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ASB Formal Meeting

October 2, 2020
​*Meeting motioned at 1:30 on October 2, 2020 by Niki Nguyen*

All members/officers are present

I. President; Niki
A. Fearful Friday- Every Friday does the asb Instagram post, Students tell their story,
B. Rank and support: Helps the freshmen (answers questions, support, help solve problems)
- Freshmen had problems with medium shirts but they have figured it out.
C. Fall fest- Came up with themes and worked with Morty, on how to announce winners.
D. Social media post- promoting fall fest and voting
- Seniors post on the 6th, Juniors 7th, Sophomores 8th, Freshmen 9th.
Everyone posts on the 13th, day before voting.
- Send social media posts to Natalie and Dillian for credit.

ll. Vice president: Kate

A. Wonderful Wednesday- student spotlights
- Students who have made an impact or are involved in school
- Changes it up every week, Freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior
B. Fundraiser with Morty and Naomi
- Goodie bags and possibly also making more for winter and spring
- Morty has Glow stickers and large candy bars already
C. Rank and support: Helps commissioners using Group chats and sends
D. Fall fest: Came up with a theme

lll. Administrative Coordinator: Abby

A. Talk to Administrative assistants and ASK about fundraising ideas
- Some idea could not be done for safety reason
- Asking local business if they are interested in fundraising with us
- Having another meeting soon
B. Taken minutes for meeting Made posters
C. Fall fest: Came up with them, Pink out
D. Rank and support: ASB
- Has a group chat
- Text group chat if there are any concerns
- Check on each other and see what needs to be done
lV. Executive Board Member: Gracie
A. Talk to me Tuesday: Mental health post
- Meditation, journaling, inspirational
quotes etc.
B. School district meeting
- September 14, 2020
- Voting on policies related to Ripon high
- No future plans for the school to start again
C. Cub committee chair
- In contact with advisors and presidents to talk about clubs
- Not sure the student senate is happening

V. Senior Vice President: Zoe

A. Reports back to Brenden since he can’t be in class
B. Senior sunrise Live:
- Went well but wanted people to participate
C. Class apparel:
- Made about $2,200, Spent about $3000
- Sold about 198 items
- Having PO trouble
D. Spotify playlist:
- Writing a note handing them out during drive-thru with code
- Anyone can add to the playlist
E. Have all of the names for diplomas
F. Morty wants to make a huge mural on d building empty wall
- This will take 4,000 from seniors accounts
G. Seniors account: $8016.21

Vl. Junior President: Naomi

A. Class T-shirts
- Ordered 100 only sold about 50
B. Fall fest:
- Talked about door decoration and float
C. Working with LInk crew
D. Working with Morty and Kate on goodie bags
E. Instagram account:
- Shout outs
- Make google form people vote on who's more likely to and then the top
person voted gets posted
Vll. Sophomore president: Makenzie
A. Class T-shirts:
- Went well sold about 70
B. Fall fest:
- The theme is pink out
- Have been talking about decoration
- Know what door is being decorated and truck

Vll. Freshman Representative: Jenna

A. Class Instagram account (shoutout chain) saying positive things about freshman
B. Handed out t-shirts
C. Fall Fest:
- Sweater weather
- Need to find truck and door to decorate
- Have an idea of supplies needed

Vll. spirit publicity: Bryan

A. Worked on club rush video
B. Helps superfan, planning a video for pride trip
C. Made some flyers for the fall fest

Vlll. Rally commissioners: laila and Gianna

A. Made creative club rush video
B. Filmed Multicultural, bug, debate HPV and math clubs

lX. Athletes: Anthony

A. My intent project:
- Almost sold 200 bracelets
B. Hopes to start working on more when we return to school

X. Technology: Derek
A. Has filmed the Club videos
- Debate, bug, multicultural, math club
B. Made a virtual zoom background for students to use
C. Has begun working on the end of the year video

Xl. Historian: Decia

A. Has not been able to take pictures yet
B. WIll take pictures during fall fest and the drive-thru
C. She will begin to work with leaderships student create individual pages in January
Xll. Renaissance: Gabby and Lydia
A. They are just waiting for approval forms are already ready
B. Ice cream emporium possible sponsor
C. Link crew: postcards and zoom links
D. They are still working on passes and how to ensure students are fair
- Students can show teachers the crossed off the pass through the camera

XlV. Public relations: Natalie

A. Involve 2 challenge:
- Make email for all transfer students to welcome them
B. Fall Fest: Theme pink out
C. Social media assignment:
- Everyone must send their post to them to get credit

*Meeting adjourned at 2:23 on October 2, 2020, by Niki Nguyen*

Approval of minutes:




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