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If you control your mind, you control your life- this line is for those who are always negative and are on the
verge of having depression. “You is kind, you is smart, you is important,” is aibilene’s line to mae mobely to
boost her self-esteem. With this way of thinking, the child can grow up with a good attitude despite her
parent’s cold and improper treatment.
2. You can be different- Skeeter didn’t choose to comform to the society that discriminates black people. She
was against the idea of Hilly to make a separate bathroom for black people. She wanted things to change and
she thought writing a book about what black maids experience under white people even if it is against the law
to talk with them for a long period of time. Celia can also be an example since she is an outlaw but she treats
her maid kindly.
3. Goals are useless if you plan to give up- Skeeter almost ended up not publishing the part where Minny made
Hilly eat the chocolate pie but Aibileen convinced her. If you have a goal, you should never give up and keep
4. Be independent- women don’t need men to make wise decisions or fight for what they believe in. It is
stereotypical in the movie to find a husband to marry, have a child to boost their social status. Not only there
but also in the household and taking care of the child, even if there’s a maid, it is best you know the basics of
cooking, cleaning and childcare since your maid won’t be there forever.
5. We are all humans with feelings and rights- black or white, thin or fat, female or male, we were all the same
when we entered this world. We are all created by God. In the movie, there was so much racism or
discrimination that it puts humanity to shame. Color, sex, body size or social status can never define a person,
you are the only one besides God who can judge your worth.
6. Treasure your family- domestic violence is not a mistake, it is a choice. Anger and frustration are not the
only things that are temporary, but also the lives of the person or people you hurt, what’s worse is those are
people who love you. Treasure every moment with them, also in the part where the parent should have time to
raise their own children.
7. Always be honest- don’t steal even if you have no guilt. Even if you don’t get caught, you know to yourself
that you’re a thief. Don’t spread lies or false rumors just to get revenge, you’ll end up like Hilly, a crazy, mean
and manipulative woman.
In jackson, Mississippi, in the 1950s, it is as if you entered a world filled with racism from every corner. Rich
white women have their children taken care of black maids while they play Bridge and drink Mint Juleps.
Their husbands who they marry just for status and to have a child are working. There, white people are at the
top of the social chain and should be treated with utmost respect. The children the maids take care of will later
on take over the home. Racism is common and evident as Hilly plans to have separate bathrooms and saying,
“separate but equal.” They have laws like black and white people aren’t allowed to be conversing for any
extended period of time. Or laws like they can’t eat together, laws that downgrade black people. Also, in the
movie it promoted that “thin is in,” since all the elite women are petite. Overall their culture is bias and
inhuman since it is focused on making sure the white people are looked up to and are higher than the black.

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