Sophokles' Elektra (Text Zum Vortrag)

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Soph. El.

23-85: Prologue
ὦ φίλτατ’ ἀνδρῶν προσπόλων, ὥς µοι σαφῆ Dearest of retainers, how clearly you show your
σηµεῖα φαίνεις ἐσθλὸς εἰς ἡµᾶς γεγώς. loyalty to us! Just as a noble horse, even if he is old,
ὥσπερ γὰρ ἵππος εὐγενής, κἂν ᾖ γέρων, 25 does not lose his spirit in a time of danger, but
ἐν τοῖσι δεινοῖς θυµὸν οὐκ ἀπώλεσεν,
pricks up his ear, just so do you urge us on and
ἀλλ’ ὀρθὸν οὖς ἵστησιν, ὡσαύτως δὲ σὺ
ἡµᾶς τ’ ὀτρύνεις καὐτὸς ἐν πρώτοις ἕπῃ. yourself are foremost in support. So I will explain
τοιγὰρ τὰ µὲν δόξαντα δηλώσω, σὺ δὲ my decisions, and do you lend a prompt ear to my
ὀξεῖαν ἀκοὴν τοῖς ἐµοῖς λόγοις διδούς, 30 words, and if I do not hit the mark, correct me!
εἰ µή τι καιροῦ τυγχάνω, µεθάρµοσον. When I went to the Pythian oracle to learn how I
ἐγὼ γὰρ ἡνίχ’ ἱκόµην τὸ Πυθικὸν might get vengeance for my father on his murderers,
µαντεῖον, ὡς µάθοιµ’ ὅτῳ τρόπῳ πατρὶ Phoebus gave me a prophecy which you shall soon
δίκας ἀροίµην τῶν φονευσάντων πάρα, hear; that alone, without the help of armed men or
χρῇ µοι τοιαῦθ’ ὁ Φοῖβος ὧν πεύσῃ τάχα· 35 of an army, I should accomplish by cunning the
ἄσκευον αὐτὸν ἀσπίδων τε καὶ στρατοῦ slaughter done by a righteous hand. Then, since this
δόλοισι κλέψαι χειρὸς ἐνδίκου σφαγάς. is the nature of the oracle I heard, do you go into
ὅτ’ οὖν τοιόνδε χρησµὸν εἰσηκούσαµεν,
this house, when you have the chance to enter it,
σὺ µὲν µολών, ὅταν σε καιρὸς εἰσάγῃ,
δόµων ἔσω τῶνδ’, ἴσθι πᾶν τὸ δρώµενον, 40 and find out everything that they are doing, so that
ὅπως ἂν εἰδὼς ἡµὶν ἀγγείλῃς σαφῆ. you can report to us with certain knowledge. They
οὐ γάρ σε µὴ γήρᾳ τε καὶ χρόνῳ µακρῷ will never know you, grizzled as you are with age
γνῶσ’, οὐδ’ ὑποπτεύσουσιν, ὧδ’ ἠνθισµένον. and the passage of time, and they will not suspect
λόγῳ δὲ χρῶ τοιῷδ’, ὅτι ξένος µὲν εἶ you. Tell this story, that you are a foreigner come
Φωκέως παρ’ ἀνδρὸς Φανοτέως ἥκων· ὁ γὰρ from Phanoteus the Phocian—for he is the greatest
µέγιστος αὐτοῖς τυγχάνει δορυξένων. of their allies—and tell them, speaking on oath, that
ἄγγελλε δ’ ὅρκον προστιθείς, ὁθούνεκα Orestes is dead by an accident, having fallen from
τέθνηκ’ Ὀρέστης ἐξ ἀναγκαίας τύχης, his moving chariot in the Pythian games; let that be
ἄθλοισι Πυθικοῖσιν ἐκ τροχηλάτων your tale! And we will first honour my father’s
δίφρων κυλισθείς· ὧδ’ ὁ µῦθος ἑστάτω. 50 tomb, as the god commanded, with libations and
ἡµεῖς δὲ πατρὸς τύµβον, ὡς ἐφίετο,
λοιβαῖσι πρῶτον καὶ καρατόµοις χλιδαῖς with a tribute of luxuriant hair; then we will return
στέψαντες, εἶτ’ ἄψορρον ἥξοµεν πάλιν, once more, carrying in our hands the bronze urn
τύπωµα χαλκόπλευρον ἠρµένοι χεροῖν, which as you know is hidden in the bushes, so that
ὃ καὶ σὺ θάµνοις οἶσθά που κεκρυµµένον, 55 we can deceive them with our story and bring them
ὅπως λόγῳ κλέπτοντες ἡδεῖαν φάτιν happy news, that my body has already been burnt to
φέρωµεν αὐτοῖς, τοὐµὸν ὡς ἔρρει δέµας ashes. How can this hurt me, if I am dead in fiction,
φλογιστὸν ἤδη καὶ κατηνθρακωµένον. but in fact am safe and can win glory? I think, no
τί γάρ µε λυπεῖ τοῦθ’, ὅταν λόγῳ θανὼν word that brings you gain is bad. Yes, often in the
ἔργοισι σωθῶ κἀξενέγκωµαι κλέος; 60 past I have known clever men dead in fiction but
δοκῶ µέν, οὐδὲν ῥῆµα σὺν κέρδει κακόν. not dead; and then when they return home the
ἤδη γὰρ εἶδον πολλάκις καὶ τοὺς σοφοὺς
honour they receive is all the greater. Just so I
λόγῳ µάτην θνῄσκοντας· εἶθ’, ὅταν δόµους
ἔλθωσιν αὖθις, ἐκτετίµηνται πλέον· believe that as a result of this story, alive, I shall
ὣς κἄµ’ ἐπαυχῶ τῆσδε τῆς φήµης ἄπο 65 shine like a star upon my enemies. But do you, my
δεδορκότ’ ἐχθροῖς ἄστρον ὣς λάµψειν ἔτι. native land, and you, gods of the place, receive me in
ἀλλ’, ὦ πατρῴα γῆ θεοί τ’ ἐγχώριοι, good fortune on this mission, and you, house of my
δέξασθέ µ’ εὐτυχοῦντα ταῖσδε ταῖς ὁδοῖς, fathers! For I come in justice to cleanse you, sped on
σύ τ’, ὦ πατρῷον δῶµα· σοῦ γὰρ ἔρχοµαι my way by the gods. And do not send me from the
δίκῃ καθαρτὴς πρὸς θεῶν ὡρµηµένος· 70 land dishonoured, but let me control my riches and
καὶ µή µ’ ἄτιµον τῆσδ’ ἀποστείλητε γῆς, set my house upon its feet! That is my speech; and
ἀλλ’ ἀρχέπλουτον καὶ καταστάτην δόµων. do you now, old man, make it your business to go
εἴρηκα µέν νυν ταῦτα· σοὶ δ’ ἤδη, γέρον, and attend to what you have to do. And we two will
τὸ σὸν µελέσθω βάντι φρουρῆσαι χρέος. be off; it is the moment, and the moment is the
νὼ δ’ ἔξιµεν· καιρὸς γάρ, ὅσπερ ἀνδράσιν 75
µέγιστος ἔργου παντός ἐστ’ ἐπιστάτης. chief determiner of every action for men.

ἰώ µοί µοι δύστηνος. Ah me, ah me, alas!
καὶ µὴν θυρῶν ἔδοξα προσπόλων τινὸς Why, I thought I heard one of the slaves behind the
ὑποστενούσης ἔνδον αἰσθέσθαι, τέκνον. door groaning, my son!
ἆρ’ ἐστὶν ἡ δύστηνος Ἠλέκτρα; θέλεις 80
µείνωµεν αὐτοῦ κἀπακούσωµεν γόων; Is it the unfortunate Electra? Would you like us to
ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΟΣ stay here and listen to her laments?
ἥκιστα. µηδὲν πρόσθεν ἢ τὰ Λοξίου OLD SLAVE
πειρώµεθ’ ἔρδειν κἀπὸ τῶνδ’ ἀρχηγετεῖν, But no! Let us attempt nothing before obeying
πατρὸς χέοντες λουτρά· ταῦτα γὰρ φέρειν Loxias, and begin from that, pouring libations to
νίκην τέ φηµι καὶ κράτος τῶν δρωµένων. 85 your father; I say that that brings victory and
success in what has to be done!

Soph. El. 86-120: Threnos apo skenes

ὦ φάος ἁγνὸν O holy light and air that has an equal share of earth,
καὶ γῆς ἰσόµοιρ’ ἀήρ, ὥς µοι how many dirges have you heard me sing, and how
πολλὰς µὲν θρήνων ᾠδάς, many blows have you heard me aim against my
πολλὰς δ’ ἀντήρεις ᾔσθου
bleeding breast, when dusky night has been left
στέρνων πλαγὰς αἱµασσοµένων, 90
ὁπόταν δνοφερὰ νὺξ ὑπολειφθῇ· behind! And my hateful bed in the miserable house
τὰ δὲ παννυχίδων κήδη στυγεραὶ knows of the sorrows of my sleepless nights, how
ξυνίσασ’ εὐναὶ µογερῶν οἴκων, often I lament for my unhappy father, whom the
ὅσα τὸν δύστηνον ἐµὸν θρηνῶ bloody war-god did not make his guest in a
πατέρ’, ὃν κατὰ µὲν βάρβαρον αἶαν 95 barbarian land, but my mother and her bedfellow,
φοίνιος Ἄρης οὐκ ἐξένισεν, Aegisthus, split his head with a murderous axe, as
µήτηρ δ’ ἡµὴ χὠ κοινολεχὴς woodmen split an oak. And from none but me does
Αἴγισθος ὅπως δρῦν ὑλοτόµοι your due of lamentation come, father, though your
σχίζουσι κάρα φονίῳ πελέκει. death was so dreadful and so pitiful!
κοὐδεὶς τούτων οἶκτος ἀπ’ ἄλλης 100
ἢ ’µοῦ φέρεται, σοῦ, πάτερ, οὕτως
αἰκῶς οἰκτρῶς τε θανόντος.
ἀλλ’ οὐ µὲν δὴ
λήξω θρήνων στυγερῶν τε γόων, But I shall not cease from my dirges and miserable
ἔστ’ ἂν παµφεγγεῖς ἄστρων 105 lamentations, so long as I look upon the sparkling
ῥιπάς, λεύσσω δὲ τόδ’ ἦµαρ, of the bright stars, and upon this light of day, like
µὴ οὐ τεκνολέτειρ’ ὥς τις ἀηδὼν the nightingale, slayer of her young, crying out loud
ἐπὶ κωκυτῷ τῶνδε πατρῴων and making loud proclamation to all before my
πρὸ θυρῶν ἠχὼ πᾶσι προφωνεῖν. father’s doors. O house of Hades and Persephone,
ὦ δῶµ’ Ἀίδου καὶ Περσεφόνης, 110 O Hermes of the underworld and powerful Curse,
ὦ χθόνι’ Ἑρµῆ καὶ πότνι’ Ἀρά, and Erinyes, revered children of the gods who look
σεµναί τε θεῶν παῖδες Ἐρινύες, upon those wrongfully done to death, who look
αἳ τοὺς ἀδίκως θνῄσκοντας ὁρᾶθ’,
upon those who dishonour the marriage bed in
αἳ τοὺς εὐνὰς ὑποκλεπτοµένους,
ἔλθετ’, ἀρήξατε, τείσασθε πατρὸς 115 secret, come, bring help, avenge the murder of our
φόνον ἡµετέρου, father, and send to me my brother! For I have no
καί µοι τὸν ἐµὸν πέµψατ’ ἀδελφόν. longer strength to bear alone the burden of grief
µούνη γὰρ ἄγειν οὐκέτι σωκῶ that weighs me down.
λύπης ἀντίρροπον ἄχθος. 120

Soph. El. 121-250: Parodos
ὦ παῖ παῖ δυστανοτάτας Electra, daughter of a wretched mother, what is this
Ἠλέκτρα µατρός, τίν’ ἀεὶ lament that wastes you away, never content to cease,
λάσκεις ὧδ’ ἀκόρεστον οἰµωγὰν over Agamemnon, long since brought down in
τὸν πάλαι ἐκ δολερᾶς ἀθεώτατα
unholy fashion by a plot through your mother’s
µατρὸς ἁλόντ’ ἀπάταις Ἀγαµέµνονα 125
κακᾷ τε χειρὶ πρόδοτον; ὣς ὁ τάδε πορὼν cunning, and sent to his doom by her cruel hand?
ὄλοιτ’, εἴ µοι θέµις τάδ’ αὐδᾶν. May the doer perish, if it is right for me to speak
this word!
ὦ γενέθλα γενναίων, O race of noble ones, you have come to comfort me
ἥκετ’ ἐµῶν καµάτων παραµύθιον· 130 in my sorrows; I know and understand, and it does
οἶδά τε καὶ ξυνίηµι τάδ’, οὔ τί µε not escape me, yet I am unwilling to give over and
φυγγάνει, οὐδ’ ἐθέλω προλιπεῖν τόδε, not to lament for my unhappy father. You who
φυγγάνει, οὐδ’ ἐθέλω προλιπεῖν τόδε,
µὴ οὐ τὸν ἐµὸν στενάχειν πατέρ’ ἄθλιον. repay kindness in every sort of friendship, allow me
ἀλλ’ ὦ παντοίας φιλότητος ἀµειβόµεναι thus to wander, alas, I beg you!
ἐᾶτέ µ’ ὧδ’ ἀλύειν, 135
αἰαῖ, ἱκνοῦµαι.
ἀλλ’ οὔτοι τόν γ’ ἐξ Ἀίδα But you will never raise up your father from the lake
παγκοίνου λίµνας πατέρ’ ἀν- of Hades, to which all must come, by weeping or by
στάσεις οὔτε γόοισιν, οὐ λιταῖς· prayers! No, leaving moderation aside and plunging
ἀλλ’ ἀπὸ τῶν µετρίων ἐπ’ ἀµήχανον 140
into grief irresistible you lament ever, to your ruin.
ἄλγος ἀεὶ στενάχουσα διόλλυσαι,
ἐν οἷς ἀνάλυσίς ἐστιν οὐδεµία κακῶν. In this there is no way of undoing evil; why are you
τί µοι τῶν δυσφόρων ἐφίῃ; set on misery?
νήπιος ὃς τῶν οἰκτρῶς 145 Foolish is he who forgets the piteous end of parents!
οἰχοµένων γονέων ἐπιλάθεται. Ever in my mind is the lamenting one, she who
ἀλλ’ ἐµέ γ’ ἁ στονόεσσ’ ἄραρεν φρένας, mourns always for Itys, for Itys, she the bird
ἃ Ἴτυν αἰὲν Ἴτυν ὀλοφύρεται,
distraught, the messenger of Zeus! Ah, Niobe who
ὄρνις ἀτυζοµένα, Διὸς ἄγγελος.
ἰὼ παντλάµων Νιόβα, σὲ δ’ ἔγωγε νέµω endured every sorrow, I regard you as a goddess, you
θεόν, 150 who in your rocky tomb, alas, lament!
ἅτ’ ἐν τάφῳ πετραίῳ,
αἰαῖ, δακρύεις.
οὔτοι σοὶ µούνᾳ, Not to you alone among mortals, my child, has
τέκνον, ἄχος ἐφάνη βροτῶν, sorrow been made manifest, a sorrow that you
πρὸς ὅ τι σὺ τῶν ἔνδον εἶ περισσά, 155 suffer beyond others in the house with whom you
οἷς ὁµόθεν εἶ καὶ γονᾷ ξύναιµος, share your lineage and your blood, such as
οἵα Χρυσόθεµις ζώει καὶ Ἰφιάνασσα,
κρυπτᾷ τ’ ἀχέων ἐν ἥβᾳ Chrysothemis and Iphianassa—and Orestes, he
ὄλβιος, ὃν ἁ κλεινὰ 160 who is happy in his youth concealed from painful
γᾶ ποτε Μυκηναίων things, he whom the famous land of the
δέξεται εὐπατρίδαν, Διὸς εὔφρονι Mycenaeans shall receive, glorious in his ancestry,
βήµατι µολόντα τάνδε γᾶν Ὀρέσταν. when he comes to this land, brought by the kindly
aid of Zeus.
ὅν γ’ ἐγὼ ἀκάµατα προσµένουσ’ ἄτεκνος, Yes, he whom I unwearyingly await, lost, without
τάλαιν’ ἀνύµφευτος αἰὲν οἰχνῶ, 165 child or bridegroom, drenched in tears, with my
δάκρυσι µυδαλέα, τὸν ἀνήνυτον never-ending fate of sorrows! But he forgets what
οἶτον ἔχουσα κακῶν· ὁ δὲ λάθεται he has suffered and what he has learned. Why,
ὧν τ’ ἔπαθ’ ὧν τ’ ἐδάη. τί γὰρ οὐκ ἐµοὶ
which of his messages does not end in

ἔρχεται ἀγγελίας ἀπατώµενον; 170 disappointment? Always he feels the longing, but
ἀεὶ µὲν γὰρ ποθεῖ, for all his longing he does not think fit to appear!
ποθῶν δ’ οὐκ ἀξιοῖ φανῆναι.
θάρσει µοι, θάρσει, Have courage, my child, courage! Zeus is still great
τέκνον. ἔτι µέγας οὐρανῷ in heaven, he who surveys all things and rules them;
Ζεύς, ὃς ἐφορᾷ πάντα καὶ κρατύνει· 175 make over to him your grievous anger; do not be
ᾧ τὸν ὑπεραλγῆ χόλον νέµουσα
angry in excess against your enemies, yet do not
µήθ’ οἷς ἐχθαίρεις ὑπεράχθεο µήτ’ ἐπιλάθου·
χρόνος γὰρ εὐµαρὴς θεός. forget; time is a god that brings relief. He who
οὔτε γὰρ ὁ τὰν Κρῖσαν 180 occupies the pastures of Crisa on the coast, the son
βούνοµον ἔχων ἀκτὰν of Agamemnon, is not remiss, neither is the god
παῖς Ἀγαµεµνονίδας ἀπερίτροπος who rules beside Acheron.
οὔθ’ ὁ παρὰ τὸν Ἀχέροντα θεὸς ἀνάσσων.
ἀλλ’ ἐµὲ µὲν ὁ πολὺς ἀπολέλοιπεν ἤδη 185 But much of my life has already abandoned me
βίοτος ἀνέλπιστον, οὐδ’ ἔτ’ ἀρκῶ· without hope, and my strength is failing! Yes, I melt
ἅτις ἄνευ τεκέων κατατάκοµαι, away without offspring, I who have no husband to
ἇς φίλος οὔτις ἀνὴρ ὑπερίσταται,
protect me, but like a lowborn slave serve in the
ἀλλ’ ἁπερεί τις ἔποικος ἀναξία
οἰκονοµῶ θαλάµους πατρός, ὧδε µὲν 190 chambers of my father, in such mean attire as this,
ἀεικεῖ σὺν στολᾷ, and stand at empty tables!
κεναῖς δ’ ἀµφίσταµαι τραπέζαις.
οἰκτρὰ µὲν νόστοις αὐδά, Piteous was the cry at his return, piteous as your
οἰκτρὰ δ’ ἐν κοίταις πατρῴαις, father lay there, when the blow of the brazen axe
ὅτε οἱ παγχάλκων ἀνταία 195 came straight upon him! Cunning was the teacher,
γενύων ὡρµάθη πλαγά. passion was the killer; horribly they brought into
δόλος ἦν ὁ φράσας, ἔρος ὁ κτείνας,
δεινὰν δεινῶς προφυτεύσαντες being a shape horrible, whether it was a god or a
µορφάν, εἴτ’ οὖν θεὸς εἴτε βροτῶν mortal who was the doer.
ἦν ὁ ταῦτα πράσσων. 200
ὦ πασᾶν κείνα πλέον ἁµέρα O day that came most hateful of all days to me! O
ἐλθοῦσ’ ἐχθίστα δή µοι· night, o pain appalling of the feast unspeakable, at
ὦ νύξ, ὦ δείπνων ἀρρήτων which my father saw grim death dealt him by two
ἔκπαγλ’ ἄχθη· hands, hands that betrayed and took away my life,
τοῖς ἐµὸς ἴδε πατὴρ 205
θανάτους αἰκεῖς διδύµαιν χειροῖν, hands that brought me death! May the great god of
αἳ τὸν ἐµὸν εἷλον βίον Olympus give them suffering in return, and may
πρόδοτον, αἵ µ’ ἀπώλεσαν· they never have joy of their splendour, they who did
οἷς θεὸς ὁ µέγας Ὀλύµπιος such a deed!
ποίνιµα πάθεα παθεῖν πόροι, 210
µηδέ ποτ’ ἀγλαΐας ἀποναίατο
τοιάδ’ ἀνύσαντες ἔργα.
φράζου µὴ πόρσω φωνεῖν. Take care, speak no more! Do you not understand
οὐ γνώµαν ἴσχεις ἐξ οἵων from what beginnings the present came? Do you so
τὰ παρόντ’; οἰκείας εἰς ἄτας 215 grimly plunge into ruin of your own making? You
ἐµπίπτεις οὕτως αἰκῶς; have got yourself evil in excess by ever creating wars
πολὺ γάρ τι κακῶν ὑπερεκτήσω,
πολὺ γάρ τι κακῶν ὑπερεκτήσω, for your sorrowful soul! Put up with this! You
σᾷ δυσθύµῳ τίκτουσ’ αἰεὶ cannot struggle against those in power!
ψυχᾷ πολέµους· τάδε—τοῖς δυνατοῖς
οὐκ ἐριστά—τλᾶθι. 220
ἐν δεινοῖς δείν’ ἠναγκάσθην· Dreadful actions were forced on me by dreadful
ἔξοιδ’, οὐ λάθει µ’ ὀργά. things; I know it well, my passion does not escape

ἀλλ’ ἐν γὰρ δεινοῖς οὐ σχήσω me! But amid these dreadful things I shall not hold
ταύτας ἄτας, back from this ruinous action, so long as life
ὄφρα µε βίος ἔχῃ. 225 maintains me! Who indeed would think, dear
τίνι γάρ ποτ’ ἄν, ὦ φιλία γενέθλα, sisters, that I could hear a word of comfort, who
πρόσφορον ἀκούσαιµ’ ἔπος, that thinks rightly? Leave me, leave me, you that
τίνι φρονοῦντι καίρια;
would console me! For this shall be called insoluble,
ἄνετέ µ’ ἄνετε παράγοροι.
τάδε γὰρ ἄλυτα κεκλήσεται· 230 and I shall never have respite from my sorrows, with
οὐδέ ποτ’ ἐκ καµάτων ἀποπαύσοµαι my numberless laments!
ἀνάριθµος ὧδε θρήνων.
ἀλλ’ οὖν εὐνοίᾳ γ’ αὐδῶ, Well, I speak as a well-wisher, like a mother in
µάτηρ ὡσεί τις πιστά, whom you can have trust, telling you not to create
µὴ τίκτειν σ’ ἄταν ἄταις. 235 misery by means of misery!
καὶ τί µέτρον κακότατος ἔφυ; φέρε, And what limit is there to my torment? Come, how
πῶς ἐπὶ τοῖς φθιµένοις ἀµελεῖν καλόν; can it be honourable to have no thought for the
ἐν τίνι τοῦτ’ ἔβλαστ’ ἀνθρώπων; dead? Who among men has such an instinct? May I
µήτ’ εἴην ἔντιµος τούτοις
never enjoy honour among such people, and never
µήτ’, εἴ τῳ πρόσκειµαι χρηστῷ, 240
ξυνναίοιµ’ εὔκηλος, γονέων may I live contentedly with any good thing I may
ἐκτίµους ἴσχουσα πτέρυγας have, if I restrain the wings of loud lamentation,
ὀξυτόνων γόων. dishonouring my father. For if the dead man is to lie
εἰ γὰρ ὁ µὲν θανὼν γᾶ τε καὶ οὐδὲν ὢν 245 there as earth and nothingness, unhappy one, and
κείσεται τάλας, they are not to pay the penalty, murdered in their
οἱ δὲ µὴ πάλιν turn, that would be the end of reverence and of the
δώσουσ’ ἀντιφόνους δίκας, piety of all mortals!
ἔρροι τ’ ἂν αἰδὼς
ἁπάντων τ’ εὐσέβεια θνατῶν.

Soph. El. 254-309: 1. Rhesis

αἰσχύνοµαι µέν, ὦ γυναῖκες, εἰ δοκῶ I am ashamed, women, if you think I grieve too
πολλοῖσι θρήνοις δυσφορεῖν ὑµῖν ἄγαν. 255 much with my numerous laments; but since a hard
ἀλλ’ ἡ βία γὰρ ταῦτ’ ἀναγκάζει µε δρᾶν, compulsion forces me to do this, you must bear
σύγγνωτε. πῶς γάρ, ἥτις εὐγενὴς γυνή,
with me! Why, how could any woman nobly born
πατρῷ’ ὁρῶσα πήµατ’, οὐ δρῴη τάδ’ ἄν,
ἁγὼ κατ’ ἦµαρ καὶ κατ’ εὐφρόνην ἀεὶ not do this, looking at the sufferings of her father’s
θάλλοντα µᾶλλον ἢ καταφθίνονθ’ ὁρῶ; 260 house, sufferings which I see by day and night
ᾗ πρῶτα µὲν τὰ µητρός, ἥ µ’ ἐγείνατο, always growing worse and not declining? First, my
ἔχθιστα συµβέβηκεν· εἶτα δώµασιν relation with the mother who bore me is one of
ἐν τοῖς ἐµαυτῆς τοῖς φονεῦσι τοῦ πατρὸς bitter enmity; next, I am living in my own home
ξύνειµι, κἀκ τῶνδ’ ἄρχοµαι κἀκ τῶνδέ µοι with my father’s murderers; they are my rulers, and
λαβεῖν θ’ ὁµοίως καὶ τὸ τητᾶσθαι πέλει. 265 it rests with them whether I receive or go without.
ἔπειτα ποίας ἡµέρας δοκεῖς µ’ ἄγειν, And then what kind of days do you think I pass
ὅταν θρόνοις Αἴγισθον ἐνθακοῦντ’ ἴδω when I see Aegisthus sitting on my father’s throne,
τοῖσιν πατρῴοις, εἰσίδω δ’ ἐσθήµατα and when I see him wearing the same clothes he
φοροῦντ’ ἐκείνῳ ταὐτά, καὶ παρεστίους
wore, and pouring libations by the same hearth at
σπένδοντα λοιβὰς ἔνθ’ ἐκεῖνον ὤλεσεν, 270
ἴδω δὲ τούτων τὴν τελευταίαν ὕβριν, which he murdered him; and when I see their final
τὸν αὐτοέντην ἡµὶν ἐν κοίτῃ πατρὸς outrage, the murderer in my father’s bed with my
ξὺν τῇ ταλαίνῃ µητρί, µητέρ’ εἰ χρεὼν miserable mother, if she can be called mother when
ταύτην προσαυδᾶν τῷδε συγκοιµωµένην· she sleeps with him? But she is so abandoned that
ἡ δ’ ὧδε τλήµων ὥστε τῷ µιάστορι 275 she lives with the polluter, having no fear of any
ξύνεστ’, Ἐρινὺν οὔτιν’ ἐκφοβουµένη· Erinys; but as though she is gloating over what she
ἀλλ’ ὥσπερ ἐγγελῶσα τοῖς ποιουµένοις, has done, she finds the day on which she

εὑροῦσ’ ἐκείνην ἡµέραν, ἐν ᾗ τότε treacherously killed my father and on it sets up
εὑροῦσ’ ἐκείνην ἡµέραν, ἐν ᾗ τότε dances and slaughters cattle, sacrificing monthly
πατέρα τὸν ἀµὸν ἐκ δόλου κατέκτανεν, victims to the gods that have preserved her. But I,
ταύτῃ χοροὺς ἵστησι καὶ µηλοσφαγεῖ 280 poor creature, in the house weep, and pine away,
θεοῖσιν ἔµµην’ ἱερὰ τοῖς σωτηρίοις. and lament alone and to myself the abominable
ἐγὼ δ’ ὁρῶσα δύσµορος κατὰ στέγας
feast that bears my father’s name; for I am not
κλαίω, τέτηκα, κἀπικωκύω πατρὸς
τὴν δυστάλαιναν δαῖτ’ ἐπωνοµασµένην permitted even to weep as much as my heart desires.
αὐτὴ πρὸς αὐτήν· οὐδὲ γὰρ κλαῦσαι πάρα 85 Yes, this woman, who is said to be so noble, gives
τοσόνδ’ ὅσον µοι θυµὸς ἡδονὴν φέρει. tongue and utters insults such as these: “Accursed,
αὕτη γὰρ ἡ λόγοισι γενναία γυνὴ hateful creature, are you the only one that has lost a
φωνοῦσα τοιάδ’ ἐξονειδίζει κακά, father? Does no other mortal mourn a loss? May
“ὦ δύσθεον µίσηµα, σοὶ µόνῃ πατὴρ you perish miserably, and may the gods below never
τέθνηκεν; ἄλλος δ’ οὔτις ἐν πένθει βροτῶν; 90 release you from your lamentations!” These are her
κακῶς ὄλοιο, µηδέ σ’ ἐκ γόων ποτὲ insults; only when she hears anyone say that Orestes
τῶν νῦν ἀπαλλάξειαν οἱ κάτω θεοί.” will come, then she stands by me in a fury and
τάδ’ ἐξυβρίζει· πλὴν ὅταν κλύῃ τινὸς
shouts, “Are not you the cause of this? Is this not
ἥξοντ’ Ὀρέστην· τηνικαῦτα δ’ ἐµµανὴς
βοᾷ παραστᾶσ’, “οὐ σύ µοι τῶνδ’ αἰτία; 295 your work, you who stole Orestes out of my arms
οὐ σὸν τόδ’ ἐστὶ τοὔργον, ἥτις ἐκ χερῶν and smuggled him away? Well, know that you will
κλέψασ’ Ὀρέστην τῶν ἐµῶν ὑπεξέθου; pay the penalty you deserve!” She barks out words
ἀλλ’ ἴσθι τοι τείσουσά γ’ ἀξίαν δίκην.” like these, and her noble husband stands by her to
τοιαῦθ’ ὑλακτεῖ, σὺν δ’ ἐποτρύνει πέλας encourage her, this utter coward, this total plague,
ὁ κλεινὸς αὐτῇ ταὐτὰ νυµφίος παρών, 300 this man who fights his battles with women’s aid.
ὁ πάντ’ ἄναλκις οὗτος, ἡ πᾶσα βλάβη, And as I wait forever for Orestes to come and put a
ὁ σὺν γυναιξὶ τὰς µάχας ποιούµενος. stop to this, I perish in my misery, for by always
ἐγὼ δ’ Ὀρέστην τῶνδε προσµένουσ’ ἀεὶ putting off his action he has destroyed the hopes I
παυστῆρ’ ἐφήξειν ἡ τάλαιν’ ἀπόλλυµαι. had and the hopes I had not! When things are so,
µέλλων γὰρ ἀεὶ δρᾶν τι τὰς οὔσας τέ µου 305 my friends, there can be no good sense or piety, but
καὶ τὰς ἀπούσας ἐλπίδας διέφθορεν.
ἐν οὖν τοιούτοις οὔτε σωφρονεῖν, φίλαι, since things are bad, then inevitably one’s conduct
οὔτ’ εὐσεβεῖν πάρεστιν· ἀλλ’ ἐν τοῖς κακοῖς must be bad also.
πολλή ’στ’ ἀνάγκη κἀπιτηδεύειν κακά.

Soph. El. 405-427: Clytemnestra’s dream

ΗΛΕΚΤΡΑ ELECTRA: Where are you going? For whom are you
ποῖ δ’ ἐµπορεύῃ; τῷ φέρεις τάδ’ ἔµπυρα; 405 carrying these vessels?
ΧΡΥΣΟΘΕΜΙΣ CHRYSOTHEMIS: My mother is sending me to offer
µήτηρ µε πέµπει πατρὶ τυµβεῦσαι χοάς. libations at my father’s tomb.
ELECTRA: What did you say? Libations to her worst
πῶς εἶπας; ἦ τῷ δυσµενεστάτῳ βροτῶν;
ΧΡΥΣΟΘΕΜΙΣ enemy among mankind?
ὃν ἔκταν’ αὐτή· τοῦτο γὰρ λέξαι θέλεις. CHRYSOTHEMIS: To the man she killed; that is
ΗΛΕΚΤΡΑ what you mean.
ἐκ τοῦ φίλων πεισθεῖσα; τῷ τοῦτ’ ἤρεσεν; ELECTRA: Which of her friends persuaded her?
ΧΡΥΣΟΘΕΜΙΣ Who approved this?
ἐκ δείµατός του νυκτέρου, δοκεῖν ἐµοί. 410 CHRYSOTHEMIS: I think it was some midnight
ΗΛΕΚΤΡΑ terror.
ὦ θεοὶ πατρῷοι, συγγένεσθέ γ’ ἀλλὰ νῦν. ELECTRA: Gods of my fathers, come to my help
ΧΡΥΣΟΘΕΜΙΣ now at last!
ἔχεις τι θάρσος τοῦδε τοῦ τάρβους πέρι; CHRYSOTHEMIS: Does this fear of hers give you
some kind of confidence?
εἴ µοι λέγοις τὴν ὄψιν, εἴποιµ’ ἂν τότε.
ELECTRA: If you could tell me her dream, then I
ἀλλ’ οὐ κάτοιδα πλὴν ἐπὶ σµικρὸν φράσαι. could say.
ΗΛΕΚΤΡΑ CHRYSOTHEMIS: But I know and can tell you only
λέγ’ ἀλλὰ τοῦτο. πολλά τοι σµικροὶ λόγοι a little.
ἔσφηλαν ἤδη καὶ κατώρθωσαν βροτούς.
ΧΡΥΣΟΘΕΜΙΣ ELECTRA: Well, tell me that! Telling about little
λόγος τις αὐτήν ἐστιν εἰσιδεῖν πατρὸς things has often in the past brought disaster or
τοῦ σοῦ τε κἀµοῦ δευτέραν ὁµιλίαν success to mortals.
ἐλθόντος ἐς φῶς· εἶτα τόνδ’ ἐφέστιον CHRYSOTHEMIS: They say that she was once more
πῆξαι λαβόντα σκῆπτρον οὑφόρει ποτὲ 420 in company with your father and mine, who had
αὐτός, τανῦν δ’ Αἴγισθος· ἔκ τε τοῦδ’ ἄνω
come to the world of light; and then he took the
βλαστεῖν βρύοντα θαλλόν, ᾧ κατάσκιον
πᾶσαν γενέσθαι τὴν Μυκηναίων χθόνα. staff which he used to carry, and which Aegisthus
τοιαῦτά του παρόντος, ἡνίχ’ Ἡλίῳ carries now, and planted it beside the hearth; and
δείκνυσι τοὔναρ, ἔκλυον ἐξηγουµένου. 425 from it grew up a fruitful bough, which
πλείω δὲ τούτων οὐ κάτοιδα, πλὴν ὅτι overshadowed all the land of the Mycenaeans. That
πέµπει µ’ ἐκείνη τοῦδε τοῦ φόβου χάριν. is the story I heard from someone who was present
when she told her dream to the Sun. But I know no
more than this, except that it is because of this fear
that she is sending me.

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