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Experiment No.

Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid

RAVAGO, Edmar Jim R.

CMO11L – C21


A Volatile fluid is a fluid that disintegrates promptly under ordinary conditions.

Numerous unpredictable fluids have a recognizable smell since they disintegrate into
your nose! All through this lab, you will be working with an unstable fluid. At the
point when it is warm, it is for the most part a gas, and when it is cool it is for the
most part a fluid. Estimating molar mass from thickness of the vaporous state The
perfect gas law gives an approach to relate the quantity of moles of a gas to the
volume of the gas: n/V = P/RT. In the event that you are likewise ready to relate the
quantity of grams of the gas to the volume of the gas (g/L, as it were, thickness), at
that point these two equations together permit you to then relate the number of grams
of the gas and the moles of the gas, which is the molar mass: molar mass =
(density)RT/P. The warmth of burning is the measure of vitality discharged when a
given sum of a substance is singed within the sight of abundance oxygen. Regularly
this worth is accounted for in terms of vitality per mole of the substance, but since
we don't yet know the molar mass of the fluid, we will gauge it as far as vitality per
gram of the substance and contrast it with the rundown of conceivable example
characters at the base of this page, additionally in those units, so as to recognize the
fluid. Jean-Baptiste Dumas (1800-1884) formulated a strategy for deciding the molar
mass of substances that can advantageously be transformed into fumes. The Dumas
strategy is as yet the subject of research facility practices in science courses. It
includes finding the mass, volume, temperature, and weight of a substance in the
fume stage. The assurance of molar mass in a cutting edge Dumas method try utilizes
the perfect gas law; that is the sort of examination engaged with the activities.

• Determine the molar mass of a volatile liquid.
• Use the ideal gas law in connection with an experiment.


The chemicals used in the process are mmhg or milimimteres of
magnesium(133.3224 Pa) and Copper Wire Cu(12.118) and Hydrogen H(1.008).


The experiment is mostly mistakes not just the viewer that would actually find. The
unknown liquid that contains 5ml evaporated in the flask that covers in aluminum
foil and cu wire, the small whole that seen on the experiment kan be shape as like a
pencil hole but in the video they used a like pin hole. Vapor inside the flask
evaporates while its in the boiling bath water that the temperature is 100.5 C or
373.65K. After all the liquid evaporates they measured the volume of the empty flask
with the gas inside, taking out the cover and putting liquid inside to measure its
volume that has been acquired.

A. Preparing the sample. Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Unknown Number 5ml 90.4576g 5ml 90.4576g 5ml 90.4576g
1.Mass of Dry flask,
foil, cu wire(g)
B.Vaporize the sample

1.Instructor’s approval N/A N/A N/A

2.Temperature of 100.5*C/373.65K N/A N/A

boiling water (C, K)
3.Mass of Dry flask , cu 90.8488 N/A N/A
wire, and vapor(g)
C.Determine the Volume and pressure of the vapor

1.Volume of 125-mL (flask) (L) Total volume=154mL

2.Atmospheric pressure (torr,atm) 746.5 mm Hg

1.Moles of 0.004932mol N/A N/A

2.Mass of 0.391g N/A N/A

3.Molar Mass 79.39g N/A N/A
4.Average Molar mass N/A N/A N/A

5.Standard deviation of N/A N/A N/A

molar mass
6.Relative Standard N/A N/A N/A
deviation of molar mass

Unknown Number 5ml

1.Molar Mass of Vapor, 0.004932mol N/A N/A


2.Mass of Vapor, 0.391g N/A N/A

3.Molar Mass of 79.28g N/A N/A
4.Average Molar N/A N/A N/A

1. P=746.5mmhg x 1atm/760mmhg = 0.982atm

2. V= 154mL = 0.154L

3. Temperature of vapor= 100.5 C+ 273.15= 373.65K

4. Mass of vapor(g) (mass of dry flask,cu wire, and vapor)-(mass of dry flask,foil,cu wire)

90.8488 - 90.4576 = 0.3912g or 0.391g

5. Moles of unknown = PV/RT = 0.982atm * 0.154L / 0.08206 atm/mol * 373.65K = 0.004932

or 4.93x10^-3mol

6. Molecular mass g/mol= mass of vapor / mole = 0.391 g / 0.004932 mol = 79.28g

Laboratory Questions

1.Part A.1. The mass of the flask(befoe the sample in placed into the flask) is
measured when the outside of the flask is wet. However, in Part B.3, the outside of
the flask is dried before its mass is measured.
a.Will the mass of apor in the flask be reported as too high or too low, or will it be
unaffected? Explain
- Too high, the term for the mass of vaport in the flask since the water weights
would be misunderstood for the mass of vapor.

b.Will the molar mass of vapor in the flask be reported as too high or too low, or
will it be unaffected? Explain.
- Mass of the water vapor is reported high so the molar mass of vapor in the
flask be also reported high.

2.Part A.1. From the time mass o the flask is the first measured in Part A.1. until
the time it is finally measured in Part B., it is handled a number of times with oily
fingers. Does this lack of proper technique result in the molar mass of the vapor
in the flask being reported as too high or too low or as unaffected? Explain. - N/A

3.Part A.2. The aluminum foil is pierced several times with large pencil-size holes
instead of pinsize.
a.How will this oversight in the procedure affect the mass of vapor measured in
part B.3, too low, too high, or unaffected? Explain.
- the mass of the vapor measured too low due to the large amount of vapor is
going to escape causing the mass to decrease.

b. Will the reported molar mass of the liquid be repoted too low, too high, or
unaffected? Explain?
- Due to large amount of vapor escaping causing the mass to decrease, it will
affect the molar mass as reported too low.
4.Part B.2. The flask is completely filled with vapor only when it is removed from
the hot water bath in Part B.3. However, when the flask cools, some of the vapor
condenses in the flask. As a result of this observation, reported molar mass of the
liquid be too high, too low, or unaffected? Explain.
- If a vapor condenses into liquid, the pressure in the flask will be reduced.
There is a relatively fewer mole due to apparently low pressure, base in the ideal
gas law equation.

5.Part B.2. Suppose the thermometer is miscalibrated to read 0.3*C higher than
actual. Does this error in calibration result in the molar mass of the vapor in the
flask being reported as too high, too low, or unaffected? Explain.
- As the number of moles that will be calculated is too low, the temperature is
too high.
6. Part C.1. If the volume of the flask is assumed to be 125mL instead of the
measured volume, would the calculated molar mass of the unknown liquid be too
high, too low, or unaffected by this experimental error? Explain.
- The measured volume we will alter the result of the molar mass if we used a
different volume. If the volume is 125ml instead of the measured volume or less
then this would result in a lower molar mass, this is because a larger volume results
in a higher mole value for the vapor.

7.Part C.2. The pressure reading from the barometer is recorded higher than it
actually is. How does this affect the reported molar mass of the liquid: too high,
too low, or unaffected? Explain
- A molar mass being reported as too low, then this is the result if the
barometer is reading higher than it is. If there is a higher pressure reading then
there will be a higher mole value than what there actually is. When dividing the
mass by this higher mole value we get a molar mass of the vapor being higher than
it should be.


Using the ideal gas law in the experiment actually helps the data required in the
experiment. The moles of a vapor that completely filled the volume was exactly the
same as the number of moles of the resulting liquid, eventhough gas is less dense
than its liquid form.

 (with data)


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