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Dynamo Structure – Level 1

Level 1 Content

Dynamo is a visual programming tool that will help you to automate your daily systematic tasks,
this course will introduce Dynamo to you, help you to thick out of the box and develop your skills
as BIM Engineer.
Dynamo Structure – Level 1

Dynamo Structure – Level 1

Level 1 Content

1. Introduction to Dynamo & Visual Programming

In this part we will introduce Dynamo to you to explain: -

• What is Dynamo?
• Why should I learn Dynamo?
• Difference between visual & script Programming
• Dynamo Versions
• Examples from our daily work that Dynamo can help to do it.

2. Explain Dynamo Basics

In this part we will explain the basics of working with Dynamo: -

• What is Node
• How to search & place nodes
• Reading node input / output
• Connect / Disconnect nodes
• Delete / copy nodes
• Dynamo canvas
• Grouping nodes
• Define numbers & strings
• Dynamo Units
• Lacing
• Inputs levels
• Booleans
• Filter by bool mask
• Packages
• Custom Nodes
• Code blocks
• Dynamo Player


Dynamo Structure – Level 1

3. Define Dynamo Geometries

In this part we will explain the basics Dynamo Geometries and how to work
with these geometries to convert to from shape to another: -

• Define points
• Define curves
• Define surfaces
• Define solids
• Define vectors
• Define planes
• Create lines between points
• Place points on curves
• Create curves along surfaces
• Create surfaces from curves
• Convert solid to surfaces
• Intersect different geometries
• Convert Revit elements to Dynamo geometries

4. List Management
In this part we will explain how manage data into Dynamo: -

• List Indices
• List Transpose
• List Flatten
• List Levels
• First Item / Last Item nodes
• Get item at index
• Sort values by indices
• Rest of items
• Reorder list by another list
• List chop
• Combine lists
• Repeat list
• List data management


Dynamo Structure – Level 1
5. Create & Edit Revit Elements
In this part we will explain to use Dynamo to create Revit elements

• Place vertical & slanted columns

• Create beams
• Create floors
• Create views
• Create Reinforcement
• Place Tags
• Place Spot elevation
• Get parameters from any Revit element
• Set parameter to any Revit element

6. Working with external files

In this part we will work with external files to get data into Dynamo then
to Revit: -

• Import & Export data from Excel

• Read AutoCAD files

7. Course examples
This course has multiple examples, the goal of examples is to explain how
to use Dynamo, the list blew contains course examples in recorded
videos & live: -

• Calculate ramp volume

• Element ids
• Place multiple columns with desired spacing
• Create beams along double curved surface
• Create columns types from excel file
• Create drop panels above columns with offset from columns
• Create drop panels above columns with certain dimensions
• Calculate insulation area for foundations
• Split columns at levels
• Split walls at levels
• Join un-joined elements
• Create views & sheets multiple zones projects


Dynamo Structure – Level 1

• Place columns above AutoCAD file

• Create drop panels from AutoCAD file
• Adjust isolated footings & columns offset in case of multiple
footings thickness
• Column Reinforcement
• Set reinforcement as solid in View
• Divide slab with beams
• Create columns detailing based on predefined column types
or Excel file
• Piles / columns Renumbering


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