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The Superior College

Department of Aviation Engineering Technology AT-1202

Electronics Fundamentals

Experiment No. 10

Experimental Validation of transistor as a Switch using Multisim

Prepared for

Khizer Ahmed



Name: Sohail Ramzan

ID: Batm-f19-059

Section: Fall 19

Semester: Bat 3

Total Marks: _________________

Obtained Marks: ______________

Signature: __________________

Date: ________
Electronics Fundamentals Lab 10

To understand working of transistor as a switch.


Transistor can be operated in three region: cut-off region, active region and saturation region.
While using transistor in amplifier circuit, we are using active region. If transistor operated in cut-
off and saturation region in amplifier, clipping of waveforms will occur. When we use transistor
as a switch, only two regions cut-off and saturation are used. In saturation region transistor acts as
ON switch. In cut-off region, transistor acts as OFF switch. We are using only two points of DC
load line while using transistor as a switch.


• Connect circuit as shown in Figure 1 for input characteristics

• Adjust collector supply Vcc = +12V and base supply VBB=+5V
• You may use base voltage supply switch instead of switch shown in the circuit diagram.
• Measure base current when switch is OFF (It will be zero). Measure collector current and
voltage between collector and emitter. LED is off because transistor is in cut-off region,
• Now apply base voltage +5V, LED will be ON. Measure collector current and
collectoremitter voltage. Transistor is in saturation region.

Figure 1: Transistor as a Switch


• 2N3904 NPN transistor

• 10k resistor
• 1k resistor
• Switch
• DC power supply
• Voltmeter
• Ammeter
Electronics Fundamentals Lab 10

Of condition

On condition

Experimental data for Task1:

[1] Switch off (VBB=0): Ib = -2.776pA VCE = 10.921V Ic =11.191A

[2] Switch ON (VBB=+5V): Ib = 402.786mA VCE = 9.902V Ic = 3.277A

Electronics Fundamentals Lab 10

In this lab we learn that how to use transistor as a switch. We using two
voltage source. One voltage source and led connect in series with emitter and
collector. Other connect with base and emitter when we apply base to the
emitter voltage the Led glow up. And when remove the voltage from the base
the led turn off.
Safety rules:

Execution of lab experiments is more important than performing accurate electronics experiments
and constructing neat circuits. The first step towards the safety is to know the lab itself which
means you must know where the fire extinguishers, electric main safety breaker are and where the
emergency exists. You should also aware of all the equipment present in the lab. Following are
some rules which you must follow in order to avoid any unfortunate event.

• Do not wear rings, watches, bracelets, necklace and other metal objects in the lab.
• Make sure your hands are dry
• Make sure your shoes are dry
• Always power down the electrical equipment, disconnect the power cords and wait for a
few seconds before touching the exposed wires
• Make sure all the experimental setup is disconnected from the power supply before turning
it on
• Even if your circuit is of 5 volts, do not consider it less dangerous
• Do not forget to turn off all the equipment after the experiment
• Always get instructions on how to use the new equipment
• Be careful with the soldering iron station, it can cause serious burns and fire
• While using the soldering iron, place it in the special iron stand, not on the table

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