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Unit 6a Happy Days!

Part1. Listen to the music. What images come to mind? What can you see, smell and hear? Describe
your feelings to your partner? ………………………………………………………………………….
Part2 . Look at the picture in your book on page 44.
What can you see in the pictures? We can see balloons, …………………..., presents, a mask and
What is the theme that links them? All the pictures are related to the theme of c_l_br_t_ _ns.
Part3a. Listen to this extract from an Irish poem.
Which events is it related to? It’s related to ………………………………………
Is it modern or traditional? ……………………………………………………..
Give reasons. The style of the ……………… and the choice of words (wed, sorrow) show that it is
3b. Read the extract on page 44.
Which month is the suggested but not mentioned? ……………………………………….…………
Which is/are the best month(s) to marry in? ………………………….………………………………
3c.Match these words with their meanings? (mate, wed, dread, fate, sorrow)
Luck/fortune = Get married =
Sadness = Be afraid of =
Couple =
Part4 Read the title and subheadings of the article.
1. How might the article be related to the poem you heard?
2. Think about one question you would like to ask about a traditional Irish wedding?
Part 5 a. Read the text and mark the statements True (T) or False (F). Think about synonyms, antonyms
and related words.
………..1. Irish couples don’t follow ancient customs.
……… 2. The groom couldn’t go to the brides’ house before the wedding.
.............3. Irish brides don’t carry expensive bouquets.
.............4. In the past the wedding cake was homemade.
.............5. It is unlucky for Irish bride to wear green.

Vocabulary. Match the words with their meanings.

a. change his mind (idm) b. bouquet (n) c. bride (n) d. ancient (adj)
……1. belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past
……2. a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way so that it can be carried in a ceremony or presented as a gift
……3. a woman on her wedding day, or just before or just after it
Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.1
……4. to change a decision or an opinion]
a. dread (v) b. customs (n) c. couple (n) d. christening (n)
……5. a Christian ceremony in which a baby is officially named and welcomed into the Christian Church
……6. two people who are seen together, especially if they are married or in a romantic or sexual relationship
……7. an accepted way of behaving or of doing things in a society or a community
……8. to be very afraid of sth; to fear that sth bad is going to happen
a. fairy (n) b. fortune (n) c. generosity (n) d. folklore (n)
……9. a creature like a small person, who has magic powers
……10. the traditions and stories of a country or community
……11. chance or luck, especially in the way it affects people’s lives; a large amount of money
……12. the fact of being generous = willing to give sb money, gifts, time or kindness freely
a. goose (n) b. groom/bridegroom (n) c. handkerchief (n) d. homemade (adj)
……13. a large water bird similar to a duck but larger, or the meat from this bird
……14. made at home and not bought from a shop
……15. a man on his wedding day, or just before or just after it
……16. a circle of flowers or leaves worn on the head, and used in the past as a sign of honour
a. honour (n) b. mate (v) c. maiden (n) d. horseshoe (n)
……17. a quality that combines respect, being proud, and honesty
……18. piece of curved iron that is attached with nails to the bottom of a horse’s foot
……19. a young girl or woman who is not married
……20. (of two animals or birds) to have sex in order to produce young
a. root (n) b. reception/wedding reception c.(n) rue (v) d. sorrow (n)
……21. a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people
……22. the origin or basis of something ……23. a very sad event or situation
……24. (old-fashioned or formal) to feel bad about sth that happened or sth that you did because it had bad results

a. superstitions (n) b. store (v) c. swan (n) d. tarry (v)

……25. the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science;
the belief that particular events bring good or bad luck
……26. to put something somewhere and keep it there to use later
……27. a large usually white bird with a long neck that lives on rivers and lakes
……28. (old use or literary) to stay in a place, especially when you ought to leave; to delay coming to or
going from a place
a. tempt (v) b. theme (n) c. wed (v) d. wisdom (n) e. wreath (n)
……29. to attract somebody or make somebody want to do or have something even if they know it is wrong
……30. the main subject of a talk, book, film, etc ……31. to marry

Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.2

……32. the knowledge that a society or culture has gained over a long period of time
……33. a circle of flowers or leaves worn on the head, and used in the past as a sign of honour
Part 6. In pairs, list the wedding traditions in Ireland and in your country under the headings below. How
similar are they?
Traditions Ireland Thailand





Unit 6b Vocabulary practice

Part 1. Listen to the music. Which celebration (A-E) does it match? Which of these events do you
celebrate in your country? When?
Part2 Choose a celebration and describe to your partner.
A. Halloween is 1). …………… on October 31st. Children make 2)………….….. lanterns and wear strange
3) …………………. to scare their friends. They go from house to house and play 4)…………………..
a. pumpkin b. costumes c. ‘trick or treat’ d. celebrated
B. Many countries around the world 1) …………….Christmas on December 25. People pull crackers, 2)
………. stockings, sing carols and exchanges gifts. All the family helps 4) …………a Christmas tree.
a. hang up b. celebrate c. decorate d. exchanges
C. Carnival is celebrated in 1)………… or March every year in many countries. Two famous carnivals 2)
………….. in Venice and Rio de Janeiro. People 3)……….,watch street parades, dance and throw……...
a. take place b. February c. dress up d. streamers
D. New Year’s Eve is celebrated on the 31 1) …………… almost every country in the world. People
watch 2)……………., sing songs, wait until 3)………….., 4)………….. greetings, and go to parties.

Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.3

a. December b. fireworks c. midnight d. exchange
E. Eid-Al-Fitr is celebrated on a 1)…………date each year in countries 2)…………. the world.
People buy new clothes and pray in 3)………. Children receive money as gifts. People visit their
friends and neighbours, have fairs and eat 4) ……………cake.
a. different b. mosques c. all over d. special
Part 3a. Listen to the descriptions and match them to the events.
Speaker 1 (M): I always feel happy and proud on 4th July. It’s my favourite day of the year,
because we don’t have school and my mom and dad don’t go to work. It
marks the freedom of the United States from English rule in 1776 and people
hang American flags outside their houses. The weather is usually great at this
time of year and everyone has a barbecue or a picnic. There are huge parades
in the big towns and cities in the daytime, and in the evening there are
fantastic firework displays. All my family and our friends get together at my
house for a barbecue. We have a great time!
Which words helped you decide? ……………………………………………………………….
What can you see, hear and feel? ………………………………………………………………..
How does each person feel? ………………………………………………………………..
Why? ………………………………………………………………..

Speaker 2 (M): This festival always makes me feel happy because spring has arrived and the local
community comes together to celebrate this. It takes place in Britain every spring,
and the main event is when the local children do a traditional dance. They each
hold a ribbon attached to a long pole decorated with flowers and they dance around
it, weaving the ribbons in and out. In some towns and villages there is a parade
with Morris Dancers, and a young girl is crowned as the May Queen.
Which words helped you decide? ……………………………………………………………….
What can you see, hear and feel? ………………………………………………………………..
How does each person feel? ………………………………………………………………..
Why? ………………………………………………………………..
Speaker 3 (F): I’m going to one of these next week. It’s like a party and it’s lots of fun – it makes
you feel cheerful and excited. It’s an American tradition where all the female
friends and relatives of a girl who’s about to get married come over to her house
to celebrate. They all bring gifts and there’s food and drink and music. It’s usually
held about a week before the wedding, and it’s a great opportunity for women from
both sides of the family to get to know each other better and celebrate the fact that their
friend or relative is getting married.
Which words helped you decide? ……………………………………………………………….
What can you see, hear and feel? ………………………………………………………………..
How does each person feel? ………………………………………………………………..
Why? ………………………………………………………………..
Part 4 Congratulations and thanking. Practice with your partners.

A: We won the match! A: I passed my driving test!

B: Well done! B: Well done.

Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.4

A: Thanks. I’m really pleased. A: Thanks. I’m really relieved.
A: I’m getting married! A: I’m expecting a baby.
B: Congratulations! B: That’s fantastic! Congratulations!
A: Thank you very much. I’m really thrilled. A: You’re too kind. I’m really excited.
A: I (have just) graduated from college. A: I got a promotion!
B: Congratulations! B: That’s great.
A: Thanks, I’m really pleased. A: Thanks, I’m really delighted.

Part 5. Are these adjectives positive or negative? Put them into the correct column.
fantastic boring crowded tiring exciting dull disappointing interesting thrilling
terrible spectacular amusing fun entertaining superb terrible unpleasant
Positive Negative
……………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………..
Fill in the correct words then practice these conversations.
A: The rock festival last night was ………………. I really enjoy it. (boring, exciting)
B: Well, I found it rather ……………..…….. There were so many people there. (dull, crowded)
A: Susan’s fancy dress party was ………. I really enjoyed it. (fun, tiring)
B: Well, I found it rather …………………... (disappointing, exciting) The food was horrible and the
music was ………………………. (dreadful, entertaining)
A: Mary’s dinner party was ………………... I didn’t enjoy it at all. (fantastic, boring)
B: Well, I thought it was superb.
A: The play last night was very …………………. I really enjoyed it. (dull, interesting)
B: Well, I found it rather boring. It went on for so long.
A: Bob’s retirement party was …………………... I really enjoyed it. (fantastic, terrible)
B: Well, I found it rather dull. I didn’t know anyone there.
Part 6. a. Look at the short texts on page 47.
What are they? …………………………………………………………………………..…

Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.5

Where could you read them?.................................................................................................
b. Match the texts to the occasions/events.
1. ………………………... 2. ………………………. 3. ……………………….. 4. ……………………….
5. ………………………... 6. ………………………. 7. ……………………….. 8. ……………………….
9. ………………………...10. ……………………….11. ………………………..12. ……………………….
Part 7. Write greeting cards for the following situations.
 Your sister has just had a baby.  Your best friend is in hospital.  Your brother has graduated from college.
 It’s your nephew’s birthday next week.  Your friend has just got engaged.  Your colleague is about to retire.
Unit6c. Grammar in use

Future Form
Part 1 Find examples of a future intention, a fixed arrangement, an on-the-spot decision.
a future intention……………………………………………………………………………….
a fixed arrangement …………………………………………………………………………….
an on-the-spot decision. …………………………………………..…………………………….
Part 2 Fill in: be going to or will.
1. ………………….. 2. ……………………3. ……………………..4……………………..5……………………
Part 3 Choose the correct verb form. Give reasons: threat, schedule, invitation, schedule, future intention,
fixed arrangement, fixed arrangement, on-the-spot decision
1. Be good or you …………………………………………….. = ………………………………………………
2. Guess what! Ann ……………………………………….. married. = ………………………………………
3. The concert ……………………….……… 9 o’clock. = ………………………….……………
4. That’s a lovely dress! I ……………………………it. = ……………………………………….
5. Tina …………………………………to Rome on Monday. = ……………………………………….
6. She …………………………………a baby in May. = ……………………………………….
7. The train ……………………….York at 7.15 pm. = ……………………………………….
8. ………………………………….to the party? = ……………………………………….

Present simple or will?

Conjunctions: when, before, after, as soon as, while
We’ll go to lunch when you come to visit.
We will finish before he arrives.
We will finish after he comes.
Time clauses (อนุประโยค = the secondary sentence introduced by a time conjunction)
จะใช้ tense: ……………………………………………
Main clause (ประโยคหลัก) จะใช้ tense: ……………………………………………
Part 4. Complete the sentences.
Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.6
1. I’ll call you when ……………………………..……………………..…………………..…
2. After we finish shopping ……………………………………………..……………………
3. We’ll let you know as soon as ……………………………………………..……………………..
4. Don’t tell anyone before ……………………………………………..……………………………
5. We . ………………………………………while he ……………………………………………..
6. I don’t know when he ……………………………………………..………………………………

Future Continuous Tense

Part 7. Name the types of messages (A-E) on page 49.

A …………………………… B. …………….………………..C. ………………………….
D. …………….………………..E. ……………………………..
Imagine it’s Sunday 12th June. What will Frank be doing?
1. What will Frank be doing tomorrow evening?
Tomorrow evening, ……………………………………………………………………………………….
2. What will Frank be doing at 7:15 next Saturday?
Next Saturday at 7:15, ……………………………………………………………………………………….
3. What will Frank be doing tomorrow afternoon at 3:00pm?
Tomorrow afternoon at 3:00pm, ……………………………………………………………………………
4. What will Frank be doing at 8:00pm next Wednesday evening?
At 8:00pm next Wednesday evening, …………………………………………………………………………
5. What will Frank be doing at 11:00am tomorrow?
At 11am tomorrow, ……………………………………………………………………………………………
6. What will Frank be doing at 9:00pm next Sunday?
At 9:00pm next Sunday, ……………………………………………………………………………………….
7. What will Frank be doing next Friday evening at 8:30?
Next Friday evening at 8:30pm, ………………………………………………………………………………
Part 9. Phrasal Verbs.
Match the phrasal verbs to their meanings.
a. break down (phr v) b. break away (phr v) c.break into (phr v) d. break out (phr v)
e. break off (phr v) f. break through (phr v) g.break out of (phr v)
…………1. to escape suddenly from somebody who is holding you or keeping you prisoner.
…………2. to stop working because of a fault, to lose control of your feelings and start crying.
…………3. to enter a building by force; to open a car, etc by force
………….4. to end sth suddenly, to stop speaking or stop doing sth for a time
…………5. to start suddenly
…………6. to escape from a place or situation

Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.7

………… succeed in dealing with an attitude that somebody has and the difficulties it creates
Part 10. Write a short email to your friend inviting him/her to a barbecue .Write: date, place,
time, what to where.

Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.8

Unit 6d Listening & Speaking skills
Part 1 Read the invitation then answer these questions.
T: Who sent the invitation?
Ss: …………………………………….. Hats Off
Mr and Mrs Roderick Green
T: What is the invitation for? request the pleasure
Ss: …………………………………….. of your company at a
T: Where will the party be held? Graduation Party
Ss: …………………………………….. for their daughter

T: What time does the party start/end? Elizabeth

Ss: …………………………………….. On Saturday, 28th June
T: What should you do if you can’t go? 7-11 pm
Ss: …………………………………….. 13 Apple Road, Darleigh
Part 2a. Read the first exchanges on your text book (p.50).Regrets only by 15 June 824-6951
What is Mark’s and Joyce’s relationship to Elizabeth?
Mark is ……………………………….. and Joyce is ……………………………………
2b. Match the vocabulary with its meaning.
a. hats off to somebody (idm) b. impolite (adj) c. delighted (adj) d. caterer (n)
e. graduate f. posh (adj) g. a sit-down meal h. wrap (v)
……….1. a person or company whose job is to provide food and drinks at a business meeting or for a
special occasion such as a wedding
……….2. very pleased
………3. used to say that you admire somebody very much for something they have done
……….4. elegant and expensive
……….5. served to people sitting at tables
Part 3 Listen and read. Which phrases give us the following information?
1. Joyce still hasn’t got a job. = ………………………………………………………………………………….
2. Joyce is looking forward to Elizabeth’s party. = ……………………………………………………………….
3. There will be young and old people at the party. = ……………………………………………………………..
4. Elizabeth’s mum won’t cook the food for the party herself! = …………………………………………………
Part 4 Practice in making and accepting invitations. Work in pairs. Imagine you are having a party.
Invite your friend. Give details about it (place, date, food, etc) Record your dialogue.
Part 5 Fill in the appropriate tag. Listen and tick. (Sure ), (Not sure )
Sure Not Sure Not
sure sure
1. Let’s dance, …………………………..? 6. He has put on weight, ………………?

Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.9

2. They had a party, ……………………..? 7. You’ll pick me up, ………………….?
3. This is your costume, …………..…….? 8. They’ve invited you, ………………..?
4. Don’t forget to tell Sue, ……………...? 9. We can’t do that, ……………………?
5. Call her, …………….………………..? 10. She left early, ……………………....?
Giving gifts. เช็คจากหนังสือใหม่ก่อนว่ามีสอนหรือไม่
Part 6a. Listening. You will hear part of a radio programme about giving gifts in other countries. Read questions
1-5 and predict the correct answer, Yes or No. Listen and check.
Yes No
1. In Japan, it’s impolite to give money as a gift.
2. The Japanese like to receive gifts which are colourfully wrapped.
3. The Chinese never open a gift as soon as they receive it.
4. People in South America think highly of leather gifts.
5. When visiting a British home, you don’t need to take a gift.
Part 7. Read and tick (). Which expressions are inviting, suggesting, accepting or refusing?
Which are formal or informal?


quite informal

very informal

quite formal


1. How would you like to … ?

2. Do you want to … ?
3. I’d/We’d be delighted if you could …-
4. What/How about … ?
5. Let’s/Shall we … ?
6. Why don’t we … ?
7. Thanks! I’d love/like to.
8. That sounds great.
9. I’d love/be delighted to.
10. I’d love to but I can’t.
11. I’m (terribly) sorry but …
12. I’m afraid I can’t.

Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.10

Unit 6e Writing a postcard
Part 1 Read the rubric (a title or set of instructions written in a book, an exam paper, etc,) underline the key
words and answer the questions.
1.What will the postcard be about?
Imagine you are on holiday in a city.
Write a postcard to a friend. Write about:
 where you are staying there 2. Which beginnings/endings can you use?
 what there is to see and do there ………………………………………………...
 what you think of the place
Part 2 Read the postcard on your text book page 51.
1. Where do we write the person’s address? …………………………………………..……………...
2. What does XOXOX mean? ………………………………………………..........................
Part 3 Jane uses the two same adjectives to describe everything. Find and circle them. Replace them with
others from the list.  amazing  lovely  great  fantastic  delicious  wonderful 
I’m having a/an …………………………………. time.
I’m staying at a/an …………………………………. hotel.
The food is ………………………………….
The shops are …………………………………. with ………….………souvenirs.
There are lots of a/an …………………………………. parades.
Street bands play a/an …………………………………. music with guitars and drums.
Part 4 a. Read the rubric. What information does it give you about: who you are, who you are writing
to, what you should write about?

You are spending New Year with some friends.

Write a postcard to your English pen friend.
Write about:
 where you are staying
 what you think of the place
 how people celebrate the event

4b. Answer the questions in the plan, and then write your postcard. (40-55 words)

Dear ………………,
 Which city are you in?
 Where are you staying? (house, flat, etc)
 Do youBook:
Referenced like the place? Book
Upstream (shops,
IVfood, sights etc.)
Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.11
 How do people celebrate New Year there? (decorations, parties etc.)
Referenced Book: Upstream Book IV Prepared by Mrs.Woranan Puengkam p.12

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