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Explain emotional intelligence and its importance in the workplace ?

Emotional intelligence is an important skill in today’s world, which is popularly known as EI. This skill is
adopted by manager/ leaders to manage their program and engage more productively in the business

Emotional Intelligence plays a very important role in the workplace, as workplace consists of a lot of
people with a diverse background. If any team member will apply emotional intelligence skills in the
workplace, he will be able to
 Make correct decisions to provide solutions
 Able to resolve conflicts and keep himself in the high pressure and high demanding
 Have greater empathy to others.
 He will able to reflect on other peoples ideas, criticism
On the contrary, the individual with low emotional intelligence skills
 Will not able to work on a team
 Will hamper the team culture and organization’s progress
 Are over critical in some time
 And develop aggressive style of working.

Emotional Intelligence : Emotional intelligence is helpful in building relationship and where decision are
taken on building interpersonal understanding, teamwork, and communication.

2.Explain two ways you can use emotional intelligence to build effective workplace relationship with
team members.

Emotional Intelligence is extremely helpful in many ways . This skills can be found in some people
naturally, where as this skill can be obtained through trainings and regular practice. These skills will help
the manager in many ways, but it can be used in two ways.

 Self-Awareness.
 Social Skill.

Self-Awareness: The first thing, that I will apply is the self-awareness and what are the things that I need
to be aware for myself and how I can understand and manage my emotions for effective decision
making to organizational achievement.
 Respect cultural differences of the people, with whom you are working.
 Practice active listening by providing attention to the people, while in a interaction by not
interrupting them.

Social Skills: The second emotional intelligence to build effective workplace relationship with team
members is the social skill, which is another important aspect of emotional intelligence in the following
 By appreciating true contribution of people.
 Understanding barriers to progress and creating alternative options.
3. Explain how a manager with high emotional intelligence can assist in achieving business
objectives. Provide an example to illustrate your answer.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is characterized by self-awareness which involves knowing of oneself, being
able to put up with your feelings as certain things occur and being able to discriminate between them.
In any business leaders with emotional intelligence skills able to get business objectives.

High emotional intelligence means that it is a high skill in the people to understand and listen well, by
which he is able to identify the actual progress and problems behind the screen. When he identifies the
problem, he is able to devise solutions for that and by this a company will able to remove the all
bottlenecks and get results out of that.

Example : I have reviewed the Hay /Mc Ber research on Emotional Intelligence styles. This organization
has developed their styles
 Assessment tools were developed by the organization to understand the people’s emotions and
organizational wellbeing.
 The connect between team and manager and the feedback structure helped a lots and also it
has developed capacity of the people.

4. Discuss three techniques you can use in the workplace to foster collaboration and promote
positive relationship and partnership?

Workplace is a area, where diverse range of people are working together and the most important thing
is to promote business objectives is fostering collaborations and creating a long lasting and sustained
relationship. Though there are a lots of emotional intelligence techniques, we are discussing about most
three important skills that a manager can use in the workplace to foster collaboration.

Emotional leaders:

 Self-awareness on different kinds of emotions and their effects on the team

 Effective communication - leaders can clearly express their thoughts on the organizations vision
 Resolving Conflicts in the organization through a structured decision making process.
 Transparency - leaders own up to their own mistakes.

SWOT Analysis:
 The team manager should do the SWOT analysis and prepare a SWOT Chart out of that. After
analyzing the SWOT, the we can focus to encourage innovation and collaborations
 When a team member makes any mistake, the organization should make an effort to correct the
program through supportive supervision.

Spark passion: The team manager can create a flexible and engaging environment, where every one
can contribute and the team members should feel valued. Apart from this, the organization may focus
to creative ways to manage stress among employees.
5. Explain two ways of communicating effectively with a diverse working force with varying cultural
expression of emotions?

Communication is central to all kind of progress and productivity. Some times the team is working with
diverse working force with varying cultural expression of emotions. For effective communication the
organization should develop their communication in theses ways

Manger to the team: As a project leader, we may set some rules and regulations to ensure that all team
members should follow. In case of any problem, it is also an important factor to address the conflict,
handling difficult conversations. Including negative emotions in the people. The team leader encourage
a respectful environment in the team itself .based on the 4Cs – Companions, Collaborative, Challenging
and Can-Do attitude.

Self-Reflection : : A high powerful communication team understand its strength , weakness and
processes that will help them for effective communication.

6. Explain two methods you can use to collect data from team members to improve the workplace

Every company has their own style of operation, but data is central to all the companies to get success in
the business and how the companies uses this is very critical. The two thing I can suggest

Data based decision system: Every team members should be oriented on data and data based decision
system.Highly engaged employees means those who were depend on data for decision making and as a
manager, we have to promote the culture of data based decision making in the organization .

Cultivate strong coworker relationships: some employees may not very good in data based decession
making or not very good at data handling. In this case, the company may build a strong relationships at
work drives employee engagement, in data based decession making.

7. Discuss three phases of Lewin’s Change Management and how you might use this model to
implement organizational transformation?

Change is a common thread that runs through all businesses regardless of size, industry, and age.
Lwein’s Change Management basically focuses on three things
 Unfreeze
 Change
 Re freeze

 Unfreeze : The unfreeze principles applies to an existing company/ new business because
people are coming with different mind sets or with perceived thoughts and may not align with
the business goals, which may result in declining business opportunities , generating low
revenue, and or anything that hamper business These show that things have to change in a way
that everyone can understand.

 Change: The second thing that we will work in to resolve the uncertainty and it will not happen
overnight, so for this the business should create opportunities to embrace the new direction and
participate proactively in the change . Orient the team on the new change , why it is necessary
and how it can be achived.
 Refreeze : When the people believe in the new changes , the business need to refreeze the
thoughts in a new direction, which will yield better results for the company.

8. Discuss Kotter’s 08 step process for successful organizational change ?

Kotter has discussed 08 step process for successful organizational change in the following ways.

Step 1: Create Urgency: Develop a urgency in the team. Open an honest communication with across
team and also show them about the other competitions that are happening in the ground and

Step 2: Create a Vision plan : Create a vision plan for the organization and link it with every individual
and how they were contributing in it.

Step 3: Form a Powerful team: Create a strong team and convince people why change is required and
how the resources within the organization will get benefit out of the same.

Step 4: Communicate the Vision :Develop your vision with a strong day-to-day communication within
the company
Step 5: Remove barriers: Discuss about the obstacles on the path to achieve the success.

Step 6: Create Short-Term goals: Create short-term goals and encourage the team to do the same.

Step 7: Build on the Change: Build and enforce change.

Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture: Finally, it should become part of the core of your

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