Sulphate Attack On Concrete: C. D. Lawrence

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Magazine of Concrete Research, 1990, 42, No. 153, Dec.

, 249-264

Sulphate attack on concrete

C. D. Lawrence*

The types ofdisruption observed during sulphate attack waters has been known formany years. Sulphate-
on mortars or concretes, and thechemicalprocesses resisting Portland cement (SRPC) was developed in
involved, are summarized. Concrete mix design and the 1930s by modifying the chemical composition of
binder type have an important influence on concrete ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Many laboratory
performance in sulphate environments. The present UK and field studies have been carried out, all of which
Codes of Practice (based on B R E Digest 250) reflect have shown SRPC to be very successful in producing
the technical information available for various binders highly resistant concretes.
currently used in the UK. Sulphate-resisting Portland SRPC hasadvantages which make it an ideal
cement is apurpose-made cement designed to resist sul- cement in many ways. The alkali content is low, so
phates. The chemical factors giving rise to its sulphate that careful choice of aggregate to minimize the risk of
resistance are well understood, and its performance has alkali-silica reaction is unnecessary. It has a low rate
been uniformly good in experimental trials throughout of heat evolution, and is less likely to produce con-
the world. This cement is the standard by which other cretes that crack through thermal cooling effects in
binders are judged, and should continue to be the massive structures. SRPCcan also beused where
preferred binder for concretes expected to withstand reduced temperaturesduringcuringare likely, or
sulphate concentrations in ground waters greater than where only limited curing can be given.
3000mg S 0 4 - - / l . Althoughpartial replacement of In spiteof this success, newlaboratory studies relat-
ordinary Portlandcement (OPC)by various latent ing to sulphate attack continueto appearin the litera-
hydraulic binders can lead to improved sulphate resis- ture. These contradictory perceptions of the need for
tance, the mechanism by which these latent hydraulic further research into sulphate attack arise from the
binders act is not established. There is well-documented introduction ofnew ranges of binders that contain
evidence of considerable variability of performance for OPC together with a proportion of a latent hydraulic
OPClpulverized fuel ash and OPClground granulated binder (usually a by-product or waste material from
blastfurnace slag combinations, and the ability of com- another industry). Because the chemical analysis of a
posite cements to provide a guaranteed performance is composite cement does not yield a satisfactory esti-
suspect. A more rigorous approach towards the selec- mate of itssulphate resistance, there is a need to
tion of composite binder components in the appropriate develop reliable performance tests for use in sulphate
standardsis required before their use can be recom- conditions.
mended in ground waters where sulphate levels exceed TheEuropeanConcretePre-StandardENV 206
3000 mg SO,- - 11. follows the German standard in specifying the use
of a sulphate-resisting binder where ground water
sulphateconcentrations exceed 500 mg SO,/l, but
Introduction leaves the choice of binderto individual national
The susceptibility of mortars and structural con- codes. InGermany, high percentage ggbs/Portland
cretes to attack by sulphate-bearing soils and ground composite cements, made in the cement factory,
are regarded as equivalent toSRPC.In France,
*British Cement Association, Wexham Springs, Slough SL3 6PL, plain Portland cements of limited C3A level are
UK. regarded as closely similar in performance to factory-

Table 1. European cement standard (draft prENVl97, June 1989): cement

composition, spec1jication and conformity criteria
Cement Designation Proportion by mass excluding CaSO, : YO
Portland Natural PFA Filler
cement pozzolana

~~ -
CE I Portland cement 95-100 - -

CE I 1 Portland-composite cement 65-94 0-27 0-23

CE 11-S Portland-slag cement 65-94 6-35 -

CE 11-Z Portland-pozzolana cement 72-94 - 6-28

CE 11-C Portland-fly ash cement 72-94 - -

CE 11-F Portland-filler cement 80-94 - -

CE 111 Blastfurnace cement 20-64 36-80 -

CE IV Pozzolanic cement > 60 - 40

made CPJ composite cements, having restricted C,A and may be exceeded byup to0.5% SO, in 10% of the
levels. samples taken.
In the UK, there is significant production of com- There is noattemptto standardize SRPC in
positecementsbutsecondarybindersare usually ENV197 at the present time.
added separately to the concrete duringmixing (mixer
combinations). The degree ofsulphate resistance estab-
Concrete codes for sulphate environments
lished for factory compositesis sometimes assumedto
be valid for mixer combinations; however, documented BRE Digest 250 recommendations (1986)
field experience of sulphate exposure for mixer com-
The recommendations are summarized in Table 2.
bination concrete is limited. While this approach may
The cement contents in the table refer to concretes
be justified in less onerous exposure conditions or in
having 20mm nominal maximum size aggregate. To
less importantstructures,it may not be justified
maintain the cement content of the mortar fraction at
where such decisions will adversely affect the life of a
similar values, the minimum cement content shouldbe
increased by 50 kg/m3 for 10 mm nominal maximum
size aggregate and decreased by 40 kg/m3 for 40 mm
nominal maximum size aggregate. The table recog-
European cement standard nizes that for improved sulphate resistance, minimum
Table 1 gives composition, specification and con- replacement levels for OPC of 25% PFA or 70% ggbs
formity criteria under draft prENV 197. Pozzolanic are required.
cement,type CE IV,cancontaineithernatural Note that in class 2sulphateconditionsa lower
pozzolana or PFA. Up to5% addition of unspecified maximumwater/binderratio(anda higher binder
bindermaterial (ggbs, natural pozzolana, PFAor content) is required forcomposite cementswhere
filler) can be made to all bindertypes, except type CE mixer combinations with a lesser proportion of PFA
11, with the proviso that further additions of a com- or ggbs are envisaged, as compared with composite
ponent already present as a major constituent may cementswith at least the recommendedminimum
not be made. proportions of PFA or ggbs.
The eight binder types can bespecified in two In class 3 sulphate conditions, a higher maximum
strength classes (42.5 and 32.5), each of which may be water/binder ratio (and a lowercement content) is
high early strength (R)or normal, making 32 binders permissible for SRPC than for OPC-PFA or OPC-
in all. OPC (BSI 2) is similar to type CE I strength class ggbs composites(havingmorethan the minimum
42.5; RHPC (BS12) is similar to type CE I strength replacement levels of latent hydraulic binder suitable
class 42.5R; and CFPC (BS12) is similar to type CE I for these sulphate conditions).
strength class 32.5R. For class 4 and class 5 sulphate conditions, only
The usual addition of calcium sulphate is required SRPC and SSC binders are allowed. Both OPC-PFA
for all binder types in order to regulate the setting composites and OPC-ggbs cements are excluded in
time. The maximum permitted level for SO, is gener- the UK codes for concrete exposed to these sulphate
ally 3.5'%0, exceptthat type CE I l l may contain up to conditions. Where the sulphate concentrationexceeds
4.0%. Other binder types in the strength class 42.5R 6000mg SO,- -/l, the concrete must be protected by
may also contain up to 4.0% SO,. These limits are being coated with a suitable paint or enclosed by an
characteristic values ratherthanabsolutemaxima, impermeable membrane.
250 Magazine of Concrete Research, 1990, 42, No. 153
Sulphate attack on concrete

Table 2. Summary of BRE Digest 250*

Severity of the environment Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5

mg SO,- -/kg in soil 0-2400 2400-6000 6000- 12000 12000-24000 > 24000
mg SO,- -/I in ground water 0-360 360- I440 1440-3000 3000-6000 6000

Maximum water/binder ratio O.S/O.55 0.45/0.S 0.45 0.45 + protection

Minimum binder content : kg/m’ 330/310/280 380/330 370 370

Binder type OPCt

Blastfurnace Blastfurnace
cement1 cement11
(70-90% ggbs) (70-90% ggbs)
(2540% PFA) (2540% PFA)

*RHPC can be substituted for OPC in this table. In class 1 sulphate conditions, there is no special requirement for binder type.
tMaximum water/binder = 0.5, minimum binder content = 330 kg/m’.
$Maximum water/binder = 0.55, minimum binder content = 310 kg/m’.
6Maximum water/binder = 0.55, minimum binder content = 280 kg/m’.
(/Maximum water/binder = 0.45, minimum binder content = 380 kg/m2.
’IMaximum water/binder = 0.50, minimum binder content = 330 kg/m’.

Cembureau recommendations (1978) that uptake of water may be a controlling factorin the
The current draft of the new European Standard disruption process.
prENV 206 (Concrete-Performance, production,
placing and compliancecriteria) is based on the Chemical reactions between sulphate and set paste
recommendations of Cembureau (Table 3). It is usually- agreed that expansion of Portland
The CEN Pre-StandardENV 206 states that a cement based products in sulphates can be associated
sulphate-resisting cement should be used (without with the presence of ettringite, but the quantity of
specifying the type of cement to be employed) where ettringite produced does not correlate with the result-
sulphate concentration in the ground water exceeds ing e x p a n ~ i o n . ~
. ~ on expansive cements’ also
500 mg SO, -/l or where the sulphate concentration
showed a lack of correlation. Similar amounts of
in the soil exceeds 3000 mg SO,- -/kg. In France and ettringite have sometimes been reported to be
Germany, SRPC, SSC and high percentage blast- produced by SRPCandOPC pastes in sulphate
furnace slag composite cements are regarded as equally environments.6
effective in resisting sulphate attack. Environmental sulphates must first diffuse into the
concrete, but, because of the much more rapid rate of
Nature of sulphate attack on concrete diffusion of hydroxyl anions as compared with both
sulphate anions and the associated cations, the dif-
Sulphateattack on concrete is characterized by
fusion process approximates to oneof replacement of
an expansion which eventually leads to cracking or
hydroxyl within the concrete by sulphate. The nature
softening of the outer layers. Strength may increase
of the cation partlydetermines the rateof diffusion of
slightly during initial stages of the attack, but there is
the sulphate into the concrete.
some evidence that weakening of the microstructure
Individual chemical reactions between sulphate and
precedes overall expansion.’ A densification of the
the various cement hydratescan be identified as
microstructure is reported’ during sulphate attack on
Portland cement pastes by MgSO, solution (7900mg
SO,- -/l). A preferential softening of the outer layers ( a ) A reaction between the crystalline Ca(OH), in the
occurs on immersion in plain water if excess sulphate hydrated cement and the environmental sulphate
is uniformly distributed within a mortar, suggesting occurs, yielding soluble hydroxide together with
Table 3. Cembureau recommendations
Severity of the environment Class 1 Class 2 Class 4 Class 3 Class 5

mg SO,/I in ground water < 400 400-600 6000 3000-6000 600-3000

Maximum water/binder ratio 0.55 0.5/0.55 0.5 0.45 0.45 + protection

Binder - - Sulphate-resisting cement

Magazine of Concrete
Research, 1990, 42, No. 153 25 1

crystalline CaSO, 2H,O- sulphate solutions at reduced temperatures (near
5OC)," and in exposed rendered brickwork.'' This
2Na+ + SO,- + Ca(OH), + 2H20
compound does not contain alumina; the disrup-
tion of pure silicate systems has been observed in
= 2Na+ + 2 0 H - + CaSO,.2H,O
sulphate environmentsat reduced temperatures.I2
Calcium silicate hydrate in set cement reacts with
environmental magnesium sulphatesolutions Penetration of sulphate into concrete
(and to a lesser extent sodium and calcium sul- The penetration of chloride into mortars has been
phate solutions), yielding crystalline CaSO,. foundto be dependenton the composition of the
2H,O. The concrete maybe partlyaltered by ~ e m e n t .Reported
'~ values for chloride diffusion coef-
deposits of Mg(OH), in the surface,which form a ficients are 0.1-1.2 x 10-'2m2/sfor the various
protective layer. binders.I4
The gradual removalof calcium hydroxide and The diffusion rate of SO4- - ions appears to be
its replacement with calcium sulphate in (a) and muchlower thanforchloride,and may not be as
(6) above result in loss of strength, but expansion sensitive to binder type. OPC and SRPC pastes were
doesnot usually occur.However,substantial foundto give diffusivities of 0.6-0.9 x 1 0 - ' 4 m 2 / ~
depositsof CaSO,.2H,Owithin the silicate after 3 months' water cure.I5 The depth of penetration
hydrate structuremay cause expansion by gypsum of sulphate ions into Portlandcement and OPC-30%
crystal growth in weakened pastes. PFA pastes has been investigated:"j in 4% Na,SO,
Environmentalsulphates react withthe
cal- solution (27 048 mg SO,- -/l) at pH7,a marked maxi-
ciumaluminate/calciummonosulphoaluminate mum in SO, level was obtained at a depth of pene-
hydrates in the hydratedcement, formingettringite tration of 0.5 mm." Diffusivity values for sulphate
ion ingress were calculated at 0.56-1.34 x m2/s
3Ca0. A1,0,. CaSO, . 12H,O + 4Naf for both OPC andOPC-PFA pastes. The penetration
of Cl-, SO,- and Mg+ ions into SRPC concrete
+ 2SO4-- + 2Ca(OH), + 2 0 H 2 0 - +

from sea water evaporators (runningat 50-1 10°C) in

desalination plants showed sulphate penetrating
= 3 C a 0 . A1,0,. 3CaS04.32H2O
further than chloride after 521 days."
Paste systems that werevulnerable to sulphate
+ 4Na+ + 4 0 H - attack tended to produce large quantities of ettringite
Theformation ofettringite usually results in on exposure to sulphates; systems that were resis-
expansion and eventually in disruption. tant formed only minor amounts." Where sulphate-
Both ettringite and calcium monosulphoalu- resisting slag cementsweresuspendedin sulphate
minate analogues are formed by the ferrite and solutions,ettringiteformed readily, indicating that
aluminoferrite phases (C2F, C4AF andC,A,F).7 resistance to diffusion of sulphateinto the blast-
The morphology of the ettringites obtained from furnace cement paste microstructure was of primary
hydratingC,AF/Ca(OH),/CaSO, . 2H,Omix- importance in determining the sulphate resistance of
tures is somewhat different from that obtained slag cements.
from the corresponding mixturesusing C, A, and
appears to be amorphous rather than acicular.*
The exact mechanism of expansion associated Sulphate environments
with ettringite formation is disputed. A possible
is ettringite
nucleation and CaSO, solution
growth. Expansion is thus avoidable by increas- The durabilityof lean mortar prisms has been inves-
ing the solubility of the ettringite (by reducing tigated in saturated calcium sulphate solution and also
Ca(OH), levels, or increasing the temperature), in Na,SO, and MgSO, solutions.2n.21 The expansions
so allowing dissolution/recrystallization processes in sodium and calcium sulphates were similar. The
to occur and encouraging redistribution of the effects of calcium and sodium sulphate solutions on
crystals to any available free pore volume. the compressive strength of 12.5mm cement paste
An alternative hypothesis for sulphate expan- cubes havebeen reported,22 and similar reductions
ion'.^ is that finely divided or colloidal ettringite in strength were reported in bothsolutionsfor
forms in the early stages of sulphate attack, which plain Portland, OPC-trass and OPC-slag composite
then attracts waterfromtheenvironment by cements.
osmotic forces and so generates expansion. The performances of a group of Portland cement
Theformation of thaumasite, Ca,Si(OH), . mortars in saturated CaSO, solution (1440mg
12H20.SO,. CO,,has been proposed as the S 0 4 - - / l ) and in 5% Na,SO, solution(33810mg
mechanism of expansion and disruption of auto- so4--/l) havebeencompared.,, The differences in
claved dolomiticaggregate mortar in sodium behaviour of certain cements in these two solutions
252 Magazine of Concrete Research, 1990, 42, No. 153
Sulphate attack on concrete

was attributedto differences in the mechanism of PFA blends. Two of the five bituminousPFAs,
disruption,thesodiumsulphatesolutionforming having low CaO contents (Class F), did not improve
gypsum within the pastes while the calcium sulphate the sulphateresistance of the cement. Three out of the
solution gave rise to ettringite. eight sub-bituminous PFAs studied showed poor per-
Comparisons of the performanceof 130commercial formances, and analysis showed the presence of
binders in saturated CaSO, solutionare given in monosulphoaluminate hydrate before exposure to the
Ref. 24. The performance of binders in this sulphate sulphate solution.
environment was usually good, except for the OPCs. The C,A content of the Portland cement was an
The C,A content of plain Portland cements could be important factor determining the sulphate resistance
correlated inversely with performance. CPJ cements of composite cements containing PFA or ggbs.,* It
andOPC with only 15% latenthydraulic binder was concluded that replacement by PFA of the order
(ggbs, PFA or natural pozzolana), performed less of 40% was required to transform the sulphate resis-
well. The blastfurnace slag content of slag cement tance to 2% Na,SO, solution (1 3 524mg SO,- -/l) of
binders (15, 30 or > 70% slag) did not give a clear an OPC having 14% C, A to that of a 9% C, A OPC,
relationship with performance. and that a > 50% replacement by blastfurnace slag
was required.
N a 2 S 0 4and K 2 S 0 4solutions The addition of > 5% silica fume to a slag cement
The sulphate resistance of a large number of dif- increased sulphate resistance in Na,SO, solution
ferent binders has been examined using mortar bar (0.26 mol/l, 24 980mg SO,- -/l).29 Where more than
expansions and dynamic modulus tests.’ There was a 5% replacement by silica fume was made, mortar bar
significant relationship between the C,A (Bogue) con- expansions were equal to or smaller than those for
tent of Portland cements and the rate of expansion. similar SRPC cement mortars.
The analysis of the performance of 3 x type I Portland The influence of slag percentage on the sulphate
cements, using a group of 14 pozzolanas (nine class F resistance of blends of separately ground Portland
PFAs, two class C PFAs, two natural pozzolanas and cement clinkers, gypsum and blastfurnace slags has
one silica fume), showed that for high C,A Portland been investigated, in Na,SO, solution (29 750mg
cements (13-1 and 14.6% C,A) blending with SO,- -/l), using the Koch-Steinegger method of
pozzolanas did not,in general, result in a performance flexural strength determination.” Blending slag that
equal to that of type I1 Portland cements. For type I contained 17.7% A1,0, with Portland cement clinkers
Portland cement with 9% C,A, blending with 30% containing 8 or 11YOC,A produced a sulphate-resisting
pozzolana usually resulted in performance equal to binder if the replacement level of the slag exceeded
that of type I1 Portland cements. A relation between 60-70%, but below this replacement level the binder
C,A percentage and expansion for both plain Port- remained non-resistanttosulphate.Certaincom-
land and OPC-PFA composite cement mortars was binations of high Al,O, slag andPortland cement
noted.,’ clinker showed poor sulphate resistance over a much
After 10.5 years there was little evidence of disrup- wider range of replacement levels, notably where the
tion for slag mixes from the strength or expansion slag was coarsely ground. Binders utilizing high
tests in Na,SO, solution (3000 mg SO,- -/l), but the C,A Portland cement clinker were more sensitive
type I1 cement concretes showed strength loss,26while tothe slag composition, fineness and percentage
the Portland cement mixes showed varying degrees of replacement.
damage, which increased as the percentage of C,A in Results from a co-operative programme to inves-
the cement increased. In 50000mg SO,- -/l solution tigate the influence of A1,0, contents of blastfurnace
(Na,SO, and K,SO,) a similar pattern was evident, slags have beenreported,’ at replacement levelsof
except thatthe 50% slag mixeswere beginning to Portland cement clinker by slag of55-70%,using
show accelerating expansionratesafter 2800 days. both theflat prism expansion test and flexural strength
The expansions were greater for thepotassium sulphate measurement. Changes in percentage of Al,O, in the
solution. slag from 10.5 to 18.7%, holding the slag replacement
The performancesof SRPC, OPC, blastfurnaceslag value constant at 65%, resulted in no change in sul-
cements (30 and60% slag), and aPortlandtrass phate vulnerability, using clinker with 7.8 or 10.2%
cement (26% trass) in 4% Na, SO, solution (27 040 mg C, A. The Germanflat prism test has been adopted in
SO,- -/l), controlled at pH7, have been compared.,, investigation of the performance of slag cement^.^'
The SRPC andthe 80% slag cement performed equally After 8 years, the data showed OPC-70% ggbs
well; thetrass cement andthe 30% slag cement cements having virtually zero expansion, while the
performed poorly. Mixer combinations of an ASTM SRPC mortars disintegrated at this time in Na,SO,
type I Portland cement were examined with 16 PFAs solution (30000mg SO,- -/l).A detailed study of
of varying composition, at replacement levels of 25 the performance of plain Portland and slag cement
and 40%.27 was It deduced that overall composition of mortars has been published.,,
the PFA was not relevant to the sulphateresistance of Tests carried out by the Portland Cement Associ-
Magazine of Concrete Research, 1990, 42, No. 153 253

1200 r

- l
E Q /
/ a

0 Ref. 38
0 Ref.41
Ref. 44
A Ref. 40

0 2000 4000 6000 8000

Sulphate concentration: mgA

Fig. 1. Concentration of magnesium ions plotted against concentration of sulphate

ions in representative selections of UK ground waters: analyses with > 100mg Sol/!

ation33.34In. natural Na,SO, soils involved wetting/ inversely with the C3A content of the plain Portland
drying and absorption of sulphate solution into the cements. Composite cements containing PFA orggbs
concretes. For plain Portland cements, the C,A con- showed much greater times to maximum strength.
tent determined the levelof deterioration, which
increased as the C3A level increased from 0 to 12.6%. MgSO, solution
For the blastfurnace Portland cement (40% ggbs), a Magnesium sulphate occurs widely in ground
poorer performance was obtained than for the type I waters in the UK and elsewhere, and is a major com-
Portland cements from whichit was derived. Slag ponent of sea-water. Fig. 1 summarizes data from
cements made from Portland cement clinker contain- over 500 analyses of water samples from the UK, and
ing 7% C3Awere more durable than those containing shows how the magnesium content tends to increase as
10.2% C3A. The addition ofa type F PFA to a type sulphate level increase^.^^.^' Concentrations of sul-
I cement gave improved performance at both 20 and phate and otherions in ground waters tend to increase
40% replacement levels, for all levels of cement con- during periods of dry weather.,'
tent. Predictions of the long-term field performance The expansion of mortarbars containing either
from laboratory tests, involving repeated wetting and OPC (Canadian type 10) or SRPC(Canadian type 50),
drying with Na,SO, solution, indicated that com- with or without 15% replacement by a sub-bituminous
posite cements derived from type I1 and type V Port- fly ash, hasbeen reported.,, Specimens were immersed
landcements with pozzolanas should have greater in sulphatesolutions (Na,SO,, 6762 or 67 670mg
durability than the plain Portland cement concrete^.^' SO,- -/l and MgSO,, 7997 or 79970mg SO,- -11). In
However, 6 out of the 34 pozzolanas examined did not 6762mg SO,- -/l Na,SO, solution,OPC/fly ash
showimprovedperformance, and wide variations mortarbars expanded by 0-018% and0435% in
were observed even with pozzolanas from the same 270 days, while the plain SRPC showed negligible
source. expansion (less than 0.02% in 300 days). In 7997mg
The durabilityof building mortars in terms of visual SO,- -/l MgS0, solution, the expansions were much
appearance hasbeen investigated by allowing samples
to absorb K2S04(20000mg SO,- -/l) solution and -greater-the two OPC/fly ash mortars expanded by
0.05% and 04)75% respectively; the SRPC mortars
then subjecting a fraction of them to f r e e ~ e l t h a w . ~ ~continued
.~~ to show negligible expansion (0.02%).
The test method was designed to simulate the factors An OPC-20% PFA blend concrete was much more
operating on a severely exposed face of a mortar bed resistant than the corresponding plain OPC concrete
in external facing brickwork. SRPC was found to be in Na, SO, solution (1 8 000 mg SO, -/l), and equal in
particularly effective under these conditions. performance to SRPC concretes. In MgS0, solution
The flexural strength measurement hasbeen used to (18 000mg SO,- -/l) they were less re~istant.,~
examine theperformance of 41 cements, including The performances of 130binders were compared by
plain Portland cement and composite cement^.^' The measuring the strengthof half-immersed prisms in the
flexural strength reached a maximum for the speci- MgSO, solution (19490mg SO,- -/I) and sea-water.',
mens exposed to Na,SO, solution (29 800mg SO,- -/l) In MgSO, solution, the completely immersed half of
and the time taken to reach this maximum correlated the specimens showed good performance for the
254 Magazine of Concrete Research, 1990, 42, No. 153
Sulphate attack on concrete

SRPC and type I1 Portland cement mortars, as did temperature

curing was
theCPJ cements with 15% ggbs, PFAornatural promoting sulphate resistance.
pozzolana. The CHF-CLK slag cements with > 70%
slag performed best of all, but CPF slag cements with
Sea-water and chloride solution
30% ggbs performed poorly, as did the OPCs. The
non-immersed half of the specimens normally per- The results ofthe RILEM technical committee
formed better than the immersed half, but in the case 32-RCA review ofsea-water attack onconcrete4*con-
of slag cements thenon-immersed half performed very cluded that, if the concrete was of good quality, all
badly while the immersed part remained in excellent binder types gave good service in marine environ-
condition. In sea-water the performance showed little ments; OPCs with C,A contents < 8% were par-
relationship to the C,A level in the cements. Cements ticularly suitablefor sea-water conditions,as were
containing 15% latent hydraulic binder (ggbs, PFA or high slag blastfurnace slag cements and pozzolanic
natural pozzolana) performed well in sea-water, at a cements.
level, on average, near to that of SRPCs. The blast- A series of very long-term studies was reported:49
furnace slag content of slag cement binders correlated 200mm cubes were exposed to sea-water in outdoor
well with performance; the greater the slag content, sites. It was concluded that blastfurnace slag cements
the more resistant was the binder. with high slag contents (CLK slag > 80% and CHF
Increasing the SO, level to 2-4% improved the slag > 65%) have very good resistance to sea-water;
sulphate resistance of lean mortar prisms to MgSO, slag cements with less slag (CPF, ggbs = 35% and
solution.44 The C,A content of the Portland cement CMM, ggbs = 50%) also had good resistance to sea-
was a significant factor. water provided that the C,A content of the Portland
The effectiveness of replacing 25% of OPC and cement clinker component wasless than 8%. For
SRPC with PFA in MgSO, solution (4200mg SO,/l) Portland cements the C,A content was important, an
has been reported. Most plain OPC mixes suffered upper limit of 8% being satisfactory.
totaldestruction; all SRPC mixes showed minimal Tests of mortar specimens in sea-water and MgSO,
signs of attack and continued to show strengthgains; solutions (5844mg SO,- -/l), using a wide range
bothOPC-PFAandSRPC-PFAcomposite mixes of cement types, are summarized and discussed in
showed minimal signs of attack but some strength loss Ref. 50. These indicate a superior performance for
was apparent between 2and 5 years.45 In MgSO, slag cements: the slag cement mortars were reduced to
solution (18 000 mg SO,- -/l), most OPC mixes 55-100% of the water cured strength, while all the
suffered total destruction and all SRPC, OPC-PFA Portland cement mortars were completelydisintegrated
andSRPC-PFA blend mixes suffered substantial (Fig. 2).
damage,the lower cement content mixes suffering The effect of sea-water on a range of binders is
particularly. SRPC-PFA blends behaved worse than reported in Ref. 16: cement pastes were made at water/
plain SRPC at lower binder content; for the higher cement (w/c) ratiosof 0.3 and 0.5 from type I, TI
bindercontent mixes, OPC-PFA,SRPC-PFA and and V cements after 14 days’ cure. The attack was
SRPC mixes performed similarly. In Na, SO, solutions monitored by length change measurements over a
(18 000 mg SO,- -/l), OPC-PFA composite cements period of 254 days. Expansions shown by types I and
and SRPCshowed no visible signs of attack, although I1 cements were considerably greater thanforthe
the strengthgains were not asgood as for water-stored type V cement in each case. The amounts of ettringite
specimens. forming in the three cement pastes did not correlate
Theexpansion of neat cement pastebarsmade with the different expansions produced. TheC3A con-
from type I (l 1.4% C, A) and type V (0% C, A) tent of aPortland cement was one of thefactors
Portland cements has been reported.Agelatinous determining level of
coating of Mg(OH), was always observed on speci- Although slag cements have usually been thought of
mens stored in magnesium containing solutions. Two as providing high resistance to sea-water attack,
competing factors were proposed: the efficiency of the recent data suggest that slag cements do not perform
surface coating of Mg(OH), in preventing attack, and well in freezing sea-water condition^.^^ After 8 years
the increased attackdueto increased sulphate ion some specimens showed significant surface deterio-
c~ncentration.,~ ration, the amount of deterioration generally increasing
A good correlation was found between the C, A with increasing w/c ratio and increasing replacement
content of plain Portland cements and the rate of levels for the type I cement with slag.
attack, with an upper limit for sulphate resistance of The resistance of Portland cements to sea-water has
5.5% C,A.,’ Pozzolanic cements formed from a range been analysed in terms of their compo~ition.’~ was It
of natural and artificial latent hydraulic binders per- deduced that the SO, content of the cement was the
formed better in Na,SO, solutions than in MgSO, dominant factorin the first two years of exposure, but
solutions,but no relationship between theircom- thatat later ages the C,A content became more
position and performance could be discerned. High important, and thefineness of the cement finally deter-

Magazine of Concrete Research, 1990, 42, NO.153 255


&?l Blastfurnace slag cement

5 10

Storage tme. years

Fig. 2. Relative compressive strengths of mortars stored in sea-water (600 kg cement,

1500 kg sand, WIC= 0.39)’’

mined the resistance, i.e. the finer the cement the more mortar contained chloride only in the outer few milli-
resistant were the mortars. metres, while the Portland cement mortars contained
The disruption of concretes by the action of cold chloride all the way to the centre of the specimens.
sea-water has been examined.55Two non-air-entrained The resistance ofsmall concrete cubes to strong
concretesandthreeair-entrainedconcretes were chloride solutions (NaCI, CaCl,, MgCl, and NH,Cl)
employed, with andwithout silica fume or blast- has been i n ~ e s t i g a t e d .Blastfurnace
~~ slag cement
furnace slag.Silica fume increased the resistance of the (75% slag), SRPC (1% C,A) and OPC (12% C,A)
concretes and was moreefficient than ggbs. Attack by wereexamined. The blastfurnace cementconcretes
MgCl, solution (2000mg Mg+/l) caused a coarsening were unaffected by CaCl,solutions, but both Portland
of the pore structure of Portland cement pastes., cements suffered severedamage within ’16 weeks. Satu-
A method of examining the behaviour of cement rated NaCl solution also had more drastic effects on
mortars exposed to hot sea-water has been de~cribed.’~ the Portlandcement concretes than onthe slag cement
The Portland cementstested (with both high and low concretes. hlgC1, solutions caused severe damage to
C,A) by thistechnique behavedverywell;
they all concretes.
retainedstrength and failed toexpand.Theslag
cements, however, lost strength and expanded to a Sulphate incorporated into the concrete mix
great extent. The effects of added gypsum on Portland cement
The salinity of the Dead Sea is reported to be 10
times that of ocean water but sulphate concentration
- mortars andconcretes are reportedin Ref. 59. For SO,
is only 1/4 that of ocean sea-water.” Prisms of typeI expansion curve against time was obtained. Two test
Portlandcementcracked and
outer shell procedures, measuring expansion and involving the
crumbled. Prismsof type V Portland cementremained incorporation of CaSO,. 2H,O into the test speci-
hard and showed only rounding of the edges. The mens, are described in the literature-the Le Chatelier-
addition of chloride to thesulphateenvironment Anstett-Blondiau cement paste test and the ASTM
increased theexpansions whichwere obtained in C452 mortar bar expansion test. The Le Chatelier-
simple chloride environments for sulphate-containing Anstett-Blondiau test sulphate
for resistance
cements but not for the corresponding sulphate-free measures the expansion of a compact composed of
ground clinkers. two parts of hydrated cement paste and one part of
Tests for strength and expansion on mortars found gypsum. This procedure is a very severe test of sul-
thatPortlandcementmortar prismsexplosed to phate resistance, and only SRPC and certain PFA
MgCl, solutions in a range of concentrations deterio- blendsmeet the accepted criteria of resistance of
rated by amechanism involvingleaching of the < 1.8% expansion at 28 days. Blastfurnace slag
Ca(OH),.I3 The C,A content of the Portland cement cements behave badly in this test.60
had no influence. Blastfurnace slag cement mortars In the ASTM C452 test, the Portland cement sul-
retained strength for 1 year in 25g MgCl,/I solution, phate content is increased to 7% by adding gypsum.
and were almost immune to attack. The mortarprisms are stored underdistilled water and
Measurements of chloride penetrationinto the sur- the expansion is noted after 28 days. A good corre-
face of the specimensshowed that the slag cement lation between the Bogue C,A content and expansion
256 Magazine
Research,of Concrete 1990, 42, No. 153
Sulphate attack on concrete

forplainPortlandcementshas been r e p ~ r t e d . ~ ' . ~ ' temperature reduced the time for a given expansion;6s
OPC-ggbs composite cements were expansive when the effect of temperature change in MgSO, solution
used inthistest,but PFAand silica fume blends was similar between 0-5 and 22"C, but at40°C the rate
performed well. of expansion fell away at later ages, so that later
The standards give maximum limits for sulphate expansion values were higher at 0.5 and 22°C than at
contents in concrete and aggregates-BS8110 : 1985 40°C.
sets a limit of 4% by mass of cement for concrete; Both Portland andslag cement mortars (20,35, and
BS877 : 1973 (Foamed or expanded blastfurnace slag 80% slag) showed reducedexpansion as thetem-
lightweight aggregate for concrete) sets a limit of 1% perature of exposure to sea-water was increased from
SO,, asdoes BSI 165 : 1985 (Clinkerandfurnace 5 to 20 to 40°C.5' The effects of 5% Na,SO, solution
bottom ash aggregate for concrete). at 5 and 22°C on the expansion behaviour of OPC
Investigation of theexpansion of mortar prisms mortars (having 7 or 14% C, A) after curing at room
containingadded gypsum showed that expansion temperature or under autoclave conditions are reported

more than -
continued at laterages where the mixes contain
6% SO, for sulphate-resisting cement
concretes.62Pozzolaniccementsshowedgood resis-
in Ref. 69. Autoclaved specimens deteriorated rapidly
at 5°C butremainedsound at 22°C.All theroom
temperature cured specimens were attacked, but the
tance to sulphates addedin the mixing. It was pointed 7% C, A cement mortar bars showed lower rates of
out that the maximum sulphate allowable in a con- attack at 22°C than at 5°C.
crete was dependent on many factors, including C, A Thaumasite forms during sodium sulphate attack
content,curingtemperature,particle size of the on autoclaved mortarsat 5"C, and this compound has
gypsum, and presence of chloride in the mix.63 been held responsible for the observed disruption."
The expansion of mortar bars made with various Exposure of this material at 25°C did not result in
percentages of gypsum as aggregate showed the influ- disruption (the autoclaved mortar was made with a
ence of C,A content of the Portland cement: and dolomitic aggregate).
largeexpansions were found with 5% gypsum (by Theeffect of exposuretosulphatesolutions at
mass of aggregate) for Portland cements containing 9 varioustemperaturesfor SRPCmortars has been
and 14% C3A, whilevery smallexpansions were rep~rted.~'In Na,SO, solutions,expansions were
obtained with SRPC. greatest at 1O"C, and reduced somewhat at 20"C,
The expansion of mortar prisms using aggregate falling to negligible values at 40°C. In contrast, for
contaminated with 1 or 2%gypsum, by mass of aggre- MgSO, solutions expansion was moderate at 10°C,
gate,andalsomadeentirely with crushed gypsum increased at 20°C but again fell to negligible values at
aggregate, hasbeen investigated.@At 2% gypsum, the 40°C. The reverse situation obtained when aluminate-
slag cements showed high rates of expansion but the containing rock was used in the aggregatewith SRPC
SRPC showed slow expansions. When all the aggre- in 5% Na,SO, ~olution;~' in this case exposure at
gate was gypsum, the high slag cement expanded freely higher temperatures resulted in increased expansions.
while the SRPC expanded very slowly, and only
showed significant expansion after 3years under water
at 20 f 2°C. Type of hydraulic binder
It has been claimed6' that ettringite formation can
take place withoutthe presence of C3A when the Plain Portland cement
aggregatecontainsweathered(kaolinzed)granite. The sulphate resistanceof Portland cements canbe
The substitution of 40% of the Portland cement by estimated from the calculated value of the C3A per-
pozzolana improved the resistance. Clays stabilized centage, using the Bogue formula, or from a direct
with 10% cement (boulder
weatheredand C3A determination by X-ray diffraction. Cement stan-
unweatheredOxfordclay) have been examined for dardsforPortlandcementsthroughoutthe world
effects of sulphate contamination.66 Clay containing have adopted the Bogue formula approach to identi-
more than 1% SO, was found to show wet strengths
of only - 1/4 of that without sulphate. The use of
SRPC did notimprovethestrengthperformance.
fying SRPCs, placing limits on the calculated C,A
content in the region of 3-5%.
An upper limit of 5.5% C3A eliminated all cements
Cement-stabilized colliery shale (8-10Y0 cement) has of lowsulphate resistance:' Satisfactory data correlat-
occasionally been found to swell after 1 or 2 years' ing calculated C, A levels with expansion, using the Le
service due to the oxidation of the pyrite present to Chatelier-Anstett-Blondiau test, have been found@ . '
form acidic ferric sulphate^.^' Approximate relationships
have been obtained
between mortar bar expansion data and calculated
Temperature of exposure C,A levels in Portland cement^^'.^^,^' (Fig. 3).
Lean mortar bar expansions in 0.15 and 0.50 mol/l The C3Acontent is thus well established asan
Na,SO, and MgSO, solutions, carried out at 0.5, 22 important composition parameter for plain Portland
and 40°C show that for Na,SO, solution, a rise in cementconcretesdeterminingsulphate resistance.
Magazine of Concrete Research, 1990, 42, No. 153 257

phate andsea-water environments show highstability,

but that a significant minority show poorer resistance;
5% Na2SO4
he is at pains to point out that ‘unsuitable mixtures of
0 Portlandcement
clinker and very slightly hydraulic slags’ were
R = 0.970 + Slag
employed in the latter tests.
(Portland cements only) (equipment C A )
One way of increasing the reactivity of a slag is to
800 + deliberately add alumina to the feed stock, but the
,I 600 resulting cement may exhibit a lower sulphate resis-
Proposed limit for tance (BRE Digest 250, ASTM C989-88). A minimum
type V equivalence
._ glass content of the slag ( > 61 YO)was found to be

m necessary for sulphate resistance of the blend,” but

9 changing theSO, content or the fineness had noeffect.
European field experience is largely confined to fac-
toryproduced slag cementswhichhave SO, levels
considerably higher thanthose ofmixer combina-
F tions. Increasing the SO, level from -
1 % to
improved the sulphate resistance significantly.M
3% -
OPC-PFA composite cement
The performance of OPC-PFA composite cements
is dependent on theC,Acontent of thePortland
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 cement (Fig. 4). BRE74state that the net sulphate
Bogue &A. %
resistance of OPC-PFA composite cements depends
‘Ages from best fit line for ASTM limits on C3A to some extent on the C,A content of the OPC, and
Fig. 3. Time.for ASTM mortar prisms to expand 0.1% in 5% BRE Digest 250 in its current form makes allowance
day?‘ Na,SO, solution: forthis by notequating the performance of these
composite cements with that of SRPCs.
Different behaviour has been observed with com-
SRPC is sometimes referred to as C,A-free Portland posite cements made with PFAs from different sources
cement. but the composition changes bringing this about have
not been identified. Using the ASTM C1012-84 test (a
Blastfurnace slag cement plot of themortarbar expansion after 180 days
Smolc~yk’~ commented that the vast majority of against C,A content for both plain Portland cements
laboratory reports of blastfurnace slag cementin sul- and blended cements) the data showed that blended






- - - - _ - - - _ _ - _ ____ ____
XX ? X &
l1 V RC 714 RC 756 RC744
With pozzolans

Fig. 4. Comparison of rates of expansion in 5% Na,SO, solution of mortar bars

made with ASTM type I1 and type V cements, and composite cements using three
ASTM type I cements with 13, 9 and 15% C, A (RC714, RC744, RC756: C+
marks the expansion of the plain type I cement mortars)’
258 Magazine of Concrete Research, 1990, 42, No. 153
Sulphate attack on concrete

cements in general performed better than would be 1-

expected if only simple dilution for the C, A present in
390 kg
the Portland cement component applied, but the rela-
tionship between expansion and calculated C, A level
was poorly defined.25

OPC-silica fume composite cement



The literature contains a numberof reports on the

sulphate resistance of reactive silica-containing mixes. -
indicated that expansions in Na2S0, J -
> 4
and MgSO, solutions were reduced by blending up to
20% silica gel with the OPC where the C3A level was
intermediate, but this was ineffective when high levels
of C3A were examined. The resistance to Na,SO, 5- Cement no. 12
12.6% CBA
solutions of typeI Portland cement mixes is improved
by incorporating 15% silica fume but the resistance to
strong MgSO, solution is worsened,76 the specimens
losing 20-25% of theirmass. Type V Portland cement l I I I
0 20 40
mixes were made less resistance, especially to MgSO, Fly ash replacement: % by weight of cement
solution, by incorporating silica fume. The reason for
the improvement in performance of silica fume com- Fig. S . Visual ratings of concrete prisms stored in sulphate
posites is still a subject of speculation. The formation contaminated soils for I 1 years of d@erent binder contents
and different replacement levels of ASTM type I cement by
of a finer pore structure, the reduction in Ca(OH), PFA”
content, and the removal of the aluminate fraction of
thecement by incorporationintotheextra silicate
hydrate being formed have all been proposed as Replacement of ASTM type I Portland cement by
explanations. 20 and 40% class F PFA increased the sulphate resis-
tance of theconcretes with 223, 307 and 390kg
Mix design cement/m3concrete after 11 years’ exposure insulphate-
contaminated soils, the most significant improvement
The normal effect of increasing the cement content being for the leaner concretes,, (Fig. 5). Replacement
is to improve durability. After25 years’ exposure, high of 20% ASTM type I1 or type V Portland cements by
slag blastfurnace slag cements showed practically no PFA also produced an improvedperformance at
deterioration at cement contents of 250-390 kg/m3 223 kg cement/m3, butresulted in little change for the
concrete; to obtainsimilardurabilities with OPCs richer mixes.
required a cement content of 350 to 375 kg/m3; for The performance of concretes with 225, 285, 335
concretes containing an erzzement (SRPC) or a slag and 375 kg/m3 binder contentsat two levels of work-
cement with 30%slag,asimilarperformance was
attained at 300 kg/rn3.’,
The effects of changes in cement content of concrete
ability or water/binder ratio hasbeen reported:43there,
was a clear differentiation between thecastand
trowelled faces of the cubes, the cast faces deteriorat-
are more significant at the leaner end of the range. ing more slowly. For OPC mixes at 335 and 375 kg
The Portland Cement Association examined the effect cement/m3, there was a trend to increased disruption
of sulphate attack on concrete specimens stored half- in sulphateenvironments as the water/binderratio
buried in sulphate soils (contaminated with high per- was increased. ForSRPC concretestherate of
centages of Na,SO,or Na,S0,/MgS04):33 after 6 years, deterioration was much less than for OPC concretes,
for rich mixes (390kg cement/m3) the attack was slow and it was more difficult to establish the effects of mix
and little difference in behaviour was detected between proportions.
cements with high and low C,A contents; forlean and
intermediate mixes (223 and 307 kg cement/m3), the Period and temperature of cure
attack was more rapid and the importance of cement An increased period ofwater cure greatly dim-
composition became apparent, a limit of 7% C,A inished sulphate attack in Na,SO, s~lutions.~’ In con-
(Bogue) separatinggoodandbadperformance.At trast,sulphateattack byMgSO, solution was not
20 years, theconclusionsreported at 6 yearswere influenced by increasing the period of cure.
confirmed, but the performance of the rich mix (390 kg A drastic reduction in period of cure before expo-
cementlm’) concretescouldnow be differentiated sure to sulphatesolutionshas been investigated:26
according tothecomposition of thecement used: immediately aftercasting,permeable plastic film
again theC,A level wasfound to correlate with degree plates were clampedoverthe mortarbar moulds
of attack. whichwere then immersed in Na,SO, solution
Magazine of Concrele Research, 1990, 42, No. 153 259

(50000mg SO,- -/l). The OPC mortar (12.2% C,A) Excess sulphate in the mix aggregate is unlikely to
failed quickly (in 3 months); the SRPC (2.2% C3A) occur in the UK, except possibly where waste filler
eventually failed also-however, a 50: 50 slag blend material is involved; thissituation is particularly
with the 12.2% C,A Portland cement performed as damaging to slag cements. Concretes with excess sul-
well as when allowed the normal cure in fresh water phate may prove particularly unstable under marine
before exposure. conditions.
The effectsof extending the curing period under It is clear that the calculated C3A level provides a
water before exposure to sulphate solutions has been good indication of the expansiveness of a plain Port-
examined. OPC-PFA and high slag/PFA blends given land cement in sulphate conditions; SRPC (low C,A
21 or 112 days precure were examined in tests using Portland cement) usually performs as well or better
mortar prisms immersed in Na,SO, solution than any other binder type., The C3A content of the
(25 000 mg SO,- -/I). The results show that the rela- OPC is also a determining factor for the behaviour
tively low sulphate resistance of the plain cements can of OPC-PFA and OPC-ggbs composite cements in
be improved by partial replacement with fly ash and sulphate environments.
by longer term curing. A wide range of performances has been reported for
It was found that low pressure steam curing did OPC-PFA and OPC-ggbs composite cements; it has
not influence the performance of mortars in sul- notproved possible to predict sulphate resistance
phates significantly, except for those with 20% from the chemical or physical compositions of the
colloidal silica, whichshowed improved perfor- secondarybinder. Blastfurnacecementsmay derive
mance.20 Curing at 100°C78and high pressure steam their sulphate-resistant properties from a number of
curinggreatlyimprovedthe resistance of Portland possible mechanisms (a similar list can be compiledfor
cement mortarsand concretes to sulphates;sub- OPC-PFA cements).
stitution of dolomitic aggregate forsiliceous aggregate
in Portland cement mortars increased their resistance The quantity of Ca(OH), present is reduced by
to MgS0, solution. absorption during the initial hydration, increas-
ing the solubility of ettringite and making it less
Carbonation The Ca(OH), present is reduced by absorption
Ettringite is unstable when pH is reduced, and is duringthe initial hydration, reducing therate
decomposed by carbonation, therefore no expansion of ingress of SO,- - into the concrete by reduc-
of carbonated mortars can take place in sulphates. ing the concentration of OH- ions available for
Theouter layer ofcarbonatedconcreteformeda counterdiffusion.
protectivebarrieragainstsea-water attack6' over The solubilities of the aluminate hydrate phases
a 20year period.Osbornehasreportedasimilar are reduced by incorporating silicate into their
effect of carbonation against the attack by sulphate crystalstructuresand delayingconversion to
solutions.79 ettringite in the presence of sulphate.
Thecarbonation of mortarsmadefrom ASTM The hydrate pore structure is refined, increasing
type I Portland cement was found to be benefici,al to the physical resistance to diffusion and reducing
specimens cured both at room temperature and under the rate of ingress of sulphate into the concrete.
autoclaveconditions, in both Na,SO, and MgSO, Which of these possibilities operate in particular
solutions.69 Accelerated carbonation of dried OPC instances is not yet established. This uncertainty con-
mortars before immersion in sulphate solutions (10% cerning the basic reasons controlling their sulphate
(NH,),SO, (72750mg SO,- -/l)) rendered them resistance limits confidence in the performance of
resistant to sulphate attack.80 these secondary binders.
The following conclusions can be drawn.
Discussion and conclusions
( a ) Concrete mix design has a largeeffect on concrete
The process of sulphate attack is complex and the performance in sulphate environments, and an
chemical interactions between hydrated cement and increased binder content or reduced water/
sulphatesareprobablydependent on the precise binder ratio usually leads to improved resistance.
environmental conditions. Different accelerated tests (b) The relative performance of hydraulic binders
yield different results: for example, strong MgSO, depends, to a degree, onthesulphatesolution
composite composition and concentration employed. If tests
cements thantowardsSRPCs,andstrong Na,SO, are limited to concentrations below 3000mg
solutions arepossibly biased in the opposite direction. SO,- -/l, it is possible to formulatesulphate-
Tests limited to measurements of expansion are not as resisting cements from a wide range of materials,
satisfactory as those which also include measurements including binders containing PFA and blast fur-
of mass and strength loss. nace slag.
260 Magazine of Concrete Research, 1990, 42, No. 153
Sulphate attack on concrete

It is well established that the C3Acontent of plain R H P C . RapidhardeningPortland cement; BS12:

Portland cements is themajorfactor affecting 1989. Similar in composition to OPC but more finely
susceptibility to sulphates. Recently reported ground together with a controlled amount of calcium
studies confirm the pre-eminent position of C,A- sulphate (max. 3.5% SO,) (type I11in ASTM Cl 50-89).
free cements in the range of available sulphate CFPC. Controlled fineness Portland cement; BS12 :
resisting binders, and their guaranteed resistance 1989. Similar in composition to OPC butmore coarsely
to sulphate concentrations up 6000 to mgSO4- -/l. ground with a controlled amount of calcium sulphate
Satisfactory performance of composite cements (max. 3.0% SO,).
and mixer combinations in sulphateenviron- S R P C . Sulphate-resisting Portland cement; BS4027 :
ments of 3000 mg SO,- -/l is critically depen- 1980. A factory-produced binder similar to OPC but
dent on thecorrect choice of material properties prepared by grinding selected clinker, having low
andproportions. In view of the variability of levels of C,A (max. 3.5% C3A), with a controlled
PFA and slag composition, the existing British lower amount of calcium sulphate (max. 2.5% SO,).
Standards for compositecements, while satisfac- (Roughly equivalent to type V in ASTM C150-89,
tory in regulating general purpose concrete, are ASTM type I1 being between type I and type V in
inadequate as specifications for materials to be sulphate resistance and C3Acontent).
usedin sulphateenvironments of > 3000mg L H P C . Low heat Portland cement; BS1370 : 1979. A
SO4- -/l. factory-produced binder similar to OPC, but prepared
The present evidence from various parts of the by grinding selected clinker of low C,S level together
world is that a wide range of performances are with a controlled amount of calcium sulphate (max.
produced when PFA is incorporated with Port- 3.0% so,).
landcement. Althoughthe
range of PFAs
presently available in the UK is limited to the Latent hydraulic binders (UK)
generally more satisfactory bituminous coal ash, PFA. Pulverized fuel ash (fly ash in the American and
it is recommended that PFAcomposites continue continentalEuropeanliterature); BS3892 : part 1 :
to be restricted to modestly aggressive sulphate 1982, 'Specificationf o r pulverized-fuel ashf o r use as a
environments, as detailed in BS 8 1 10 : 1985 and cementitiouscomponent in structuralconcrete’. The
BRE Digest 250 (1986). solid waste produce extracted frompower station flue
The sulphate resistance of OPCmortars can gases by electrostatic precipitation isselected and,
be improved by theaddition of silica fume. where necessary, processed. An upper limit of 2.5% is
Additions of 10-25% have been shown to be very placed on SO, level. (American Standard ASTM
effective inincreasing sulphate resistance, both in C618-87, ‘Specijication forfly ash and raw or calcined
short-term tests in the laboratory and in long- natural pozzolan for useasamineraladmixture in
term field trials, where sodium sulphate solutions Portland cement concrete’. This standard recognizes
are present. However, strong MgSO, solution two types of fly ash-class F, the type normally used
attacks silica fume blends much more vigorously in the UK and produced by burning anthracite or
than plain Portland cement mortars. bituminous coal, and class C, produced by burning
More comprehensive tests of blended cement lignite or sub-bituminous coal which may contain a
combinations are required, covering wider ranges lime content of > 10% CaO. Amaximum level of 4%
of materials. A number of sulphate solution con- SO, is placed on class F fly ash, and of 5% SO, on
centrations and types, and a range of tempera- class C fly ash).3
tures of exposure, including reduced temperatures, ggbs. Ground granulated blastfurnace slag; BS6699 :
should be studied, as well as the effect of partial 1986, ‘SpeciJicationf o r groundgranulated blasqurnace
immersion in sulphatesolution.Testsshould slag f o r use withPortlandcement’. Selected blast-
investigate both strength loss and expansion. furnace slag, a by-product from the manufacture of
pig iron, is quenched from themolten state, and finely
ground. (American Standard ASTM C989-88, ‘Spec$-
Appendix 1: Standards and abbreviations cation for groundgranulated blastfurnace slagusefor
A standardglossary of terms foruse in building and concrete and mortars’).
civil engineering has been published by BSI-BS6100 :
Section 6.1 : 1984. Composite hydraulic binders ( U K )
PBFC. Portland-blastfurnace cement. BS146 : part
Active hydraulic binders ( U K ) 2 : 1973. Factory cement (granulated blastfurnace slag
O P C . OrdinaryPortland cement; BS12: 1989. A not exceeding 65% of total compositebinder) contain-
factory-produced binder made by grinding Portland ing selected Portland cement clinker (complying where
cement clinker together with a controlled amount of appropriate with BS12 cement clinker) and selected
calcium sulphate (max. 3.5% SO,) (type I in ASTM granuatedblasfurnace slag; eitherintergroundor
C150-89). blended after separate grinding; SO, level brought to
Magazine of Concrete Research, 1990, 42, No. 153 261

Table 4 . British Standards for U K cements

Standard Date Cement Max. % C,A Max. % SO,

BS4027 1980 SRP 3.5 2.5

BSI2 1989 OP - 3.5 (2.5 if C,A < S o / )
RHP - 3.5 (2.5 if C,A < S o / )

an optimum value by including calcium sulphate in The inclusion of an additional limit on the total
the formulation (max. 3.0% SO,). A1,0, by the USA, Germany and the Netherlands has
LHPBFC. Low heat Portland-blastfurnace cement. the effect of limiting the percentage C,AF, so recog-
BS4246 : part 2 : 1974. Factory cement (granulated nizing theimportance of expansions due tothe
blastfurnace slag 50 to 90%of total compositebinder) interaction of ferrites with sulphates.
containing selected Portland cement clinker (comply-
ing where appropriate with BSI 2 cement clinker) and
selected granulatedblastfurnace slag; eitherinter-
1. WONGG. and POOLET. Sulfate resistance of mortars made
ground or blended after separate grinding; SO, level
using Portland cement and blends of Portlandcement and
brought to an optimum value by including calcium pozzolan or slag. Department of the Army, Vicksburg, 1988,
sulphate in the formulation (max. 3.0% SO,). technical report SL-88-34.
SSC. Supersulphated cement; BS4248 : 1974. Fac- 2. MOUKWAM. The attack of cement paste byMgSO, and
tory cement. Composite binder containing high a level MgC1, from the pore structure measurements. Cem. Concr.
Res., 1990, 20, 148-158.
of granulatedblastfurnace slag (minimum 75% of
3. MEHTAP. K. Mechanism of sulphate attackonPortland
totalcomposite binder) groundor blended with a cement concrete-another look. Cem. Concr. Res., 1983, 13,
Portland cement clinker and a controlled increased 401-406.
proportion of calcium sulphate (minimum 4.5% SO,). 4. CRAMMOND N. J. Examination of mortarbars containing
This binder is not available in the UK at present. varying percentages of coarsely crystalline gypsum as aggre-
gate. Cem. Concr. Res., 1984, 14, No. 2, Mar., 225-230.
P P F A C . Portland-PFA cement. BS6588 : 1985. Fac-
5. OCAWA K.and ROY D. M. C,A,SO, hydration, ettringite
tory cement (PFA 15-35% of total composite binder) formation, and its expansion mechanism: I. Expansion;
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