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Suicide Prevention

Brelee McClelland, Ashley Oakes, Daniel Amaro, TaMeia Murphy
Team member

Brelee McClelland

TaMeia Murphy

Daniel Amaro

Ashley Oakes
Create a plan for a campaign to promote

“Life is ___” documentary

Create interest in watching “Life is _____”

Increase viewership of/engagement with

“Life is ______” based on “HookedRx”

Resource of information on youth suicide

and suicide prevention in Arizona

● HookedRx Series investigated Arizona’s opioid and heroin crisis

● Arizona is the 20th in the nation of deaths by suicide
● A schoolwide investigative project to talk about Suicide Prevention in Arizona.

This campaign will be modeled after what Hooked Rx accomplished in engagement and viewership,
creating a media campaign with traditional media, social media infographics and influencers.
Our goals for messaging

○ Sensitive topic
○ Help lines on all Cronkite platforms
○ Language
○ Why are we taking a different approach?
○ How are we addressing mental illness? - will be based off reporting stories

Data for Arizona youth


8TH 20TH
Suicide Mortality Rate by State
Other Communities Affected
Messaging Components
Media Relations Stakeholder & Influencers
● Statewide media ● Identifying key and Micro stakeholders
● PSAs ● Police and Fire Departments
● Lobbyists, activists

Social Media Community Outreach

● Utilization of Cronkite platforms ● Screenings
● Sharing Gov’t officials stances ● Flyers
● Showing behind the scenes efforts ● Newsletters
● Post documentary ● Collateral
Community Outreach &
Engaging with Schools
Teachers, principals, superintendents and peers
see children’s behaviors and attitudes everyday
Engaging Healthcare
Doctors, pediatricians, nurses, counselors all interact with youth
physically and mentally
Engaging the LGBTQ+ Community
Organizations help to provide resources and activities to better those
Engaging with Sports
Coaches, teammates, recruiters all have affect and have influence on this age group
Native Americans
Specialized Clinics

Youth Programs and trainings

Arizona Veterans
Az VA facilities

Reaching family and friends

Veterans supporting Veterans

● Broadcast across 30 TV
stations, 97 radio stations
● 18 traditional media articles
● 5 million Twitter impressions
on #HookedRX
Future Recommendations
● Learn from created transition documents
○ Fundamental research on suicide in Arizona
○ Successful prevention campaigns to be referenced when implementing the media calendar
and other promotional pieces.
○ Suggested message matrix for establishing/maintaining “brand” tone
■ Keeping the messages positive despite the depressing nature of the information
○ Identify key messages from the data found worth highlighting in promotions
Future Recommendations
● Traditional Media
○ Create complete media list
○ Story Pitches
○ Media Alerts
● Utilize student created assets for Campaign
● Contact community partners
○ Posts for their social platforms
○ Event calendars
○ Pitch Screenings
Thank You and Questions

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