Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Orchestra Rules:
 Students will show respect for instruments and other members of the orchestra
 Students will NOT bring food, beverages, or gum into the orchestra hall
 Students will NOT use their phone or any electronic device during class
 Students will show respect for the teacher and the information being taught
 Students will NOT leave the classroom unless instructed by the teacher
 Students will ONLY use the practice rooms to practice their music
o Only one student is allowed in the practice room unless instructed by the teacher

Discipline Measures: 
 Verbal warning
 Call to parent
 Teacher-assigned lunch
 Isolating students/ moving to a different room
 Conference with parent and student
 Loss of privileges (within the scope of class or team)

 Recognition Certificate 
 Verbal praise
 Positive call to parent
 Extended classroom privileges 
 Positive note mailed to parents

Daily Procedures:
  Entering the classroom
o Walk into the classroom quietly 
o Quiet: making little or no noise
o Sit down in assigned seating after grabbing instrument

 Grabbing instruments from lockers

o Wait for your turn
o When someone else is grabbing their instrument… wait patiently until they are
o Allow space for students to pass
o When returning to their seats, make a path for them 

 Unpacking/ packing Instruments

o Unpack instruments 
o Reminders when unpacking:
 Place case in a safe area
 If you put your bow on the stand, it will be easier to unpack the instrument
 Undue strap found on the neck of the instrument (when in case)
o Instrument cases should be under the chair
o Instruments should be tuned and bow rosined/tightened before class starts
 Tuning: Right- sharp, Left- flat
 Tightening: Righty tighty, lefty loosey
 Middle school- wait to be tuned 
o Instruments should not be packed up without the teacher’s instruction

 Bell ringing to indicate the beginning/ end of class

o Be seated when the bell rings
o Listening posture
 Feet flat on the floor
 Back nice and straight
 Sitting at the edge of the chair
o Teacher will dismiss by sections

 Instruction Time
o When teacher stands on podium, stop all communication
o Stop definition: come to an end; cease to happen
 SOME examples of communication:
 Talking
 Whispering
 Signing
o When teacher is speaking do not interrupt
o Be prepared to play
o Listening position 
o When playing, listen to instruction 
 Ex. when asked to play 1 measure, ONLY play 1 measure

 Asking questions
o Raise hand to ask questions
o Wait to be acknowledged by the teacher

 Restroom or being excused

o Raise hand to use the restroom/ be excused
o Fill out the sign out sheet
o Take the classroom pass
o Return to the classroom quietly
o Includes: closing door, walking in, etc.

 Finished Assignments
o Raise hand > wait for teacher to acknowledge you > let teacher know
o Remain silent for others
o Return to listening position

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