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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


MIT_IM 404

From the attached Course Handouts, choose one project and create it using Thunkable. Provide at least
5 screenshots of your output including the code blocks.

For the final project, you will create a custom app. You may use Thunkable or jQuery mobile.
You may update an app you've already created (but the updates must be significant).

Minimum Technical Requirements

The app must meet certain minimum technical requirements as follows:
 Design. The app must include at least two front-end UI elements
 Data Persistence. The app must include a simple data persistence feature for storing data.
 Algorithms and Control. The app must include at least one algorithmic solution or heuristic (e.g.
a simple greedy algorithm)

Evaluation Rubric
The following criteria will be used to evaluate your project. Each criterion will be worth 5 points,
ranging from 0 (unable to assess) to 5 (good), for a total of 20 points.
 Purpose: The app's purpose is clearly described and the app itself clearly achieves its purpose.
 Technical Requirements: The app meets or exceeds the minimum technical requirements as
described above.
 Functional Performance. The app was downloaded and tested and it worked as expected
without major performance issues or bugs.
 Scope: The app represents a significant creative accomplishment and is not just a minor
variation or extension of one of the apps we did in the course.

Minimum Presentation Requirements

You will be required to provide a link to a publicly accessible presentation of your app that meets the
following minimum requirements. (Note: You may use Google Sites, Wix or Wordpress for this
 Title. The app's title.
 Elevator Pitch. A one sentence description of your app that captures its essential purpose.
 Description. A one paragraph description of your app that describes its purpose and scope and
summarizes its basic functions.
 App Screenshot. A screenshot of one of the app's main screens or views.
 Code Screenshot. A screenshot of the pertinent code blocks that demonstrates that the app
meets the technical programming requirements of the project.
 QR code and Download Link. A functioning QR code and a functioning HTML link to your app's
APK file
 and a brief description of how the reviewer should test the app.

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