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Correspondences between verbal responding (saying) and nonverbal responding (doing) may be
organized in terms of the classes of verbal/nonverbal relations into which particular instances of
verbal/nonverbal response sequences can enter. Contingency spaces, which display relations among
events in terms of the probability of one event given or not given another, have been useful in
analyses of nonverbal behavior. We derive a taxonomy of verbal/nonverbal behavior relations from
a contingency space that takes into account two conditional probabilities: the probability of a
nonverbal response given a verbal response and that probability given the absence of the verbal
response. For example, positive correspondence may be said to exist as a response class when the
probability of doing is high given saying but is otherwise low. Criteria for other generalized classes,
including negative correspondence, follow from this analysis.
DESCRIPTORS: contingency space, correspondence, generalization, verbal behavior

Experiments in both laboratory and field set- been an occasion for saying, as when a question
tings have been concerned with relations between has been asked?
saying and doing (e.g., Catania, Matthews, & Shi- Karlan and Rusch (1982) suggested noncorre-
moff, 1982; Matthews, Catania, & Shimoff, 1985; spondence as a term for two other types of se-
Paniagua & Baer, 1982; Risley & Hart, 1968). quences implied by Israel (1978), saying/not doing
Such research raises the problem of defining and and not saying/doing. They also argued for dis-
measuring relations between verbal and nonverbal tinguishing the relation between saying not and not
behavior. That problem has been addressed in var- doing from that between not saying and not doing.
ious ways (Israel, 1978; Karlan & Rusch, 1982). The Karlan and Rusch definitions provide a ty-
Here, we continue to develop the terminology of pology of particular verbal/nonverbal response se-
verbal/nonverbal interactions by using a contin- quences, but a typology of particular sequences
gency space to specify the response dasses implicit will sometimes be inappropriate to the dassifica-
in various relations between saying and doing. tion of verbal/nonverbal behavior relations in terms
Israel (1978) distinguished two types of verbal/ of response classes.
nonverbal behavior sequences: positive correspon- Consider an analogous problem in the descrip-
dence, defined as promising to engage in some tion of respondent conditioning: A pairing between
nonverbal behavior and subsequently doing so a conditional and an unconditional stimulus may
(saying/doing), and negative correspondence, de- occur either as a result of the stimulus/stimulus
fined as making no statement about nonverbal be- contingencies of a respondent conditioning proce-
havior and subsequently not engaging in that be- dure or as a result of random stimulus presenta-
havior (not saying/not doing). Determining tions (Rescorla, 1967). A single accidental pairing
instances of not saying and doing is complicated of tone and food may not be distinguishable from
by the difficulty of specifying opportunities for say- a pairing explicitly arranged by an experimenter,
ing or doing. For example, does a specific instance but the two pairings originate in different proce-
qualify as a case of not saying only if there has dures and the histories produced by these proce-
dures may have different behavioral effects. For this
We thank Steven C. Hayes for helpful comments on an reason, pairings produced by contingent relations
earlier draft of the manuscript. between stimuli must be distinguished from indi-
For reprints write Byron A. Matthews, Department of
Sociology-UMBC, 5401 Wilkens Avenue, Catonsville, vidual and perhaps accidental pairings. Similarly,
Maryland 21228. it is important to distinguish an instance of say/

do correspondence that is a member of a general- alone, correspondence cannot be distinguished from

ized class of such correspondences from a specific independence.
say/do sequence that may not be a member of a Consider, for example, procedures used by Gue-
generalized dass. vremont, Osnes, and Stokes (1986) to examine
The distinction between particular verbal/non- the development of verbal control over temporally
verbal sequences and verbal/nonverbal behavior and spatially distant nonverbal performances. In
relations maintained as response classes is funda- their "Reinforcement of Verbalization" phase,
mental. It is not enough to observe single instances promises to engage later in a target nonverbal ac-
of saying followed by doing. For example, if a tivity were followed by social consequences; appro-
child promises to complete a homework assign- priate verbalizations occurred whenever the prom-
ment and then does so, it would be improper to ise was solicited. Subsequently, social consequences
assume that correspondence exists as a response were arranged for nonverbal performances that cor-
class, even though that particular verbal/nonver- responded to the promises made earlier. The be-
bal sequence may be dassified as an instance of havioral relations observed-high probabilities of
correspondence (cf. Neef, Shafer, Egel, Cataldo, & doing given saying-met the traditional criteria for
Parrish, 1983, on compliance as a behavioral class; correspondence of particular say/do sequences and
the most important difference between correspon- yet provided no evidence for correspondence as a
dence and compliance is that in the former but not generalized response class. Such evidence would
the latter the say/do sequence is the behavior of necessarily include the probability of doing given
the same person). not saying as well as the probability of doing given
Correspondence can be identified as a class only saying; otherwise, we could not distinguish corre-
on the basis of observing a population of oppor- spondence from the superficially similar case in
tunities for say/do sequences in which the subject which verbal and nonverbal responding both occur
sometimes does not say. Consider a child who frequently but are functionally independent.
promises homework completion 12 times in re- The definitional problems do not, of course,
sponse to 20 requests but then completes the as- compromise the utility of the Guevremont et al.
signment six times after the 12 promises as well (1986) procedures, which, to the extent that say-
as four times after the eight nonpromises. In this ing occasioned doing, did in fact establish verbal
case, there is no evidence for verbal/nonverbal cor- control. It is uncertain, however, whether gener-
respondence: the likelihood of homework comple- alized correspondence was established; an equally
tion is 0.5 whether or not the child has promised, tenable account is that the experimenter's prompts
and we must conclude that the child's saying and that occasioned saying also occasioned subsequent
doing are independent. doing. The definitional difficulty is implicit in the
Much of the relevant literature presents as data labeling of the dependent variable in terms of ob-
frequencies of say/do sequences under different ex- served target behavior rather than in terms of cor-
perimental conditions. Often, children are trained respondences.
or required always to say. In such procedures, the The problems of definition encountered in de-
frequency of doing in the absence of having said scribing relations between verbal and nonverbal
cannot be assessed directly, nor can it be assessed responding are not without precedent. They also
indirectly by comparing different conditions within apply to the study of respondent conditioning,
an experiment (Baer, Williams, Osnes, & Stokes, where conditioning procedures must be described
1984, 1985; Israel & Brown, 1977; Karoly & in terms of stimulus/stimulus contingencies rather
Dirks, 1977; Osnes, Guevremont, & Stokes, 1986; than in terms of stimulus/stimulus pairings (Res-
Whitman, Scibak, Butler, Richter, & Johnson, corla, 1967), and to the analysis of operant be-
1982; Williams & Stokes, 1982). From such data havior, where relations between behavior and its

consequences are defined by contingencies between

responses and stimuli (Catania, 1971). Similar is-
sues arise in the study of elicitation: in specifying
the circumstances in which particular stimulus/
response relations can be referred to as reflexes, it
is necessary to consider both the conditional rela-
tion between the stimuli and the responses (Skin-
ner, 1931) and the nature of the stimuli and re-
sponses as dasses (Skinner, 1935). 01/%
Consider a familiar stimulus/response relation:
tickling that elicits smiling. To assert that a smiling
reflex exists, it is not enough for us to observe that
a child smiles when a feather is applied to the ribs.
We must also determine the frequency with which 0
0 1.0
the child smiles when not tickled. If the child smiles
often when tickled but smiles equally often when p(Y/X)
not tickled, we cannot speak of a reflex. We may Figure 1. Contingency space representing intersections
do so only if tickling increases the frequency of of two conditional probabilities: probability of event Y given
that event X has occurred, and probability of event Y given
smiling relative to its frequency in the absence of that event X has not occurred. A contingency space describ-
tickling. The definition of the reflex requires that ing stimulus/response relations is provided when X is a
we determine the probability of the response (smil- stimulus and Y is a response. A contingency space describing
say/do relations is provided when X is saying and Y is
ing) not only in the presence of the stimulus (tick- doing.
ling) but also in its absence. The smile-given-tickle
probability must be high relative to that of smile
given no tickle. stimulus is low (the child does not smile when not
Tickling may also have other effects. For ex- tickled). Reflex inhibition, in which the stimulus
ample, we might find that tickling lowers the reduces the probability of the response, appears in
probability of frowning; the child frowns often the lower right corner of the contingency space; the
when not tickled but only infrequently when tick- probability of a response given no stimulus is high
led. In that case, it would be appropriate to de- whereas given a stimulus it is low (as in the relation
scribe the effect of tickling on frowning as inhibi- between frown and tickle). The diagonal corre-
tory. sponds to the set of points for which the two con-
These stimulus/response interactions may be ditional probabilities of response (given a stimulus
described more formally in a contingency space and given no stimulus) are equal; responding is
that relates the probability of responses given the independent of stimulus presentations. Stimulus/
presence of stimuli to the probability of those re- response relations falling in the lower left comer
sponses given the absence of those stimuli (Figure are those in which the response probability is low;
1). The vertical axis shows the probability of a response probabilities increase as one moves along
response given a stimulus (e.g., probability of smile the diagonal toward the upper right corner, but
given tickle). The horizontal axis shows the prob- responses and stimuli remain independent. In other
ability given no stimulus (probability of smile giv- words, for a child whose probability of smiling is
en no tickle). The upper left comer of the contin- unaffected by tickling, the relation between smiling
gency space defines the reflex relation; the and tickling is represented by a point somewhere
probability of a response given a stimulus is high along the diagonal. (More detailed properties of
(the child smiles when tickled), and that given no contingency spaces, together with problems of de-
Table 1 negative correspondence characterizes the relation
Typology of Verbal Response/Nonverbal Response between the verbal and nonverbal behavior of the
habitual liar (these probabilities also characterize
Verbal Nonverbal response
the behavior of the person who can be counted on
response Do Not do to do what is expected only after having made no
promise to do so; this verbal/nonverbal relation
Say Positive cor- Negative cor-
respondence respondence might be termed an inhibitory one). Finally, the
Say not Negative cor- Positive cor- diagonal, in which the conditional probabilities are
respondence respondence equal, defines independence of verbal and nonver-
Not say Do-only Null
bal behavior: doing given saying is no more likely
than doing given not saying or saying not.
One feature of this contingency space that may
riving probabilities from time samples of behavior, be counterintuitive is that saying not, saying other,
have been discussed elsewhere, e.g., Catania, 1984, and not saying are treated as equivalent in defining
pp. 34-40, 71, 198-200). the say/do relation. Yet this grouping is necessary
An analogous contingency space, in which the if the relation of interest is that between saying
vertical axis describes the probability of doing giv- and doing. Generalized positive correspondence is
en saying and the horizontal axis describes the demonstrated neither by the habitual liar nor by
probability of doing given not saying or saying not, the child who never speaks. Other contingency
can be represented by Figure 1 simply by substi- spaces must be examined (e.g., between saying not
tuting conditional probabilities of saying and doing and doing, or between saying and not doing) to
for those of stimuli and responses. The upper left distinguish among other verbal/nonverbal rela-
corner then defines circumstances in which the tions. Verbal behavior is multiply determined and
probability of doing given saying is high while the particular topographies may therefore enter into a
probability of doing given not saying or saying not variety of verbal classes (Skinner, 1957).
is low. When this combination of conditional A contingency-space analysis, an analysis in terms
probabilities is observed, it is appropriate to speak of conditional probabilities, serves to specify the
of the maintenance of the response class of gen- verbal/nonverbal relations that may define re-
eralized positive correspondence between saying sponse classes. For convenience, we have so far
and doing. Generalized is drawn by analogy from restricted our discussion to sequences involving
the imitation literature (Baer & Sherman, 1964; doing rather than not doing and to sequences in
Gewirtz & Stingle, 1968), and is intended to de- which the verbal response precedes the nonverbal
note correspondence as a response class subsuming response. Such response classes, however, are main-
an indefinite number of topographically different tained or altered only as environmetnal contingen-
verbal/nonverbal sequences; positive occurs here cies make contact with particular verbal/nonverbal
in its purely correlational sense (as noted below, sequences. A typology of sequence types is pre-
say not/not do sequences are assumed also to fall sented in Table 1.
within the generalized positive correspondence re- Both say/do and say not/not do sequences de-
sponse dass). fine positive correspondence, because what is said
In the lower right comer of the contingency and what is done are directly related in both se-
space, the probability of doing given saying is low quences; conversely, both say/not do and say not/
and the probability of doing given not saying or do sequences define negative correspondence, be-
saying not is high. This corner defines the response cause what is said and what is done are inversely
dass of generalized negative correspondence; neg- related. (Note that the table can be made diago-
ative here denotes an inverse correlation between nally symmetrical by subdividing not do into not
what is said and what is done. Such generalized do and do other or opposite, as when one says

"I'm staying" but leaves instead. That subdivi- lations, such as those between stimuli and responses
sion, however, is not critical to the definition of and between responses and consequences. Al-
correspondence, because the latter depends on the though the system will no doubt require further
verbal conventions established by the verbal com- refinement, it takes into account the kinds of re-
munity and not on the dimensions of nonverbal lations between verbal and nonverbal behavior that
behavior.) may be maintained as response dasses while pro-
As already mentioned, the order in which the viding a parsimonious and intuitively appealing
verbal and nonverbal components of a sequence typology at the level of individual response se-
appear is irrelevant to these definitions. The im- quences.
plications of distinguishing between verbal/non-
verbal sequences (e.g., keeping one's word) and
nonverbal/verbal sequences (e.g., accurately re- REFERENCES
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logue analysis and classroom application. Journal of Ap- & Johnson, M. R. (1982). Improving classroom be-
plied Behavior Analysis, 16, 81-99. havior in mentally retarded children through correspon-
Osnes, P. G., Guevremont, D. C., & Stokes, T. F. (1986). dence training. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,
If I say I'll talk more, then I will: Correspondence training 15, 545-564.
to increase peer directed talk by socially withdrawn chil- Williams, J. A., & Stokes, T. F. (1982). Some parameters
dren. Behavior Modification, 10, 287-299. of correspondence training and generalized verbal con-
Paniagua, F., & Baer, D. M. (1982). The analysis of cor- trol. Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 4, 11-32.
respondence training as a chain reinforceable at any point.
Child Development, 53, 786-798. ReceivedJanuary 9, 1986
Rescorla, R. A. (1967). Pavlovian conditioning and its Initial editorial decision March 19, 1986
proper control procedures. Psychological Review, 74, Revisions received May 20, 1986; June 13, 1986; June
71-80. 26, 1986
Risley, T. R., & Hart, B. (1968). Developing correspon- Final acceptance June 30, 1986
dences between the nonverbal and verbal behavior of Action Editor, Nancy A. Neef
preschool children. Journal of Applied Behavior Anal-
ysis, 1, 267-281.
Skinner, B. F. (1931). The concept of the reflex in the Editor's Note: We will routinely publish a commentary from
description of behavior. Journal of General Psychology, an expert in the field with each Discussion Artide. Due to
5, 427-458. circumstances beyond our control, the commentary for this
Skinner, B. F. (1935). The generic nature of the concepts paper will appear in Vol. 20, No. 2.

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