Human Body

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Human body

 Brain
 Esophagus
 Lung
 Heart
 Kidney
 Rectum
 Buttocks
 Ankle
 Heel
 Foot
 cervical spine
 dorsal column
 lumbar spine
 appendix
 stomach
 liver
 forehead
 eyebrow
 ear
 nose
 the mouth
 shoulder
 chest
 hand (fingers)
 toes
 foot
 forearm
 neck
 teeth
 hair
 breast
 nipple


 Cough?


 It is:

- a dry cough

- a productive cough

- When is it worse?

- during the night?

-After what do you eat?

 Is there anything that triggers the cough?



- the cold

- physical effort

 Is there anything that soothes the cough?

-cough syrup?
 Smoke?
 How many cigarettes a day?
have you tried to give up?
 What did you try?
Family history

 Are your parents alive?

- if not at what age did they die?
-why did they die?
-heart problems
-infectious disease
-inherited disease
 You have?
- brothers and sisters
-how many
-how old are they
are healthy

 You have:

-suffocation suffixes



 Do you know what aggravates your symptoms?

Treatments followed
 Take:

 recipe treatments

 prescription drugs

 Do you know what their names are?

 What dose did you take?

 how many times a day?

 do you have them with you?

 Show me the medicine boxes

 Are you allergic to anything?

 aspirin

 penicillin

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