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Suppor Suppor sentences explain the topic by giving more information about it. point sentences list the main points of the paragraph. Certainly, Hawaiian clothing, music, and other Hawaiian customs play abig role. ther customs included in the festivities depend on the ethnic backgrounds of the couple. Some people skip breakfast because they think it wil holp ther lase weight, Third, they should have spent at least one year practice-teaching. Work with a partner or in a small group. Read each topic sentence. Then fill n the blanks with additional supporting sentences. Add as many supporting sentences as you can, but you do not have to fill in all of the blanks. 1. Owning a small car has several advantages. 4. Asal cor ia easier fo park satay b A small car uses less gasoliae+ «A Swal\ car ts easier ~ Arve. 4 ‘To keep your teth healthy and your smite bright do the following things. 4. Dost eat angory foods ee b, Brush your teeth fusicee a Aan. c, Pri coffee and tea 3. Consider these three/four/five factors when planning a family vacation. ‘a: Clensteler the ieteneste’ et everyone fi oe b Pay attentran to safety. ©. Consider the Weather. 4, 4. good friend has twovthrefour important quiites 4. He/she con Keep scores. b can Wave fun © Tnty Con Nisken well: cE 5. Avoid studying for a big test by taking the following a ion, the ratio, or your CD player: Examples (inten Signal Phrases for Tramples Chapter 3 | Parugraph Structure 45 6. Acollege education is important for these reasons, 4, It prepares you foro coeen blk deackes you hms 4s persevere. ede ee an Examples illustrate the supporting point sentences. Examples are good support because they are specific; they make your meaning very clear. Notice the signal phrases that can introduce examples. At the beginning of a sentence, use For example or For instance, followed by a comma. In front of an fexample that is just a word or phrase (not an entire sentence), use the prepositions! phrase such as without a comma, ‘Signal Phrases for Examples ee eee 2 such 2s 7. For example, the bride ofen wears along white oloky (wedding dress), and the groom ‘wears a long-sleeved white shir and pants with a red sash around his waist For instance, there may be noisy frecrackers, a Chinese way of keeping bad spits away. 12 The bvide's ia tradtionally made of white flowers such as pikake (jasmine), and the ‘rooms mace of green male leaves. Fill in cach blank with one of these signal phrases: For example, For instance, of such as. Add commas where necessary. Use cach phrase once. ‘he oty of London has many great tout attactons. (1) Fer exa.mycle, most tourists make a stop at Westminster Abbey. In this famous church, tourists ‘can see where English kings and queens are crowned. Westmineter Abbey isthe burial place of famous people (2).SvcA_a.$ __ post Geotrey Chaucer sclotists Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, and actor Laurence Oliv. Toursts ‘iso like to caton a glimpse of royal te while in Londen. 3) Fear _~ws have they can watch the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, or they can tour the Tower of London, where the British crown jowels aro kept. "Sach ass sometimes wed with 9 comma 46 Part! | The Paragraph ‘Tum back to the model paragraph “A Hawaiian Wedding” on page 38 and complete ae the diagram. Copy the supporting sentences into the appropriate boxes. Notice that eereee’ na the paragraph has two supporting point sentences and several example sentences. Examples Tone sewesce #| ‘The mix of cultures in Hawali makes weddings there very special occasions. | — For example, the bide often wears along white holo, and | | tne groom wears a long-steeved wnt shit and pants with red sash around his waist ‘Both the bride and the groom wear lis. eames Tre _brithe ‘sw’ (s_hreeditlonableg. - - | Anotor Hamairn eustom is Uewain musics played-- -|. Fear ence come end 01a [z lL [Fe instance, there may be. | Trare may Le Q albylay of Jeyaned. — Bowne | | __ During a pandango, the wedding guests tape money together | and wrap it around the couple during their frst dance together _[_ as husband and wit ‘Concwone sore a |_Allin al, a Hawaiian wedding is truly a magical, multicutural event. 48 Part | The Paragraph Animats in Captivity ‘Animals living in modem 200s ‘enjoy several advantages over animals in the wild. The fist advantage is that 700 animals are separated trom their natural predators.’ They are protected, ‘0 they live without risk of being attacked, Another advantage is that ‘someone feeds them regularly, 60 they do not have to hunt for food. Also, they do not suffer times when food is hard to find, A third advantage of living in 2008 is that veterinarians give ‘animals regular checkups, and sick animals get prompt medical attention (incon, besa rede ae ten aft 2 ainas eas ote ee 3. cnn sedan B. On the line at the end of each paragraph, write a concluding sentence. Be sure to begin with a conclusion signal 1. The college cafeteria is an inexpensive place to eat. For example, you can get a cheeseburger, french Tries, and a soda for only $3.00. A slice of pizza is only $1.50, and a cup of coffee is only 50¢. There is a daily special for about $2.50. It includes an entrée, rice or potatoes, and a vegetable. The Te eben ee You get all you can eat for $2.00. Tyq_Sh : is if yon want a_cheap meal, ni sheild head 2. Watching children’s programs on television is a good way to learn a foreign language. First, the actors speak slowly and repeat often. Also, the vocabulary isnot difficult. Finally, there is always a lot of action, so you know ‘what is happening even if you don't understand the words, iat Chidten's tclan3ion_provides geod avenue Sor Warning a second Lampuaige - "predators: sma that kil and eat the aia’ asa Parag Structure ED Chapter 3 3. Cell phones have taken over! Any time of the day or ight, you see automobile drivers chatting away at 65 miles per hour (mph) on the highway. (On sidewalks. in restaurants, end even in office building elevators, cell phone users carry on the most private conversations, Many places of business now have Sigus asking people to tura off their cell phones, and phones pre a halls. La! Coll phows bare assinn ned Centr IM mang areas ‘The following sentences are a scrambled paragraph. Put the sentences in order and copy them in the diagram on page 50. This is how to proceed. Step 1 Find the topic sentence. Give it the mumber 1 Step 2 Find the concluding sentence. Give it the number 9 Step 3 Then decide which sentences ave supporting points and put them in ‘order. Look for the worls Firsi, Second, Third, and Finally Step 4 Decide which examples support which points. ‘Step 5 Copy the sentences into the appropriate boxes. Fast Food, Unhealthy Food! 3. raeemge a ch Pe at Pon Pt pepper ihe G60 calories. and a MeDonale’s Big Mac has 560 calories. 6, In conclusion, a quick meal ata fast-food re fam convenient, but it is definitely nota healthy way 10 ea Ao, Secomt,a lo ofthe calories from fst food are fom ft (gd. Thin, fastfood items suc as ambur high amounts of salt. e. Fast food is extremely popukar in the United States, but it is not very good for you f. First ofall, most fastfood is very hi ¢, Atypical meal at MeDonald’s contain rant may be delicious 8 and french fries contain h in calor af such a 1,870 milligrams of sodium: Bh. Finally, add a sugary soft drink to your fast-food mest, and you [pound the last nail into the heart of any nutritionist 5 _ i. Forinstance, a portion of Nachos Supreme from Taco Bell contains 26 grams of fat, and a Big Mac contains 30 grams. ‘wanned: noe pesmi MeDonehs ‘net controllers index hn. Pizas HOt nosrionliaforaation nese San ct information obtained ow tan. 29, 2106 from tipwwe-medonals com aw um com ai elas BeanlID= LSA. Tas Bel ional format ned Ba. 29, 2005 foes pm us eerie span =A RrdAN=TB, “nltelionist peron wo eudies Seal eang sae isn SN a ek IE RRR NNNNRENR eRe

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