically in the form of selective lending
expressing the law of the TRPF in a tendential cyclical movement leading to a dual structure of a strong and a weak layer of capital.
(4S3). The resultant increase in the range of stratification puts a downward
The tendencies of accumulation are articulated in the irregular pressure on prices, which restores the tensions and conflicts that
cyclical course of economie development (ehapter 5). The increasing inflation was to overcome.
vee concomitant on the TRPF counteracts the expression of the The contingent expression of the articulation of the TRPF and the
Toe in labour-shortage profit squeeze and underconsumptions. TOe in protracted inflation undermines money as a store of value, so
(5Sl). The cycle of expansion and contraction of accumulation that not only is the position of banks within the circuit of capital
implied by each considered in isolation therefore tends to be undermined, hut also the very associative function of money as
extended. The character of the turning points is, however, indeter- genera} equivalent itself. eontinuously increasing inflation therefore
minate: alternation may occur either gradually or in the form of cannot persist, so that inflation cannot overcome hut only modify the
disruptive economie crises. Nevertheless the combination of the manifestations of the contradictions of the valorisation and devalor-
credit system (tending to increase the amplitude of the cycle), and the isation, and accumulation and devaluation of capital.
eventual cumulative expulsion of labour from the circuit of capital, The presentation of the conditions of existence of the value-form
tends to make the economy vulnerable to economie crisis, one as the bourgeois mode of association has thus been developed to the
important characteristic of which is the enforced manifestation of extent where necessity gives way to contingency. The value-form of
devalorisation and devaluation, and of restructuring and centralis- association has been validated as the starting point of the present-
ation. The concomitant decrease in the range of stratification tends ation to the extent that it has been grounded in its abstractly
to generate 'boarding' of technology, which may explain the wave- economie conditions of existence. All the relations and forces
like implementation of new techniques (Schumpeter) (5S2). conceptualised thus far are necessarily one-sidedly economie, and
The presentation of inflation (5S3) introduces (for the first time) a thus remain abstract, so the presentation must proceed to their further
contingent moment, thus showing how the contingent may be linked concretisation.
with the systematic (0§11). Inflation is thus merely one possible
process generated within the economy to overcome economie crisis
§4. Civil society and the state
(itself merely one possible manifestation of the contradictions of
valorisation and accumulation). The inflationary reproduction of In the, presentation of the economy, subjects have had only an
accumulation appears to overcome economie crisis, hut it reinforces implicit and contradictory existence as the bearers of economie
the tendency for the implementation of new techniques to come in relations - subjects without subjectivity. This contradiction i1 tr1n1·
waves. Whilst the revaluation of capital produced by inflation cended in competitive society, the unity of the abstract caplt1l11t
provides, in the form of windfall capital gains, compensation for economy and the abstract social existence of free will (6SI 2). Tht

292 29.1
Value-form and the state Summary and conc/usions

bearers of economie relations and of abstract free will are concretised which the state is dependent on the economy, ultimately through
as competition subjects, with the abstract free will to deploy their taxation (8S2). Separation-in-unity bas its contradictory existence in
income sources in pursuit of income within the constraints of the the mixed economy - the necessary coexistence of value and use-
opportunities offered by the value-form determined economy. There value criteria for resource allocation and subjective decision-making.
are two categories of competition subject: subjects of property The contradiction of the mixed economy is grounded in the state
income sources and those of labour income sources. The particular (social subject) as agent of active economie policy, intervening
subjective right to existence cannot be grounded within the capitalist explicitly in the economy from outside civil society (8S4). Tuis inter-
economy as the value-form is immanently indifferent to it, and the vention is further particularised in welfare, macroeconomic and
tendencies of accumulation threaten it. Equally, the bourgeois right microeconomic policy (Chapter 9). In order to cope as it sees to be
to property, derived from the free will of competition subjects to necessary with the contingency of, and systematic threats to
deploy income sources in pursuit of income, cannot be grounded individual existence, active state policy is particularised first in
within the capitalist economy. Therefore it is, as a system which is welfare policies, concerned to enhance the conditions for the sale of
not self-reproducing, by itself contradictory (6S3). Tuis contra- labour power and to provide income support or replacement for the
diction is transcended in the doubling of competitive society into the unsuccessful labourer (9Sl). Active macroeconomic attempts to
state and civil society (6§7). Civil society is determined by the subject- manage the cyclical manifestations of the tendencies of accumulation
less economie processes of valorisation and by the income-seeking (Part Three) provide further determinations of the state's fiscal and
activities of competition subjects, in the context of the separate monetary activities (9S2). The restricted sovereignty of the macro-
existence of the state. The state is determined as the universal social economic agent further determines its policy towards its national
subject which upholds the universa} rights of property and existence economy in the context of the world economy (7SS2-3). Micro-
(6§8). It is bourgeois in that the people it represents are essentially economic intervention attempts to enhance the market-regulated allo-
bourgeois subjects, in their two determinations as competition cation of resources in pursuit of more efficient valorisation and
subject (with rights of property and, negatively, existence) and accumulation, and of the use-value demands of contextual, welfare
citizen. and macroeconomic policy (9S4). lt manifests to the highest degree
The existence of the state is grounded first in its positing of right as the expression of the contradictions of separation-in-unity, in the
law, and secondly in its legitimation by the will of bourgeois subjects form of interventions by the state as social subject back into civil
whose consent depends upon their perception that the state is society.
upholding their rights as constitutive of the general interest - that is, As policy activities are predicated upon the reproduction of the
in universal forms. The legitimation of the state and the autonomy of value-form, they must inevitably reproduce the contradictions of that
the value-form require that the state be concretely separated from form (9S4). Welfare and economie policy involves the attempt to
civil society, but also that its existence and activity be willed by bring to bear a complex of use-value criteria on, in the first instance,
bourgeois persons. Tuis separation-in-unity (6§12) is the basis of the necessarily value-criteria based commercial decision-making pro-
state's material existence (8S2), and of the contextual (8Sl), welfare cesses. Produced value is thereby diverted from the productive
(9Sl), macroeconomic (9S2) and microeconomic (9S3) activities in circuits of capital, and the pure logic of the value-form processes is
which the reproduction of the rights of property and person, and the distorted. Market prices become even less perfect bearers of inform-
market reproduction of the economy wherein lies their prime deter- ation on the consumption, production and investment possibilities
mination, require the state to engage. open to competition subjects, being contaminated by the effects of
the activities of the state. The value-form is confronted in principle
with the concrete particular social, rather than merely the abstract
§5. Economie policy universal political, realisation of the right to existence. Tuis, and the
The contradiction of the universal social subject, which is both dilutiod of bourgeois property right, and of the connection betwecn
separated from that over which it is subject and restricted to access to consumption and the effective contribution of labour power
particular sovereignty (7S3), is grounded in the state as provider of to the processes of valorisation and accumulation, appean tn
the social context of law, money and infrastructure for the economy challenge the necessity of the unification of use-value wllh v1h1t In
(8Sl). Provision of such a context entails physical existence, for the commodity. It becomes possible for indlvldu1I 1ulajHt1

Value-form and the state Summary and conclusions

systematically to consume useful objects without the mediation of bureaux of the state are seen to act in the interests of one person or
money, and to obtain money without contributing to their group of persons and against others, the state's legitimation
production. grounded in the will of bourgeois persons is undermined.
By bridging the necessary separation between state and civil
§6. Legitimation society (6§11), economie policy places on the social agenda
intimations of principles for the allocation of resources and the
The citizen is a moment of the bourgeois person (6§10), itself deter- regulation of the economie aspects of social life other than (and in
mined by the contradictory existence of the competition subject conflict with) market reproduced value criteria. If this agenda were
characterised by pure self-interest. However, as citizen, the person to be taken up consciously by large numbers of economically,
must be persuaded to legitimate state activity grounded in the genera/ socially and politically effective people, the dominance of the value-
interest. This creates a problem concerning the basis of legitimation form, and of the power structure of vested interests which grounds it,
in the will of the citizen, to the extent that the latter is to be con- might be threatened. The state's activities in the form of economie
fronted with state activity which actively discriminates against one in policies become the object of politica!, administrative and legal
favour of another, albeit in the name of the general interest. In its struggles in and around the state, which may not be confined to the
necessary attempts to impose a system of morality ('Sittlichkeit) legitimate form of parliamentary debate and legislation, hut may
whose essential moment is disinterested conduct, upon a civil society reappear within the execution and adjudication of economie policy,
grounded in the amorality of purely self-interested conduct, the as well as within civil society. It is these struggles, in the context of
universa! social subject cannot help hut threaten its own legitimation. the constraints of international competition (lOSl), and articulated
More specifically, in trying to actualise the merely ideal right to with the working out of the tendencies of accumulation, which
existence the state is bound to fail, and thence to undermine its proximately determine the course of development of the mixed
legitimation based upon the will of its citizens. To the extent that economy (10SS2-3).
redistributive activities are successful, they undermine the value-form
processes of the economy; to the extent that they are not, they
In order to carry out laws which enact economie policy the
§7. Actually existent contradiction
executive (6§12) invariably requires some discretionary powers in
assessing which economie agents (competition subjects) fall under Modern mainstream social science finds it difficult to come to terms
the provisions of a particular policy or regulation, and to what extent with the notion of an actually existing social system which is
they are liable to bear its costs or are entitled to receive its benefits. lt perceived as contradictory. For us, contradiction refers to the unity
is a practical impossibility that such discretionary discrimination of opposites, and the point is to explain how they can coexist within
could be obviated by drafting laws so tightly that they could be a unity. Those contradictions that are not transcended necessarily,
implemented in an entirely automatic way by a rule-bound executive must have a contingent form of existence (0§§ 10-11). Both the
bureaucracy, with disputed liability or eligibility being decided by an contradictions of the capitalist economy taken in isolation and the
independent judiciary. lndeed, cost-efficient implementation of contradictions of separation-in-unity developed from them work
economie policy in order to reduce the quantitative strain on themselves out in the form of the irregularly cyclical course of
accumulation ( 1OS2), and the dilution of market reproduction of the development of the capitalist economy (Chapter 5), and of the
value-form, demands that economie agents be subject to specialist developing and fluctuating forms of welfare and economie policy in
scrutiny by bureaucrats to ensure the exact ex tent of their liability of which both economie and legitimation crises continually threaten
entitlement. The state's role in supporting the value-form and the (Chapter 9). The concrete content of these transcendent forms of
form of right both requires and abhors discretionary discrimination existenre of contradiction is, however, indeterminate (for examplc,
as between persons and groups of persons: it is contradictory. To 5S3; 10S3). The activities of the state more concretely graspcd are
have discretion, the executive must de facto legislate and adjudicate, constituted by its attempts to manage the conflicting manifcst11tiom1
and thus break down the separation of executive bureaux from the of the working out of the contradictions of the mixed cconomy,
legislative and the judicia! (8§§2-3). To the extent that the executive Economie activity rises and falls, and policy targets and h1111rum111I•

296 Jt?
Value-form and the state Summary and conclusions

- and perhaps the govemments espousing them - come and go. different categories of state policy in lOSl. We have argued that the
Concrete accounts should thus be concemed to grasp how the existence of the state as many states is at a more concrete level than
contradictions of the crucial moments and tendencies of the epoch the determination of the state itself on the basis of the value-form.
are momentarily resolved in the cyclically changing empirica} Further, we have postulated that this form of existence is contingent
phenomena of the conjuncture. lt is in the actuality of everyday life, with respect to the reproduction of the bourgeois totality. The intro-
with its many contingent determinations, that contradictions are duction of 'many states' is, however, only provisional.
ultimately grounded. However, such contingent resolution cannot
dissolve the contradictions of the bourgeois totality, which will §9. Systematicity and conjunctural accounts
persist until the latter is itself transcended. Our systematic
presentation is concemed to trace out the relationship of the The examination of any conjuncture can be effective only to the
contingently actual to the necessary moments and tendencies, which extent that it grasps the empirica} detail concretely - that is, as
is what is required for a theory of crises which could identify those interconnected within the totality - so grounding the abstract
processes which challenge the dominance of the value-form (Offe determinants. 1t is a condition of the possibility of a systematic
1973: 38), as they manifest themselves in a cyclical course of conceptualisation of it that the object-totality (bourgeois society -
development, rather than in an inevitable secular increase (cf. Offe 0§14) is a structured, coherent whole. Observed changes in the
1973: 41; 1979: 80). processes by which that system seems to reproduce itself are to be
theorised in terms of their likely effects on the reproduction of its
§8. Form and content derived conditions of existence. To the extent that it is shown to be
impossible to grasp significant aspects of any conjuncture on the
Because the content of the more concrete necessary moments is basis of the contingent transcendence of the persisting contradictions
proximately determined only contingently, it would appear that the of valorisation and accumulation, and of the rights-based state
systematic presentation of the development of the bourgeois epoch grounding the value-form, the presentation must be modified (0§12).
cannot be extended beyond them. However, the immediate objects of The presentation constitutes our argument for the correctness of
conjunctural accounts of the mixed economy would consist of the our starting-point in the value-form as the specifically bourgeois
form and content of the controversy, and economie, social and mode of association, by grounding it. The authors would not be so
politica} struggle over such things as the appropriate scope and immodest as to claim that further intensive development of the value-
nature of state activity; the legitimate constituents of the social form presentation of the bourgeois epoch is not required. Partic-
context for the market; the proper level and eligibility conditions for ularly underdeveloped topics are the private sphere, the existence of
welfare benefits; the extent to which the state can and should attempt the state as many states and the presentation of the world economy
to manage the macroeconomy; the degree and substance of possible I'" and (the lack of) world money (all provisionally presented in Chapter
and desirable microeconomic intervention; the perceived trade-off 1
7), hut there are no doubt many other interconnections which have
between redistribution and efficiency; and the changing institutional been neglected. Nor can there be any absolute certainty about the
forms of the inner state (6§12). i-
1 correctness of the order of presentation in all its details (0§12). The
The restricted sovereignty of the agent of policy in the context of major next step in extending the presentation, however, must surely
the world economy further contingently determines the outcome involve still further concretisation, to the investigation of everyday
( IOS 1). The state provides the necessary conditions of existence of life. This, on the basis of adequate concepts, bas proved troublesome
valorisation and accumulation in the shape of a social context and for Marxist and Hegelian social science, as well as specifically for
welfare, macroeconomic and microeconomic policy (Chapters 8ff). mainstream economics (OSl), so it is worth spelling out briefly the
Given the existence of many states, in the light of the geographically mode of investigation of policy at the level of the empirica} concrete
indifferent value-form processes reproduced by world market implicit i• the method. The development of policy is, for value-form
mechanisms, how a concrete particular state manifests these policies theory, to be theorised as an element of the state's attempts to
will be modified by the extemal threats from other states. That is the manage the manifestations of the playing out over historical time of
object of the presentation in 7S3, which enables the subsequent the contradiction between the ahistorically necessary satisfaction of
further particularisation of the state-society relationship in the particular human needs, and the socially necessary universnl form In

298 JW
Value-form and the state Summary and conclusions
which that content appears in the bourgeois epoch: value. Such a their possibilities of successfully deploying their capacity to labour,
development is the history of any particular state's attempts to as well as of winning an increased 'social wage'. But such growth
manage, suppress, mediate and compensate for the phenomenal must of necessity be the successful reproduction of the value-form
manifestations of these fundamental contradictions. The kinds of determined processes which inhibit people's potential for self-
research questions suggested by value-form theory for interrogation determination. 'Subjective individuals acquire objective recognition
of the empirical description of events and trends are: Does the by means of these two factors (exchange and contract), and this
observed removal or modification of some policy target or recognition transforms their fortuitous possessions into property,
instrument mean that some derived necessary condition of existence and themselves into persons' (Kortian 1984: 201). For Regel, as for
is not being reproduced, or is being undermined? Is the system then Marx: 'human capacities and the potentialities contained in
degenerating (in terms of its own logic)? If so how? Or are altemative economie activity, can only be fully actualised in the context of a
mechanisms (policies, or autonomous economie or social processes) properly ordered social context' (Walton 1984: 250). According to
emerging which will serve to reproduce that condition of existence?
Or bas the system developed in such a way that the threatened .~· value-form theory, in the bourgeois epoch that context's 'proper
order' is fatally flawed by the diremption into economie, political and
condition of existence is no longer necessary to its reproduction? Or
was it perhaps wrongly identified as a necessary condition in the first
As with any theory of cyclical development, the most interesting
' private spheres. The economie rationality which dominates
bourgeois society is, in reality, hut one, separated, moment of a
conception of rationality adequate to humankind's species being -
and, we have shown, can be comprehended as such. Nevertheless,
questions concern the tuming points: what kinds of manifestations of whilst truth is in-itself political, it may only become for-itself political
the persistent tensions of the mixed economy are likely to stimulate a - thus freedom in-itself - if it is comprehended as in-itself political
reversal of policy strategy? In general, such tuming points may be (0§13).
expected to result from the decreasing success of a strategy as the
manifestations of persisting contradictions build up, faced with the
rising expectations of the electorate generated by the promises of
change and by its early successes. Whilst a sovereign state may do
whatever it can get legitimated - and it is therefore a state's under-
standing of the tasks and problems facing it which proximately
determine the intended objects and instruments of policy - the task
of theory is to grasp those understandings in the light of a concept-
ualisation of the systematic whole that is bourgeois society.
Conjunctural accounts are not some optional extra, hut are
demanded by the methodological imperatives of value-form theory
itself: contradiction must have a form of existence, however
contingent its content. The procedure of systematic conceptual
development and the programmatic interrogation of empirica!
information not only generate new insights as to contingent
developments, hut also provide a more adequate foundation for
existing assertions about the basis of policy. Policy and political
options can then be discussed on the firm basis of their interconnect-
edness within bourgeois society. One issue evolving from our present-
ation may clarify this. Value-form theory would argue that the
diremption of society, and concomitantly of the individual (7S 1), is
manifest in the antinomy of pro-working class polities in the
bourgeois epoch. It is clearly in the interests of labourers that civil
society be economically successful, since economie growth enhances

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