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Our Element of a By the end of the lesson the - Revision -Exam papers Revision

1 country
map learner should be able to
define element of a map
Asking question
-Class three books paper

1- The physical By the end of the lesson the - Observing maps - Sketch maps OLT PBK5
environment learner should be able to - Identifying symbols - Charts showing PG 1-13
Map reading identify elements of a map - Drawing symbols symbols OLT SSTG
and use them appropriately - Interpreting a map - Wall maps PG 13

4 Compass 16compass By the end of the lesson the - Observing map - Sketch maps OLT PBK
direction points learner should be able to use - Drawing regions - Charts showing 5PG 1-13
16cardinal points to describe - Calculating area symbols OLT SSTG
the position of places - Wall maps PG 13
3 Compass Position size By the end of the lesson the - Observing maps - Sketch maps OLT PBK 5
direction and shape of learner should be able to tell - Identifying symbols - Charts showing PG 1-13
our Kenya direction using the 6 points - Drawing symbols symbols OLT SSTG
of a compass - Interpreting a map - Wall maps PG 13

4 Our Position size By the end of the lesson the - Conversion - Sketch maps OLT PBK 5
country and shape of learner should be able to - Observing maps - Charts showing PG 19-30
Kenya our Kenya estimate the size of the - Identifying types of distance OLT TGP1-
Kenya in relation to her scale measurement 14
neighbour - Wall maps
5 Our Position size By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK 5
country and shape of learner should be able to draw - Identifying - Wall maps PG 19-30
Kenya our Kenya the map of the country - Drawing OLT TGP1-
- Discussion 14
- explanation
1 Our District s By the end of the lesson the Observing chart Sketch maps OLT PBK 5

- -
country making our learner should be able to name - Identifying - Charts showing PG 19-30
Kenya province the district in our Kenya - Drawing symbols OLT TGP1-
- Discussion - Wall maps 14
- explanation
2 Physical Importance By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - OLT PBK 5
feature: of physical learner should be able to - Identifying - Pictures PG 19-30
feature define physical features - Drawing - Maps OLT TGP1-
- Discussion - Charts showing 14
- explanation symbols
- Wall maps

3 Physical By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures OLT PBK 5
feature: learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG 19-30
Importance differentiate between man- - Drawing symbols OLT TGP1-
of physical made and natural feature - Discussion - Wall maps 14
feature - explanation
4 Physical Rift valley By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK 5
features learner should be able to - Interpreting a map - Charts showing PG 19-30
describe rift valley features symbols OLT TGP1-
- Questioning - Wall maps 14

5 Physical Distribution By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK 5
environmen of physical learner should be able to - Identifying ways - Charts showing PG 19-30
t features locate the lake regions of physical feature symbols OLT TGP1-
kenya affect human - Wall maps 14
activities - Diagrams from

- pupils book
Physical By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Maps OLT PBK 5
Environme learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG 19-30
nt locate plateau highland - Drawing symbols OLT TGP1-
region and coastal kenya - Discussion - Wall maps 14
1 - explanation Diagrams from
- pupils book
2 Physical By the end of the lesson the - Discussion - Maps OLT PBK5
features learner should be able to show - Observing chart - Charts showing PG 55-78
relief regions in kenya - Identifying symbols OLT TGP1-
- Drawing - Wall maps 14
- Discussion - Diagrams from
- explanation pupils book
3 Weather Element of By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Charts OLT PBK 5
and climate weather learner should be able to - Identifying - Wall maps PG 55-78
define weather and - Drawing - Diagrams from OLT TGP1-
differentiate from climate - Discussion pupils book 14
- explanation
4 Element of By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures OLT PBK5
weather learner should be able to - Identifying - Wall maps PG 55-78
Rainfall measure And record rainfall - Drawing - Diagrams from OLT TGP1-
- Discussion pupils book 14
- explanation
5 Temperature By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Weather OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying factor instruments PG 78 -98
measure and record influencing weather - Weather chats OLT TGP1-
temperature - Discussion - Wall maps 14
- Diagrams from
pupils book
1- Relief By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures of 5the OLT PBK 5

4 rainfall learner should be able to

explain how relief rain
early man
Diagrams from
pupils book

- explanation
2 Convectional By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures of OLT PBK 5
rainfall learner should be able explain - Identifying - PG 14
how convectional rainfall is - Drawing OLT SSTG
formed - Discussion PG 13
- explanation
- Discussion
3 Climate in By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Pictures OLT PBK5
Kenya learner should be able name - Observing chart - Diagrams from PG 16
the type of climate in Kenya - Identifying pupils book OLT SSTG
- Drawing PG 13
- Discussion
- explanation
4 Factors By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Observing OLT PBK 5
influencing learner should be explain - Discussion chart PG 16
climate coastal lowland and cool and - Observation - Identifying OLT SSTG
wet climate - Drawing PG 13
- Discussion
- explanation
5 By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
learner should be able state - Identifying pupils book PG 15-17
and describe hot climate and - Discussion - Map of town OLT SSTG
mountainous climate - Observation and villages PG 13-15

1 Weather The climate By the end of the lesson the Observing chart Charts OLT PBK 5

- -
and climate of Kenya learner should be able to draw - Identifying - Wall maps PG 14 OLT
a map showing climate in - Drawing - Diagrams from TGP1-14
Kenya - Discussion pupils book
- explanation
2 By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Identifying - Wall maps PG 15 OLT
explain influence of climate to - Drawing - Diagrams from TGP1-14
human activity - Discussion pupils book
- explanation
3 By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Weather OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying factor instruments PG 15 OLT
explain influence of climate influencing weather - Weather chats TGP1-14
on crop farming and - Discussion - Wall maps
pastoralism - Diagrams from
pupils book
4 Deforestation By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures of 5the OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying early man PG 78 -98
explain factors influencing - Drawing - Diagrams from OLT TGP1-
climatic change - Discussion pupils book 14
- explanation
5 Industries By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures of OLT PBK 5
and exhaust learner should be able explain - Identifying - PG 15
gas factors influencing climatic - Drawing OLT SSTG
change - Discussion PG 13
- explanation
- Discussion
1 By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Pictures OLT PBK5
learner should be able make - Observing chart - Diagrams from PG 15
simple of weather - Identifying pupils book OLT SSTG
instrument - Draw PG 13-15
2 Weather Effect of By the end of the lesson the Observing chart Charts OLT PBK 5

- -
and climate climate learner should be able to - Identifying - Wall maps PG 14 OLT
explain effects of climate on - Drawing - Diagrams from TGP1-14
human activities - Discussion pupils book
- explanation
3 By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Identifying - Wall maps PG 16 OLT
explain effects of climate on - Drawing - Diagrams from TGP1-14
the environment - Discussion pupils book
- explanation
4 Conserving By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Weather OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying factor instruments PG 14 OLT
explain methods of influencing weather - Weather chats TGP1-14

9 conserving environment - Discussion -

Wall maps
Diagrams from
pupils book
1 Vegetation Vegetation By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures of 5the OLT PBK 5
types learner should be able to - Identifying early man PG 19 OLT
identify and locate type of - Drawing - Diagrams from TGP1-17
vegetation and their - Discussion pupils book
characteristic - explanation
2-3 Importance By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures of OLT PBK 5
learner should be able state - Identifying - PG 23
the importance of vegetation - Drawing OLT SSTG
products - Discussion PG 13
- explanation
- Discussion
4-5 Location By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Pictures OLT PBK5
learner should be able show - Observing chart - Diagrams from PG 29
location of various - Identifying pupils book OLT SSTG
vegetation types - Drawing PG 13
- Discussion
- explanation
1 The People Classification By the end of the lesson the Observing chart Charts showing OLT PBK 5

- -
of Kenya of major learner should be able to - Identifying symbols PG 19
language identify major language - Drawing - Wall maps OLT SSTG
group group on the map - Discussion PG 18
- explanation

2 Classification By the end of the lesson the - Observing maps - OLT PBK 5
of major learner should be able to - Discussion - Diagrams from PG 19
language identify ,name and classify - Explanation pupils book OLT SSTG
group in their major language group - Questioning - Local PG 19
district environment
- Population
3-4 Bantu By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying pupils book PG 20-23
locate the movement of - Drawing Local environment OLT SSTG
bantus - Discussion PG 20
- explanation
5 Nilotes By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying ways pupils book PG 23-25
locate origin, trace the physical feature - Local OLT SSTG
movement and settlement of affect human environment PG 21
Nilotes activities
- Discussion
1 People and Cushites By the end of the lesson the Observing chart Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
- -
population learner should be able to - Identifying pupils book PG 24
identify origin , trace - Drawing - Local OLT SSTG
movement of Cushites - Discussion environment PG 22
- explanation
3 2 People and Otherofpeople
Population By the By
endthe endlesson
of the of the the
lesson the- - Explanation
Observing chart - OLT5PBK 5
- Pictures fromOLT PBK
populationKenyafound in learner learner
should should
be ablebeto able
stateto - - Identifying factor - PG 25
the book PG 55-78
Identifying Wall maps
Kenya the population of Kenya andfound
mention other people - Discussion OLT SSTG
- Resource OLT TGP1-
- Drawing - Diagrams from
in the
describe Kenya
structure and - Observation person 14 PG 23
- Discussion pupils book
composition - explanation
1 Social Cultural By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
13 4
By the end of the lesson the
learner should be able to
learner should be able to
identify and name artefacts
Observing chart
- Identifying
- Drawing
Pictures OLT PBK5
PG 38-40
pupils book PG 55-78
Wall maps
- Local OLT SSTG
describe population - Drawing - Diagrams from OLT TGP1-
cultural in their community - Discussion environment14 PG 25-26
distribution in Kenya - Discussion pupils book
activities - explanation
- explanation
2-5 Aspect of By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
5 Source of By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Weather OLT PBK 5
culture learner should be able to - Comparing pupils book PG 78PG 38
population learner should be able to - Identifying factor instruments -98
identify aspects of culture - Discussion - Local OLT SSTG
data identify sources of influencing weather - Weather chats OLT TGP1-
that need to be preserved - Observing environment14 PG 25
population data - Discussion - Wall maps
- Questioning -
- Diagrams from
pupils book
1 Importance By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures of 5the OLT PBK 5

12 of population learner should be able to - - PG 78 -98

- Identifying early man
data explain importance’s of - Drawing - Diagrams from OLT TGP1-
population data - Discussion pupils book 14
- explanation
2 Social Education in By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures of OLT PBK 5
relations Africa learner should be able - Identifying - PG 35
and tradition describe traditional forms of - Drawing OLT SSTG
cultural education - Discussion PG 13
activities - explanation
- Discussion
3 By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Pictures OLT PBK5
learner should be explain ways - Observing chart - Diagrams from PG 37
in which it was transmitted - Identifying pupils book OLT SSTG
- Drawing PG 13
- Discussion
- explanation
Social Studies schemes of work
Standard Five Term II

Our Lives Today Pupils Book 5
Our Lives Today Teachers Guide Book5
1 Social Age-set and By the end of the lesson the Discussion Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
- -
relations age group learner should be able to - observation pupils book PG 42
and explain the meaning, - Questioning - Local OLT SSTG
cultural composition of age-set and environment PG 28
activities age groups
2 By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to state - Comparing pupils book PG 42
the function of age sets and - Discussion - Local OLT SSTG
age group - Observing environment PG 28
- Questioning - Population
3 Interaction By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Pictures from OLT PBK 4
among Kenya learner should be able to state - Describing the book PG 42
communities ways of interacting in past - Discussion - Resource OLT SSTG
- Observation person PG 28
4 By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Wall maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to state - Identifying factor - Diagrams from PG 42
way people interact in influencing weather pupils book OLT SSTG
modern society - Discussion PG 28
5 Interdependen By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
ce learner should be able to - Identifying pupils book PG 43
state importance of - Drawing OLT SSTG
interdependence - Discussion PG 29
- explanation
1 Resources Agriculture By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures of OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying PG 44
describe shifting cultivation - Drawing OLT SSTG
- Discussion PG 30
- explanation
2 Bush By the end of the lesson the Explanation Diagrams from OLT PBK 4

- -
fallowing learner should be able to - Observing chart pupils book PG 148-157
describe how bush fallowing - Identifying OLT SSTG
was used in food production - Drawing PG 18
- Discussion
- explanation
4 Resources Subsistence By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
and farming learner should be able to - Identifying pupils book PG 148-157
economic identify subsistence crop in prehistoric sites - Map of OLT SSTG
activities Kenya - Discussion prehistoric sites PG 18
- Observation
4 Resources Shifting By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Picture OLT PBK 5
and cultivation learner should be able to state - Identifying - Diagrams from PG 148-157
economic a advantages and - Discussion pupils book OLT SSTG
activities disadvantages of shifting - Observation - Charts PG 18
1 Resources Cash crop By the end of the lesson the Discussion Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
- -
and farming learner should be able to - observation pupils book PG 42
economic locate area where cash - Questioning - Local OLT SSTG
activities crops is grown in Kenya environment PG 28
2 Resources Wheat and tea By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
and learner should be able to - Comparing pupils book PG 42
economic identify condition - Discussion - Local OLT SSTG
activities influencing the growth of - Observing environment PG 28
wheat and tea in Kenya - Questioning - Population
3 Resources Pyrethrum and By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Pictures from OLT PBK 4
and flower learner should be able to - Describing the book PG 42
economic identify conditions - Discussion - Resource OLT SSTG
activities necessary for growth of - Observation person PG 28
pyrethrum and flowers in
4 Resources By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Wall maps OLT PBK5
and learner should be able to state - Identifying factor - Diagrams from PG 42
economic importance of growing cash influencing weather pupils book OLT SSTG
activities crops in Kenya - Discussion PG 28

-5 Irrigation Mwea Tebere By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying pupils book PG 43
explain how irrigation - Drawing OLT SSTG
farming is carried out in - Discussion PG 29
Mwea Tebere - explanation
1 Irrigation Perkera By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Pictures of OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying PG 44
explain how farming is done - Drawing OLT SSTG
in Perkera - Discussion PG 30

4 2 Irrigation Benefits By the end of the lesson the



Explanation - Diagrams from OLT PBK 4

learner should be able to - Observing chart pupils book PG 55
explain benefits of - Identifying OLT SSTG
irrigation schemes - Drawing PG 34
- Discussion
- explanation
4 Resources Problems By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Diagrams from OLT PBK 5
and learner should be able to - Identifying pupils book PG 56
economic identify problems facing prehistoric sites - Map of OLT SSTG
activities farmers in irrigation - Discussion prehistoric sites PG 35
schemes - Observation
4 Resources Beef farming By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Picture OLT PBK 5
and learner should be able to - Identifying - Diagrams from PG 56
economic name beef reared in kenya - Discussion pupils book OLT SSTG
activities and where beef farming - Observation - Charts PG 36
3 Resources Beef By the end of the lesson the Observing chart Sketch maps OLT PBK 5

- -
and farming learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG 56
economic identify beef farming and - Drawing symbols OLT SSTG
activities state the importance - Discussion - Wall maps PG 36
- explanation -

2 Agriculture Beef By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK 5
farming learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG 57
problem facing beef - Drawing symbols OLT SSTG
farming - Discussion - Wall maps PG 36
- explanation
3 Agriculture Dairy By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK 5
farming learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG 54
identify area where dairy - Drawing where cocoa OLT SSTG
farming is practised in - Discussion are grown PG 33
kenya - explanation - Wall maps

4 Agriculture Methods By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Local OLT PBK 5
learner should be able - Identifying environment PG 53
identify methods of - Drawing - Sketch maps OLT SSTG
practising dairy farming - Discussion - Charts PG 33
and their benefits - explanation

5 Agriculture problems By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG 56
state problems of dairy - Drawing compass point OLT SSTG
farming - Discussion - Wall maps PG 48
- explanation
1 Agriculture Poultry By the end of the lesson the Observing chart Charts OLT PBK 5

- -
farming learner should be able to - Identifying PG 56
identify condition under - Drawing OLT SSTG
which poultry farming is - Discussion PG 67
practised - explanation

2 Agriculture By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to state - Identifying - Pictures PG 168-180
methods under which - Drawing - Maps OLT SSTG
poultry farming is practised - Discussion - Charts showing PG 67
- explanation symbols
- Wall maps

3 Agriculture By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Maps OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG 168-180
identify area where poultry - Drawing symbols OLT SSTG
farming is practised, the - Discussion - Wall maps PG 67
benefits and the problem - explanation
4 Agriculture Pastoral By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK 5
farming learner should be able to - Interpreting a map - Charts showing PG 36
locate area where pastoral features symbols OLT SSTG
faming is done and name - Questioning - Wall maps PG 67
communities involved
5 Agriculture By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Observing chart - Charts showing PG 168-180
identify problems of - Identifying symbols OLT SSTG
pastoral farming - Drawing - Wall maps PG 67
- Discussion - Diagrams from
- explanation pupils book
Agriculture By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Identifying traditional - Charts showing 39
identify new development in methods of weather symbols OLT TG PG
1 pastoral areas observation - Wall maps 43
- Questioning Diagrams from
pupils book
2 Agriculture Mining By the end of the lesson the Discussion - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - observation - Charts 44
identify major mineral area - Questioning - Wall maps OLT TG PG
in Kenya - Diagrams from 36
pupils book
3 Agriculture Soda ash By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Weather OLT PBK4
and salt learner should be able to - Questioning instruments 45
name methods used to mine - Charts showing OLT TG PG
soda ash and salt , name symbols 37
uses of salt and soda ash - Wall maps
- Diagrams from
pupils book
4 Agriculture Fluorspar , By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Diagrams from OLT PBK5
diatomite learner should be able to state - Identifying pupils book 46
and the method of mining - Drawing OLT TG PG
limestone fluorspar, diatomite and - Discussion 38
limestone - explanation
5 Agriculture Uses By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Wall maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to state - Identifying - Diagrams from 47
the uses of fluorspar - Drawing pupils book OLT TG PG
,diatomite and limestone - Discussion 39
- explanation
1 Agriculture Map of By the end of the lesson the Observing chart Maps OLT PBK5

- -
mineral learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing 46
draw a map showing - Drawing symbols OLT TG PG
mining areas - Discussion - Wall maps 39
- explanation
3 Agriculture Importance By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Wall maps OLT PBK5
of mining learner should be able to - Identifying - Diagrams from PG202-213
explain how mining has - Drawing pupils book OLT TG PG
contributed to the economy - Discussion
- explanation
Agriculture Effect to the By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
environment learner should be able to state - observation - Charts showing 63
the effects of mining to the - Questioning symbols OLT TG PG
4 environment - Wall maps 40
Diagrams from
pupils book
5 Agriculture By the end of the lesson the - Discussion - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - observation - Charts showing 65
identify problems facing - Questioning symbols OLT TG PG
mining - Wall maps 40
- Diagrams from
pupils book
1 Agriculture Fishing By the end of the lesson the Explanation - Wall maps OLT PBK5

learner should be able locate - Explanation - Diagrams from 66
fishing grounds on the map of - Identifying method of pupils book OLT TG PG
Kenya extraction 41
- Discussion
- Observation
2 Agriculture Methods By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Wall maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Identifying method of - Diagrams from 67
describe methods of fishing extraction pupils book OLT TG PG
- Discussion 43
- Observation
3 Agriculture Types of By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Wall maps OLT PBK5
fish and learner should be able to - Identifying method of - Diagrams from 68
preservation name types of fish and list extraction pupils book OLT TG PG
methods methods of preservation - Discussion 42
- Observation
4 Importance By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK 5
of fisheries learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG 56
explain the importance of - Drawing symbols OLT SSTG
fisheries - Discussion - Wall maps PG 36
- explanation -

5 Problems By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK 5
facing learner should be able to state - Identifying - Charts showing PG 57
fishing problem facing fishing - Drawing symbols OLT SSTG
industry - Discussion - Wall maps PG 36
- explanation
1 Resources Forestry By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG 75
name and locate types of - Drawing where cocoa OLT SSTG
forests in Kenya - Discussion are grown PG 48

10 2 By the end of the lesson the



Observing chart

Wall maps

Local OLT PBK 5

learner should be able name - Identifying environment PG 158-167
the types of trees found in - Drawing - Sketch maps OLT SSTG
the forests and list - Discussion - Charts PG 48
importance of forests - explanation

3 problems By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG 75
state problems facing forest - Drawing compass point OLT SSTG
in Kenya - Discussion - Wall maps PG 48
- explanation

4 Deforestatio By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Charts OLT PBK 5
n learner should be able to - Identifying PG 45
identify effects of - Drawing OLT SSTG
deforestation in kenya - Discussion PG 67
- explanation

5 By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - OLT PBK 5

learner should be able to - Identifying - Pictures PG 76
identify measures that are - Drawing - Maps OLT SSTG
taken in order to conserve - Discussion - Charts showing PG 47
forests - explanation symbols
- Wall maps

11 1 Wildlife By the end of the lesson the

learner should be able to
name and locate parks and
Observing chart
Charts showing
PG 76
national reserves - Discussion - Wall maps PG 46
- explanation
2 By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK 5
learner should be able to - Interpreting a map - Charts showing PG 78
explain the importance of features symbols OLT SSTG
wildlife - Questioning - Wall maps PG 47

3 By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK 5

learner should be able to - Observing chart - Charts showing PG 79
identify problems of facing - Identifying symbols OLT SSTG
wildlife in Kenya - Drawing - Wall maps PG 48
- Discussion - Diagrams from
- explanation pupils book
By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Identifying traditional - Charts showing PG79
identify effort taken to methods of weather symbols OLT TG PG
4 conserve wildlife observation - Wall maps 49
- Questioning Diagrams from
pupils book
5 Industries Mining By the end of the lesson the - Discussion - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - observation - Charts 85
identify major mineral area - Questioning - Wall maps OLT TG PG
in Kenya - Diagrams from
pupils book
1 Tourism By the end of the lesson the Explanation - Weather OLT PBK4
learner should be able to - Questioning instruments 86
identify main tourist - Charts showing OLT TG PG
attraction in Kenya and symbols 53
explain importance of - Wall maps
tourism - Diagrams from
pupils book
2 Problems By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Diagrams from OLT PBK5
learner should be able to state - Identifying pupils book 87
identify problems - Drawing OLT TG PG
associated with tourism and - Discussion 54
suggest possible solutions - explanation
3 Trade and By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Wall maps OLT PBK5
Industry learner should be able to state - Identifying - Diagrams from 85-88
Identify business - Drawing pupils book OLT TG PG
opportunities in Kenya - Discussion 53
- explanation
4 Trade and By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Maps OLT PBK5
Industry learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG85-88
classify business - Drawing symbols OLT TG PG
opportunities mentioned - Discussion - Wall maps 53
- explanation
5 Trade and By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Wall maps OLT PBK5
Industry learner should be able to - Identifying - Diagrams from 85
explain the importance of - Drawing pupils book OLT TG PG
trade - Discussion
- explanation
Trade and Industries By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
Industry learner should be able to - observation - Charts showing 80
identify factors that - Questioning symbols OLT TG PG
1 influence the location of and - Wall maps 50
industry Diagrams from
pupils book
2 Trade and By the end of the lesson the Discussion - Maps OLT PBK5

Industry learner should be able to - observation - Charts showing PG85
name and define four kinds - Questioning symbols OLT TG PG
of industries - Wall maps 50
- Diagrams from
pupils book
3 Trade and By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Wall maps OLT PBK5
Industry learner should be able to - Explanation - Diagrams from PG212-220
draw map showing major - Identifying method of pupils book OLT TG PG
location of industries extraction
- Discussion
- Observation
4 Trade and Jua kali By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Wall maps OLT PBK5
Industry industries learner should be able to give - Identifying method of - Diagrams from PG87
the reason for establishment extraction pupils book OLT TG PG
of Jua kali industries and - Discussion
problems facing Jua kali - Observation
industries and explain its
5 Trade and Problems By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Wall maps OLT PBK5
Industry and effects learner should be able to state - Identifying method of - Diagrams from PG88
problems facing industries extraction pupils book OLT TG PG
and explain its effects to the - Discussion 55
environment - Observation
14 1 Revision Examination By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Provisional OLT PBK5
and learner should be able to - Identifying paper PG88
examinatio revise and answer question - Discussion - Diagrams from OLT TG PG
n from work covered - Question and answer pupils book 54
Social Studies schemes of work
Standard Five Term III

Our Lives Today Pupils Book 5
Our Lives Today Teachers Guide Book 5



1 Trade and Transport and By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK5
industries Communicatio learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG90-93

2 n describe tradition forms of

Wall maps

2 Trade and Transport and By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK5
industries Communicatio learner should be able to list - Identifying - Charts showing 93
n the advantages o each - Drawing symbols OLT TG PG
Morden transport - Discussion - Wall maps 58
- explanation -

3 Road safety By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing 95
identify causes of road - Drawing symbols OLT TG PG
accident - Discussion - Wall maps 59
- explanation
4 By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts PG 95-96
identify and suggest ways - Drawing - Wall maps OLT TG PG
of reducing road accidents - Discussion 59
- explanation

3 5 Communicati
By the end of the lesson the
learner should be able
identify and describe
Observing chart

Wall maps
PG 99
traditional forms of - Discussion 60
communication - explanation

1 Urbanization Factors By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK5
influencing learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts PG 100
the growth of identify factors influencing - Drawing OLT TG PG
towns the growth of town - Discussion 61-62
- explanation

2 Functions of By the end of the lesson the Observing chart Sketch maps OLT PBK5

- -
major town learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG101
state the function of - Drawing capital cities OLT TG PG
Nairobi and Mombasa - Discussion - Wall maps 62
- explanation

3 Functions of By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK5
major town learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG101
state the functions of Thika - Drawing capital cities OLT TG PG
Eldoret and Kisumu - Discussion - Wall maps 62
- explanation

4 Problem By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - OLT PBK5
facing learner should be able to - Identifying - Pictures PG103
urbanization state problems facing - Drawing - Maps OLT TG PG
urban area - Discussion - Charts showing 63
- explanation symbols
- Wall maps

5 Solutions to By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
the problems learner should be able to - Observing maps - Charts showing PG232-238
suggest solutions to the - Identifying symbols OLT TG PG
problems in our urban Questioning - Wall maps

1 Political Prominent By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Maps OLT PBK7
development leaders learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG130
and systems Masaku describe the contribution - Drawing symbols OLT TG PG
of Masaku in the tradition - Discussion - Wall maps
history of Kenya - explanation
2 Sakawa By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Discussion - Charts showing PG232-238
describe the contribution symbols OLT TG PG
of Sakawa in the tradition - Wall maps
history of Kenya - Diagrams from
pupils book
3 Mekatilili By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG232-238
describe the role played by - Drawing symbols OLT TG PG
Mekatilili in tradition - Discussion - Wall maps
society - explanation - Diagrams from
- pupils book
4 Revision By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Wall maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to Identifying Diagrams from PG238-240

- -
revise the work covered - Drawing pupils book OLT TG PG
from the start of term - Discussion
three - explanation
5 Samoei By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Interpreting a map - Charts PG238-240
describe the role played by features - Wall maps OLT TG PG
Samoei in tradition society - Questioning
- Drawing
1 Tradition By the end of the lesson the - Note taking - Maps OLT PBK5
forms of learner should be able to - Discussion - Charts showing PG238-240
government describe the political - Explanation symbols OLT TG PG
Abawanga position of the Abawanga - Questioning - Wall maps
in pre-colonial period - Diagrams from
pupils book
7 Ameru By the end of the lesson the
learner should be able to
- Maps
- Charts showing
describe the political - Questioning symbols OLT TG PG
2 position of the Ameru in - Wall maps
pre-colonial period Diagrams from
pupils book
3 Function of By the end of the lesson the - Discussion - Maps OLT PBK5
the leaders learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG140
mention the function of observation symbols OLT TG PG
Abawanga and Ameru - Questioning - Wall maps 84
leaders - Diagrams from
pupils book
4 By the end of the lesson the - Demonstration - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Note taking - Pupils book PG140-142
compare and contrast the - Discussion - Chart OLT TG PG
two political; organization - Explanation - Revision paper 85-86
- Questioning Examination paper
5 - -
1 Political How Kenya By the end of the lesson the - Questions and answer - Maps
development became a learner should be able to - REVISION - Pupils book
and systems nation explain how colonial rule - Chart
was established in Kenya - Revision paper
- Examination
2 By the end of the lesson the Observing chart Sketch maps OLT PBK5

- -
learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG101
describe the structure of - Drawing capital cities OLT TG PG
colonial administration in - Discussion - Wall maps 62
Kenya - explanation

3 Effects of By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK5
colonial rule learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG101
in Kenya state the effects of the - Drawing capital cities OLT TG PG
colonial rule in Kenya - Discussion - Wall maps 62
- explanation

4 African By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - OLT PBK5
response to learner should be able to - Identifying - Pictures PG103
colonial rule state how the Nandi and - Drawing - Maps OLT TG PG
Abakusu resisted colonial - Discussion - Charts showing 63
rule - explanation symbols
- Wall maps

9 5 Collaborators By the end of the lesson the

learner should be able to
state reason the Mumias of
Observing maps
Charts showing
Wanga and Waiyaki Questioning - Wall maps
1 Effects of By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Maps OLT PBK7
resistance learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG113
effects of resistance - Drawing symbols OLT TG PG
- Discussion - Wall maps 68
- explanation
2 By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Discussion - Charts showing 113
describe effects of symbols OLT TG PG
collaboration - Wall maps
- Diagrams from
pupils book
3 Struggle for By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Maps OLT PBK5
independence learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing 129
in Kenya name various political - Drawing symbols OLT TG PG
movements and asocial in - Discussion - Wall maps
opposing colonial rule - explanation - Diagrams from
- pupils book
4 Political By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Wall maps OLT PBK5
development learner should be able to - Identifying - Diagrams from 129
and systems describe the role played by - Drawing pupils book OLT TG PG
the elderly members in the - Discussion
struggle for independence - explanation
1 By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5

10 learner should be able to

explain the events leading
to attainment of

Interpreting a map
Wall maps

independence Kenya - Drawing

2 By the end of the lesson the - Note taking - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Discussion - Charts showing 130
explain how Kenya become - Explanation symbols OLT TG PG
a republic - Questioning - Wall maps
- Diagrams from
pupils book
Political By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
development learner should be able to - observation - Charts showing PG135
since 1963 describe the political - Questioning symbols OLT TG PG
3 development that has - Wall maps 70
taken place since 1963 Diagrams from
pupils book
4 Citizenship Right and By the end of the lesson the - Discussion - Maps OLT PBK5
responsibilitie learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG140
s identify the rights and observation symbols OLT TG PG
responsibilities of a Kenya - Questioning - Wall maps 84
citizen - Diagrams from
pupils book
5 By the end of the lesson the - Demonstration - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Note taking - Pupils book PG140-142
explain the importance of - Discussion - Chart OLT TG PG
good citizenship - Explanation - Revision paper 85-86
- Questioning Examination paper
2 Symbols of By the end of the lesson the Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK5

national unity learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG101
identify the symbols of - Drawing capital cities OLT TG PG
national unity - Discussion - Wall maps 62
- explanation

3 Democracy Types of By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Sketch maps OLT PBK5
and human democracy learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG101
right define democracy and - Drawing capital cities OLT TG PG
name different types of - Discussion - Wall maps 62
democracy - explanation

4 Importance of By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - OLT PBK5
democracy learner should be able to - Identifying - Pictures PG130
state the importance of - Drawing - Maps OLT TG PG
democracy - Discussion - Charts showing 63
- explanation symbols
- Wall maps

5 Law peace Importance of By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
and law and orders learner should be able to - Observing maps - Charts showing PG132
reconciliation define reconciliation and - Identifying symbols OLT TG PG
explain the importance of Questioning - Wall maps 77
each term; peace, love and
1 Effects of By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Maps OLT PBK7
lawlessness learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing 133
name factors undermine - Drawing symbols OLT TG PG

law and order and effects - Discussion - Wall maps 80
of lawlessness in the society - explanation
2 The The By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
government constitution of learner should be able to - Discussion - Charts showing PG132-138
of Kenya Kenya define the term symbols OLT TG PG
constitution and describe - Wall maps 80-89
the process of making, - Diagrams from
amending and renewing pupils book
the constitution
3 By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Maps OLT PBK5
learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG132-138
describe the process of - Drawing symbols OLT TG PG
making, amending and - Discussion - Wall maps
renewing - explanation - Diagrams from
- pupils book
4 The electoral By the end of the lesson the - Observing chart - Wall maps OLT PBK5
commission of learner should be able to - Identifying - Diagrams from PG138-140
Kenya name the body responsible - Drawing pupils book OLT TG PG
for election in Kenya , - Discussion
describe the composition of - explanation
ECK and its function -
1 The The arms of By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
government the learner should be able to - Interpreting a map - Charts PG138-140
of Kenya government name the arms of the features - Wall maps OLT TG PG
government and describe - Questioning
the composition of - Drawing
judiciary, executive and
2 Role of the By the end of the lesson the - Note taking - Maps OLT PBK5
government in learner should be able to - Discussion - Charts showing PG238-240
the society explain the role of the - Explanation symbols OLT TG PG
government in the society - Questioning - Wall maps

13 - Diagrams from
pupils book
Sources of By the end of the lesson the - Explanation - Maps OLT PBK5
government learner should be able to - observation - Charts showing PG238-240
revenue name sourcesof - Questioning symbols OLT TG PG
3 government revenue and - Wall maps
explain how the Diagrams from
government spends the pupils book
4-5 Administratio By the end of the lesson the - Discussion - Maps OLT PBK5
n in the learner should be able to - Identifying - Charts showing PG140
country identify various observation symbols OLT TG PG
administrative units in - Questioning - Wall maps 84
Kenya - Diagrams from
pupils book
1-5 By the end of the lesson the Demonstration - Maps OLT PBK5
Examination learner should be able to - Note taking - Pupils book PG140-142
revise and answer - Discussion - Chart OLT TG PG
examination question of - Explanation - Revision paper 85-86
the work covered in class - Questioning Examination paper
5 - -

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