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Andrés Fernando Martínez Arenas

Read short stories and technical documents to write a text

Revisar y mantener equipos y elementos necesarios para la actividad de la


Andrés Fernando Martínez Arenas

Julio 03 / 2020

Ficha 1893483



For a tour guide it is essential to master the English language and have the necessary
capacity to express fluently in the language that the foreign visitor requires, thus fulfilling
the role of making known different elements of the art , in order to provide relevant
information on cultural and natural heritage, achieving a positive projection of the
country, attracting more visitors and generating foreign exchange.

This evidence will try to develop language skills , specifically the writing and reading
comprehension. Its essential for those who want to be a tourist guide to know how to
provide accurate information to the visitors. On the other hand , its a good way to learn
new vocabulary and different terms. The role of a tourist guide requires good language
skills and one way to learn so , it is to summarize a writing.

● To develop writing and language skills

● To improve the language expression

● To learn new vocabulary and terms.

● To know how to summarize and get the main point into a writing .

● To improve the reading comprehension.

● To learn the right way to provide information to the tourists.

– Cowboys- “Strategy number 1. Organizer for summarizing”

● Who is the main character? - “The llaneros “or Colombian Cowboys

● What does the character want? - To enjoy and hear traditional stories.
● What is the problem? - Their fear and doubts
● How does the character try to solve the problem? - Getting used to the traditional
stories and enjoying them .
● What is the resolution to the problem? - The llaneros gather all together to share and
enjoy their tales; although , some of them prefer to sing….

●Short summary

The sunset highlights the end of the working day, and the final picture of herons flying
through the red sky. Meanwhile , the Dusk displays in the plains, its also common
to see “The llaneros” or the Colombian cowboys riding home desperately. They hurry
home to avoid the goblin’s jokes and ghost tales. The beloved horse is his only friend , a
priceless one among all his possessions; a nice company when It’s full moon night,
just for ghost’s tales.
There’s always someone who want to talk about ghosts that had seen. The night is the
perfect atmosphere not only to enjoy a meal but also to hear stories. After dinner,
each one goes to his chinchorro and the tales begin to flow from mind, the thoughts, the
joyful stories of the journey are told. Some “ llaneros “ just only prefer to spend the
night whispering a verse in their lips waiting the next morning to keep showing their
braveness to the world.
-The crane and the snake:“Strategy number 2. The six Ws”

● Who is the story about? A Family Crane and a Black Cobra

● What is the conflict in the story? The Black cobra is eating the crane’s eggs.
● When does the story take place? Every morning when the Cobra is hungry.
● Where does the story take place? In the forest close to the tree where the crane lives.
●Why does the story turn out this way? Because the crab had a plan for the Cobra
● How does everything get resolved? The Cobra was eaten but the crane would have
to face a new enemy – the mongoose-

●Short summary
In a forest close to the river bank a crane lived with his wife. They were very unhappy,
because a big black cobra used to eat their eggs. One day the crane went to his friend
“ the crab” and shared his misery. After the crab knew all about it , it replied : “Don’t
worry," “ I have a wonderful plan “.The crane flew back to his nest and told his wife all
about the crab’s plan. The crane went to the river bank and began to fish. He caught
several little fishes and went down to the hole in which a mongoose lived. He dropped a
fish at the mouth of the hole, and so on until he got a “fishes trial” which led where the
black Cobra lived. The mongoose smelt the fish and came out of the hole to get them .
He then followed the trail of fishes. When the trail ended, finding no more , he looked
around and found the back Cobra . Both fought for a long time and in the end the
mongoose killed the snake. The cranes who were watching the fight from their nest
sighed with relief, ignoring that the next day the mongoose would follow the same trail
searching more food and finding nothing , he decided to climb the tree where the
cranes’ nest was. When the cranes returned they discovered the mongoose had eaten
up all their eggs , and they finally exclaimed …...“We got rid of one enemy only to find
The museum that was a prison. “Strategy number 3.

● Get the main point

● Don’t let big words scare you
● Ask what this text about?
● It should be a complete sentence
● It should cover main points and key ideas.
● It should be in your own words.

● Short summary
A building that was the most famous jail in the country, it is now one of the oldest
museum in South America The National Museum founded by the Decree 117 of July 28,
1823 holds many voices from the past and a collection of over 20,000 pieces that
symbolize Colombia´s national heritage.

In 1821 Simon Bolivar assigned Francisco Antonio Zea to find sponsorship and
partnerships for research in natural sciences and economics. At the time, the
knowledge of the territory were key in order to have a good economy and international
recognition. That is why in 1822, a commission of French naturalists travel to Colombia
to start with the project of the Museum of Natural History and School of Mines. In the
second half of the twentieth century, gradually were incorporated elements of art,
industry, countryside work, and archaeological collections. In 1946 the Ministry of
Education decided to transfer the old collection of the Historical national Museum to
the building located on the famous seventh street “avenida carrera séptima” with 28.
This place was the central penitentiary building from 1874 to 1946 .The construction
was designed by The English architect Thomas Reeds following “ the panopticon
style”. Because the connection with our history, and the unique collection that this place
has, most Colombians consider that the National Museum story is joined to the
formation of the nation and it is a Colombian cultural heritage.
Cybergraphy and references







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