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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

The Role of Hadith in Islam - A Bibliography of the Works in English Language, Working Draft of

Abu Raihan Muhammed Khalid2


In Islam, the Arabic word hadith means ‘prophetic tradition. Hadith are the practices performed and
ordained by the Prophet (SA) that a Muslim must follow in fulfilment of his religious obligations. In
the corpus of Muslim laws, the hadith stands right after the Quran Majid - the words of Allah Rabbul
Alamin, as the second most important source of Islamic laws. However, there are significant
differences of opinion among the Muslim regarding the authenticity of a great number of hadith.
There are perhaps even more differences regarding the application of these hadith in today’s world
after fourteen hundred years of their pronouncement. As a result a Muslim is unsure and often
embattled on what he should practice as his religious duty. This has caused significant rifts among
the Muslim society throughout the world. It is therefore necessary to precisely determine the scope,
breadth and methods of the Hadith in order to enable the Muslim to determine the role of the
Hadith and its application in today’s world. As the first part the project we are here preparing a
bibliography of the works in English Language.

Plan of the Study

1. Methodology
2. Limitations
3. Introduction
4. Definition of Hadith
5. Hadith as a source of Islamic law
6. Source of the authority of Hadith as Islamic law
7. The body of Hadith
8. The science of Hadith
9. Controversies in Hadith
10. Conclusion
11. Works reviewed for this bibliography
12. Instructions to the user of this bibliography
13. Abreviations
14. The Bibliography
a. Primary Sources
i. Quran Majid

Project Home:
Sittah. Project started on 06.04.2018. This document opened on 24.04.2018.
LL.M. (London); LL.M. (Chittagong); Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln’s Inn, England and Advocate of the Supreme
Court of Bangladesh. Worked for several NGOs, Government of Bangladesh and Asian Development Bank
(ADB), International Labour Organization (ILO), The World Bank Group (WB) along with many individual clients
in environment, climate change, and general legal matters; Researchgate Profile:, Email:
The Science of Hadith - A Bibliography of the Works in English Language, Working Draft of 07.07.2019

1. Masnuscripts
2. Books
3. Online Databases
ii. The Hadith
1. Manuscripts
2. Books
3. Online Databases
b. Secondary Sources
i. Manuscripts
ii. Books
iii. Articles
iv. Journals
v. Website and Blogs
15. Glossary of Terms


This study concerns events that took place in the 7th century C.E. and the centuries that followed.
Therefore this study relies on evidences of those events recorded in texts, and living memories of
the people. Therefore, this study shall be conducted by review of the texts- both in printed booksand
manuscripts, interviews of relevant scholars mostly by means of electronic communications, review
of the living memory that are preached in waz and other lectures by the Ulama, etc.

Limitations of this study

1. It is necessary to state here that we do not currently have access to a library equipped with
materials capable of supporting the entire study. Our personal collection of materials is only capable
of providing materials for a part of it. We are relying mostly on materials downloaded from the
internet. Thanks to Allah Rabbul Alamin a large body of related literature is available on the internet
in various archives and online libraries. These books, which are in most cases scanned digital copy of
the original printed work, sometimes do not contain the entire publication information in them.

2. We can read some Arabic but cannot use it for academic purposes and we do not read or write
Urdu, Persian. For this reason we are unable to use most of the primary texts that are available but
are in those languages. Instead we have used translations of the few original texts into English that
are available. This has limited our scope of analysing the original text ourselves. Elaboration of this
limitation of the source materials is provided in the following section on ‘Sources’.

3. A lot of the works that we have reviewed for this bibliography contain characters with diacritics by
the various translators to give effect to the original pronunciations of words of Arabic, etc. This
posed a problem for our work. First of all we are not well conversed in the diacritics and secondly
the search engines, both the windows and web based, and the software used in writing this account,
the Microsoft Office Word 2010 does not provide a ready tool for using such symbols. For these
reasons characters with diacritics will be represented without their diacritical marks.


As we have stated above the events relevant to this study took place in the 7th century C.E. and the
centuries that followed. The rich civilizatiuon of Islam produced a wealth of literature related to the
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The Science of Hadith - A Bibliography of the Works in English Language, Working Draft of 07.07.2019

Hadith, Seerah and Quranic studies. Although primarily these works were produced in Arabic, soon
wealths work started to appear in other languages - Persian, Urdu, Malaya, Indonesian, English.
These new works are no less volumnus or important than the works in Arabic. However, I can only
use English beyond my mother language Bengali for academic purposes, and I understand there are
many other Muslims who are in the same situation. Therefore, my research shall only include the
works in English language.

This has created a considerable challenge for me. As we have progressed in our work we have
realized that many important primary texts, both of Hadith collections and of the science of hadith,
have not been translated in to English. So far we could only find thirteen collections of Hadith that
are ailable in English. They are Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jami at-Tirmidhi, Sunan Abu Dawud,
Sunan an-Nasai, Sunan Ibn Majah, Riyadis Saliheen, Nukbatul Fikar, al-Muwatta, Bulugh al-Maram,
Mishkat ul Masabih, Musnad Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal, Nahjul-balaghah3. We do not yet know the
total number of Hadith collections but we suppose it would be a number much larger than the
above. However, we are unable to study them because they are not available in English. The same is
true for the works on the science of Hadith.

Kitab mushkil al-ḥadith wa-bayanuh of Ibn Fūrak, -1015.

Ta’wil Mukhtalif al-Hadith (The Interpretation of Conflicting Narrations) by Ibn Qutaybah (828 – 885
CE / 213 – 276 AH)

Not all the mentioned texts are available today; some remained as manuscripts and were never

Choosing the English translation of the Quran Majid

Quite a few translations of the Quran Majid are now available. Along with the well known
translations, such as the translation done by Abdullah Yusuf Ali (year of translation), Pickthall,
Muhammad Asad, Malik, Muhsin Khan, etc. new English translations are also arriving to us. Many of
these new translations are unique. The Sahih International translation for example is done by three
women, there is another translatiin by an woman4, a translation that claims to be a non-sexist5, a
translation that is claimed Ti be done by progressive Muslims6, and there are translations done by
people of other faiths.

For the detailed publication information of these works, please see the bibliography below.
The Sublime Qur'an (2007) is by Laleh Bakhtiar, and it was claimed to be the first translation of the Qur'an by
an American woman (individually,
The Quran: A Reformist Translation (2007), is a recent translation by the team of Edip Yuksel, Layth Saleh al-
Shaiban, and Martha Schulte-Nafeh. They claim to offer a non-sexist understanding of the text.
The Message - A Translation of the Glorious Qur'an (2008) was translated by the Monotheistic Group, which
claims to be a group of progressive Muslims

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A personal note to the new scholars of Islam

I stopped working to earn a living sometime in 2015. Since then I have employed all my time and
resources to work for Allah Rabbul Alamin. I live on a small savings created by my work as a
Barrister-at-Law before 2015. For this and the other works that I am doing right now, I did not need
to spend much money, beyond what was needed for my personal upkeep and a meagre few books. I
did not use any library other than the online ones or purchased much books. This work is almost
entirely based on matertials that are available online. It is to tell you that high quality researches on
Islam, like most other fields, can be done without ever setting foot in a library or spending any

3. Introduction

The Hadith is the second most important source of Islamic law regulating every possible aspect of
the daily lives of the billions of Muslims around the world - from five daily prayers to marriage,
divorce and inheritance. Yet many Muslims today know very little, if any, of these laws accept from
what they hear from the Imam in the Mosques or from their elders in the family. Modern education
is almost entirely standardized throuout the world, except the Madrasas which are though
numerous, have escaped the modern mainstream population. The modern anglisized education
includes very little of the Islamic laws, of the Quran Majid, the Hadith and the Fiqh. Growing up
among the third largest Muslim population in the world, Bangladesh, we had one subject of Islamic
studies in the school along with another subject on Arabic language which did not go beyond the
basics and as we advanced in our education Islam stopped to be included in the curriculum

As a result, although we have our marriage, divorce, and inheritance as well as the daily religious
responsibilities all governed by the Islamic laws, we have near no understanding of these laws
beyond what is needed to perform the basic religiour obligations - the salat and the siyam. We often
hear the preaching from the Ulama in the weekly Jumma Khutba or in the waz mehfil that Muslims
usually organise as a reliour festivity once a year but a general decline in education, in particular the
religious education in Bangladesh, means that these preachings are more often than not misleading,
sectarian, biased, unverifiable, whimsical, violent, vulgar and hateful to opposing sectors. This is of
course, except the few lerarned Ulama who are sure to exist but remain less known to the general

This has resulted in the modern population educated in the anglicised curriculum, which are
spearheading the mainstream society, avoiding the Islamic laws and leaving that entirely to the
madrasa educated Ulama. Whenever needed, an Alim is called to conduct a wedding, a funeral or
any other religious rites. The inheritance, although regulated by the Islamic laws, is now made into
legislation in the Indian sub-continent and has no real connection with the general body of Islamic

I had, nevertheless, a paper on Islamic Laws as a part of my Master of Laws (LL.M.) curriculum at the
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. However, it is because personal laws of the Bangladeshi Muslims come
from the Islamic Laws. We had to study the legislation ‘Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 (Ordinance No.
VIII of 1961)’, available here:, promulgated by the
President of then Pakistan of which Bangladesh was a part until 1971. This is still used is Pakistan as well.
However, if someone takes the history, literature, business or science for study after the school, there would
be no component of Islam included in the curriculum.

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law and therefore does not require any input from the Ulama in its daily application or its
interpretetion by the courts of law.

The mainstream intelligentia in Bangladesh, for example, shows no interest in Islamic knowledge.
Except for the texts required for the education in the madrasas only a few books are published
covering the Islamic knowledge and those do not comply with the rigor of the modern scholarship,
to say the least. That is except the few books published by the Government funded Islamic
Foundation of Bangladesh. I suppose this picture is more or less same in most other Muslim majority
countries today.

Together, these factors have completely alienated the Muslim modern youth from Islamic
knowledge. They do not attent the Waz mehfils because the standard of the speakers there are low
to their opinion, they do not read the few Islamic books available for that same reason. All
knowledge related to Islam originate today from sources that are, in their opinion, low in standard,
unverifiable, sectarian, violent and vulgar. Islam is thus outside the modern mind.

In addition the the above, with the advancement of the civilization the modern Muslim are required
to adapt to the conditios that were not present at the earlier stages of Islam. It has become
necessary to determine the propriety of means of earning one’s livelihood, for example. Does the
shariah approve working in a bank or a business venture that are not run in accordance with the
Islamic laws, can a Muslim save money in bank, can a Muslim woman receive education or
undertake employment or engage in business, can a Muslim man work in a wokplace where there
are women working alongside without adhering to the Islamic laws for modesty in dress, can a
Muslim man work or live under a female leader, is earnings from the government saving schemes
created for the protection of livelihood of the less able still be considered riba, what you can watch
on the television and other online sources, can you read a newspaper which publishes photographs
of women which are not adhering to the Islamic dress codes; can you go to a market place or go to
the street, or ride on a vehicle where there would be women who are not adhering to the Islamic
dress codes. When the legal system of a country declares that a law of Islam violates the
fundamental rights of a section of the population, or condemns the institution of Fatwa, should the
Muslim accept that judgment or remain with the Ulama defying the state? Can a Muslim woman
drive a veicle? What a Muslim woman should do when a non-Muslim government criminalises
wearing a hijab?

Questions like the above are constantly being present in front of the modern Muslim and they look
towards the Ulama for anserws. The Ulama are coming up with solutions as well. Muslim are now
using photographs for various purposes, Waz and other religious lectures are recorded in video and
broadcasted on television and online platforms. There are numerous other examples where the
Ulama have adapted the Islamic laws to answer the questions posed by the changes in the
civilization. The Jumma salat and its khutba by the Imam is acting as the single most important
institution of Islam and communicating the standpoint of Islam to the Muslims on a weekly basis. We
may remember in this regard that Imam Bukhari reported that the Prophet SAW said, “(A)nd
religious scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets, i.e., they inherit knowledge”8.

Darussalam, The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Arabic-English, Volume 1, translated by Dr.
Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Riyadh: Darussalam, 1997, ISBN: 9960-717-31-3 (set); Bukhari, Volume 1,
hereinafter referred to as ‘Darussalam, Sahih Al-Bukhari, 1997’, Chapter 10, Page 96. The Hadith does not
include the names of its narrator(s);

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But as we shall remember, Islam never existed without its divisions after the ofat of the Prophet
SAW. As the first fitna of Islam started in 36 AH9, only after 25 years of the ofat of the Prophet SAW
on 11 AH, where the Kharejites appeared to defy Khalifa Ali Ibn Abu Talib saying "la hukm illa li-
llah"10, that there is no judgment but that of Allah. The Kharijites opposed the criterias Hazrat Ali (R)
agreed to for the arbitration with Muwaibiya's Syrian forces that sunna (tradition) of the Prophet
SAW shall be an additional standard of judgment in the arbitration, while they wanted the Qur’an to
serve as final judge as it was the essential stipulation of the initial agreement between the parties11.

Allah Rabbul Alamin revealed in the Quran Majid “And it is not (proper) for the believers to go out
to fight (Jihad) all together. Of every troop of them, a party only should go forth, that they (who are
left behind) may get instructions in (Islamic) religion, and that they may warn their people when
they return to them, so that they may beware (of evil)”, Surah 9, At-Taubah, Verse No. 12212. Allah
Rabbul Alamin made learning and disseminating of Islamic knowledge as important a duty as jihad.

If we want to save the guidance that Allah Rabbul Alamin most kindly sent to us through the Prophet
(SAW) from this severe degradation and near extinction, we must make the Islamic knowledge
precise, verifiable, decent and available. Then we can use this guidance ourselves. If we fail to do
that, it is only to our own loss because Allah Rabbul Alamin has revealed in Quran Majid:

“Wa man jahada fa inna ma yujahidu le nafsihi; innallaha la ganiyun anil alamina”13.
“And whosoever strives, he strives only for himself”. Verily, Allah is free of all wants from the

Without the knowledge of Islam we cannot strive and win Takwa for ourselves and escape the
punishments of the eternal Jahannam.

This work is therefore my attempt to understand the Hadith - the Islamic laws, and also to make
available what I understand to the fellow Muslims who are in the same conditions as I am.

Hagler, Aaron M., "Te Echoes of Fitna: Developing Historiographical Interpretations of the Batle of Sifn"
(2011).Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations, 397, htp://
Kenney, J. T., Muslim rebels: Kharijites and the politics of extremism in Egypt, Oxford; New York: Oxford
University Press, Inc., 2006. ISBN-13 978-0-19-513169-7; ISBN 0-19-513169-X. Page 22.
Keney, J.T., 2006, ibid, PAGE 22.
Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran, English Translation of the Meanigs and Commentary,
Translation of the meanings of The Noble Qur'an in The English Language By Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-
Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Madinah: King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran,
Madinah, K.S.A., 1419 A.H./1998 C.E., Surah 9, At-Taubah, Verse No. 122, at pages 267, 268.
Surat Al-Ankabut, Verse No. 6, retrieved from at on
Surat l-ankabut, The Spider, Verse No. 6, Mohsin Khan translation, retrieved from
at, accessed on 14.01.2019.

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4. Definition of Hadith
The Arabic word hadith means communication, story, conversation: religious or secular, historical or
recent15. In the Islamic discourse the word is used to mean ‘Prophetic tradition’16. The practitioner
Muslim often uses it interchangeably with sunna17. Despite its general uses in the case of Prophetic
traditions, the word is also found in the Quran Majid, used 23 times18, in the sense of story or
communication or message, be it religious or secular, from a remote past or of the present time19.
The word was used in the same sense by the Prophet, as it has been used in the Qur’an Majid20.
Bukhari, Adat, 70.

A good definition of Hadith is found in the Sahih Muslim where Imam Muslim described Hadith as
the reports that have been narrated from the Messenger of Allah SA21 about the teachings, rules,
and regulations of Islam, and what they say about reward and punishment, exhortations and
warnings, and other issues, along with the chains of narration with which they were narrated and
circulated among the scholars”22.

Definition of Sunnah in Islam

The term ’Sunna’ appears in the Qur-an Majid a few times. It appears in Surah Al-Ahzab where Allah
Rabbul Alamin revealed the phrase ‘Sunnat Allah’ meaning “Allah's Way”23 or “Way of Allah”24:

Al-azami, Muḥammad Mustafa, Studies In Hadith Methodology And Literature, The Other Press, 1977, ISBN:
9839154273, 9789839154276, page 1. We have used a digital version of the book downloaded from the
Baalbaki, R., Al Mawrid, A Modern Arabic English Dictionary, Dar El-ilm Lilmalayin, Beirut, Lebanon, Seventh
Edition 1995, Page 854.
Ali, Mohammad, The religion of Islam, a comprehensive discussion of the sources, principles and practices of
Islam, 1900, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, Page 58. We have used a digital version of the book
downloaded from the internet. The year of publication of the book was collected from Google Books :,
accessed last on 16.04.2018. There are, however, disputes regarding uses of these two terms. We shall address
that in the appropriate place.
Al-azami, M.M., (1977), ibid, page 1. The Prophet SA says: "The best hadith is the book of Allah” (Bukhari,
Adah, 70), Al-azami, M.M., (1977), ibid, page 2.
Al-azami, M.M., (1977), ibid, page 2. For example Sura Nisa, Verse 87.
Al-azami, M.M., (1977), ibid, page 2.
We have replaces the Arabic rendition of the expression of the quoted text with this English one because we
are unable to write reliable Arabic at the instant.
English Translation of Sahih Muslim, Volume 1, Compiled by: Imam Abul Hussain Muslim bin al-Hajjaj,
Translated by: Nasiruddin al-Khattab (Canada), Edited by: Huda Khattab (Canada), Final review by: Abu KhaIiyl
(USA), Darussalam, Riyadh, 2007, ISBN: 9960-9919-0-3 (set) 9960-9919-8-9 (Vol.1), (hereinafter referred to as
the ‘Sahih Muslim, Volume 1’), Introduction by Imam Muslim, Page 39.
Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 38 (33:38), Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran, Arabic-English, 1998.

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“38. There is no blame on the Prophet (SA) in that which Allah has made legal for him. That has been
Allah's Way with those who have passed away of (the Prophets of) old. And the Command of Allah is
a decree determined”25.

The term appears twice in Suhah Al-Ahzab at Verse 62:

“That was the Way of Allah in the case of those who passed away of old: and you will not find any
change in the Way of Allah”26.

The term appears thrice in Surah Fatir at Verse 43. Here the term is used to reveal two different
phrases, Sunnat Allah and Sunat al-Awaliina meaning “the sunnah (way) of the peoples of old”27:

“(They took to flight because of their) arrogance in the land and their plotting of evil. But the evil
plot encompasses only him who makes it. Then, can they expect anything (else) but the Sunnah (way
of dealing) of the peoples of old? So no change will you find in Allih's Sunnah (way of dealing), and
no turning off will you find in Allah's Sunnah (way of dealing)”28.

The term appears twice in Surah Al-Isra:

“(This was Our) Sunnah (rule or way) with the Messengers We sent before you (O Muhammad SA), and you
will not find any alteration in Our Sunnah (rule or way)” .


It appears that Allah Rabbul Alamin revealed the term ‘Sunnah’ to mean ‘way’ - sometimes it was
the way of Allah Rabbul Alamin, or of the Prophet SA30 and on one occations it was the way of the
ancients. In Islam therefore, the generic meaning of the term ‘Sunnah’ is simply ‘way’, not
particularly the way of Allah Rabbul Alamin, or of the Prophet (SA), and neither the way of Islam.


Hadith, Sunnah and Khabar or akhbarana, diyat. al-sunnat al-madiyah and al-sunnat al-qaimah.
Khawarij. The ahl al-qadr. The Jahmiyah. Legitimate differences of opinion among jurists (ikhtilaf al-
fuqaha). Sahifah and kitab. Qadirite. Mutaziliyah. Ala al-wajh.

Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 62 (33:62), Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran, Arabic-English, 1998.
Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 38 (33:38), Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran, Arabic-English, 1998.
Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 62 (33:62), Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran, Arabic-English, 1998.
Surah Fatir at Verse 43, Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran, Arabic-English, 1998.
Surah Fatir at Verse 43, Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran, Arabic-English, 1998.
Surah Al-Isra Verse 77 (17:77), Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran, Arabic-English, 1998.
Need reference.

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5. Hadith as a source of Islamic law

The body of Hadith is the second most important source of Islamic laws31.

6. Source of the authority of Hadith as Islamic law

As the laws of Islam come from Allah Rabbul Alamin in the form of the Quran Majid, the validity of
the Hadith and all other sub-ordinate laws such as Ijma and Qiyas must also come from Allah Rabbul
Alamin through the Quran Majid iself. It is because only Allah Rabbul Alamin is the source of all
knowledge and only Allah Rabbul Alamin knows the path of the deen. Allah Rabbul Alamin revealed
in the Quran Majid, aujubillahi Minashaitanir Rajim, bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, "The decision is
only for Allah, He declares the truth, and He is the Best of judges"3233.

Allah Rabbul Alamin revealed the validity of the Sunnah in various parts of the Quran Majid. Allah
Rabbul Alamin introduced the Prophet (SAW) as an excellent model to follow: “Ye have indeed In the
Messenger of Allah An excellent exemplar For him who hope In Allah and the Final Day, And who
remember Allah much”34 and then commanded the believers to obey him: “O ye who believe! Obey

Who says that?
Al-Quranul Karim, Surah Al-Anam, Verse No. 57, last part, The King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy
Qur'an translation,,cessed
For a general discussion on the status of Quran majid as the supreme source of Islamic legislation please see
‘The Noble Qur’an: its Virtue and Status as a Source of Legislation’, in the website of King Fahd Glorious Quran
Printing Complex, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da'wah and Guidance,
King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an , Address: King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy
Quran Building, Tabuk Trunk Road, Al Medina Al Munawwarah Area, 6262, Saudi Arabia, Medina, at page:, accessed 29.11.2018.
The King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex for the printing of the Glorious Qur'an is a Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia government project. Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd Bin Abdel Aziz, the King of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, laid the cornerstone for the King Fahd Glorious Quran Printing Complex for the
printing of the Glorious Qur'an and generally for serving and maintaining the Glorious Qur'an in Madinah on 16
Muharram 1403 A.H. (1982 CE). The Complex is supervised by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments,
Da'wah and Guidance of the Kingdom with a High Commission responsible for Strategic planning and setting
the main objectives and supervising their implementation. The Complex has a Scholarly Council, a Scholarly
Committee for Revising the Madinah Mushaf, a Committee Supervising the Recordings, a Translations Center,
a Center of Research and Islamic Studies, a Center of Serving the Sunnah and Sirah of the Prophet, a Qur’anic
Studies Center, and a Training and Technical Qualification Center. The above brief description of the Complex
is taken from, Prof. Dr. Muhammad bin Salim bin Shadid Al-'Ufi, Secretary General of King Fahd Complex for
the Printing of the Holy Qur'an, Complex profile, King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Glorious Qur'an in
Madinah Munawwarah - A Leading Islamic Establishment that Serves the Qur’an and Sunnah,, accessed 29.11.2018.
The Holy Qur-an, English Translations of the Meanings and Commentary, Revised & Edited by The Presidency
of Islamic Researchers, IFTA, Call and Guidance, King Fahd Holy Quran Printing Complex, [Pub. Year] Sura No.
33, Sura ‘Al-Ahzab’ or the Confederates, Section 3, Verse 21, Page 1245, 1246.

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Allah and obey the messenger, and render not your actions vain”35. This command was reiterated “O
ye who believe! Obey God, and obey the Apostle, And those charged With authority among you”36.

Authority of Hadith as law in the Quran Majid:

Aujubillahi Minashaitanir Rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

(Search with keywords: Muhammad, Ayat, Hikma,)

Sura Bakara-
Verses: 4, 42, 67-71, 78, 79, 140, 143, 146, 147, 151, 159, 181, 211, 213, 219, 221, 231, 251, 252,
269, 283, 285,

Sura Al-Imran-
Verses: 7, 23, 24, 31, 32, 48, 71, 73 (part), 187, 199.

Sura Nisa
Verses: 59, 64, 65, 69, 80, 115, 135, 136,

4. And who believe in (the Qur'an and the Sunnah) which has been sent down (revealed) to you
(Muhammad Peace be upon him ) and in [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.] which
were sent down before you and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. (Resurrection,
recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell, etc.).Surah al-Baqarah

6. Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad Peace be upon
him) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe. Surah al-Baqarah

39. But those who disbelieve and belie Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs,
revelations, etc.) such are the dwellers of the Fire; they shall abide therein forever.Surah al-Baqarah

42. And mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth [i.e. Muhammad Peace be upon him is
Allah's Messenger and his qualities are written in your Scriptures, the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel
(Gospel)] while you know (the truth) .Surah al-Baqarah

60. ... And they were covered with humiliation and misery, and they drew on themselves the Wrath
of Allah. That was because they used to disbelieve the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs,
revelations, etc.) of Allah and killed the Prophets wrongfully. That was because they disobeyed and
used to transgress the bounds (in their disobedience to Allah, i.e. commit crimes and sins).... Surah

Al-Quranul Karim, Surah No. 47, Sura Muhammad, Ayah No. 33,, Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for
Islamic Thought,
anguageID=2&TranslationBook=3, accessed 28.11.2018.
Ali, A. Y., The Holy Quran, Arabic Text with an English Translation and Commentary by Abdullah Yusuf Ali,
Lahore: Shaikh Mohammad Ashraf, Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore (India), Volume 1, containing introductory matter
and Suras I - IX, (Being Parts I - X), 1937, Surah IV (Nisaa), Verse 59, at page 198. Lahore is now part of the
present day Pakistan.

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97. Say (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ): "Whoever is an enemy to Jibrael (Gabriel) (let him die
in his fury), for indeed he has brought it (this Qur'an) down to your heart by Allah's Permission,
confirming what came before it [i.e. the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] and guidance and
glad tidings for the believers.Surah al-Baqarah

99. And indeed We have sent down to you manifest Ayat (these Verses of the Qur'an which inform
in detail about the news of the Jews and their secret intentions, etc.), and none disbelieve in them
but Fasiqun (those who rebel against Allah's Command).Surah al-Baqarah

119. Verily, We have sent you (O Muhammad ‫ )وس ل م ع ل ي ه هللاص لى‬with the truth (Islâm), a bringer
of glad tidings (for those who believe in what you brought, that they will enter Paradise) and a
warner (for those who disbelieve in what you brought, that they will enter the Hell-fire).[2] And you
will not be asked about the dwellers of the blazing Fire. Surah al-Baqarah.

129. "Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own (and indeed Allah answered their
invocation by sending Muhammad Peace be upon him ), who shall recite unto them Your Verses and
instruct them in the Book (this Qur'an) and Al-Hikmah (full knowledge of the Islamic laws and
jurisprudence or wisdom or Prophethood, etc.), and sanctify them. Verily! You are the All-Mighty,
the All-Wise."Surah al-Baqarah

140. ... And who is more unjust than he who conceals the testimony [i.e. to believe in Prophet
Muhammad ‫ وس ل م ع ل ي ه هللاص لى‬when he comes, as is written in their Books. (See Verse 7:157)] he
has from Allâh? And Allâh is not unaware of what you do."Surah al-Baqarah.

143. Thus We have made you [true Muslims - real believers of Islâmic Monotheism, true followers of
Prophet Muhammad ‫ وس ل م ع ل ي ه هللاص لى‬and his Sunnah (legal ways)], a just (and the best) nation,
that you be witnesses over mankind[1] and the Messenger (Muhammad ‫ )وس ل م ع ل ي ه هللاص لى‬be a
witness over you. Surah al-Baqarah

146. Those to whom We gave the Scripture (Jews and Christians) recognise him (Muhammad or the
Ka'bah at Makkah) as they recongise their sons. But verily, a party of them conceal the truth while
they know it - [i.e. the qualities of Muhammad which are written in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel
(Gospel)].Surah al-Baqarah

151. Similarly (to complete My Blessings on you), We have sent among you a Messenger
(Muhammad ‫هللا ص لى‬ ‫ )وس ل م ع ل ي ه‬of your own, reciting to you Our Verses (the Qur’ân) and
purifying you, and teaching you the Book (the Qur’ân) and the Hikmah (i.e. Sunnah, Islâmic laws and
Fiqh - jurisprudence), and teaching you that which you used not to know.Surah al-Baqarah

159. Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidence and the guidance, which We have sent
down, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, they are the ones cursed by Allâh and
cursed by the cursers.Surah al-Baqarah

174. Verily, those who conceal what Allah has sent down of the Book, and purchase a small gain
therewith (of worldly things), they eat into their bellies nothing but fire. Allah will not speak to them
on the Day of Resurrection, nor purify them, and theirs will be a painful torment. 175. Those are
they who have purchased error at the price of Guidance, and torment at the price of Forgiveness. So
how bold they are (for evil deeds which will push them) to the Fire. Surah al-Baqarah
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187. ... Thus does Allah make clear His Ayat (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, revelations, verses,
laws, legal and illegal things, Allah's set limits, orders, etc.) to mankind that they may become Al-
Muttaqun (the pious - see V.2:2).Surah al-Baqarah

211. Ask the Children of Israel how many clear Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs,
revelations, etc.) We gave them. And whoever changes Allah's Favour after it had come to him, [e.g.
renounces the Religion of Allah (Islam) and accepts Kufr (disbelief),] then surely, Allah is Severe in
punishment.Surah al-Baqarah

213. Mankind were one community and Allâh sent Prophets with glad tidings and warnings, and with
them He sent down the Scripture in truth to judge between people in matters wherein they differed.
And only those to whom (the Scripture) was given differed concerning it after clear proofs had come
unto them through hatred, one to another. Then Allâh by His Leave guided those who believed to
the truth of that wherein they differed. And Allâh guides whom He wills to the Straight Path.Surah

221. ... Those (Al-Mushrikun) invite you to the Fire, but Allah invites (you) to Paradise and
Forgiveness by His Leave, and makes His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,
etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember.Surah al-Baqarah

231. ... And treat not the Verses (Laws) of Allâh as a jest, but remember Allâh’s Favours on you (i.e.
Islâm), and that which He has sent down to you of the Book (i.e. the Qur’ân) and Al-Hikmah (the
Prophet’s Sunnah - legal ways - Islâmic jurisprudence.) whereby He instructs you. And fear Allâh, and
know that Allâh is All-Aware of everything.Surah al-Baqarah

239. And if you fear (an enemy), perform Salât (pray) on foot or riding.[2] And when you are in
safety, offer the Salât (prayer) in the manner He has taught you, which you knew not (before).Surah

242. Thus Allah makes clear His Ayat (Laws) to you, in order that you may understand.Surah al-

252. These are the Verses of Allah, We recite them to you (O Muhammad ) in truth, and surely, you
are one of the Messengers (of Allah).Surah al-Baqarah

266. Thus does Allah make clear His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses) to you that you may give
thought.Surah al-Baqarah

272. Not upon you (Muhammad ‫هللاص لى‬ ‫ )وس ل م ع ل ي ه‬is their guidance, but Allâh guides whom He
wills. ... Surah al-Baqarah.

285. The Messenger (Muhammad ) believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and
(so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers. Surah al-

4. Aforetime, as a guidance to mankind, And He sent down the criterion [of judgement between
right and wrong (this Qur'an)]. Truly, those who disbelieve in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses,

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lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allah, for them there is a severe torment; and Allah is All-Mighty,
All-Able of Retribution. Surat Al-Imran

7. It is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad ) the Book (this Qur'an). In it are Verses that are
entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book [and those are the Verses of Al-Ahkam
(commandments, etc.), Al-Fara'id (obligatory duties) and Al-Hudud (legal laws for the punishment of
thieves, adulterers, etc.)]; and others not entirely clear. So as for those in whose hearts there is a
deviation (from the truth) they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof, seeking Al-Fitnah
(polytheism and trials, etc.), and seeking for its hidden meanings, but none knows its hidden
meanings save Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it; the
whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord." And none receive admonition except men
of understanding. (Tafsir At-Tabari).Surat Al-Imran

31. Say (O Muhammad ‫ وس ل م ع ل ي ه هللاص لى‬to mankind): "If you (really) love Allâh then follow me
(i.e. accept Islâmic Monotheism, follow the Qur’ân and the Sunnah), Allâh will love you and forgive
you your sins. And Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."Surat Al-Imran

32. Say (O Muhammad ‫)وس ل م ع ل ي ه هللاص لى‬: "Obey Allâh and the Messenger (Muhammad ‫هللاص لى‬
‫)وس ل م ع ل ي ه‬." But if they turn away, then Allâh does not like the disbelievers.Surat Al-Imran.

73. And believe no one except the one who follows your religion. Say (O Muhammad ): "Verily! Right
guidance is the Guidance of Allah" and do not believe that anyone can receive like that which you
have received (of Revelation) except when he follows your religion, otherwise they would engage
you in argument before your Lord. Say (O Muhammad ): "All the bounty is in the Hand of Allah; He
grants to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, the All-Knower." Surat

86. How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and after they bore witness that
the Messenger (Muhammad ) is true and after clear proofs had come unto them? And Allah guides
not the people who are Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers).Surat Al-Imran

103. And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allâh (i.e. this Qur’ân), and be not divided
among yourselves37, and remember Allâh’s Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but
He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islâmic Faith), and
you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allâh makes His Ayât (proofs,
evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided. Surat Al-

128. Not for you (O Muhammad , but for Allah) is the decision; whether He turns in mercy to
(pardons) them or punishes them; verily, they are the Zalimun (polytheists, disobedients, and wrong-
doers, etc.).Surat Al-Imran

Muhsin Khan foot note, from website of al-Quran complex, (V.3:103) It has been narrated by Abu Hurairah
‫ ع نه هللا ر ضي‬in the Hadîth Books (At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Mâjah andAbu Dâwûd) that the Prophet ‫ع ل يه هللا ص لى‬
‫ و س لم‬said: "The Jews and Christians were divided into seventy-one or seventy-two religious sects, and this
nation will be divided into seventy-three religious sects - all in Hell, except one, and that one is the one on
which I and my Companions are today [i.e. following the Qur’ân and the Prophet’s Sunnah (legal ways, orders,
acts of worship, statements of the Prophet (‫])و س لم ع ل يه هللا ص لى‬."

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132. And obey Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad ) that you may obtain mercy. Surat Al-Imran

144. Muhammad (‫ )و س لم ع ل يه هللا ص لى‬is no more than a Messenger, and indeed (many)
Messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your
heels (as disbelievers)? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allâh;
and Allâh will give reward to those who are grateful. Surat Al-Imran

164. Indeed Allâh conferred a great favour on the believers when He sent among them a Messenger
(Muhammad ‫ )و س لم ع ل يه هللا ص لى‬from among themselves, reciting unto them His Verses (the
Qur’ân), and purifying them (from sins by their following him), and instructing them (in) the Book
(the Qur’ân) and Al-Hikmah [the wisdom and the Sunnah of the Prophet ‫( و س لم ع ل يه هللا ص لى‬i.e.
his legal ways, statements, acts of worship)], while before that they had been in manifest error.
Surat Al-Imran

172. Those who answered (the Call of) Allâh and the Messenger (Muhammad ‫)و س لم ع ل يه هللا ص لى‬
after being wounded; for those of them who did good deeds and feared Allâh, there is a great
reward. Surat Al-Imran

184. Then if they reject you (O Muhammad ‫)و س لم ع ل يه هللا ص لى‬, so were Messengers rejected
before you, who came with Al-Bayyinât (clear signs, proofs, evidence) and the Scripture and the
Book of Enlightenment. Surat Al-Imran

194. "Our Lord! Grant us what You promised unto us through Your Messengers and disgrace us not
on the Day of Resurrection, for You never break (Your) Promise." Surat Al-Imran

199. And there are, certainly, among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), those who
believe in Allâh and in that which has been revealed to you, and in that which has been revealed to
them, humbling themselves before Allâh. They do not sell the Verses of Allâh for a little price, for
them is a reward with their Lord. Surely, Allâh is Swift in account. Surat Al-Imran

10. And those who disbelieve and deny our Ayât (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs,
revelations, etc.) are those who will be the dwellers of the Hell-fire. Surat Al-Maidah

19. O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Now has come to you Our Messenger
(Muhammad ‫ )وس ل م ع ل ي ه هللاص لى‬making (things) clear unto you, after a break in (the series of)
Messengers, lest you say: "There came unto us no bringer of glad tidings and no warner.[1]" But now
has come unto you a bringer of glad tidings and a warner. And Allâh is Able to do all things. Surat Al-

Surat Al-Maidah, Verse 41 on 07.02.2019, extensive search al-Imran, 187.

Surah Nisa

14. And whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad ), and transgresses His limits, He
will cast him into the Fire, to abide therein; and he shall have a disgraceful torment.Surah Nisa

55. Of them were (some) who believed in him (Muhammad ), and of them were (some) who averted
their faces from him (Muhammad ); and enough is Hell for burning (them). Surah Nisa

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56. Surely! Those who disbelieved in Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations,
etc.) We shall burn them in Fire. As often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them
for other skins that they may taste the punishment. Truly, Allah is Ever Most Powerful, All-Wise.
Surah Nisa

59. O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad ), and those of you
(Muslims) who are in authority. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah
and His Messenger (), if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better and more suitable for
final determination. Surah Nisa

61. And when it is said to them: "Come to what Allah has sent down and to the Messenger
(Muhammad )," you (Muhammad ) see the hypocrites turn away from you (Muhammad ) with
aversion. Surah Nisa

64. We sent no Messenger, but to be obeyed by Allah's Leave. ...Surah Nisa

65. But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad ) judge in all
disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept
(them) with full submission.Surah Nisa

69. And whoso obeys Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad ), then they will be in the company of
those on whom Allah has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqun (those followers of the
Prophets who were first and foremost to believe in them, like Abu Bakr As-Siddiq ), the martyrs, and
the righteous. And how excellent these companions are! Surah Nisa

79. ... And We have sent you (O Muhammad ) as a Messenger to mankind, and Allah is Sufficient as a
Witness. Surah Nisa

80. He who obeys the Messenger (Muhammad ), has indeed obeyed Allah, but he who turns away,
then we have not sent you (O Muhammad ) as a watcher over them.Surah Nisa

[Sahih al-Bukhari, vol. 9, hadith no. 251; 384.]

81. They say: "We are obedient," but when they leave you (Muhammad ), a section of them spend
all night in planning other than what you say. But Allah records their nightly (plots). So turn aside
from them (do not punish them), and put your trust in Allah. And Allah is Ever All-Sufficient as a
Disposer of affairs.Surah Nisa

83. When there comes to them some matter touching (public) safety or fear, they make it known
(among the people), if only they had referred it to the Messenger or to those charged with authority
among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly). Had it not
been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you, you would have followed Shaitan (Satan), save a
few of you. [ validation to go to the ulama for izma and qiyas.]Surah Nisa

105. Surely, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad ) the Book (this Qur'an) in truth that you
might judge between men by that which Allah has shown you (i.e. has taught you through Divine
Inspiration), so be not a pleader for the treacherous.Surah Nisa

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113. ... Allah has sent down to you the Book (The Qur'an), and Al-Hikmah (Islamic laws, knowledge of
legal and illegal things i.e. the Prophet's Sunnah - legal ways), and taught you that which you knew
not. And Ever Great is the Grace of Allah unto you (O Muhammad ).Surah Nisa

136. O you who believe! Believe in Allah, and His Messenger (Muhammad ), and the Book (the
Qur'an) which He has sent down to His Messenger, and the Scripture which He sent down to those
before (him), and whosoever disbelieves in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Last
Day, then indeed he has strayed far away. Surah Nisa

150. Verily, those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and wish to make distinction between
Allah and His Messengers (by believing in Allah and disbelieving in His Messengers) saying, "We
believe in some but reject others," and wish to adopt a way in between.Surah Nisa

151. They are in truth disbelievers. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating
torment.Surah Nisa

152. And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers and make no distinction between any of
them (Messengers), We shall give them their rewards, and Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most
Merciful.Surah Nisa.

163. Verily, We have sent the revelation to you (O Muhammad ‫[)وس ل م ع ل ي ه هللاص لى‬1] as We sent
the revelation to Nûh (Noah) and the Prophets after him; We (also) sent the revelation to Ibrâhîm
(Abraham), Ismâ‘îl (Ishmael), Ishâq (Isaac), Ya‘qûb (Jacob), and Al-Asbât [the offspring of the twelve
sons of Ya‘qûb (Jacob)+, ‘Îsâ (Jesus), Ayyûb (Job), Yûnus (Jonah), Hârûn (Aaron), and Sulaimân
(Solomon); and to Dâwûd (David) We gave the Zabûr (Psalms).Surah Nisa

166. But Allâh bears witness to that which He has sent down (the Qur’ân) unto you (O Muhammad
‫ ;)وس ل م ع ل ي ه هللاص لى‬He has sent it down with His Knowledge, and the angels bear witness. And
Allâh is All-Sufficient as a Witness.Surah Nisa

170. O mankind! Verily, there has come to you the Messenger (Muhammad ‫)وس ل م ع ل ي ه هللاص لى‬
with the truth from your Lord. So believe in him, it is better for you. But if you disbelieve, then
certainly to Allâh belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. And Allâh is Ever All-Knowing, All-
Wise.Surah Nisa

At page 18.

[005:092] Obey Allah and obey the messenger, and beware! But if ye turn away, then know that the
duty of Our messenger is only plain conveyance (of the message).

[064:012] Obey Allah and obey His messenger; but if ye turn away, then the duty of Our messenger
is only to convey (the message) plainly.

[005:099] The duty of the messenger is only to convey (the message). Allah knoweth what ye
proclaim and what ye hide.
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"…Nothing have We omitted from the Book…" Qur'an, 6:38

"…This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for
you Islam as your religion" Qur'an, 5:3

Allah Rabbul Alamin commanded the Prophet (SAW) to teach the believers: “Qul in kuntum
tuhibbunallaha fattabiyunii Yuhbibkumullahu wa yagfir lakum zunuubakum; wallahu
gafururrahimu”38. “Say: If you love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you of your
sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.39"

Allah Rabbul Alamin explains the reason why Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) is important, it is because
the Prophet (SAW) shall explain to the the believers ‘what is sent down to them’ in the Quran Majid:
"With clear signs and Books (We sent the Messengers). And We have also sent down unto you (O
Muhammad (peace be upon him)) the Dhikr (reminder and the advice (i.e. the Quran)] that you may
explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought." (16:44).

Finally Allah Rabbul Alamin makes it abundantly clear that what the Prophet (SAW) teach come
directly from Allah Rabbul Alamin: “He who obeys the Mewssenger (SAW), has indeed obeyed
Allah”40. Allah Rabbul Alamin removed the opportunity for any man to question the validity of the
teaching of the Prophet (SAW): “It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His
Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever
disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error”41.

In these Verses of the Quran Majid Allah Rabbul Alamin validates the sunnah - the hadith, as
religious laws.

Men only know what Allah Rabbul Alamin has taught them, in Sura Bakara Allah Rabbul Alamin
revealed, aujubillahi minas shaitanir rajeem, bismillahir rahmanir raheem, “They (angels) said: "Glory
be to You, we have no knowledge except what you have taught us. Verily, it is You, the All-Knower,
the All-Wise"42. Men are given only little knowledge, Allah Rabbul Alamin revealed,.... Tomaderke
gyan golpoti dewa hoiyache. Men do not possess the Ilmal Yakin, or the definite knowledge, Allah
Rabbul Alamin revealed in Sura At Taka sur, Aujubillahi Mina's Shaitanir Rajeem, bismillahir rahmanir

Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran [Year], Surah al-Imran, Verse 31, page 72.
Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran [Year], Surah al-Imran, Verse 31, page 72.
Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran, English Translation of the Meanigs and
Commentary, Madinah: King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran, Madinah, K.S.A.,
[Year], [ISBN], (hereinafter referred to as ‘Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran *Year+’)
Surah Nisa, Verse 8, first part, page 122. The Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wa Sallam is written in Arabic in the
text, since we can not write Arabi we have written that in English.
Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran [Year], Surah Al-Ahzab, Verse 36, page 566.
Sura Al-Bakarah, Verse 32, The King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an translation,, accessed 29.11.2018.

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rahim, "katalam la tayalamuna ilmal yakin"; 7:43, "All praise and thanks be to Allâh, Who has guided
us to this, and never could we have found guidance, were it not that Allâh had guided us!" "Verily,
We, it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur’ân) and surely, We will guard it (from
corruption). (15:9). Therefore, whenever we have a confusion regarding the laws of our religion, we
must come back to Allah Rabbul Alamin and hit Rasul, as Allah Rabbul Alamin revealed in sura
Bakara, verse 59,

7. The body of Hadith

8. The development of the collections of the Hadith

It is possible that the Arabs, unlike the Christian Arabs of Iraq and Syria, the Arabic speaking
Chritians, and the Jewist colonists in Arabia, had very little or no use of the Arabic scripts in the pre-
Islamic times43.

“Ibn Hanbal II 162 f.; Tirmidhi VI 181 f., where the commentator deduces that Muhammad ordered
the writing-down of the sunnah as he did that of the Quran”44.

“Traditions were already being written down by quite a few even in Muhammad's day”45. “Umar,
who was responsible for the first "edition" of the Quran, did indeed consider the parallel recording
of sunnah, which Tradition necessarily overlapped, but rejected the idea after a month's

“The Persian and other mawali who, unlike the Arabs, had as a group no inordinate pride or faith in
memory, took to recording their hadith and fiqh materials. They profited from the labors of the early
Arab scholars and became in time the proud and almost sole possessors of unique and rare copies of
the collections and works of many an Arab traditionist and scholar encountered in these pages.
Furthermore, it was largely this group that produced the leaders of the people of reasoned opinion
(ahl al-ray)—witness the roles of Rabiah al-Rai and Hammad ibn Abi Sulaiman, the teacher of Abu
Hanifah—as against the supporters of Tradition (ahl al-hadith)”47.

“There was no call for emphasis on source until the First Civil War, which occurred in the fourth
decade of Islam, and until the Successors were brought into the chain of transmission”48. “As the

See Abbott, N., 1967, page 5 for a general view.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 28, Footnote No. 225.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 7.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 7.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 35.
Abbott, N., Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri, Volume 2: Quranic Commentary and Tradition, Chicago; Illinois:
The University of Chicago Press, 1967. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 56-5027. ISBN-10:
0226621774; ISBN-13: 978-0226621777, hereinafter referred to as ‘Abbott, N., 1967’, page 1.

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legal profession soon split into two factions—the ahl al-hadith, or those who stressed Tradition, and
the ahl al-ray49, or those who stressed also private opinion and judgment—and as the nascent
religio-political parties of the end of the first century cited traditions in their controversies and
rivalries, the traditionists proper, caught in these developments, found the thematic arrangement
convenient and adopted it alongside the earlier musnad form and thus gave rise to large hadith
collections arranged by legal headings (hadith mubawwab ala abwab al-fiqh)”50.

“…to conclude that oral and written transmission went hand in hand almost from the start, that the
traditions of Muhammad as transmitted by his Companions and their Successors were, as a rule,
scrupulously scrutinized at each step of the transmission, and that the so-called phenomenal growth
of Tradition in the second and third centuries of Islam was not primarily growth of content, so far as
the hadith of Muhammad and the hadith of the Companions are concerned, but represents largely
the progressive increase of parallel and multiple chains of transmission”51.

Despite the widely held notion, it was not only a few prominent Companions who were engaged in
serious literary activities such as collection and transcription of the Hadith, in the early days of

“Very soon thereafter those who insisted on the priority of oral transmission became such a small
minority that by the third decade of the second century, which saw the transition from the Umayyad
to the Abbasid caliphate, the Zuhri period came to be generally recognized as the age of the
manuscript in all branches of the religious and related sciences”53.

“Awzai's often quoted regrets that writing had replaced oral transmission must not be divorced from
the rest of his statement, namely that writing made hadith available to those who would be apt to
misuse it”54.

"The development of the family isndd and continuous written transmission lead to the third
inescapable conclusion (see pp. 36 f.), namely that the bulk of the hadith and sunnah as they had
developed by about the end of the first century was already written down by someone somewhere,
even though comparatively small numbers of memorized traditions were being recited orally"
(Abbott, N. 1967, P. 38).

Why this difference grew? Allah Rabbul Alamin reveled in the Quran Majid to “Obey God, and obey the
Apostle, And those charged With authority among you” Surah IV (Nisaa), Verse 59. That means that in addition
to the Quran Majid and the Sunnah we must obey the Ulama, ‘those charged with authority among’ us. Does
this not validate the Izma and the Qiyas? Explore.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 2.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 2.
For a general discussion see Abbott, N., 1967, Part 1, The Early Development of Islamic Tradition, pages 5-
Abbott, N., 1967, page 35.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 35, footnote No. 26.

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"Ibn Hanbal's voluminous Musnad was the imam (see p. 37) not for the discovery of new materials
but for the recovery of old materials of varying degrees of acceptability, all of which he brought
together for ready availability and reference. He was hampered not by lack of materials but by an
overabundance which involved the arduous task of accepting and rejecting and of determining
priority. His younger contemporaries Muslim and Bukharl, faced with the same problems, narrowed
the choices further, each according to his own set of rules as to what was adequately representative
of sound Tradition as against an exhaustive collection" (Abbott, N. 1967, P. 39).

"The fact that parallel oral and written transmission continued to be demanded and practiced by
some scholars should not be construed to mean that the content of the great body of the hadith and
sunnah was still generally fluid" (Abbott, N. 1967, P. 39).

"No theologian or scholar of the crucial second century was blind to the fact that in the fields of
politics, new dogma, eschatology, and hell-fire preaching there was still room for such interpolations
and forgeries. This awareness and the counteractivities of opposed groups made it extremely
difficult for forged content, apart from forged isndd's, to win general acceptance." (Abbott, N.,
1967, P. 39).

"There were comparatively few dishonest and unscrupulous men responsible for an occasional
deception or forgery182 or, as is alleged particularly in the case of sectarians, for wholesale
fabrications" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 53).

Refering to Khatib, Nabia Abbott states that Shafii examined a manuscript of

some 130 folios of a follower of Abu Hanifah and found 80 of them to be contrary to the Quran and
the sunnah! (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 54 and F.N.No. 190)

"Ibn al-Mubarak himself turned away from the latter [Abu Hanifah] and came to prefer a single
tradition from Zuhri to all of Abu Hanifah's theories" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 54 and F.N.No. 191).

Ishaq ibn Rahawaih "is said to have based his Jami al-saghir on the works of Shafii and his Jami al-
kabir on those of Sufyan al-Thauri" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 55, refering to Subki, Tabaqat al-Shafiiyah al-
kubra II, Cairo, 1324/1906).

"Abu Zarah, who studied these separate musnad's later, states that they contained no identification
of their immediate sources because Ibn Hanbal carried the biographical information in his head and
could match each section with the correct transmitter" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 55).

"It was this same son who reported that his father [Ibn Hanbal], despite his excellent memory,
related less than a hundred traditions from memory", (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 56).

"In view of the developments outlined above, it is now possible to trace the progress of the
recording of Tradition. Before the reign of Umar I no stand was taken in regard to the recording of
hadith. Umar I was the first to oppose it but could not impose his decision on the entire community
(see p. 10). In the half-century following his death each side sought to universalize its position, but
those who were opposed to the recording of hadith constantly lost ground not only because of their
failure to gain young adherents but also because of the defection of some of their own older
adherents. This period has yielded many reports of conservative teachers who washed out or
destroyed their students' sheets or notebooks and urged them to memorize the hadith even as they
themselves memorized it and of others who, nearing death, destroyed their own manuscripts by
burying, burning, or drowning them. The last quarter of the first century saw at least a tacit victory

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for those who favored recorded Tradition as written collections of sizable individual musnad's or
groups of musnad's or heterogeneous materials began to appear. Thereafter, the continued socio-
economic ambitions of the mawali, the constant threat and fear of heresy and religious innovation
(bidah), the firm establishment of the family isnad of several generations, the increase in the student
population, the progressive lengthening of the isnad, the expansion of the rihlah and of the
profession of the warraq all contributed steadily to the increased production and use of recorded
Tradition. It was at this time that, though some conservatives were still inclined to destroy their
manuscripts, instances of transmission from memory alone or the loss of his manuscripts exposed
the traditionist to the charge of inaccuracy and weakness despite his acknowledged honesty and
sincerity. The recording of hadith was generally accepted before Malik, Shafii and Ibn Hanbal by their
precepts and example made the practice all but universal in the second half of the second century,
which in turn accounts for the rapid increase in the number and size of the private libraries of
traditionists and jurists alike. Oral transmission continued in the meantime to be desirable. But
instead of manuscripts being recommended as an aid to memory, memory itself was now
recommended as a check on one's manuscripts and a safeguard against either innocent error or
malicious interpolation, while at the same time every device was used to insure the accuracy of
one's precious manuscripts in case of the ultimate failure of memory itself" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 56-

"It seems necessary, in view of the developments delineated above, to look into some of the
factors that have contributed to the general overemphasis placed on the role of oral transmission in
early Islam, particularly with reference to the second century, in spite of the fact that the evidence
of early and continuous written transmission is so well documented in the earliest literature on
traditionists and the science of Tradition". (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 56-57).

"The Arabs, in making their successful transition within a short time from a protoliterate to a fully
literate society, borrowed many terms from their non-Arab neighbors" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 57).

"See e.g. Muslim I 82 f. for a long scroll of Ali ibn Abi Talib's legal sentences that was in the
possession of Ibn Abbas. The hadith Sahifah of Wahb ibn Munabbih consisted of 27 folios' and that
of Ibn Lahiah measured 189 cm", (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 57, f.n. 221).

"The sahifah of Abd Allah ibn Amr ibn al-As, who wrote down everything he heard from Muhammad
with the latter's permission despite the protest of some of the Companions, could hardly have been
a single sheet or even a small roll, since it is said to have contained a thousand traditions" (Abbott,
N., 1967, P. 58, refering to Usd III 23 f).

"Again, the entire Tafsir of Said ibn Jubair, written for the caliph Abd al-Malik and preserved for
several generations, was also called a sahifah, as was a collection of three hundred traditions of
Zuhri. In other words, these and the few other instances that have so far come to my notice of early
suhuf whose approximate or probable sizes are indicated, such as those of the Syrian Khalid ibn
Madan, Khalid ibn Abi Imran al-Tunisi, Hasan al-Basri, Wahb ibn Munabbih, Humaid al-Tawil, and
Zuhri, instead of being considered rare exceptions could just as well be considered representative of
the sahifah collections of their time, particularly in the growing community of hadith scholars who as
a group advocated and practiced the recording of Tradition" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 58).

"We are familiar with instances of young, especially poverty-stricken, pupils who collected or bought
discarded documents or papers with largely blank versos on which they wrote their traditions and
also with instances of the use of the blank reverse of a letter for the same purpose (as in Document
9) or to rebuke or even insult the letter-writer (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 59, refering to Khatib IV 340).

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"...Nakhai, who had reluctantly taken to writing down hadith as he grew older. He belonged to the
group that opposed written Tradition out of zeal for the unique authority of the Quran, a sentiment
which likewise affected hadith-writers, such as Dahhak ibn Muzahim, who disliked having a hadlth
manuscript placed on a reading stand (kursi) because the Qur-an usually was so placed" (Abbott, N.,
1967, P. 60).

"The initial fear (rahbah) of the Prophet's hadith, best expressed by the attitude of Abu Bakr and
Umar I, who destroyed hadith manuscripts, and Uthman, who avoided all but strictly literal hadith
had given way to reverential awe (haibah) and pious pomp and glorification (tazim al-hadith) before
the end of the first century. Such sentiments began at the latest with Said ibn al-Musayyib and his
younger contemporaries and were held by representatives of the succeeding generations such as
Malik ibn Anas, Ibn Wahb, Ibn Hanbal, and some less prominent scholars. These sentiments were
reflected in the attempt to treat hadith manuscripts in a manner befitting the Qur-an by the use of
Qur-anic scripts and format and by the use of reading stands" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 60).

"Reverence for the Prophet's hadith carried over eventually to the most outstanding traditionists,
some of whom were not averse to being counted among the ashab al-karasi that is, among the high
and mighty, partly after the fashion of religious leaders in other faiths and partly in imitation of
secular leaders in Islamic society itself, in which a chair literally raised the occupant above his
companions who were seated on mattresses and cushions or bare mats on the floor and figuratively
clothed him with might and power" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 60).

""(h)e does not write his hadith" or "his hadith is not to be written down," both of which could imply
oral transmission. Read in the active voice, the phrase implies a degree of unreliability. Read in the
passive voice, it is a formula for outright rejection of a particular traditionist. It was frequently used
to reject Abu Hanifah as a weak traditionist, even though he was said to have written down a large
number of traditions some of which were later used by his leading pupil, Abu Yusuf the chief justice
for Harun al-Rashid" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 61-62). For a fair treatment of Abu Hanifah as a traditionist
see Yusuf al-Ashsh, Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Damascus, 1346/1945, pp. 238-42, (ibid, f.n. 266).

"Another cause of the overemphasis on the role of oral transmission was the scholar's practice of
destroying his manuscripts in his old age. Most of the early cases of such destruction stemmed from
the motive that led Abu Bakr and Umar I to destroy hadith manuscripts. The impression one gains at
first is that most of the second-century instances were sincerely motivated. That some hadith
manuscripts were either erased or destroyed is not to be questioned. But these acts took place for a
variety of reasons, some of which were quite unrelated to the motive of Umar I. Books were
destroyed because they wore out, or because their owner had no trustworthy heir, or because of
fear of the authorities, or because of anger or bitterness" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 62). "The loss of
books, from the time of Urwah ibn al-Zubair onward, was belatedly regretted and always considered
a calamity conducive to the unfortunate traditionists' sudden loss of authority and influence. During
the second century most traditionists frowned on the practice of destroying manuscripts. (Abbott,
N., 1967, P. 62).
"Finally, the isnad terminology itself is misleading, developing as it did during a period when
oral transmission was greatly emphasized. Not only do the basic verbs qala and samia imply oral
communication, but the rest of the isnad terms—an-anah, akhbara, anba-a, ballagha, haddatha,
dhakara, za-ama—all connote primarily speech rather than written communication, though they as
readily convey the latter sense in a society that has long been literate" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 62).

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"A question must be raised at this point. In view of the considerable amount of hadlth recording in
the second half of the first century and the phenomenal acceleration of literary activity and
development of literary forms in the time of Zuhri and immediately thereafter, why do modern
scholars still lean heavily toward the view that, until well into the third century, oral communication
was the main channel for the transmission of Tradition? The answer lies partly in the history of
Islamic studies, particularly in the West, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Giants
pioneering in the field—Noldeke, Wellhausen, Wustenfeld, Caetani, De Slane, Muir, Sprenger,
Wensinck, Goldziher—broke fresh ground in studies of the Qur-an, the life of Muhammad, and the
history of early Islam. Practically everything they touched brought them up against Tradition and the
distracting problems it poses. Yet they stopped only long enough to clear a narrow path to their own
particular goals, ignoring the wide field of Tradition itself, until Goldziher changed this pattern and
plowed into the whole field of Tradition" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 63-64). "While not one of these
scholars undertook a thorough analysis of the methods and means of transmission of hadith, they all
converged toward the general conclusion that the vast body of orthodox Tradition was more or less
fixed by around the end of the first century" (ibid, p. 64).

"It would, of course, be absurd to equate oral transmission with excessive fluidity of either form or
content, with the usually accompanying implication of conscious or unconscious fabrication, and it
would be equally absurd to equate literary record with complete fixity of form and content implying
thereby the exclusion of the probability of fabrication. But it would likewise be absurd not to
concede that oral transmission is indeed more conducive to fabrication than is literary fixity"
(Abbott, N., 1967, P. 64).

"Ibn Hanbal, who had the most inclusive collection, transmitted, like Sufyan ibn Uyainah before him,
traditions of varying degrees of soundness along with some that were faulty and pointed out that
were he to transmit only such traditions as he considered sound his musnad would shrink to a small
part of its volume. Muslim and Bukhari, like Ibn Hanbal, had enormous hadith collections with many
sound but many more unsound traditions to draw on. Unlike Ibn Hanbal, however, they limited
themselves, each according to his own set of rules, to traditions they considered sound (sahih) and
proved Ibn Hanbal's point by the relatively small size of their Sahihain, though it must be pointed out
that neither of them claimed to have exhausted all the sound hadlth. Despite their different
objectives and standards of selection, all three of these hadith collectors emphasized the fact that
their finished compositions constituted but a small fraction of the materials available to them, the
greater part of which each judged to be unfit for use" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 65).

"Nevertheless, even the initiates in the field of Islamic Tradition, hypnotized by the great
disproportion between the so-called sound and unsound traditions, are preconditioned to look upon
Islamic Tradition as having been a vehicle of large-scale fabrication before the leading traditionists of
the third century took it in hand to separate the few grains of wheat from the mounds of chaff "
(Abbott, N., 1967, P. 65).

"Hakim al-Nisaburi (Madkhal, p. 24 [= trans, p. 26]) comments on the small ratio of doubtful (less
than 2,000) and unsound (226) traditions among some 40,000 listed in Bukhari's Tarikh" (Abbott, N.,
1967, P. 65, f.n. 5).

"The majority of the older Companions, it can be safely assumed, each transmitted but a few
traditions from Muhammad. The younger Companions, once Umar I was gone, made up for such
restraint. The large collections of some of them, for example Abu Hurairah (5,374 traditions), Ibn
Umar (2,630), Anas ibn Malik (2,286), Aishah (2,210), and Ibn Abbas (1,660), no doubt raised the
average for the Companions as a group" (Abbott, N. 1967, P. 66). "The Successors proved even more

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eager to collect traditions of the Prophet, and it is entirely possible that the desire, one might almost
say the fashion, to acquire "forty traditions'' of Muhammad originated with this group and gained
full momentum later. Still, this desire seems but a slim foundation, on first thought, for the hundreds
of thousands of traditions that were emerging around the end of the second century" (Abbott, N.
1967, P. 66).

"In an effort to gauge, even if only roughly, the rate of this growth, I made note of the references to
the number of traditions that individual laymen and scholars were said to have collected or
transmitted...The average illiterate layman, even in the Hijaz and Syria, in Zuhri's day had 1-5
traditions, which whenever possible were "intrusted" to Zuhri lest they be forgotten. Literate laymen
of the first century had their suhuf, which, as noted above, varied in size. Doubtless many of these
suhuf consisted of no more than a single or a double sheet containing anywhere from a few to the
familiar 'forty traditions' depending on the length of the traditions and the size of the sheet. A few of
the better known scholars (ulama or fuqaha) of this early period are credited with 100-300
traditions, but for the most part their collections are described as "large." Ubayy ibn Kab, who died
late in the second decade of the first century, and Jabir ibn Samurah (d. 66/686) are both credited
with 164 traditions of the Prophet, while Jabir ibn Abd Allah (d. 78/697), who is counted among
those who had large collections, is credited with 1,000 traditions,10 the number credited also to Abd
Allah ibn Amr ibn al-As. Qasim ibn Muhammad is credited with 200 traditions" (Abbott, N. 1967, P.

"References to specific numbers increased during the first half of the second century, the period of
intense activity for Zuhri and his pupils and for many of his contemporaries. At the same time the
numbers themselves grew progressively larger, varying as a rule from a few hundred to a few
thousand. Abu Salih Dhakwan (d. 101/719) transmitted 1,000 traditions to Amash; who was credited
with a collection of some 1,300. Zuhri, we read, was once cornered into reciting "forty traditions".
The manuscript of his pupil Uqail ibn Khalid included some 200-300 traditions. Malik ibn Anas sent
Yahya ibn Said al-Ansari 100 traditions from his own collection of Zuhri's hadith. The book that Zuhri
dictated at Hisham's court for the use of the young princes contained 400 traditions. At another time
it was estimated that Zuhri's court collection included at least 1,700 traditions. He is also said to
have seen a collection of Amash which numbered 4,000 traditions, but Amash's entire collection was
later estimated at 70,000 traditions. Amr ibn Dinar (d. 126/744), usually reluctant to transmit many
traditions, over a period of time related 100 traditions to Shubah. On the other hand, Aban ibn Abi
Ayyash (d. 128/ 746) transmitted some 1,500 mostly unfounded traditions from Anas ibn Malik, and
Aban's two sons each transmitted 500 traditions from Aban. Thabit al-Bunani (d. 123 or 128/741 or
746) recited 90 traditions at one of his sessions and transmitted to Hammad ibn Salamah ibn Dinar a
collection of 250. The collection of Ayyub al-Sikhtiyam was estimated at about 800 traditions"
(Abbott, N. 1967, P. 67).
"The acceleration in numbers was even more marked as younger scholars who died during
the fifth and sixth decades of the second century reached their peak, many of them becoming the
outstanding traditionists or jurists of their day. Abu Hanifah had a large collection of hadith and
though he was considered a weak traditionist is yet said to have rejected 400 traditions on the basis
of their substance (matn). Miscar ibn Kidam transmitted a collection of 1,000 traditions to one of his
pupils. Ibn Juraij transmitted 1,000 traditions from Abu Bakr ibn Abi Sabrah, who himself eventually
declared he had a full collection of 70,000 dealing with the lawful and the unlawful. Shubah, who
was one of the few called amir al-muminin fi al-hadiih normally limited himself to relating 3-10
traditions a day. Yet he crammed six months' output into two when he exchanged traditions with
the visiting Baqiyah ibn al-Walid from Syria. Some of Shubah's other transmitters wrote down up to
10,000 of his traditions. Sufyan al-Thauri dictated 300 traditions in one session. Tayalisi is said to
have heard a total of 6,700 traditions from Shubah. Sufyan al-Thauri, who stated that he transmitted

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but one out of ten traditions in his enormous collection, had a student who wrote down 20,000 and
another who wrote down 30,000 of his traditions. On the other hand, Abu Nucaim Fadl ibn Dukain,
who presumably took the "one out of ten" that Sufyan spoke of, collected only 4,000 of the latter's
traditions. Abd al-Razzaq ibn Hammam's written collection from Mamar ibn Rashid (d. 154/771)
consisted of 10,000 traditions. Hammad ibn Salamah ibn Dinar (d. 167/784) counted among his
pupils Yahya ibn Main, who wrote down Hammad's entire Jami, some of it directly from Hammad
and the rest from seventeen other traditionists; four other traditionists state that they wrote down
about 10,000 of Hammad's traditions" (Abbott, N. 1967, P. 67-68).

"In the second half of the second century, when the recording of Tradition had already become the
general practice and when the numerous isnad's were still multiplying with each successive
transmission, collections of traditions numbering in the thousands and presently in the tens of
thousands became more or less the rule. Malik ibn Anas had a collection of some 100,000 traditions,
of which he used 10,000 at the most and incorporated only some 1,700 in his Muwatta; in addition,
individual transmitters had comparatively small collections from him, such as Shaibani's 700
traditions. Sufyan ibn Uyainah, who was at first reluctant to write down or dictate traditions, was
once tricked into relating 100. His collection at one time was reported at 7,000 traditions. Ibrahim
ibn Sad transmitted 17,000 traditions from Ibn Ishaq in addition to the latter's Maghazi. Sharik ibn
Abd Allah, judge of Kufah and tutor of Mahdi's sons, dictated 3,000 and 5,000-9,000 traditions to his
various students. Hushaim al-Wasiti's collection is reported as consisting of some 20,000 traditions.
Abd al-Rahman ibn Mahdi is said to have transmitted 2,000 traditions from his colleague Yahya ibn
Said al-Qattan and to have dictated 20,000. Rauh ibn Ubadah, Basran transmitter of Malik's
Muwatta, wrote down a collection of 10,000 traditions which was copied by others. The Khurasanian
Ibn al-Mubarak states that he wrote down traditions from 1,100 shaikhs, and the number of
traditions which he in turn transmitted out of his vast collection is estimated by Yahya ibn Main at
2,000. The collection of the Syrian Ismail ibn Ayyash consisted at first of 10,000 traditions and
increased to 30,000. The Egyptian Ibn Wahb is credited with 100,000" (Abbott, N. 1967, P. 68).

"The first half of the third century saw the continuation of the increase in the number of traditions in
the collections of leading scholars. Yazid ibn Harun and Abu Nuaim Fadl ibn Dukain are said to have
written down "thousands of traditions." When figures are given for entire collections, they range
from hundreds of thousands to an occasional million and a half. Yahya ibn Main wrote down from
Musa ibn Ismail al-Basri al-Tabudhki (d. 223/838) about 30,000 or 40,000 traditions and collected
50,000 traditions of Ibn Juraij. Inasmuch as Yahya, like other leading professionals, wrote down
traditions from literally hundreds of traditionists, it is not surprising that his total collection is
reported at a million traditions, a figure that would seem to be in keeping with the reported size of
his library. The number of traditions in the entire collection of a younger contemporary, Ahmad ibn
al-Furat (d. 258/872), is given as a million and a half. Ishaq ibn Rahawaih, whose memory was
photographic, is reported as dictating from memory at various times 11,000, 70,000, and 100,000
traditions. During his rihlah in Iraq he along with Yahya ibn Main and Ibn Hanbal and their circle
spent a great deal of time recalling among themselves traditions transmitted through one, two, or
three channels (turq) and not always from memory. The size of Ishaq ibn Rahawaih's entire
collection seems to be nowhere mentioned but can be judged on the basis of those of Yahya and Ibn
Hanbal, his close associates and friendly competitors. The collections and libraries of a second pair of
friendly scholars, Abu Zarah and Abu Hatim al-Razi, tell the same story of tremendous growth in the
number of traditions and in the diversified sciences of Tradition (ulum al-hadith), particularly the
jarh wa al-tadil. Abu Zarah's collection contained 10,000 traditions each from Hammad ibn Salamah
ibn Dinar and Musa ibn Ismail, 50,000 to 70,000 to 100,000 each from Ibrahim ibn Musa and Abd
Allah ibn Abi Shaibah, and 80,000 traditions of Ibn Wahb of Egypt. Though specific figures for Abu
Hatim al-Razi seem not to be as readily available, it is known that his collection of traditions, which

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he started in the year 209/824, grew steadily, that he wrote down some 14,000 from one shaikh,
that he accumulated large quantities throughout his three long journeys and put them to good use
in his critical works" (Abbott, N. 1967, P. 69).

"With the sizes of these collections in mind, we may conclude that the numbers of traditions,
reflecting either partial or complete collections, credited to Ibn Hanbal, Muslim, and Bukhari were
not exceptional but rather typical for their ranking contemporaries, especially when it is recalled that
these three, honored as they were in their day, had not yet received the almost sacred halos with
which they were later crowned. The totals credited to Ibn Hanbal vary from 750,000 to 1,200,000
traditions. Bukhari is said to have had a collection of 300,000 traditions, of which he had memorized
100,000 of the best, but the figure 600,000, of which he had memorized 200,000, is also given. The
number of traditions that formed the basis of the Sahih of Muslim, said to contain some 12,000
traditions, is given as 300,000; his total, to which I have so far found no reference, can be gauged
from this figure. With so little agreement on the total number of traditions in the surviving Musnad
of Ibn Hanbal and in the Sahihain of Muslim and Bukhari the impossibility of discovering the totals of
all the traditions of any of these three scholars and others is readily to be seen" (Abbott, N. 1967, P.

"The earlier ones were the vanguard of an army of traditionists, the ahl al-hadith, who were bracing
themselves to meet the onslaughts of legal innovation and doctrinal heresy in their own orthodox
Sunnite ranks, not to mention the heterodoxies of growing sects that were producing their own
traditions, some in quite large numbers. The latter were to be found mostly among the Shrites, the
Qadirites, and especially the Kharijites, in whose ranks were several self-confessed forgers such as
Abd al-Karim ibn Abi Awja al-Wadda (d. 155/ 772), who claimed he had forged 4,000 traditions"
(Abbott, N. 1967, P. 70, refering to Ibn Asakir, Tabyin kadhib al-muftari, Damascus, 1347/1928 p. 12;
Mizan II 144).

"Inasmuch as the isad was the main basis for judging the soundness or unsoundness of a tradition, a
feverish search for the best and next best isnad's of the various traditions was set in motion early
and was reflected in the objective of many a rihlah. Hence, the practice of writing down traditions
with the same basic content but with variant isnad's soon became an important factor in the rapid
growth of Tradition. Again, in the course of successive transmission, written or oral, though more
often in the case of oral, the original content was frequently changed in structure or occasionally
acquired a different nuance of meaning or suffered some addition or subtraction. Such alterations
occurred more frequently when transmission was according to the sense of the content (manawi)
than when it was strictly literal (harfi). Hence, the search for parallel but variant isnad's was
supplemented by the search for parallel versions of the same content, so that there was an increase
in the total number of so-called versions, based on either isnad or content or both, of a given
tradition" (Abbott, N. 1967, P. 70).

"Because of aversion to traditions based ultimately on only one authority (hadith al-ahad) the search
for a second, independent, isnad became the general practice and was extended to apply to each
step of successive transmission, so that each generation of traditionists was urged to relate every
tradition from at least two shaikhs. This practice explains why there are so many duplicate traditions
in the individual standard collections and why the great majority of these collections repeat a given
tradition only once, as is also the case in a number of our documents. However, master traditionists
did not limit themselves to this minimum, as a sampling of the pages of the Concordance soon
reveals. The Concordance reveals also that Ibn Hanbal's ratio of multiple repetitions is greater by far
than that of the other master traditionists whose works are there indexed. Hence his Musnad was
the most useful for tracking down parallels to many of the traditions in our papyri" (Abbott, N. 1967,

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P. 70). "Even the mechanics of reporting multiple isnad's were detailed, Kifayah, pp. 212-16;
Madkhal, pp. 11 and 22 [= trans, pp. 14 f. and 24]; Adab al-imla p. 54, ibid, P. 70, f.n. 66).

"Marifah, pp. 135-50. Madkhal, p. 13, reports a Shiite collection of 300,000 traditions, while Muslim
(Vol. I84 and 102) refers to a collection of 50,000-70,000 traditions of the Shtiite Imam Muhammad
al-Baqir (d. 113/ 731). See p. 50 above for Shubah's traditions that traced back to Ali ibn Abi Talib
and p. 229 below for the Shiite Imam Jafar ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (d. 148/765) as a traditionist. For
other Shiite traditionists see pp. 18, n. 130, and 47 above and Maarif, pp. 295 and 301. The
development of early Shiite traditions, including those of the Zaidites (see Fihrist, p. 178), needs re-
examination in a separate monograph. Many Shiites were early looked up to as men of knowledge
(see e.g. Shirazi, Tabaqat al-fuqaha, Baghdad, 1356/1937, p. 11)" (Abbott, N. 1967, P. 70, f.n. 59).

Qadirites, "for example, Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Aslami (d.184/800), who was a faqih and a
muhaddith and who is credited with a Muwatta twice the size of that of Malik (see Dhahabi I 227
and Goldziher, Studien II 220)" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 70, f.n. 60).

"For the intellectualism of the early Kharijites see e.g. Jahiz, Kitab al-bayan wa al-tabyin, 1366/1947, I
321 f. and II 226-28, see also our Vol. I 7, 29, (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 70, f.n. 61).

"Other sects, as they emerged, produced their own traditions as to both isnad and matn. The
preoccupation of the orthodox with the detection and refutation of these traditions is reflected e.g.
in Tawil, pp. 88-104; Tafsir VI 187-89; Ibn Hibban, p. 129, No. 1355; Madkhal, pp. 25-45; Kifayah, pp.
120-25; Khatib I 43, (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 70, f.n. 61).

"Muhammad ibn Sirin, who belonged to the group which permitted transmission according to basic
meaning after the analogy of the seven huruf of the Qur-an, is reported as saying, "I used to hear a
tradition from ten (transmitters) with the same meaning but different words (lafz). Sufyan al-Thauri
speaks of 7 turq for a given tradition transmitted according to sense. Ibn Hanbal made a practice of
seeking at least 6 or 7 turq for a given tradition, as is certainly reflected in his Musnad. Yahya ibn
Main put his figure at 30 according to one source and 50 according to another. Ibrahim ibn Said al-
Jauhari (d. 249 or 259/863 or 873) set his figure at 100, so that the caliph Abu Bakr's original 50 or so
traditions increased presumably to about 5,000 in Ibrahim's Musnad. Ibrahim's contemporary Yaqub
ibn Shaibah (182-262/798-876) would seem to have had a large number of turq though I have so far
discovered no specific figure, to judge by the stated size and nature of his Musnad, of which only
part of the section devoted to the musnad of Umar I is available. Hamzah ibn Muhammad al-Kinani
(4th/10th century) is said to have put his figure at 200, which number of turq was eventually
considered excessive. Tabari's numerous turq, so well illustrated in both his Tarikh and his Tafsir,
should cause little astonishment, since the use of numerous turq was a common practice among his
older contemporaries to judge from the figures given above and from Ibn Qutaibah's references to 2,
3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 19, 20, and 70 turq, though Ibn Qutaibah himself felt that consistent search for 10 and
20 parallels was a waste of effort" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 71).

"Jami I 185. See ibid. pp. 163 f. and 178 f. for widespread distaste among the conservative
traditionists for court service. Few traditionists were tempted or persuaded to fabricate hadith to
suit the rulers (Madkhal, pp. 28 f.). Nevertheless, many good traditionists did enter the caliph's
service (see e.g. Jami I 185 f. for an incomplete list that includes many leading scholars of the 1st and
2nd centuries" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 71, f.n. 77).

"How does one, it is time to ask, tie up all these data into a consistent and intelligent formula that
would adequately fit the facts and give a reasonable reflection of the rapid increase in the number of

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traditions? Let us return to the Companions for a starting point. Assuming that the average
Companion transmitted one tradition to two Successors and that each of these two transmitted the
same tradition to two transmitters of the next generation and assuming that this series was
continued to the fourth and eighth terms—which would correspond to the fourth and eighth
tabaqat of transmitters representing the generations of Zuhri and Ibn Hanbal respectively—we
would have a geometric progression whose fourth and eighth terms are 16 and 256 respectively. In
other words, the average Companion's original tradition could have been transmitted either literally
or according to sense through 16 different isnad's or turq in Zuhri's time and through 256 in Ibn
Hanbal's time, if we assume that all the traditionists represented by the different links in these
isnad's attained their objective as transmitters of hadith" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 72).

"We cannot countercheck the validity of these estimates by starting with the number of Companions
and the average number of traditions originally transmitted by each because both figures are
unknown and the available estimates vary so greatly that they are useless for any such purpose.
However, using geometric progression, we find that one to two thousand Companions and senior
Successors transmitting two to five traditions each would bring us well within the range of the total
number of traditions credited to the exhaustive collections of the third century. Once it is realized
that the isnad did, indeed, initiate a chain reaction that resulted in an explosive increase in the
number of traditions, the huge numbers that are credited to Ibn Hanbal, Muslim, and Bukhari seem
not so fantastic after all. Fortunately a plateau was reached during the third century owing largely to
the exhaustive activities of these men and their immediate successors" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 72).

"For various estimates [of the number of Companions and the average number of traditions
originally transmitted by each] and some attempted explanation of their differences see Madkhal,
pp. 11-14 (= trans, pp. 15-17); Usd I 3 f., 11 f. See also Talkih fuhum ahl ilatar fi muhtasar assiyar
walahbar nach der Berliner Handschrift untersucht von Carl Brockelmann, Leiden, 1892, pp. 18-20,
and GAL S I 915, No. 6. The range of the more conservative estimates of the number of actual
transmitters from Muhammad varies from 1,500 to 4,000. Extremists put the figure at over 100,000
(see e.g. Tadrib, pp. 205 f.)" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 72, f.n. 81).

Survival and Authenticity of Tradition

"Hadith critics began to appear around the end of the first century, when several trends reflected
the need for a cautious approach to the materials in circulation. One of the major trends was the
multiplying of sects, which in turn provided the first general basis for selectivity, the materials
circulated by those outside one's own sect being rejected because it was argued that if these
materials duplicated one's own materials they were superfluous and if not they were open to
suspicion" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 73). "A second major trend that called for a critical approach was the
rapid increase in the number of non-Arabs who were invading the ranks of the traditionists. These,
apart from belonging to different sects, were suspect at first for language deficiency and presently
for racial bias" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 73).

"Just as the traditionists were grouped in categories ranging from the least trustworthy, who were to
be bypassed, to the completely trustworthy, who were the ranking authorities, so the isnad's,
considered no stronger than their weakest link, were classified from the totally unacceptable to the
most authoritative. Classification of the isnad's provided a more or less practical tool for elimination
of some of the materials. But, even with this sifting, master traditionists were faced with an
enormous mass of hadith. Furthermore, even when these several bases of selection had won a
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measure of acceptance, their application was largely subjective and defied general and widespread
agreement. Thus, in the aggregate, the effectiveness of the isnad as the sole or even the prime
criterion was nullified" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 73-74).

"Second and third-century traditionists with large preliminary collections had to devise their own
conditions of selection (shurut) for the traditions to be included in their final and organized
compositions. Some of these conditions depended on the individual traditionist's major objectives,
as seen in the cases of Ibn Hanbal, Muslim, and Bukhari. Yet even they were embarrassed by a
wealth of materials that met their own conditions but had to be dropped because of sheer bulk"
(Abbott, N., 1967, P. 74)..

"The extremists looked on all innovation (bidah) as an evil to be shunned. Others, while condemning
heresy, did nevertheless transmit the non-doctrinal hadith of some of its adherents but usually
concealed the name (dalas) of the heretic, as Shafii is said to have done with the hadith of the
Qadirite Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Aslami (see p. 70, n. 60, above and Yaqubi II, 116, 159). In time,
however, bidah was treated in five classes that ranged from the forbidden heresy to the required
changes in educational programs (see Abu Shamah, Al-baith ala inkar al-bida wa al-hawadith; Abu
Nuaim III 76 and 189, VII 26 and 33, IX 103 and 113). For a brief survey of the fluctuations in the
precepts regarding bidah up to modern times, see Mohammed Talbi, "Les bida" Studia Islamica XII,
1960, 43-77" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 73, f.n. 1).

The knowledge-based judgment as to the final selection of a tradition.

"What, then, were the factors, expressed or tacit, that were involved in the final stage of the series
of tests that determined the selection of traditions and therefore a high probability of survival? The
answer to this important question is nowhere pinpointed in the numerous sources at my command
and, to the best of my knowledge, has been overlooked by modern scholars" (Abbott, N., 1967, P.

"The early Muslims realized that in the final analysis all such judgments, despite the necessary
groundwork to discover the biographical and in many instances the historical data, depended on
ability acquired through long experience" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 74). Like any professional
diagnostician, the master traditionist had to use his own judgment and preferences in the final
acceptance or rejection of a given tradition for any of his organized permanent works" (Abbott, N.,
1967, P. 74). "Cf. Marifah, p. 113, where Abd al-Rahman ibn Mahdi goes as far as to say that
knowledge of the hadith is instinctive (or by inspiration. Later, Ibn Khaldun took into consideration
the factor of probability in the acceptance of individual traditions as coming from the Prophet (see
Rosenthal's translation of Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah II 449)" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 74, f.n. 5). "The
knowledge-based judgment as to the final selection of a tradition was conditioned as frequently by
the category of the main as by that of the isnad. There was, to begin with, a certain measure of oral
agreement on the bases for value judgments and on nascent editorial practices. These soon came to
be discussed in formal works on hadith criticism" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 74).


Factors influencing the selection of a Hadith

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"It was considerably later that the more sophisticated and thematically arranged works on the
various aspects of the sciences of hadith came into being. These included, besides some treatment
of the men of the isnad's, classification of the isnad's, consideration of the matn and the factors
affecting it, and discussion of the various methods of transmission. Extant examples of the earlier of
such expository and critical hadith works are Hakim al-Nisaburi's Marifah and Madkhal, Khatib's
Kifayah and Taqyid al-ilm, and Ibn Abd al-Barr's Jami" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 75) "Ibn Khaldun,
Muqaddimah, pp. 215-17 (=Rosenthal's trans. II 447-63), gives a brief summary of the ulum al-
hadith" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 75, f.n. 6).

The role of the matn as the basis of acceptability of hadith as opposed to Isnad. "The role of the matn
as the basis of acceptability has been generally represented as secondary to that of the isnad, but
this view needs modification. To begin with, it was the matn alone that circulated among the
Companions, who frequently compared and pooled their traditions, as is so well illustrated in the
mosque session of Ubadah ibn al-Samit al-Ansari (d. 34/654). The early emphasis on the matn is
reflected in the tradition attributed to Muhammad which implies that the good and conscientious
believers will readily distinguish his true sayings from those falsely attributed to him and in a
tradition traced to All in which the role of the matn is placed ahead of that of the isnad" (Abbott, N.,
1967, P. 75). "The change occurred for a number of reasons, all of which have been touched on
elsewhere in these pages. Chief among them were the passing-away of most of the leading
Companions, increased suspicion on the part of Zuhri and the caliph Abd al-Malik of both the isnad
and the matn of traditions originating in the eastern provinces of the expanding Umayyad Empire,
and the intensifying of political, religious, and racial strife" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 75). "Furthermore,
the degree of early emphasis on the isnad varied in the different provinces and among different
individuals in the same province. With some the isnad literally took second place to the content, for
which the word kalam seems to have alternated with or perhaps even preceded the word matn.
Sometimes the recitation of a tradition began and ended with the matn, and sometimes the isnad
was supplied only on demand. Makhul al-Shami discovered from experience that the Iraqis were
more strict than the Syrians in the use of the isnad" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 75). "Ibn Asakir, Tarikh
madinat Dimashq, I, ed. Salah al-din al-Munajjid, Damascus, 1371/1951" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 75, f.n.
14). "Robson, "The isnad in Muslim Tradition," Transactions of the Glasgow University Oriental
Society XV (1955) 15-26" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 75, f.n. 11). "See e.g. Marifah, pp. 120 f. A few modern
Muslim scholars in examining anew the sciences of hadith have become aware of such points; see
Subhi al-Salih, Ulum al-hadith wa mustalahuhu, Damascus, 1389/1959, pp. 141 ff. and 300-320, and
ibn al-Imad, Shadharat al-dhahab I 221 f" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 75, f.n. 16).

"In selecting traditions, first the individual scholar and then the scholarly community not only
heeded the isnad with its various degrees of refinement and acceptability but also evolved a series
of rough dividing lines based primarily on the general nature of the content. Traditions that dealt
with the lawful and the unlawful (al-halal wa al-haram) but had no acceptable isnad were rejected.
Traditions that dealt with personalities, partisan politics, and sectarian views, even when presented
with acceptable isnad's, were characterized as suspicious materials needing careful scrutiny and
independent supplementary validation. Much of what goes under the headings manaqib, fadail, and
adab and under fitan and malahim falls in this category. On the other hand, traditions that dealt with
personal piety, private devotions, moral preachments, the Day of Judgment, and the world to come
were frequently retained less through gullibility than through pious connivance and without much
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concern about the quality of the isnad (tasahul fi al-isnad) on the assumption that they were good
for the religious and moral fiber of the community" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 76). "See e.g. pp. 106 f.,
110f., 144. See also Muslim 169, 1079, 123, 125 f.; Jarh, Taqdimah, p. 10; Kifayah, pp. 151-53;
Mustadrak I 490. Traditions on some of these themes were sanctioned on the ground that similar
materials were allowed in the Qur-an itself. Hamid ibn Zanjawaih (d. 251/ 865) wrote a Kitab al-
targhib wa al-tarhib, a title that covers most of these themes (Dhahabi II 118 f.)" (Abbott, N., 1967, P.
76, f.n. 17).

"Still other factors had some bearing on the selection of a tradition, namely the literary form of the
content and the precision of the transmission terminology" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 76). "Of two isnad's
with the same links, the one in which the names were spelled out in full or in which the verbal forms
samatu, akhbarani, or haddathani were used would be preferred. Of two matn's that conveyed the
same sense but were expressed in different words the editor-collector would select the wording that
best expressed his understanding of the tradition unless he had supplementary evidence that the
transmitters of one of the matn's were better known for harfi, that is, literal transmission, or for the
accuracy of their books—factors that were usually decisive in such matters of choice. Some
organizers felt free to break up long traditions that covered several themes and append the original
isnad to that part of the text which was pertinent for their immediate purpose, bypassing the rest
perhaps for use later under other headings" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 76).


Conflict between hadith al-nabi and Ijma

"Our Documents 10 and 11 reflect the early practice of keeping the hadith al-nabi apart from other
materials, as illustrated also by the practices of Zuhri and his companions, who even resisted at first
the writing-down of anything but the Prophet's Tradition, and by the dispute between the two sons
of Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn Amr ibn Hazm in which the traditionist Abd Allah rebuked the jurist
Muhammad for his use of ijma "consensus," to the neglect of the hadith al-nabi. Still later Malik ibn
Anas, who championed the consensus of the Medinans (ijma ahl al-Madinah) but strove to base as
much of it as possible on the hadith al-nabi) which he collected assiduously, kept apart from other
traditions, and recited, as did others before and after him, with ceremonious dignity" (Abbott, N.,
1967, P. 79). "Tabari III 2505 f.; Akhbar al-qudat I 176. See also p. 24 above, with nn. 188-89"
(Abbott, N., 1967, P. 79, f.n. 32). "See e.g. Jami II 202; Akhbar al-qudat I 143 f., Il l 259 f. Malik's
position is fully substantiated by his own usage as illustrated in his Muwatta, where his insistence on
citing and following the practice of the Medinans is met repeatedly (e.g. Muwatta I 271, 276, 280,
297, 299, 302, 309, 311, and 313 f., II 463, 475, 493, 503, 506, 511, 514 f., 517 f., and 521 f.). See
Concordance IV 320 for the position claimed or held by Medinan scholars" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 79,
f.n. 33).


"The foregoing section points once again to our evidence that from the very start successful efforts
were made, at least by a few zealous and far-sighted Companions, to gather and preserve the
Prophet's Tradition and that such efforts were sustained by members, again comparatively few, of
the succeeding generations. These significant few did not lose sight of the distinction between the
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hadith and sunnah of the Prophet and the "living sunnah" of the Companions and Successors, even
when new emphasis was placed on the latter by Zuhri's insistence that it too be committed to
writing" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 79).

Six Fuqaha accepted by Abu Hanifah and his School

"It is interesting to note that the six fuqaha accepted by Abu Hanifah and his school are listed in two
groups of three each: Abd Allah ibn Masud, Umar, Zaid ibn Thabit (see Abu Yusuf, Kitab al-athar, p.
212) and Ali, Abu Musa al-Ashari, Ubayy ibn Kab (see Shirazi, op. cit. [Tabaqat al-fuqaha] pp. 10 and
12)" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 79, f.n. 34).

The shift of the centers of religious learning from the Hijaz to Iraq

"Though Medina continued for a time to hold its ascendancy, especially under the leadership of the
forceful Malik, it was nonetheless losing a slow race in which Egypt and particularly Iraq eventually
proved to be the victors, though Iraq soon had to share its laurels with Persia and Khurasan"
(Abbott, N., 1967, P. 81). "For the correspondence between Malik and Laith on ijma ahl al-Madinah
see e.g. Muhammad Yusuf Musa, Muhadarat fi tarikh al-fiqh al-islami, II, Cairo, 1374/1955, 78-86
and 115-17. For other and later opposition to Malik's point of view see ibid. pp. 86-88 and 104-18
and references cited throughout" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 81, f.n. 47).

"The shift of the centers of religious learning from the Hijaz to Iraq and points farther east was
accompanied by a growing contest, not strictly limited to these geographical regions, between the
ahl al-hadith, who looked to the Hijaz for their sources and inspiration, and the ahl al-ray, who
stressed in varying degrees the role of personal endeavor, opinion, and reason and who looked to
Iraq for leadership and support" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 82).

"This new challenge tempted some of the more sophisticated among the ahl al-hadith to forge what
they considered good constructive traditions in order to bolster their polemics and safeguard their
position" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 82).

"Abu Hanlfah [.] Accused of being almost totally ignorant of Tradition, [he] retaliated by proclaiming
the falsity of some four hundred traditions as justification for his emphasis on ray" (Abbott, N., 1967,
P. 82).

"It must be pointed out, however, that at this time, though there was detection of false or faulty
content (matn), especially in traditions circulated by politico-religious sects, by far the greater
number of detections concerned the isnad only, and one unsound link was enough to cause
suspicion of an entire isnad and therefore of a tradition" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 82).

"The situation was no different for the master traditionists of the late second and early third
centuries, for they had to sift and resift the mass of traditions that were in circulation in order to sort
out the true from the false, with special emphasis on the Prophet's Tradition as the deduced
evidence of our documents indicates. Their exacting task would have proved impossible, as Ibn
Hanbal pointed out, but for the availability of earlier records. A number of these records were begun
in the time of Muhammad, and many others reached completion as a result of the literary activities
of Zuhri and his pupils and numerous other scholars of their time. Thereafter, these materials were

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preserved continuously in writing, with or without editorial touches, as revealed again and again in
the present study" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 82).

"The following conclusions are therefore forced upon us. (1) Zuhri and his contemporaries received
from their predecessors a genuine core of the sayings and deeds of Muhammad together with a
genuine core of the sayings and deeds of the Companions and Successors along with some
accretions that through human fallibility had been absorbed into both categories. (2) The greater
part of this material received a fixed literary form during the age of Zuhri and the later Umayyads.
(3) Thereafter, deliberate tampering with either the content or the isnad's of the Prophet's Tradition,
as distinct from the sayings and deeds of the Companions and Successors, may have passed
undetected by ordinary transmitters but not by the aggregate of the ever-watchful, basically honest,
and aggressively outspoken master traditionists and hadith critics. Shafii's insistence on the
Prophet's traditions, therefore, does not argue for wholesale fabrication of this category in his day,
as Schacht believes, but illustrates the high level of selectivity and priority for the Prophet's Tradition
that had already been reached by that time. (4) These same master traditionists and critics,
surveying the entire field of Tradition, openly excepted from their vigilance a growing body of
traditions in the field of private devotion and public exhortation, in eschatology and some types of
Qur-anic commentary, and in partisan matters both personal and politico-religious. (5) To expect,
finally, under all of the varied circumstances considered in the present study, a perfect record as to
the authenticity of all the traditions selected at each step from the time of Muhammad to that of
Muslim and Bukhari and thereafter is to expect the impossible—a consideration which, as seen
above, was not lost on the Muslim hadith critics of each successive period" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 83).

"(S)ecretary of Marwan I who was ordered to write down the hadith of Abu Hurairah" (Abbott, N.,
1967, P. 90).

The Umar-Zuhri project of recording and codifying the Sunnah55

“Malik informed us (saying) Yahya ibn Said al-Ansari informed us that Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz wrote to
Abu Bakr ibn Amr ibn Hazm: "Look for what there is of the hadith of the apostle and of his sunnah or
of hadith Umar or something similar to this [last phrase obviously an editorial comment] and write it
down for me for I fear the dissipation of (religious) knowledge and the passing-away of the

“An equally decisive factor in this progression was the growing strength, as seen above, of variant
practices in the provinces, whence came, particularly from the eastern provinces, unfamiliar and, to
Zuhri at least, unacceptable traditions. "Were it not for this," he is reported as saying, "I would not
write Tradition nor permit its writing.57"

Methods of Written Hadith Tasmission:

Abbott, N., 1967, page 32.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 26, quoting Shaibani's recension of Malik's Muwatta.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 34, quoting Taqyid al-Ilm, pp. 107 f, and p. 21.

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Ard method of transmission: whereby the student read back his manuscript (written from dictation
or copied from an authenticated manuscript) to the teacher58.

Ijazah method: whereby the teacher certified that a given student was permitted to transmit the
teacher's materials (usually specified) regardless of the methods by means of which the student
acquired copies of them59.

Mukatabah method: whereby manuscripts were received by correspondence60.

Mundwalah method: whereby manuscripts exchanged hands with no accompanying oral reading61.

Wijadah: family manuscripts which were found in the effects of the author soon after his death or
among the family possessions at some later time (Abbott, N. 1967, P. 38).

8. The science of Hadith

The study of the hadith is known as ‘ulum al-hadith’. ‘Jurisprudence of hadith” might be said to be an
equally acceptable equivalent in English of ‘ulum al-hadith’62.

The methods of enquiry and principles which the hadith scholars have formulated for verifying the
authenticity of hadith and accuracy of its message is known as ‘usul al-hadith’, which is a component
of the ‘ulum al-hadith’63. The principal objective of the methodology of hadith or usul al-hadith was
to provide a set of methodological guidelines that ensured propriety in the exercise - to ensure
authenticity in the text and transmission of Hadith64. These methodologies developed as a result of
the painstaking efforts of the ulama to verify the authenticity of hadith who were moved by an acute
sense of responsibility and the desire to safeguard the Sunna of the Prophet, peace be on him,
against prejudice and error65. The origins of usul al-hadith are traced back to al-Shafi (150-205 AH)66.

Abbott, N., 1967, Page 35.
Abbott, N., 1967, Page 35.
Abbott, N., 1967, Page 35.
Abbott, N., 1967, Page 35.
Kamali, M. H., A Textbook of Hadith Studies- Authenticity, Compilation, Classification and Criticism of Hadith,
The Islamic Foundation, UK, 2005, page 1. We have used a digital version of the book downloaded from the
internet. Kamali later stated that ‘usul al-hadith’, which is a discipline of the ulum al-hadith, is jurisprudence of
hadith, page 4, ibid.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 1.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 3.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 3.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 3.

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However, the discipline of the study of hadith is still growing67, specially in terms of the
determination of its scope, breadth and even nomenclature. Mohammad Hashim Kamali states that
the ‘ulum al-hadith consist of over fifty, and according to some estimates, close to a hundred
separate branches of learning!’68 Unfortunately, the differences of opinion among the ulama
regarding the number of the branches of the discipline are not the only problem that the discipline
of the study of hadith faces today. It appears that jurisprudence of hadith, which is ‘ulum al-hadith’,
the name of the discipline, may also mean a branch of the discipline, namely the usul al-hadith69.
Then again it appears that usul al-hadith may not be a branch of the principal discipline ulum al-
hadith, but itself the principal discipline70. Yet ‘sometimes ‘mustalah al-hadith, and 'IIm dirayat al-
hadith’71 are used as equivalent terms’ for the name of the discipline72.

Kamali recognized this lack of cohesion in the determination of the scope and breadth of the
discipline of the study of hadith. He states “Ulum al-hadith is itemised and diverse- as if the ultima '
have tried to combine the two conflicting needs of an objective methodology, which was provided,
but then had to be sub-divided into as many divisions as pragmatism and concern for particularity
might have dictated”73.

It is stated that usul al-hadith is the science of verification of the authenticity of the hadith as being a
true report of Phophet SA’s words or actions which is judged by the authenticity of the chain of the
narration or the isnad, and its content. In Kamali’s words ‘Usul al-hadith is concerned with reliability
of the narrators of hadith and the subject matter of their narration, and evaluates their strengths
and weaknesses to determine the authenticity of a reported hadith as being the true utterance of
the Prophet. The upright character and retentiveness of the narrator and the authenticity at every
link of the chain of isnad are the main focus of the scrutiny that is proposed by the methodology of
usul al-hadith’74.

Development of Ulum al-hadith

Kamali, interalia, felt that some reforms “need to be undertaken in order to purify the existing hadith
literature from doubtful and unwarranted accretions”, Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 6.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 4.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 4.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 4. Kamali states, 'ulama’ have attempted to refer to all of these under the
consolidated term, 'Ilm usul al-hadith, or simply usul al-hadith, that is, the jurisprudence of hadith’, page 4,
ibid. Although ‘many of the leading writers on the subject such as al-Hakim al-Nisaburi’s (d. 405 H), Ma'rifat
Ulum al-Hadith, and Abu ‘Amr 'Uthman b. ‘Abd al-Rahman b. al-Salah’s (d. 643 H) "Ulum al-Hadith have
retained in these terms the pluralist feature of the hadith sciences’, Kamali adds. Page 4, ibid.
Preferred by Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911 H), Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 4.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 4.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 5.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 4, 5.

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“Although the genesis of ‘ulum al-hadith’ can historically be traced to the Prophetic period, it is
basically after that period, that is, after the demise of the Prophet, peace be upon him, when his
followers began to verify, collect, and compile his sayings and reports of his activities. The purpose
naturally was accurate recording, retention and transmission of the Sunna of the Prophet75. It is
quite normal in this pattern of development to expect that collection and documentation of hadith
preceded the development of methodology for its authentification”76.

The Ulama paid more attention to the development of methodology and reliability of hadith
transmitters after the incidence of political turmoil (fitna) in the community77.

The purposes of the science of Hadith

1. Determining the nature, scope and the mandate of the Sunnah.

2. Determining the authenticity of Hadith and grading them in accordance with their authenticity sahih, hasan
etc. and establishing a consistent system for such determination.

3. Identification of the practices of the prophet saw that constitute the sunnah and that do not.

4. Determining the level is of the bindingness of a Hadith, i.e., whether the sunnah in the Hadith is a farz or
sunnat or nafl etc. and establishing a consistent system for such determination.

5. Interpretation of the Hadith and establishing a consistent system for such interpretation.

6. Application of a sunnah in a Hadith- to a different jurisdiction, a different place and time, modern day novel
situation and covering all new situations under the Sunnah and establishing a consistent system for such

7. Establishing a dispute resolution system to resolve the disputes arising out of the application of

Questions we need to ask:

Who wrote the first book on the science of Hadith?

Is there a global body of adjudication regrading Hadith disputes?

What is the nature of the disputes regrading the Hadith?

Are Fatwas derivatives of the Sunnah and thus ther are only adaptation of a sunnah to cover a new situation?
What is the relationship between the sunnah and the fatwa, if there is one?

Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 9.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 9. There was, however, a rich tradition of recording, analysing, studying of
the prophetic traditions among the Jews. The Jews in the present day Iraq in places close to Kufa developed a
functional methodology for the study of their prophetic traditions. This body is known as the Talmud. Many
such Jew Tadmud experts became Muslims and may have contributed to the development of the methodology
for the recording and studying of the hadith. For details please see, interalia, Tim Holland.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 9.

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Is the sunnah a complete code and able to answer any situation present and future? How much it covers?

Has the complete code of Hadith been determined? How many collections are there? How many Hadith are

Can the application of a sunnah be different in different countries by the preference of the Ulama in that
country? Is uniformity in application sought and achieved? If yes how? If no does that not create different
application of the same sunnah in different jurisdictions?

How the general consensus (GC) of the Ulama function? What is the nature, scope and characteristics of the
general consensus of the Ulama intra and inter jurisdictional situations? Can this process of GC ever result in
dividing the global body of opinion of the Ulama?

Were the Madhabs based on the difference of opinion regrading the Hadith? What other divisions have been
created, if any, on the basis of the opinion of the Ulama regarding the Hadith?

What is the earliest written form of Sahih Bukhari and the rest of the sihah sittah available today and where
they are located?

What is the earliest school teaching the science of Hadith? Which is the best school today?

Who are the best scholars in the discipline? Which are the best works in any language?

Which are the authentic biographies of the Hadith collectors of the sihah sittah? Is there any autobiography?

How the Hadith were collected? Did any of the collectors' recorded the process?

Did the Jew scholars who were converted to Islam brought in Jewish traditions to Islam as some non-muslim
scholars such as Tim Holland, Nabia Abbott suggested?

What is the nature of the oral traditions of the Arab? What types and extent of corruption we may expect in
the Hadith which were preserved in written as well as oral traditions?

What would be the relative portion of the Hadith that were preserved in the written and in the oral traditions

What happened to the written compilations of the Hadith that were created in the life time of the Prophet
(SAW)? Did the collectors of the present major Hadith collections, or of any collections, have access to those

What was the extent of the spread of false hadith at time of the creation of the major compilations? What was
the reason for their emergence? How they were identified and eliminated?

Are there false Hadith still erroneously used by the Ulama? Have they all not been identified?

How it is that some of the Ulama accuse other Ulama of using false Hadith?

Could there be difference of opinion regarding the authenticity of a Hadith? How significant that difference
can be? What are the reasons behind such differences? Is there a system for resolving such disputes?

How important it is for the Ulama to state the chain of the narration in a Hadith today while using
the Hadith in a decision making, sermon or discourse?

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Allah Rabbul Alamin revealed in the Quran Majid to follow the prophet SAW. But how much of the Prophet
Saw's life is sunnah for the muslim? Which parts of his life we should leave out of our practice and which parts
we must include? Is massacring an entire tribe and evicting another from their homes a sunnah? Everyone
would say that it is not. But what is the formula that enables a muslim to keep a practice of the prophet saw
and leave another?

What was the first Hadith Collection that was printed as a book? When and were tat was printed? Is
that still available?

Are we following the same organization of the Hadith, e.g. the serial number of the Hadith and the
sequence of the books etc., in the Sahih Bukhari as Imam Bukhari organized then in? Same question
for the rest of the Hadith collections of the sihah Sittah. It is because different authors referenced
them differently and if one does not have the same publication that particular author has used one
is unable to follow the reference.

9. Controversies in Hadith

Abou Hamid Muhammed ibn Muhammad Al Ghazzali (b. 1058 C.E.), called the only teacher of the
after generations on a level with the four great Imams (Field, C. (Trans.), The Confessions of al-
JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, W. 1909, hereinafter referred vto as 'Field, C., 1909', p. 10)
while examining the paths taken by the different kinds of seekers after truth (Field, C., p. 20)
pronounced his judgment on the 'the aim of scholastic theology and its results' stated: "God, by
means of His Apostle, has revealed to His creatures a belief which is true as regards their temporal
and eternal interests; the chief articles of it are laid down in the Koran and in the traditions.
Subsequently, Satan suggested to innovators principles contrary to those of orthodoxy; they listened
greedily to his suggestions, and the purity of the faith was menaced. God then raised up a school of
theologians and inspired them with the desire to defend orthodoxy by means of a system of proofs
adapted to unveil the devices of the heretics and to foil the attacks which they made on the
doctrines established by tradition" (Field, C., 1909, P. 21).

Moved by an acute sense of responsibility and the desire to safeguard the Sunna of the Prophet,
peace be on him, against prejudice and error, the ‘ulama’ have undertaken painstaking efforts to
verify the authenticity of hadith. Their tireless travellings and interviews, on a massive scale, for that
purpose enabled them not only to obtain information on hadith, but also impressed upon them the
difficulty of the challenge they faced over the endless possibilities of error in the accurate rendering
of hadith”78.

It seems that methodology operates best at a level of generalization which entails a certain
disassociation with particularity and individualized detail. This is perhaps a weakness of
methodology in reference especially to social sciences and religion. A total preoccupation with
objectivity and scientific method may prove to be a weakness of methodology in these areas. One
can imagine, for example, that one may apply the rules of usul al-hadith and disqualify a hadith that
may well be authentic. Conversely, it would also seem possible to authenticate a hadith on grounds
of methodology that may, upon specific inquiry and research, prove to be spurious. The advice of
caution that this analysis conveys is that one should not expect imperviable results through the
application of a certain methodology to hadith. This is another way of saying, perhaps, that the

Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 3.

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development of even a separate and a fairly rich discipline of ulum al-hadith has not eliminated all
doubt over the question of authenticity in hadith”79.

It may also explain perhaps as to why we find the methodological rules of "alum al-hadith to be
laden with subsidiary and exceptional rules, which might have been designed to make up for the
possible weaknesses of the methodology they were applying. Is this not reflected in the fact, for
instance, that the ulum al-hadith consist of over fifty, and according to some estimates, close to a
hundred separate branches of learning!”80

Statement of the problem

“It is generally known that the Prophet, peace be on him, discouraged documentation of his own
sayings and Sunna at the early stages of his mission in order to preserve the purity of the Quran and
prevent the possibility of confusion between the Qur’an and his Sunna”81. Imam Abu Dawud
recorded a hadith narrated by Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri where he said: "We used not to write anything
but the Tashah-hud and the Qur'an."82 In another hadith narrated by Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri which is
more specific on the matter states that “The Prophet is thus reported to have said to his
Companions: Do not write what I say. Anyone who has written from me anything other than the
Qur’an, let him blot it out. You may speak about me and there is no objection to that, bur one who
attributes a lie to me deliberately should prepare himself for a place in Hell.”83

“No doubt among the reasons for their fears was the possible confusion of Tradition with the
Quranic text, especially because the latter was as yet neither too familiar in the newly conquered
provinces nor standardized in its homeland”84. “Umar, who was responsible for the first "edition" of
the Qran, did indeed consider the parallel recording of sunnah, which Tradition necessarily
overlapped, but rejected the idea after a month's deliberation”85. “What Umar feared most was not
ignorant or innocent confusion of texts but the potentially dangerous, even if not deliberately
contrived, popular competition that the Prophet's hadlth and sunnah, both oral and written, could
pose for the Quran”86. “Zuhri, among others, reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah that so long
as Umar was alive the people dared not say "the apostle of Allah said" for fear that cUmar would
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 4.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 4.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 22.
English Translation of Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume 4, Compiled by Imam Hafiz Abu Dawud Sulaiman bin
Ash’ath, AhâdIth edited & referenced by: Hâfiz Abu Tâhir Zubair 'All Za'l Translated by: Nasiruddin al-Khattab
(Canada) Edited by: Huda Khattab (Canada) Final review by: Abu Khaliyl (USA), (hereinafter referred to as the
‘Sunnan Abu Dawud’) The Book Of Knowledge, Hadith No. 3648, graded as ‘Sahih’, Page 211.
Kamali, M. H. (2005), ibid, page 22.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 7.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 7.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 7.

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have them flogged, imprisoned, or otherwise punished”87. “Umar's fear of such competition could
have involved what has come to be known as hadith qudsi, particularly the traditions that start with
"God said" or "God says" whether their substance (but not their form) was derived from the "book
of Allah," including the Old and New Testaments "book of Allah," including the Old and New
Testaments (see e.g. Bukhari II 315, 309; Muslim XVII 165 f.; Ibn Hanbal II 313; Concordance I, 47 and
II 48, or from new revelation and inspiration received by Muhammad in addition to the Quran (see
e.g. Bukharl IV 231; Muslim XV 116-18; Ibn Hanbal I 162; Concordance I, 183, 1, IV 86, and I 9-11, in
several places”88.

“Biblical and extrabiblical literature was aggressively publicized even in the first century by such
literate Jewish converts as Kacb al-Ahbar, who was patronized by Umar, his stepson Nauf al-Bakali,
and Wahb ibn Munabbih. Because of the Companions' interest in such men and their manuscripts,
which were eagerly sought and appropriated by contemporary leading traditionists, Islamic Tradition
did indeed come to resemble the Mishna more than any other sacred literature of the "people of the
Book." Among prominent Companions known to have shown considerable interest in Jewish books
and ideas may be mentioned Ali, Salman al-FarisI, Abu Dharr, and Zaid ibn Thabit, who is said to have
learned Hebrew in a Jewish midrash and later became the editor-in-chief of the Uthmanic edition of
the Quran”89.

Many prominent Hadith narrators, including Abu Huraira and Ibn Abbas acquired or had access to
and memorized Jwish and Christian religious texts90. Discourses with the Jews regarding religious
matters were fairly common amonth the companios of the Prophet (SAW) during his life time91.
Nabia Abbott suggests that works of the early Muslim scholars such as Abu Nuaim and Ibn
Qutaibah’s are “unusually rich in biblical citations”92.

“It thus seems clear that it was not illiteracy nor: failure nor even general reluctance on the part of
the Companions to write down hadith that forestalled the early standardization of Islamic Tradition.
It was rather cUmar's fear of a development in Islam, parallel to that in Judaism and Christianity, but
particularly in the latter, of a body of sacred literature that could compete with, if not distort or
challenge, the Quran”93.

"The student of any phase of early Islam is confronted at the start with that vast body of generally
little-read but much-condemned Islamic source material—tradition. The condemnation is largely but
not wholly deserved. Tradition, it is true, has brought forth much tares among the wheat. But a good
deal of the former is so evident that it can be readily weeded out. Among the rest, the discerning
eye alights on patches of golden grain that should be gratefully harvested, even at the risk of

Abbott, N., 1967, page 7.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 7, footnote No. 25.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 8.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 9.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 7, 8.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 9.
Abbott, N., 1967, page 10.

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gathering in a tare or two. For what garnering of any source of human history is ever entirely free
from all risks? Besides, for the tedious task of much weeding, the cautious reaper is rewarded in
another direction. These traditions, cast from the start in a conversational and anecdotal vein, have
preserved certain human elements that all too frequently are lost sight of alike in meager annals and
bulky systematized compilations." (Abbott, N. 1942, Preface, page ix-x).

"The great danger of this particular Islamic source material lies in the indiscriminate use of isolated
traditions or of groups of traditions emanating from single, biased sources or from well-defined
politicoreligious groups, each seeking to establish that version of "history" that best suited its claims
and ambitions. But considerably heavy spade work has been done along the lines of critical research
in early Islamic history to expose notorious individual fabricators of tradition and well-organized
politico-religious camps expertly at work in the use of this tool as effective propaganda of all sorts
and for any occasion. One needs but mention such scholars as Wellhausen, Goldziher, Noldeke,
Caetani, and even such extremists as Lammens and Casanova, to realize the great extent of the
invaluable service rendered along these lines. The student who profits by this service ere he digs for
himself into tradition need not rest from his labors empty handed. For within a reasonable margin of
error he can learn to detect the true from the false and the probable from the improbable" ( Abbott,
N. 1942, Preface, page x).

"There is tangible evidence of the advanced scholarship and manuscript techniques of the second
half of the second century of Islam in the field of history and significant evidence of the early
development of these techniques in the field of hadlth proper, with which history shared some of its
best methods of professional transmission, oral and written (see pp. 7 ff.) ( Abbott, N. 1957, vol. 1,
page 98).

There are accusations from the non-Muslim academics that the Islamic traditions drew on Biblical
tales Jewish legends94.

“His followers may have added fancy frills to his words and deeds without, however, inventing the
basic core of the latter”95.

“Early oral transmission contributed its share to the disorder of verses”96.

“Like Ibn Ishaq he combines several reports into a single composite narrative and employs poetry for
added color”97.

Abbott, N., 1957 (Vol. 1), page 41. Abbott referred to, in particular, Tabari’s commentary on the Quran Majid
and his history. Tim Holland holds a similar view and expounded greatly on this point.
Abbott, N., 1957 (Vol. 1), page 64, footnote No. 1, commenting on the incidents of the meetings at Akaba.
Abbott, N., 1957 (Vol. 1), page 71, commenting on the papyri containing the “Campaigns of Muhammad,
probably from the Maghazi of Mamar ibn Rashid”.
Abbott, N., 1957 (Vol. 1), page 78, commenting on the papyri containing the “Campaigns of Muhammad,
probably from the Maghazi of Mamar ibn Rashid”, document No. 5, Oriental Institute No. 17636. About 150-

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“Ibn Ishaq, as the papyrus illustrates, drew freely on Shi'ite authors and traditionists when their
materials suited his purpose. This may have been one of the reasons that led some to accuse him of
Shfite partisanship (cf. Irshad Vl 400)”98.

"No exhaustive and slim conjecture. Early Arabic literary papyri hold the up-to-date study exists on
the step-by-step evolution key to a fresh approach and a more solid foundation for of scholarly
techniques in the early and basic field of Tradition" ( Abbott, N. 1957, vol. 1, page 93, footnote 1).

"Goldziher {Studien II 188-202) still presents the best guide to a general outline history of these
practices, though rard is barely touched (p. 221, n. 1). Rosenthal, in his commendable monograph
The Technique and Approach of Muslim Scholarship, has no clear cut delimitation either for the
historical periods or for the several fields of scholarship. Furthermore, he relies mostly on quite late
sources for his chief guides, so that much of his detailed description reflects primarily later practices
in the several fields of Islamic scholarship (cf. e.g. his pp. 25 and 27 f. for collation). In the field of
Tradition, as in all other fields and phases of Islamic history and cultu re, the lack of adequate
firsthand literary materials from the 2d century of Islam and the almost total absence of such
materials from the 1st century has led at times to top-heavy theories based on slim conjecture. Early
Arabic literary papyri hold the key to a fresh approach and a more solid foundation for the history
and interpretation of any phase of early Islamic culture. But until more such papyri are available, the
foundational period will continue to suffer comparative neglect to the detriment of all Islamic
studies covering this period and later periods. As Rosenthal has suggested in the introduction to his
recent work, A History of Muslim Historiography, which, like his Technique, suffers from this very
neglect of the foundational period, it may be several more generations before modern Islamic
scholarship, a comparative newcomer in the West, is placed firmly and squarely on a solid
foundation". ( Abbott, N. 1957, vol. 1, page 93, footnote 1).

"More than a dozen of these are collections of hadith proper, and none gives any evidence of the
techniques of transmission indicated in the present papyrus." ( Abbott, N. 1957, vol. 1, page 98,
commenting on the papyrus containing the THE TA'RlKH AL-KHULAFA' OF IBN ISHAQ, document no.

Sometimes the Ulama are facing challenge from the society and the State in implementing them. In
Bangladesh a two fatwas issued by the Imams of Mosque and Ulama in 2009 and 2010 where
challenged in the constitutional court. Among these in Writ Petition No. 754 of 2010 “(A) village
arbitration found [a sixteen years old rape victim] guilty and issued 101 lashes pursuant to fatwa
(religious edict) while leaving the alleged rapist unpunished” in the district of Brahmanbaria. “The
arbitration also fined the victim’s father Tk.1,000/- and issued another fatwa that her family would be forced
into isolation if he failed to pay the fine”. In Writ Petition No. 4275 of 2010 the High Division of the
Supreme Court of Bangladesh issued a Rule Nisi

“calling upon the respondents to show cause as to why the imposition of extra-judicial punishment in
the name of Sharia/Fatwa as evidenced by a news item published in “The Daily Protham-Alo” dated
22.5.2010 under the caption “ 101 lashes to a women in Banchampur, 4 arrested [author’s

Abbott, N., 1957 (Vol. 1), page 86-87, commenting on the papyri containing the The Ta'rikh Al-Khulafa of Ibn
Ishaq: The Assassination of 'Umar I and the Appointment of the Elective Council, Document 6, Oriental
Institute No. 17636. About 150-75/767-91.

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translation]”, (Annexure-A) should not be declared to be illegal, without lawful authority and is
violative of fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution and is of no legal effect and why the
respondents should not be incorporate various types of articles and educational materials in the
syllabus in School, College and University level and particularly in Madrasha level highlighting the
supremacy of the Constitution and the Rule of law and discouraging imposition of extra-judicial
punishment of any form in the name of execution of Islamic Sharia/Fatwa and/or such other or
further order or orders passed as to this Court may deem fit and proper”.

Oldest surviving Hadith Compilations:

See Abbott, N., Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri, Volume 1- Historical Texts, 1957, page 22, footnotes
1, 2, 5; page 23, footnote 8,9,14.

Tirmidi XIII 326 for early circulation of Ibn Abbas materials in writing99.

The argument reflects the statement made by Abu Huraira devoted his life in memorizing the hadith
Al-Nabi while the Meccans were preoccupied with market place and the Medians with attending to
their lands100.

Prophet Muhammed (SA) “was anxious to have Shafa, a woman scribe, teach his wife Hafsah to

P. 56, para 2, Abbott, N., 1957 (vol. 1).

Hadith Collections not translated to English:

Jami' Bayan al-'Ilm WaFadlih by ibn 'Adb al-Barr al-Qurtubi (d. 463).

Published edition: Tahqiq by: Abul Ashbal Al-Zuhayri, Publisher: Dar Ibn Hazm.

--- Jami' Bayan al-'Ilm wa-Fadlih (Resalah), by Abd al-Barr al-Qurtubi (978-1071 CE). ISBN-10:
9933230395 ISBN-13: 978-9933230395

Sunan al-Darimi, by Ad-Darimi (181 AH – 255 AH/ 869 CE)102. His full name is Abu Muhammad
Abdullah bin AbdurRahman bin al Fadhl bin Bahraam103. Published edition: Edited by Husayn Salim

Abbott, N., Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri, Volume 1: Historical Texts, Chicago; Illinois: The University of
Chicago Press, 1957. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 56-5027, hereinafter Abbott, N., 1957 (Vol.
1), Full text: Page 23.
Abbott, N., 1957 (Vol. 1), page 28, in footnote No. 2. [Is it in a hadith? Abbott gives no reference.]
Abbott, N., 1957 (Vol. 1), page 28, in footnote 6.
103, accessed 27.11.2018.

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Asad, Dar al-Maghni, 1420 AH / 2000 CE, p. 151-3104. Full text in Arabic:

Sahih Ibn Hibban, by Muhammad Ibn Hibban al-Busti [also known as Ibn Habban], died in the year
354/965105. Full text in Arabic:

Ta’wil Mukhtalif al-hadith (Cairo, 1326), by Ibn Qutaibah106.

Kitab al-istiqamah fi al-sunnah wa-al-radd ala ahl al-bid-ah wa-al-ahwa (First book regarding the
sects ?107), by Nasai (d. 253 /867).

Kitab al-tanbih wa-al-Radd ala ahl al-ahwa wa-al-bid, by Abu al-Husayn al-Malati i (d. 377/987),
edited by Sven Dedering, Bibliotheca Islamica IX, Istanbul, 1936108. [Abu'l-Husayn Muhammad b.
Ahmad 'Abd al-Rahman al-Malati ?109]

Sa‘id Ibn Al-Musayyib (642-715 CE) of Medina.

10. Conclusion

11. Works reviewed for this bibliography

O’Donnell, P. S., Islamic Studies: A Bibliography (Books—In English), 2003110

WorldCat, an online combined library catalog, provided by the global library cooperative Online
Computer Library Center (OCLC), of 6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio 43017, United States, hosted at We have searched for the keyword ‘Hadith’ in English language texts111.

104, accessed 27.11.2018.
105, accessed 27.11.2018.
Abbott, N., 1957 (Vol. 1), page 36, in footnote 3.
Abbott, N., 1957 (Vol. 1), page 36, in footnote 3.
Full Text available at:,
accessed last on 28.04.2018.
Search results at WorldCat, “Search results for 'ti:Hadith' > 'English'”:, accessed last on

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The Science of Hadith - A Bibliography of the Works in English Language, Working Draft of 07.07.2019

McGill, list comprising the Master and Doctoral dissertations completed by the graduate students of
the Institute of Islamic Studies and housed in the Islamic Studies Library at McGill University, 1952-
2006, published at:

Aligarh Muslim University Knowledge Repository at:

12. Instructions to the user of this bibliography

The name of the author, editor or the translator is always used at the beginning of the name of the
work. This is except in cases of works contained in multiple volumes and there is more than one
translator or authors of the work, such as the work of Tabari comprising forty volumes. In such cases
we placed all the volumes of the work together in a numerically ascending order, based on the
number of the volume. We have done this for the convenience of the user so that the user finds all
the volumes of a single work in one place.

13. Abreviations

MS. = Manuscript.

The Bibliography

Primary Sources:

Quran Majid


1928 Cairo edition of the Qur-an.

Abdul-Rahman, M.H. (Trans.) The Meaning and Explanation of the Glorious Quran, With Arabic
Script, Transliteration, Meaning, Maududi’s & Ibn Kathir’s Introductions and Ibn Kathir’s Abridged
Explanation (Tafsir), by by Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman, Arabic-English, London: MSA
Publication Limited, 2007. ISBN for all volumes 978-1-86179-469-7.

Al-Hilali, M.T.; Khan, M. M. (Trans.) The Noble Quran, English Translation of the Meanigs and
Commentary, Translation of the meanings of The Noble Qur'an in The English Language By Dr.
Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Madinah: King Fahd Complex for
the Printing of the Holy Quran, Madinah, K.S.A., 1419 A.H./1998 C.E. Full text:;

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The Science of Hadith - A Bibliography of the Works in English Language, Working Draft of 07.07.2019

Ali, A. Y. (Trans.) The Meaning of the Glorious Quran, Text, Translation and Commentary by Abdullah
Yusuf Ali, [Two Volume set], Volume 1 and Volume 2, Cairo: Dar al-Kitab al-Masri, 33 Kasr el-Nil ST.,
Cairo, Egypt; Beirut: Dar al-Kitab Allubnani, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition, 1934.

---, The Holy Quran, English Translation and Commentary, with Arabic Text, by A. Yusuf Ali, Arabic-
English, Parts I-XV, Lahore (India): Sheikh Mohammad Ashraf, Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore (India) (later
Pakistan), 1934.

---, The Holy Quran, Arabic Text with an English Translation and Commentary, by Abdullah Yusuf Ali,
Three Volume Edition, Volume I, containing introductory matter and Soras 1 to IX (Being Parts 1 to
X), Volume II, containing Suras IX to XXIX (Being Parts XI to XX), Volume III, Containing Suras XXIX to
CXIV (Being Parts XXI-XXX), Lahore (India): Sheikh Mohammad Ashraf, Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore (India)
(later Pakistan), 1937. Full text: Volume I:
quran_text.pdf, Volume II: , Volume III:

---, The Holy Qur-an, Text, Translation and Commentary, by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Arabic-English, Two
Volumes, New York: Hafner Publishing Company, 1946, First edition, 1934; third edition, 1938,
Copyright 1946 by Khalil al-Rawaf112. Full text (Both volumes together):

---, Mushaf Al-Madinah An-Nabawiyah, The Holy Qur-an, English Translation of the Meanings and
Commentary, Revised and Edited by The Precidency of Islamic Researchers, IFTA, Call and Guidance,
King Fahd Holy Qur-an Printing Complex, 1410 A. H./1989 C.E.. Full text:

Asad. M. (Trans.), The Message of the Qur'an (With No Commentary), Translated by Muhammad
Asad, English only,

Bell, R. The Qur'an, translated, with a critical re-arrangement of the Surahs (2 vols, consecutively
paged; Edinburgh, 1937-39).

Husain, A.F.B. (Trans.) The Holy Quran, A Translation With Commentary, According To Shia
Traditions and Principles, Part I, Surahs I & II With Introduction, By A. F. Badshah Husain, Published
Under The Auspices Of Moayyedul-Uloom Association, Madrasatul Waezin, Lucknow, Printed At The
Muslim Press, 16, Canning Street, Lucknow, 1931.

A good introduction on Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation of the Holy Qur-an can be found here:,_Translation_and_Commentary, accesed on

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The Science of Hadith - A Bibliography of the Works in English Language, Working Draft of 07.07.2019

Itani, T. (Trans.), The Quran, Translated to English by Talal Itani, Dallas; Beirut: ClearQuran, 2012.
ISBN 978-1467948746. Full text:

Khan, A. H. (Trans.), The Holy Quran, Translated by Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hakim Khan, with short
notes, Patiala, Printed at the Rajiner Press by Syed Rajab Ali Shah, 1905.

PALMER, E. H. (Trans.), THE QUR'AN, PART I, CHAPTERS I TO XVI, Delhi; Varanasi; Patna: MOTILAL
BANARSIDASS, First Published by the Clarendon Press, 1880, Reprinted by Motilal Banarsidass, 1965,
1970, 1977.

Quran Word By Word English Translation, Full text:

Shamis, A. A. (Trans.), Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali, A Thematic Commentary on The Quran,

Translated From The Arabic by Ashur A. Shamis, Revised by Zaynab Alawiye, Herndon, USA:
International Institute of Islamic Thought, 1421 AH/ 2000 AC, Second Printing, November 2005, ISBN
1—56564-260-0 paperback; ISBN 1—56564-261-9 hardback.

Wherry, E. M., A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran: Comprising Sale’s Translation and
Preliminary Discourse together with a Complete Index to the Text, Preliminary Discourse, and Notes
by the Reverende E. M. Wherry, M. A., Volume I (1882), Volume III (1885), London: Trubner & Co.,
Ludgte Hill.

Online Database

The Hadith

Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Darimi. Sunan, 2 vols. Damascus, 1349/1940.

Abu Jafar al-Musnadi al-Bukhari (d. 229/844).

Ahmad ibn Shuaib al-Nasai, Kitab al-sunan, 2 vols. Cairo, 1312/1894.

al-Baqi, M. F. A. (Ed.), Malik ibn Anas, Al-muwatta, 2 vols., Cairo 1370/1951.

al-Hamid, M. M. A. A. (Ed.), Abu Daud Sulaiman ibn al-Ashath’s Sunan, 4 volumes, Cairo, 1354/1935.

Ahmad Ibn Mummad ibn Hanbal, Al-musnad, 6 Vol. Cairo, 1895.

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Darussalam, The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Arabic-English, Nine Volumes,
translated by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Riyadh: Darussalam, 1997. ISBN: 9960-717-31-3 (set).
Full text:

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The Science of Hadith - A Bibliography of the Works in English Language, Working Draft of 07.07.2019

Darussalam, English Translation of Sahih Muslim, compiled by: Imam Abul Hussain Muslim bin al-
Hajjaj, translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab (Canada), edited by Huda Khattab (Canada), final review
by Abu KhaIiyl (USA), Darussalam, Riyadh, 2007, ISBN: 9960-9919-0-3 (set).

Darussalam, English Translation of Sunan Abu Dawud, compiled by Imam Hafiz Abu Dawud Sulaiman
bin Ashath, AhadIth edited and referenced by Hafiz Abu Tahir Zubair Ali Zai, translated by Yaser
Qadhi (USA), final review by Abu Khaliyl (USA), Darussalam, Riyadh, 2008.

Darussalam, English Translation of Sunan An-Nasai, compiled by Imam Hafiz Abu Abdur Rahman
Ahmad bin Shuaib bin Ali An-Nasai, Ahadith edited and referenced by Hafiz Abu Tahir Zubair Ali Zai,
translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab (Canada), edited by, Huda Khattab (Canada), final review by Abu
Khaliyl (USA), Darussalam, Riyadh, 2007.

Darussalam, English Translation of Jami At-Tirmidhi compiled by Imam Hafiz Abu Eisa Mohammad
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Darussalam, English Translation of Sunan Ibn Majah, compiled by Imam Muhammad Bin Yazeed Ibn
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Ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-wara, Cairo, 1340/1921.

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Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, Sahih Muslim bi-sharh al-Nawawi, 18 vols., Cairo, 1929-30.

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Muttaqi, Kanz al-Ummal, Hyderabad, 1894-97.

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The Science of Hadith - A Bibliography of the Works in English Language, Working Draft of 07.07.2019

Nasai, Sunan, Cairo, 1312/1894.

Rahimuddin, M. (Trans.), Muwatta Imam Malik, English translation, Kitab Bhavan, India, 1996. ISBN-
10: 8171510973; ISBN-13: 978-8171510979.

Sahih Muslim with the Full Commentary by Imam al-Nawawi, Translated and Edited by Adil Salahi,
Volume 1, Leicestershire: Islamic Foundation, 2019. ISBN-10: 0860377962, ISBN-13: 978-

Sahih Tirmidhi, 13 vols., Cairo, 1931-34.

--- marginal commentary of Ibn al-Arabi, d. 543/1148.

Siddiqi, A. H.; Al Kushaijri, I. Al H., Sahih Muslim: with explanatory notes and brief sketches of major
narrators, Lahore: Muhammad Ashraf, 1990. ISBN: 9694320925 9789694320922

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Secondary Sources

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Abd Allah ibn Amr ibn al-As

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Abd Allah ibn Muslim ibn Qutaibah, Tawil mukhtalif al-hadith, Cairo, 1326/1925.

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Titu mentioned him.s

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Hamadhani, Kitab al-buldan

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--- Islamabad: Pakistan Hijra Council, 1991. Further details not available.

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(Lipsiae, 1844), 201-16.

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Hasan al-Basri.

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Hassan ibn Thabit, Dewan, ed. Hartwig Herschfeld, E. J. W. Gibb Memorial Series, XIII, Leiden and
London, 1910, P. 19, No. XVI.

Hasan, or Husain, ibn Waqid, d. 157/774; wrote a Tafsir.

Hassan, S., An Introduction to the Science of Hadith, 1999

Hasan, S., An Introduction to the Science of Hadith, Darussalam, Riyadh, 1996. ISBN: 9960-740-61-7.

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Heinrich Ferdinand Wustenfeld (1808–99)

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Hirschfeld, The Diwan of Hassan ibn Thabit, London, 1910.

Hirtenstein, S.; Notcutt, M. (Trans.), Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, Divine sayings, 101 Hadith Qudsi, Mishkat
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The History of al-Tabari, (Tarikh al-rusul wal-muluk), Volume II, Prophets and Patriarchs, translated
and annotated by William M. Brinner, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987. ISBN 0-
87395-921-3, ISBN 0-88706-313-6 (pbk.). Full text:
(full series of 40 volumes).

Hitti, History of the Arabs, 5th ed. New York, 1951.

Holtzman, L.; Ovadia, M., On Divine Aboveness (al-Fawqiyya): The Development of Rationalized
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Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2018. Online ISBN:
9783110446395,, Book DOI:

Hoosen, A. K., Imam Tirmidhi's contribution towards Hadith, Newcastle, South Africa: A.K. Hoosen,
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Ibn Abd Rabbihi, Al-iqd al-farid, 3 vols., Cairo, 1293 A.H./1876.

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Ibn Abi Daud, Kitab al-masahi

Ibn Abi Tahir Taifur, Balaghat al-nisa, (Najaf, 1361/1942)

Ibn al-Arabi al-Maafiri

Ibn al-Athir

Ibn al-Hajj, Mudkhal ila tanmiyat al-amal, Cairo, 1348/1929.

Ibn al-Jauzi, 510-97/1116-1200, Tarikh Umar ibn al-Khattab, Cairo, 1342/1924.

---, Sifat al-Safwah, 4 vols., Haidarabad, 1936-37.

---, Talbis iblis, Cairo, 1347/1928.

---, Talkih fuhum ahl ilatar fi muhtasar assiyar walahbar nach der Berliner Handschrift untersucht von
Carl Brockelmann, Leiden, 1892.

Ibn al-Imad, Shadharat al-dhahab, Cairo, 1350/1931.

Ibn al-Jarud al-Tayalisi, Musnad

Ibn al-Mubarak, 118-81 /736-97.

Ibn al-Muqaffa

Ibn al-Qaisarani, Kitab al-jam bain kitabai Abi Nasrs al-Kalabadhi wa Abi Bakr aI-Isbahani . . . fi rijal al-Bukhari
wa Muslim, 2 vols., Haidarabad, 1323/1905.

Ibn al-Sikkit, copy dated 243/858 of Tarikh al-Arab in Georges Vajda, Album de paleographie arabe,
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Ibn Asakir, Tabyin kadhib al-muftari, Damascus, 1347/1928.

Ibn Atiyah, d. 542/1147.

Ibn Babuyah (d.381/991), Risalat al-itiqad, trans. Asaf A. A. Fyzee ("Islamic Research Association
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Ibn Hanbal, Al-musnad I, 1365/1946.

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---, Lisan al-mizan, 6 vols., Haidarabad, 1329-31/1911 -13.

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Ibn Ishaq, The Tarikh Al-Khulafa of Ibn Ishaq: The Assassination of Umar I and The Appointment of
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Ibn Kathir, Al-bidayah wa al-nihayah, 14 vols., Cairo, 1351-58/1932-39.

Ibn Manzur, Lisan al-Arab, 20 vols., Cairo, 1300-1308/1882-91.

Ibn Qutaibah (pseud.), Kitab al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah (Cairo, s.a.), I, 133.

---, Tawil mushkil al-Qur-an.

Ibn Sad, al-maghazi wa-al-mubtada

Ibn Sad, Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, Volume 1 & 2 of the Sachau edition, Translation by S. Moninul
Haq, Pakistan Historical Society, 1967; 1972.

--- 1986. ISBN: 8171511279, 9788171511273.

--- New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan, 1999. ISBN-10: 8171511279 (set), ISBN-13: 978-8171511273, Book
Code/ Product Code: No. ZZZ013

--- New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan, 2009, Volume 1 & 2. ISBN: 9171511279, 8171511287, 9788171511280.

--- New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan, Volume 1. ISBN: 9171511279

--- New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan, India, 1972, Vol I (pp. 601), Vol II (pp. 496), ISBN: 81-7151-127-9 (set).

--- Translation by Aisha Bewley, Volume III (of the Sachau edition) - The Companions of Badr, Ta-Ha
Publishers Ltd., 2013. ISBN: 9781842001332

--- Volume VII (of the Sachau edition) - The Men of Madina, Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. [year]. ISBN:

--- Volume VIII (of the Sachau edition) - The Women of Madina, Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. [year]. ISBN:

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Ibn Sad, Tabaqat, 9 vols.; Leiden, 1905-40.

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Ibn Tahir al-Baghdadi (d. 429/1037), Kitab al-farq bain al-firaq, (Cairo, 1328)

Ibn Umar

Institute No. 17638, Late third/ninth century to early fourth/tenth century , in Abbott, N., 1957, Vol.
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Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Yasar ibn Khiyar,

--- Mubtada.

--- Tarikh al-khulafa or History of the Caliphs.

--- al-maghazi

--- al-siyar

--- akhbar al-mubtada

--- fa kataba lahu al-maghazi (between 142/760 and 146/763)

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Glossary of Terms


Adab al-imla wa al-istimla

Ahl al-qadr


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Ala al-wajh: complete copies of a given scholar's collection

Ala wajhihi

al-sunnat al-madiyah and al-sunnat al-qaimah.

Isnad muanan: An isnad in which some links may be missing.



Ard method of transmission: whereby the student read back his manuscript (written from dictation
or copied from an authenticated manuscript) to the teacher115, in order to ensure the authenticity of
the material in qustion. The ard method was much used by Zuhri and his school as well as by others
(Abbott, N., 1967, p. 53).

Ard al-kitab: reading back from a manuscript after the fashion, it is said, of Muhammad's scribes
reading back their Quranic manuscripts to him (Abbott, N., 1967, p. 53) in order to ensure the
authenticity of the material in qustion.

Ard min al-hafizah: whereby the student reads back from his memory to the teacher in order to
ensure the authenticity of the material in qustion.

Ashab al-karasi: Among the high and mighty

Ashab al-kutub: people with books.

Ashab al-masahif

Azza wa jalla for Allah



Basmalah: invocation of the name of Allah


Composite Kufic-naskhi style

Darj: scroll

Daftar: Manuscript

Abbott, N., 1967, Page 35.

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Family isnad: Hadith narrated on the authority of a predecessor family member of the narrator, for
example "so and-so on the authority of his father on the authority of his grandfather”116.
“Traditions with authentic and reliable family isnad's came to be listed among the five most
acceptable categories”117. Western scholars, Schacht, among a few others, sometimes suspected
narrations with family isnad. Nabia Abbott, for example, found that ‘unwarranted’ and not to be as
categorically justifiable as Schacht et al. sought to make them118.



Gharib al-sand

Gharib al-matn


Hadith al-nabi.

Hadith al-ahad: Traditions based on only one authority.

Hadith, Sunnah and Khabar or akhbarana

hadith mubawwab or the hadith musannaf

Halaqah: scholar's circle

Haqibah, khurj: saddlebag

Harfi: strictly literal

Ijazah method: whereby the teacher certified that a given student was permitted to transmit the
teacher's materials (usually specified) regardless of the methods by means of which the student
acquired copies of them.

Ikhtilaf al-fuqaha (Legitimate differences of opinion among jurists)


Abbott, N., 1967, Page 36.
Abbott, N., 1967, Page 36.
Abbott, N., 1967, Page 36.

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Ilm al-rijal: isnad biographical science

Ilm al-wujuh wa al-nazair

Haibah: reverential awe


Hadith al-nabi

Hibab: Jars



Jarh wa al-tadil:

Jild: volumes

Kararis al-masahif: copies of the Qur'an


kis and jarab.


Kurrasah (pl. kararis): Unfortunately, the size of the kararis used in the first and second centuries is
nowhere specified so far as I have been able to discover, and for later times the number of folios or
pages to a kurrasah varies from eight to twenty-four" (Abbott, N., 1967, P. 60). In paper-making
terms a kurrasah is a quire or one-twentieth of a ream of 480 or 500 sheets of paper laid flat or
folded once (ibid).

Lafz: same meaning but different words.

Luh (pl. alwah): translated tablet.



Mail: cursive slanting

Majlis: session


Manawi: the sense of the content

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Marasil al-Zuhri





Mubaiyadah: a student's or scholar's final copy

Mudawwar al-saghir or jami script



Mukatabah method: whereby manuscripts were received by correspondence.


Mundwalah method: whereby manuscripts exchanged hands with no accompanying oral reading.


Musawwadat: rough copies



Mustamli: the dictation master





Nazir, singular of nazair


Qalil al-hadith or kathir al-hadith: few traditions or many traditions.

Qausarah: Baskets

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Qussas: storytellers

Rahbah: fear of the Prophet's hadith's becoming equivalent of Qur-an majid.

Riqah: A small piece of writing material.

Sahifah and kitab.



Sanduq, qimatr, idl, and himl

Seven huruf of the Qur-an

Sairafi al-hadith or naqid al-hadith: money-changer of Tradition


Shurut: conditions of selection


Sihhat kutub and sahih al-kitab: accuracy of their manuscripts.




Tasliyah: formula of blessing.



Tasahul fi al-isnad: quality of the isnad

Tazim al-hadith: Ppious pomp and glorification of al-hadith.

Turq: Channel

Ulum al-hadith: sciences of Tradition

Umumi text or manuscript:

Wasiyah: family manuscripts exchanging hands or being willed to some member of the family
(Abbott, N. 1967, P. 38).

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Waraqah: sheet

Wajh and its plural wujuh

Wijadah: family manuscripts which were found in the effects of the author soon after his death or
among the family possessions at some later time (Abbott, N. 1967, P. 38).


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