What Is A Miracle

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-What is a miracle? Do they happen?

A miracle is an event that is impossible or unlikely to happen and defies scientific, mathematical terms,
simply, unexplainable. It is God’s way of telling us that he is there and the world’s not perfect but it’s not
that bad. And yes, I believe they do happen, small or big, a miracle is a miracle like how ill people
suddenly become well, how drug addicts change for the better and how out of millions of sperms that can
fertilize an egg, only one fertilizes it and produces you. Miracles are blessings that give us hope that good
things can happen anytime and anywhere.
-Do we need heroes?
Yes, since first of all, no man is an island and there are unavoidable times that we need help since as
humans, we are not perfect, we have flaws and limitations. And it’s okay, asking for help is not a
weakness and having a hero doesn’t mean that you can’t be one too. Heroes are good role models,
especially for kids to know the value of bravery, courage and patriotism. Though the essence of heroism
is not limited to having super powers or dying for one’s country, just doing small things that make a huge
difference is worth it. Let’s follow our savior’s steps and save those who we can and love our fellow men.
-Is it better to give or receive?
It is definitely better to give because it says in the bible Acts 20:35 that there is more happiness in giving
than there is in receiving. That happiness is due to the feeling of fulfillment of being able to help someone
and make them smile. Also, giving was already taught to us ever since we were little, to share and to give
since it’s a way of showing love and care like how the Almighty God generously gave us life and
continues to shower us with blessings.

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