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Nama: Vitra Ramadhani

Kelas: XII IPS 2

About: function
In this journal describes a function in mathematics. One of the precise definition of a function
is that it consists of three ordered sets, which can be written as (X, Y, F). X is the domain of
the function, Y is the codomain, and F is a set of ordered pairs.
Here I only explain the meaning and function for example. The journal is compiled based on
a book about mathematical functions.
Example graphs of functions,
Both domain and range of the image is the set of real numbers between -1 and 1.5. In
mathematics, a function is a relation between the set of elements called the domain and a set
of elements called the codomain. Associate the function of each element in the domain with
exactly one element in the codomain. The elements can be linked so that any thing (the
words, objects, attributes) but usually the amount of mathematics, such as real numbers.
Examples of functions with domain (A, B, C) and (1,2,3) with codomain associates A 1, B 2,
and C with 3. Examples of functions with both real numbers as its domain and codomain is a
function f (x) = 2x, which associates with each real number real number is twice as large. In
this case, we can write f (5) = 10.
There are many ways to represent or imagine functions: functions can be described by a
formula, by a plot or graph, by an algorithm that calculates it, the arrow between objects, or
information about its properties. Sometimes, a function which is described through the
relationship with other functions (eg, inverse function). In this discipline, the function is often
determined by a table of values or formulas.
In an environment where the output of the function of the number, functions can be added
and multiplied, producing a new function. Collection of functions with certain properties,
such as the function is continuous and differentiable functions, usually closed under certain
operations, called function space and studied as objects in their own right, in disciplines such
as real analysis and complex analysis. An operation on important functions, which distinguish
them from numbers, is the composition of functions. Composite function is obtained by using
the output of one function as input from the others. This operation provides functional theory
with the most powerful structure.
In pure mathematics, a function which is defined using set theory, and there are arguments
which indicate the existence of uncountably many functions, most of which can not be
expressed with the formula or algorithm.
Functions that are used in every field of mathematics that takes a function as the primary
object of study is called analysis.
Because the function so widely used, many traditions have grown around them use. The
symbol for input to the function are often called independent variables or arguments, and
often represented by the letter X, if the input of time, with the letter t. The symbol for output
is called the dependent variable or value and is often represented by the letter y. The function
itself is most often called f, and thus the notation y = f (x) indicates that the function named f
has an input called x and an output named y.
A function f takes an input x, and return the output f (x). A metaphor describes the function
as a “machine” or “black box” that turn inputs into outputs.
The set of all inputs are allowed for a particular function is called domain of the function. The
set of all output produced is called an image or range of functions. Images often a subset of a
larger set, called the codomain functions.
So, if the function f (x) = x2 can take as domain the set of all real numbers, as the image of
the set of all non-negative real numbers, and as codomain the set of all real numbers. In this
case, we will describe f as a real-valued functions of real variables. Sometimes, especially in
computer science, the term “distance” refers to the codomain than images, so care needs to be
taken when using the word.
This is a common practice in mathematics to introduce the functions with names like ƒ
temporary. For example, f (x) = 2x +1, then f (3) = 7; when the name is not necessary for the
function, the form y = 2x 1 can be used. If this function is often used, may be given a name
that more permanent.example:
A function of two or more variables are considered in the formal mathematics have domains
consisting of ordered pairs or tuples of argument values. For example Sum (x, y) = x + y
operating on integers Sum is a function with domain consisting of pairs of integers. Sum then
have a domain which consists of elements such as (3.4), an integer codomain, and the
relationship between the two which can be explained by a set of ordered pairs like ((3.4), 7).
Evaluating Sum (3.4) then gives the value associated with 7 pairs (3.4).
An object is indexed by a set equal to one function. For example, the sequence 1, 1 / 2, 1 / 3,
…, 1 / n, … can be written as an ordered sequence where n is a natural number, or as a
function f (n) = 1 / n of the set of natural numbers into the set of rational numbers.
A partition function to describe the domain surjective set indexed by the codomain. This
partition is known as a core function, and this section called the fiber or the level set function
on each element codomain. (Non-surjective functions to describe the domain divide and may
set the blank).
One of the precise definition of a function is that it consists of three ordered sets, which can
be written as (X, Y, F). X is the domain of the function, Y is the codomain, and F is a set of
ordered pairs. In each ordered pair (a, b), a is the first element of the domain, the second b is
an element of the codomain, and every element in the domain name is the first element in one
and only one ordered pair. The set of all b known as the image of the function. Some authors
use the term “range” means an image, others to mean codomain.
For example, the function defined by f (x) = x2 is considered a tight three-set. Domain and
codomain are real numbers, and ordered the pair include a pair (3, 9).
The notation f: X → Y indicates that f is a function with domain X and Y. codomain,
In most practical situations, the domain and range is understood from context, and only the
relationship between inputs and outputs are provided.
Usually written: y = x2
The graph of a function is a set of ordered pairs. As a set can be described in a pair of
coordinate axes for example, (3, 9) is the point of intersection of the lines x = 3 and y = 9.
A function is a special case of a mathematical concept is more general, relationships, in
which restriction that each element of the domain that appears as the first element in the one
and only one ordered pair removed (or, in other words, the restriction that each input will be
associated with exactly one output). A relation is “single-value” or “functional” as to each
element of the domain set, containing the graph at most one ordered pair (and probably does
not exist) with the first element. A relation is called “left-total” or just “total” as to each
element of the domain, the graph contains at least one ordered pair as the first element (and
perhaps more than one). A good relationship left-total and single-valued function.
In some parts of mathematics, including recursion theory and functional analysis, it is easier
to study partial functions where some of the value of the domain does not have an association
in the graph, ie, single valued relationship. For example, a function f such that f (x) = 1 / x
does not define values for x = 0, and similarly only partially true function of the real line to
line. The term total function can be used to emphasize the fact that every element of the
domain does not appear as the first element of ordered pairs in the graph. In other parts of
mathematics, the relationship is not single valued equally combined with the function: this is
known as a multivalued function, with the appropriate term single-valued function to normal
Some authors (especially in set theory) defines it simply as a function of the graph f, with the
restriction that the graph can not contain two different ordered pairs with first element.
Many operations in set theory such as power-set-in a class of all groups in its domain,
therefore, although they described as an informal function, they do not fit with the set-
theoretical definitions described above.
Specific input in a function called the function arguments. For each value of the argument x,
y in the appropriate unique codomain is called the value function at x, the output of f for
argument x, or the image of x under ƒ. The image x can be written as f (x) or as y.
The graph of the function f is the set of all ordered pairs (x, f (x)), for all x in the domain X. If
X and Y are subsets of R, real numbers, then this definition coincides with the familiar sense
of “graph” as an image or a plot function, the ordered pair into Cartesian coordinates.
A function can also be called a map or mapping. Some authors, using the term “function” and
“map” to refer to various types of functions. Other types of specific functions including
functionals and operators.
Formal description of a function usually involves the function name, its domain, the
codomain, and rules of correspondence. Thus, we often see two parts of the notation, for
It can be concluded:
• “ƒ is a function from N to R” (people often write informally “Let ƒ: X → Y” means “Let ƒ
be a function from X to Y”), or
• “ƒ is a function of N to R”, or
• “f is R-valued function of the N-value of the variable”,
Here the function named “ƒ” have natural numbers as domain, real numbers as codomain,
and maps n to itself divided by π. Less formal, long form may be abbreviated
Where f (n) is read as “f as a function of n” or “fn”. There is some loss of information: we are
no longer explicitly given the domain codomain N and R.
It is common to remove the parentheses around the argument when there is little chance of
confusion, thus: sin x; is known as prefix notation. Write a function after the arguments, as in
x ƒ, known as postfix notation, as usual factorial function written n!, Although generalization,
the gamma function, written Γ (n). Brackets are used to resolve ambiguity and stated priority,
although in some formal setting of consistent good use prefix or postfix notation, eliminating
the need for any brackets.

- Terjemahan

Tentang: fungsi


Dalam jurnal ini menjelaskan suatu fungsi dalam matematika. Salah satu definisi yang tepat
dari suatu fungsi adalah ia terdiri dari tiga himpunan terurut, yang dapat ditulis sebagai (X, Y,
F). X adalah domain dari fungsi, Y adalah codomain, dan F adalah himpunan pasangan
Disini saya hanya menjelaskan arti dan fungsinya saja misalnya. Jurnal disusun berdasarkan
buku tentang fungsi matematika.


Contoh grafik fungsi,

Domain dan rentang gambar adalah himpunan bilangan real antara -1 dan 1,5. Dalam
matematika, fungsi adalah hubungan antara himpunan elemen yang disebut domain dan
himpunan elemen yang disebut codomain. Kaitkan fungsi setiap elemen di domain dengan
tepat satu elemen di codomain. Unsur-unsur tersebut dapat dihubungkan sehingga apapun
(kata-kata, objek, atribut) tetapi biasanya jumlah matematika, seperti bilangan real.

Contoh fungsi dengan domain (A, B, C) dan (1,2,3) dengan codomain associate A 1, B 2,
dan C dengan 3. Contoh fungsi dengan bilangan real sebagai domainnya dan codomain
adalah fungsi f (x) = 2x, yang diasosiasikan dengan setiap bilangan real bilangan real dua kali
lebih besar. Dalam kasus ini, kita dapat menuliskan f (5) = 10.

Ada banyak cara untuk merepresentasikan atau membayangkan fungsi: fungsi dapat
dideskripsikan dengan rumus, dengan plot atau grafik, dengan algoritma yang
menghitungnya, panah antar objek, atau informasi tentang propertinya. Terkadang, suatu
fungsi dijelaskan melalui hubungan dengan fungsi lain (misalnya, fungsi terbalik). Dalam
disiplin ilmu ini, fungsi sering kali ditentukan oleh tabel nilai atau rumus.

Dalam lingkungan di mana keluaran dari fungsi bilangan, fungsi dapat ditambahkan dan
dikalikan, menghasilkan fungsi baru. Kumpulan fungsi dengan sifat tertentu, seperti fungsi
adalah fungsi kontinu dan dapat dibedakan, biasanya ditutup dalam operasi tertentu, disebut
ruang fungsi dan dipelajari sebagai objek dalam haknya sendiri, dalam disiplin ilmu seperti
analisis nyata dan analisis kompleks. Operasi pada fungsi-fungsi penting, yang
membedakannya dari angka, adalah komposisi fungsi. Fungsi komposit diperoleh dengan
menggunakan keluaran dari satu fungsi sebagai masukan dari fungsi lainnya. Operasi ini
memberikan teori fungsional dengan struktur yang paling kuat.

Dalam matematika murni, fungsi yang didefinisikan menggunakan teori himpunan, dan
terdapat argumen yang menunjukkan adanya banyak fungsi yang tak terhitung banyaknya,
yang sebagian besar tidak dapat diekspresikan dengan rumus atau algoritma.

Fungsi yang digunakan dalam setiap bidang matematika yang mengambil fungsi sebagai
objek kajian utama disebut analisis.

Karena fungsinya yang begitu luas digunakan, banyak tradisi yang tumbuh disekitarnya
menggunakannya. Simbol untuk input fungsi sering disebut variabel atau argumen
independen, dan sering diwakili oleh huruf X, jika dimasukkan waktu, dengan huruf t.
Simbol untuk output disebut variabel atau nilai dependen dan sering kali diwakili oleh huruf
y. Fungsi itu sendiri paling sering disebut f, dan notasi y = f (x) menunjukkan bahwa fungsi
bernama f memiliki masukan yang disebut x dan keluaran bernama y.

Fungsi f mengambil masukan x, dan mengembalikan keluaran f (x). Metafora

menggambarkan fungsi sebagai "mesin" atau "kotak hitam" yang mengubah masukan
menjadi keluaran.

Himpunan semua input diperbolehkan untuk fungsi tertentu yang disebut domain fungsi.
Himpunan semua output yang dihasilkan disebut gambar atau berbagai fungsi. Gambar sering
kali merupakan bagian dari kumpulan yang lebih besar, yang disebut fungsi codomain.

Jadi, jika fungsi f (x) = x2 dapat mengambil domain himpunan semua bilangan real, sebagai
gambar himpunan semua bilangan real non-negatif, dan sebagai codomain himpunan semua
bilangan real. Dalam kasus ini, kami akan mendeskripsikan f sebagai fungsi nilai riil dari
variabel riil. Kadang-kadang, terutama dalam ilmu komputer, istilah "jarak" mengacu pada
codomain daripada gambar, jadi perlu berhati-hati saat menggunakan kata tersebut.

Ini adalah praktik umum dalam matematika untuk memperkenalkan fungsi dengan nama
seperti ƒ sementara. Misalnya, f (x) = 2x +1, lalu f (3) = 7; ketika nama tidak diperlukan
untuk fungsi tersebut, bentuk y = 2x 1 dapat digunakan. Jika fungsi ini sering digunakan,
mungkin akan diberi nama yang lebih permanen. Contoh:

Fungsi dari dua atau lebih variabel yang dianggap dalam matematika formal memiliki
domain yang terdiri dari pasangan terurut atau tupel nilai argumen. Misalnya Jumlah (x, y) =
x + y beroperasi pada bilangan bulat Sum adalah fungsi dengan domain yang terdiri dari
pasangan bilangan bulat. Sum kemudian memiliki domain yang terdiri dari elemen-elemen
seperti (3.4), codomain integer, dan hubungan antara keduanya yang dapat dijelaskan dengan
himpunan pasangan terurut seperti ((3.4), 7). Mengevaluasi Jumlah (3.4) kemudian
memberikan nilai yang terkait dengan 7 pasang (3.4).

Sebuah objek diindeks oleh satu set yang sama dengan satu fungsi. Misalnya, urutan 1, 1/2,
1/3,…, 1 / n,… dapat ditulis sebagai urutan berurutan di mana n adalah bilangan asli, atau

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