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Name : Maricel M. Malicdem score :____________

Year and Section: BEED2-A date :____________

1. STRICTLY NO ERASURES of any form!
2. To avoid deduction of score, follow strictly the instructions.
3. Use BLACK or BLUE ballpoint only. (Pencil are not allowed)

I. Essay

Explain what is Facilitating Learning? (10pts)

 Facilitating learning which is the teacher role are to guide, support, and assist their student in learning for
themselves. And the student in the facilitated learning will perform better in a learning environment when
they are empowered to make their own decisions, respected as individuals, and trusted with personal
For you, what is Metacognition? (10pts)
 Metacognition is all about on the awareness and understanding in all the things that you do or in all what you think.

II. Crossword:

M HINTS! ! !
1. 2.T E
P 1. This includes how one views
5. M E T A - A T T E N T I O N himself as learner and thinker.
R S A 2. This includes knowledge
about the nature of the task.
S K -
3. This involves awareness of
O M the strategy you are using to
learn a topic.
N 3. S T R A T E G Y
4. Is your awareness of memory
M strategies that work best for
O you.
5. Is the awareness of specific
strategies so that you can keep
Y your attention focus.

II. Analyze each statements below and identify whether the Learner is NOVICE or EXPERT. (10pts)

EXPERT 1. Design new strategies that would be appropriate to the task.

NOVICE 2. Have limited knowledge in the different subject areas.
NOVICE 3. Attempt to process all information they receive.
EXPERT 4. Check their errors and redirect their efforts
EXPERT 5. Have deeper knowledge in different subject areas.
NOVICE 6. Satisfied at just scratching the surface.
NOVICE 7. Do not examine the quality of their work.
EXPERT 8. Select important information to process.
NOVICE 9. Employ rigid strategies that may not be appropriate to task.
EXPERT 10. First try to understand the problem, look for boundaries.

V. Essay (10pts)
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The Lord Watches over you- PSALM 121:5
Why did you decide to become a Teacher? Do you still see yourself in the future teaching? Why?
 I decide to become a teacher because of my parents. They want me to become a teacher
someday just like my cousin. In the future I still see myself as a teacher even though this is not
the path that I want to take. I still see myself as a teacher in the future because I want to fulfill
their dreams for me and to make them happy. I will do all my best to pay back all the sacrifices
that my parents did for me. Seeing them happy is already a big accomplishment for me.

We think that learner-centered psychological principles focus on

psychological factors that are primarily internal to and under the control of the learner rather than conditioned
habits of psychological factors. It also help the students to develop their skills that will better equipped them for
their professional career.

VI. Write the important concept about the three components of the personality.

 Is the primitive and instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden
 Is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.
 It operates as a moral conscience

VII. Write the description, erogenous zone and fixation of each of the Psycho-sexual stages.

Oral – the first stage of development where libido is centered in a baby’s mouth.
- Birth to 1 yr.
- Erogenous zone is Mouth.
Anal - the libido now becomes focused on the anus and the child great pleasure from defecating.
- 1 to 3 yrs. Old
- Erogenous Zone – bowel and bowel control
Phallic – Sensitivity now becomes concentrated in the genitals.
- 3 to 6 yrs.old
- Erogenous Zone- Genitals
Latency- No further psychosexual development takes place during this stage.
- 6 to puberty.
- Libido inactive
Genital- During this stage, the teenager has overcome latency, made associations with one gender or the other,
and now seeks out pleasure through sexual contact with others.
- Puberty to death
- Maturing sexual interest.

Mr. Carl Gerard Torres Cruz, LPT



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The Lord Watches over you- PSALM 121:5

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