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Arive, France Mareks Q. Date: July 25,2017

Currie, Farhana B.

Inequality the gap between the rich and the poor in the Philippines is quite high and often
widening. Poverty has always been present. Poverty has been one of the major problems of the
world. Yet, it is the biggest and most evident problem in our country. It remains a challenge to
many Filipinos. Philippines is still on the slow run of growing economy because of poverty. It is
indeed the reason of our country's slow growth. There are several causes on why huge number of
people in the Philippines experience poverty. One of those is corruption. It is the illegal behavior
of government officials where it became one of the biggest factors that contributes in country's
poverty. It is a problem that doesn't seem to end. Because of these, funds for important matters
are getting short. Unequal treatments for the rich and poor families is also one of the reason of
poverty. Those who are in rich families are growing in terms of money and power, while poor
people are getting poorer to the point that can't acquire the basic necessities. Another cause is the
lack of education that leads to low employment rate of the country. Most children are not well
educated because of their financial state they cant afford the proper schooling that the children
need and the needed materials that the child need in his/her education like books, notebooks,
uniforms and etc…

Also one of the main reasons of poverty here in the Philippines is lack of government assistance
People, who are in the state of poverty, experiences consequences as the poverty in our country
continue to worsen. Some of those consequences are the health-related problems. Many Filipinos
are living in a bad condition and environment, and with that, they are not able to sustain their
daily needs, and that made them prone to health problems. many families here in the Philippine
are staying in places that are too unhealthy for them places like people living under the bridge,
side of the railroad, beside a river. People living in those places are in a dangerous situation
especially their health conditions many. Filipino people only eat once a day or don’t eat at all in
a day government officials must put this as one of their most prioritize responsibilities. Addition
to that government officials must help also our farmers many Filipino farmers are in the depths
of bankruptcy and will plunge into poverty because of lack of government help. Government
officials must help our farmers in their timely needs help them expand their crop fields for better

Going back poverty is a problem in the Philippines that keeps on growing and growing every
single day one of the reasons of that is lack of employment here in the Philippines many
Filipinos don’t have jobs and have families to feed. Being unemployed and in the same time
having a family is one of the most difficult situation a person will face first how can he/she will
give the everyday needs of his/her family example feeding his/her family 3 times a day, pay their
bills in time and other necessities. Unemployment rate here in the Philippines is high and the
government should take action for that they must launch a what we call JOB FAIRS for those
people that have families in the same time unemployed they can have jobs like street sweepers,
river cleaners and so on just to provide every day income for their families speaking of income
adding to that is the income salary of a person government should take a risk and make a good
minimum wage for those people that have unstable jobs. Also high levels of population growth
can be determined as one of the reasons poverty occurring here in the Philippines. Example
unwanted pregnancy likewise many teenagers are getting pregnant in the age of 16 and above
and some leading to separation from their parents and truly having unwanted pregnancy can be
related to the other earlier statement that people having families but not having stable jobs can be
considered a reason for poverty here in the Philippines .

We there for conclude that poverty in the Philippines is a economic problem that keeps on rising
each and everyday a good way to prevent it is to help each other in a way that we can support our
fellow Filipino people that are in the state of poverty. Especially the government the government
must be involved more because their one of the key factors on preventing poverty they have the
power to help each and every Filipino people it must be balance just like president duterte said
in his SONA recently and I quote “WE MUST ALL BE EQUAL THE POOR MUST BE RICH

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