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It is place for anything to stay in- In tamil they will say as evaiyum tanguvathu sivam

The people who lived in kumari kandam worshipped and portrayed Lord SIVA, because HE himself
manifested here and did lot of THIRUVILAIADAL in this land, the remains of this continent still in
tamilnadau, austraila and Africa.

In such one of the remaining island our SWAMIJI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM has established
KAILASA again and bringing back our heritage rich sanatana dharma and tamilian -siavisim life
back again in full pledge all are welcome to KAILASA to have HIS darshan.

The kumari kandam(continent) might have went inside the sea 7500 years before as per the Tamil
literature record quoting(kali thogai), At the end of the first tamil sangam the major sunami might
have happened. The german pandithar Heykel also in line with this statement he also tells the
kumari kandam (contenent) went inside the sea which was connected with present madagaskar,
austrila, Indonesia and southern part of INDIA.

Reference book for tamil sangam period is from Velir varalatru aaraichi tamil book and tamil

First tamil sangam- It last for 4400 years

Mid tamil sangam-It last for 3700 years

Last tamil sangam- It last for 1850 years, After this last tamil sangam happened, if we consider the
historic sangam period as 400 B.C to 200 AD.

Then first tamil sangam might have started =4400+3700+1850+2400=12530 years before approx.

Then Second tamil sangam might have started =3700+1850+2400=7950 years before approx.

Then third tamil sangam might have started =1850+2400=4250 years before approx.

In the first tamil and mid sangam literature there is no word of siva found, it has been found in last
tamil sangam literature.

It does not mean the word siva was not used in those period, it has been used in agamas well
before historic period in verbal form by ancient tamilian (who lived In the kumari kandam) and
nagar civilization people. See the attached map for your reference. Due to more sunami in south bali
the tamilian and nagar community drifted here and there like present Australia, Indonesia, Vietnam,
combodia, burma and Africa and slowly some people through land came back to India through
north east and settled in-between sindu and gangas delta regions. During that time, in north india
the Sanskrit was more dominated hence all agamas were written in sanskrit by north empires of
tamilian and nagar community. Later on when their kingdom diminishing time they moved towards
south india. In southern india the vagadar and pallavas estabilished small kingdom later on it
become bigger kingdom.The shivam was well established in this region before pre historic period,
but it was powerful in north india region.
The saint tuirumular transcript the Sanskrit literature of shaivates in tamil as thirumandiram in nine
tantra chapter, still it become unpopular and kept hidden until A.C 700 due to the rulers in southern
regions are non Tamilian. However the word Siva has been used popularly during last Tamil sangam
period. A.C. 700 Onwards thevaram, thiruvasagam and other famous siva portraying literature has
come, in A.C 1300 the siva-jana Botham has been written by meikanda devar, this is the golden
period for shaivates in south India. The siva sidantha literature has been written from A.C 300 to A.C.
1300 become part of agamic literature in tamil.

In old Tamil literature Tholkappiyam and pura-nanuru the word Siva has been mentioned as GOD.
The GOD means execution, the executor of the world.

The word kadavul in tamil= kada+vul, the kada means HE who beyond the world and ull means who
HE inside this world, both together called kadavul the word meaning in the tamil. This means the
Lord Siva is within this world and beyond this world.

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