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Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Vol.4; Issue: 4; Oct.-Dec. 2019

Original Research Article P-ISSN: 2456-9321

Clinical Profile, Outcome and Prognostic Factors of Acute Kidney Injury -

A Tertiary Hospital Based Study
Dr. Shafeeq Usman V1, Dr Ram Narayan2
Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, MES Medical College, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram,
Kerala, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr Ram Narayan

ABSTRACT Keywords: Acute kidney injury, 24 hour urine

output, blood urea, serum creatine,
Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an hemodialysis, sepsis
important cause of in-hospital mortality
especially in critically ill patients. The clinical INTRODUCTION
presentation is varied. A comprehensive Acute kidney injury (AKI),
understanding of AKI is essential to identify previously known as acute renal failure is
potential areas of intervention. Early diagnosis characterized by sudden impairment of renal
and treatment of AKI in potentially reversible
function resulting in retention of
stage prevent progression of renal disease.
Methods: This was a hospital based nitrogenous and other waste products which
observational study. After applying necessary are normally cleared by kidneys. AKI
inclusion and exclusion criteria, the study implies the concept that renal damage is a
population was assessed. The clinical profile of continuous process with a broad range from
AKI including etiology, symptoms, signs and mild to severe forms. The recent KDIGO
blood investigations were assessed. The stage definition and classification based on
and outcome of AKI was determined. An objective parameters such as urine output
attempt was made to find out factors which and creatine levels has improved
affect outcome of AKI and which help in uncertainties in epidemiology and clinical
monitoring a patient with AKI. Associations
management of AKI. [1] AKI is common in
were made out using chi square test and Kruskal
hospitalized patients and especially in
Wallis tests.
Results: The clinical profile of study population critically ill and the incidence and mortality
was found comparable to other studies. Intrinsic rates has a wide variation globally, the
renal failure was most common type and sepsis, former 1-31% and the later 28-82%. [2] It is
most common etiology. Significant association no longer an innocent bystander reflecting
was detected with eGFR, number of days of stay co-existent pathologies, but a major risk
in hospital and KDIGO stage of AKI with factor for mortality in intensive care unit.
outcome. Need for inotrope support, ventilator The general causes of AKI can be
and hemodialysis were associated with poor divided to three categories, prerenal (caused
outcome. Best prognostic factors were 24 hour by decreased renal perfusion, mainly
urine output, blood urea and serum creatine. because of volume depletion), intrinsic renal
Conclusions: Any patient admitted in hospital
(caused by injury to kidney itself) and
should be kept on an input-output chart and
should be closely monitored for decrease in postrenal (caused by obstruction to urine
urine output. Sepsis and hypotension must be flow). It may either be community acquired
promptly managed. As for all diseases or hospital acquired. While fluid loss due to
prevention is better than cure in AKI and diarrhea and vomiting, drugs and distal
conservative treatment is the best treatment obstructions are the major causes for the
option for the same. former, the same for later differs
significantly which are sepsis, surgeries,
heart or liver failure, contrast administration

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Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2019
Shafeeq Usman V Clinical Profile, Outcome and Prognostic Factors of Acute Kidney Injury - A Tertiary
Hospital Based Study

and drugs. The causes differ significantly kidney disease, 2) established diabetic or
from country to country and a few region hypertensive nephropathy, 3) those with
specific etiologies seen in this part of connective tissue disorders like systemic
country are envenomation, leptospirosis and lupus erythematosis, 4) those who did not
malaria. [3] give consent to be a part of study.
Early detection and aggressive Sample size: After applying the above
management of AKI is necessary to bring inclusion and exclusion criteria 128 patients
down mortality. In a country like India the were interviewed during the period of study
true epidemiological picture of AKI is still of which 90 were included in the final
not well understood due to late presentation analysis. Eighteen patients did not give
to tertiary care centers and lack of consent and twenty were not willing for
documentation of health care and these are investigations. Significant sample size
the principal reasons of initiating this study. calculated and statistically validated was 75
This study may help in detection of AKI in for this study.
early and reversible stages and prevent the
progression to complete renal shutdown and Data collection technique and tools: Study
even death. This study also presents a bird’s was initiated after getting consent from
eye view of important prognostic markers to scientific committee and ethical committee
be watched over, once a patient is in early of the institute. Patients were introduced to
renal failure as to avoid renal damage. study after getting an informed consent.
They were evaluated by face to face
MATERIALS AND METHODS interview sessions based on a statistically
Objectives of study: The objectives of this validated proforma that was giving
study were to assess the clinical profile of emphasis to meticulous history, clinical
acute kidney injury including etiologies and investigations and relevant investigations.
to determine prognostic factors and outcome Interview and investigations were carried
of the same. out on same day without any discomfort to
Study area: The study was a hospital based the study population.
non-interventional observational descriptive After examination staging of AKI
study conducted in MES Medical College was done as per KDIGO guidelines.
Hospital, Perinthalmanna, Malappuram, Probable etiology was determined and
Kerala. classified to prerenal, intrinsic renal and
postrenal as well as to community acquired
Study period: Study period was taken as and hospital acquired. Usually two
one year management options were given after
complete diagnosis – conservative and
Study population: hemodialysis – based on severity of disease.
Inclusion criteria: All the people more than The indications for hemodialysis were
fifteen years of age presented to MES anuria, refractory rapidly worsening renal
Medical College during the period of study failure, hyperkalemia, refractory metabolic
with an acute increase in serum creatine of acidosis, uremic pericarditis and uremic
0.3 mg/dl or more from the baseline within encephalopathy. All patients were daily
48 hours of admission or those with serum followed up with 24 hour urine output,
creatine at least 50% greater than baseline blood urea and serum creatine values. The
within one week of admission or those with in-hospital outcomes of AKI considered
oliguria (reduction in urine output <0.5 were mortality, partial recovery and full
ml/kg/hour for more than 6 hours) were recovery of renal functions. The outcome
included in study. and factors affecting that were studied in
Exclusion criteria: The people excluded detail and an attempt was made to make out
from study were 1) those with known

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Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2019
Shafeeq Usman V Clinical Profile, Outcome and Prognostic Factors of Acute Kidney Injury - A Tertiary
Hospital Based Study

some prognostic indicators for outcome in

AKI. Table 2: First day blood investigations
Investigation Mean Standard deviation
Hemoglobin (grams/dl) 11.279 2.04
Statistical Methods: WBC count (cells/cumm) 14310.56 8134.82
Platelet count (cells/cumm) 240762.22 113026.28
The entire collected data was entered in ESR (mm after 1 hour) 43.61 24.14
Microsoft excel 2003 and analyzed with the Blood urea (mg/dl) 70.94 46.95
Serum creatine (mg/dl) 3.079 2.9479
help of appropriate statistical tools. Kruskal Blood sugar (mg/dl) 128.78 63.23
Wallis test and Chi-square test with p value eGFR 34.7147 22.6133
<0.05 were taken as significant association. Total bilirubin (mg/dl) 1.218 0.972
Direct bilirubin (mg/dl) 0.329 0.67
SGPT (IU) 80.64 95.82
RESULTS SGOT (IU) 68.11 42.097
ALP (IU) 96.7 82.342
Total sample size of the study was Albumin (mg/dl) 3.12 0.68
90. Mean age of the study population was Globulin (mg/dl) 3.08 0.62
Sodium (mEq/L) 129.38 15.54
58.39 years with a standard deviation of 18 Potassium (mEq/L) 4.098 0.92
years and only 16 persons were aged less Calcium (mg/dl) 8.043 0.8946
than 40. Fifty three out of ninety (58.9%) Phosphorous (mg/dl) 4.541 1.801

were males. Forty patients were in medicine

Intensive care unit that accounted to 44.4% 28 patients out of 90 (31.1%) had 1+
of study population and thirty was from albuminuria, 14 had 2+ and 7 had 3+
medicine wards (33.3%). From surgery ICU albuminuria. Only 13 patients (14.4%) had
and wards 8 and 12 patients were included no albumin in urine routine. Hematuria was
respectively. The most common symptom present in 20 patients (22.2%). Metabolic
was fever which was seen in 44 (48.8%) of acidosis was detected in 57 patients which
sample population and the mean duration of accounted to 63.3% of study population
fever was 4 days. Symptoms of study which was the single most common acid
population with duration are given below in base disorder noticed. Hypocalcemia was
table 1. detected in 75.5% of study population,
followed by hyponatremia in 66.67%,
Table 1: Symptoms of AKI with duration hypokalemia in 26.67%, hyperphosphatemia
Symptom Frequency Duration in days
(percentage) (mean ± SD)
in 22.2% and hyperkalemia in 13.33%.
Fever 44 (48.8%) 4.36 ± 3.56 Seventy percent of study population
Oliguria 33 (36.6%) 2.61 ± 1.99 had intrinsic renal failure, 23.3% had pre-
Vomiting 22 (24.4%) 3.95 ± 9.93
Edema 22 (24.4%) 5.27 ± 6.54 renal failure and 6.7% had postrenal failure.
Breathlessness 21 (23.3%) 3.43 ± 2.95 The same was found out applying clinical
Altered sensorium 20 (22.2%) 1.60 ± 2.08
Abdominal pain 15 (16.6%) 4.40 ± 2.55 data and calculating fractional excretion of
Dysuria 5 (5.5%) 9.33 ± 4.61 sodium. 44 out of 90 patients (48.9%) had
stage 3 AKI, 28 (31.1%) had stage 2 and 18
43% of study population had pallor (20%) had stage 1 AKI. 92.2% of AKI was
and 43% had pitting pedal edema. Mean community acquired in this study and only 8
systolic blood pressure was 135.89 ± 37.98 patients had hospital acquired AKI, 3 due to
millimeters of mercury and mean diastolic vancomycin use, 2 due to aminoglycosides
blood pressure was 83.11 ± 18.338 and 3 due to significant diarrhea in hospital.
millimeters of mercury. The mean pulse rate 43 patients had sepsis (47.7%) which was
was 91.86 ± 17.227 beats per minute and the single most common cause for AKI in
respiratory rate 21.49 ± 4.71 per minute. this study, also proven by relative increase
Bilateral basal crepitations were noted in in total leukocyte count in blood
26.6% which was another significant sign. investigations furnished above. Among
The mean values of first day blood those with infections, 21.1% had urinary
investigations are mentioned below in table tract infections, 14.4% had respiratory tract
2. infections, 8.8% had cellulitis, skin and soft

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Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2019
Shafeeq Usman V Clinical Profile, Outcome and Prognostic Factors of Acute Kidney Injury - A Tertiary
Hospital Based Study

tissue infections. Acute glomerulonephritis so as to look for a suggestive prognostic

produced AKI in 7.8% and accelerated factor. Age, sex, premorbidities like
hypertension caused the same in 5.6%. hypertension, diabetes and addictions
The outcome of AKI can assessed as showed no relationship to the outcome of
expired, partial recovery, full recovery. 16 AKI. Similarly elevated blood counts, liver
out of 90 (17.8%) succumbed to illness, 39 function tests and serum electrolyte values
(43.3%) had partial recovery and 35 had no relation to the outcome. Significant
(38.9%) recovered fully. Eighty four percent association was seen between a few
of patients were treated conservatively and variables to outcome which were
only fourteen patients needed hemodialysis consolidated as table 4 below.
during hospital stay. Antibiotics were used
in 79 (87.8%) patients. Inotropes support Table 3: Follow up of the study population
Urine output Mean (ml/day) Standard deviation
were needed in 14 (15.6%) and ventilator Day 1 1067.96 611.75
support in 13 (14.4%). Out of fourteen Day 2 1222.137 701.50
Day 3 1300.462 665.69
patients who underwent hemodialysis five Day 4 1211.191 585.40
expired, eight had partial recovery and long Day 5 1241.522 705.99
Blood Urea Mean (mg/dl) Standard Deviation
term maintenance hemodialysis and only Day 1 71.75 50.21
one had full recovery. Day 2 71.03 51.12
The following table (table 3) shows Day 3 68.21 48.71
Day 4 71.94 53.45
the follow up, the mean 24 hour urine Day 5 70.64 55.98
output, mean blood urea and mean serum Serum Creatine Mean (mg/dl) Standard Deviation
Day 1 3.097 2.94
creatine of all patients for first five days. Day 2 3.092 2.43
An attempt was made to find out association Day 3 2.849 2.04
Day 4 2.923 1.86
between different variables and outcome of Day 5 2.74 1.77
AKI which was the main part of this study

Table 4: Association of various factors to outcome of AKI

Factor Outcome Kruskal Wallis test
Expired (mean ± SD) Partial recovery Complete recovery (P value)
(mean ± SD) (mean ± SD)
Mean hospital stay 7.94 ± 3.24 10.69 ± 6.35 6.86 ± 3.566 0.01*
in days
eGFR 34 ± 20.78 29.09 ± 26.68 41.30 ± 16.44 0.002*
Stage of kidney Expired (number of Partial recovery (number of Complete recovery (number Chi square calculated/p
disease patients) patients) of patients) value
Stage 1 0 (0%) 3 (16.66%) 15 (83.3%) 42.730*/0.0001*
Stage 2 2 (7.1%) 10 (35.7%) 16 (57.7%)
Stage 3 14 (31.8%) 26 (66.67%) 4 (9%)
Statistically significant data

So significant association were seen conservatively, 44.7% fully recovered,

for the hospital stay duration, eGFR and 40.7% partially recovered and 14.4%
stage of acute kidney injury with the succumbed to illness. May be the group of
outcome. Out of 21 patients with AKI, 5 patients taken for hemodialysis were more
expired 4 had partial recovery and 12 had sick than the conservatively managed group;
complete recovery. Out of 63 patients with outcome of the former was also bad. Out of
intrinsic renal disease 8 expired, 32 had 14 patients taken for hemodialysis only one
partial recovery and 23 had full recovery. had complete recovery, 8 had partial
Out of 6 patients with post renal AKI, 3 recovery and 5 succumbed to illness.
expired and 3 had partial recovery. Of the Regarding monitoring of AKI
patients admitted with sepsis, which was the patients; when Kruskal Wallis test was
most common cause, 9 expired, 8 partially applied for mean 24 hour urine output
recovered and 11 recovered fully. Out of the values and daily blood urea and serum
74 patients who were managed creatine values, all three were found to have

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Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2019
Shafeeq Usman V Clinical Profile, Outcome and Prognostic Factors of Acute Kidney Injury - A Tertiary
Hospital Based Study

statistically significant association with the urine output and progressive increase in
outcome of disease which is shown in table blood urea and serum creatine are poor
number 5 below. So progressive decline in prognostic factors in AKI

Table 5: Association of 24 hour urine output, blood urea and serum creatine to outcome of AKI
Variable Expired Partially recovered Fully recovered Kruskal Wallis Test
(mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) (P value)
Urine Output Day 1 (ml) 964.188 ± 473.73 982.967 ± 621.63 1210±643.87 0.262
Urine Output Day 2 (ml) 1020.063±541.9 1142.213±720.06 1403.571±720.21 0.163
Urine Output Day 3 (ml) 935±483.11 1310.092±735.58 1456.8±603.46 0.014*
Urine Output Day 4 (ml) 839.286±426.37 1186.766±702.64 1492.857±298.61 0.004*
Urine Output Day 5 (ml) 872.222±487.07 1041.170±686.4 1852.417±484.19 0.002*
Blood Urea day 1 (mg/dl) 82.725±62.69 75.51±55.96 62.54±34.18 0.667
Blood Urea day 2 (mg/dl) 105.38±81.72 73.46±44.47 52.63±27.79 0.019*
Blood Urea day 3 (mg/dl) 112.56±73.36 66.97±40.06 49.31±27.34 0.001*
Blood Urea day 4 (mg/dl) 139.77±79.17 61.00±24.27 45.05±18.70 0.001*
Blood Urea day 5 (mg/dl) 152.14±96.90 62.74±22.04 38.25±9.17 0.001*
Serum creatine day 1 (mg/dl) 2.37±1.26 4.126±3.64 2.283±2.22 0.02*
Serum creatine day 2 (mg/dl) 3.35±1.60 4.144±2.97 1.80±1.20 0.01*
Serum creatine day 3 (mg/dl) 3.963±1.68 3.646±2.28 1.45±0.69 0.01*
Serum creatine day 4 (mg/dl) 4.43±1.65 3.438±1.69 1.29±0.58 0.01*
Serum creatine day 5 (mg/dl) 4.81±1.27 3.056±1.53 0.97±0.09 0.01*

DISCUSSION Anemia was multifactorial since in nearly

This study was done in 90 one-third patients, it preceded onset of renal
hospitalized patients with AKI. The mean failure. Anemia may be a pointer to
age 58 which was comparable to study underlying chronic kidney disease or other
conducted by Turney et al and a similar chronic diseases. Most of the systemic
study conducted in India by Prakash et al. examination findings were due to volume
The mean age of expired patients were overload. Bilateral basal crepitations may be
significantly higher than that of recovered due to acute pulmonary edema and
though no statistical correlation was abdominal distension may be due to fluid
attained. But advancing age has shown to accumulation in peritoneum. Presence of co-
affect AKI outcome in a similar study morbid illness like diabetes, hypertension
conducted in Spain. [6] Males were detected did not reveal a significant association to
to have higher incidence of AKI in this incidence, progression or outcome of AKI.
study which is similar to many studies. [7] Neutrophilic leukocytosis was the
There may be unknown genetic aspects most common finding in routine hemogram
influencing the development of AKI. apart from anemia. Both luekocytosis and
Patients were included from medicine and leukocytopenia are associated with
surgery departments in this study and 62 out increased mortality though no similar
of 90 are from intensive care units. This findings were obtained here. [10] Most of the
may be due to increased co-morbidities like patients had very minimal proteinuria in this
hypotension and infections. Fever was study. The urine microscopy was helpful in
found to be the most common presenting identifying AKI in this study. However
symptom in this study. Most of the studies there was no association between
all over the world project oliguria as the microscopy findings and outcome of AKI.
commonest symptom of AKI. [8] The Previously Bagshaw and colleagues had
disparity here may be due to the fact that collected blood and urine samples of 83
sepsis is the most common etiology critically ill patients with sepsis of whom
identified here. 43% of this study population 52%had AKI. They had derived a urine
had anemia. This factor is previously microscopy score based on observed
highlighted by a Canadian study, where 53 quantification of renal tubular epithelial
out of 56 patients with AKI had anemia at cells and granular casts in sediments and
some point during their hospital stay. [9] showed that septic AKI was associated with

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Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2019
Shafeeq Usman V Clinical Profile, Outcome and Prognostic Factors of Acute Kidney Injury - A Tertiary
Hospital Based Study

greater urine microscopy evidence of kidney common etiology for the same. Common
injury than non-septic AKI despite similar causes and risk factors of AKI significantly
severity of both. [11] A higher urine differed in developing and developed
microscopy score was also predictive of countries. In contrast to trauma, industrial
worsening AKI. Various electrolyte accidents, drugs, cardiogenic causes, renal
abnormalities were seen in this study transplant rejection in developed countries,
associated with AKI, the commonest being acute tubular necrosis due to community
hypocalcemia which was present in 75.5% acquired infections remain the most
of study population. It was followed by common cause in the tropics. Sepsis,
hyponatremia, hyperphosphatemia, hypotension, aminoglycosides were the
hypokalemia and hyperkalemia. No main culprits of AKI in India. [15] These are
significant association was made out the different scenarios where we should be
between electrolyte abnormality and cautious of renal status of the patient.
outcome of AKI. Hypocalcemia Coming to the management part, of
hyperphosphatemia and increase in the conservatively managed 76 patients, 11
immunoreactive parathyroid hormone are (14.4%) succumbed to the illness, 31 had
very common metabolic derangements seen partial recovery and 34 recovered
of which calcium and parathyroid completely. IV fluids were the main stay of
abnormalities persist into the diuretic phase treatment of AKI but were administered
of AKI. [12] There were studies where judiciously with strict monitoring of urine
hyperkalemia was commonest electrolyte output as to avoid pulmonary edema.
abnormality followed by hyponatremia and Antibiotics were another important part of
hypocalcemia only abnormality detected in treatment especially in sepsis patients. A
liver function tests was hypoalbuminemia. few patients of study population needed
Hypoalbuminemia may casually contribute inotrope support and ventilator. These two
to the development of AKI and requirements may be taken as a poor
administration of human albumin solution prognostic sign as seven out of fourteen
has shown some potential in preventing patients who required inotrope and eight out
AKI. [13] of thirteen patients who required ventilator
The patients were divided to stage 1, succumbed to their illness. Antibiotics
2 and 3 of AKI based on the highest they whenever used must be in a calculated dose
had reached during stay in hospital. This based on creatine clearance that should be
study had clearly showed increasing stage of individually calculated for each patient.
disease significantly affect the outcome. The Another common medication used in
stage of AKI had shown to correlate with conservative management of AKI was
the short term and long term outcomes of diuretics. However it was told using
AKI. In a Brazilian study, the same Kidney diuretics on patient with AKI was like
Disease Improving Global Outcomes whipping a dying horse. The same was
(KDIGO) criteria used here was found to be shown in studies which demonstrated
a powerful predictor of 30 day mortality in diuretics to be ineffective in preventing AKI
patients who had elevated post operative as well as improving outcome of the same.
serum creatine who underwent cardiac Despite decades of research, no specific
surgeries. [14] The studies available highlight therapy for AKI other than supportive care
even transient perturbations in kidney exists currently. May be due to increased
function increases mortality. 70% of the severity of disease and increased stage of
study population had intrinsic renal failure, AKI, patients initiated on hemodialysis had
23% had prerenal failure and the rest a worse outcome than conservative
postrenal failure. Community acquired management. Of the 14 patients initiated on
causes were accounted for in 92.2% of the dialysis only one person had full recovery,
study population and sepsis was the most eight had to be maintained on hemodialysis

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Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2019
Shafeeq Usman V Clinical Profile, Outcome and Prognostic Factors of Acute Kidney Injury - A Tertiary
Hospital Based Study

and five patients had expired. In SHARF intrinsic renal failure. Premorbidities like
(Stuivenberg Hospital Acute Renal Failure) hypertension, diabetes did not affect the
study mortality was 58% among those AKI outcome of AKI. The factors affecting
patients who had undergone hemodialysis outcome were eGFR, KDIGO stage of AKI,
and the same was 43% among those duration of hospital stay, need for inotrope
conservatively managed. So a critical support, ventilator, hemodialysis.
approach is warranted in initiating renal Conservative management was the best time
replacement therapy in AKI. tested approach in treating AKI where
Discussion will not be complete antibiotics and intravenous fluid are the
without mentioning about monitoring and pillars. Monitoring of AKI patient can be
prognostication factors of AKI. Daily urine done by assessing daily 24 hour urine
output, blood urea and serum creatine were output, blood urea and serum creatine.
found to be excellent tools to monitor and
predict outcome of AKI in this study. It was Limitations:
found out oliguric AKI had far worse No long term follow up was done as it
prognosis than non-oliguric AKI. [17] was out of scope of this study. The patients who
Similarly worsening blood urea and creatine had responded to treatment and had partial
value despite optimum conservative recovery from AKI but not returned to baseline
creatine during study period were also included
management showed poor survival in “partial recovery” group, which might have
outcomes in this study. So these are the affected the outcome assessment.
three most important predictors of outcome Recommendations:
of AKI according to this study and we Careful monitoring of urine output, serum
strongly advice monitoring these in creatine and blood urea should be done in all
critically ill patients so as to pick up AKI patients admitted in hospital especially in
very early and prevent worsening of the critical care so as to predict AKI. Timely
same. Regarding final outcome, only in- diagnosis will surely improve outcome and
hospital outcomes were considered in this survival chances of patient drastically.
study. 17.8% of study population passed Management of sepsis and maintaining blood
away in hospital, 43.3% had partial recovery pressure are of paramount importance while
treating a patient. A guarded approach should be
and 38.9% had complete recovery. The maintained while initiating hemodialysis in AKI
majority in partial recovery group are those patients.
patients who had responded to treatment but Acknowledgement:
had not returned to baseline creatine during We thank all patients and relatives who were
the period of study. The reported hospital part of this study for their time and patience.
mortality of AKI patients had varied Declaration:
between 13.3% to 49.1%. [18] A prospective Funding - none
study of AKI in India in ICU patients found Conflicts of interest - none
out a mortality of 52% down the line. [19] Prior publication - none
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occur within 60 days and hence follow up REFERENCES
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Vol.4; Issue: 4; October-December 2019

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