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I always drink tea in the morning.

I am usually late for school.

At+ a precise time

At half past eight, at seven o’clock
In +the afternoon
The morning
The evening
Year (1976)
Month (March, April)
I usually watch tv in the evening.

On+ days of the week( Friday )

Telling the time
Expresia o’clock se foloseste pentru ora
It’s eight o’clock. – Este ora 8 fix.
Half-jumatate de ora
Quarter – sfert de ora
Cuvinte cheie:
Past – se foloseste pentru minutele 1-30
To- se foloseste pentru minutele 31-59
7.15- it’s quarter past seven
10.30-it’s half past ten
11.35-it’s twenty- five to twelve
9.55- it’s five to ten
Tell the time

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