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v ..... ...... , ....




REPORT No. 572







.f ....... --i.





Metrio English

Symbol i

Unit [ Abbrevia- Unit Abbrevia-

•t tion

Length ....... meter .............. 2.. _ m foot (or mile) .......... ft(ormi)
Time ........ t second ................. s second (or hour) ........ sec(orhr)
Fores ........ F weight of I kilogram ...... kg weight of 1 pound ...... Ib

Power. _ .... ". P. horsepower (metric) ........ _........ horsepower _ _._ ....... hp
V fkilometers per hour ...... kph miles per hour .........
Speed ....... 1.meters per second.._ __.__ 'rope feet per second ........

W Weight=rag v Kinematic viscosity
g Standard acceleration of gravity=9.80665 m/s _ p Density (mass per unit volume)
or 32.1740 ft/sec 2. Standard density of dry air, 0.12497 kg-m-4-s 2 at 15 ° C
m Mass== W . and 760 ram; or 0.00.0378 lb-ft-' sec 2
'Specific weight of "standard" air, 1.2255 kg/m a or
I Moment g of inertia----m_. (Indicate axis of 0.076511b/cuft
radius of gyrationk by proper subscript.) , "" . .
# Coefficientof viscosity
S ,' i, _ Angle of setting of wings (relative to thrust line)
s. Area of Wing. •• . st Angle _ of stabilizer setting (relative to thrust
G Gap line).
b Span Q • Resultant moment
e Chord 0 Resultant angular velocity
A R Reynolds number, p P7 where l is alinear dimen-
Aspect ratio, _v /a
V True air speed sion (e.g., for an airfoil of 1.0 ft chord, 100 mph,
1 standard pressure at 15 ° C, the correspon, ling
q Dynamic pressure, _pV Reynolds number is 935,400; or for an airfoil
L of 1,0 m chord, 100 raps, the corresponding
Lift, absolute coefficient Cz--_
Reynolds number is 6,865,000)
D a Angle of attack
Drag_ absolute coefficient Ca-- D
. Angle of downwash
Do Profile drag, absolute coefficient
C' Do
vo _-_
a, Angle of attack, infinite aspect ratio
a, Angle of attack, induced
D, a_ Angle of attack, absolute (measured from zero-
Induced drag, absolute coefficient Cm=q_
lift position)
D, Parasite drag, absolute coefficient C_=q_
Flight-path angle

O C= C
Cross-wind force, absolute coefficient ¢ q-_
2626 °
REPORT No. 572



Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory

408317 0---41--1

Created by act of Congress approved March 3, 1915, for the supervision and d/rectton of the scientific study of the problems
of flight (U. S. Cede, Title 50, See. 151). Its membership was increased to 15 by act approved March 2, 1929. The members are
appointed by the President, and serve as such without compensation.

VANlvgV_ BUSH, So. D., C"hatrman, _RoB_a_ E. Domm_r, M. S.,

Washington, D. C. Pittsburgh, Pa.
G_oeGg ;L Mr.av, Sc. D., 1r/co _hatrmau, ltovm,z H. HINCxLt-r, A. B_,
Washington, D. C. Assistant Secretary of Commerce.
CH_s G. A_e_,r, Sc. D., J_oM'_ C. HUNS_LK_, SC. D.,
Secretary, Smttbsonlan Institution. Cambridge, Mass.
HZN_Y H. AR_rOLV,Major General, United States Army, SrvNZT M. Kaa_s, Captain, United States Navy,
Deputy Chief of Staff, Chief of the Air Corps, War Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department.
Department. Faa_cxs W. R_cn_vmr_, Se. D.,
GEom]g IL B_rr, Major General, United States ._rmy, Chief, United States Weather BureavL
Acting Chief of the Air Corps, War Department JOHN H. Towns, Rear Admiral, United States l_avy,
L_ 3. B_Qos, Ph. D., Chief, Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department.
Director, National Bureau of Standards. EDWA_ W_, Sc. D.,
Do_xu_ H. CO_SO_LT, B. S., Washin_gton, D. C.
Administrator of Civil Aeronautics. 0zv_ W_n'r, So. D.,
Dayton, 0lflo.

Gzo_z W. I_wm, D_rector of Aerow_utlcal Researob S. PAUL Jon_s_'olv, _oord_tor of Research

_on_ F. VIc'fo_r, georetarv

_aY J. E. R_n, _er-_arge, Lang|ey Memorial Aero_ttea_ Laboratory, Langley FteZd, Va.

S]_'r_ _. DmFgaNcL Hngtneer-in.Chc/rge, Ames Aeronautical Laborator1/, Moffett Field, _¢J/If.



Coordination of Researoh _eed_ of Military _d _i| Avb_tto_

Preparation of Researc?t ProoYa_

Allocation of Probleras

Prevention of Duplication

_oaside,_tto,t o! Inve_tio_



Conduct, under unified control, for all agencies, of scientific research on the fundamental problems of flight.


Collection, classification, compilation, and dissemination of
scientific and technical information on aeronautics
REPORT No. 572



SUMMARY of taper ratios, and for wings with sweepback and twist.
Tables and charts for use in determining the character- As airplane wings are usually rounded at the tips, the
istics of tapered wings are presented. Theoreticxd Jactors data are given for wings with rounded tips.
are given from which the following eharacteristics of In addition to the theoretical characteristics, the
tapered wings may be jound: The span lift distribution, results of tests of nine tapered wings, including wings
the induced-angle-of-attack distribution, the llft-curve with sweepback and twist, and a comparison of some
of the test results With theoretical values are presented.
slope, the angle of zero lift, the induced drag, the aero-
The characteristics are given for wings having a
dynamic-center position, and the pitching moment about
the aerodynamic center. straight taper and rounded tips and for wings having
an elliptical plan form, with an aspect-ratio range from
The wings considered cover the complete range of taper
2 to 20. For these wings, formulas are given using
ratios and a range of aspect ratias from _ to 20. The
factors that are presented in tables and charts. From
factors given include the effects of sweepback and tudst
and apply to Wings having a straight taper plan form with the formulas and factors the following characteristics
rounded tips and an elliptical plan form. The general of tapered wings may be determined: Span lift distri-
formulas of the usual wing theory are also given from bution, induced-angle-of-attack distribution , lift-curve "
which the characteristics of a wing of any form may be slope, angle of zero lift, induced drag, aerodynamic-
ex_ulx_ed when the section characteristics are known center position, and pitching moment about the aero-
from experiment. dynamic center.
In addition tp the tables and charts, test results are METHOD OF OBTAINING DATA
given for nine tapered wings, including wings with sweep- BASIC CONCEPTS

back and twist. The test results verify the values com-
puted by the methods presented in the first part of the When obtaining the data used to determine the char-
report. A final section is given outlining a method for acteristics of wings, a tapered wing is considered to con-
estimating the lift coe_isnt at which a tapered wing sist of a series of airfoil sections that may vary in shape,
begins to stall. This method, which should be useful for chord length, and in angle of attack from root to tip.
estimating the maximum lift coel_cient of tapered wings, Each airfoil section is assumed to have an aerodynamic
is applied to one of the wings tested. center through which the lift and drag act and about
which the pitching moment is constant.
With the section characteristics as a basis, character-
A large amount of work has been done on the deter- istics of the entire wing are obtained by integration
mination of tapered-wing characteristics from airfoil across the span. Formulas for the integrations wilI
theory. Glauert has given some of the characteristics first be given for a wing of any shape and zero dihedral;
of wings with straight taper for a limited range of that is, the aerodynamic centers of all the sections along
aspect ratios (references 1 and 2). Hueber has given the span lie in a plane which passes through the root
other characteristics of wings with straight taper for a chord and which is perpendicular to the plane of sym-
large range of aspect ratios (reference 3). Several metry. Wings of particular shape will be considered
other papers have given various characteristics of later and a method for including the effect of dihedral
tapered wings. The data of all the papers, however, will be given.
kave been limited by one or more of the following For any tapered wing the span lift distribution may
factors: Range of aspect ratio and taper ratio, number be considered to consist of two parts. One part, which
of characteristics given, and omission of data on wings will be called the "basic distribution," is the distribu-
with sweepback and twist. In order to provide more tion that d@ends principally on the twist of the wing
complete information, data are given in this report for and occurs when the total lift of the wing is zero; it
a large range of aspect ratios, for the complete range does not change with the angle of attack of the wing.

The secondpart of the span lift distribution, which a_cL=0),wing angle of attack for zero lift.
will be called the "additional distribution," is the lift a,, section induced angle of attack.
due to change of the wing angle of attack; it is inde- cz, section lift coefficient perpendicular to the
pendent of the wing twist and maintains the same form distant relative wind.
throughout the reasonably straight part of the lift curve. Subscripts
for c_:
In the designation of the characteristics of a wing, 0, refers to section lift coefi_cient
lower-case letters will be used for section characteris- perpendicular to the local rela-
tics and upper-case letters for the characteristics of the tive wind.
entire wing. The basic and additional section lift coef- b,refersto basiclift(G_=O).
ficients are then c_ and c_o. A complete list of sym- a, refersto additional lift(any C_.).
bols follows. It is convenient to find the additional al,refersto additionallift(CL----I).
lift coefficient for a wing CLof 1 and it isthen designated cd_,sectioninduced-dragcoefficient.
c_o_. The two coefficients are related by C_=CLc_Q_. c_0,sectionprofile-drag coefficient.
The total lift coefficient at any section is found from c_,.,,sectionpitching-moment coefficient about sec-
the basic and additional coefficients from tionaerodynamic center.
CLC_az l,sectionlift.
mz,,sectionpitchingmoment due to additionallift
where c_o is the lift coefficient perpendicular to the local forces.
relative wind at any section as distinguished from cv
wing pitchingmoment due to additionallift
which is perpendicular to the relative wind at a dis- forces.
tance. For convenience, however, c_ will be used and
C,,z, wing pitching-moment coeffi_cient due to addi-
may be considered equal to cz0.
tional lift forces.
C,,_, wing pitching-moment coefficient due to basic
A, aspect ratio, b_/S. lift forces..
b, span. C,,,I wing pitching-moment coefficient due to the
c, chord at any section along the span. pitching moments of the wing sections.
c,, tip chord (for rounded tips, ct is the fictitious C,o.,., wing pitching-moment coefficient about its
chord obtained by extending the leading and aerodynamic center.
trailing edges to the extreme tip). Cz., wing lift coefficient.
c,, chord at root of wing or plane of symmetry. Cv_, wing induced-drag coefficient.
S, wing area.
_, angle of sweepback, measured between the
lateral axis and a line through the aerody- Formulas in terms of the section characteristics.-
namic centers of the wing sections. (See The induced angle of attack at any section is obtained
fig.i.) from c_ by
(,aerodynamic twistin degreesfrom root to tip, c_
measured between the zero-lift directions of m0
the center and tip sections,positivefor The section induced-drag coefficient is obtained from
washin. a, and c_ from
z, longitudinal coordinate, parallel to the root
and the induced-drag coefficient for the entire wing
y, lateral coordinate, perpendicular to plane of
may be obtained by integration across the semispan
from the section values:
z, vertical coordinate in the plane of symmetry,
perpendicular to the root chord. C_ 2 fb/_
x_._., x coordinate of wing aerodynamic center. '=S J0 a,c_cdy (1)
a, wing lift-curve slope, per degree.
In order to obtain the aerodynamic center and the
ao, wing section lift-curve slope, per degree.
pitching moment of the wings, a system of reference
m, wing llft-curve slope, per radian.
axes was used; the origin w_ at the aerodynamic center
m0, wing section ];ft-curve slope, per radian.
of the root section and the axes were as shown in figure
a, angle of attack at any section along the span.
1. The x axis (fig. 1 (a)) is parallel to the root chord,
a,, wing angle of attack measured from the chord
of the root section. and the y axis (fig. 1 (b)).is perpendicular to the plane
of symmetry with positive directions following the
ao,, absolute wing angle of attack measured from
the zero-lift direction of the root section. vectors. The wing axis is the locus-of the aerody-
namic centers of the sections and lies in the z--y plane.
ab,, angle of zero lift of the root section.
The lift I and the coefficient c_ of any section along the
a_0_ angle of zero lift of the tip section. span are represented in figure 1.

A typical section with the aerodynamic center nate will be designated xo.,.. (See fig. 1.) This dis-
located at a distance x from the y axis has a moment tance corresponds to d in reference 4. The term
arm of
C=_. then may also be expressed
Z COS _s

and a pitching moment about the lateral axis (fig. 1) cos o,,)bc,.
due to the additional lift force of
If the previous expression for C,,,t. is used, x=.,. is
ml._ --X COS ets/a
obtained as a fraction of S/b by
but the lift increment of any section is 2b rb/2
l,=c_.qc x=._. -_Jo c,.cxdy
g]_ _ c, (2)
and the pitching moment for the entire wing is obtained
from The moment due to the drag forces has been omitted
because it is relatively small, except for wings with
large amounts of sweepback or dihedral.
Mt=--2q cos a, jo c, cxdy The pitching moment of the basic lift forces is a
couple and is therefore independent of the axis about
W/ng oerodynam/c center, Aerodynom/c cenCer
, of any sech'on which it is determined. The lateral axis was used to
Roof-s.ecfion . '_ CL between, roof ond //p
facilitate computation but, when the pitching moment
oe/'oaynomic Cemter ,, _ _
is used, it is convenient to consider it constant about
. I an axis through the aerodynamic center. According
to the method previously used, the pitching-moment
coefficient due to tlm basic lift forces is
Roof- x, ectJon chord" ', ,_ 2 I'bl2
r,'p- sect/otv chord .j
(a) Aerodynamic cenfer of cor_frucf/on 't/p sec¢ion C_,-- +_bJo cqcxdy (3)
(a) Detecmtnaflon of twist.
The cos a,<_..0_(tim cosine of the angle of zero lift of
Root-seeron aerod_nqmic center the wing measured from the root chord) has been
omitted because it is practicaUy equal to unity.
In addition to the basic lift forces, the pitching
moment of each section also contributes to the pitching
moment of the wing, which is obtained by
(b) , ct 2b Cba
,.. _5__/__ ,, _-_; ..
wing oeroG),r_Tm/e OemTer c,_3nsrr'ucfion Hp secT/on Cm,=_2Jo c,, .... c_dy (4)
(b) Stralght-taper wing with rounded tips.
The total moment about the aerodynamic center is
then the sum of the two foregoing parts

i ------ -- C,,_._.=C,,l +Cm,

Formulas in terms of the coefficients of the Fourier

series.--In order to obtain data from the foregoing
(e) Distorted elliptical wing. formulas, the spanwise distribution of the lift coefficient
Fzovam l.--Form of wing'&
(following Glauert) was expressed as the Fourier series:
Pitching-moment coefficients for the entire wing_ will
be based on a chord length of S/b so that c,=? _A_ sin nO

whereP is related to the distance along the span (fig. 1)

by y= (-b/2) cos p and only odd values of n are used.
The pitching-moment coefficient due to the additional When c, is expressed in the foregoing manner, it is
lift forces then becomes possible to obtain the induced angle of attack in the
2b £b/2 _ sin nO
C,,,,.=-_-= cos _'Jo % cxdy

The additional lift forces have a centroid through Also the coefficients A, may be expressed in the form
which the lift may be considered to act: This point
is the aerodynamic center of the wing and its z coordi- A,= B.a_, + C._

characteristics. The basic and additional lifts at any

where a,, is the absolute angle of attack of the root
section; that is, the angle of attack of the root section, point along the span were expressed by the dimension-
measured from its direction of zer9 lift, and e is the less quantities
wing twist measured between the zero-lift directions
of the root and tip sections.
When the preceding expressions for c, and a, are
substituted in the foregoing formulas, the characteris-
tics are obtained in terms of the coefficients B_ and G_,
which in turn are grouped into factors.
From (1) the induced-drag coefficient may be ob-
so that
tained in the form:
CD,=;_u+ C,._a0v+(,a0)_ and
where A is the aspect ratio, and

The lift-curve slope was obtained in the form


By the introduction of the slope for an elliptical wing,-

/ a may be expressed
a=] ao
1 +57.3ao
"" L",-._,.
_,_. a where

In the determination of the aerodynamic-center f=_(1 " 57.3a°\-.I---7-A--

position,the wing axisisconsidered to be a straightline
and the angle of sweepback is0 (fig.1),then The angle of zero lift was obtained in the form

and from (2) the z coordinate of the aerodynamic
center is obtained as The angle of attack of a wing may then by given by

-HA tan fl
where a, is the angle of attack measured from the chord
t 2 /B1 Bs B5 B,
of the root section, and a% is the angle of zero lift of the
root section.
The general formulas and the factors used with them
TI (n--2) _ J/ have now been. outlined. The manner of obtaining the
From (3) the moment due to the basic lift forces data will be completed by explaining the method of
becomes finding the coefficients B_ and (7, used in computing
(7,,b=-- G_ a_4 tan the factors.
Determination of the coefficients of the Fourier
where ao is the section lift-curve slope for the wing and
series.--The coefficients B_ and G_ depend on the shape
2AI-/Cs Cs C, _\ C,/Bs B_ B, of the wing. The two wing shapes used are shown on
figure 1. Wing (b) has a straight taper plan form with
rounded tips and (c) an elliptical plan form. Th¢
(The term 0.,_ is equal to C, r in reference 4.)
tapered wing is shown with sweepback and the elliptical
Also from equation (4) the pitching _..vment of the
wing without, but either wing may or may not have
wing due to the pitching moments of the sections is
sweepback. The rounded tip of the tapered wing is
expressed as
C, =Ec,..,. formed within a trapezoidal tip of length c,, and the
taper of the wing is determined by the tip to root
where c,..,, is constant across the span and chord ratio c#c,. The aerodynamic centers of the
airfoil sections lie on a straight line across the semispan
E=_ fob/'c'dy
and form the wing axis. The elliptical wing is formed
In addition to the foregoing formulas, the following by distorting an ellipse until the wing axis becomes
formulas were obtained in terms of B, and C, for other straight. In order to determine the wing axis, the

aerodynamiccentersof the airfoil sections were taken ao

a _
at the quarter-chord point. The straight wing axis 57.3ao
may then be given sweepback with each chord moving 1 -f _rA
parallel to its original position. The same process f----1
would be used to change the sweepback of the tapered J------k3Wks--k_ . . .
wing. _t----1
For the wings considered, the twist varies linearly
from root to tip and the total angle of twist is t. As +7
shown in figure 1, t is the twist measured
zero-lift directions
of the root and tip sections.
the w=-
--+n )J
Tapered wing.--For the tapered wing the coefficients //=2
B, and C_ were determined from the equation
2k3 2k5 2k7
sin ol/4b +
sm tJ]
G=5+(1-I'-3mo'_ 21+(1 .-.I--_A °) +45+(I-'I-7mo_
• "A } #A }
where a, is the absolute angle of attack at any section;
that is, the angle of attack measured from the zero-lift E----_-_32 (c_,..¢ constant along the span)
direction for the section. The coefficients B, and C.
The foregoing faStors were obtained for the elliptical
-are related to A+ by
wing and for a straight-taper wing with trapezoidal tips
A,,= Bs_, + C.+ for a range of aspect ratios from 3 to 20 and of taper
ratios from 0 to 1. The factors were also obtained for
-where a,, is the absolute angle of attack of the root the tapered wing with rounded tips for a sufficient
section. The value of m0 used in the preceding equa- number of aspect ratios and taper ratios so that the
tion was 5.79 per radian, which approximates the lift- complete range could be covered using the factors for
curve slope of good airfoil sections. For the linear the wing with trapezoidal tips as a guide. Cross plots
taper a. becomes were then made to obtain figures 2 to 9 and the values
aa-- aas _- e COS 0 for wings with rounded tips presented in tables I and
II. Although the factors become less reliable as the
For a wing of any particular aspect ratio and taper aspect ratio is decreased, it was considered desirable to
ratio, equation (5) was satisfied at four points along extrapolate the curves to an aspect ratio of 2 as the
the semispan by the usual method (except for c,/c,-_ 0 factors in the low-aspect-ratio range may be of use in
for which six points were necessary to obtain sufficient the absence of other data. Additional spanwise lift-
accuracy), and values of B_ and C, for n= 1, 3, 5, and distribution data computed for the elliptical wing are
7 were found.
given in table IH.
The elliptical wing.--For the elliptical wing the fore-
going fundamental equation may be simplified and a
In order to find the characteristics of a wing having
new series of coefficients, independent of aspect ratio,
a straight taper and rounded tips or having an elliptical
may be obtained. The coefficient A, for n----3, 5, 7...
plan form, the tables and charts may be used directly.
co may be obtained in the form
The properties of the wing should first be determined;
A ]¢sE that is, the taper ratio ct/c,, aspect ratio .4, span b, the
"=f'4 4-n area S, the aerodynamic twist + in degrees, the angle of
me sweepback _, and the average value of section lift-
curve slope, as well as the section lift-curve slope a0,
where k+ is determined from
the section pitching-moment coefficient c_,. ,., and the
chord c at convenient stations along the semispan.
co+ sin 7O
sin 0 ] The chord and ao should
stations given in tables
be found at the spanwise
I and II to facilitate finding
the spanwise lift distribution. Then, for the values of
c,/c, and A, values of L_ and L, may be found from
The factors for the elliptical wing then take the form tables I and II by interpolation if necessary. The
section lift coefficients % and cz,_ are then found for each
station along the semispan from
L+=4 / "'+'+'+' 7rA+nmc
ct (aoS,-
b _--_/-#[t

c |al _SXaa

[ I I _I_L_. .__4.,i_ -L1--

_ I_-,.LI_ I
- .z ::'s -.5 _,7_,,./.,o." / " 81 I
ct/c_=lO'" _ "8 _: .-.-_ .... -4" I,_
:.a !
'o I
-'_ I'1 I I 1 1 ., I I I I i
' ' " ,_t,4,/dt,,,-','J_F_,_ wHh rounded hps._
.92 I -. I -- . - EiI/pffcol wimg
_''' cl,/,_,io/w,i,iw"ng
i i.J,
_lr_,_hl J-folpe_- "hl
io_d --
hp$ " iiillllillt
.% Z 4 6 8 I0 12 14 le 18 20 0 4 6 8 I0 1_
Aspect rahb
14 16 18 20
Aspec# roh'o
FIOURZ2.--Chart for determininglift-curve alope. Floral &lOhart for determining angle o! attack,
m,--?4"=_o4-Y, a.(l,.._ =_ +J.
aif _ m--57._

,' 0



.76 0 _ 4 6 8 i0 /2 14 16 18 20
0 .I .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 10 Aspec/ ro#/o
Toper roho _e:eml &--Chart for detm'mining Induced-dragfactorv.
lrleu'_ 4.--_bart for dct_mininl induced-drag factor _.

c_-Cf)fAl$ + cc,_+{._)_


• /2


.004 _=='_=_._
.oos I
.003 • .-..-._ __ _._ ....., _,. _
rounded hi


.oo/-- , ,_@t,._.o/,,,;,,Tgli 1 1 i 1 i i I
0 _ 4 6 8 I0 I_ /4 16 18 20 0 .I ._ .3 .# .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 /.0
A_pec # ratio Toper folio, c,/c,

FIOUBI 8..--O]_Itt
for determ/nlng Indueed-dr_ factor w. FIGuiul 7.--Chart for determining pitching moment duo to _ctlon moment.

For e... _. constant scro_ the span.


and c_ for any value of CL for the wing is obtained from a=,=?+JE
c_----c_+ CL ctal
The remaining characteristics are obtained simply
by finding the required factor for the desired values of
.03S _
cJc, and A from the charts and by computing the
characteristics from the formulas previously given,
using the average value of a0 where ao is required. The
formulas are summarized here for convenience.
.024 Lift-curve slope:

a ___J. Clo
I_ _A

Angle of attack corresponding to any CL:

a,=CLTa_o +J_

. .004_
Angle of zero lift:
0 ./ 2 .3 .4 .5 .6 7 .8 .9 /.0
Toper. r'af/o, c,/c,

F1(_u_ 8.--Chart [or determining pitching moment due to basic lift forces.
C.i, i- - G_,,_l tan B. Induced-drag coefficient:

C_,= _ + C,_ov + (_ao) 2w


• I6
Aspecf r.ohb

FxGua¢ 9.--Chart for determining aerodynsmic-center position.

0 2 4 6 8 (0 /2 /4 /G /8 20
Distance along semispon, feet
-- IIA tan B,
Fl(_u_= t0.--T3_pieal
semlspan lift

The actuaJ basic, additional, and _otal lifts for any

Pitching-moment coefficient
about an axis through
section of the wing may then be obtained from the aerodynamic center:
lb =c_qc
C_=._.= C_,,+ C,%
l== CLc,=,qc
l =c _qc C.,s= EC,,=._.
C, tb=-G_A tan/9
Values of I may be computed for the various spanwise
stations and the curve of the span lift-distribution may Aerodynamic-center position (x coordinate):
be plotted. Typical semispan lift-distribution curves
are shown in figure 10.
S/b =HA tan
The semispan induced angle-of-attack distribution
may be obtained from Although C_,, may usually be determined from the
foregoing formula, equation (4) should be used if
OQa_- Ota ao
where c ..... varies considerably across the span.
_ Y nlustrative example.--In order to illustrate the
method of using the charts, an example will be worked
408317 O--_ l----2

out for a wing with straight taper and rounded tips Method for wing of special form.--lf it is desired to
having the following characteristics: find the characteristics of a wing having a chord dis-
A----6 tribution that lles between the chord distributions of
c,/c,=0.5 the tapered and elliptical wings, such as a wing with a
b=40 feet constant-chord center section, an interpolation may be
S=266.7 sq. ft. made between the values for the tapered and elliptical
B= 10 ° wings to find most of the characteristics.
C,.= 1.2 The lift distribution for such wings may be found by
q= 10 lb./sq, ft. an approximate method that has been tried for a few
Root section: Construction tip section: wings having parallel center sections and has given
N. A. C. A. 4415 N.A.C.A. 2409 satisfactory results. The metKod has been taken from
ao,---- 0.097 aot= 0.099 reference 5 with the symbols converted to the notation
a%----- -- 3.8 ° a%= -- 1.7 ° of this report. Approximate values of L_, which will
be designated L,', may be calculated from
cm_.0.---- --0.083 c,,,._.= --0.044
The angle of twist measured between the chords of the
root and construction tip sections is --5 ° (washout).
Then, by the use of the angles of zero lift of the root y '_
and tip sections and by reference to figure 1, the angle L"----IX--(b_). 3 \2 =']
of aerodynamic twist is determined to be --7.1 ° .
The chord at several stations along the semispan
and the calculation of the lift distribution are given where
in table IV. In the table, ao and Cm.... are assumed
to have a linear variation along the semispan. Values
of L_ and L, were obtained from tables I and II for
an aspect ratio of 6 and a taper ratio of 0.5 and the
basic, additional, and total lift distributions were com-
puted and plotted in figure 10. The pitching,moment The procedure is to choose a number of points at con-
coefficient c,,,.,, varies so much along the semispan venient intervals along the semispan (12 points should
that C_, cannot be found by use of the factor E but be sufficient for the usual plan forms); then from the
must be found from (4). Accordingly, c,,,,.,.c 2 is
plotted against y in figure 11 and C_,e is found from the values of c at those points the mean value of _/7- (_27
area under the curve to be --0.072. moc
is calculated. The value of a_ may then be found and
from the values of y and c, L_' at each point along the
semispan may be computed. The values of L,' should
correspond to a CL approximately equal to 1. The
actual C,. may be found from
_ 1 , y

i "N
0 2 4 6 8 /0 /2 /4 /6 /8 20 and CL may be conveniently found from the area under a
D/_ance a/ong xem/'spon, feet
curve of L,' plotted against b_z' Finally, L, may be
FIa_rnZ 11 --Graphical determination of section pitching moment

C..--_f 2/' e.._ c'dyffi--O.ff72 found from L,=L,'/CL. Values of cz,l may then be
calculated by the previously indicated method and, if
From figures 2 to 9 and the equations on page 7 Xa ¢
the remaining factors and characteristics are deter- desired, Ca, and _ may be found from equations (1)
mined to be
and (2)
]----0.998 a=0.0755
If a wing has considerable dihedral or a curved wing
J---- -- 0.408 a, = 15.0
axis, an integration may be made directly from the
• u----0.995 aS(L.0)= -- 0.9 section characteristics. For this purpose, the best
V----0.0001 C_,=0.0786
procedure would be to resolve the section values c, 0
and c_ 0 into components along and parallel to the x
G=0.0199 Cmtb=0.015 and z axes, where the z axis is perpendicular to the
//----0.214 x,., = 1.51 ft. x axis and lies in the plane of symmetry. Owing to
C,_,.c.------0.072+0.015= -0.057 dihedral, thcre will be a vertical coordinate of the aero-

dynamic center and a pitching moment about the aero- to the desired angle of twist and the sections between
dynamic center of the force components in the z direc- the root and tip were then formed by using straight
tion. The coordinates of the aerodynamic center and lines between corresponding stations of the root and
of the pitching moment about it may be found from tip sections. Formation of the wings in this manner
integrations like (2) and (3) by substituting the appro- results in a nonlinear distribution of twist along the
.priate values of the x and z force components• For semispan. In plan view the quarter-chord points of
example, x,.°. would be found from the sections lie on a straight line across the semispan;
2 rb]2 the sweepback was measured between this line and
-_| c,,czdy the lateral axis.
..- c -- 1"3 J0
W, " Three different amounts of sweepback, 0 °, 15 °, and
where 30 ° , and three types of airfoil sections, symmetrical,
2 I"z'/_ cambered, and reflexed, were used.
Cz,--_j ° c,=cdy As the wings differ primarily in airfoil section,
The values of x,._. and Cz, may be found by plotting sweepback, and twist, a convenient designating number



o 4

o 0

Corrected for funnel-wall effect. -.4

-/6 -/2 -a -4 0 # 8 /2 /6 20 24 28 32
Angle of attack,_ (degrees/ referred fo roof chord
FIGU_Z12.--Tai_red N. A. C. A. _ airfoil.

C+=CX and c,°c against the distance along the semispan was used to distinguish the wings, such as 24-30-8.50.
and finding the area under the curves• In this number 24 designates the N. A. C. A. airfoil
mean line, i. e., 2 means 0.2 chord maximum camber
and 4 that the maximum camber is at 0.4 chord; 30
In order to provide test data on tapered wings, gi- s the sweepback in degrees; and 8.50 gives the
including wings with sweepback and twist, and to washout in degrees.
provide a check on the previously outlined method of The wings axe listed in table V. The first two wings
computing characteristics, nine tapered wings were have no sweepback and no twist and differ only in
tested. The plan forms and sections of the wings are airfoil section. The next two have increased sweep-
shown in figures 12 to 20. The aspect ratio of all the back. The five remaining wings are examples of
wings was 6; the taper ratio of eight of the wings was various methods of combining sweepback, twist, and
0.5 and of one w_ng was 0.25. For all the wings the airfoil section to obtain wings having a small positive
thickness ratio of the root section was 15 percent and pitching moment; such wings would be suitable for
of the tip sections 9 percent. The tip section was set tailless airplanes. The amounts of twist and of

A_Pfoi/." 24-0-0
R.N (eFFech've) 8,t6_,000
Date.. 5-2/-34 Test: VO. T. //73
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 LO L2 L4 16
Lift coefficient,


,/ - _L

_"" 7 (2
Airfoil." 24-15-0 Ve/.(f//_ec.): 69.8
•Size: oreo, 301n. s_on
Pres.(_thd.ofm.): _O,5 R.N.: _/ O0,O00" "_
Where tested..LM.A.L. Test: VO.T. II 74
Corrected for tunnel-wolf effect. -. d

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 ZO /.2 L4 /.6
Angle of offock, _ (degrees) referred to roof chord
L ill coefflc/enf. Q
Ftom_= 14.--Tapered/¢. A. C. A. 24-15-0 airfoil. C.,., --Vblg_

AirfoiL" _4-30-0
R.N. (effective) 8,160,000
"Date: .9-25-34 Ye_t: V.D._ 117_'



le ....
.4 .08 _.002

o 4

Airfoil: _4-30-8,50
R.N. [effective) 8,180,000
Dote: 9-26-34 Test: V.D._ 1178"
0 .2 .4 .G .8 ZO L2 1.4
Lift coefficient, C_
FIGURE 16.--Taperod N. A. C. A. 24-30-8,50 airfoil,

150sq.ln. orea. 30in. sport

Pres. (st'nd.ohn.): 20.5 -.2
Where fesfed:LMA.L. Tesh V.D.T. //80
Corrected for tunnel-wall effect. -.4

-/6-/Z-8 -4 0 4 8 /2 /6 20 24 28 32
Ang/e of oftock, _ (degrees/referred to roof chord

/6 -IZ -6 -4 0 4 8 I_ 16 _0 24 _8 32
Angle of oH_c_, _ (degree,/.referred fo root chord
C, .. ,.- ?vlb/_ _
FI(_ l$.--Tapered N. A. C. A. 2RrlS-0 airfoil.

.2 .04

0 0

-.2 _J-. 2


-I_ -/2 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 /6 20 24 28 32 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 /.0 z2 L4

Annie of attack,_ (degrees) referred fo roof chord Lift coeffir'_,nt
C,,.,.- M_/q,_
Flouzz 19.--Tapered N. A. C. A. 00-15-3.4t, airfoil.

Roof ._echbn seth'on



•6_. /Z _.oo4
.4 . 08

_ 4 .2 .04

0 0

1505¢in. area, 30in. span . °-.2

-4 Pre_ (s f'n claim.)." 20,3 n.N.:3,130, 000 -" Z
Where fested..L.MR.L. TeSt; V.D.T.1179

-IP -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 _o -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 /.0 L2 /.4

LIft coefficient. C_

Flouz¢= 20.--Tapered _. A. C A. 00-15-3.45 (4:1) airfoil


sweepback necessary to obtain the desired pitching The shapes of the lift and pitching-moment curves
moment were determined by the method previously near maximum lift provide information on the na-
given for computing pitching moments, except that ture of the stalling of the wings. The 24--0-0 v_ng
data for wings with trapezoidal tips were used. The has a sharp drop in lift after the maximum, indicat-
24-30-8.50 wing has sufficient twist to obtain the ing that stalling occurs almost simultaneously over
desired pitching moment using a cambered section a considerable portion of the wing. Also the Cm,.,.
and 30 ° sweepback. The 2R1-15--8.50 wing has the after the stall is like that of normal wings. In con-
same twist but half the sweepback and a reflexed trast to this wing, the 24-30-0 wing, which has the
airfoil section to obtain a positive pitching moment. same airfoil sections but 30 ° sweepback, has a rounded
The 2R_-15-0 airfoil has no twist and increased reflex. lift-curve peak, indicating that stalling occurs pro-
A symmetrical section together with twist is used for gressively along the span. The pitching-moment
the 00-15-3.45 wing, while the last wing has the same coefficient is positive after the stall, which shows that
twist and sweepback as the previous wing but a taper stalling begins at sections behind the aerodynamic
ratio of 0.25. center. Washout, as in the case of the 24-30-8.50
The variable-density wind tunnel in which the tests wing, reduces the tendency to stall of sections behind
were made is described in reference 6 together with the aerodynamic center, which may be verified by
the method of making tests. The lift, drag, and reference to the C,_.,. curve. Stalling, however, still
pitching moment of the wings were measured at a begins behind the aerodynamic center, as the C,,,_.c. is
tank pressure of 20 atmospheres. positive after the stall. All the wings, except the
The results of the tests, corrected for tunnel-wall 24-30--0 and 24-30-8.50, are stable after the stall.
effect, are given in the form of dimensionless coeffi- The important test results for all the wings are
cients and are plotted in figures 12 to 20. The lift. summarized in table V. The coordinates of the aero-
curve peak is given for two values of effective Reynolds dynamic center are expressed as fractions of S/b. The
Number to indicate the scale effect. The effective 24-0-0, 24-15--0, and 24-3(}-0 wings show a decrease of
Reynolds Number, at which the maximum lift coeffi- C_,_ z as the sweepback is increased. For the 24-30-
cients apply in flight, is the test Reynolds Number 8.50 wing, the effect of sweepback is partly compen-
multiplied by a turbulence factor, 2.64. sated by twist, which reduces the tendency to stall
In order to make possible a more accurate reading of of the low Reynolds Number 'sections near the tips
drag coefficients than can be made from the plots and therefore increases C£,maz. The drag, however, is
against angle of attack, a drag coefficient has been also increased. Of the wings designed to have a small
plotted against lift coefficient with the induced drag positive C_0, the 2Rs-15-0 wing has the highest ratio
for elliptical span loading deducted; that is of C_ _,/C_,_,..

The coefficient Co eis calledthe "effective profile-drag Pitching-moment characteristics, lift-curve slope,
coefficient" and is useful for comparing the drag of and drag.--The lift distribution and other theoretical
tapered wings, as it includes with the true profile drag data used to determine the desired pitching-moment
any additional induced drag caused by a departure coefficient of the wings are now used to predict other
from the ideal elliptical lift distribution. Notice characteristics. In addition to O_0, the aerodynamic-
should be taken that Co° cannot be used like a profile- center position, the angle of zero lift, and the lift-curve
drag coefficient to compute the effect of change of slope have been calculated. The values of a were cal-
aspect ratio but applies only to the particular wings culated from the formula in figure 2. In this formula
tested. The values of Co, have been corrected to the a value of ao corresponding to the a0 for the N. A. C. A.
effective Reynolds Number (references 7 and 8) by 0012 and 2412 sections at a Reynolds Number of
allowing for the reduction in skin-friction drag due to 3,000,000 was used, inasmuch as the effect of variations
the change from the test to the effective Reynolds of ao with section and Reynolds Number is small. As
Number. The reduction amounted to Co=0.0011. the value of ao used in the formula was derived from
The pitching-moment coefficients plotted against the tests of rectangular wings, a correction for square tips
lift coefficient are give n about an axis through the aero- has been applied in order to obtain a better value of the
dynamic center of the wings in order to obtain a prac- section lift-curve slope. The correction, derived from
tically constant value of pitching-moment coefficient. tests of wings with rounded tips, is given in reference 9.
The aerodynamic center was determined from the The calculated values of the pitching-moment coeffi-
slope of the test pitching-moment curve. The loca- cient at zero lift, the aerodynamic-center position, the
tion of the aerodynamic center is given on the plots by angle of zero lift, and the lift-curve slope are generally
its distance from the leading edge and above the chord in good agreement with the test values (table VI).
of the root section. These distances are given as The agreement of the pitching-moment coefficient at
fractions of the ratio of area to span, S/b. zero lift and the aerodynamic-center position, which are

calculated from the basic and additional lift distribu- using the maximum lift coefficients of the symmetrical
tions, respectively, indicate that the thgoretical lift sections given in reference 10 but with the values of
distributions must also agree reasonably well with the CLm_ increased 3 percent. This correction was made
actual distributions. for the same reason that a0 was corrected; that is, to
In addition to the foregoing characteristics, the drag allow for the effect of square tips and thereby to obtain
has been calculated for the 00-0-0 and 24-4)-0 airfoils. a closer approach to true section characteristics.
The comparison between calculation and experiment Better section characteristics will be obtained as a
is based on values of the effective profile-drag coeffi- result of an investigation in progress but the correction
cient. The calculated values were obtained from used is sufficiently accurate for the present purpose.

Co 2F_ _ . ,._ C,? As the values of CLma, given in reference 10 were for a
Reynolas Number of 3,000,000, correction increments
were applied to correct the values of CL_,a, to the actual
In order to find the value of the integral, values of Reynolds Number of each section along the span.
c_ were determined as follows at several points along Correction increments applying to various airfoil sec-
the semispan for convenient values of total wing CL. tions are expected to be published in the previously
For each value of eL the distribution across the semi- mentioned report concerning scale effect on airfoils.
span of c_, Reynolds Number, and thickness ratio were The curves of c, distribution for several values of
calculated. Then; for each point on the semispan, wing C_. given in figure 21 were determined by the
c_0 was found for the appropriate c,, Reynolds Number, method previously given for finding ct distribution.
As soon as the c, curve becomes tangent to the stalling
c,,,= curve, the section at that point reaches its maxi-
mum lift coefficient and stalling should soon spread over
a considerable part of the wing. Thus, for the 00-15-
3.45 (4:1 taper) wing, stalling is indicated as beginning
near the tips, at a CL of 1.31. Stalling, however, is so
close to the tip that it may be modified by the tip
vortex. The measured CL,,_ is 1.32, but this value is
probably low owing to the sweepback of the wing.
This method, when applied to several other tapered
wings without sweepback but having various taper
ratios and aspect ratios, gave a stalling G_ that was
within a few percent of the measured CL,_,= for all the
wings; therefore, the method should prove useful for
estimating the C_,,= of tapered wings.
The 00-15-3.45 (4:1 taper) wing is an example of the
0 .2 ,4 .6 .8 /.0
harmful effect of excessive taper on C_a _. Large taper
not only tends to cause a low C_,,z but also tends to
Fmuaz 21.--Detemmlnatfon of the CL at which a tapered wlng begins to stall
cause stalling near the tips, which results in poor lateral
and thickness ratio, using data that are expected to be control at low speeds. Improvement could be obtained
by using less taper and thicker sections near the tips.
published soon in a report concerning scale effect on
Although all of the characteristics of tapered wings
airfoils. From the values of c4o, a curve of r.4oe was
have not yet been satisfactorily calculated, it may be
plotted against y and the value of the integral was
determined from the area under the curve. The value concluded that the following important aerodynamic
of C_ was obtained for the formula previously given. characteristics---angle of zero lift, the lift-curve slope,
the pitching-moment coefficient, the aerodynamic-
The calculated and test values of CD, are compared in
center position, and the span lift distribution--can be
figures 12 and 13. The agreement is considered good.
Estimation of maximum lift coefficient. A final calculated with sufficient accuracy for engineering
characteristic to be estimated is the maximum lift purposes.
coefficient, which should be nearly equal to the C_. at
which stalling begins. The method of determining the
CL at which stalling begins is demonstrated for the
00-15-3.45 (4:1 taper) wing in figure 21. The lift LANOLEY MEMORIAL AERONAUTICAL LABORATORY,

coefficient at which each section along the semispan NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS,

stalls (shown by the dashed curve) was obtained by LANGLEY FIELD, VA., May 1, 1936.

8. Jacobs, Eastman N., and Abbott, Ira H.: The N. A. C. A.
Variable-Density Wind Tunnel. T.R. No. 416, N. A. C. A.
1. Glauert, H.: The Elements of Aerofoil and Airscrew Theory.
7. astman N., and Clay, William C.: Characteristics of
2. Glauert, H., and Gates, S. B.: The Characteristics ofaTapered
the N. A. C. A. 23012 Airfoil from Tests in the Full-Scale
and Twisted Wing with Sweep-Back. R. & M. No. 1226,
British A. R. C., 1929. and Varlable-Density Tunnels. T.R. No. 530, N. A. C. A.,
3. Hueber, J.: Die aerodynamischen Eigensehaften yon doppel-
8. Platt, Robert C.: Turbulence Factors of N. A. C. A. Wind
trapezfSrmigen Tragfl_geln. Z. F. M., 13. Mai 1933, S.
249-251; 29. Mai 1933, S. 269-272. Tunnels as Determined by Sphere Tests. T.R. No. 558,
N. A. C. A., 1936.
4. Anderson, Raymond F.: Charts for Determining the Pitching
9. Jacobs, Eastman N., and Pinker_n, Robert M.: Tests of
Moment of Tapered Wings with Sweepback and Twist.
T. N. No. 483, N. A. C. A., 1933. N. A. C. A. Airfoils in the Variable-Density Wind Tunnel.
Series 236. T.N. No. 56T, N. A. C. A., 193(].
5. Lippieeh, A.: Method for the Determination of the Span-
10. Jacobs, Eastman N., Ward, Kenneth E., and Pinkerton
wise Lift Distribution, T. M. No. 778, N. A. C. A., 1935.
Robert M.: The Characteristics of 78 Related Airfoil
Sections from Tests in the Variable-Density Wind Tunnel.
T. R. No. 460, N. A. C. A., 1933.



0 0. 1, 0.2 _$ _4 _5 0.6 _7 _8 _9 LO


2........ --_ 118 -_ 121 -0.1 _'_ --0. HH --0. I_I --0, 121 -o. I_ --(k 120 --0. 120
S........ --, IM -. 1_0 --. 182 -. 163 --. 165 --.164 --. 164 " --. 1_3 -. 162 --. 181 --. 180
4........ --. 183 --. 192 197 -. 199 --. 199 --. 199 --. 197 -. I_ --. 194 --. 192
6........ --.211 --. 221 -. 221 --.219 --. 218
6........ --,236 --. 2_ --. _2 --. _0 --. 24'1 --. _4_
7........ --,2_ --.275 --. 276 --. 274 --. 272 --. 268 --. 261
8 ........ --. g74 -.29a --. 291 --. 282 --. 276
10........ --.304 --.318 --. 322 --. 321 --. 320 --.318 --. 31_ --. 311
12- ....... --. _9 --.3_ --.348 --. 341 --. 337 --._1 --. _ --. 317
14_....... --. _0 _.370 -._/_ --. 842
16-....... --. 867 --. F/O _o_ --. 34[8
18........ --. _4 _.3_ -._
L. --. 376
20........ i --,398 --. 411 --. 417 --. 41_ --, 410 --. 404 -. 199


2........ ---0._ -0, o80 .--0, OS8 •-_ os_ --0.086 --0. 08_ --O.085 --0._8 --0. 084 -0.083
a ........ -.C_ -. 108 --.III --. 112 --. II_ -• II$ --. 118 -- 112 --. 110 --. 1_
4. ....... --. 117 -. 130 --. IS6 --. 188 --. 187 --. 137 -. 187 --, 187 --. I_ --. 133
5........ --. I$I -. 148 --. I_ --• 150 --. I_ --. 158 -. I_8 --. 188 --. 167 --. l_ --. 152
6 ........ --.148 -• 162 --. IT_ --. 17e --. 176 --. 176 -. 178 --. 178 --• 17_ --. 172 --. 170
7 ........ --.IM -. 178 --. 180 --. 192 --• I_ --. 192 --. 191 --. 191 --. 190 --. 190 --. 189
8 ........ --,168 -. 189 --._0_ _. --, _0_ --._0_
10 ........ --,182 --._07 --, 2_
I_ ....... --,197 --. _0 --.239
14- ....... --,206 _o _8 --._J_
16........ --.212
18........ --. 219 --. _47 --o --. 2_ --. 26_
20........ --.2_ --. 271 --. 271 --. 272 --. 27_


2 ........ --0. 006 --0. 011 --0. 01_ --0_015 -0. 018 --0. 016 --0_ 018 --0.018 --_016 -o. 018 -0. 015
S ........ --, 002 --. 010 --. 012 --. 015 -. 016 --. 018 --. Ole --.016 "--.017 --. 018 -. 018
4_ ....... 0 --._08 --.011 -.012 -. 018 --. 016 -. o18 --. 019 --.0_ -, o'J1
• 004 --,004 --.010 --.01= -. 018 -- 018 --.0_0 -. 021 -. 028
6 ........ • 009 --.00_ --.008 -. 012 -, 016 --. 018 --.0_0 --. 021 --.0_ --. 0_4 -. 026
• 012 --. 001 --. 010 -. 013 -. 017 --.018 -. 020 --. 027 -. 029
• 014 0 --. 008 -. 012 -. 017 --. 019 -. 021 --, 029 _.030 -.030
I0........ .0_1 .007 --.002 -.010 --. 017 _, O_ --.0"22 --. 0'_7 --,0_0 -.03_ -. 03_t
12........ .028 .0O9 --.001 -.-010 --. 017 --. 021 --. 025 --.0'_ _.0_
14. ....... .0_8 .013 0 --. 010 --. 017 --. 0'21 _.0_ --.0_! --. O_ _.040 -. 042
16........ .04_ .019 ._02 --. 010 --.022 --.0_ --.041 -. 045
18- ....... i .049 ,022 .004 --. 016 --. 022 --.081 --,_1 -.04_ --, 04_
.0_0 ,023 .006 --. 014 --.0_ --. O31 --._l --. 049



_l b -'_

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.$ 0.9 1.0


2........ O. 0,52 O. 052 0.051 O. O5O 0.050 O. 0,50 0.0_ 0.060 O. O49 0.O49 0.O48
3......... 070 .069 .0_ .068 .068 .0_ .0_ .068 .068 ,0_8
4......... 085 • 082 .081 ,080 .080 .080 .0_0 .080 .080 .080 .080
5......... Ogg • Og5 .092 • 0_1 • 091 • Ogl • 001 .0_1 ,OgO .090 .090
8......... 109 • 107 .104 • 102 • I01 • 101 • 100 .100 • 100 • 100 .100
7......... 119 • 117 • 114 • 112 • 111 • 110 • 110 • 110 • 110 • 109 • 108
8......... 128 .122 • 121 • 120 • 120 • 119 • 119 • 118 • 118 • 117 • 116
10 ......... 139 • 138 • 135 • 132 • 131 • 130 • 130 • 129 • 128 • 126 • 124
12 ......... 148 • 14_ •141 • 140 • 140 • 139 • 137 • 135 • 134 • 132 • 130
14 ......... 1_5 • 152 .150 • 148 • 145 • 142 • 141 .140 • 139 • 138 • 138
16 ......... 160 • I_8 .l_ • 151 .149 • 146 • 143 • 141 • 140 • 139 • 138
• 162 .160 • 158 • 152 • 148 • 145 • 142 • 140 , 139 • 138
......... 170 • 169 .165 • 1,_ • 152 • 148 147 • 143 • 141 • 140 • 140


0.079 O. O8O O. _2 0.083 0.085 O. OM, 0086 0.08_ 0.0_4 0.081

2 ........
3......... 0o0_ • 101 • 102 • 104 • I0_ • 109 • Ii0 . II0 • 108 • 106
4...._. .... I00 • 113 • 120 • 123 • 128 • 128 • 128 • 130 • 130 • 130 • 129
,5.......... 100 .12_ • 1_ • 138 • 140 .143 • 147 .148 .148 .148 • 149
8- ........ 115 . I_ • 14,8 .152 • 1_6 • 160 • 180 • 162 •I_ ,184 .I_
7......... 121 • 142 • 158 •163 • 189 • 172 • 173 • 173 • 174 • 174 • 175
8. ........ 128 • 149 • 184 • 174 • 180 • ]82 • 182 • 183 •183 • 184 •184
10. ........ 136 • leo • 178 • 188 • 195 .200 • 201 .202 ,201 • 198
13-........ I_ • 170 • 188 .200 .2_8 • 212 • 214 • 216 ,216 • 214 • 210
14 ......... 1_2 • 182 .2_ • 210 .218 • 221 .223 .227 .228 .22,5 .220
18 ......... 159 • 186 .205 •216 .222 .229 • 232 .233 .236 .232 .229
18......... 181 • 19/ • 21/5 .224 .230 .239 • 242 • 242
20 ....... c .186 • 201 .2'20 • _2 .237 • 241 .2¢5 .248 .248 . _48 •247


_. ....... 0.0_ 0.088 O.O72 O. 073 O.O75 O. 076 0.0]5 O. 075 0.075 O. 075 O. 075
3......... O_ .OS3 .092 .09_ .099 • 100 • I_0 • 100 • I00 • 100 • 100
4......... 0;'4 • 111 • 118 • 121 • 122 • 123 • 123 • 123 • 123 • 123
......... 081 •107 .122 • 131 ,138 • 140 141 • 141 • 142 • 142 • 142
•117 .138 • 148 • 154 .159 • 1_0 .I_0 • 180
7......... 0_0 •123 • 144_ • leo • 167 • 171 •171 • 17_ • 172 • 172 ,172
8......... 092 • 131 .I_ • 170 • 179 • 182 •183 • 184 • 185 186 • l_t7
I0......... 008 • 139 • 166 • 184 • 197 • 201 .20_ .205 .207 ,209 • 210
12 ......... 100 • 147 • 178 • 198 • 210 • 218 •221 .225 ,228 ,229 .230
14 ......... 102 .156 • 188 ._0_ .220 • 231 .238 .241 .243 • 245 .246
16 ......... 103 • 181 ,197 • 219 • 231 ,241 •249 ._3 . 9,_ • 259 ._60
18 ......... 1(15 •168 • 20_ .228 • 243 ._2 .280 .263 .269 • 271 • 275
20 ......... 107 • 172 • .21l .248 .2_0 • 273 . 2"/V • 2_2


2........ 0.038 O. O_I 0.O68 O. 0_9 0.060 0,060 0.080 0.060 0.0_ 0,0_ 0. 058
.0_3 .073 • 078 • 079 ,0_0 ,080 .080 .080 • 079 .078
4......... _0 • 072 •078 .092 .095 .097 .09_ • I00 • I00 • 100 .0_
• I00 .107 • I10 • 112 • 113 , I14 • 116 • 117 • 116
5.. ...... • 109 • 119 • 122 • 128 • 130 • 132 • 132 • 131 • 130
• 118 • 130 • 13_ • 140 • 144 • 148 • 150" • 140 • 145
7........ i0_ • 12_ .140 • 148 .152 • 158 • 180 • 161 • 160 • 159
• 138 • 1_2 • 162 • 171 • 17"8 • 182 : 186 • 187 • 183
12_ ....... • 143 • 16_ • 179 • 189 .198 .200 .202 .204
14 ......... 080 • 151 .174 .1_0 • 20_ • 211 • 21_ • 218 ,221 .2_2
18- ........ 061 • 121 • 150 • 184 .203 • 218 .222 .229 ,233 .238
18 ......... 061 • 126 • 188 • 194 • 213 .229 ,238 .241 .248 .251 ,255
20......... 061 • 128 • 173 .203 • 239 .24_ • 2_I .2_9 • 271


0. O3O 0._ 0.037 O. O37 0.037 0._6 O.O36 0.03_ O.OM

3........ •045 • o04_ .0_0 .051 .0_2 .054 .053 .052 • 051
4........ '.0_ ,054 .080 .062 .064 .068 .069 .0_ .068 .067
.0_1 .0_ .070 .071 • 075 ,OT8 ./_I ._2 ,083 .(_3
........ 1 o,_ ,0_
• 0_7
• 091
• I01
• Ii0
• II0
• 062 • 081 • 091 • i00 • I(]7 • 112 .120 •121 • 121 ,121
.067 .090 • 105 • 115 • 124 • 132 •138 • 141 • 142 • 143
12 ......... 031 • 089 • 115 • 131 • 141 • 149 •153 •160 • 161 • 162
14 ......... 031 • 071 ,102 • 127 • 143 • 1_ • 163 •171 •175 • 177 • 178
16 ....... 031 .077 • 111 • 138 • 156 • 169 • 178 •182 •188 • 190 • 191
10"_'__---_ I .0_1 • 121 • I_0 • 169 .182 • I_I • 197 ._00 ,201 .202
_'"........ .0_6 •128 • 158 • 178 • 193 .202 .208 •210 ,21 '> • 213




A_ 0 0.I 0.2 0.3 0,4 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.8 0,9 1.0


2........ L38_ L400 I.3_7 1.330 1.318 I. 301 1._ I._3 1.290 1.287 I. 283
3........ 1.489 L430 L38fi 1.380 1. 3'_ I. 292 1.288 I.278 1.293 1.2_3 I._16
4........ I. 527 L 453 1.400 1.300 1.829 I. 302 I.T/9 1.280 L242 1.226 I. 211
5........ 1.559 1. 473 1.414 1. 369 1.333 I. 301 I.272 L'_,8 1.22_ 1.204 I. 186
0........ 1.586 L 4O2 L 428 1, Z78 1.888 1.300 1._7 1.237 1. 211 I. 187 I. I_3
7........ L6_9 1. ,510 1.440 1.386 "1.840 1.300 1.264 1.232 1.203 I.176 I. 149
8........ I. 029 1. 534 1.466 1. 302 1.344 1.300 1.264 1.229 1. 198 1.16_ I. 13_
I0 ........ L 661 L558 L 473 2.409 1.356 1.306 1.264 1.2_ I. 187 1.152 i. 120
12 ........ l, 686 L 578 1. 460 1.420 1. 361 1.3(]8 I.261 1. 2i9 I. 180 I. 143 I. 109
14 ........ 1.7_ I. ,_2 1. 502 1. 420 1.366 1.309 I._0 I.214 1. 172 I.130 I. I00
16 ........ I,726 1. 610 1. 513 1.4,33 L 308 1.309 1.2,55 1.208 1.16.5 1.127 1.060
18 ........ 1. 741 I. 023 1.82,5 I. 441 1. 370 1.308 i.252 I.203 L 160 1. 118 1.080
20 ........ I. 755 I.532 I. ,531 1.446 I. 372 1.307 1,250 1. 199 1. 153 1.1{)9 I.070


2 ........ L389 I. 329 1._60 1. 279 1,297 2.260 1.258 1.2M 1._ 1.260 1.248
3 ........ 1. 405 1,346 L808 1.279 L260 1.248 I. 241 1.234 1.228 1. 221
4 ........ L434 L363 1. 318 1.284 L260 1.243 L _3 L220 1._09 1. 198 L214
S. ....... L4_ I._77 1.324 1.288 L260 L240 1.228 2.206 2.194 I, 131 L 168
8 ........ L 477 1.388 1. 320 L_O L2_ 1.236 L 218 L200 1.184 I. 169 2. 151
7 ........ L 491 L393 L 382 L 291 L_ 1.286 1. 214 L 193 L 174 1. 257 I. 138
8 ........ I. 502 L 401 2.888 1.204 1.261 2.236 L 212 1.169 L 16_ L 148 1.129
I0 ........ L 513 I. 411 1. 347 1.299 L2_ 1.23_ 1.229 L 182 L 188 L 137 1.114
12. ....... L 520 1. 417 1.849 L302 1.2_ 1.283 2. 203 I. 172 L148 1. 126 L I0_
14. ....... L 527 1.423 L_ 1,307 L_ 2.232 1. 201 I. 170 1. 144 2.119 1.094
18- ....... L _3 1.428 2.388 1.308 1.269 1.232 1. 1_9 I. 164 L 138 1. 110 l._r/
18........ L 539 I. 429 1. 3_ 1.309 L270 1.281 1, 128 L 160 1. 130 I.103 1.078
20 ........ I.547 1.431 1. 360 1. 321 L271 1,280 L 100 I, 138 I. 123 L098 2,089


2. ....... I. 317 1. I_0 L 178 L 172 1. 172 1. 171 1.170 L 169 L 160 L 108 I.168
1.191 I. 176 1.1_ 1. 161 1,160 L 1_ I. 158 I. 157 L IM I.155
1. 192 1.173 1.162 L 156 L 151 L 149 I. 148 I. 147 1. 146 2.245
5........ 1,228 L 193 LI_9 L 149 1. 142 L 140 I. 13_ L 136 I. 284 L 133
171 1. 188 I. 132 I. 120 I. 127 1. 126 1. I_
........ L_ L. 193
.193 1.170 .• 145
140 1.132 L l_l I. 121 1. 120 1. 119 I.118
8 ......... L_ L 192 L 1t_ 1. 150 1.138 1. 128 I. 120 I. 116 I. 113 1. II1 I.II0
10 ........ L 228 L 192 L 153 1. 131 L 113 I. 108 L 104 1. 102 1.100
12. ....... I. 228 L 192 I. 146 I.125 I. 111 L 107 1. 102 1.0_ 1.0_4 1.080
14_....... L29S L 191 I. 101 1. IM 1. 104 1. lO0 1.0_ 1.060 1.087 L 082
18 ........ L220 I.189 1. 182 . 116
112 1. 101 LOfft 1.091 1.086 L 081 I.078
18 ........ L 228 1. IM I. 152 1. 129 1. 100 1.0_ 1._ 1.080 2. 076 1.070
1.182 I. 149 I.127 [_211
20........ 1.228 1.0_ 1.0_ 1,088 L078 1.071 I._


3 ........ O. 970 0.078 O, O84 O. 992 1.010 I.012 1.014 1.016 i.018 1.019
3 ......... 950 • 0_ .075 .088 1.0(}4 1.021 1.013 1. O23 2.030 2.088
4 ......... 932 ,948 • Od,2 .978 1.002 1.008 1. 014 1.023 LO,_ 1. O,,q)
8 ......... ,_8 • 971 .988 1.008 1. 01_ 1. 024 I._8 1. O53
• 950 .949 ,9_ . _1 1.002 1,013 1.024 2.030 l.Of_
.920 .940 • 959 •978 • 989 1.080 LOI2 1.024 I.030 I. OM
8......... 801 • 028 .938 •956 •972 1. 011 1.024 1.039 1.053
.0_9 • 047 ,961 . _70 •902 1,008 1.028 2.039 I. 0,52
I0 .........
12. ........ _7_ •941 • 058 •972 .089 1.006 1.022 1.088 I. 051
14 ......... 868 .018 .937 • 953 .969 1,003 1,019 1.08_ I. 049
16 .........
:N .948
.981 _._ 1.017
1. 015
I. 047
20 ......... 851 .876 • 898 .940 .959 .978 I. 012 I. 028 1.04_


2........ O.618 0,678 0.719 O.732 O. 740 O. 745 0.746 O.746 O. 747 O. 747 0._48
3 ......... 589 ._9 .700 • 726 .743 .7M • 764. .772 • 782 .790 .799
4 ......... 560 .644 .691 .723 • 746 • 7_4 .80_ • 816 .824
5......... • _2 ._8_ .7_ • 748 • 76_ .822 .8,34 • 84_
6......... 531 ,619 .675 • 717 • 748 .778 • 820 .8;38 .851
7......... 317 .609 .6_ .713 • 748 .778 • 802 • 827 .845 • 861 .878
8 ......... 504 ,800 ,_3 •710 • 748 • 8M .872
10 ......... 486 • 585 ._ .704 • 748 .818 .842 • 808 • 887 .905
12. ........ 472 .570 .648 .702 • 748 • 821 • 877 • 899 • 010
14 ......... 462 .500 ._1 .699 • 748 • 789 .325 • 887 • _11 ,033
16 ......... 456 .M4 .638 .698 • 743 .791 .880 .862 "894 .921 • 944
18 ......... 450 .559 • 60_ .760 • _0 .83_ .870 .901 .930 • 953
20 ......... 444 • M8 .629 • 00_ • 7_ .842 .878 • 937 • 962


., = S_L.

0 0.1 I 0.2 ,'

0.3 I 0.4 , 0.5 , ' 0.8 I 0.7 I o.s
0.9 1 1.0
2........ t SPANWISE STATION _--(_9
0.378 0.5_ I 0.531 o._._ I o._ 0.538 O. 537 0.538 0. 539
• 447 ._; .543 . _2 . .S&l .,,_8 • 671 • b75
• 435 • 495 • 569 .581 .SgO .538 .003 .609
K_Z==2 .314 • 424 .490 "_ [ .5M ._83 .600 • 613 .622 .530 .630
•300 • 416 ' ,487 • 595 .615 .531 .643 • 662 .659
_2_222222._o • 410 .484 • 53 f .572 • 603 .628 .646 .680 • 671 • 678
8 ......... 282 .403 •481 ._ ' .579 .612 .esd • 658 .673 .686 • 696
10 ......... ._83 .4?'3 .628 .656 .079 .698 • 712 • 723
12 ......... 9_ • 376 .469
I +59o
.597 • 639 .669 • 698 .718 .736 • 751
14 ......... 245 .370 .468 .648 .684 • 715 [ .739 .759 • 778
16 ......... 239 .366 .468 .54 .609 • 659 .698 .729 I .756 • 780 • 801
18 ......... 234 • 367 .47O ._4
,5_ t .602
.618 .669 .710 .7'_ i .773 .800
20 ......... 23! .388 .473 .._
.69.,5 • 679 .722 • 759 !
.791 • 819 :N I


......... , 0.231 o•=,Io3. t o. o 0.383 0.386 0._ 0.3¢O

.290 .239 .369 + .389 .407 •413 • 416 .418 • 420

i+ml3,. .+
......... , .191 .286 .434 .440 .444 .446
......... , .176 .281 .384 .415 • 449 .458 .4d3 .469 • 471
......... , .166 .278 .392 .428 ++t .+m+ •475 • 482 .490 .496
......... , .155 .272 • 494 • 502 .510 • 516
o ........ I , 14_ .261 •"464475,i .481
.495 t • 510 ._21 ._]9 .534
]0- ....... t .138 .2_WS • 410 . ,1_ .495 .,_0 j • 575
IS ........ I .13S .2_4 • 41 .473 .511 .M,2 I .608
[4 ........ I ,129 .2_ .4_ .482 .529 ,532 .588 ._09 .628 .640
lo ........ I .126 .252 • 3_I I .432 .496 • 610 .035 .6_ .671
N+........ I .122 .P._ .3_7 ' .43 ._,_I .d58 i ,682 • 702 1
20 ........ I .121 .2_8 .364 .44 .516 .569 .613 .707 • 730
[ ._0 i


0.207 0.263 0.273 O. 274 0.277 O. 281 O. 282

.o ........ ; 0. 132 O. 172
• 210 .2"/8 • 289 .291 .294 .300
o ........
• 166
• 163 • 214 .304 ,308 • 311 • 319 •Io 'I
.153 • 217 .304 .390 • 392 .3_ i .238
• 1_
• 188
,219 • 272 • 314
• 332
• 342
• 3_1
¢ .357
• 373
o ........ i .07T • 1_8 .228 ._._ .3_ .374 .383 • 391
I0 .....
12 ........
• 188
• 161
• 163
• 166
• 242
.2_ • 331
• 376
• 394
• 395
• 413
m • 428
• 495
• 529
• 510
1o ........ I .064 I .463
It+........ I .063 .169 .263 .346 • 412 .431 ,492 • 518 ._0 .580
2O........ I .062 • 171 ,271 .363 .4_ .,1,83 • 515 .M4 570 • 593 • 615



0 1.273
.2 1,243
,4 1,167
.6 1.019
.8 .764
.9 .555
.95 .398
.975 .283


e ", £, LI Ici i l¢la I Cz,XcI=I Cl li 1. l eros. ,.. C.....Xcl

0 9.13 0.097 --0._ 1.230 0,12"i 0+9_0 1. 140 1"267 11.50 104.0 115,6 --0.0_ --5.99
.2 8.23 .097 --.175 1.236 .0_ 1.003 1.205 1.303 8. 05 99.0 I07. 2 --. 075 -5.0_
.4 7,30 .0_ --.018 1. 138 ,012 1.939 1.248 1.280 .88 91.0 9'2.0 --.0_7 --3. 57
.5 6. 39 . O_ .101 • 993 --, 073 1.036 1.242 1. 169 --4. 66 79, 6 74. 7 --. 060 -2.45
.8 5.42 .099 .160 • 775 --, 138 .954 1. 145 1.007 --7.48 62.0 M. 6 --.052 --1.53
.9 4.40 .099 .I_9 • 595 --,165 .884 1.0_I .896 --7.41 47.7 40.3 --.048 _.97
.95 • 451 --. 175 .877 1.053 .878 --6.01 36.2 30.1 --.046
• 975 :;.43 :o_
2.47 .I_
.0_8 • 332 --, 167 .896 1.076 --.27
1.0 0 (.099) 0 0 0 0 , 0 0,909 -4.13
o 28.6
o 22.4
o -.045
(-.o44) 0

S. 6.67 .
_cl.s--_z%---- _- z,


[Effective Reynolds number, approximately 8, 000, 000]

Wing' Ip
_mu _Dsm_ A cL.../COo=, ,h c., ¢r;(L'-_)

m Wing

00-0-0 ............. 1._3 Calcu. Experl- Cslcu- Experi. Calcu. Expert-

201 0.320 lated mental
1.68 218 p.047 O 040 fated mental lated mental lated
Zow6 .¢ .051
24-15-0 ............
24-30-0 .............
188 •
_,-30-8,50 .......... I. 51 180 1.119 00-00 ......... 0 0 0 --0.014 0 0 0. 074 0. O75
2R1-1_)-8.50 ........ 1.59 -.043 --.040 0 --.022 -1.7 -1.7 .074 .074
2Rr-l_-0 ........... 1._0 19'2 24-15-0 ........ -.043 -.043 • 345 .352 -1.7 -1.9 .074 .075
(X)-15-3.45 .......... 1.48 183 24-30-0 ........ !--. 043 -.042 • 744 .7"/5 -1.7 -1.9 • 074 .072
0o-lb-3.45(4-1) ..... 1.32 161 24-30-8,50 ..... .010 .002 • 744 .786 .9 ,7 .074 .076
2R_-15-8.50 .... .006 .0_ .345 .348 1.1 1.2 .074 .076
2R_-15-0 ....... .004 .004 .345 .351 -.6 -.7 •074 .078
z The first group of numbers designates the mean line of the airfoil sections; the 00-15-3.45 ...... 010 .007 .345 .346 1.1 1.0 .074 .076
next group gives the angle of sweepback in degrees; the last group gives the angle of 00-15-3 45(4-1) .:, ...... 005 345 .334 ....... .7 .075 .076
washout in dqrees,
_s Coot.dlnates of the aerodynamic center: p is the distance 4'rom the leading edge of
me root chord; end h is the distance above the root chord.

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