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NAME: …………………………………………………………………. DATE: ………………
Note the following;
1. English Composition is examinable at KCPE and constitutes 40% of the English subject, a clear indication that that it’s important to excel in the composition so
that you can do well in the overall English examination.
2. A good writer will prepare by reading many stories which helps in improving the English language.
3. I have given you a composition written by a candidate, read the composition before writing yours, there's so much to learn from it.
4. Ensure you pay attention to the following as you write your story;
a). Write in clear and short sentences.
b). Ensure the paragraphs are neither too short nor too long.
c). Write in good handwriting that the examiner is able to read word.
d). Show through your writing that you can competently use various language structures
........... Similes, proverbs, metaphors, idioms, antonyms/synonyms etc
e). Pay attention to punctuation.
Read the composition below before writing yours. You can borrow from it the style and the language used. 

            The occasion we had been longing for finally came. In a jiffy, I sprang out of my cosy bed leaving my bedding in a sympathetic heap and headed for
the frog's kingdom. Without dilly-dallying, I took a lukewarm shower that left me as clean as a new pin and as fresh as a daisy. Steaming like a cup of hot tea, I went
to my wardrobe, selected my best attire and clad to kill. After the scrumptious breakfast, I was ready to unwind the day's programme.

           It was yet another day gradually coming to life with all the natural beauty. There were no premonitions, no signs, no dreams or bad omens that could have
been predicted. All and sundry were in a jovial mood headed towards the famous Mwananchi Stadium where the awaited national celebrations were to take place.
Every Tom, Dick and Harry wanted to be there in person not to miss the events of the suspicious occasion.

           In a nut shell, it was the dawn of a new era. The birth of a new and rejuvenated country. Yes! It was the promulgation ceremony where a new constitution
referred to as Wanjiku's Katiba' was to be initiated and commissioned for full implementation. It was meant to make life more beneficial to the common
citizen.When I arrived, the stadium was packed to capacity yet more people were coming in droves. The queues were squeezed with thousands of enthusiasts milling
round the park. Getting a free space to stand was a dilemma, leave alone sitting. The celebration had already footed in and those concerned with the organization
were as busy as bees just to ensure all was well. I craned my neck from time to time as my eyes were peeled at the decently dressed to kill forces that doing a march-

        Oh! How my eyes dazzled in amazement as I wondered how they could all be doing the same thing following orders from only one commandant. Becoming a
soldier has been my life-time dream hence my possessiveness. I always have a glowing passion of defending my beloved country especially in the disciplined forces.
Surely, who would have ever thought that this day would come? Truly it was a sweet dream come true. Very many patriots had tried earlier to bring change into our
deteriorating governing system but to no avail. Indeed some even lost their lives while struggling for the new constitution. The occasion therefore was symbolic and
historical. Alas and behold! What a lovely accomplishment!

       Abruptly, the fine and promising weather turned eerie! Thick, dark clouds filled with misery were evidently gathering telling volumes of the brewing storm and
the impending danger that roamed in the offing. Soon, thunder snapped and snarled, disrupting the lively and colourful proceedings. Suddenly ..... boom! A
deafening sound tent the air! Oh! Gosh! My curiosity made me veer at the dias, just in time as the second explosion ripped off the roof. Lo! To my utter dismay and
disbelief, I was floating mid air as pandemonium gripped the stadium and ..... everything went pitch-black as I blacked out!

            When I came to, I fluttered and flickered my eyes open but I did not like what I saw and how I felt. Agonizing pain surged through the my entire body as I
struggled to stand up. Oh! My! I was numb, unable to utter any word or worse still to walk. Trepidation seered through me when it dawned on me that all the
bodies strewn everywhere were lifeless. The landmark building that stood tall in the park was now a messy pile of debris and down with it came the lives of innocent
people. Blood flowed with its pungent smell all over the place. The ghastly scene reeked of pain of death. What a miserable catastrophe.

           Meanwhile, hue and cry was the new order of activities. Car alarms, ambulances and firefighters engine sirens were heard zooming to the scene blaring at full
speed to rescue the lucky survivors. What had exactly just happened? Was I in a reverie? Was I in a stance or dream? All were rhetoric questions that crisscrossed my
mind. I dated not to think of bringing the terrorists' attack to form, bearing in mind we had not yet recovered from the previous attack. Just then, I was rescued and
rushed to hospital minutes before I fell into a coma.

             Twelve years down the line, I am at the promulgation pillar commemorating the new constitution at the eerie, same park. As I write this story, tears are
rolling down my cheeks and asking the very questions: for how long shall people suffer their own destiny? What does it profit one by spilling of innocent blood?
A suffix is a letter or letters added at the end of a word.
Examples; answer/answerable, manage/management, respect/respectful, fast/fasten, glory/glorify, Bible/biblical, pain/painless
For questions 1 - 10, add the correct suffix to the words to form a new word.
1. Cheer
A. cheerity B. cheerment C. cheerful D. cheeral
2. Mercy
A. mercily B. mercial C. merciness D. merciless
3. Manage
A. manageless B. managial C. managy D. management
4. Remit
A. remittance B. remitment C. remitty D. remittify
5. Amuse
A. amusal B. amusily C. amusement D. amusity
6. Sense
A. senseness B. sensible C. sensily D. density
7. Acquit
A. acquitment B. acquitify C. acquittal D. acquity
8. Mad
A. madel B. maddily C. madden D. madment
9. Curious
A. curiosity B. curiusly C. curioasness D. curiosity
10. Hinder
A. hindrance B. hinderment C. hindercity D. hinderly
Exercise 2: You have been given the beginning of a story, complete making it as interesting as you can.

    Suddenly and out of nowhere, five dark shapes appeared before me …………………………………………. ….

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