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Related literature

This research effort is targeted at finding the

effects of social media on students performance, therefore,

the literature review discusses the relevant research that

is useful to the objectives of this research project.

Several research studies investigating the topic under

review are found to be very recent. Since most of the

innovative features offered by social media platforms like

facebook, instagram, twitter and many others are not that

old and the phenomenon of the use of this media has boosted

recently with the introduction of revolutionary features and

platforms, a volume of recent research on its effect on

students academic performance is available. Most of the

studies chosen have been published in the past four to five


Tess(2013) presents a very comprehensive

literature review paper regarding the role of social media

in higher education virtual and real classes. The review has

consulted almost every popular research database around

world to make this review rich in terms of covering almost

every aspect of explaining the role of different social

media in higher education classes.

This research find facebook to be the most

popular social networking sites among students as reported

by some researchers and it has reached one billion users

base on october 2012. MySpace is another social networking

sites which started on 2003 and got popular among people

around 2009. However it is not that popular among

educational setups. LinkedIn with more than 35,000,000 users

has been reported as the third most popular social

networking site but mostly used for professional networking.

In addition, this research found blogs, social impact,

twitter among the other popular social networking site.

The review found a mix if opinion regarding

whether social networking platforms and technology should be

integrated into learning process or not. Tess(2013)

literature survey finds many reasons for this mix of

opinion. Although most of the educational institution have

established infrastructures for the support of social media

integration into classroom learning. However, the effective

integration methodology is still a question mark for the

researchers to answer. Some practitioners are not willing to

adopt this technology due to lack of proper training in this


His review argues that researchers who support

tha integration of social media into educational setup are

of the view that conversational processes ensuring maximum

interaction and maximum mix of reflections are possible only

through social networking platforms.

While reflecting on the impact of social media

on students performance , Tess(2013) again finds a variety

of diverse correlations existing in the literature. Some

studies find significantly negative correlation between

students results and use of social media while others find

no correlation or weak correlations. Even a few studies come

up with positive correlations although not very significant.

Interestingly, the negative correlations between social

media usage and poor performance have been associated with

personality traits or other behavioral or psychological

aspects rather than solely with the use of this platforms.

Rouis, limayem, and salehi-sangari (2011)

investigate the effects of using facebook on academic

performance of the students at lulea university of

technology sweden in relation to their personality traits.

The proposed research model tests how facebook usage effcts

performance of students with different personality traits.

In addition the research triesbto justify the relationship

among the three facebook usage,personality traits and

academic performance.

Their analysis of 239 students data reveals very

significant results. This research establishes that using

facebook has a strong negative impact on academic

performance of the students with extrovert personalities.

However, factor or self-regulation among students greatly

reduces this negative impact as they high level of effective

self-control while using social media platforms. Cognitive

absorption,which defines extent of deep involvement, is

another personality factor taken into consideration while

undertaking this research.

The advanced and improved usage of social media

platforms such as Facebook has become a worldwide phenomenon

for quite some time. Though it all started has been a hobby

for several computer literates individual has changed to

become a social norm and existence-style for students around

the world (Nicole, 2007). According to Nicole, (2007),

students and teenagers have especially recognized these

social media platforms to be able to contact their peers,

share information, reinvent their personal and showcase

their social live.

Facebook users often experience poor academic

performance. Also Karpinski (2009) stated that social media

has a negative association with students’ academic

performance which is much greater than the advantages

derived through the use of social media platforms. People

around the globe have been addicted to the internet which

has given rise to more students using social media more

often than before. Nalwa & Anand (2003) advised and

recommended that those who are addicted users love to use

the internet to set back their personal and professional

responsibilities in which the final outcome is poor academic


It was highlighted in the finding of

Karpinski (2009) that social media platforms (Facebook,

watzapp etc) users usually devote lesser time to their

studies has to compared to nonusers did and subsequently has

lower GPAs. It was also mentioned by Karpinski, & Duberstein

(2009), that among the major distraction of current

generation that social media platform (such Facebook,

Watzapp etc.) remains a major distractions. According to

Kubey, Lavin, and Barrows (2001), there is a correlation

between academic performance and the dependency on social

media platforms.

Researchers have conducted different

studies to find out the influence of social platforms users,

for instance a study on ‘’impact of Facebook on

undergraduates academic performance’’, stated that social

platforms have negative impact on students

According to the outcome, students’

academic performance is affected the more they use Facebook.

Social platforms are mainly used by students for socializing

activities rather than academic purpose (Oye, 2012). In

addition (Oye, 2012) said that majority of students feel

that social platforms have positive impact on academic

growth. In a different research conducted by Shana (2012) it

was ascertain that students use platforms mainly for

chatting and making friends. ‘’The consequences of internet

and social platforms on students’ academic growth’’ a study

than by Young (2006) it was seen that internet has spread

its wings to reach teenager’s school life. It was also

observed by Young that students are more dependent on

internet to access info that pertain their academic life as

well as entertainment.
Additionally, Young said that internet,

though take a lot of time, and have less impact on studies.

It was observed by Wang (2011) that impact of social

platforms rest on the degree of usage. Jeong (2005) observed

that internet addiction is significantly and negatively

related to students’ academic growth, as well as emotional


Seo (2004) confirms Jeong statement when he

opined that the negative influence of internet is only on

excessive users and not on all users. Rather (2013, p. 69)

avers that: the social platforms which are being used today

with great desire and enthusiasm have altered the way of

using internets in this modern age by defining online tools

and utilities which allow users for communication,

participation and collaboration of information online.

Today’s young generation, especially teens and youth are

using technology through innovative ways due to which they

are referred to as millennial and have changed the way they

think, work and communicate even though they are in

formative years of their life. Today’s youth because of

social platforms have become technology addicts and are

quite withdrawn.
Related Studies

The study conducted by Hira Hasnain et. Al about

the “Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance of

University Students” they implied that the respondents on

the said study try to use social media to as their resources

and references in their study that make them improve their

academic performance it also results that the boys are use

social media frequently compare to the girl students in the

said university.

In the study of Sandra Mensah about “The Impact

of Social Media to Students Academic Performance in

Malaysia” This study implied that the use of Social media is

a risk for the Students specially that this can ruin one

students academic career including his/her academic

performance in their school but on the other side social

media also has a positive impact on the students academic

performance if the students will going to use it in proper


Similarities and Differences

The previous study, which was conducted by Hira

Hasnain et. Al is similar to the current study for it is

about the effect of social media to the students, and so is

the present study. The study conducted by Hira Hasnain et.

Al also similar to this study because they have a one goal

to determine the negative and positive effect of social

media to the students.

However the previous study was also found

different to this study because they don’t have the same

locale and respondents as well as the population. The

previous study was conducted in malaysia with the malaysia

students as their respondents while tge present is conducted

in the Philippines espicifically in Palapag with the Sumoroy

Agro Industrial School Senior High School Students as the

respondents of the study.



Locale Of The Study

The research was conducted in SUMOROY AGRO

INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Palapag N. Samar we decided to conduct

this research in this school because it is really relevant

to that school and the mentioned school is also a famous a

Famous school here in Northern samar it is also consider as

the central of secondary education in the municipality of


The respondents of this research is choosen by a

sampling 50 senior highschool students are the respondents

of this research that are enrolled in Sumoroy Agro

Industrial School. They were made to read words, lines and

sentences of the questionnaires for the researchers to be

able to gather data.

The Variables

This study deals with social media which is the

independent Variable and academic performance of the students as

the dependentvariable.

Social Media refers to the any forms of electronic

communication such as facebook, twitter and etc.

Academic Performance on the extent on which students,

teachers or institution has achieved their short or long-term

educational goals.

Research Design

Quantitative method is chosen for the research. Data

was collected using primary data set through the

distribution of questionnaire. According to Bakar (2001)

questionnaires to acquire primary data the best suitable

research are based on experiment, observation and survey.

Hence, the survey method can supply researchers with data on

attitude, feelings, beliefs and Envisioned behavior that is

said by Tull and Kawkins (1990). Additionally, the

assembling of different kind of info from the respondents,

questionnaires will be appropriate for this research which

will enable get the actual info from the target population.

Research Instrument

A questionnaire is distributed to gather data from

the respondents. A 50 questionnaires are given to 50

respondents and ask them some questions that will support

their answers in the questionnaire.

Interpretation of data

The data that gathered from the respondents was

recorded in a work sheet and tallied and the data will be

going to present trough frequency and tables and it will be

discussed in the next chapter.

Population and Sampling

A random sampling technique was used. In this

research two department of schools are involved. This is

because in Sumoroy Agro Industrial School research are

hardly done in this area.120 questionnaires will be

distributed in the respondents means of direct contacts

which is face-to-face with the respondents. The

questionnaires is divided into two sections, section A

consist of the demography of the respondents such as (age,

gender, departments, race and nationality) while as section

B contains the targeted questions to convey the entire


The investigation uses convenient sampling. Since,

respondent are willingness to participate in the research.

This makes it further suitable for this research than any

other form of sampling and respondents will be picked at


In order to formulate the research questions,

hierarchical sampling techniques will be used to sample the

respondents. The research will use an evaluation question

that iswritten in English language Nonetheless, according to

Saunders et al (2007), Likert scale is the utmost suitable

rating to be
used in designing the research questionnaires. A

scale of 1-5 will used to finger out respondent pact to

questions enquired. This scale is best suitable since it

gives respondents the assertion for strong pact or not.

Validation and Research Instruments

The questionnaires of The effect of social media to

the academic performance was validated at Sumoroy Agro

Industrial School documentary analysis is needed in

gathering data in the effects of social media.

Data Gathering Process

Statistical treatment

Since this is a research paper only, according

to Bernales, it doesn’t need to use complex statistic

treatments. It is enough to get the percentage after

tallying all the answers from the questionnaire from the

correspondents. After the researcher gathered all the data

from the respondents, data will now be treated and process.

The researcher will use a simple statistics that will be

used for tallying the percentage of certain topic from the

questionnaire which is written below. Count of chosen

answers from the questionnaire Number of respondents

The statistics which is written above will be applied after

the data is treated and processed. ———————– %= INPUT Gather

information using survey questionnaire Generate survey

questionnaires for thesis statement Distribute survey

questionnaire to correspondents PROCESS Correspondents fill

up survey questionnaires Retrieve filled-up survey

questionnaires from correspondents Get related ideas and

topics on survey questionnaires Information about the effect

of online games of First year students of SMCL in year 2010-

2011 are now gathered and encoded to PC OUTPUT.

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