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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 2309 (1989): Code of practice for the protection of

buildings and allied structures against lightning [ETD 20:
Electrical Installation]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 2309 : t889

Indian Standard
( Second Revision)

"f':((Tlt qtq

t1tmn aT": ~) ~) at", ~~""T31'l IWiT f.;(~) f1mt '" "TCf - '(1M a~,
( 1""'0 f''(i~ )

UDC 621-316"93: 699"887-2 : 006"76

@ BIS 1991


NEW DELHI 110002

March 1991 Price Group 15

,Electrical Installations Sectional Committee, ETDC 20


Section 1 General aad Basic Considerations

Section 2 System Desiga


Section 3 Protection of Special Stractures


17 FaNCES 52

Section 4 MlseeUaaeous Pro,i.ioDl aad Explaaatory Notes

24 TalTING ·58
25 REcORDa 58


This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on
29 May 1989, after the draft finalized by the Electrical Installations Sectional Committee had
been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council.

( ConlilJUld on third cov,r )

( Second Revision)
('Page 25, Fig. 12, Key 10, Note) - Delete the NOTE.
( Page 46, clause 16.2.1, Note ) - Add the following at the end of the
'The minimum specific criteria is appiiGable to Mast only. '

( Page 47, Fig. 31, Note 2, second line) - Substitute' lZ.!.2' for' 15.5.2'.

(ET 20)

Reprography Unit,BIS, NewDelhi. India

Indian Standard
( Second Revision)
1 SCOPE the scope of this Code, certain recommendations
relating to them are included; however, the pro-
1.1 This Code outlines the general technical as- tection of overhead telephone wires, radar
pects of lightning, illustrating its principal electri- stations, electric traction and supply lines should,
cal, thermal and mechanical effects. Guidance is on account of their special nature, be referred to
given on how to assess the risk of being struck the specialists.
and it offers a method of compiling an index
figure as an aid in deciding if a particular struc- 2 REFERENCES
ture is in need of protection.
2.1 The following Indian Standards are neces ..
1.2 The Code also offers guidance on good sary adjuncts to this standard:
engineering practice and the selection of suitable
materials. Recommendations are made for special IS No. Till,
cases such as explosives stores and temporary
structures, for example, cranes, spectator stands IS 732 : 1989 Code of practice for electrical
constructed of metal scaffolding. wiring installation ( third"vision )
1.3 Where current carrying conductors are IS 3043 : 1987 Code of practice for earthing
directly associated with structures coming within (first revision )



3.0 For the purposes of this Code, the following A conductor intended to provide electrical con-
definitions shall apply. nection between the lightning protective system
and other metalwork and between various por--
3.1 LightaiDI Fla.h tions of the latter.
Electrical discharge of atmospheric origm be- 3.7 Joint
tween cloud and earth comprising one or more
impulse of many kiloamps. A mechanical and/or electrical junction between
two, or more portions of a lightning protective
3.2 Lightning Strokes system.
The single distinguishable current impulse of a 3.8 TestiDg Joint
Joints designed and situated so as to enable resis-
3.3 LishtDiDI Protective Syatem tance or continuity measurements to be made.
The whole system of conductors used to protect a 3.9 Earth Termination ( Earth TermiaatfoD
structure from the effects of lightning. Network)
3.4 Air Termination ( Air Termination Net- That part of a lightning protective system which
work) is intended to discharge lightning currents into
the general mass of the earth. All points below
That part of a lightning protective system which the lowest testing poiut in a down conductor are
is intended to intercept lightning discharges. included in this term.
3.5 DOWD CODdactor 3.10 Earth Electrode
Conductor that connects an air termination with That part of the earth termination making direct
an earth termination. electrical contact with earth.

IS 1 2309 , 1989

3.11 RiDI CODdllcto~ This is -that part of the fla"h in which a charged
cell in a thunder cloud is discharged to earth. The
Earth termination or electrode fixed to a struc- current -in this return stroke ranges from about
ture above or below the earth or within or under 2 000 A to about 200 000 A and its distribution of
foundations. A ring conductor may be used alone values is of the form which occurs frequently in
as an earth termination network or in conjunc- nature, the 10 called 'log/normal' distrlbution.
tion with metal rods as an interconnection Hence:
1 percent 'of strokes exceed 200 000 A
3.12 IudicatiDg Plate
10 percent " " " 80 000 A
A plate detailing the number and position of 50 percent " " " 28 000 A
earth electrodes.
90 percent u " ,. 8 000 A
3.13 Refereace Earth Electrode 99 percent" u " 3 000 A
An earth electrode capable of being completely The current in most ground flashes is from the
isolated from an earth termination network for negatively charged cells in the thunder cloud, and
use in periodic testing. the flash current is, therefore, a negative Row from
cloud to ground; less frequently, strokes from a
3.14 Log Book positive part of the cloud also occur. For either
A record of tests and inspections of a lightning polarity, however, the current flow is unidirec-
conductor installation. tional with a rise time of less than 10 p8 for the
negative flash (but considerably longer for the
NOTES positive flash) and then decays to a low value,
1 The following abbreviations and symbol. are used for a simple single stroke, in 100 ,.". or leis.
in the ill ustrations appearing in tbis standard: Some flashes comprise two or more strokes which
DC - Down conductor individually conform to the description for a
He - Horizontal conductor single stroke but which may be spaced in time
VC - Vertical conductor
50 rna to 100 ms apart. The rare multi-stroke
flash having more than 10 strokes may, therefore,
ZP - Zone of protection and protective angles
last for up to 1 second.
2 The boundary of ZP is indicated by dashed linel.
4.2.2 Voltag,
4 TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF LIGHTNING Before the flash takes place, the potential of the
4.1 GeDeral charge cell may be estimated very roughly assum-
ing the charge in the cell to be 100°0 and the
Lightning is a natural hazard, being the discharge radius of an equivalent spherical cell to be 1 km,
of static electricity generated in parts, called The capacitance of the cell is, therefore, about
'cells', of storm clouds, Some of them damage 10-7 F and from Q == CV the potential is estimat-
buildings ant! a few kill or injure people ai.d ed to be 109 V. It is reasonable, therefore, to
animals, either directly or indirectly by causing assume that the cloud potential is more than 100
fire and explosions. Statistics for deaths by lightn- MV. This potential is high enough to ensure that
ing show the risk to be very low. the potentials sustained by whatever is struck will
A map showing average number of thunderstorm be controlled by the product of current and im-
days in a year in India is given in Fig. 1.
pedance, because this product will never be high
enough in comparison with the cloud potential to
NOTE - The estimation of exposure risk it how- modify the current magnitude.
ever worked out in relation to expected Dumber of
lightning flashes per square kilometre per year ( s,' Although the return stroke is the most important
8.1.2 ). parameter of a lightning stroke it is necessary to
know something of the process which precedes it
The first step in minimizing the danger from in order to understand why high structures are
lightning must be to learn as much as possible more vulnerable than low ones. The lightning
about its nature. The main characteristics are stroke starts by the step by step descent from the
therefore briefly summarized in 4.2. cloud of a leader stroke stepping some tens of
4.2 Characteristic. of Lightaiag metres at a time. W~en the last step brings the
tip of the leader sufficiently close to earth, an up-
4.2.1 Cu",nl in a Lightning Strok, ward streamer leaves the earth to join the tip of
downward leader.
Rather than describe an 'average' lightning flash,
it is easier to give ranges for the various para- The initiation of this upward streamer depends
meters. The important part of a lightning flash on a critical field being ~xceed~ at the earth
from the resulting damage point of view is the emission point and so is a fur ction of the charge
'return stroke'. deposited by the down-coming leader and any

IS 2309 I 198t
enhancement of the field caused by the geometry A different mechanical effect exerted by a lightn-
of the earth. The length of the upward streamer ing Bash is due to the sudden rise in air tem-
will be greater for greater charges and hence high perature to 30 000 K and the resulting explosive
current flashes will start preferentially from high expansion of the adjacent air in the channel
structures for which the field enhancement is along which the charge is propagated. This is
high. because, when the conductivity of the metal is
replaced by that of an arc path, the energy in-
S EF,FECTS OF LIGHTNING STRO KE creases about one hundredfold. A peak power of
about 100 MW1m can be attained in the return
5.1 Electrical Effects
. stroke and the shock wave close to this stroke
As the current is discharged through the resis- readily dislodges tiles from a roof.
• tance of the earth electrode of the lightning pro-
tective system, it produces a resistive voltage Similarly, with a secondary flash inside the build-
drop which may momentarily raise the potential ing, the shock wave can result in damage to the
of the protective system to a high value relative building fabric.
to true earth. It may also produce around the 6 FUNCTION OF A LIGHTNING
earth electrodes a high potent ial gradient dan- CONDUCTOR
gerous to persons and animals. In the same 6.1 A lightning conductor is incapable of dis-
general manner. the inductance of the protective charging a thunder cloud without a lightning
system must also be considered because of the stroke. Its (unction is to divert to itself a lightn-
steep leading edge of the lightning pulse. ing discharge which might otherwise strike a
The resulting voltage drop in the protective sys- vulnerable part of the structure to be protected.
tem is. therefore, the combination of the resistive The range over which a lightning conductor carl
and inductive voltage components. attract a lightning stroke is not constant, but it is
now believed to be a function of the severity of
5.2 Side FI ••hID. the discharge. The range of attraction is, there-
The point of strike on the protective system may fore, a statistical quantity.
be raised to a high potential with respect' to On the other hand, the range of attraction is.
adjacent metal. There is. therefore, a risk of flash- little affected by the configuration of the con--
over from the protective system to, any other ductor, 80 that vertical and horizontal arrange-
metal on or in the structure. If such flashover ments are equivalent. The use of pointed air
occurs, part of the lightning current is discharged terminations or vertical finials is, therefore, not
through internal installations, such as pipes and regarded as essential except where dictated by
wiring, and so this flashover constitutes a risk to practical considerations.
the occupants and fabric of the structure.
5.3 Thermal PROTECTION
As far as it affects lightning protection, the effects 1.1 This code considers 'conventional' lightning
of a lightning discharge is confined to the tem- protective systems. Attention has been given to
perature rise of the conductor through which the methods intended to increase artificiaUy the range
current passes. Although the current is high, its of attraction afforded by an air termination, as
duration is short, and the thermal effect on the well as a system aimed at reducing the likelihood
protective system is usually negligible. (This of an actual discharge.
ignores the fusing or welding effects on damaged NOTE - Additional guidelb;les covering. these are-
conductors or tlibse which were not adequate in UDder consideration. "
the initial installation.") In general, the cross-
sectional area ~f:· a lightning conductor is chosen 8 BASIC CONSIDERATIONS FOR
primarily to sattafy the requirements of mechani- PROTECTION .
cal strength, which means that it is large enough 8.G Introduction
to keep the rise in temperature to 1°C. For
example, with a copper conductor of 50 mml Before proceeding with the detailed design of a
cross section, asevere stroke of 100 kA with a lightning protective system, the following essential
duration of lOOp.s dissipates less than 400 j. per steps should be taken:
metre of conductor resulting in a temperature rise a) Decide whether or 'not the structure needs
of about 1°a. The substitution of steel for copper protection and, if so, what are the special
results in a rise of less than 1O~C. requirements ( see 8.1 and ~.2 ).
5.4 Mechanical Effects b) Ensure a close liaison': between the archi-
Where a high current is discharged along parallel tect, the builder, the lightning protective
conductors at close proximity, or along a single system engineer, and the appropriate
conductor with sharp bends, considerable authorities throughout the design stages.
mechanical forces are produced. Secure mechani- c) Agree the procedures for testing, commis-
cal fittings arc, therefore, essential. sioning and future maintenance.

J8 2309 I 1989



8 AY



FIG. 1
18 23OI1~·1•


s ~"ml of Pl., ~nnual Sl N(J,m~ ofPlac« Annual Sl Name of Place Annual
No. 'Thunder- No. Thunder· No. Thunder-
Storm Storm Storm
Days Days Days
1. Chloht 1 63. Dumka 63 125. Nagpur 45
2. Skarou 5 64. Darjeeling 20 126. Gonda 10
3. Gulmarg 53 . 65. Jalpaiguri 68 127. Aurangabad 36
4. Sririagar 54 66. MaIda 50 128. Bombay 18
5. Draa 3 67. Asansol 71 129. Alibag , 12
.6. Kargil ' 2 68.' Burdwan 33 130. Ahmednagar 10
7. Leh 3 69. Kharagpur 76 131. Parbhani 32
8. Jammu 26 70. Calcutta 70 132. Pune 22
9. Dharamsala 13 71. Sagar Island 41 133. Mahabaleshwar 14
10. Amritsar 49 72. Dhubri 8 134. Ratnagiri 6
11. Pathankot 4 73. Tezpur 27 135. Sholapur 23
12. Mahoi 46 74. Dibrugarh 70 136. Miraj 25
13. Ludhiana 1.2 75. Sibsagar 103 137. Vengurla 39
14. Shimla 40 76. ShiUong 75 138. Nizamabad 36
15. Patiala '26 77. Cheerapunji 49 139. Hanamkonda 43
16. Ambala 9 78. Silchar 33 140. Hyderabad 28
17. Hissar 27 79. Kohnia 34- 141. Khammam 2&
18. Delhi 30 80. Imphal 49 142. KaJingapatnam 26
19. Bikaner 10 81. Deesa 7 143. Vishakapatnam -20
20. Phalodi 14 82. Dwarka 5 144. Rentichintala 47
21. Sikar 17 83. Jamnagar 6 '145. Machhilipatnam 20
22. Barmer 12 84. Rajkot 12 146. Ongole 25
23. Jodhpur 23 85. Ahmadabad 11 147. Kurnool 29
24. Ajmer 26 86. Dohad 17 148. Anantapur 27
25. Jaipur 39 87. Porbandar 3 149. Nellore 18,
26. Kankroli 36 88. Verawal 3 150. Bidar 16
27. Mount Abu 4 .89. Bhavnagar 11 151. Gulbarga 34
28. Udaipur 34 90. Vadodara 8 152. Bijapur 9
29. Neemuch 23 91. Surat 4 153. BeJgaum 31
30. Kota' 27 92. Gwalior 53 154. Raichur 17
31. Jhalawar 40 93. Guna 33 155. Gadag 21
32. Mussoorie 61 94. Nowgong 59 156. Bellari 22
33. Roorkee 76 95. Satna 41 157. Karwar 27
34. Moradabad 36 96. Sagar 36 158. Honawar 5
35. Mukteshwar 53 97. Bhopal 44 159. ChikaJthana 24
36. Meerut 98. Jabalpur 50 160. Mangalore 36
37. Bareilly 34 99. Umaria 37 161. Hassan 76·
38. Aligarh 30 100. Ambikapur 29 162. Bangalore 45
39. Agra 24 101. Indore 34 163. Mysore 44
40. Mainpuri 23 102. Hoshangabad 37 164. Hozhmoode 39
41. Bharaich 31 103. Pachmarhi 30 165. Palghat 35
42. Gonda 22 104. Seoni 51 166. Cochin 63
43. Lucknow 10 lOS. Penda Dam 56 167. Allepey 57
44. Kanpur 26 106. Rajpt 34 168. Trivandrum 48,
45. Fetehpur 24 107. Chin ara 27 169. Vellore 25
46. Jhansi 20 108. Kanker 37 170. Madras 47
47. Allahabad 51 109. Jagdalpur 38 111. Ootacamund 24
48. Varanasi 51 110. Balasore 81 172. Salem 65
49. Azamgarh 1 111. Chandbali 75 173. Cuddalore 37
50. Gorakhpur 11 112. Angul 81 174. Coimbatore 40
51. Kathmandu 74' 113. Bhubaneshwar 46 175. TiruchirapaUi 41
52. Muthihari ·38 114. Puri 33 176. Nagapattinam 15
53. Darbhanga 10 115. Gopalpur 34 177. Kodaikanal 82
54. Patna 33 ' 116. Sambalpur 67 178. Madurai 39·
55. Gaya 38 117. Jbarsuguda 85 179. Pamban 5
56. D.lto~ganj 73 118. "Titlagarh 24 . 180. Tuticorin 14
57. iHa~aribagh . ~'I I . ,73 1~9.·. ,Rajgangpur 1 181. Kanyakufnari ., ' 6(}~-
58. Ranchi 34 120. Damamu 4- 182. Port Blair 62
59. Cbaibala 74 121. Nasik 17 183. Car Nicobar I 10-
60. Jamshedpur 66 122. Malegaon

13 184. Minicoy 20·

61. Purnea 52 123. Akola 20
62. S~bour 76 124. Khraoti
J 32
8.1 Need lor ProtectioD NOTE -- For tbe· -purposel of this Code, the infor-
malion given in Fig, 1 OD thunderstorm days per year
8.1.1 Gen"al would be Decealary to be traDalalfd in terms of e.timat-
ed averaIe anDual density NI, The table below which
Structures with inherent explosive risks; for indicates the relationship between thunderatorm days
example, explosives factories, stores and dumps per vear and lightning flashes per square kilometre per
and fuel tanks; usually need the highest possible
class of lightning protective system and recom- Tlwnd,,""'" Lightni", FluMS p" km~
mendations for protecting such structures are dGJIl/,,.. , JH,r,a,
given in 15 and 16.
,... ~--_.-"'---_.- ~
Mean Limits
For all other structures, the standard of protec- 5 0'2 0'1 -0'5
tion recommended in the remainder of the Code 10 0'5 O·15~1
is applicable and the only question remaining is 20 I-I 0-3·3
whether to protect or not, SO 1'9 0'6-5
In many cases, the need for protection may be 40 2-8 0'8-8
self-evident, for example: 50 3·7 1'2~1 0
60 4·7 1'8-12
- where large numbers of people congregate; 80 6·9 3-17
- where essential public services are con- 100 9'2 4·20
The effective collection area of a structure is the
- where the area is one in which lightning area on the plan of the structure extended in all
strokes are prevalent; directions to take account of its height. The edge
- where there are very tall or isolated of the effective collection area is displaced from
structures; the edge of the structure by an amount equal to
the height of the structure at that point. Hence.
- where there are structures of historic or for a simple rectangular building of length L,
cultural importance. width Wand height H metres, the collection area
However, there are many cases for which a has length (L + 2H) metres and width
decision is not so easy to make. Various factors +
( W 2H) metres with four rounded corners
effecting the risk of being struck and the con- formed by quarter circles of radius H metres.
sequential effects of a stroke "in these cases are This gives a collection area, Ao (in m~) of
discussed in 8.1.2 to 8.1.8, (s"
It must be understood, however, that some factors
Ao =(L X W) + 2 ( I., X H) +
2 ( W X H) +", HI ( 1)
cannot be assessed, and these may override all
other considerations, For example, a desire that
there should be no avoidable risk to life or that
the occupants of a building should always feel
structure per year Is,
The probable number of strikes ( risk) to the

P = Ao X N1 X 10-8 2) ••• (
safe, may decide the question in favour of protec-
tion, even though it would normally be accepted It must first be decided whether this risk P is
that there was no need. No guidance can be acceptable or whether some measure of protection
given in such matters, but an assessment can be is thought necessary.
made taking account of the exposure risk ( that is
the risk of the structure being struck) and the
8.1.3 Suggested Acceptable Risk
following factors: For the purposes of this Cod e, the acceptable risk
figure has been taken as 10- 5, that is, 1 in 100 000
a) Use to which the structure is put,
per year.
b) Nature of its construction,
c) Value of its contents or consequential
8.1.ti Ovtrtzll Assessment of Risk
effects, L '
HaVIng established the value of P, the probable
d) The location of the structure, and number of strikes to the structure per year [ see
e) The height of th e structure ( in the case of equation (2) in 8.1.2 ] the next step is to apply
composite structures the overall height). the 'weighting, factors' in Tables 1 and 2.

.1.1.2 Estimation of Exposurl Risk This is done by multiplying P by the appropriate

factors to see whether the result, the overall
'The probability of a structure or building being weighting factors, exceeds the acceptable risk of
struck by lightning in anyone year is the product P == 10-6 per year.
of the 'lightning flash density' and the 'effective
collection area' of the structure. The lightning 8.1.5 WIi,hlitw Factors
flash density, Nit is the number of ( flashes to In Tables lA to IB, the weighQnIl factor values
grouad ) per kml per year. are givID under headings 'A· to 'E,' denoting a

18'2309 i 1._
relative degree of importance or risk in each case. Table Ie ,W.llhtIDI Factor '0' (CoDteat.
The tables are mostly self-explanatory but it may or Co.....ue.tial Etrect. )
be helpful to say something about the intention
of Table 1C, Coateatll or Co••eqaendal Value of 'e'
The effect of the value of the contents of a struc- Ordinary domestic or office buildiDII, 0·3
ture is clear: the term 'consequential effect' is factories and workshops not contain-
intended to cover not only material risks to goods ing valuable or ipecially susceptible
and property but also such aspects as the disrup-
tioll of essential services of all kinds, particularly Industrial and agricultural buildings 0'8
in hospitals, with specially susceptible- contents
Power stations. gu works, telephone 1'0
The risk to life is generahy very small, but if a exchanges, radio statioDs
building is struck, fire or panic can naturally Industrial key plantl, ancient monu- 1'3
result. All possible steps should, therefore, be ments and historic buildings. muse-
taken to reduce these effects, especially among urns, art gallerif'J or other buildings
childern, the old, and the sick, with specially valuable contents
Schools, hospitals, children's and other 1'7
Table 1 Overall A••e••meat of Risk homes, places of assembly

( Clauses 8.1.4 and 8,1.5 ) ·This means specially valuable plant or materials
vulnerable to fire or the results of fire.

Table lA Wel,bdD. r.eto~ 'A' (U•• of Suuctare )

Table ID WeightiDl Factor 'D' ( Delree of
Vae to Which Structure V.I.e of cA.' l.olatAo. )
i. Pat
Houses and other buildings of compar-
able size D....e of 1.0ladoD Value of CD'
Houses and other buildings of compar-
able size with outside aerial Structure located in a large area of 0'4
structures or trees of the .ame or grea-
Factories, workshops and laboratories ter height, (or example, in a large
Office blocks, hotels, block. of fiats and town or forest
other residential buildings other than
those included below Structure located in an area with few 1'0
other structures or trees of similar
Places of assembly, for example, chur- 1'3 height
ches, haUs, theatres, .museums, exhi-
bitions, departmental stores, post Structure completely isolated or ex- 2'0'
offices, statioDs, airports, and stadium ceeding at least twice the height of
structures surroundiug structures or trees
Schools. hospitals, children'. and other
Table IE Weightial Factor 'E' ( Type of
C01llltry )
Table 18 WeilhtiDg Factor 'B' (Type of
Con8truction) Type of COUDtry Value of 'E'
Type 01 Coa.tractlon Value of 'B' Flat country at any level 0-3
Steel framed encased with any roof 0-2 Hill country 1'0
other than metal· MOl.Q1tain country between 300'm and 1'3
Reinforced concrete with any roof 0·4 900m
other than metal Mountain country above 900 m 1·7
Steel framed encased or reinforced con- 0'8
crete with metal roof
8.1.6 Interpretation of Ooeral! Risk Factor
Brick, plain concrete or masonry with 1'0
any roof other than metal or thatch The risk factor method put forward here is to be
Timber framed or clad with any roof 1'4 taken as giving guidance on what might, in some
other thaD metal or thatch cases, be a difficult problem, If the result obtain-
Brick, plaiD concrete, maao~ry, timber 1'7 ed is considerably less than 10- 5 ( 1 in 100 000 )
framed but with metal roofing then, in the absence of other overriding consider-
Any buildiDB with a thatched roof 2'0 ations, protection does not appear necessary; if
• A structure of exposed metal which is continuous the result is greater than 10- 0, say for example
down to ground level i. excluded from these table. as it 10-( ( 1 in 10 000 ) then sound reasons would be
requires no lightniDI protection beyond adequate earthing needed to support a decision not to give protec-

IS 2309. 19.

When it is thought that tbe cODlequential effects d) Apply,,,, 'hI weighting/acto"

will be small and that the efFect of a lightDing
stroke will most probably be merely slight damage A = 1·7
to the fabric of the structure, it may be economic B .. 0·8
not to incur the cost of protection but to accept
the risk. Even though. this decision i. made, it is
suggested that the calculation is still worthwhile
as giving some idea of the magnitude of the E - o·g
calculated risk being taken. The overall multiplying = A XB)( C x 0 x E
factor == 1·7
8.1.7 Anomalies
Therefore, the overall risk .. 2'0 X 1-7 X 10- 8
Structures are so varied that any method of factor = 3-4 X 10-8
assessment may lead to a~omalies and t~os~ who
have to decide on protecnon must exercise Judge- Conclusion: Protection is neceuary.
ment. For example, a steel-framed building may 8.2 ZODe 01 ProtectioD
be found to ha ve a low risk factor but, as the
addi tion of an air termination and earthing 8.2.0 Gen,rill
system will give greatly improved protection, the
cost of providing this may be considered worth- In simple terms, the zone of protection is the
while. volume within which a lightning conductor gives
protection against .a direct lightning stroke by
A low risk factor may result for chimneys made
directing the stroke to itself. For a vertical con-·
of brick or concrete. However, where chimneys ductor rising from ground level, the zone has
are free standing or where they project for more been defined as a cone with its apex at the tip of
than 4·5 m above the adjoining structure, they the conductor its base on the ground. For a hori-
will require protection regardless of the factor. zontal conductor the zone has been defined al the
Such chimneys are, therefore, not covered by the volume generated by a cone with its apex on the
method of assessment. Similarly, structures con-
horizontal conductor moving from end to end.
taining explosives or flammable substances are
also not covered ( see 8.2.2 ) ~ NOTE - Thi. staadard de.cribes the cone-concept of
protecticn, Thi. is UDder review•
.Results of calculations for different structures are
given in Table 2 and a specific case is worked 8.2.1 Pro teet iv, Angl,
through in 7.1.8.
, The so-called ·protective angle' illustrated in
'.1.8 Sample Calculation of Ne,d fo, Prot,ction Fig. 3 cannot be precisely stated. This is because
it depends upon the severity of the stroke and the
A hospital building is 10m high and covers an presence within the protective zone of conducting
area of 70 m x 12 m, The hospital is located in
objects providing independent paths to earth. All
flat country and isolated from other structures.
The construction is of brick and concrete with a that can be stated is that the protection afforded
by a lightning conductor increases as the assumed
non-metallic roof protective angle decreases.
Is lightning protection needed ?
However, for the practical purpose of providing
a) Flashes/kml/,ea, - Let us say, for the pro- an aeclptabl, deg", of protection for an ordinary
tection of the hospital a value for N I structure, the protective angle of any single com-
is 0·7. ponent part of an air termination network,
b) Collection (Jr'(J - Using equation (1) in namely either one vertical or one 0
horizontal con-
8.1.2: ductor is considered to be 45 (s" Fig. 3A and
. 3B ). Between three or more vertical conductors,
Ao == ( 70 x 12) + 2 (70 X 10) + 2 spaced at a distance not exceeding twice their
( 12 x 10) + ( 7r X 100) height, the equivalent protective angle may, as
= 840 + 1 400 + 240 + 314 an exception, be taken as 60~ to the vertical; an
example is given in Fig. 3e. For a flat roof, the
- 2794 ml area between parallel horizontal conductors is
c) Probability of being sttuak - Using equation deemed to be effectively protected if the air ter-
(2) in 8.1.2: mination network is arranged as recommended
in 12.1.2.
p = .do X N,x 10-8 times per year
For structures requiring a higher degree of protec-
.. 2 794 X 0'7 X 10-8 tion, other protective angles ar~ recommended
= 2'0 X 10-1 approximately ( s" 16 ).
Table 2 EsaIDples 01 C.lealatloas lor Eval••tiDe the Need lor ProteetioD
(Clauses 8.1_4 and 8.1.7)

81 Desedpdoa of
I ~kofB~Csuuck(P) We. . . . . . . .ctors Overall Ow. . .) aece__ea-
No_ Straetllre Maldply- .... _do.
Cs-_ .•. 2) Collection Flash P 'A' '8' 'c' 'D' 'E' llaal'.etor P.ctos-
Area Density AcxNgx 10-8 Use of I Type of Coatenu or Degree of Type of (Prodaet ( Prodact
Ac Hg Structure Construction CoDsf'que-n- Isolation (;oUDlty of co" ofcolS
tial Effects 5-9) 4 . .dI0)
( Table lA ) ( Table IB) ( Table 10 ) (Table ID) ( Table IE)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)
I) Malsonette, reinforced 3327 0·6 2 X 10-- 1-2 0-4 0-3 0-. 0:3 0-02 ... X 10-& Protection
con-crete and brick built, required
nonmetallic roof
2) Office building, reinforced 4- 296 0·6 2·6 X 10-· 1-2 0-. 0·3 0-4- 0·3 0-02 5-2 X 10-5 Protection
concrete constructjon, required
DOD-metallic roof

3) School, brick built 1 456 0-7 1 X 10-· 1-7 1-0 1-7 0-4 0-3 0-3 3 X 10-. Protection

f) 3 bedroom detached dwel- 405 0·4- 1-6 X 10- 4 0-3 1-0 0-3 0-4 0-3 0-01 1-6 X 10-. No protection
ling house. brick built requil'fld

5) Village church 5027 0-6 3x 10-1 1-3 1-0 1-7 2-0 0·3 1-3 3-9 X 10--- Protection
NOTE - The risk of being struck. 'P' ( col 4 ), is multiplied by the Pi oduct of the weighting (acton ( col 5 to 9 ) to yield an overall risk factor ( col II )_ This should be compared
with the acceptable ri.k (I X 10-5 ) for guidance on whether or not to protect,


IS 2309 I 1989

(a) A c - 14 X 50 + 2(15)( 50. +

+ 211&)( 14) + 11'1&2
Ac -3327 m2

(b) A c - 15 X 40 + 2(21 X 401 +

t~ + 2(21 X 161 + .21 2

Ao -4281 mI.


(e) 10 A c -11'14 2 + 2(14 X 30.

'" /~---

L.-+- , 14 A c • 1458m3

8 .

(d) R6 A c • 7 X 8 + 216 x 7. + .92 +

+ 10 lapprolC.1 for arw in black
Ac -406 m2

(e) A c• ,,402
A c -'5027 m 2


(1) A c " 12 X 55 + 2118 x &5H

+ 2118 x 12) + ",82
Ac -4090m 2


(g) A c .. 25 x 60 + 25 X 30 + 6 x 60 +
+ 6 x 30 + 6 X 24 + 5/. lI'62
A c • 3675 m2

(hI Ac • 20 X 30 + 2(4 x 301 +

+ 214)( 2'0•.,. 11'42 +
+ 20 (approx•• for ar.. in black
A o• 1070 m2"

All dimensions in metre ••

NOTE - Thll figure Ibould be uled In conjunctloDwith Tabl. 2.
GL~·~~~~~-+-r--r-~~~ T
• Plln view
of zone of
It ground -: -- '" <,
/' --- <,
PI.n view
of zone of
.t ground
leve' level

!/ \ / \
( vco \ I D I
\ J I I
\ Zp / \ Zp /
" / -, /

(.) One verticalcondl.lCtor

--- ..-/
(b) Horlzont., .ir terminltion

- ~--....",

I ZP Zp \

( vco VC
Plan view \ I
cf zone of
.i ground
\ / Ic) Four verticalconductors showingprotective InglIS
Ind associated zones of protection
\ ZP Zp /
-, /
IS 2309 I 1989

8.2.2 Structures of Exc,ptional Vulnerobility ed, even against the rare occurrence of a lightning
discharge stnking within the protected zone
For structures of exceptional vulnerability, by defined above. For this reason, a reduced zone of
reason of explosive or highly flammable contents, protection, and various other special measures
every possible protection may need to be provid- should be taken as recommended in 16.


9 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS OF 5) The materiaJ(s) to be used in the

DESIGN structure, especially for any continuous
metal, for example stanchions of re-
9.0 Exchaale of InformadoD inforcement.
6) The use to which the structure is to be
9.0.1 The structure Of, if the structure has not
been built, the drawings should be examined
taking account of the recommendations of this 7) Details of all metallic service pipes, rails
Code and giving particular attention to: and the like entering or leaving the
structure or within the structure which
a) metal used in and on the roof, window may require bonding to the lightning
cleaning rails, handrails (see r ig. 4 ), protective system.
metal screens, walls, framework or re-
inforcement above or below ground, to 8) The extent of any buried services which
determine the suitability of such metal in could affect the siting of the earth
place of, or for use as a component of, the termination networkts).
lightning protective system. For example. 9) Details of any equipment, apparatus,
sheet piling should be borne in mind under plant or the like to be installed within
earth termination networks since this form or near the building and which would
of making contact with the general mass of require bonding to the lightning pro-
the earth is unlikely to be improved upon tective system.
by rods or tapes; and b) Public Utilities -- Agreement should be reach-
b) available positions for the required number ed on the bonding of their services to the
of down conductors between the air termi- lightning protective system. Because of the
nati on network and the earth termination introduction of new materials and practices,
network, this being particularly important reliance should not be placed on agree-
when the down conductors are run inter- ments reached for other structures.
c) Fire/Sofely Officers - Agreement should be
reached on:
All parts of the structures should, as a general
rule, come within the zone of protection. 1) the need for a lightning protective
system on structures containing flamm-
9.0.2 COnJultation able or explosive materials,
2) routes and material: s) of construction
Consultation should take place between the desig- of duct and sealing at floors if internal
ner of the lightning protective system and the conductors are envisaged, and
following interested parties before and during all 3) the method of lightning protection to be
stages of design: adopted in the unlikely event of a
a) Architect - As far as practicable, the follow- structure having a flammable roof.
ing should be determined: d) TelevisionJradio installers - Agreement
should be reached on the need to bond
1) The routing of all conductors.
aerial supports and screens of cables to the
2) The general areas available for earth lightning protective system.
termination networks and reference
electrodes. e) Build,r - Agreement should be reached on:
3) The material(s) for conductor•• 1) the form, positions, and numbers of
4) The extent of the work and the division primary fixings to be provided by the
of responsibility for primary fixings to builder;
the structure, especially those affecting 2) any fixin~1 provided by the lightning
the watertightness of the fabric, chiefly protective system contractor to be instal-
roofing. led by the builder; I

3) the positions of conductor. to be placed positions of all conductors and of the main
beneath the \structure; components.
4) whether any components of the lightning
protective system are to be used during 10 MATERIALS
the construction phase, for example, the
permanent earth termination network 10.1 Table 3 gives a check list for materials to be
( ETN ) could be used for earthing cranes, used in the component parts of lightning protec-
railway lines, scaffolding, hoists and the tive systems.
like during construction;
~ 5) for steel-framed structures, the numbers Copper and aluminium are recommended for
and positions of stanchions and the form installations required to have a long life. If there
of fixing to be made for the connection is any difficulty in the use of copper or aluminium,
of earth terminations; galvanized steel of the same cross section as
recommended for copper may be used.
6) whether metallic roof coverings, where Galvanized steel may be preferred for some short
used, are suitable as part of the lig htn ing life Jnstellations, such as exhibitions.
protective system and then to agree the
method of attachment of conductors to In making a choice, consideration should always
earth; be given to the risk of corrosion, including
7) the nature and location of services entering galvanic corrosion.
the structure above and below grou nd
including railway lines, crane rails, wire 10.2 When non-matallic materials are used, their
ropeways, conveyor systems, television and possible degradation due to ultra-violet light,
radio aerials and their metal suppor ts, frost, etc. must be borne in mind and the advan-
metal flues, flue-liners and dry risers; tages of easy installation and no eleetrogalvanic
8) the position and number of flagmasts, roof corrosion should be considered along with need to
level plant rooms (for example lift motor replace them more frequently.
rooms, ventilating, heating and air-condi-
tioning plant rooms), water tanks, and For the protection of conductors due considera-
other salient reatures; tion must be given to protective coatings to pre-
9) the construction to be employed for roofs clude corrosion in less-favourable environments.
and walls in order to determine appropriate
methods of fixing conductors, specifically For example:
with a view to maintaining the weather- a) Lead covered ( 2 mm minimum thickness
tightness of the structure; of coating) strip is most suitable for pro-
10) possible penetration of a waterproofing tection at the top of chimneys. Lead
membrane where earth terminations have sheathing should" be sealed at both ends
to be sited beneath the structure, especially and the sheathing should not be removed
in 'urban' situations and in confined spaces when making joints;
on industrial sites. The same general con-
sideration applies to the 'reference earth b) PVC covering ( 1 rom thickness of coat-
electrode' for use in initial and .periodic ing ) will protect copper, steel and alumini-
testing; um in many environments. Where insulat-
ing coatings or coverings are used, due
11) the provision of holes through the structure, regard should be given to their durability
parapets, cornices, etc, to allow for the and flammability.
free passage of the lightning or down
conductor; 10.S Although in the past it has been common
12) the provision of bonding connections to a practice to use material in the form of strip for
steel frame, reinforcement bars, and other horizontal air terminations, down conductors and
metal; bonds, it may sometimes be more convenient to
13) the most suitable choice of metal for the use rod material, particularly as it facilitates the
conductors taking account of corrosion, making of bends in any plane.
especially at bimetallic contacts;
Internal bonds are permitted to have approxi-
14) the accessibility of testing joints, protection mately half the cross-sectional area of external
by non-metallic casings from mechanical bonds. Flexible bonds may be used.
damage or pilferage, lowering of flagmasts
or other removable objects, facllities "for Stainless steel in contact -with aluminium or
periodic inspection, especially on chimnt}'s; aluminium alloys is 'likely to cause additional
and ;.. ' corrosion to .the.Iaxter materials, _ In these cases it
15) the preparation of a drawing· incorpora- " is importanlto~ take protective measures such as
ting the above details and showing the using inhibitors.

15230•• 1_

8imelillic joint Galveniztd

ItHI roof
Reinforced concrete
structure with perepet. Bonds to
stone coping and ItHlwork
non-conducting roof

concrete structure,
PVC coping with
Bond to metal conducting roof
suspended ceiling

One reinforcing ber shown for claritv

Handrails and
ftinforcing bers

4 JIIj-"~ showing
" 2 Item4

Key : J. Haodrails bond 3. Coping bond

2. Reinfotcio8!bond 4. Noza-ferroua boDcUD, poiDt (built-in)


Table 3 Ibt 01 RecoID.eadeel Material. 101' COlllpOa.eDt Partt

( ClfJIU' 10.1 )

Material Material
Ctutings Aluminium
Aluminium alloy
Leaded lunmetal
Aluminium steel-reinforced
A!Uminium alloy
Galvanized steel
B"rs lind Rods
Fi%ing Bolls. a~d Screws for Copper
Copper, hard drawn or annealed
Phosphor bronze
Copper-cadmiu m
Naval brass
Phosphor bronze
Copper silicon
Naval brass
Copper silicon Fi~ingBolts and Screws for Aluminium and
Aluminium Aluminium AllDJs
Galvanized steel Aluminium alloy
Stainless steel
Galvanized steel
Rivets for aluminium and aluminium alloy
Aluminium and aluminium alloys
Rivets for copper
Stranded or Solid Conductors lnsulatld
Copper, annealed
Aluminium Copper
Galvanized Iteel Aluminium

St,and,d Conductors for Cat'1UJry SJst,ms Flixibl, Condudors

Hard drawn copper and copper cadmium Copper
NOTE - Guidelines on the specific grade or type of each material suitable and their characteristic are under

11 DIMENSIONS are diagramatically shown in Fig. 5 to 27, and

typical designs of various fixings are shown in
11.1 The component parts of lightning protective Fig. 28 to 30.
systems should have dimensions not less than those
given in Tables 4 and 5 except in special case 12.1 Air Terminations
considered in 20.4. In situations where inspection
or repair is likely to be unusually difficult, con- 12.1.1 Basic Rules
sideration should be given to using a size bigger
than the minimum given in Table 4. Air termination networks may consist of vertical
or horizontal conductors or combinations of both
The nearest standard size should be used, provi- ( for example see Fig. 5 to 8 ).
ded that the dimension is not appreciably smaller
than that stated. No part of the roof should be more than 9 m from
12 COMPONENT PARTS the nearest horizontal protective conductor (see
Notes under Fig. 6 ).
12.0 The principal components of a lightning
protective system are: All metallic projections, including reinforcement,
on or above the main surface of the roof which
a) air terminations, are connected, intentionally or fortuitously, to the
b) down conductors, general mass of the earth, should be bonded to,
c) joints and bonds, and form part of, the air termination network
( see Fig. 4, 11 and 12 ).
d) testing joints,
e) earth 'terminations, and Metallic coping, roof coverings, handrails (see 13 )
f) earth electrodes. and window washing equipment and metallic
screens around play areas should be considered
These are dealt with in detail in 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 for inclusion as part of the air termination net-
and 12.4.. Where necessary, the component parts work ( JI' Fig. 4, 10 and 12 ).

18 2309 I 1189

If portions of,~a .structure .vary'>coriaiderably in I~ be 'bonded~lfO· the'~ cOnductors of the taller

height, any necessary air terminations or air tee- ~~i~ns in addition to their own down
mination networks for the lower portions should ':Onducton..

Table 4 Minimu.m Dime••ions Component P....t.

( Ctaus« 11.1 )

Compo_eDt Dlmeulou Area

mm mm l
Air term Inations
Aluminium, copper and galvanized steel .trip 20 X 3 60'00
Aluminium, aluminium alloy or, phosphor bronze 10'0 dia 78'54
and galvanized steel rod.
SUJ/JInd,d coniuclors
Stranded aluminium 19/2'14 70'00
Stranded copper 19/2'14 10'00
Stranded aluminium/steel reinCorced
Stranded galvaDized steel 6/4'72 100'00
Down conductors
Aluminium, copper or galvanized steel strip 20 X 3 60'00
Aluminium, aluminium alloy galvaniz"ed .teel rods 10'0 dia 7S'54
Earth terminations
Hard-drawn copper rods for direct driving into soft 12'0 dia 113'00
Hard-drawn or annealed copper rods for indirect 10'0 dia 78'54
driving or laying under ground
Phosphor bronze Cor hard ground 12'0 dia 113'00
Copper-clad or galvanized steel rods (s" Notes 1 10'0 dia 78'54
. and 2 for hard ground )
Fixed connectionis} in aluminium, aluminium alloy, copper,
galvan~ed steel

Strip 20 X 3 60'00
Rods 10'0 dia 78'54
Strip 20 xI'S 30'00
Rods 6'5 dia 33'00
Strand,d flexibl, conn,ction (bonds)
External, aluminium 560/0'5 70'00
External, annealed copper 990/0'3 70'00
Internal, aluminium 276/0'4 35'00
Internal, annealed copper 1 101/0'2 35'00

1 For copper clad steel rods the core should be of low carbon steel with a tensile streDsth
of approximately 700 N/mm The cladding should be of 99'9 percent electrolytic copper
', core. The radial width of the copper should Dot be lei' than
molecularly bonded to the steel
0'25 mm,
2 Stranded conductors are not normally used Cor dOWD eceduetore or eartha.

Table 5 Mhllm1llll TIaieIua..... 01 Sheet spacing of 18 m is shown, this applies to structures
Metal Vied lor RooSa, without special inherent risk.
( Claus, 11.1 ) Structures with complex geometry

MlDI.a. Thlek. Figures 6, 8 and 13 show the type of building

Mater" I formed by a large rectangular block with several
De. . . .
mm abutting smaller blocks. The main block is pro-
tected by a horizontal air termination consisting
Steel, galvanized
of a peripheral roof conductor, subsidiary roof
S\ainlell ateel 0'4 conductors being used for the abutting buildings
Copper O'S where these are outside the zone of protection of
Aluminium and zinc 0'7
the main structure. The additional structures
shown on the roof of the main block are typical
Lead 2'0 of tank rooms or plant rooms for lifts. These are
outside the protective zone of the main roof con-
NOTE - These figurea are baaed on contemporary
building practice and will be satisfactory where the ductor and are shown individually protected by a
roofa form part of the lightning protecting system. peripheral conductor, in one case, and by a verti-
However, damage by way of puncturing may occur cal conductor on the ftagmast in the other. In the
with a direct arc-connected stroke (SII also 27.2.4 ). latter case, the whole of the additional roof struc-
ture falls within the protective cone of the vertical
12.1.2 Forms ofAir Termination
All elements of the lightning protective system are
In practice, very few of the many forms of struc- to be bonded together as recommended in 12.2.9
ture can be protected by any reasonable arrange- and 12.2.10.
ment of single conductors. Recommendations for
various forms of air termination (see Fig. 4 ). Figure 7 shows two examples of common profiles
Guidance on their application are given for roofs covering large areas. Horizontal air ter-
in to Although, for the sake of minations are shown consisting of ridge conduc-
clarity. down conductors and earth terminations tors bounded at either end by conductors follow-
have been omitted from the figures, it should be ing the roof profiles.
understood that these should be provided as
recommended in this Code, taking account, as Tiled roofs
necessary, of the architectural and structural
features of the structure and of the site conditions. On non-conducting roofs the conductor is placed
under the ridge tiles because of the difficulty of Simple vertical conductor(s) fixing it to the upper side of a tiled surface with-
out impairing its waterproof properties. As it is
Figure 3A shows a simple vertical conductor and the explosion pressure wave associated with a
the zone of protection in plan and elevation. direct lightning strike which lifts roof coverings.
from this point of view it is immaterial whether
Figure 3B shows five vertical conductors with the the conductor is mounted above or below the roof
increased angle of protection available between surface ( see Fig. 14 ).
them. The zones of protection for this arrange-
ment are iliustrated in the general sketch. How- Simple structurt$ with explosive ho;;ords
ever, it must be realised that although in suitable
cases advantage may be taken of the increased Figure 15 shows the type of ,installation primarily
protective zone, there can be no reality about the intended for simple structures with explosive
precise shape of the envelope, since this is only a hazards. It consists of two vertical conductors
.statistical concept. connected by a horizontal catenary wire. The
zone of protection is shown in plan and elevation Hori~ontal conductor(s)for flat roofs and reflects the effect of the sag in the catenary
Figure 30 shows a simple horizontal air termina-
tion consisting of a roof conductor around. the 12.2 Down Conductors
periphery of a rectangular building. The resulting
zone protection is shown in plan and elevation. 12.2.1 General
Figure 5 shows a typical arrangement for a struc- The function of a down conductor is to provide a
ture with a large area of flat roof where 12.1.1 low impedance path from the air termination to
-strengly recommends the employment of a system the earth electrode so that the lightning current
-of horizontal roof conductors, The maximum can be safely conducted to earth.

IS 2309,1919

III EIMtlon ahowln. protlCtive engle

-------- <,
/ -,
I HC \
I \ \
I He I
I I 10m( mad
\ HC
r I
\ I
-- _ _ZP_

(bl Plen showing zone of protection It ground level


(c) General arrangement


............ "


View from B

-Join down conductor. and Ilorizonml

conductors on lower Plfapet.

Section A·A




Perimeter - 24 + 24 + 12 + 12 - 72 m

f.8 DC Number of down conductors required

( see 12.2.3) .. 72/20 0= 4.
12 m


1 An air termination along the outer perimeter of the roof is required and no part should be more than 5 m from
the nearest horizontal conductor, ncept that an additional I m may be allowed fer tach metre by which the part
to be protected i. below the neare.t conductor.
2 Horhontal conductors are not necessary on tbe parapell of the light well; a zone of protection of 60° is provid-
ed by the two adjacent horizontal conductors for .tructures I/'II than 20 m high. This principle dol'S not apply to
.taUer structures.



See 12.1.1

1 If S > 10 + 2 H, additional longitudinal conductors are required 10 that the distance between conductors does not
exceed 10 m,
2 If the length of the roof exceeds 20 m, additional tran8verse' conducfon are required.
3 Down conductors are omitted (or clarity.

. . . .·;1. .

Test joint

I 1 rr
I' I I
I I 10 m I I
IApprox, roof
I I I 16m
19m.20m I 20m
Approx. roof
oC I I
I I mesh 6m. 10m

;----- Metallic guttering DC
Approx. roof
mesh 9 m. 20m

(11 (21 (31

NOTE. The protective angl. provlcllcl bv the riclge conductor in .ech c." Is IS follow.:
figlll'e (1) protective .ngle up to 46 0 : ridge conductor is .ufficient with connection to met.lIic; number of
down cond.uctors • 72/20 • 3.6 IAv 4);
figure (2) protactive'lngle over.46 0; eir te~min.tion mesh (maximum 10 m x 20 ml; ridge end eeves cOncluciors
provide approximate roof mesh 6 m X 10 m; number of down conductors· 40/20·2;
figure (3) .ituation IS for figure (21 but metallic gutters used in li'll of elYe. conductor; numb.r of down concluetors
·64/20· 3.2 (sIV 4).

(e) Air terminatiCln.and down conductors

Conductor, strip,rod
or metallic gutter

Ridge conductor,
11-_--.+--- fixed below tile level
Isee detail)


K.y-Concealed conductors· •• ·0'3 m high bare vertical rods'.

(b) Air terminations below roof covering



0" [ ,,. [ ,,. [

DC 'Om DC 30m



Key - 0'3 m high bare vertical rods .,

NOTE - Where PVC cOYered horizontal air termination conducton are used, bare vertical rods O'S m bilh abould
be fixed at each intersection and at intermediate positions alonl the horizontal conductors spaced no more than
10 m apart [ $11 IO,2(b) ),


NOTE - The air termination network for a tall reinforced concrete or steel framed structure thould be as follow.:
a) Horizontal conductors on roof. form a 10 m x 20 m network;
b) There are bonds to steelwork at comers, 20 m intervals around perlphery.and at.the base oCthe tower, O'S m
above roof level,

____ Bolted joint
connection Z.M8

., .

Beam--....,.._ '. '


.......... .,.....

NOTE - MiDimumdimeDsioDl wheD a metallic roof coveriDg is used as part • the air termiaadoD Detwork are as

follows: '
GalftUited ateel' O'S mm
Copper O'Smm e .
AlumlDium O'7mm
ZiDc O'7uun
Lead 2'0 aim

In practice, depending upon the form of the In brief, the down conductor system must, where
building, it is often necessary to have many down 'practicable, be directly routed from the air termi-
conductors in parallel, some or all of which may nation to the earth termination network, and be
be part of the building structure itself, For symmetrically placed around the outside wallsof
example, a steel framed building might need no the structure starting from the corners, In all
added down conductors, the framework itsctlf cases consideration to side flashing must always
providing an efficient natural network of many be given ( SII 12.2.5 ).
paths to earth; conversely a structure made enti- NOTE - It Ihould be Doted that a Iteel framed struc-
rely from non-condueting materials would need ture built OD a reinforced concrete raft approaches
down conductors· deployed according. to its size the case of a Faraday case. A reinforced concrete
.tructure ilsimilar t6 ••teel framed strocture in that
and form, tbey both provide a multiple 'yltem of down conductor.

.I~I 8 •

d 11 '0 7
9 i 10 l'

f1 n '0'
9 i 10 11

d n v 1
• ... 10

....... -

· ,,~.,

t'I. --r
\, '"

... .... ........
f - ~
. "

-I Air terminal I I Bond to lift shaft
-2 Air terminal base 12 Down conductor
-3 Pot metal filtiog 13 Down conductor fixings
4 Lead covered tape 14 Test clamp
5 Coronal 15 Earth rod
6 Coronal firings 16 Earth rod clamp
7 Haod rail bond 17 Aircraft warnlnglights
8 Bond to R.. I. 18 Connection to common earth
9 Bond to platform 19 Earth strip
10 Bond to ladder
-Alternative bond to a cut iron cap. .' III

182309 • 1989






1 Air tlrmlMI

3 Rod coupling

, W
4 Down conductor
5 Horizontal conductor I
6 TlStjoint -$-- I

7 Earth termination

6;; 6 8 Earth rod •A' clamp @Is
""y, ~I
9 I
: 9

I \
9 Rod housing
1 I \ 1
I \

_I- .... ~ 10 Conductor clip

NOTE. See tlble 1 to. spacings. ,~

Ilr-O a) Chimneys less than 1'5 m diameter b) 60 m brick stack

11 Coronal band
12 Bond to cast iron clP as
alternative to coron81 band (111

at top and 20 m high

All dimension. in metres,

25 .
Air termination bonded A.r termination on roof
to steel reinforcing or
steel frame of building

Down conduc tors ~__ rI._

(In these cases -_-.II I

steel reinforcing -
or steel frame
of building)

Earth termina tion

ring conductor ~
below ground <..J
level to improve " ....... J
~ar thing <, <,

Bonds to lift shaft at

vertical intervals not
exceeding 20 m Ground level

'"*---- Eor th e1ectrode ( see figure 4 )

NOTE - Air termination mesh should be not greater than 10 m X 20 m, Down conductors should be Dot more than 10 m apart.


'" 20 x 3mm STRIP




Design requirements are given below. ' .., . , " Q) For a'structtite having a base area exceed.
12.2.2 Pattern ofDoum Conductors ing 100 m~, the number of down conduc-
. tors should be at' least the smaller of the
Various types of structures, with and without steel. ' following:
frames are illustrated in Fig. 16. Explanatory notes . . '
are given below: 1) one plus an additional one for each
300 m l , or a part thereof, in excess of
Figure 16(a) represents a steel framed building. the first 100 m l ; and
No added down conductors are, therefore,
required but earthing is essential in accord- 2) one for each 30 m of perimeter of the
ance with this code. structure protected.
Figure 16(b) shows a down conductor pattern 12.2.4 Tall Structures Presenting Inspection Difficulties
where on' the 'North,' East and South sides, For tall structures, where testing and inspection
the upper floors are cantilevered. could be difficult, consideration should be given
Figure 16(c) illustrates a pattern where a ball- to providing a means for the testing of continuity
room and/or swimming pool and terrace might in the system. At least two down conductors win
be situated on the South and West sides. be "required for such tests ( see Fig. 12 ).
Figures 16(d), 16(e), 16(£) and 16(g) are of
such shape as to permit all down conductors to 12.'2.5 Routing
be on the outside walls; care should be taken A down conductor should follow the most
to avoid entrance and exit areas by a ppropriate direct path possible between the air terminal
choice of down conductor spacing taking network and • the earth termination network.
account of the need to avoid dangerous voltage Where more than one down conductor is used,
gradients along the ground surface (see als» the conductors should be arranged as evenly as
21.5 and Fig. 17 ). practicable around the outside walls of the struc-
12.2.3 Recommlnd,d Number ture ( see Fig. 16 ).
The position and spacing of down conductors on In deciding the route, taking account of the above,
large structures is often governed by architectural the possibility should be considered of incorporat-
convenience, however, recommendations for their ing structural steelwork. such as, stanchions,
number are given below: reinforcement, and any continuous and perrnan-
a) A structure having a base area not exceed- ent metal parts of the structure suitably disposed
Ing 100 m B need have only one down for purposes of acting as a down conductor.
conductor, except when built on bare rock The walls of light wells may be used for fixing
where specialist advice should 'be sought, or down conductors but it is strongly advised that
where access for testing is difficult. ' lift shafts should not be used for this purpose.
IS 2309,1.

r---.... Suspended air conductor ~

Mast 2 m(mln.)SI. notes 1and 2

Protected bUilding
2m(min.) 2m(mln.)
Sle note 1 ,"note1
'" I

~EQrth IllCtrodo~
(II EllVltion

o I
SUSptndtd/ Protected build ing
air conductor I
. .' 'I... -;L .L-.I'IC.<~ '>(' }t"
""...L' - ~ -- -~--><
"'. ./
(bl PlI"
- -'" '- - ./'

Kay ZO"I of protICtlon It """

Zone of protection It mulmum ...

of llrill conductor

(c) Zone of protection

1 To prevent ftuhover between maat/conductor and protected building, the minimum clearance dialance haa to
be 2 m or al,overned by 12.5.2, whichever il the ,reater.
2 This clearance haa to be aa above UDder maximum lag conditioDl, i.e. snow and ice on the aerial conductor.


18 2309 • 1989

• • • •
• • • • • • •
• • • • •
• •
• •
• • •
• • • • •
• • •
• • •

• • •

• •
r=s. :cv 191. •

1 The down conductors may be natural (parts or the building framework) or added strip or rod on exterear
faces (SII 11.2.2).
2 On structures exceeding 20 m in height, down conductors should be spaced at not more than 10m apart


18 2309 • 1989

I Key
V. Potentl.1 of .ltth'. IUrfect with
v.~ respect to remo~ tlrth
V. Sttp volt.
E EII'th ttrmln.t1on tlletrodt
Without grading] J IS Nott Iqwtr V.
of potential ----. Vs I 1.--- with grlding
control rings
/ ... ~V•

-- -- -

Insulated sheath to prevent
humon contact w',th structure
Five mesh rings bonded
to earth electrode

Ring electrodes of different
diameter and depth buried -,
In ground for contro!ling
ground voltage gradient -, \
"\ \
\ , I


/ / I
,// / /
/ /
-- /"


41l1.5m to 4.511I

depending on location

18 2309 J 1989

12.2,6 Us, tJjR,iriforelm,nt i" Coner,', Struetur" conductors to prestressed concrete columns, beam.
or braces.
Details should be decided at the design stage,
before building construction begins [ ", 9.0.2 (e) Precast concrete memhers
( 12 ) j,
In the case of precast reinforced concrete columns, El,etrical continuity beams or braces, the reinforcement may be used
as a conductor if the individual elements of rein-
The mptal bars of a reinforced concrete structure forcement are bonded together and electrical
cast in-situ are occasionally welded, thus provid- continuity is ensured.
ing definite electrical continuity. More frequently,
however, they are tied together by metal binding
wire at crossing points but, despite the fortuitous
12.2.7 Ext,rnal Rouus not Available
nature of the metallic connection, the very large Where the provision of suitable external routes
number of bars and crossing points of such a for down conductors is impracticable or inadvi-
construction assures a substantial sub-division of sable, for example in buildings of cantilever cons-
the total lightning current into a multiplicity of truction from the first floor upwards, down
parallel discharge paths. Experience shows that conductors should not follow the outside contours
such a construction can be readily utilised as part of the building. To do so would create a hazard
of the lightning protective system. to persons standing under the overhang. In such
cases down conductors may be housed in an air
The following precautions are, however, recom- 8pac~ provided by a non-metallic non-combustible
mended: internal duct and taken straight down to
a) Good contact between reinforcing bars to ground ( see Fig. 18 ).
be ensured by fixing the bars with tying
wire, and Any suitable covered recess not smaller than 76
mm X 13 mm or any suitable vertical service
b) Ties should be provided for both vertical duct running the full height of the building may
to vertical bars and horizontal to vertical be used for this purpose provided it does not
bars. contain an unarmoured or non-metal-sheathed
service cable. El,ctrolytic corrosion - Under considera-
In cases where an unrestricted duct is used, seals Prestressed concrete member» at each floor level may be required for fire pro-
tection. As far as possible, access to the interior
I t is not permitted to connect lightning protection of the duct should be available.

Cross - sectional areanot

less than 16 mm • 13 mm

NOTE - The DOD-combustible duct should have a two-hour fire ratlnl_


18 2309 I 1989

12.2.8 Sharp BInds and R,-",eranl Loops should have a erosi sectional area not leIS than
that employed for the main conductors. On the
Practical reasons do not always allow the most other hand. internal metal is not nearly so
direct route to be followed. Whilst sharp bends, vulnerable and itl associated bonds are, at most,
such as arise at the edge of a roof are permissible, only likely to carry a proportion of the total
re-entrant loops in a conductor can produce high lightning current, apart from their function of
inductive voltage drops so that the lightning equalizing potentials. These latter bonds may,
discharge may jump across the open side of the therefore, be smaller in cross-sectional area than
Ioop. As a rough guide, this risk may arise when those used for main conductors.
the length of the conductor forming the loop
exceeds 8 times the width of the open side of the Provision for bonding ojfutu" ,quipm,nt
loop ( see Fig. 19 ).
In all buildings, at each floor level, provision
When large re-entrant loops as defined cannot be should be made for bonding future machinery or
avoided, such as in the case of some cornices or equipment to the lightning protective system,
parapets, the conductor should be arranged in such as by connection to metallic gas, water,
such a way that the distance across the open side drainage or similar services. Structures supporting
of a loop complies with the rule quoted. Alternati- overhead electric supply, telephone and other
vely, such cornices or parapets should be provided lines must not be bonded to a lightning protec-
with holes through which the conductor can pass tive system without the permission of the appro-
freely. priate authority.

12.2.9 Bonding to Prevent Side-Flashing Joints

Any metal in or forming part of the structure on Any joint other than welded represents a discon-
any building services having metallic parts which tinuity in the current conducting system and is
by design or fortuitously are in contact with the susceptible to variation and failure. Accordingly,
general mass of the earth should be either the lightning protective system should have as
isolated from or bonded to the 'down conductor few joints as possible.
( see 12.5 ).
Joints should be mechanically and electrically
The same general recommendation applies to all effective, for example clamped, screwed, bolted,
exposed large metal items whether connected to crimped, riveted or welded. With overlapping
earth or not. (In this context a large item is joints, the length of the overlap should not be
considered as one having any single dimension less than 20 mm for all types of conductors. Con-
greater than 2 m. ) Minor items such as door tact surfaces should first be cleaned, then inhibited
hinges, metal gutter brackets, reinforcement of from oxidation with a suitable non-corrosive
small isolated beams may be disregarded. compound. Joints of dissimilar metals should be
protected against corrosion or erosion from the
12.2.10 Bonds elements or the environment and should present
an adequate contact area ( se« also Fig. 20, 21 and General 22 ).
Most parts of a lightning protective system are 12.2.11 T,sl Points
specifically designed to "fit into an overall plan.
Bonds, however, have to join a variety of metallic
'Parts of different shapes and composition and Each down conductor should be provided with a
cannot, therefore, be of standard form. Because of test clamp in such a position that, whilst not invit-
their varied use, there is the constant problem of ing unauthorized interference, it is convenient for
corrosion and careful attention must be given to use when testing.
the metals involved, that is metal from which the
bond is made and those of the items being
12.3 Earth TermiaatioD Network
12.3.1 Resistanc« To Earth. Mechanical and electrical requirements An earth electrode should be connected to each
A bond must be mechanically and electrically down conductor. Each of these earths should have
effective and protected from corrosion in and a resistance not exceeding the product given by
erosion by the operating environment. 10 a multiplied by the numbre of earth electrodes
to be provided, The whole of the lightning pro-
External metal on. or forming part of, a structure tective system, including any ring earth, should
may have to discharge the full lightning current have a combined resistance to earta not exceeding
and its bond to the lightning protective system 10 a without taking account of any bonding.

IS 2309 •1989

8d IIlQximum Exceeding 8d

lal Permissible arrangement lbl Arrangement that is not permissible


leI Permissible method of taking conductor Idl Routes for down condectorsin a building
1hrough a parapet well with cantilevered upper floors

FlO. 19 RB-ENTRANT Loops

IS 2309 I 1989

0++ ++j + ,II 1 I I,

\ 1+ + + + +i
:+ +,,
:+ +: I The Itripa should be drilled at centres shown in the-
2 The 'mating' surfacea should be effectively wire
brushed ( using a separate brush for each metal) and
treated with an inhibitor.
3 The strips should then be joined uling riveu.
4 Protection of the joint can be provided by either:
a) solvent cutback, thixotropic corrorion preventa-
tive, forming a film or relment matt petroleum.
wax; or
b) Fast drying durable rubberized coating aprayed,
al an aer08ol.
NOTE - AU riveted Joints should be prepared and
made in accordance with ( III Fig. 21 and 22
(or protection ofjointl. )

The resistance to earth after the completion of
bonding should be noted and used in all subse-
quent testing ( see 12.3.4 and 24 ).
If the value obtained for the whole of the lightn-
ing protective systems exceeds 10 0, a reduction DRILLING PATTERN
can be achieved by extending or adding to the
electrodes or by interconnecting the individual
earth terminations of the down conductors by a
conductor installed below ground, sometimes
referred to as a ring conductor ( see Fig. 13).
Buried ring conductors laid in the manner descri-
bed above are considered to be an integral part
of the earth termination network and should be
taken into account when assessing the overall
value of resistance to earth 'of the installation.
12',3.2 Importance oj Reducing Resistance to Earth a) The aluminiun and copper tape' should be drilled
A reduction of the resistance to earth to a value aashown in sketch above.
below 100 has the advantage of further reducing b) The mating surface of the aluminium tape should
the potential gradient around the earth electrodes be pretinned for a length of 200 mm,
when discharging lightning current. It also further NOTE - A luitable method haa been found to use
reduces the risk of side-flashing to metal in or on FrY'1 Alea 'Z' solder and Kynal Flux or Grey and
a structure ( see 12.2.9 ). Martin'l Amalgam A.L4 Solder and Kynal Flux,
all lurplus flux mUlt be removed with warm water.
12.3.3 Common Networkjor All Services
c) The mating surface of the copper tape should be·
A common earth termination network is recom- pretinned with a lead/tin lolder and all lurface flux
mended for the lightning protective system and removed.
all other services. It should be in accordance with d) The tapea shculd be joined uling 5 off riveu, and
the recommendations of this code and should also the joint reheated and solder fed from the top until
comply with any regulations applicable to the any spacel are filled; and normallead/dn sclder il"
auitable (or filling.
services concerned. The resistance to earth
should, in this case, be the lowest value required e) The joint Ihould be wrapped for a length of 250 mm.
with 25 mm wide SPR t a p e . ' "
for any of the individual services (see IS 3043 :

18 2309 t 1989
.12.3.4 Isolation ofEarth Electrodes for r,sting' Earth electrode seal for use within a tank
.Earth electrodes should be capable of being isola-
ted and a reference earth point should be provi- When earth terminations in built-up areas pass
-ded for testing purposes. through a tank structure, a seal similar to that
shown in Fig. 23 should be used.
12.3.5 Structures on Rock
12.4.3 Earth Rods
-A str'l.cture standing on rock should be provided
with a ring conductor following the contour of Location
the ground. If there is eartb cover, it should be
-used, The ring should be installed under the When earth rods are used, they should be driven
foundation of a new structure. If there are objec- into the ground beneath. or as close as practicable
tions to these recommendations, then at least two to, the structure and down conductor. The prac-
-strip electrodes should be used or an earth termi- tice of siting terminations 2·5 m to 3 m away from
nation can usually be obtained by rock drilling the building is unnecessary and uneconomical
.and backfilling the hole with a conducting ( see Fig. 24). Where ground conditions are
.material before driving the rods. The diameter favourable for the use of rods in parallel, the
-of the hole should be not less than 7., mm. Coke reduction in earth resistance is small when the
breeze or fly ash should not be used as backfilling separation between the rods becomes less than
material because of their corrosive nature. The their driven length.
-value of 10 a for the resistance to earth is not Electrical measurements during installation
applicable in this case.
During the driving of the rods it is advisable to
12.3.6 Railway Tracks take measurements of the resistance to earth. By
so doing, an indication will be given of conditions
The earthing of rails should be carried out at: under which it is highly unlikely that any further
reduction in resistance will be obtained even if a
a) the point of entry to, or from the structure;
greater length of rod is driven into the ground.
b) 75 m beyond the point of entry or exit in
either direction, that is internally if it is Connections and indicating plotes
an underground structure or externally if
above ground; The connection between the down conductor and
the rod should be accessible above ground or, if
c) 150 m beyond the point of entry to, or below ground, within an inspection box.
exit from, the structure in the case of
above ground lines; and Plates indicating the position and number of elec-
d) every 75 m in underground installations. trodes should be fitted above each test point.
'The same criteria would apply to surface lines on 12.4.4 Strips
'which a travelling crane or hoist was being used. Position andform
12.3.7 Further explanatory notes are given in 27.
When strips are used, they may be buried be-
12.4 Earth Electrode. neath structure or laid in trenches at depths
unlikely to be affected by seasonal drying out or
'12.4.1 General agricultural operations ( see Fig. 24 ).
Before proceeding with a design, a decision on Strips should be disposed radially from the point
"the form of earth electrode most suited to the of connection with a down conductor, the num-
'Physical nature of the soil as revealed by trial bers and lengths of strip required being as found
bore holes is necessary. necessary to give the desired resistance to earth.
.Earth electrodes should consist of metal rods, If space restrictions demand the use of a parallel
tubes or strips, or a combination of these. or grid formation of strips, the layout should be
as in Fig. 24 where the distance between parallel
J2.4.2 Ground Conditions strips should not be less than 3 m.
Where earth rods are used, they should, except in Corrosion
.rock ( s" 12.5.5 ), be driven into virgin ground,
not made-up or backfilled or where the ground is Because of the harmful corrosion which is likely
.likely to dry out, seasonally, or due to heat from to result. coke breeze should not be allowed to
boilers or plant. Coke breeze or fly ash should not come in contact with copper electrodes and salt-
be used as backfilling material because of their ing of the ground in the vicinity of any earth
-corrosive nature. electrode should not be practised.

IS 2509 t 1989

. I)'
, D .','.
to ." ..
, ,0 o <1.

~ " .

. .' ' '
.--. ()
'~'o '
. 0',,6
, ,

. , ,I

/l. .D·
II • D ',0

., ..o, , 0"
, ......,: o
I I • 0

, ,~

.0 , ,
, , '. 0 . :
. () "
• " • I ~~
• , (J , • I " ~. •• ;

.0 0.
A,phalt / -'-"I, ...._.LL.;.--'-! ~$phQlt


o ~. fJ
. O' (> .0


182909 .1989

Strip (

Test joint in External down II
.; down- conductor conductor ----~~I.I
Test Joint -----o(Jl
Building line II

Rod electrode --.~,-",-.v

Plan I"anlllmint for lingllitrip

billCtld by down conductor SectiOn Ind ,llvation of Itructure

Extend QS necessQry

I Parallel electrode---..
..J. - - - I

'3m min :-.3m min. <';ingle electrode _ ....IE41....--0own conductor
-+ - - -t----HF- I
_ L __ Parallel electrode___


Plan arrangement of strips In parallel Plan arrangement

(continuous heaYy line) or grid formation
(broken line)

a) Strip electrodes b) Single or multiple rod electrodes

I When it is necessary for part of an earth termination network to pass near or under a road or pathway, it should
be buried not leu thin 0'6 m below ground level.
2 The electrical potential at ground level can be reduced by burying the rod or strip deeper.


IS 2309 a 1981

12.5 Metal fa or 00 a Structure ExtJmple ofcalculation

12.5.1 General An example is given below of the calculation
necessary to decide whether to bond metalwork.
When a lightning protective system is struck, its to a lightning protective system:
electrical potential with respect to earth is raised
and, unless suitable precautions are taken, the Gioen - A cast steel down-pipe is positioned
discharge may seek alternative paths to earth by 2 m from the down conductor of the lightning
side-flashing to other metal in the structure. protective system fitted to a block of flats 15 m
high situated in a region of high lightning
There are two different ways of preventing side- activity, having 1'2 flashesjkm1/year. The
flashing, namely: block of flats is 40 m X 20 m on plan.
a) isolation, and Assumptions - Assume that the acceptable risk;
b) bonding-. Po, is 1 X 10-5, that the resistance of the
earth termination will be 10 {) and that the
Isolation requires large clearances between the number of down conductors is four.
lightning protective sy-stem and other metal in the
structure. Its main drawbacks lie in the difficulty Question - Should the down-pipe, which has a
of obtaining and maintaining the necessary safe maximum height of 12 m, be bonded to the
clearances and in ensuring that isolated metal has lightning protective system?
no connection with the ground, such as through
water or other services. Procedure - The plan...of, the collection area.
follows: L = 40 m, W·= 20 m and H ~ 15 m.
In general, isolation can only be practised in
small dwelling houses and bonding is, therefore, Collection area A
the more commonly used method. ·
-(L·X W)+2 (Lx,H)+2(WXH)+7C.H2.
12.5.2 Isolation ; . _.'1) Estimation of .: clearances to. preuen; ~ side- =(40X 20)+2(40 X 15)+2(20 X 15) +nX 15t ..
flashing -=800+ 1 200+600+ 707
a) General - The .necessary clearance to pre- 3 307 m~ (say: 3 300 tnt) •••(2)
j ;,,; - " ( ..' , •

vent side-fle,l~~ing depends upon the voltage

sustained by thelightning protective system Probability ofbeing struck, P I"

~, '.,

with respect to earth, which in turn .=:: 1'2 x 3 300 X 10~8/year .... (3)
depends upon the strength of the current
in the lightning flash, .The procedure is -=3'96 x 10- 8 (say 4 X 10- 8
given in (b), (c) and (d) below. . ' or once in 250 years) ••.(4)
b) Determinationofcurrent - To determine the Acceptable risk, Po - .This has been given as.
current in the lightning flash, the following 1 X 10-5 •
steps should be taken:
Which current to use ( see Fig. 25 ).
1) Estimate P - The risk of the structure
being struck ( see 8.1.2 ). P/Po=(4x liO-S)/l X 10- 6=4 X lOI=400A ... (5)-
2) Divide the estimated risk, P, by the
Because P is greater than 100 Po ,- assume that the
acceptable risk, Po ( see 8.1.3 ).
maximum lightning current ot 200 kA will be
3) Decide from Fig. 25 the maximum achieved. (For small values of POI the current
current likely to occur. will be 100 IOglO PIPo as shown plotted in
Fig. 25. )
c) Voltage sustained by lightning protective sys-
tem - This has two components: the pro- Voltage between lightning protective system and earthed
duct of the current and the resistance to down-pipe at IJ height of 12 m
earth and the product of the rate of change
of current and the inductance of the down •..(6).
conductor. In the worst case, the simple
addition of these two products gives the where
voltage which should then be used in cal-
culations. Vne is the voltage drop due to the resistance··
to earth, and 'If,
d) Flashover distance/voltage - Refer to Fig. 26
and read off the flashover voltage against VL is the voltage drop due to the inductance-
the spacing. of the down conductor.
:18 2309 I It89

There are four down conductors and, assuming c) A reinforced concrete structure or a rein-
that the current is divided equally among them, forced concrete framed structure may have
ehen the effective current is 200/4 == 50 kA in sufficiently low inherent resistance to earth
-each conductor. to provide protection against lightning and,
if connections are brought out from the
VBe = 50 x 10 == 500 kV .•,(7) reinforcement at their highest points during
construction a test may be made to verify
VL == rate of change of current (kAI p.s ) this on completion of the structure i see
( see Note 1 ) X height ( m ) of down.. Fig. 4 ).
pipe X inductance of down conductor
in p,H/m ( see Note 2 ). If the resistance to earth of the steel frame
of the structure of the reinforcement of a
reinforced concrete structure is found to be
NOTES satisfactory, a horizontal air termination
should be installed at the top and bonded
1 For a typical wavefront, the maximum rate of
change of strike current is roughly 0'6 X Ipeak, so that to the steel frame or to the reinforcement
for a current of 50 kA the rate of change of current ( in the particular case of water cooling
== 30 kAlil'S == 3 X 1010 A/s, towers, it is not normal to fit an air
termination. Where regular inspection is
2 The inductance of a typical down conductor is taken not possible, it is recommended that a
as t·5I1oH/m.
corrosion resistant materia I be used for
bonding to the steel or to the reinforcement
VL ::II ( rate of change of current) X (length
and that this be brought out for connection
of conductor) X (p,H/m) kV to the air termination. Down conductors
- 30 X 12 X 1'5 and earth terminations should, of course,
be provided if the .inherent resistance of
- 540 kV ,.. (8) the structure is found to be unsatisfactory
when tested ( see 12.3.1 ).
Therefore VB e + VL == 500 + 540 = 1 040 kV d) Where metal exists in a structure and it
••.(9) cannot be bonded into a continuous con-
ducting network, and which is not or
FI ashooe« distance - Look up the flashover dis- .cannot be equipped with external earthing
tance for the above voltage in Fig, 26. This dis- connections, its presence should be disre-
tance is found; to be 2'2 m and, therefore, because garded. The danger inseparable from the
the physical clearance is only 2 m, bonding should presence of such metal can be minimized
be employed. I by keeping it entirely isolated from the
lightning protective system; due considera-
12.5.3 Conditions Where Bonding is Needed tion must be given to the recommendations
of 12.5.
In bonding adjacent metalwork to the \lightning e) Whrre the roof structure is wholly or partly
protective system, careful consideration should covered by metal, care should be taken
always be given to the possible effects such bond- that such metal is provided with a conti-
ing might have upon metalwork which has been nuous conducting path to earth.
cathodically protected. The following points
should be taken into account: f) In any structure, metal which is attached
to the outer surface or .projects through a
a) Where a structure contains electrically wall or roof and has insufficient clearance
continuous metal (for example a roof, wall, from the lightning protective system, and
floor, metal cladding or curtain walling), is unsuitable for use as part of it, should
this metal may be used as a component of preferably be bonded as directly as possible
the lightning protective system provided to the lightning protective system. If the
that the amount and arrangement of the metal runs close to an air termination
metal render it suitable for use as recom- network, for example water mains to
mended in 12.1 to 12.4. ' storage tanks on roofs, cables, pipes,
gutters, rainwater pipes, stairways, and
b) Where a structure is simply a continuous runs approximately parallel to a down
metal frame, it requires no air termination conductor or bond, it should be bonded at
or down conductor. It is sufficient to each end, but not below the test point. If
ensure that the conducting path is electri- the metal is in discontinuous lengths, each
cally and mechanically continuous and portion should be bonded to the lightning
that the requirements of the code in respect protective system; alternatively, where the
of the connection to the general mass of clearances permit, the presence of the
the earth are met. metal may be disregarded.


180 ~
160 V
- V
~ /
+- ....-=c
c: J:;
...• .2'
:J 100 /
u V~
.. ~ ~
+- V
,9' /
-J 60
40 /

1 10 100 1000

p (prObability of being struck )

Po Acceptable risk

11.2381 ,1'1t .
10000 r,'
" '


'lilt., v~
1000 ~
.¥ V
E ~~
41 /V
(; V
. .1:.
Vt /
...... 100 ,/


0.01 0.1 1.0 10
Spacing (in m)



g) MusCi of metal: in a building, such as a No precise recommendations can be made

bell-frame in a church tower, all clamped because of the large variation in system
apparatus, equipment, which is connected designs. However, it should be noted that
to, or in contact with the mains water or problems may arise where pipes/cables are
electrical supplies, and/or which is itself protected with thermal or electrical insula-
earthed, if only by reason of the relevant tion. In such cases bonding should be
code for electrical installations ( see IS 732 : made to the nearest point where the
1989) should be bonded to the nearest metallic part of the pipe/cable becomes
down conductor by the most direct route exposed. The bond should then be taken
available. by as direct a route as practicable to the
lightning earth outside the building.
h) Metal entering or leaving a structure in
the form of sheathing, armouring or piping This is more likely to apply in an insulated
for electric, gas, water, rain, steam, com- building to which the services are connect-
pressed air, or any other service should be ed. However, where the building is
bonded as directly as possible to the earth surrounded by steel-work carrying an
termination. This should be done near to interconnected array of pipework, this in
the point at which the service enters or itself may well be a suitable point to which
leaves the structure. the earth connection should be made.
18'2S09 t 1"919

On the question of electricity suppUes, the IS CORROIION

advent oCCNE (Combined NeutraJ Earth,) 13.1 G.aawal
cables introduces problema whereby a fault Where corrosion due to atmospheric, chemical,.
in the neutral could result in the load electrolytic, or other causes is likely to impair
current returning by way of the earth any part of the lightning protective system,
electrode. This would endanger anyone suitable precautions should be taken to prevent.
breaking the earth electrode circuit to its occurrence.
make test measurements.
13.2 Electrolytic Cono.loa Between 01..1·
A typical system is shown in Fig. 27. mllar Metal.
The contact of dissimilar metals, unless the con-
As a general rule, each system should be tact surfaces are kept completely dry and pro-
assessed on its merits and discussed with tected against the ingress of moisture, is likely to
the authorities concerned. initiate and accelerate corrosion.
Dissimilar metal contacts can exist where a con-
j) Lift installation metalwork, together with ductor is held by fixing devices or against
all extended metal components on the external metal surfaces. Corrosion can arise also
inside and outside of a lift shaft, including where water passing over one metal comes into
ladders and handrails, must be bonded to contact with another. Run-off water from copper,
the lightning conductor and to adjacent alloys, and lead can attack aluminium alloys
structural steel work ( the steel frame or and zinc. The metal of the lightning protective
reinforcement ), not only at the top and system should be compatible with the metal or
bottom of the lift shaft but at regular metals used externally on the structure over
vertical intervals not exceeding 15 m ( SII which the system passes or with which it may
Fig. 13 ). make contact.

Static protection
External down
conductor --- -aJ~....-i

For CQvity walls

provide sealed tube-

Test joint

Earth termination
/ ' I -;- (r/...r
...- ---. -+ ..,.. ...... .".
: l- - "":::" . /
Electricity cable ") '-.' -'; 1"-./ ./".1
...- ~/(l .... "'il/"

/ .... ./


~.) Ib)





1 Lightning conductor fixings should be purpose-made for each size ofstrip; dimension II in figure (e) should be
equal to the thickneu of the strip and b should be equal to the width plu. 1'3 mm (for expanaion). Conductors of
circular .ection .hould besimilarly treated.
:2 All fixings .hould be .ecurely attached to the structure; mortar joint. should not be used.


15 2309 .:1989

13.3 Chemlcal' eo....o.loD of Alam.bdam off lurfaces, being abl~. to reach the con-
Near Portlaad OemeDt, Mortar Mise., etc ductor and run down ".. It.
For a variety of reasons, aluminium is prone to d) Where the above requirements, cannot be .
corrosion when in contact with Portland cement satisfied, the conductor should be protec- .
and mortar mixes. For guidance on how to avoid ted as recommended in 10 and considera-
this problem, the following recommendations on tion given to increasing its section.
installation techniques are made:
a) Aluminium conductors should always 13.4 Chemical CorrolioD of ~pper
stand off from any surface, particularly
horizontal ones. This should avoid the Although copper is highly resistant to many types-
conductors lying in water or being held in of chemical attack, lead coating is recommended
contact with corrosive materials, such as where it is subject to severe corrosion from
old mortar, etc. Suitable fixings are shown sulphur compounds. This is particularly the case
in Fig. 29. where the location is inaccessible, for example
b) Conductors should not be positioned where at the tops of chimneys. The coating should be
they could become covered with debris, applied over the whole area likely to be under
such as leaves, etc, or buried by soil. This corrosive attack and should not be removed at
should avoid the 'poultice problem' where joints. Insulating coatings which are not perma-
any electrolyte tends to be held in conti- nent or which are flammable are inadvisable.
nuous contact with the conductor. Fittings should be resistant to the corrosive-
agencies or be otherwise suitably protected.
c) The design of the clearing system should Joints and bonds may be protected with bitumen
incorporate some form of drip-ring. This or embedded in plastic compound according to-
should help to prevent electrolyte, running the local conditions ( SI' also 10 and 12.2.4 ).

NOTE. - Corrosion inhibitor to be used on all joints and bonds.

Flo.29 TBST JOlltTl -



IS 2389 ,'J989


14 STRUCTURES EXCEEDING 30 m IN protective systems (or these structures are prefer-

HEIGHT ably dealt with by specialists conversant with any
relevant Statutory Regulations and codes of
14.1 Non-conductlol Structares practice.
On a non-conducting structure, for example. a
church spire, other than those chimneys which An acceptable risk may be present when the
are very high compared with their breadth, a quantity of dangerous material is strictly limited,
single down conductor is adequate provided that as in a laboratory or small store, or where the
the air termination gives the desired zone of structure is sited in an isolated position or specifi-
protecti on. cally designed to restrict the effects of a catas-
trophe. Circumstances may also arise in which
A non-conducting chimney of which the overall the dangerous materials are not exposed but are
width of the top exceeds 1'5 m should have at completely encased in metal of an adequate
least two equally-spaced down. conductors, bon- thickness. Under these conditions, lightning
ded by a metal cap or by a conductor around the protection may not be required at all, In other
top of the chimney ( se« Fig. 12). situations, the risk to life and property may be so
patently obvious that the provision of every means
14.2 ConductiDI Structure.
possible for protection from the consequences of a
The recommendations in the second paragraph lightning discharge is essential. Accordingly,
of J 2.5.3 (c) are equally applicable to taU con- recommendations for such cases are set out in
ducting structures but, where down conductors this clause and are applicable to structures in
are needed, not less than two should be Installed which explosive or highly-flammable solids,
and these should be spaced at not more than 15 m liquids, gases, vapours, or dusts are manufactured,
apart around the perimeter. stored or used, or in which highly-flammable or
explosive gases, vapours or dusts may accumulate.
14.3 All Types of Structure
Both non-conducting and conducting structures 16.2 Protective Methods
which are supported by stay-wires should be 16.2.1 S"sp,nd~d Air Terminations
dealt with as described in 14.1 and 14.2 but, in An air termination network should be suspended
addition, the upper ends of the stay-wires should at an adequate height above the area to be
be bonded to the lightning protective system and protected. If one horizontal conductor only is
the lower ends earthed. used, the protective angle adopted should not
14.4 Further guidance can be had from 27.2. exceed 300 ( se« Fig. 15 ). If two or more parallel
horizontal conductors are installed, the protective
15 STRUCTURES WITH ROOFS OF HIGH angle to be applied may be as much as 45 0 within
FLAMMABILITY the space bounded by those conductors, but it
should not exceed 30° outside that space (see
15.1 Air TermiDatioDs
Fig. 31 ). The heights of the horizontal con-
On structures having roofs of straw, reed, grass, ductor{s) should be chosen according to the
or other highly combustible material. a suspended recommendations of 12.5.2; in cases of doubt,
air termination with a clearance of at least O' 3 m expert advice should be sought. The supports of
to the roof may be suspended from non-conduct- the network should be adequately earthed.
ing and non-combustible supports or, alterna-
tively, the air termination conductor may be Alternatively, where the expense of the preceding
laid on a hardwood strip 75 mm wide. Where method would be unjustified, and where no risk
wire netting is used to protect thatch and would be involved in discharging the lightning
similarly-constructed roofs against wind and current over the surface of the structure to be
birds, it should not form part of the lightning protected, either of the following arrangements
protective system. would be suitable:
a) A suspended air termination as shown in
15.2 Conductors and BODd. Fig. 28, but where protection angles are
Conductors or bonds which unavoidably penetrate deemed to be 45 0 instead of 300 ~ and 600
the roofing material should be taken through non- instead of 45 0 •
conducting and non-combustible sleeves. b) A network of horizontal conductors with a
mesh between 3 m and 7'5 m, according to
16 BUILDINGS WITH EXPLOSIVE OR the risk, should be fixeci to the roof of the
HIGHLY FLAMMABLE CONTENTS structure ( se' Fig. 32). ~;.
16.1 General NOTE - Each leparate Itructure .protected in this
alternative way .bould be equipped with twice the
Problems arising in the provision of lightning number or down CODductOfl recomm.Dded in 12.4.

I' 230' .19.
Suspended air termination

See note 2

See;.note 2 -Mot~ 14-4"'-- See note 2

Protected building

~ Earth electrode--------------:
III Elevltion

Suspended air termination

Protected building

- Suspended air termination

Cbl Plln

Zonesof protectio" It mast

___ x - - Zon.. of protection It

maximumIIlI of


Ie) e"d elevatio" showi"9zonesof protection

1 Where two or more luapended horizontal ceeduceora are employed, a protective angle or 45° may be used in the
Ipace bounded by tbe conducton. Elsewhere the protective angle il limited to 30°.
2 To prevene i1alhover between male/conductor and protected building, the minimum clearance distance has to
be 2 m or al governed by 15.5.2, whichever is the greater. Thil cleatance b.. to be .. above under maximum sag
conditions, i.e. Inowand ice on aerial conductor.
,IS 2309 I 19.

Roof conductor.. ~oofmesh


1 The horizontal conductor mesh size shou'ld be 5 m X 10 m or smaller, according to the risk.
2 For clarity down conductors are omitted.
• Represents a bond to roof steelwork.

16.2.2 Vertical Conductors account when determining the risk of flashover

from the protective system to the structure to be
A structure or a group of structures of small protected, including its services. Where the depth
horizontal dimensions may be protected by one or of burying is adequate, the air termination
more vertical lightning conductors. If one lightn- network may be replaced by a network of ear-
mg conductor is used, the protective angle thing strips arranged on the surface in accordance
adopted should not exceed 30°. If two or more with expert advice. Where this method is adopted,
lightning conductors are installed, the protective the bonding recommendations (St8 16.2.4, 16.2.5
angle to be used may be 45° within the space and 16.2.6) for metal in, or metal conductors
bounded by the conductors, but it must not entering the structure, should be ignored.
exceed 30° outside that space. Examples of this
method of protection are illustrated in Fig. 33.
16.2.4 Ring Conductors
J6.2.3 Partially Buried orBuried StrucluTlS
The earth terminations of each lightning pro- A structure which is partially buried or tective system should be interconnected by a ring
mounded would be protected in a similar manner conductor. This ring conductor should preferably
to a structure standing above ground. be buried to a depth of at least 0'5 m unless other A structure which is wholly below considerations, such as the need for bonding other
objects to it or testing, make it desirable to leave
ground and which is not connected to any service it exposed. The ring conductor should be connec-
above ground can be protected by an air termina-
ted to the ring conductors of the neighbouring
tion network as in, complete with its structures. ..
earth termination network. The impulse break-
down strength of the soil can be taken ioto 16.2.5 ,Mltal o. or ;. tM Sltwtvr,

.s 2309 • 19&t All major metal forming part of the service and bonded directly to the lightning
'Structure. including continuous metal reinforce- protective system (Sll Fig. 27 ). The agreement
ment and services, should be bonded together and of the operating authority or owner of the cables
connected to the lightning protective system. to the proposed bonding arrangements should be
Such connections should be made in at least two obtained.
places ( St6 Fig. 9 ) and should, wherever possible,
be equally spaced around the perimeter of the Where the electrical conductors are
structu~e at intervals not exceeding 15 m.
connected to an overhead electricity supply line,
a 15 m length of buried armoured cable should Metalwork inside the structure should be be inserted between the overhead line and the
point of entry to the structure (m Fig. 34).
bonded to the lightning protective system. Attention should be given to any Statutory
16.2.6 El6ctrical Conductors Entering a Structur6
Regulations and Codes of Practice which are
applicable ( see also 19 ). Electrical conductors entering a structure NOTE - Overhead supply linel an liable to have
-ofthis category should be metal-cased. This metal large surges induced in them from llahtning dischargel.
casing should be electrically continuous within Some form of lurge luppreuion II, therefore, Deeded
where they join the buried cable. Thil will allow a
the structure; it should be earthed at the point of large part of the lightning curreDt to be dilcharged to
entry inside the structure on the user's side of the earth at a lafe distance from the Itructure.


/ 2 mmin

Protected building Ic;:::===?

/ Test joint

~ _ _ _ ~f
1'- -
I I Earth electrode

- -,
Prot.cted building Y.Test joint
~Earth electrode
\ J

7- ---
-, /

Buried conductor
(b) Plan
IS 2309 • 1989

Surge arrestors

Power Input

Joint to ring

Earthing _ _.......
~ ....... ....... l /'

/'< /' ........

<, ,

Burled armoured cable 1S m long

/' between overhead line and
I ~ /' To ring conductor structure
1:1 ,
III /'
III /'
lJ ,/



16.2.7 Pipes, Rails, eto, Enlering a Structure The metal uprights, components and wires of all
fences, and of retaining walls within 2 m of the
With the exception of CNE cables, metallic pipes, structure, should be connected in such a way as
electrical conductor sheaths, steel ropes, rails, to provide continuous metallic connection between
railway tracks, or guides not in continuous electri- them and the lightning protective system.
cal contact with the earth. which enter a structure
of this kind should be bonded to the lightning
protective system. They should be earthed at the 16.2.10 Vents
point of entry outside the structure and at two The vents of any tanks containing flammable gas
further points, one about 75 m away and one a or liquid and exhaust stacks from process plants
further 75 m away. emitting flammable vapours or dusts should either
16.2.8 Aditor Shoft Entrance toSiructures be of non-conducting material or be fitted with
For a buried structure or underground excavation
to which access is obtained by an adit or shaft, the 16.2.11 Danger from Tall Components on or Near
recommendations in 16.2.7 as regards extra ear- High Risk Structures
thing should be followed for the adit or shaft at
intervals not exceeding 75 m within as well as Structures of this category should nQt be equipped
outside the structure. .. with tall components such as sp:'·es. and flagmasts
or radio aerials on the structure or within 50 m
16.2.9 Fence», Retaining Walls, etc ( SII also 17 ) of the structure. The clearance applies also to the

Flue-liner vertical air termination

Bond to mttQ.l liner


Flue-liner to be
earthed at ground
(a) Non-conducting construction with TV aerial level
In roof space and services (internal)
bonded to down conductors

'Buried earth <, General a"lngement
ring termination <,

(b) Non-conducting construction built on -
rocky ground showing earth ring termination

TV mast earthed EE
.and guttering ---..LJ'II""
bonded to down

Plln showing typical protection system
EE Earth ellll:trodes
NOTE. See elso the following:
bond to water supply 18.3.9;
bond to electricity supply 18.3.9;
bond to weather vane clause 19;
down conductors and eltths clauses 15 and 16;
air terminations clause 14.
(e) Stone construction with TV mast (extern,1)
earthed Ind guttering bonded to down conductor (d) Large isol.ted and


IS 2309 • 1988
planting of new trees, but structures near existing 17.2.3 Insrdat'd Gaps
trees should be treated in accordance with the
recommendations of 18. l
The continuity of the metal fence should be
broken at intervals not exceeding 300 m by
16.2.12 Safe Testing wooden gates or by gaps not less than 600 mm
wide closed by sections of non-conducting
Testing should be carried out in accordance with material.
the recommendations of 23 and the test equip- NOTE - The use of plaltic covered chain link fencing
ment should be of a type which is intrinsically is not recommended for luch cloling sections.
safe for the particular hazard.
The earth termination of the fence at such a gap
17 FENCES should be at least 8 m away from either side of
the gap.
17.1 Natare of Danger
17.3 FeDces Sarrouadia. Stractures Con..
If an extended metal fence is struck, the length taining Flammable Liquid. or G••e.
between the point of strike and the nearest earth
termination is raised momentarily to a high 17.3.1 Earthing oj. All M,'ol Fences
potential relative to that of the earth. Person or
livestock in close proximity to, or in contact with Where fences which surround hazardous locations.
such fencing at the time of a lightning discharge are of the all-metal type, no particular problems.
to the fencing may, therefore, be exposed to arise, and they can be earthed as described
danger. It is desirable, therefore, to earth the fence in 17.2.2, but at intervals not exceeding 75 m.
via earth electrodes at intervals in order to dis-
charge the lightning as effectively as possible. 17.3.2 Earthing ofPlastic-Coated Fences
Ideally, the continuity of the fence should be Much of the fencing in current use is of the
broken by gaps along its length filled with insulat- plastic-coated close-mesh steel wire type.
ing sections. This would help to restrict the effect
of the lightning strike to the particular section The plastic coating provides weather protection.
struck. However, where fences are primarily used and breaking through it in order to earth the
for security reasons, the inclusion of insulating metal would increase the risk of corrosion and is
sections raises other problems. not, therefore, recommended.
This type of fencing, however, normally carries a.
Recommendations are made below.
run of barbed wire at high level. It is recom-
17.2 Protection of Liveltock In Field. mended that this wire should be earthed at inter-
vals not exceeding 75 m in order to act as an air'
termination for the protection of the fence.
17.2.1 General
17.3.3 Insulated Gaps
The loss of livestock by lightning during thun-
derstorms is due mainly to herds congregating Because these fences are primarily for security
under trees in open fields or drifting against purposes, insulated gaps may breach security
unearthed wire fences and receiving a discharge requirements and are, therefore, Dot recommended.
sufficient to kill them. Whereas the nature of the Where the security fence separates grazing land
. exposure of livestock in fields is such that it is not from a hazardous or high security area, a balance
possible to eliminate the hazard entirely, the must be struck between the attendant risks in
taking of the following precautions will reduce the each case.
hazard to some extent.
17.2.2 Earthing
18.1 The protection of trees against the effects
Where fences are constructed of metal uprights of lightning need be considered only where the
and continuous electrically conducting wires, for preservation of the tree is especially desirable
example, barbed wire, strained wires, chain link, because of its historical, botanical, environmental
each continuous wire should be bonded to the or other similar value. For such cases the follow-
metal uprights at intervals. In cases where wooden ing recommendations are made:
or concrete posts are used, bonding should be to
earth electrodes, for example, driven rods. a) A main down conductor should be rUB
from the topmost part of the main stem to
The intervals between bonding should not exceed the earth termination should be protected
150 m where the soil is permanently wet and against mechanical damage at ground
should be reduced to 15 m in dry soil. level.
182309 1.1989
ib) Large upper branches should be provided NOTE - When a tree is haft unprotected, a lightning
with branch conductors bonded to the c~rrent discharged into it can be conducted over
main conductor. distances of manv tens of metres, along or just under
the surface of the ground in order to find a good con-
ductor, for example, a water or gas pipe, electricity
,c) Conductors so used should be stranded and cable, or the lightning protective earth of building.
if copper, should be insulated so as not t~
poison the tree. The total cross-sectional 18.3 Further guidance can be had from 27.3.
:,area should not be less than 70 mm' for
copper and aluminium. No precise sizes 19 STRUCTURES SUPPORTING
are given because this causes problems of OVERHEAD ELECTRICITY SUPPLY,
availability. The important point is that TELEPHONE AND OTHER LINE2i
the conductors should be flexible.
19.1 If any overhead electricity supply lines,
-d) In the fixing of the conductors, allowance telegraph or telephone wires or radio and televi-
should be made for swaying in the wind sion relay service on metal supports fixed to
and the natural growth of the tree. structures, the supports should where practicable
~e earthed and also bonded to a lightning protec-
-e) The recommendations of 12.2.7 need not nve system.
be taken into account.
19.2 On structures at which service supply lines
f) The earth termination should consist of terminate, a surge protective device should be
two rods driven into the ground on opposite connected between the electricity conductor or
sides of, and close to, the trunk of conductors and an earthed point.
the tree. A strip conductor should be Permission for these measures should be sought
buried encircling the roots of the tree at a from the owners of the lines.
minimum distance of 8 m radius from the
centre of the tree or at a distance of not
less than 600 mm beyond the spread of 20 STRUCTURES WITH RADIO AND
the foliage, whichever is the greater. This TELEVISION AERIALS
conductor should also be bonded to the
rods by two radial conductors. The earth 20.1 IDdoor Aerials in Protected Structures
termination and resistance should satisfy
the recommendations of 12.3. Structures protected against lightning in accord-
ance with the recommendations of this Code may
g) Where two or more trees are so close toge- be equipped with indoor radio and television
ther that their encircling earth conductors receiver aerials without further precautions, provi-
would intercept, one conductor adequately ded the clearance between the aerial system,
connected to the earth rods should be including the down leads or feeders, and the
buried so as to surround the roots of all the external lightning protective system accords with
trees. the values given in 12.5.

h) Where an isolated tree stands close to a 20.2 Outdoor Aerials on Protected

structure, its presence can be disregarded Structure.
if its height does not exceed that of the StJ uctures protected against lightning in accord-
struc ture. If the tree is taller than the ance with the recommendations of this Code may
structure, the following clearances between be equipped with outdoor radio and television
the structure and the tallest part of the tree aerials without further precautions, provided that
may be considered as safe: every part of the aerial system, including any
1) For normal structures, half the height of supporting metal work, is within the zone of pro-
the structure; and tection of the lightning protective system.

2) For structures for explosive or highly Where the conditions in the preceding paragraph
flammable contents, the height of the cannot be fulfilled, precautions should be taken to
structure. ' ensure that the lightning current can be discharged
to earth without damage to the structure and its
,18.2 If these clearances cannot be ensured, the occupants as given below:
.extent of the risks involved should be considered.
To reduce the risks to the minimum, when the a) With an aerial system fitted directly on to
'tree is to remain, the structure would have to be a protected structure this can be accompli-
protected in accordance with the recommend- shed by connecting the aerial bracketry to
.ations of this Code and the air termination or the lightuing protective system at the
-down conductor should be arranged so as to pass nearest point accessible below the aerial
.as close as possible to the nearest part of the tree. installation.

IS 2309 I 1989

b) With an aerial system fitted on a metallic or as may be used in the construction of public:
support structure which projects above the seating accommodation, they should be efficiently
lightning protective system this can be bonded to earth. A simple method of bonding such.
accomplished by connecting the aerial structures consists of running a strip of metal,
support structure to the lightning protective other than aluminium, 20 X 3 mm in size,
system at the nearest point accessible be low underneath and in contact with the base plates.
the aerial installation. carrying the vertical numbers of the scaffolding
and earthing it at intervals not exceeding 30 m.
20.3 Aerials on Unprotected Structures With public seating accommodation, only the
Before installing an aerial on an unprotected peripheral members of the structure need bonding·
structure, the need to provide a protective system to earth. Other steel structures, such as those used
should be assessed in accord ance with the detail for pedestrian bridges over main trunk roads, are·
in 8.1. frequently sited in isolated situations where they
may be prone to lightning strokes and should,
20.4 Use of Earth Electrodes of Lightning therefore, be bonded to earth, particularly at the-
Protective System approach points.
I t is permissible to use the earth electrode of the 21.3 Tall Metal Mastl, Tower Cranes, aDd.
lightning protective system for the purposes of Revolving and Travelling Structures
earthing the aerial system, provided this does not
conflict with the regulations for the reception of Masts and their guy wires, floodlighting towers,
sound and television broadcasting. and other similar structures of metallic construe-
tion should be earthed in accordance with the-
21 MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES recommendations of this Code.
21.1 Tents Cranes and other tall lifting appliances used in.
21.1.1 Large Tents building construction, in shipyards, and in port
installations also require bonding to earth. For"'
Where large temporary structures of this type are cranes or revolving structures mounted on rails,
used for such purposes as exhibitions and enter- efficient earthing of the rails, preferably at more
tainments involving large numbers of people, than one point will usually provide adequate-
consideration should be given to their protection Jightning protection. In special cases, where con··
against lightning. I n general, such structures are cern is felt regarding possible damage to bearings.
manufactured from non-metallic materials and the by lightning, additional measures may be justified
simplest form of protection will usually consist of and expert advice should be sought.
one or more horizontal air terminations suspended
above them and connected solidly to earth. A non- 21.4 Farm BuildiDgs in Areas of High
metallic extension of the vertical supports provided Lightniog incidence
for such structures may, if convenient and practi- In some areas, where lightning incidence is high.
cable, be used for supporting a system of horizon- but where the use of copper or aluminium would-
tal air terminations but a clearance of not less be economically unjustifiable or be otherwise
than 1-5 m should. be maintained between the inadvisable, galvanized mild steel wire may be
conductor and the fabric of the enclosure. Down used for the protection of small farmsteads or
conductors should be arranged outside the struc- similar structures. It should consist of a single
ture and be connected to' earthing rods which in strand, not less than 6 mm in diameter erected to
turn should be connected to a ring conductor in span the roof and ends of the structure and tO A

such a manner as to be inaccessible to the general continue into the ground at a depth of O· 5 m for
public. Those types of structure which have metal a distance of 3 m ( Fig. 36 ). Supports may be
frameworks should have these efficiently bonded timber, arranged to provide a clearance of not less-
to earth at intervals of not more than 30 m of than 0·9 m from the roof. Test joints are not
the perimeter. required as tests after installation, and subsequen-
21.1.2 Small Tents tly, are improbable.. However, as deterioration i~·
likely to occur first in the buried portions, a short
For small tents no specific recommendations can separate length of similar material to the lightning
be rgiven but some of the problems involved are conductor, suitably pointed and galvanized over-
considered in 27.4. all, should be inserted in the ground beside each--
earth termination to permit periodic withdrawal,
21.2 Metal Scaft'oldiDg and Similar visual examination and reinsertion to serve as an,
Structures indication of the condition of the underground
Where such structures are of sufficient size to conductor material. Means should be provided to
warrant protection and are readily accessible to prevent access to the exposedcondgctor and the--
the general public, particularly where they are ground in the immediate viclnir;: of the buried.
erected over and on part of the common highway, metal.

182• • 1989-

Corrosion control
In!ope ction pin'

--- --e--t--~--------~-4--4 ....---

Pl,n view



'21.5 Sports Stadiums mid-way between the supporting pedestals. In the

above case, the following recommendations are
Large sports stadiums are usually occupied for suggested ( see Fig. 38 ):
-only a small percentage of the time. Nevertheless,
large number of people are often involved and a) Bond the lighting structure, railings, etc, to
"Some measure of protection may be considered the reinforcing bars and do NOT use a
necessary. separate down conductor, mounted exter-
With the advent of high multi-tier stands, air b) In potentially dangerous areas where people
terminations in the form of horizontal wires could are known to group, put up warning notices
be strung across the stadium from one side to the about the dangers of standing near the
-other, Bonding of all metal parts would need to edge with umbrellas raised.
be done in accordance with the recommendations
"of this Code. 21.7 Dwelling Houles
Another possibility would be to make use of the The recommendations of Code are applicable to
floodlighting towers, either as essential elements dwelling houses. The protection of buildings with
.of the lightning protective system or as supports television and radio aerials is discussed in 20,
for horizontal wires. In either case provision would where protection is provided. The recommended
need to be made to protect people from danger by practice for dealing with metallic flue liners is
direct contact with the towers or against ground shown in Fig. 35.
voltage stress around their bases. Direct contact
with the tower could be prevented by sheathing 22 CONSTRUCTION SITES
with a protective insulating material from ground 22.1 Structures
level to a height of about 3 m or by fencing off
the tower base and restricting access to it. Throughout the period of erection of a structure,
all large and prominent masses of steelwork, such
.On the matter of reducing ground stress to a level as steel frameworks, scaffolding, and cranes should
which would not cause harm to human beings, be effectively connected to earth. Once work has
-this would depend upon the average soil resisti- started on the installation of a lightning protective
vity and the earthing arrangements. Some general system. an earth connection should be maintained
comments are given in 27.4.3 but it will often be at all times.
-desirable to seek specialist advice ( see also Fig. 17
and 37 ). 22.2 Overhead Power Lines
21.6 Raised Motorway., Bridges, etc During the construction of overhead power lines,
overhead equipment for railway electrification, etc,
Simple calculations show that side flashing is the danger to persons can be reduced to a mini-
more likely to occur when standing under the edge mum by ensuring that an earthing system is
Tather than on the centre-line of the roadway, installed and properly connected before any

18 2309 • 1989

IMetal roof, providing a natural air termination.
2 Bond to steel roof and reinforcing bar of each concrete column.
3 Reinforcing bars in column, providing natural down conductor.
..Bond to reinforcing bar for earthing.
5 Earth electrode in concrete housina.
6 Earth ring interconnecting each earth electrode.
NOTE - All continuous or earthed metal should be connected to the earth ri~g.
7 Light ring column ( stI Fig. 17 ).

Steel column

c. '(?
". .. .
0,", .' 0· .. ·
, ,
Corrosion protec ncn
Inspection pit
(b) Bond and 81rth to a column of a re,nforced concrete bndg..

., ,,- I • I ~ • • ~:
., 17. ; ;D ' ' "

~a) Bond and urth to a column of

,. st"' bridge

lcl of non..ferrous bonding pOln,

(d) Detail of A. showint
....ndr.1I bond (tl of B show,ng flexible ~d
ovtr roller be.rings

Flo. 38 BR.IDGES

conductors other than earth wires are run out. ted to earth in the same manner as when mainte..·
Once the conductors are run out and insulatlon nance is being carried out after the line is-
installed, they should not be left 'floating' whilst . commissioned.
men are working on them. but should be connec-


23.1 All lightning protective systems should be 25.1 The following records should be kept on site
visually inspected by a competent person during or by the person responsible for the upkeep of the
installation, after completion and after alteration installation:
or extension, in order to verify that they are in
accordance with the recommendations in this a) Scale drawings showing the nature, dimen-·
code. Visual inspections should be repeated at sions, materials, and position of all com-
fixed intervals, preferably not exceeding 12 ponent parts of the lightning protective
months. system.

23.2 In addition, the mechanical condition of all b) The nature of the soil and any special
conductors, bonds, joints, and earth electrodes earthing arrangements.
(including reference electrodes) should be checked c) The type and position of the earth electro-··
and the observations noted. If, for any reason, des, including 'reference electrodes'.
such as other site works, it is temporarily not
possible to inspect certain parts of the installation, d) The test conditions and results obtained
this also should be noted. ( see 24 ).

24 TESTING e) Any alterations, additions, or repairs to the

24.1 On the completion of the installation, or f) The name of the person responsible for the
any modification to it, the following measure- installation or its upkeep.
ments should be made and the results recorded
in a lightning protective system lQg book:
a) The resistance to earth of the whole instal-
lation and of each earth termination. 26.1 The periodic inspections and tests recom-
mended in 23 and 24 will show what maintenance,
b) The electrical continuity of all conductors,
if any, is needed. Particular attention should be
bonds and joints. Typical examples are given to:
illustrated in Fig. 29.
The method of testing shall be that recommended a) earthing;
in IS 3043 : 1987. b) evidence of corrosion or conditions likely to
lead to corrosion; and
,24.2 If the resistance to earth of a lightning pro-
tective system exceeds 10 A, the value should be c) alterations and additions to the structure

reduced except for structures on rock as described which may affect the lightning protective
in 18.5. If the resistance is less than 10 0, but system ( for example, changes in the use of .
significantly higher than the previous reading, a building, the installation of crane tracks,
the cause should be investigated and any necessary erection of radio and television aerials ).
remedial action taken.
Tests should be repeated at fixed intervals, pre- THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THIS
ferably not exceeding 12 months. CODE
27.1 Clauses 12.3 'Earth TerminatioDs'
1 It may be advantageous to choose a period slightly .Dd 12.4 'Earth Electrode.'
shorter than 12 months in order to vary the season in
which tests are made.
27.1.1 General
2 It is emphasized that before isolating a lightning
protection earth, it shou ld be tested to ensure that it is Comprehensive information on ""the subject of
not 'live', using a sensitive voltage testing device. earthing is to be found in IS 3C13 : 1987.
-27.1.2 Efflct on Sid, Fluhi", end P9tential Difference No appreciable advantage in resistance reduction
Ciosl to the Earth Electro«, . is gained by increasing the diameter or surface
area of the driven electrode. Larger sizes become
As outlined in 5.1, the resistance of the earth more difficult to drive and are more expensive in
termination affects the risk of side flashing within materials. For example, for electrodes of 1'2 m
the structure to be protected and the nsk of a in length, the relation between diameter and mass
.-da~gerous potential gradient in the ground i& shown below:
adjacent to the earth termination. The risk of
side Dashing in some types of structure depends Electrode Diameter Appro~imate Mass
on other factors in addition to the resistance of
the earth termination and this aspect is discussed mm
in 5.2. The potential gradient around the earth 13
termination is exclusively a function of the soil 16
resistivity. In Fig. 17 a lightning stroke is
assumed. to occur to the lightning protective
.system 01 a structure. As the lightning current is 25
discharged tbrough the earth electrode, the
surrounding soil is raised for the duration of the Thus, the mass of a 1'2 m X 25 mm rod is four
discharge to a potential with respect to the body times that of a 1'2 m X 13 mm rod.
"of the earth. The resulting potential gradient is
illustrated and it is shown how its voltage gradi- For the same mass of material, one 4·8 m X 13 mm
ent can be reduced by adding ring earth electra. electrode rod or four 1'2 m X 13 mm electrodes
-des to lower the effective earth resistance. spaced 1'2 m apart will provide a resistance value
of about one-third of that of one 1-2 m X 25 mm
electrode rod in the same kind of soil.
.Such a potential difference may be lethal to a
pel son if it exceeds a few thousand volts and to 27.1.5 Special Cases
an animal if it exceeds a few hundred volts. As
this potential difference is a function of the Special considerations apply at earth terminations
product of the lightning current and the resistance for:
of the earth electrode. the importance of keeping
-the latter as low as possible is evident. For practi- a) fences containing metal ( 16.3.1 ),
cal purposes. a maximum value at' 10 a is recom- b) trees ( 17 ),
mended. The danger to persons within a c) farm buildings ( 20.4 ), and
.structure is effectively reduced by the presence of
any floor other than one of earth or rock. . d) structures on bare rock.

If a structure on bare rock is protected as recom-

-27.1.3 Us, oj Service Pipes as Terminations
mended in 12.3.5 and any metal in or on the
structure is bonded to the lightning protective
-With the growing use of insulated sections be- system as recommended in 18.5.3, adequate
tween the main service pipes and the feeds enter- protection should be provided for persons inside
ing structures, reliance cannot be placed on their the structure. However, persons leaving or enter-
use as either primary or secondary earthing ing such a structure whilst an overhead thunder-
terminations. . storm is in progress are exposed to the risk arising
from the high potential drop likely to occur out-
All that can be said is that they should be bonded side during a discharge to the structure.
to the lightning protective system internally in
.such a way that all connections can be inspected If surface soil or a rock vein of high conductivity
easily. is available within 30 to 50 m from the structure,
an earthing electrode as described in 12.4 should
·'27.1.4 Lengths ofDriven Electrod,s be provided and this should be connected to the
ring conductor. The risk to a person when leav-
ing or entering the structure is thus reduced,
.No limit need be set on the minimum length of a although not completely eliminated.
driven electrode; a 1·2 m long electrode may, be
adequate in favourable soil conditions, parti- 27.2 Clauses )2.5 'Metal in or on a Struc-
cularly where there is a shallow layer of low ture' aDd 14 'Structures ExceediDI 30 m in
.resistivity soil, such as clay, overlying gravel, Height'
-sand or rock. Deeply driven electrodes are used
where, for example, clay lies beneath gravel. 27.2.1 Bonding of Exttnd,d Vtrtical Runs of Metal
.Reliance should not be placed on standing water Whnhsr Connecttd to Earth or not
levels. The water, especially in gravel, may be
-pure and will not necessarily provide a low resia- Any extended metal in or on the structure and
-rtance value for the electrode. entering into it. Dot connected to the lightning protective system,
IS 2309 I 1989

for example, water pipes, gas pipes, metal- either case, an arc: will be formed and this are:
sheaths, electrical installations, etc, which is in entails some risk of fire if easily ignita ble
conducting connection with earth remains essenti- materials are present. The recommended clear-
ally at earth potential during a lightning ances to avoid the ris~ of side flashing are given
discharge. Even if an extended vertical metal in 12.5.
part is not in contact with earth, a potential
difference between it and the lightning protective 27.2.5 Inductance of Down Conductors Relative If}'
system is liable to arise although the magnitude Blight ofStructure
of this potential difference will be smaller than if
As the height of a structure increases, the resis-
the metal were earthed. If the resul ting short- tive voltage drop in the earth termination network,
time potential difference between any part of the assumes progressively less importance as compar-
lightning protective system and any adjacent ed with the inductive voltage drop which occurs
metal exceeds the electric breakdown strength of only along the down conductors.
the intervening space, be this air, a wall, or any
other structural material, a side flash can occur 27.3 Claase 18 'Tree. aDd Structure. Near~
and this can cause physical damage, ignite flam- Tree.'
mable material, or cause electric shocks to per-
sons or animals. This clause gives the circumstances in which it
may be advisable to provide protection for trees.
27.2.2 Bonding External Venical Runs of Metal at
Each End The recommended earth termination network is.
designed to protect the roots of the tree and to,
Such bonding has to be effected at both extremi- reduce the potentia) gradient in the event of a
ties of any extended vertical metal. The metal lightning discharge to the tree to a safe value
may then form part of the discharge path but within the area bounded by the outer buried strip
any risk of physical damage or injury is avoided. conductors.
27.2.3 Which Metal Needs Bonding The practice of, sheltering under trees during a
thunderstorm is dangerous and should be dis-
Difficulties are liable to arise in deciding which couraged wherever possible.
metal parts require bonding and which can be
disregarded in this context. No such difficulties When a tree is struck by lightning, a potential'
should arise with long continuous installations gradient develops along its branches, trunk and
such as metallic service pipes, ducts, lifts, stair- roots and this may cause a side flash to an adja-
cases, or long ladders. These can usually be cent structure as mentioned in 27.
bonded to the lightning protective system without The flashover strength of a tree can be taken as ~
excessive inconvenience or cost. On the other 250 kV/m as compared with the breakdown
hand, the presence of short isolated pieces of strength of air of 500 kV/m. These figures form
metal such as window frames, which are merely the basis of the recommendation in 17.1(h) as to·
in fortuitous connection with the ground through the minimum safe clearance between a tree and
the raincovered surface of the structure, can be a structure.
If the actual clearance is found to be too small to '
A structure having reinforcement, steelwork, or prevent the occurrence of a side flash to the
cladding forming a continuous close metal mesh structure, the latter should be fitted with lightn-
in the form of internal reinforcement or screen ing protection in such a manner that the energy
, approaches the condition of a Faraday Cage in in the side flash is discharged through the pro-
which any internal metal assumes the same tective system without damage to the structure.
potential as the cage itself. On such a structure,
the risk of side flashing is greatly reduced and the If a tree near a structure is itself fitted with a ~
rules for bonding can be substantially relaxed. lightning protective system, the structure may
In cases of doubt specialist advice should be thus be adequately protected. No further lightn-
sought. ing protection for the structure will then be requi-
red, provided the conditions recommended in this.
27.2.4 Dangers of Thin Metal Covlrings Code with respect to the cone of protection and-
separation are followed.
If any part of the outer surface of the structure
is covered with a thin metal skin, this metal may, 27.4 Claa8. 2 'Ml.cel1aDeoas Structures'
by accident or design, form part of the path of 27.4.1 Small Tents
the lightning current as it goes to earth. The
current may be caused to leave the metal, either For small tents the foregoing recommendations.
through the metallic path not being continuous would be expensive. However, in~areas, of severe'
or through i;ts cross-sectional area being inade- thunderstorm activity, and in. mountainous
quate to carry the current without .melting. In:" regions, 'campers usmg small tents are strongly-
f8 2309: J989

.:advised to adopt certain precautions. These are the ground stress can be obtained from an
.alisted below ( s" Fig. 39 ): assumption that the equipotemials in the ground
a) Protection for small tents can be achieved are hemispherical shells. Hence with a median
current of 30 kA and an average soil resistivity
by the use of one or two telescopic metal
poles outside the tent which should be so
of 103 0 m the ground stress will be about 50
arranged that the tent lies within the
kV1m at a distance of 10 m from the column and
will fall off as the square of the distance ( Sit
protective angle recommended in 12.2.
Fig. 17 and 37).
"The foot of each of these metal poles
"should be connected to an earth spike On the assumption that for human beings the
placed in a direction away from the tent voltage gradient should not exceed 10 kV/m, a
and, wherever possible, driven into a moist distance of 22 m from the column base would be
piece of ground. In addition, a bare metal needed in order to reach this level.
wire should be laid on the ground around
the tent and connected to the foot of each Use of a suitable earth electrode in the form of a
metal pole. circular mesh 10 m in diameter could significantly
reduce the ground voltage stress in the vicinity of
'b) In the case of a metal-frammed tent, the the tower. Additional protection against ground
metal, if continuous, will act as the lightn- voltage stress could also be obtained by providing
ing conductor. The frame should be con- an insulated mat of 4-pJy 1 000 gauge PVC sheet
nected to two earthing spikes driven as just below the final asphalt layer.
described above in opposite directions away
from the tent. For protection against direct contact with the
tower itself, a 4 mm coating of epoxy resin spray-
c) In a thunderstorm it is essential, parti- ed on to the structure from ground level to at
cularly in unprotected tents, to avoid the least 3 m high is recommended.
r isk of potential difference across the body,
This may be accomplished by lying on a Care must be taken in the choice of material used
metal-frammed cot. If this is not possible, in order to keep its degradation by sunlight to a
the risk can be reduced by sitting on the minimum.
ground with the knees down up to the 27.5 Magnetic WiplDl of Data ia Computer
chest and by avoiding physical contact with Memories
the tent and with other occupants.
This question is sometimes asked and although it
'27.4.2 Sports Stadiums is possible for data to be wiped from certain types
of memories, the current would have to pass so
When a tall lighting column is struck by lightn- close to the memory store that the chance of it
.ing, the current flows into the ground from the happening can be ignored. No reference to this
~ase of the column and a good approximation to problem is, therefore, made in this Code.
IS 2309 , 1989

Protection bv vertical conductors Protection by horizontal conduCtors

Bare metal wire on
gr~und connected
to bases of v.rtical

Gtner.' arrangement
Gener.1 arrlngement

."t" .-- -- if.- -
/zp - --

Bond to rang
zP--1.. . . . . . _~p
on ground
( He
~ ~
\ / '---. --- ~ -- - -If.,.
, ~-----¥"

<, :/ l
--..... --- ~ It-- - ' " Zon•• of protection It ground livel'

Zones of protection at ground level

(I) Ridge ten rs
Tape connecting
metal frame to
earth electrode

" Eorth elect rode

(b) Frame tents


IS 2301 , 1989'

( Foreword)

M·3 Satyam. 88 Sion Circle, Bombay 400022
M'mb,rs R,pr,s,n'ing
:SBBIP.ANANTBABAKAN Engineer-in-Chief'. Branch, Army Headquarten (Ministry of
Defence ), New Delhi
SaRI S. K. SHANG ABI ( Al',rntd' )
=SBRI P. D. BAGADJD Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay
SBRI R. K. KAUL ( Alt,rn.',)
SHBI V. S. BBA!rIA Siemens India Ltd, Bombay
SaBI M. M. SHBTHI' A ( AII,nud' )
~SBIU K. V. CUA.UBAL Federation of Electricity Undertaking of India, Bombay
SaBI K. S. JOSBI ( All,rnal' )
SHBI R. R. CBOUDHUBI Larsen & Toubro ( Construction Group ), Madras
-CHIEI' ELECTRIOAL ENGINEER Railway Board ( Ministry of Railways ), New Delhi
ROSO ( Altlrna', )
-cllJBJr ELECTRIOAL INSPECTOB TO GOVBB51lDT Chief Electrical Inspector to Government of Tamil Nadu, Madras
.cHIEI' ENGI~BBt\ (ELBO )-1 Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
( ELBO ) - I ( Alt'null' )
:SBBX D:SVBNDBB NATB Larsen 8t Toubro Ltd, Bombay
SlIB IT. P. R. SARIIA. ( .4lt"natl )
:SBRI K. W. DSABKADBIKABI Jyoti Ltd, Vadodara
DB V. N. MALLBR ( AltmuJl, )
:SBBI G. L. DUA Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd, New Delhi
SSBI S. K. SBTHI ( AlII,,,,,,,)
:SHBI R. C. KHANNA Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking, New Delhi
SBBI P. S. SAWBny (Alt,rnat')
MBMBBR ( HYDBO-!LBlOTBJO) Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi
DIRECTOR ( HED )·1 ( Alt,rnat,)
"£R S. PANEERSBLVAJI Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Madras
'SHlll K. P. R. PILLAI Fact Engineering and Design Organization, Udyogamandal
SBBI C. R. R. MJlNON (Altunat,)
·SBRI V. RADBA KBISHNA. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Hyderabad
;Smu H. S. RAO Crompton Greaves Ltd, Bombay
-PROI' G. RAVBBNDB.u NAIR C bief Electrical Inspector to the Government of Kerala, Trivandrum
:SSKI S. R. SARDA Maharashtra State Electricity Board, Bombay
SSRI R. SATHIYABAL Tariff Advisory Committee ( General Insurance), Bombay
SHKt K. K. MONDAL ( Alt"ntlt,)
wSHRI H. K. SITAR4J1 Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation Ltd, Calcutta
SHIll S. K. P ALIT ( AI'"nat, )
SBRI P. SRINIVA,SA POTI Karnataka Electricity Board, Bangalore
·SBRI D. S. TAWAR. Electrical Engineer to Government of Maharashtra, Bombay
Smu S. HARIDAS ( .Alt"nal, )
;SSRI G. N. THADA.I Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi
SURI S. K. GBOSH (Alt"nat, )
SURI G. S. TBAJ[UB Chief Electrical Inspector, Government of Madhya Pradesh. Bhopal
'SHRI V. T. W ARANG Bombay Electric Supply and Transport Undertaking, Bombay
5:aRI R. P. PATEL ( Alt"na',)
:SOl S. P. SAOBDBV, Director General, BIS ( Ex-offiejo MImHr )
Director ( EJec tech)
Deputy Director ( Elec tech )t BIS

Panel for Code of Practice for Protection of Buildings and Allied Structures Against Lightning.
ETDC 20: P9

COnD',." llIpr,smling
SaRI G. N. THADANI Engineers IDdia Ltd, New Delhi

SURI Y. K. JAIN ( Alt,rnate to
Shri G. N. Thadani )
SHRI N. BALASUBBAKANIAN LaraeD & Toubro ( Construction Group) J Madras
SHRt V. V. PABANJAPB Tata Con.uhio! EngiDeerl, Bombay
SURI R. K. K AUL (All,rnat, )
SHBI K. P. R. PILLAI Fact Engineeriog DesigD Organization, Udyogamandal
SHIU A. O. OOKMSN ( Alt"ntd' )
SHRI RAJ& RAO Dharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, New Delhi
SaRI N. H AQ (Alt,rnat, )
SUBVBYOB OJ' WORKS ( ELBOTBICALS ) Central Public Works Department, New Delhi

( CtmlilUUdfrom '"ond cov" )

This Code was. first issued in 1963 and revised subsequently in 1969. The 1969 version was an
~tt..mpt to take mto account the then advanc~ in th~ protectio~ of buildings and structures against
Jlghtnl~g aDd ~rou~ht uJ:» to date the first version by Incorporating the current practice in providing
protection against lightning.
Based on data available, the 1969 version introduced a digital system of assessing the risk of
damage to buildings due to lightning. In this system, index figures are allotted to the various
racton influencing the risk of damage due to lightning to buildings and structures. The degree
of necessity or otherwise of lightning protection can be judged from the sum of the index figures
- lb." higher, the total figure, the greater the need for lightning protection. It was, however.
emphasized that this system should be regarded as an aid to judgement and not as a sole
The present revision updates the contents of the Code and also reorganizes the presentation in
such a manner as to enhance its use. While retaining most of the topics, it includes additionl
factors and chauges, pai'ticularly the current waveform which affects the clearance for prevent-
iog side ftashing.
This Code is intended to give guidance on the principles and practice which experience has
shown to be important in protecting structures against damage from lightning. This Code is not
a specification, but gives recommendations and guidance. This limitation is due to the inconsis-
tent nature or the lightning phenomenon which means that the degree of protection has to be
based on statistics and cannot be stated in exact terms. Moreover, the Code recognizes the
fact that wide variations in the architecture of the buildings and in the topography and atmospheric
conditions in different parts of the country require that considerable freedom in the design of the
protective system should be given.
In the preparation of this Code, assistance has been derived from BS 6651 : 1985 'Code of Prac-
tice for Protection of Structures Against Lightning', issued by the British Standards Institution.
Composition of Electrical Installations Sectional Committee, ETDC 20, which was responsible for the
preparation ofthis standard i. given in Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)'. The number of significant
places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this

ltaaclanl Mark
The UIe of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisioDi of the Bur,. of INJi." SItmtltIrtls
AeI, 1986 and the RuJeI aDd Regulationl made thereunder. The Standard Mark OD products
covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply
with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection, testing and
quality control which il devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the producer. Standard
marked products are atso continuously checked by BIS for cO'1formity to that standard as a
further sareguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the Standard Mark
may be granted to manufacturers or producet8 may be obtained from the Bureau of
Indian Stalldarda.
Ihare... of I'MI.............

BIS is a statutory iDltkutiOD -"hecl under the . , , . of,Itulia SltmdiwdJ .4eI, 1986 to prOmote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking aDd quality certification of goodt
and attending to connected .nen
... in' the country.

BIS -has the copyright of all its publicatioDl. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any Corm
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the coune of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addreued to the Director ( Publications ). DIS.

IWrialoa 0'.................
Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when nece8I'Y and amendments, if any. are
iuucd from time to time. Users of Indian Studards should ascertain that they are in possession of the
latest amendments or edition. Commenq on thiI Indian Standard may be ICDt to BIS living the
following reference: "

Doc: No. ETDO 20 ( 2924 )

Amend No. Date of IlIUc Text Affected


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