Legal Research

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Legal Research

Law 505-C
Tuesday 7:00-9:00


First Year
Section C

Research No. 1
God created Lucifer.

Lucifer was the most beautiful and was, at the same time, the most powerful angel

Lucifer rebelled against God.

Thus, God cast Lucifer down to hell as a punishment

Lucifer tempts mankind to commit sins

Oftentimes, you listen to Lucifer who is a very powerful angel and commit sins

God sends your soul to hell for committing sins despite the fact that Lucifer is a very powerful
angel and is definitely a persuasive one.

Then, Lucifer tortures your soul in hell for listening to him.

Was there a conspiracy between God, and Lucifer to torture souls in hell? Please answer in a
syllogistic format, maximum of four paragraphs.


No. There is no conspiracy between God and Lucifer to torture souls in hell.
Under Article 8 of the Revised Penal Code Conspiracy happens when two or more
persons come to an agreement concerning the commission of a felony and decide to commit it.
The provision elucidates the requisites of conspiracy which are: 1. Two or more persons came
to an agreement; 2. Agreement concerned the commission of a crime; and 3. Execution of a
felony was decided upon.
In the case at bar, God and Lucifer did not have an agreement with regards to torturing
souls in hell, the fact that Lucifer rebelled against God shows that they were not in cooperation
in committing such. Also, man has his or her own free will and conscience to choose between
what is right and wrong, which would contribute to his or her decisions in committing sins.
Thus, the Conspiracy of God and Lucifer is inexistent.

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