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Security Level 2

Appendix (3)-1/1



Right to get Medical Check up for employees base on:

Regulation : - Permen no. 2 Tahun 1980
- UU no.14 Tahun 1969 pasal 9

Propose for IKPT Project IKPT STANDARD


Mobilization /
IKPT Local Structural / 40 year Regular HO
Pre Employees
Low / Medium Risk High Risk

1 Doctor anamnesis (current disease, past medical and family disease) v v v v v v

2 Physical examination and consultation v v v v v v
Head and Neck examination v v v v v v
Eyes examination (Color blind, refraksi) v v v v v
Ear examination v v v v v v
Nose and Sine examination v v v v v v
Mouth and Teeth Examination v v v v v v
Heartbeat examination v v v v v v
Breast exam and armpit v v v v v v
System Integumen v v v v v v
Neurology v v v v v v

3 Examination eyes specialist v v v

4 Dental examination v v
5 ENT specialist v v
6 Foto Thorax v v v v
7 Audiometri (Perekaman Fungsi Pendengaran) v v
8 Treadmil Test (Perekaman Jantung dgn Beban) v v v * v
9 Spirometri (Pemeriksaan Fungsi Paru) v v v v v
10 EKG Istirahat (Perekaman Jantung Istirahat) v v v v v v
11 USG Abdomen v v v
12 Pemeriksaan USG Mammae ( Khusus Wanita ) * *
Laboratory :
13 Complete blood (Hb,LED,Ht, Lekosit, Trombosit,Eritrosit) v v v v v v
14 Complete urine v v v v v
15 Blood glucose fasting v v v v v
16 Gula Darah 2 Jam Setelah Makan v v v v v v
17 SGOT & SGPT v v
18 Alkalin Phosfatase v v
19 Gammat GT v v
20 Total Protein v v
21 Albumin v
22 Globulin v
23 Ureum v v
24 Kreatini v v
25 Urine Acid v v v
26 Cholestrol v v v
27 HDL & LDL v v v
28 Trigeserid v v v
29 Billirubin Total, Direk, Indirek v v
Serologi / Imunologi
30 HBsAg & Anti HBs v v v
31 VDRL v v
Drug Test
32 Ampetamin v
33 Marijuana
34 Cocain
35 Opiat
36 Prostate / PSA / CEA (for man) * *
37 Pap Smear * *

Low / Medium Risk Activity :

- Non remote area.
- No working at hight not more than 4 metres
- No confined space activity
- No environmental exposure that exceed TLV ( Treshold Limit Value)
High Risk Activity :
- Remote area : Long distance (3 hours) from public Emergency facilities (like hospital and fire brigade), and public transport.
- Complex activities (stimulatemous construction) with confined space, and working at height, working with physical and chemical expossure that exceed TLV
- Working with extreme temperature or dangerous field such as mountains, hill, desert, etc

v = mandatory
* = additional

Standard MCU

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