Assignment 1-6FM2019

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Fluid Mechanics, Assignment –I

1.a) How does the viscosity of air vary with temperature?

b) Explain the differences between manometer and mechanical gauges. What are the different types
of mechanical pressure gauges c) A metal ball weighs 9500N in air and 8000N in water. Find out its
volume and specific gravity.
2. a) Define the following fluid properties: Density, weight density, specific volume and specific
gravity of a fluid. b) An oil film of thickness 1.5 mm is used for lubrication between a square plate of
size 0.9 m × 0.9 m and an inclined plane having an angle of inclination 20 0 . The weight of the square
plate is 392.4 N and it slides down the plane with a uniform velocity of 0.2 m/s. Find the dynamic
viscosity of the oil.
3 a) Define the terms surface tension and capillarity.
(b) What is the importance of a manometer? Explain the types of manometers in brief.
4.(a) What are the modes of measuring pressure? How can you convert the pressure in KPa into the
liquid columns and vice versa?
(b) Explain atmospheric, gauge and vacuum pressures
5.a) Derive the equation for capillary rise in a small tube dipped in a liquid.
b) What is Pascal’s law? Explain with an example.
(c) A piston of 7.95 cm diameter and 30 cm long works in a cylinder of 8.0 cm diameter. The annular
space of the piston is filled with an oil of viscosity 2 poise. If an axial load of 10N is applied to the
piston, calculate the speed of movement of the piston.
6. a) List all fluid properties and derive Newton’s law of viscosity. b) Find the height through which
water rises by capillary action in a glass tube of 2mm bore if the surface tension at the prevailing
temperature is 0.075 N/m c) What are the applications of surface tension?
7a) Derive the equation for capillarity depression when a small glass tube is inserted in mercury. b) A
piston of 7.95 cm diameter and 30 cm long works in a cylinder of 8.0 cm diameter. The annular space
of the piston is filled with an oil of viscosity 2 poise. If an axial load of 10N is applied to the piston,
calculate the speed of movement of the piston.
b) List all the fluid properties and explain why water rises in a small glass tube when inserted in
water. c) The space between two parallel plates kept 3mm apart is filled with an oil of dynamic
viscosity 0.2 Pa.s. What is the shear stress on the lower fixed plate, if the upper one is moved with a
velocity of 1.50m/sec?
8. a) What are the properties of ideal fluid? b) Define Specific volume and Specific Gravity.b) What
are the different types fluids? Explain each type9. a) What are the properties of real fluid? b) Define
Surface tension and Capillarity b) One litre of crude oil weighs 9.6 N. Calculate its Specific weight,
density and specific volume. c) Differentiate between simple and differential manometers
10. a) Define kinematic viscosity. What is the relation between kinematic and dynamic viscosity.
b) Explain all three Simple manometers with neat sketches. b) State the advantages of mechanical
pressure gauges over manometers?
11. a) Define Newtonian law of Viscosity
b) Explain how the vacuum pressure can be measured with the help of U-tube manometer? c) A
U-tube differential manometer is connected two pressure pipes A and B. Pipe A contains Carbon
tetrachloride having a specific gravity 1.594 under a pressure of 11.772 N/ Cm2 and pipe B contain
oil of specific gravity 0.8 under pressure 11.72 N/ Cm2 . The pipe A lies 2.5 m above pipe B. Find the
difference of pressure measured by mercury as a fluid filling U- tube.
12. a) What is viscosity? Why the viscosity of liquids usually decreases as the temperature increase
b) A differential manometer is connected to two pipes whose centres are at 3 m difference in
height. Higher level pipe is carrying liquid of specific gravity of 0.9 at a pressure of 1.8 bar and
another pipe is carrying liquid at specific gravity of 1.5 at a pressure of 1 bar. The centre of pipe
carrying low pressure liquid is 2 m above the higher level of the mercury in the manometer. Find out
the difference in mercury level in the manometer in cm.
1 3. a) What is surface tension? How temperatures influence surface tension?
b) Define Hydrostatic law. b) In a hydraulic jack, the diameter of small and large pistons is 2 cm
and 10 cm respectively. If the force applied on small piston is 1000 N, find the load lifted by the large
piston when (i) Both pistons are at same level (ii) Smaller piston is 50 cm above the large piston. The
specific gravity of oil is 0.8.
14. a) What is inverted manometer? Where it is used?
b) Define specific gravity & Viscosity of fluid. c) A U-tube mercury manometer is used to measure the
pressure of oil flowing through a pipe whose specific gravity is 0.85. The centre of the pipe is 15 cm
below the level of mercury. The mercury level difference in the manometer is 25 cm, determine the
absolute pressure of the oil flowing through the pipe. Atmospheric pressure = 750 mm of Hg.
d) If the equation of a velocity profile over a plate is v = 2y2/3 ; in which v is the velocity in m/s at a
distance of y meters above the plate. Determine the shear stress at y = 0, y = 0.05 and y = 0.075 m.
Given dynamic viscosity as 0.85 N.s/m2. (8M)
15. (a) Calculate the capillary rise in a glass tube of 3 mm diameter when immersed in (i) Water, (ii)
Mercury. Both the liquids being at 30 0C and the values of the surface tension for water and mercury
at 30 0C in contact with air are respectively 0.0075 kgf/m and 0.052 kgf/m. b) Derive the expression
for pressure difference in case of inverted U-tube manometer
16. a) Calculate the capillary effect in mm in a glass tube 2 mm in diameter when immersed in (i)
Water, (ii) Mercury. Both the liquids being at 20 0C and the values of the surface tension for water
and mercury at 20 0C in contact with air are respectively 0.0736 N/m and 0.51 N/m. Contact angle
for water = 00 and for mercury 1300 meters with neat sketch(b) List all fluid properties and derive
Newton’s law of viscosity. (8M)
17 a) What are the modes of measuring pressure? How can you convert the pressure in KPa into the
liquid columns and vice-versa?
B ) Two large plane surfaces are 20 mm apart and the gap contains an oil of dynamic viscosity 0.6 Pa
s. A thin plate of 0.50 m2 is to be pulled through the gap at a constant velocity of 0.6 m/s. It is 8 mm
from one of the surfaces. Neglecting the edge effects, calculate the force required to pull the plate.
18.(a)Two large plates are 6 mm apart and the space in-between in filled with a fluid. A plate of 1
mm thickness and 10 cm square is pulled parallel to the planes and midway between them with a
velocity of 2 m/s. Assume linear velocity profile on either side. The force required was 0.32 N.
Determine the viscosity of the fluid.
( b) The pressure of water increases with depth in the ocean. At the surface, the density was
measured as 1015 kg/m3. The atmospheric pressure is 1.01 bar. At a certain depth, the pressure is
880 bar. Determine the density of sea water at the depth. The average value of bulk modulus is

                                                             Chapter 2   Fluid Mechanics  Question bank  

1. What is centre of pressure? Why its position is always different from the position of center of
gravity in case of submerged surfaces 

2.A right angled triangular plate is held in water in the vertical plane. Find out the total pressure
acting on the plate and the position of its centre of pressure from both axis X and Y.   

3. A differential manometer is connected to two pipes whose centres are at 3 m difference in height.
Higher level pipe is carrying liquid of specific gravity of 0.9 at a pressure of 1.8 bar and another pipe
is carrying liquid at specific gravity of 1.5 at a pressure of 1 bar. The centre of pipe carrying low
pressure liquid is 2 m above the higher level of the mercury in the manometer. Find out the
difference in mercury level in the manometer in cm. 

4.  What is stream line? Write the differential equation for it in Cartesian coordinate system. 

5. A Circular plate 4 m in diameter is placed in such a way that it top vertex is at 2 m below free
water surface and bottom vertex is 5 m below the free water surface. Find out the total pressure
acting on the plate. 

6.  What is stream function? Write an equation for streamline in terms of stream function. 

7. A triangular plate with base 2 m and height of 4 m is immersed in water and the plane of the plate
makes an angle 300 with the free surface of water. The base is parallel to water surface and 2 m
below the free water surface. Find out the total pressure acting on the plate and the centre of
pressure from free surface of water. 

8. Show that equipotential lines and stream lines are orthogonal to each other except at  Stagnation

9. In an incompressible flow field, the velocity vector is given by V = (6xt+yz2)  i + (3t+xy2) j + (xy-2xyz
– 6tz) k.Verify whether the flow exists or not? If so, then find the acceleration vector at a point P
(1,2,3) at t = 2. 

10.Differentiate between stream function and velocity potential. 

11. a) Define stream function and velocity potential. What are their uses  b) Determine whether the
following velocity components satisfy the continuity equation. i) u = cx, v = -cy  ii) u = -cx/y , v = c log
12. What is a flow net? What are its uses. 

13. . a) What is a centre of pressure? Derive the equation for the centre of pressure for a submerged 
plane surface in a fluid.   b) A circular plate of diameter 0.75m is immersed in a liquid of relative
density 0.80 with its  plane making an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal. The centre of the
plate is at a depth of 1.50 m below the free surface. Calculate the total force on one side of the plate
and the location of centre of pressure 

14. Explain the concept of stream tube in fluid mechanics. 

15.  Derive the equation for centre of force for a circular plane area immersed in a fluid  b) Find the
absolute pressure at a depth of 5m below the surface of a liquid of relative density  0.85. The
barometer reading on the surface is 750 mm of mercury 

16. What is centre of pressure? Where does it lie in relation to centre of gravity? 

17. What are different types of flows? Explain in detail b) Derive the equation of continuity in three-
dimension form. 

18. Differentiate between stream function and velocity potential. 

19. a) What are different types of flows? Explain in detail. (8M)  b) A circular plate 4 m in diameter is
placed in such a way that it top vertex is at 2 m below free water surface and bottom vertex is 5 m
below the free water surface. Find out the total pressure acting on the plate. 

20. b) Define and distinguish between (i) Steady and unsteady flow  (ii) Rotational and irrotational

21. An annular plate 3 m external diameter and 1.5 m internal diameter is immersed in water with
its greatest and lowest depths below water surface as 4 m and 1.2 m respectively. Determine the
total pressure and the position of the center of pressure on one face of the plate.  

22. Derive the expression for 3-Dimensional continuity equation. 

23. Define and distinguish between stream line, path line and streak line. 

24. a) A square disc of side 1 m is immersed vertically in water so that an edge of the square makes
an angle of 350 with the horizontal. If the highest corner of the disc is at a depth of 1.5 m below the
free surface, find the total pressure on one face of the disc and the depth of centre of pressure.  

 b) Classify and briefly explain different types of flow 

25.What is meant by 1D, 2D and 3D flows? Explain 

26. a) Derive the expression for total pressure on inclined plane surface.   b) A stream function in a
two-dimensional flow is equal to 2xy. Show that the flow is irrotational and determine the
corresponding velocity potential 

27. Describe the use and limitation of flow nets. 

28. a) If the expression for the stream function is given by x3 – 3xy2, indicate whether the flow is
rotational or irrotational. If the flow is irrotational determine the value of the velocity potential.  b) 
A circular plate 3 m diameter is immersed in water with its greatest and lowest depths below water
surface as 3 m and 1 m respectively. Determine the total pressure and the position of the center of
pressure on one face of the plate. 

29. Differentiate between uniform and non-uniform flow. 

30. a) explain the terms total pressure and center of pressure b) what are the methods of describing
fluid flow (b) Differentiate between steady and unsteady flow 

31. a) Show that the centre of pressure of any lamina immersed under liquid is always below its 
centroid  b) Define the equation of continuity.  Obtain an expression for continuity equation for a 3
dimensional flow 

34. a) What is a centre of pressure? Derive the equation for the centre of pressure for a  

submerged plane surface in a fluid.  

 b) A triangular plate with base 2 m and height of 4 m is immersed in water and the plane of the
plate makes an angle 300 with the free surface of water. The base is  

parallel to water surface and 2 m below the free water surface. Find out the total  

pressure acting on the plate and the centre of pressure from free surface of water 

35.  Check whether the following velocity relations satisfy the requirements for steady irrotational
flow.  (i) u = x + y, v = x – y (ii) u = xt2 + 2y , v = x2 – yt2 (iii) u = xt2, v = xyt + y2 

36.  A triangular plate of base width 1.5 m and height 2 m lies immersed in water with the apex
downwards. The base of the plate is 1 m below and parallel to the free water surface. Calculate the
total pressure on the plate and the depth of the centre of pressure. 

37. What is the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow? State the condition for
Irrotational flow 

38. a) Explain the terms:    (i) Path line               (ii) Streak line                                  (iii) Stream line         
(iv) Stream tube.  

 b)  A pipe, through which water is flowing, is having diameters 40 cm and 20 cm at the cross-
sections 1 and 2 respectively. The velocity of water at section 1 is 5 m/s. Find the velocity head at the
sections 1 and 2 and also rate of discharge 

40. Distinguish between:  (i) Steady flow and un-steady flow,  (ii) Uniform and nonuniform flow,  (iii)
Compressible and incompressible flow,  (iv) Rotational and irrigational flow (v) Laminar and
turbulent flow. 
41. a) Define stream function and velocity potential. What are their uses?    b)  Determine whether
the following velocity components satisfy the continuity     equation. i) u = cx, v = -cy    ii) u = -cx/y, v
= c log xy 

42. a) The flow field is given by ψ = x3y Check whether the given field exists or not? Further check
whether it is irrotational?  

 b) Given that u = x2– y2and v = – 2xy, determine the stream function and potential function for the

 43 Derive the equation of continuity for one dimensional flow of an incompressible fluid. 


Question for Unit - III 

1.a) What are the surface and body forces? State the
Bernoulli’s equation and discuss the significance of
different terms. (8M)  

b)A pipe line 300 m long has a slope of 1 in 100 and

tapers from 1.2m diameter at the high end to 0.6 m at
the low end. The discharge 

through the pipe is 5.4 m3/minute. If the pressure at the

high end is 70 KPa, 

find the pressure at the low end. Neglect losses. 

2a) Derive the Bernoulli’s equation from Euler’s

equation.State the assumptions made. (8M)  

b)A pipe line tapers from 1.5 m in diameter at higherend
to 1.0 m diameter at lower end in 400 m length at a slope
of 1 in 100. The pressure at the higher end is 75 KPa. If
the discharge is 60 m3/minute, find the pressure at
lower end. Neglect losses 

3.a) Derive the Euler’s equations of motion for three

dimensional steady state incompressible non viscous
flow. (8M)  

b)A water pipe changes in diameter from 400mm at

section A to 800mm at section B which is 7 m above.
Thepressures at A and B are 100 KPa and 75 KPa
respectively. The discharge is 400 litres/sec. Find the
direction of flow.  

a)A bend in pipeline conveying water gradually reduces

from 0.6 m to 0.3 m diameter and deflects the flow
through angle of 600.At the larger end the gauge
pressure is171.675 kN/m2. Determine the magnitude
and direction of the force exerted on the bend when there
is no flow. 

4.a) Derive the Darcy - Weisbach equation for friction

head loss in a pipe .  

b) Draw neat sketches of total energy line and hydraulic

gradient line for the following cases and discuss:  

i) Uniform diameter parallel pipe line  

ii) Parallel converging pipe line  

iii) Parallel diverging pipe line.  

5.a) Derive the Bernoulli’s equation and discuss its

significance. (10) 

b)A Water pipe changes in diameter from 400mm at

section A to 800mm at section B which is 7 m above. The
pressures at A and B are 100 KPa and 75 KPa
respectively. The discharge is 400 litres/Sec. Find the
direction of flow 

6.b)A pipe line 300 m long has a slope of 1 in 100 and

tapers from 1.2m diameter at the high end to 0.6m at the
low end. The discharge through the pipe is 5.4
m3/minute. If the pressure at the high end is 70
kpa,find the pressure at the low end. Neglect the losses 

7.(a)In a 450bend a rectangular air duct of 1 m2cross-

sectional area is gradually reduced to 0.5 m2area. Find
the magnitude and direction of the force required to hold
the duct in position if the velocity of flow at 1m2 section
is 10 m/s, and pressure is 2.943N/cm2. Take density of
air as 1.16 kg/m3 

a) Define and distinguish between streamline, path line

and streak line. b) State and derive Bernoulli’s theorem,
mentioning clearly the assumption underlying it.
(6M+9M) 8. a) An oil of specific gravity 0.7 is flowing
through a pipe of diameter 300 mm at the rate of 500
liters/s. Find the head lost due to friction and power
required to maintain the flow for a length of 1000 m.
Take ν = 0.29 stokes. b) What do you understand by the
terms: major energy loss and minor energy losses in

9. A 1200 bend-cum reducer has 300mm diameter at the

inlet and 200mm diameter at outlet. When the bend-cum
reducer carries a discharge of 0.30 m3 /sec of water,
pressure at the inlet section is 210 kN/m2 . Assume no
energy loss in the bend and determine the components of
force exerted by the bend on the flow. Assume the bend
to be in a vertical plane and the weight of the bend and
water is to be 1500N. 

10. a) List the assumptions which are made of while

deriving Bernoulli`s equation. b) What are the limitation
of the Bernoulli`s equation. c) An inclined water supply
line changes its diameter gradually from 20 cm to 50 cm
in a vertical height of 3m whereas pressure changes from
0.8 kgf/cm2 and 0.6 kgf/cm2 respectively. If the flow is
200 liters/ second find: i) direction of flow and ii) the
head lost in friction between the two section 


Question for Unit - IV 

1.a)What do you mean by pipe in series and pipes in

parallel? (6M)  

b) Three pipes of 40 cm in diameter, 300 m long, 20

cumin diameter, 400 m long and 30 cm in diameter, 200
m long are connected in series and the ends are
connected to two tanks whose water level difference is 20

Find the discharge through the compound pipe, (i)

considering only frictional losses (ii) frictional and all
other minor losses. Assume friction factor as 0.005  

2.a) Write Darcy’s equation and explain its significance.


b) Two reservoirs with a difference in water surface

elevations of 10 m are connected by a pipe line ABC
which consists of two pipes of AB and BC joined in
series. Pipe AB is 10cm in diameter, 20m long and has a
value of f =0.02. Pipe BC is of 16cm diameter, 25m long
and has f=0.018. The junctions with the reservoirs and
between the pipes are abrupt. Calculate the discharge
considering all minor losses. 

3.a) State the principles for flow through branched pipes.


b)A pipe line 30 cm in diameter 1500 m long is used to

connect two tanks and has a slope of 1 in 100. The water
level in the first tank is 10 m above inlet of the pipe and
water level in the second tank is 2 m above the outlet of
the pipe. Considering only frictional losses, find the flow
rate through the pipe. Also draw TEL and HGL lines.
Take friction factor as 0.005 

4.a) Using Hagen-Poiseuille equation derive an

expression for the head loss in a pipe of diameter D and
length L in terms of Reynolds number and velocity head.

b)A flow of 420 liters/min of oil (specific gravity =0.91

and viscosity = 1.24 poise) is pumped through a pipeline
75 mm diameter having a length of 62 m and whose
outlet is 3 m higher than its inlet. Estimate the power
required for the pump if its efficiency is 60 %. 

5a) Explain Reynolds experiment with neat sketch (5M) 

b) Derive the expression for head loss due to sudden


6(a). Derive the Hagen-Poiseuille equation and state the

assumptions made 

 (b) Describe Reynold’s experiment with a neat sketch.

What are the outcomes of Reynolds experiment? 

 7(a) A crude oil of viscosity 0.97 poise and relative

density 0.9 is flowing through horizontal circular pipe of
diameter 10cm and of length 10m. Calculate the
difference of pressure at the two ends of the pipe, if 100
kg of the oil is collected in a tank in 30 seconds The
population of a city is 8X105 and it is to be supplied with
water from a reservoir6.4 km away. Water is to be
supplied at the rate of 0.14m3 per head per day and half
the supply is to be delivered in 8 hours. The full supply
level of the reservoir is R.L 180.00. and its lowest water
level is R.L.105.00. The delivery end of the main is at R.L
22.50 and the head required there is 12m. Find the
diameter of the pipe. Take f= 0.04. 

3. a) Show that the velocity profile in laminar flow

through a circular pipe is parabolic. Find the average
velocity in terms of maximum velocity. b) Describe
Reynolds experiments to demonstrate the two types of

a) Derive an expression for the velocity distribution for

viscous flow through a circular pipe. Also sketch the
velocity distribution and shear distribution across a
section of the pipe b) Define and explain the terms: i)
Hydraulic gradient line and ii) Total energy line 

 3. a) An oil of specific gravity 0.7 is flowing through a

pipe of diameter 300 mm at the rate of 500 liters/s. Find
the head lost due to friction and power required to
maintain the flow for a length of 1000 m. Take ν = 0.29

 b) What do you understand by the terms: major energy

loss and minor energy losses in pipe? 

a) Derive the expression for the loss of head due to

friction in turbulent flow. b) Explain the Moody Chart
and its significance in design of pipe flow problems c)
Explain pipes in parallel. 
7. a) Discuss the various losses in flow through pipes. b)
What do you meant by pipes in series and pipes in
parallel? c) A 2500m long pipeline is used for
transmission of power. 120 kW power is to be
transmitted through the pipe in which water having a
pressure of 4000 kN/m2 at inlet is flowing. If the
pressure drop over the length of pipe is 800 kN/m2 and
f=0.006, find: i) diameter of the pipe ii) efficiency of

8. . a) What are hydraulic grade line and total energy

line? How do you draw the same? b) What do you mean
by pipe in series and pipes in parallel? 

9.. a) What are the different losses in flow through the

circular pipes?. (7M) b) Define minor losses in pipes and
obtain equation for any four losses 

10.a) Explain how the following flow problems are

analyzed. i) Series pipe connection (ii) parallel pipe
connection and iii) Equivalent pipe connection. (7M) b)
Explain how Reynold’s experiment is conducted in the
lab and bring its practical use. 

11. a) Define ‘Hydraulic gradient line’ and ‘Total energy

line’. The cross section of a pipe carrying a given
discharge is suddenly enlarged. What would be the ratio
of the two diameters of the pipe if the magnitude of the
loss of head at this change of section is same irrespective
of the direction of flow? Assume CC = 0.64. (7M) b)
Derive an expression for the loss of head due to friction
in flow through circular pipes. 

12.a) Explain with neat sketch the Reynold’s experiment

and define Laminar and Turbulent flow. (7M) b) A
compound piping system consists of a1600m of 0.4m
diameter, 1200m of 0.3m diameter and 800m pipe of
0.25m diameter cast iron pipes connected in series.
Convert the system to (i) an equivalent length of 0.4m
pipe and (ii) an equivalent size pipe 3000m long. 

13. (a) Derive an expression for head loss due to sudden

expansion in a pipe. (b) A pipe of 150 mm diameter and
length 100 m carries water at 20 . If the pressure loss in
pipeline is 26.613 kN/m2 , find whether the pipe will act
as smooth or rough pipe. Also determine maximum
velocity and discharge. 

14. (b) Pipes of 50 cm diameter, 1800 m length, 40 cm

diameter, 1200 m length and 30 cm diameter, 600 m
length are connected is series; (i) If these pipes are to be
replaced by an equivalent pipe of 40 cm diameter, what
would be its length? (ii) What would be the diameter of
the equivalent pipe of 3600 m length? 

15. An orifice meter is used to measure the air-flow

passing through a pipe of 8 cm diameter. The diameter of
orifice meter is 2 cm. The pipe is horizontal. The head
causing the flow is measured by using a manometer
containing water. The measured head is 5.6 cm of water.
The pressure and temperature of air flowing through the
pipe is 770 mm of Hg and 300 K. Take Cd (orifice meter)
= 0.65. 

16.A pipe 50 mm diameter is 6m long and the velocity of

flow of water in the pipe is 2.4 m/s. What loss of head
and the corresponding power would be saved if the
central 2 m length of pipe was replaced by 75 mm
diameter pipe, the change of section being sudden? Take
f = 0.04 for the pipes of both diameters. (b) Explain
Reynold’s experiment.  

17. List out the various minor losses that may occur
when fluid is flowing through a pipe line. Also give the
formulae to calculate the losses. (b) Oil of viscosity 0.1
Pa.s and specific gravity 0.90 flows through a horizontal
pipe of 25 mm diameter. If the pressure drop per metre
length of the pipe is 12 kPa determine the rate of flow in
N/min, the shear stress at the pipe wall, Reynold’s
number of the flow and the power required per 50 m
length of pipe to maintain the flow. 


                                      UNIT -V 

1. a) Define velocity of approach. How can you

account for it while computing the discharge over
weirs? b) A pitot-tube is inserted in a pipe of
300mm diameter. The static pressure in pipe is
100mm of mercury (vacuum). The stagnation
pressure at the center of the pipe, recorded by the
pitot tube is 0.981N/cm2 . Calculate the rate of
flow of water through pipe, if the mean velocity of
flow is 0.85 times the central velocity. Take

2. .a) What are the applications of Venturimeter?

Explain the working principle of venturimeter.
(7M) b) What are the different types of notches?
Explain Rectangular and Stepped notches. 

3. a) A Pitot tube was used to measure the

quantity of water flowing in a pipe of 0.30m
diameter. The water was raised to a height of
0.25m above the center line of pipe in the vertical
limb of the tube. If the mean velocity is 0.78 times
the velocity at the center and coefficient of Pitot
tube is 0.98, find the discharge in the pipe line.
The static pressure head at the centre of the pipe
is 0.2 m.  

4. b) A Venturi-meter is provided to measure the

water flowing through a horizontal pipe of25 cm
diameter. The throat of the venture- meter is
12cm. The pressure of water flowing through the
pipe is 1.5 bar and the vacuum measured at the
throat is 30 cm of Hg. Find the water flow rate
through the pipe. Take Cd=0.975. 

5. a) Differentiate between stagnation pressure

head and static pressure head with reference to a
pitot tube. Explain with the help of a neat sketch.

6.   A Venturimeter of throat diameter 5cm is fitted

into a 12.5 cm diameter water pipe line. The
coefficient of discharge is 0.96. Calculate the flow
in the pipe line when the reading on a mercury
water differential U tube manometer connected to
the upstream and throat sections shows a reading
of 20 cm. 

7. a) A Venturimeter has its axis vertical, the inlet

and throat diameters being 150mm and 80 mm
respectively. The throat has 220mm about inlet
and coefficient discharge is 0.96. Petrol of specific
gravity 0.78 flows up through the meter at a rate
of 0.029 m3 /s. Find the pressure difference
between the inlet and the throat. (7M) 

8.   A 150mm X 75mm Venturi meter with a

coefficient of discharge 0.98 is to be replaced by
an orifice meter having a coefficient of discharge
0.60. If the both the meters are to give the same
differential mercury manometer reading for a
discharge of 100 liters per second and the inlet
diameter is to remain 150mm. what should be
diameter of the orifice? 

9. (a) Write a note on classification of notches and

weirs. (b) In an experiment on determination of
hydraulic coefficients of a sharp-edged orifice, 2.5
cm in diameter, it was found that the jet issuing
horizontally under a head of 1 m travelled a
horizontal distance of 1.6 m from Vena contracta
in a course of vertical drop of 0.7 m from the same
point. Further, if a flat plate were held normal to
the jet at Vena contracta, the force of 5.6 N would
be exerted on the plate. Determine Cd, Cv and Cc
for the orifice. 

10.  Define co-efficient of velocity, co-efficient of

contraction and co-efficient of discharge. (b)
Describe the method for determining co-efficient of
velocity experimentally.  

11.  A submerged sharp – crested weir is 0.8

high stands clear across a channel having vertical
sides and has a width of 4 m. The depths of water
to the two sides are 1.5 m and 1 m respectively.
Determine the discharge over the weir. Take Cd =

12.   A reservoir discharges through a sluice

0.915 m wide by 1.22 m deep. The top of the
opening is 0.61 m below the water level in the
reservoir and the downstream water level is below
the bottom of the opening. Calculate the discharge
through the opening if Cd = 0.60 and percentage
error if the opening is treated as a small orifice 

13.  What is a notch? Also give the

classification of notches.  

10. Two pipes each 300 m long are available for

connecting to a reservoir from which a flow of 0.085
m3 /s is required. If the diameter of the two pipes are
0.30 and 0.15 m respectively, determine the ratio of
the head lost when the pipes are connected in series to
the head lost and when they are connected in parallel.
Neglect minor loss. 

11. Explain Reynold’s experiment. 


0.02 liters of a liquid (G = 0.9) flow in 40 seconds

through a pipe 0.25 m long and 1.5 mm diameter
emerging from the bottom of a tank holding the liquid
maintained at a constant level of 0.35 m above the
outlet end of the pipe discharging freely. Compute the
dynamic viscosity of the liquid. 

14. (a) Distinguish between free and

submerged orifice. 

15.  (b) An orifice of 10 cm diameter under a

head of 3 m discharges 35 liters per second of
water. The jet from the orifice exerts a force of 300
N on a flat plate placed normal to it. Determine
the theoretical discharge, coefficient of velocity
and coefficient of contraction.  

16. (a) What do you understand by Aeration of

Nappe and why is it required?  

(b) Water flows through a rectangular channel 1 m

wide and 0.5 m deep and then over a Cipolletti weir
of crest length 60 cm. If the water level in the
channel is 22.5 cm above the weir crest, calculate
the discharge over the weir: (i) neglecting the velocity
of approach. (ii) Considering the velocity of the
approach. Take Cd = 0.6 and assume angle of
inclination for Cipolletti weir as tan-1. 

19 .(a) What is an orifice? Give the classification of

orifices. (b) The head of water over the centre of an orifice
of diameter 20 mm is 1 m. The actual discharge through
the orifice is 0.85 lps. Find the coefficient of discharge.  

 20. A rectangular notch of crest width 0.4 m is used to

measure the flow of water in a rectangular channel 0.6 m
wide and 0.45 m deep. If the water level in the channel is
0.225 m above the weir crest, find the discharge in the
channel. For the notch assume Cd = 0.63 and take
velocity of approach into account. 

21 . An orifice meter is used to measure the air-flow

passing through a pipe of 8 cm diameter. The diameter of
orifice meter is 2 cm. The pipe is horizontal. The head
causing the flow is measured by using a manometer
containing water. The measured head is 5.6 cm of water.
The pressure and temperature of air flowing through the
pipe is 770 mm of Hg and 300 K. Take Cd (orifice meter)
= 0.65. 

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