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What’s it like to recover from heart bypass

When you wake up from heart bypass surgery, you’ll have a tube in
your mouth. You may also feel pain or have side effects from the
procedure, including:

 pain at the incision site

 pain with deep breaths
 pain with coughing

You’ll likely be in the ICU for one to two days so your vital signs can be
monitored. Once you’re stable, you’ll be moved to another room. Be
prepared to stay in the hospital for several days.

Before you leave the hospital, your medical team will give you
instructions on how to care for yourself, including:

 caring for your incision wounds

 getting plenty of rest
 refraining from heavy lifting

Even without complications, recovery from heart bypass surgery can

take 6 to 12 weeks. That’s the least amount of time it takes for your
breastbone to heal.

During this time, you should avoid heavy exertion. Follow your doctor’s
orders regarding physical activity. Also, you shouldn’t drive until you
get approval from your doctor.
Your doctor will likely recommend cardiac rehabilitation. This will
involve a regimen of carefully monitored physical activity and
occasional stress tests to see how your heart is healing.

When should I tell my doctor about pain after

Tell your doctor about any lasting pain or discomfort during your
follow-up appointments. You should also call your doctor if you

 fever over 100.4°F (38°C)

 increasing pain in your chest
 rapid heart rate
 redness or discharge around the incision

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