Schedule of Care

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Overview Members Care Requirements New Space Allows Colour

Safe space for husband to spend time when
Glaucoma and cataracts – blind in one eye;
she’s doing housework. Community formed
Elderly couple 82-year-old 90% deaf; advanced arthritis
1 through chat and encounter helps her with
and dog woman Requires help with housework and caring for
jobs, and communal facilities enable new
friendships and supports to form
Parkinson’s disease; postural hypotension1; New living space in the centre of the new ‘in-
history of heart and lung disease; timed between’ realm as a change of scenery from
medication throughout the day being stuck in an armchair most of the day.
84-year-old man
Requires help getting around the house, taking Seeing people going about their day provides
medication correctly, getting showered and variety into his day. Lift access makes getting
dressed – physical support in and out of the home much easier.

Blind (cataracts); heart disease, skin condition,

12-year-old Safe outdoor area to spend time outside and
fluid retention – requires medication 1 hour
bichon frise with other dogs
before meals

Sheltered outdoor space to spend time in with

Single mother
friends/the dog/by themselves, Encourages
and daughter Asthmatic, COPD; beginnings of arthritis;
2 Mother - 57 her to relax and take time for herself.
with young difficulties with stress
Communal facilities helps with caring for
elderly parents (cooking, laundry)
Quiet space of their own to go to when feeling
Autistic, dyspraxic, hyperlexic; suffers from
overwhelmed or to use as a craft studio,
anxiety, depressive and obsessive-compulsive
Daughter - 25 freeing their bedroom up to be more relaxing
tendencies as well as SAD; chronic allergic
(less clutter). Close enough to encourage use
rhinitis; prone to headaches and migraines
on difficult days
Delicate stomach; prone to eating anything it Safe outdoor enclosure for dogs means more
6-month-old finds; needs 2-3 walks daily as well as regular freedom and more opportunity to meet and
shichon2 puppy play and training sessions. Loves other dogs play with other dogs in the area – improved
and people socialisation
Playroom with adjoining quiet space for the
Young couple, Mother works part-time (3/5 days), father
40-year-old parents (or 4 y/o) to relax in downtime. Frees
3 two sons, and works full-time; cannot look after sons or dog
parents up the home from the spread of toys – space
dog outside of school hours
for friends to visit

Separate play area enables the boys to have

Requires after-school care when both parents
Eldest son – 8 separate rooms, as previously one was the
bedroom, the other their playroom

Autistic, prone to meltdowns, limited diet;3 Quiet space to go to when overwhelmed with
Youngest son - 4
requires daytime care when not in playschool sensory overload etc

Allows the couple freedom in their home by

Works part-time; drives grandchildren places providing a designated space for the
4 Elderly couple 69-year-old man
(appointments, school, etc) when needed grandchildren as a safe distance from the home
– still within shouting distance
Cares for five grandchildren4 while parents at
Provides space for the grandchildren to
67-year-old play/spend time when being minded – can
Minds eldest of these (10-year-old girl)
woman keep toys/books there. Also frees up a
overnight sometimes when mother (single
bedroom for the 10y/o when she visits
parent) works abroad
Young couple Mother – 27 Mother on maternity leave – caring for baby, Provides playroom for the kids – limits the
with two Father - 30 also son and dogs when partner at work spread of toys etc in the home. Adjoining space
children and two Children: 7 and 6 Father cooks and cleans, takes over/shares for the parents to spend time supervising/with
dogs months care load when home the children
Dog has a nervous disposition – especially men Safe space separate from the home for the dog
Single mother, Mother – 48
and people wearing high-visibility vests; to spend time when the family is out Allows
6 teenage children, Son – 16
Mother checks in on dog on lunch breaks when the potential for neighbours to check in on the
and dog Daughter – 14
kids at school dog without intruding on the family home
Semi-outdoor space to care for – provide
Struggles with mental health; frequently out purpose for days when struggling. Also, the
7 Single man 40-years-old walking/cycling to keep busy and to be around connections formed when going to and from
other people the space help to form relationships and a
support system
Lives alone, hard of hearing and has learning
Spare room for when sister visits. Also,
difficulties. Sister cares for him and visits
8 Retiree 67-year-old man alternate living space to watch TV without
often. Leaves TV on very loud when watching,
disturbing neighbours
which can disturb the neighbours.

1 Prone to passing out when standing due to change in blood pressure

2 Bichon frise and shih-tzu cross
3 Predominantly potatoes and other carbs
4 Boys from unit 3, and three girls aged 10 (only child with single parent), and 7 and 5-year-olds
Overview Members Care Requirements New Space Allows Colour
Woman works 9-5 as a lawyer - currently
Provides alternate living space to enjoy time
Young couple Woman – 25 devilling to become a barrister
9 outdoors or to allow their partner peace when
and cats Man – 24 Works nights in bookkeepers. Sleeps during
resting after work
the day as a result.
Left at home while owners out and about – two
Freedom to roam during the day, or to come
like to go outside, one does not. Currently
3 cats into the shelter of the covered communal
stuck either inside or out when owners not at
spaces when locked out of the home
Woman has dementia but expressed the desire
Allows accommodation at a distance for the
Elderly woman to stay at home rather than move into a
10 90-years-old carers to stay overnight without intruding on
(and carers) nursing home. Requires 24/7 care – split
the woman’s home
between professional carers and family
Allows space for child’s playroom that father
Raising child alone as single parent. Recently
Mother – 33 can visit without entering the main home.
Single mother split from partner, who wishes to be part of the
11 Baby – 10 Means the child can show off their space, while
and baby child’s life. Does not want ex-partner into their
months preserving the privacy of the mother’s new
Mother works from home as a counsellor – can
Mother, father, Parents – 40s Provides space for counselling studio separate
only work while children at school due to
12 three children, Children – 7, 9, from the home – more professional to have it
necessity for patient confidentiality. Currently
and dog 13 at a distance from the realm of home life
using spare room as office

Father – 35 Provides home office at a distance from the

Single father and Father works from home part-time when
13 Children – 3 and home for a separation between work and home
young children children at school or playschool/childcare
8 life. Also provides outdoor space for the kids

Students flat Cannot afford to rent out studio space for their Allows space for an at-home studio – also
14 21 – art student
sharing work. Low on space in the apartment provides storage space for their pieces

Provides space where they can practice

19 – music Limited on when they can practice so as not to
without disturbing their neighbours or
student disturb housemates or neighbours

Frees up the apartment from mess/noise,

26 – medical Works long shifts and dislikes coming home to
allowing them to return home to peace and
student a messy flat or loud music as sleep is important

65-year-old works as gardener – maintains the

Partner 1: 65-
landscape and grounds of the apartment block; Work he enjoys and that’s close to home
15 Retired couple year-old
advises/helps anyone interested in growing Greenhouse space to grow produce and plants
their own produce

Partner 2: 68-
68-year-old retired with no plans for part-time Balcony space/winter garden to relax and
work enjoy time outdoors during retirement

Creates content and hosts classes online. Uses

living room for this, but can only do so when
Dedicated space to use as yoga studio. Provides
33-year-old yoga flatmates not at home or agree not to use the
16 Flat share the opportunity to start expanding business
instructor space during set times. Time and location
and potentially run classes in-person
constraints restrict their business from
growing further.
Outdoor space to spend time with friends and
Couple in late Generous living space for use at all times – family – ‘yoga studio’ easily reconfigured to
20s/early 30s potentially outdoor room/balcony room also use as winter garden with the use of
folding garden furniture
Could use a dedicated space to study and
Masters student complete assignments outside of college. Can’t Study room at a distance from the noise of the
– 27 constantly take over the living room and apartment
kitchen table
Living Units

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8

Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12

Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16

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