How To Read Pediatric Ecgs: References

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Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.2006.111195corr1 on 22 June 2007. Downloaded from http://adc.bmj.

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References mention newer developments such as the from 1965 to 2004. The data are presented
1 Anonymous. Collecting feathers in the health biventricular pacemaker and implantable defi- broken down by diagnostic group, according to
service. BMJ 2007;334:260. brillator. Similarly, the section on Wolff- the International Classification of Childhood
2 Schwarz GJ, Haycock GB, Edelmann CM, et al. A Parkinson-White syndrome is short and could Cancer (ICC3), and by age and sex. There is a
simple estimate of glomerular filtration rate in be improved by the inclusion of pathway discussion of the factors influencing the
children derived from body length and plasma localisation algorithms and a description of incidence patterns and time trends. At a time
creatinine. Pediatrics 1976;58:259–63.
3 Coulthard MG. Surface area is best estimated from
why the localisation of the pathway is useful in of great pessimism in the National Health
weight alone: pocket calculators and nomograms the ablation era. Service (NHS), it is cheering to read of the
are unnecessary. Lancet 1994;71:281. Overall, this is an interesting and erudite improvements in survival from childhood
book that will endow the reader with an cancer, in terms both of 5-year survival and
improved understanding of the theoretical of later survival, with children followed for up
How to read pediatric ECGs basis of the ECG. I am an enthusiast for to 20 years from diagnosis.
endurance sports and, having recently com- The final chapter describes interesting lin-
Edited by Myung K Park and Warren pleted the West Highland Way, I can testify to kages between the registry and other databases
G Guntheroth. Published by Mosby Elsevier, the purification of spirit that can be achieved to support epidemiological research. Research
2006, £44.99 (paperback), pp 280. ISBN -10: by tramping through virgin snow across possibilities for the future may include linking
0-3230-3570-1 Rannoch Moor. The sense of achievement is NRCT data to NHS computer records or to
immense and is supplemented by a deeper genetic data obtained from stored Guthrie
How to read paediatric knowledge of oneself, one’s Creator and fellow cards.
ECGs is an unusual man. At the same time, there are blisters, sore Researchers will find the book a useful
book, which harks back muscles and relief that it is all over. This book reference source. The oncologist designing a
to the past. In this era is a bit like that. Try it! multicentre clinical trial could use this to
of information over- estimate sample size and required geographical
load, the quick answer extent. Cancers with a low survival rate, which
to most questions – A Graham Stuart could form research priorities, have been
medical or otherwise – identified and listed. Epidemiologists inter-
can be obtained by ested in possible aetiologies of childhood
‘‘Googling’’ or similar cancer would find this a good starting point.
shortcuts. This book
Childhood cancer in Britain
The time trends in survival and mortality will
takes a more traditional assist those planning paediatric oncology ser-
approach. Edited by Charles Stiller. Published by Oxford vices at a regional or supraregional level.
The first chapter deals with the lost art of University Press, Oxford, 2007, £69.95 (hard- Longer survival after diagnosis generates a
vectorcardiography – the application of basic back), pp 288. ISBN -10: 0-19-852070-0 greater need for services. And, as mortality
physics and mathematics to the interpretation from all causes in childhood has fallen, so
of the ECG. Read this chapter carefully and the The National Registry cancer mortality, despite the improvements
mysteries of QRS axis and even the EP Holy of Childhood Tumours achieved in survival, has become a more
Grail – pathway spotting in Wolff-Parkinson- (NRCT) is an enor- important cause of childhood death.
White syndrome – become less opaque. mous, long-standing This is a scholarly piece of work and the

Chapter 2 is a bit more conventional and deals and meticulously main- methods used cannot be faulted. By its nature
with the measurement of basic intervals (PR, tained dataset, the ana- the book is dry and dense with information
QRS, etc) but also adds in exotica such as JT lysis of which is and tables and can be laborious to read. But as
intervals. It deals with the calculation of axis presented in this book. a clean and tidy piece of epidemiology, it is
for which three methods are detailed. In The analysis includes admirable.
chapters 3 and 4, normal values are described all children diagnosed
with copious illustrations and tables covering with cancer and leu-
the premature neonate upwards. Chapter 5 kaemia aged 0– Maybelle A Wallis
deals with the complexity of ECG evaluation of 14 years from 1962
chamber hypertrophy. By this stage I started to onwards and resident in England, Scotland
twitch and reach for my imaginary echo probe. and Wales. The NRCT does not collect any data
Clearly, in modern medical practice, echocar- on older teenagers and young adults, and this
diography is simpler and more accurate in the book does not include data from Northern
assessment of chamber size and wall thickness. Ireland, which was first included in the NRCT
Nonetheless, a good understanding of the ECG in 1993. CORRECTIONS
may prove helpful in confusing cases. Chapter Ascertainment of children has been by
6 deals in great detail with bundle branch block multiple sources including national and regio- doi: 10.1136/adc.2006.111195corr1
and includes an extensive treatise on partial nal cancer registries, the UK Children’s Cancer
right bundle branch block in children. Complex Study Group, leukaemia trials and death C J Hobbs, J Osman. Genital injuries in boys and
vector loops are drawn, prefaced with the certification. It is estimated to be around 99% abuse (Arch Dis Child 2007;92:328–31). Seven
warning that ‘‘this is for advanced readers complete, whilst loss to follow-up has been less ‘‘accidental injuries’’ should have been described
only’’! There then follow chapters on ST segment than 1%. Would it be possible, one wonders, to in this paper to make a total of 86 cases. In table
analysis (including the t wave), arrhythmias, AV achieve this exemplary level of completeness if 5 the additional extra case is: ‘‘3 year old with
block and chamber analysis. The book finishes the cancer registries were only being estab- sharply defined superficial transverse cut over
with a description of a concise systematic lished now, in an age of data protection and dorsum of penis at base of shaft and the history
approach which can be used to read the ECG complex ethics approval processes? Whilst that a thin plastic toilet seat fell on him’’.
and analyse arrhythmias and AV block. consent and data protection are alluded to in doi: 10.1136/adc.2006.107284corr1
How to read paediatric ECGs is clearly illu- the book, it would be useful if the processes
strated and each chapter is supplemented by used were more clearly described. M Luscombe and B Owens. Weight estimation
excellent review questions that test knowledge The body of the book presents incidence in resuscitation: is the current formula still
of the preceding chapter. There are some very from 1991 to 2000, time trends in incidence valid? Arch Dis Child 2007;92:412–15. The
good reference tables of normal values. The from 1966 to 2000, survival of children formula published in fig 1 of this paper is
book does, however, have some notable omis- diagnosed between 1991 and 2000, time trends incorrect. The correct formula is as written
sions. For example, the section on ‘‘reading the in survival from 1966 to 2000, mortality from throughout the remainder of the manuscript—
paced ECG’’ is extremely brief and omits to 1995 to 2004, and time trends in mortality that is, "Weight = 3(age)+7".

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