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Lesson Plan in Earth Science

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. distinguish solar from lunar eclipse; and
b. explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur.


A. Topic
Eclipses: Solar and Lunar Eclipse
B. Materials
Styrofoam balls
Art materials (paint, water colors, etc.)
LCD projector
C. References
Science and Technology I: Integrated Science Textbook for First
Year. Villamil, Aurora M., Ed.D. 1997. pp. 290-291.
BEAM 4. 11 Solar and Lunar Eclipse. Distance Learning Module.
DLP 68.

III. Activity/Activity Proper

A. Preliminary Activities
Classroom Management
Review of the Past Lesson
B. Motivation
 The students will be asked the following question:
1. Have you encountered a day without the sun?
2. Have you experienced moonless nights?
C. Analysis
 The students will be asked the following questions:
1. How does the sun suddenly get blocked?
2. How does the moon suddenly get dark?
D. Abstraction
 The teacher will show a video presentation regarding occurrences
of eclipses.
 The teacher will let the students share their ideas about what they
have observed from the video presentation.
 The teacher will elaborate the difference between solar and lunar
eclipses and how they occur.
E. Application
 The students will be grouped into five.
 Each group will make a solar and lunar eclipse model using the
Styrofoam balls and art materials.

IV. Evaluation
 In a one (1) whole sheet of paper, the students will be asked to do
the following:
1. Using a Venn diagram compare and contrast solar eclipse and
lunar eclipse.
2. In your own words, explain how both lunar and solar eclipse

V. Assignment/Agreement
 The students will be asked to collect, record, and report data on the
beliefs and practices of the community in relation to eclipses. Answers
will be written down in a long bond paper.

Prepared by:

Phranxies Jean L. Blaya BSED II – Bio Sci

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