Cover Letter - CV Frajaro

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Calle 55 N° 42 – 28, Apt.

Medellín, Colombia
Telephone: +057 311 834 85 19

Human Resources Department
29 December 2020

Re: Presentation of my profile and professional trajectory for the position that your organization offers
According to your offer in your web site, I am applying to participate in the selection process for the mentioned position
in your organization, and in that order of ideas, I enclose my CV for your consideration. Also you can see it in LinkedIn
in english version
In more than 34 years of experience working for the State and the Private Sector and as a researcher of the Social
and Economic Development of the Territories, I have developed the skills and competences necessary to occupy
this position to which I apply.
In the last 15 years I have concentrated, based on the accumulated knowledge, my experience and my vision and
prospective of the development of the territories, in approaching the structuring of Intelligent Territories and
Territories of Knowledge with Sustainable Development in the Social, Environmental and Economic spheres and
with a systemic, holistic and integral approach, with wide application of Knowledge Management, and the
appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies, not only in the State but also in the private sector.
I am constantly researching and updating in different methodologies and technologies, which allows me to optimize
my knowledge in an integral way.
For many years in the exercise of my profession, I have been a leader and manager of knowledge and mainly from the
design of the ‘Management and Results Evaluation Model of the Municipal Development Plans’ in September 1998
(, through the structuring of the conceptual model and operation of Medellín as Digital City in the
year 2005 (See at: towards an Intelligent and Knowledge Territory, that we launched while I was
in the ICT Ministry of Colombia, and that we were pioneers in Latin America in addressing these problems (See
socialization video in year 2011:
Experience in knowledge management and international cooperation management can be seen in the following
videos: Management of international cooperation in Paris and Brussels:; Panel discussion:
Smart Cities: the Future or a Utopia:; Teaching in the University what is a Strategic Plan for
Knowledge Management:; Conference on Intelligent Territories with Sustainable Development
in the Social, Environmental and Economic:; Conference 'Digital Territories towards
Territories of Knowledge':; Interview with the french scientist Andre Loechel about my
organization:; Conference on Medellín Territory of Knowledge:; Panel
broadcast on public television about Medellín City of Knowledge: Teaching about Knowledge
Management from Living Labs and Open Innovation:
For all of the above, I consider that I am competent enough to fill the position offered by your organization.
I am particularly attracted to working on your organization, due to the important interrelation that is generated with
its allies, in the state, academic, private and social order, which allows me to contribute with all my knowledge and
experience, in the achievement of their development objectives, and in accordance with the performance of the
functions assigned for the position offered to which I am applying.
As can be seen in my full Curriculum Vitae in spanish (, the most relevant aspects in relation
to my experience in general are:
- Director of Strategic Projects of the Secretary of Departmental Education in the Antioquia Governorate:, and
- Founder and President of the Center for Innovation and Technological Development 'Country of Knowledge':;
- Member and International Jury of the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF): and;
- Member of the European Network of Living Lab - ENoLL since 2009, born at the request of the European
Commission organization: and;
- Evaluator and Jury internacioanl of ENoLL for 7a and 8a Calls (waves) for Living Labs;
- Member of the Iberoamerican Community for Knowledge Systems – CISC:;
- Creator and promoter of Network of Living Labs and Innovation Spaces of Colombia - LAVICOL:;
- Former National Director of Access and Social Development of ICT in the Ministry of ICT of Colombia:
- Former Advisor of COLCIENCIAS ( in: a) Evaluation of ICT Strategic Plan with its
Integrated Information System for Science, Technology and Innovation (; b)
Restructuring Process and General Royalties System;
- Promoter and co - creator of Medellin Digital; Certified by ENoLL in 2011as a Living Lab toward an Intelligent
and Knowledge City (;
- Promoter and creator of the Living Lab 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge'. Certified by ENoLL in 2011
- Promoter and creator of the Living Lab 'Pereira, City of Knowledge', certified by ENoLL in 2012
- Coordination and structuring of proposals for certification of various Living Lab of Colombia by the European
Network of Living Labs - ENoLL in 2011 ( and 2012 (
Author of several publications that make me a point of reference in Knowledge Management, Public Management,
Fiscal Control, development of projects related to Smart Cities, Territories of Knowledge and Living Labs with Open
and Collaborative Innovation, social appropriation of Information and Communications Technologies, Science,
Technology and Innovation: ( and
I offer a high quality work with an advanced academic level and good skills in English and Russian, as well as
advanced skills for work under pressure in human resource management in my charge, quality of reporting, in
addition to the interpretation of the work environment, holistic, systemic and integral thinking of my functions, the
ability to plan and prioritize tasks with effective analysis and processing of information, skills for negotiation and
resolution of conflicts and problems with argumentation, and critical thinking with reasoning, logic and emotional
intelligence, among other professional and social skills. For all these reasons, I feel I am ready to take up the
challenge of full employment.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Francisco Javier Roldán Velásquez

Tel +57 311 834 85 19

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