Form Pedo New

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Gg, PEDO APPLICATION DATA FORM. (a Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (PEDO) '___ Energy & Power Department Government Of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa g ar SY) A Eligibility Criteria: pPicture 1 |s your Qualification, Expertence & Age according to the required passport not older than criteria forthe post? eesti} Months having, (|f your reply is "Yes" to A only then please proceed further. Otherwise btue background size color photographwith gum you are not eligible to apply) B. Posts & Projects Related: 1, Post Applied for: 2. Project Name: C. Personal Information (Use capital letters & Leave spaces between words) 04. Name In Ful 02, Father's Nam 03. Candidate CNICH: = 05. Date of Birth: vs DD M M YY y ¥ 04, Ger Mi Fem 06. Postal Address: City: District: 07, Phone No: (OFF) cx con rene (RES, (mobile) los. Are you a Government Servant? a No] 98. Driving License? [7] vay No 10,,Are you a Disabled Person? You No 11. District & Province of Domi Province: District of Domicile Page 1 D. Academic/ Educational Information: Note rte exact degre nae & male bjt menton in certfoat /ansci 2 Candidate shoud carve thr graces lo arks (© amv oa erage hg oa). 3 iwi reeut dcaton date n yar of passing. Ee ee riitia | BRR" | Be | cneen Pe Maine a, Trismedate7 Dac Pe) Bacholor | ]®* = [J 8s area Dloter Basialrond|] wa Jose (re) Di oter ws /mpnit ms Gms mens Pro. E. Employment Record (starting with latest Employment) Job Duration srt || Organization / Employer Name Job Title a on | ae 02 yp fs. 03, | 04 05 06: 07 08 onthe Years 02 Total Job Experience as on closing date of application - - 10. Total Relevant Job Experience as on closing date of application: - 11, Total Specific Job Experience as on closing date of application: b H (requred in avezoment for appl pos) F, Declaration/Undertaking By The Applicant: l disiw of do hereby solemnly declare and affirm that | have read and understood the instructions and conditions for applying to the post. All the given information is true and correct. Any untrue, false or forged, mis-representation of information may lead to the cancellation of my candidature for the subject, position at any stage and even after the appointment. Date: ‘Thumb Impression Candidate's Signature Page 2

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