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Detailed Lesson Plan in Physics

Grade 8

I. Objectives: at the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

a. infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is
exerted back on it
b. explain the phenomena behind the action and reaction forces
c. cite real life situations in which the 3rd law of motion can be depicted
II. Subject matter: Earth and Space
Topic: understanding typhoons
References: Physics; Exploring Life Through Science Second Edition
Strategy: Role-playing
Approach: Constructivist
Materials: manila paper, chalk, fill tip pen, publisher, LCD projector

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory activity
Good morning class! Good morning teacher!
I am teacher Ryan, teacher Danica and I am teacher
Wilven, and we will be your teachers this morning.
First, let us all stand up for a prayer. Ms./mr. ________,
kindly lead the prayer.
Miss Secretary, whose absent today? No one teacher
Very good!

1. Drill / Review
To make everyone lovely, let us all stand up and do some
exercise. We mustn’t forget to leave a healthy life shouldn’t
we class?
Yes teacher!
I will show you a video and all you have to do is to copy the
actions of the dance instructor in the video. Am I clear
Yes, teacher!

2. Setting of Standards
What does a good student do when someone is
speaking in the front?
Listen, cooperate and
participate teacher.
Very good! Can I expect that from you class?
Yes, teacher!

3. Motivation
Before we start our proper discussion, let us first have a
game. Do you love to play games class?
Yes, teacher
I see that you are eager to play the game for today class.
The name of the game is “Decode Me”. Now, I will group
the class into four (4). This will be team royals, team
beauties, team fabulous and team dreamers. Each team
will now form a circle to be able to communicate will with
each member. Now class I want you to look at the board.
In the board, you will see numbers and letters which
corresponds to the codes that we will provide you later.
Your task is to wright the corresponding letters to the
codes that we will present to you on the board.


Yes, teacher!
Congratulations team _____. Let us all give them a
Dionisia clap.
1, 2, 3… 1, 2, 3…
Very good! Very good! Very

Now class, what can you see in the pictures you have

4. Presentation of New Lesson

Our topic for today is about Newton’s Third Law
which is the Law of Interaction. At the end of the lesson
you should be able to infer that when a body exerts a force
on another, an equal amount of force is exerted back on it,
explain the phenomena behind the action and reaction
forces and cite real life situations in which the 3 rd law of
motion can be depicted.

We will be presenting to you a short video about

the background of the motions third law which is the law of
acceleration. Remember to take down notes and
comprehend the principle and ideas behind the law for we
will be having an activity after the video is presented. Am I
clear class?
Yes, teacher!
(the video is being presented to the class)
To make things exiting, let us have our discussion
through an activity. With your group, you are to create a
short play that shows or illustrates the law of interaction
within 3 to 5 mins. At the end of your play, you will state a
short explanation about the concept of your short play to
enlighten everyone. You will be judge according to these
criteria. The manner of whose team goes to present first
will be decided in a lottery game. The group to pick up the
number 1 will be the first to present and so and so forth,
any questions?
None, teacher!
You will be given 15 minutes to prepare for the
activity. Am I understood?
Yes, teacher!
(the students will present
their play)
Very good! Everyone did a wonderful performance.
Class, remember that the third law states that
“when a body A exerts a force on body B, body B will exert
an equal but oppositely directed force on body A.” That’s
what it meant when they said that “to every action, there is
an equal but opposite reaction force.” For example, if I
touch the table of course my hand exerted a force upon
the table, does the table also exerts a force on my hand?
Yes, teacher!
How much of a force did the table exerted?
Equivalent to the force
applied by your hand
Very good! That is how the third law of motion works. You
cannot touch without being touched.
If you push hard on a wall with by a force of 5 N,
the wall in turn pushes you back by a force of 5 N. We can
walk because we push backward upon on earth as hard as
the earth pushes us forward. Another popular example is
the horse cart paradox. Have you heard about it before
No, teacher!
Before I tell you the story, I have a question. Base
on the given definition and example of the third law of
motion; the law of interaction, do action and reaction forces
cancel out each other?
(the students will give their
varied opinions about the
Well, let me tell you the story, one morning, a
trainer and his horse were having an argument. The horse
that happens to know a little physics told his trainer that it
is useless for the former to pull the cart. The harder the
horse pulls on the cart, the harder the cart pulls back on
him. These forces will cancel each other and the net forces
will be zero in as much as action and reaction forces are
supposed to be equal but opposite directed. The horse
further said that since there is no net force, then the cart
will remain at rest in accordance with Newton’s first law. If
you are the trainer, will you agree with the horse?
(the students will give their
different ideas regarding the
Of the two forces mentioned by the horse, it is only
the force that the horse exerts on the cart that is acting on
the cart. The other force in the action-reaction force is
acting on the horse and not on the cart. Since action and
reaction forces are acting on two different objects, they will
never cancel out. The cart will accelerate if the forces
exerted by the hors on the cart is greater that the force of
the friction between the cart and the ground.

5. Generalization
Now, to go back to the question earlier, do action
and reaction forces cancel each other?
No, action and reaction
forces are acting on different
bodies therefore, they will
never cancel out each other.
What does the third law say?
In every action, there is an
equal but opposite reaction
Action and reaction forces
are equal in magnitude but
oppositely directed.
Action and reaction forces
are acting on different bodies
will never cancel out.
Forces always come in pairs.

6. Evaluation
To test your understanding of the lesson, we will have a
short quiz. Get ½ sheet of paper and answer the question
on board.

An object of weight 30 N rests a table.

a. What are the forces acting on the object?
b. What are the reactions to these forces?

7. Assignment
To strengthen more your knowledge of today’s lesson, let
us have an assignment.
Direction: In your ½ sheet of paper, answer the following
A 650 student stands on a scale in an elevator. As the
elevator starts to move, the scale reads 780 N.
a. Find the acceleration.
b. Is the elevator going up or down?

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