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Proceedings of the ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and

Information in Engineering Conference

September 4-7, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA



Allen B. Mackay Spencer P. Magleby∗ Larry L. Howell

Email: Email: Email:
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Brigham Young University Brigham Young University Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602 Provo, Utah 84602 Provo, Utah 84602

ABSTRACT folded section of the beam rolls along the surface, resulting in
This paper presents a pseudo-rigid-body model (PRBM) smooth, frictionless motion. In addition, because of the constant
for rolling-contact compliant beams (RCCBs). The loading con- shape of the rolling contact beam during this axial motion and
ditions and boundary conditions for the RCCB can be simpli- because all axial positions have the same potential energy, no re-
fied to an equivalent cantilever beam that has the same force- turning force in the axial direction is generated. However, in the
deflection characteristics as the RCCB. Building on the PRBM case of transverse motion, where the surfaces move toward each
for cantilever beams, this paper defines a model for the force- other, the RCCB acts as a spring to provide a returning force.
deflection relationship for RCCBs. The definition of the RCCB In addition to potentially providing frictionless, neutrally-
PRBM includes the pseudo-rigid-body model parameters that de- stable axial motion, the rolling-contact motion of the RCCB ex-
termine the shape of the beam, the length of the corresponding hibits a theoretically infinite range of axial motion, allowing the
pseudo-rigid-body links and the stiffness of the equivalent tor- designer to select any desired axial range of motion [1]. This fea-
sional spring. The behavior of the RCCB is parameterized in ture contrasts with typical limited-range linear compliant mech-
terms of a single parameter defined as clearance, or the distance anisms, where the range of travel is usually varied by scaling the
between the contact surfaces. RCCBs exhibit a unique force- entire mechanism.
displacement curve where the force is inversely proportional to An analysis tool that effectively predicts the behavior of
the clearance squared. RCCBs would better enable the use of RCCBs as mechanism
components. While several methods could accurately analyze an
RCCB, such as finite-element analysis model, a faster and more
visual method is helpful in iterative design. A design-oriented
The pseudo-rigid-body model has enabled designers to suc-
method can be found in the pseudo-rigid-body model. However,
cessfully predict behavior of many compliant mechanism com-
the pseudo-rigid-body model method is limited to the several
ponents. This paper presents a compliant mechanism component
compliant segment types for which models have been developed
called the Rolling-Contact Compliant Beam, or RCCB, and de-
(e.g. cantilever beams, pinned-pinned segments, initially-curved
velops and validates a corresponding pseudo-rigid-body model.
cantilever beams [2–5]). Models for this mechanism component
The RCCB consists of a compliant leaf spring that has been
(the RCCB) have not previously been developed.
elastically deformed into a U-shape, as shown in Figure 1. It pro-
vides a spring force between two contact surfaces. As the contact This paper will define RCCBs in greater detail, illustrate
surfaces move parallel relative to each other as in Figure 2(a), the some of their unique characteristics, and develop and validate
the corresponding pseudo-rigid-body model. The purpose of the
model is to aid designers in the analysis of specific beam de-
∗ Corresponding author
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The PRBM provides a design-friendly method for analyzing
large, nonlinear deflections. By using a simple parametric model
for large-deflection compliant segments, it has been shown to re-
liably predict behavior for many basic compliant mechanisms.
Its strength lies in that it decouples the force equations from the
deflection equations, allowing them to be solved independently.
Because they are parameterized in terms of key parameters, the
model has the ability to quickly predict the behavior of a specific
design, and also provides designers with a method for synthesiz-
ing a mechanism with the desired behavior.
Pseudo-rigid-body models have been developed to describe
the behavior of a number of basic compliant segments [2–5].
Figure 1. Two rolling-contact compliant beams in this application provide The cantilever beam model will be a foundation for the devel-
spring force against transverse motion opment of the pseudo-rigid-body model for RCCBs. Similarities
to the pinned-pinned segment model also exist. The approach for
simplifying the RCCBs will be based on the pseudo-rigid-body
model for pinned-pinned segments. The following section pro-
vides a brief overview of the cantilever beam pseudo-rigid-body
The contact-aided nature of the RCCB builds on previous
work in contact-aided compliant mechanisms [6–8]. The work
on tape springs by Vehar et al and Seffen involves geometry sim-
ilar to the RCCBs, employing very long flexible beams [9, 10].
Investigation of the behavior of tape springs in the RCCB con-
figuration is an interest of future research.
The following sections will show that the boundary con-
ditions for the RCCB allow the beam to be represented by an
equivalent pinned-pinned segment. The PRBM for a pinned-
pinned segment exploits symmetry, using a half-model that con-
sists of an initially-curved cantilever beam [3]. The RCCB model
will follow a similar approach in its use of symmetry. Another
applicable principle from previous work in pinned-pinned seg-
ments is the determination of the direction of the force applied to
these segments. Forces on pinned-pinned segments lie on a line
collinear to a line between the pins [5].
(a) (b)
Applications of functionally binary pinned-pinned segments
Figure 2. RCCB illustrating the rolling-contact motion during (a) axial include linear displacement bistable mechanisms [11, 12]. RC-
motion and (b) transverse motion CBs could apply to similar situations as the FBPP, since the
RCCB boundary conditions make it essentially a moving pinned-
pinned segment. RCCBs may also replace the Rolamite [13] or
CORE mechanisms (COmpliant Rolling-contact Element) [8] in
applications where the RCCB behavior is desirable.

signs and in design synthesis. With the formulation of the RCCB

pseudo-rigid-body model, designers will be able to quickly syn- 2.1 Review of Cantilever Beam PRBM
thesize designs that meet their performance specifications. The The PRBM describes the deflection path and force-
RCCB has application in mechanisms that require a spring force. deflection relationship for a flexible segment by simulating the
However, this component has the potential to specifically im- motion using rigid-body links and torsional springs at the pin
prove performance in linear-motion mechanisms by providing a joints. For the large-deflection cantilever beam shown in Figure
transverse restoring force throughout a long range of travel (see 3 the direction of the force at the free end is denoted by the com-
Figure 2(b)). bination of vertical and horizontal force components, P and nP,

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respectively. The resulting force magnitude is described by and
F = P n2 + 1 (1) b
= γ sin(Θ) (3)
The factor n relates to the angle of the force at the beam end,
denoted by φ. The highest value of n reported in previous work is for n =
10 or φ = 174.3◦ , where γ = 0.8156.

2.1.2 Predicting the Force-Deflection Relation-

ship. The force-deflection relationship is modeled by a tor-
sional spring at the pseudo-rigid-body joint. The value of the
torsional spring constant is

K= (4)

where KΘ is the non-dimensional stiffness coefficient, E is the

modulus of the material, I is the moment of inertia, and l is the
length of the beam. The non-dimensional stiffness coefficient is
dependent upon the force angle. For a specified force angle, KΘ
can be found by calculating the tangential load index, (α2 )t , as
shown in [5].
A force-deflection relationship can be found by comparing
equations for the resulting moment, T , at the pseudo-rigid-body
joint (equations (5) and (6)) and solving for the tangential force
at the beam end, Ft .

T = KΘ (5)
Figure 3. Pseudo-rigid-body model for cantilever beam
T = Ft γl (6)

2.1.1 Predicting the Deflection Path. To predict the The RCCBs are leaf springs that have been doubled over to
deflection path for large, nonlinear deflections, the pseudo-rigid- provide a spring force between the two contacting surfaces. As
body model takes advantage of the nearly circular path that the the surfaces move parallel to each other, the folded section of the
beam end follows. The cantilever beam deflection path is mod- beam rolls along the surfaces, resulting in smooth, frictionless
eled by two pseudo-rigid-body links, using a characteristic radius motion. The RCCB provides a transverse spring force between
factor, γ, to determine the correct ratio of link lengths. For a beam the surfaces undergoing anti-parallel motion. This work is lim-
of length l, the radius of the circular deflection path traversed ited to mechanisms with straight, parallel contact surfaces and to
by the pseudo-rigid-body link is the product γl, as illustrated in the region of travel where the beam is in contact with both sur-
Figure 3. The characteristic radius factor is dependent upon the faces. The RCCB conditions apply to beams that are elastically
angle of the force at the free end, which can be determined from deformed and remain in plane (no lateral-torsional buckling).
the factor n.
Coordinates for the beam end, a and b, are described in
3.1 Loading Conditions and Boundary Conditions
terms of the characteristic radius factor, γ, the pseudo-rigid-body
The point of contact where the RCCB touches the contact
angle, Θ, and the length of the cantilever beam, l, as:
surface delineates the curved segment, which spans the gap be-
a tween the surfaces, and the straight segments, which lie along the
= 1 − γ(1 − cos(Θ)) (2) contact surface as shown in Figure 4(a). Once the beam contacts

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zontal direction. This equivalent beam is deflected to reach an
end angle of 90◦ . The same set of boundary conditions and load-
ing conditions applies regardless of the distance between contact
surfaces. To simulate a narrowing gap between contact surfaces,
the length of the equivalent cantilever and corresponding pseudo-
rigid-body links also decrease.

3.2 Neutrally-Stable Axial Motion

Note that the applied forces on the RCCB occur along a line
collinear to a line between the contact points. In the case of the
RCCB, this results in the force occurring solely in the transverse
(a) (b) direction. This important characteristic of RCCBs means that the
Figure 4. (a) Simplification of the boundary conditions and loading con- beam provides transverse spring force but causes no resistance to
ditions to a pinned-pinned segment equivalent to the RCCB with clear- move the surfaces axially relative to each other.
ance c, and (b) further simplification to a cantilever beam due to symme- If the contacting surfaces are straight and parallel, an axial
try displacement of the surfaces causes the beams to roll along the
surfaces without changing the curvature of the beam. As long as
the beam is in contact with both surfaces, the radius is constant
the surface, the beam is relaxed, lying straight along the surface. throughout the axial movement and the energy stored is constant.
Knowing that the bending moment is proportional to curvature, This constant potential energy area corresponds to a neutrally
and because this zero-curvature state is identical to the relaxed stable zone. Only when the surfaces undergo transverse motion
state of the beam, it can be seen that no moment or distributed does the curvature, and thus the stored energy and reaction force,
load occurs along the straight segment. If there were an applied change.
moment or distributed force, the beam would continue to deflect
away from the contacting surface. Therefore, the beam is deter-
mined to be point-force loaded at the point of contact. This load- 4 RCCB PRBM DEVELOPMENT
ing indicates that it is not necessary to analyze the portions of the Having simplified the loading conditions of the RCCB to
beam that are in contact with the surfaces, and only the curved be equivalent to a cantilever beam with a horizontal load and
portion spanning the gap between the surfaces need be analyzed. 90◦ beam end delflection, the cantilever beam PRBM can be em-
The loading on the RCCB can thus be reduced to an equivalent ployed.
pinned-pinned segment, with a force applied at the pins and end
angles of the segment being parallel to the contact surface.
One notable difference between the basic pinned-pinned 4.1 Derivation of PRBM Parameters
segment described by Edwards et al and the curved segment of The force angle for the RCCB model remains constant.
the RCCB shown in Figure 4(a) is the initial curvature of the Therefore, the pseudo-rigid-body parameters Θ, γ, and KΘ are
beam. Recalling that in the relaxed state the RCCB is straight, constants for any RCCB. The non-dimensional beam end coor-
it can be seen that this equivalent pinned-pinned segment is ini- dinates, al and bl , are also constant for a cantilever with n ap-
tially straight, whereas those segments defined in previous work proaching infinite and end angle of 90◦ .
were circular. The PRBM for RCCBs will accordingly define pa-
rameters that correspond to initially-straight pinned-pinned seg-
4.1.1 Beam End Coordinates. The coordinates of
the beam end, al and bl , were obtained using an elliptic integral
The model of the RCCB can be simplified by noting that the
beam is symmetric across the centerline of the gap between the solution for cantilever beams, recording values of al and bl that
two contacting surfaces. This symmetry allows the creation and correspond to 90.0000◦ end angles for increasing values of n, up
analysis of a half-model of the beam, as illustrated in Figure 4(b), to n = 525. Figure 5 shows the asymptotic behavior of the coor-
where dinates as n increases. Because the RCCB has an infinite n and a
constant end angle of 90◦ , the non-dimensionalized end coordi-
nates, al and bl , will be constants. Two new PRBM constants, α
c = 2a (7) and β, are introduced to define these values as

Thus, the PRBM will use a half-model of the RCCB, consisting a

of an initially straight cantilever beam loaded only in the hori- α= = 0.4569 (8)

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Table 1. Pseudo-rigid-body constants for the RCCB
PRBM constant Value
β= = 0.7628 (9) n ∞
α 0.4569
β 0.7628
γ 0.8073
RCC PRBM Constants: Beam End Coordinates, ! and "
Θ 70.90◦

!=0.45685 KΘ 2.625
0.46 0.8

0.45 0.79
4.2 Parameterization in Terms of Clearance


! The preceding section defines the deflection path and the

0.44 0.78
" pseudo rigid body angle for the RCCB as constants, with the
0.43 0.77 length of the equivalent cantilever beam changing to simulate
the narrowing clearance. Perhaps the most useful parameteriza-
0.42 0.76 tion for the RCCBs is in terms of the clearance, c, or the distance
"=0.76284 between the contact surfaces. This section defines the behavior
of RCCBs in terms of this parameter.
0 200 400 600
Force angle, n
4.2.1 Dimensions of Cantilever Half-Model. Be-
Figure 5. Numerical values for α and β for high values of n cause al is a constant for an end angle of 90◦ and very large n,
the length of the equivalent cantilever in terms of clearance, l(c),
can be modeled using a simple linear relationship as

l(c) = (13)
4.1.2 Characteristic Radius Factor and Pseudo- 2α
Rigid-Body Angle. Having determined the beam end coor-
dinates, the characteristic radius factor, γ, and the pseudo-rigid- The function b(c) can be found with a similar relationship
body angle, Θ, can be found by simultaneously solving the beam between b and c:
end equations for a cantilever beam (equations (2) and (3)). Nu-
merical values for γ and Θ are βc
b(c) = (14)

Θ = 70.90◦ (10)

4.2.2 Pseudo-Rigid-Body Spring Constant. The

γ = 0.8073 (11) pseudo-rigid-body spring constant for a cantilever is given in
equation (4). For the rolling-contact beam with specified mate-
rial properties and moment of inertia, all the factors on the right-
4.1.3 Torsional Stiffness Coefficient. As with the hand side of equation (4) except l are constants defined by (11)
cantilever beam PRBM, the torsional stiffness coefficient is and (12). The spring constant for an RCCB can be simplified to
found by calculating the non-dimensionalized transverse load in- an inverse relationship with c.
dex in [5]. This step again uses the output from the elliptical
integral solution to determine the equivalent beam’s resistance
to deflection. For the RCCB loading configuration, comparing 1
these equations and solving for KΘ results in K(c) = 2αγKΘ EI (15)
= 1.936 (16)
KΘ = 2.625 (12) c

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4.2.3 Force-Deflection Relationship. Because the fixed surface, the other simulating a moving shuttle). While hold-
force on the equivalent cantilever beam is only in the horizontal ing one surface fixed, the model steps the shuttle toward the fixed
direction, the torque at the pseudo-rigid-body spring from equa- surface until the beam is folded into the rolling-contact configu-
tion (6) can be rewritten as ration. Contact elements between the beam and the two surfaces
simulate the contact force, keeping the beam from penetrating the
surfaces. The shuttle continues to close the gap between the sur-
T = Fb (17)
faces, causing the clearance denoted as c to decrease. In addition
to the displacement, the model records the resulting force (ax-
and the tangential force from equation (6), which is now equal to ial and transverse) and max stress for each step. This validation
the total force, can be solved for as simulates steel RCCBs (E = 206.8 GPa) of rectangular cross-
section, with the width w=10 mm and the thickness h taking on
KΘ values of 0.05, 0.10, 0.175, and 0.225 mm. The beams are rep-
F= (18) resented by straight BEAM3 elements in Ansys. As can be seen
in Figures 6 and 7, the difference between the FEA and PRBM
predictions for force-displacement and stress-displacement rela-
The force-deflection relationship, F(c), can be found by tionships is virtually negligible.
substituting the equations for the RCCB spring stiffness, K(c)
and for the end coordinate, b(c), which yields a relationship in
terms of clearance, c:
4α2 γKΘ ΘEI 1 Subsequent studies have shown that RCCBs with large
F(c) = (19) transverse force and narrow clearance are highly preferable. Fig-
β c2
ure 8 shows a sample of the hyperbolic force-deflection curves
= 2.870 2 (20) for steel RCCBs for various stiffness values (thickness, h, rang-
c ing from 0.075-0.25 mm (0.003-0.010 in)). Also plotted are
the forces at which the beam will yield, depending on the yield
Examination of the terms of equation (19) shows that the strength (Sy ranging from 300-1900 MPa) and indicated by the
force is inversely proportional to the clearance, c, squared: dotted lines. As the Figure 8 illustrates, increasing yield strength
quickly improves performance, allowing for higher forces and
narrower clearances.
F(c) ∝ (21)
PRBM Force Validation with FEA
4.2.4 Maximum Stress. Stress as a function of c can 2000
be calculated from bending and axial stress, as follows: 1800 PRBM
Force (mN)

My P 1200
σmax (c) = − (22)
I A 1000
6Fb F
= 2
− (23) 800
wh  wh 
F 6βc
= −1 (24) 400
wh 2αh
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Clearance, c (mm)
Having formulated the pseudo-rigid body model for the
RCCB, a finite element analysis of the beam was created to Figure 6. Comparison of force-displacement data from the PRBM to
show consistency between the new model and a trusted analy- FEA, with h taking on values of 0.05, 0.10, 0.175, and 0.225 mm for the
sis method. The finite element model uses a slender, initially- curves from left to right
straight beam pinned to two contacting surfaces (one simulating a

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PRBM Stress Validation with FEA where c is measured in millimeters. Furthermore, the force-
2000 deflection relationship is obtained using equation (19), resulting
1800 PRBM in
F(c) = N (26)
Stress, (MPa)

Finally, stress is modeled using equation (24), resulting in
400 σmax = (50.09c − 1) MPa (27)
200 24770 494.5
0 = − 2 MPa (28)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
c c
Clearance, c (mm)
If this beam were deflected to a clearance of c = 40 mm, the
Figure 7. Comparison of stress-displacement data from the PRBM to reaction force would be F(40) = 0.309 N with a maximum stress
FEA, with h taking on values of 0.05, 0.10, 0.175, and 0.225 mm for the of σmax (40) = 618 MPa.
curves from left to right

The pseudo-rigid-body model illustrates a number of desir-
able characteristics for this component. This work has developed
a foundation for the development and evaluation of new compli-
ant mechanisms that use this component. Point-force loading at
the point of contact allows the f to be represented by an equiv-
alent pinned-pinned segment, identical to the curved segment of
the RCCB. The PRBM uses a half-model of the RCCB, con-
sisting of an initially straight cantilever beam loaded only in the
horizontal direction. Equations for force and stress are devel-
oped in terms of the clearance between contact surfaces. This
force-deflection equation is inversely proportional to the clear-
ance squared. Increasing yield strength quickly improves perfor-
mance, allowing for higher forces and narrower clearances.

Figure 8. Force-displacement relationship for steel beams of thickness
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