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Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidencia 2: Workshop “Distribution channels”

Katherine Tatiana Gómez Pérez

Ficha: 2104851

Negociación Internacional

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Cartagena de Indias
Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidencia 2: Workshop “Distribution channels”

1. Lea cuidadosamente la siguiente conversación:

Susan: Good morning Mr. White.

Mr. White: Good morning, Ms. Susan. Can we start the meeting?
Susan: Of course, Mr. White. I have the options on the board.

Mr. White: That’s good. Remember, we need to choose the most suitable
distribution strategy for our products.

Susan: We have three strategies: Intensive, exclusive and selective. Intensive

strategy pretends to reach the largest possible number of POS (Point of Sale),
but unfortunately it’s difficult to control. That’s because we would have to deal with
many intermediaries.

Mr. White: What about the exclusive strategy?

Susan: It’s different from the first one. Only it’s necessary one POS by each
geographic area, no matter if it’s retailer or wholesaler.

Mr. White: Sounds god to me. And the last one?

Susan: Well, it’s the selective strategy. It’s the intermediate strategy between the
other ones.

Mr. White: I don’t know. I like the first one, but I don’t know how profitable it is.
Hhhhmmm, well. What do you think?

Susan: Well, I consider that the selective strategy is the best.

Mr. White: You’re right. Well done.

Susan: Thanks, Mr. White.

2. Responda T si es verdadero o F si es falso.

a. The Company product is a cake.

T ( ) F (X )

b. The meeting objective is to choose the product’s price.

T ( ) F ( X)

c. Susan proposes three distribution strategies.

T ( X) F ( )

d. The exclusive strategy is difficult to control.

T ( ) F (X)

e. Mr. White chooses the intensive strategy.

T ( ) F ( X)

3. Describa en inglés un producto de su preferencia, asígnele una marca y presente,

tanto las características como los costos de dicho producto.

The entrails is a cut that corresponds to the peripheral part of the animal's
diaphragm. Very dark reddish flesh. In a calf weighing about 300 kilos, this cut does
not exceed a kilo and a half.

There are two entrails "in the same entrails", which are known as, "thin" entrails and
"thick" entrails.Indeed, the meat of the entrails is "embretado" between two
layers.One of the layers is a leather “membrane”.

The other is a thin layer of fat.In this court there are no mysteries in its name. It is by
definition of entraña: "Each of the organs contained in the cavities of the chest and
belly", "The most intimate or essential of a thing or matter", "The most hidden and
hidden" or "The center, what is in the middle".

Its cost ranges between $ 75,000 and $ 82,000 pesos per kilo of meat. Being a type
of cut very little extracted from each animal, it is due to the high price.

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