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Mackenzie Heim 

EDU 218

School Vouchers

Vouchers are good for communities because they allow for there to be a choice between

public and private school funding. They give parents the option of where their tax dollars are

being spent. For instance, if a family has decided to homeschool their children and do not wish

to fund a school they do not support, vouchers provide other options. Parents are the primary

teachers of their children (as supported by the Church). With vouchers parents who intend to

send their children to school also have the opportunity to distinguish between which schools will

be best suited for their children. 

  A school’s rating differs between states, and counties and so, cannot be determined

between just public and private, but by the school district. The best schools may not always be

public; however, they may not always be private. A good school can be determined by its faculty

and content curriculum.

As an advocate for education, I want children to go to the best schools available to them.

Even though vouchers take away from public school funds, they contribute to education as a

whole. Vouchers ensure that there are more kinds of school outside of the public school,

therefore differentiating the education system entirely.  

In conclusion, vouchers should be used for both private and public schools. They present

options for taxpayers who wish to choose where they spend their money. Vouchers help fund

good schools that are particular to certain school districts.                         

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