Lab Assignment 1

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University of Okara

Course Title: Microprocessor and Assembly Language

Instructor: Ifrah Pervaz
Semester: 3rd (M,E(A,B))

 Individual Assignment
Lab Assignment 1

1. Write a program to read one character of the Hexa-digit (A-F) and display it in decimal
on next line.
 Example
Enter A hex Digit: A
In decimal it is: 10
2. Write a program that stores the hex numbers 20, 30, 40, and 50 in the memory and
transfers them to AL, AH, BL, and BH registers. Verify the program using Emulator;
specially identify the memory location where the data is stored.

3. Write a program to (a) display a "?", (b) read two decimal digits, (c) display them and
their sum on the next line, with an appropriate message.

Sample execution:
The sum of 7 and 2 is 9

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