The Development of Surface Steps During Mining Subsidence: "Not Due To Fault Reactivation"

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ELSEVIER EngineeringGeology 36 (1994) 243-255

The development of surface steps during mining subsidence: "Not

due to fault reactivation"
L.J. Donnelly and D.J. Reddish
Department of Mining Engineering, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG 2RD, UK
(Received August 13, 1993; revised version accepted December 10, 1993)


In spite of the voluminous literature which has been collated over the past ca. 150 years regarding the occurrence,
prediction and control of the various phenomena associated with mining subsidence, the behaviour of geological
faults during such subsidence is still poorly understood. It is generally appreciated that the reactivation of faults
during mining events, and the consequent formation of a step in the surface topography, is complex and variable,
and can result in extensive and spectacular structural damage. Within the past ca. two years evidence from the British
and Ukrainian coalfields has been correlated which suggests that the surface steps formed and effected in the
topography may be centred over contrasting lithological contacts such as bedding planes, joints, unconformities and
the outcrop of fold axes.

1. Introduction 2. The state of the art

In 1991 professional contacts was established Reactivation of faults during mining subsidence
between the University of Nottingham and the is generally appreciated by mining engineers.
Ukrainian branch of the All-Union Research However it is thought that the effects are so
Institute of Rock Mechanics and Mine Surveying haphazard that they defy prediction. As a conse-
( V N I M I ) in the Donetsk Coalfield, one of the quence, whereas many branches of mining subsi-
richest coal basins in the former Soviet Union. dence have progressed in recent years, this aspect
Here persists an extensive record of damage to of ground movements has on the whole been
buildings and structures due to mining subsidence. neglected. A few authors have studied the effects
An invitation to visit the Ukraine in October 1992 of faulting on mining subsidence, but they have
allowed first-hand experience in studying the reac- reached very different and contradictory conclu-
tivation of faults and the formation of surface sions. The more successful researchers, such as
steps. Prior to the visit to the Ukraine, isolated Marr (1961), tend to have been those who have
British examples indicated that topographical steps studied the faults in the field.
may be occurring at certain discontinuity outcrops Prior to the investigations at Nottingham
as well as at geological fault outcrops. Both University, the prevailing school of thought was
Ukrainian and British examples are considered in that a geological fault is more likely to reactivate
this paper. during mining subsidence, when workings are

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244 L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish~Engineering Geology 36 (1994) 243-255

located in the region below the dip (hade) of a potential activity will be assessed via a rating
fault, whereby normal stresses across a fault plane method.
are transformed from a state of compression
before mining to a state of tension following
extraction. Shear is governed by the empirical 3. Faulting in the Donetsk Coal Basin
The Donetsk Coal Basin or Donbass forms part
• =on" tand~+ C
of a 1500-km long aulacogen along the southern
where: z = shear stress; on = normal stress; tan ~b= margin of the Russian Platform. This area is a
coefficient of static friction; and C=cohesive or gently undulating Steppe and belongs to the
cementation strength. Ukraine SSR and the Azov-Black Sea region.
In the above relation, the factor governing shear Tectonically the Donetsk Basin is represented by
is the redistribution of the geological stress regime a folded ridge on the Russian Platform, sand-
due to mining activities. However, Donnelly et al. wiched by Pre-Cambrian crystalline massifs to the
(1992) revealed that fault reactivation is a com- north and south. Four geological provinces are
plex proces. Surface groundwater seepages from distinguished: the Late Proterozoic, Caledonian,
fault planes during reactivation have been fre- Hercynian and Alpine provinces (Fig. 2). The
quently observed in the British Coalfields. This main structures of the Donetsk Basin were formed
suggests that the pore fluid pressures may actually during the Hercynian Orogeny. Great oscilla-
influence shearing via the empirical relationship tionary phases of folding and faulting continued
(Fig. 1): until the beginning of the Palaeogene with intermit-
tent and sporadic volcanic activity. Folding,
~ = ( o , - - P f ) tan ~b+ C
although steep in places, is not sufficiently complex
where: Pf=fluid pressure. to interfere with the recognition of stratigraphical
Further studies have indicated that reactivation horizons. The productive coal measures are steeply
of a fault during mining subsidence is much more inclined, with over half of the coal field being
complex than is suggested in the above relation- concealed. For a further insight into the geology,
ship. Table 1 summarises the factors which may and geological evolution of the former USSR,
affect fault reactivation. No single empirical consult Nalivkin (1985) or Khain (1985). Only a
formula may be determined due to the complex few technical papers with particular reference to
nature of each parameter. These factors will, how- faulting have been translated into English (see
ever, not be discussed any further, but may form Chekunov and Kuchma, 1977; Belousov 1976).
part of a forthcoming publication whereby the

4. The reactivation of geological faults during

mining subsidence: the British and Ukrainian
During a brief visit to the Ukrainian mining
" r : a..T,m ~.b+ C industry, twenty five individual case histories were
studied from records, some of the faults were
viewed in the field, and most fault cases were
discussed extensively. In addition faults were exam-
ined on a working longwall face. Data from
twenty-two case studies are illustrated in Table 2,
Fig. 1. Fault reactivation mechanisms during mining summarising subsidence and strain data. (The
subsidence. occasional loss of data being due to the fact that
L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish/Engineering Geology 36 (1994) 243-255 245

Table 1
Factors influencing the reactivation of a pre-existing fault


Noe'mq les ,,l~lnlll Flmlt$ BIddkt~ Oen~ty~Mo;~,~,,~y ~ Tl~ow IAhtlt'illII lit kltl T e c t o n l cI~lIKtllVllll
/ / / ~ ~ Ion OIllll ~ (slrn'ledlm~d
Lhlirk: Iwy) ~ , l , , . , ~ l l I

llOrUilll l l i i r l o olrlki-illlql k w l l l l 81mlio Tiff CIKVIgWI



Rato ol Oq~rh T I ~ of OIpo# ~ m Olsllmces

Ikkflld4 width Ik~Or I l a ~ l r KIVlI~O ulractlm~ horn f ~

Irectlrt I plltefn

Com~Menl WII~ TIMxotropk: Ov~'l~l~m Lllhoeontlcil Flit SwolmdHIIIslot~ Plalml Motm4aiml (Urbal~41ld}

in the Ukraine photocoping facilities were unavail-

Table 2 able. All plans and maps were photographed, and
Summary of case histories of fault reactivations studied in the
Donestk Coalfield, Ukraine (all measurements are in cm; BD = then redrafted in the UK.) An important advan-
below dip; T=towards; A=away from; O = opposite; ?= tage of studying the reactivation of faults in the
lost data) Donetsk Basin is that this phenomenon has been
" 950
JPmaLo~rWoaanlpi ~
7 1 ? ?
recognised for over 50 years and much of the
structural damage prevails to the present day.
Figure 3 illustrates an extensive fault step which
could not have developed to this extent in the UK
8 470 IO
because mining damage to structures is usually
speedily repaired. This reduces the ability to study
390 50
the effects of damage to structures with time.
Figure 4 indicates the effects of a thick superficial
glacial cover on the morphology of a surface step.
The step is exaggerated over a greater surface area.
21 I
g0 430 18 2
? Surveying observations were undertaken in 1979.
" I 32 5 ? ? ? l ? ?
However, in October 1992 the continual reactivity
246 L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish~Engineering Geology 36 (1994) 243-255



~ " ~, GRABEN ,......._

r Z~O,~,.X.".~NA~, .V,,~UUS . . . . . . . -~ . OO.ETSK A..,,k~,.. ,./
~ ' , ~ X .~~,,,, .ASIN '~, ...,,,;s,,y -,...~ .
~.,~N C'STA'"NE"ASSIF ~ \ ''T---/ .". ~ / ..c. "~ a
Pn,AZOVSKV~. ~ //j,~ ~ • i s

I ~ mill lint k:lkle

Volnovlkhl Done|ilk Gorlovke Arternov~ Kremen~oe
DI El /K:
Nt O OI o! NZ
w r , _ _ _ _ f _ _ Ki

,o I
~"~ Fmalt, I IC'I~ tMIine

Fig. 2. Structural elements and geological section through the Donetsk Basin in the Don-Dniepr downwarp.

Fig. 3. A fault step still active 30 years after mining activities (The Donetsk Coalfield, Ukraine).
L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish~Engineering Geology 36 (1994) 243-255 247

| occurred in regions of mining subsidence at locali-
ties where faults did not crop out. Seismic surveys
Sem 2" and trenching undertaken by British Coal in some
"l ~lu.zvJ of these localities also confirmed the absence of
geological faults. Why should a step form during
mining subsidence without a fault? The following
theories and field observations may explain this

6. Translational bedding plane shear

During pure translation, a rock mass is displaced

in such a way that all points within the body move
along parallel paths in the same direction and
cover the same distance with no rotation. Rigid
bodies translate past one another along discontinu-
ity surfaces, where the integrity of the rock is
interrupted and along which movement is possible.
The geological record is full of examples of the
translation of rigid bodies of rock along fault
discontinuities. This phenomenon is commonly
accompanied by slickenslide surfaces, often miner-
Fig. 4. The effect of a superficial cover on the morphology of alised with calcite, quartz, baryte and fluorspar. It
a fault step (October 1992, The Donetsk Coalfield, Ukraine). is, therefore, proposed that bedding plane shear
translation is apparent in the British Coalfields
of this fault is evident; the vertical height of the during subsidence, and can explaining the occur-
step is now in the order of 3-4 m. rence of geomorphological steps in the absence of
fault outcrops (Fig. 5). This phenomenum is most
likely to occur within a proportion of a subsidence
5. Surface step topography in the absence of fault trough subject to tensile strains. However, the
outcrops mechanism of transitional bedding plane shear
appears to be feasible in the region of a subsidence
If, during mining subsidence, a whole region of basin subjected to compression. The latter, how-
land subsided at a constant rate, by a constant ever, is mere speculation, and as yet none have
amount, then the degree of damage to houses, been identified in the field. It is apparent that such
structures, roadways and farmland would be slight a step is more likely to occur at prominent joints,
or negligible. However, the differential ground or at a well defined discontinuity where a compe-
movements create the severe and spectacular tent lithology lies adjacent to a weak sediment.
damage. A fault step usually covers a horizontal Examples are Bunter sandstones and Pebble Beds
surface area of 0.5-I.0 m. The nature of the near- against Keuper Sandstones, Marls of the Permo-
surface geology may extend this zone to the order Trias, and the Carboniferous Coal Measure sand-
of 1.5-2.0 m. The magnitude of damage to struc- stones and Gritstones, in stratification with silt-
tures and buildings in the vicinity of a fault step stones, mudstones and shales.
is determined by the quality of construction, type In the Donetsk Coal basin, mineral exploitation
of structure and the age of the structure. In early is practised on steeply inclined seams dipping at
1991, it was noted in the coalfields of the British an average of 75 °. As previously stated, the pro-
Midlands and South Wales that certain steps ductive coal measures appear in a Carboniferous
248 L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish~Engineering Geology36 (1994) 243-255

Lithologlcal contacts ] tinuities between a competent brittle gritstone and

with contrasting I a relatively plastic shale.
mechanics! p r o p e r t l a s J
Stop' Iormaticm via Translational Figure 7 clearly illustrates how step formation
[ Bedd ng Plans Shear may occur due to translational shear. The resultant
Original surface ............. ground surface is usually seen as a multiple step-
on-step topography creating extensive structural
~ . 7..'...-~ :'::::;;:!:';::~iii-i!iiiii'i ~"~!'~! "~::~!W~ :/:::.E'W~ E~:::~'!~ ~ "!~:::::::::
damage. Such steps usually occur at specific
intervals and perhaps this observation may be
"~,'.- ., ~: considered during the construction of structures
and roadways, etc., specifically arranged as to
avoid these contrasting lithological contacts.

7. Synclinal fold axes

This particular example of step formation with-

out a geological fault is unique to the Donetsk
coal basin because underground British mines do
not extract coal in the trough and on the limbs of
[Not to scslo~ large synclinal folds. Nevertheless, this case is
indicative that faults alone are not always responsi-
Fig. 5. The mechanisms for the formation of steps via bedding
plane translational shear. ble for surface stepping.
Whether the thickness of a rock layer is modified
during folding depends on the internal stresses
coal bearing sequence identical to that of the imposed upon the rock, and the strength of the
British Coal Measures (and as a matter of fact, rock to resist these stresses. The folding of rock
the whole of the European Coal bearing deposits). cannot be accomplished without an infinite number
Cylcothem deposits, therefore, comprise an of kinematic adjustments. During folding indivi-
alternating sequence of competent sandstones in dual layers tend to retain their original thickness,
stratiform, parallel stratification with less brittle usually however, with some internal distortion.
or relatively plastic variations of soft sediments Such distortion mainly occurs in the hinge zones
such as siltstones, shales, mudstones, seatearths of the folded layers. The outer arc of the hinge
and fireclays. undergoes layer-parallel stretching, whilst rock on
Figure 6 illustrates the formation of surface steps the inner arc of the hinge undergoes longer parallel
formed during subsidence via a form of transla- shortening (Kuenen and DeSitter, 1938). Layer
tional bedding plane shear. A pillar of coal is left parallel strain decreases towards the central zone
between the ground surface and the initiation of of each folded layer, reaching a neutral surface of
the productive face. As the extraction operation no strain, separating the outer arc domain of layer
progresses down-dip from location 1 to location parallel shortening. An excessive form of these two
7, the central zone of maximum subsidence and extremities is seen as complex secondary folding
the angles of draw simultaneously migrate down- and simple shear (Fig. 8).
dip, Consequently the bending of the steeply Figure 9 illustrates extraction of coal via the
inclined coal measure strata near the free surface longwaU mining method, on the shallower side of
interface results in bending via plastic deformation. the two limbs of an asymmetrical syncline. The
The central portion of the subsidence trough, axial trace of the fold corresponds to a zone of
therefore, experiences a change in direction of the regional compressive strain. The extraction of coal
surface step. As with the British examples, bedding on the limbs of the synform in the region below
plane translational slip is most common at discon- the synclinal axes results in the refraction of
L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish~EngineeringGeology36 (1994) 243-255 249

1 I z- o
..~. t. -S'~
.t -/

zo~E:A I ZONE:. I ZONe; C I

Fig. 6. Variations in the direction of surface steps, formed during bedding plane translational shear (The Donetsk Coalfield, Ukraine).

0 - - ' ' I I , , I I ~ I . -- _ -- = I.IIII I




Dm IM-

10N -


1400 -


Fig. 7. Multiple step-on-step topography in the Ukrainian coal fields, not due to fault reactivation but as a result of translational
bedding plane shear.
250 L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish/Engineering Geology 36 (1994) 243-255

finite neutrid
surface inner arc shortening


Fig. 8. The geometry of folds during pure tangential longitudinal strain. Illustrating structural variations in strain (A), cleavage
development (B), tension fissures (C), conjugate shear faults (D), and flexural slip of pages in a book, the direction of interbed slip
is perpendicular to the axis of folding (E) (see Davis, 1984).

ground movements following longwall collapse. outcrop of a zone of intense compressional strain,
This deflection of the angle of draw results in a slightly deflected from the monoclinal/synclinal
surface step at the outcrop of the axial trace. The axial trace by complex secondary folding and
axial trace acts in an identical manner to a fault faulting, (Fig. 10)
plane, reducing the subsidence on one side, and
increasing the subsidence on the other with a
resultant step. 9. Lateral shear

Fault reactivation or step formation is normally

8. Flexural folding and step formation associated with relative vertical displacements; lat-
eral movements can only be detected by accurate
Flexural folding can occur in two ways, by surveying techniques. Figure 11 illustrates the lat-
flexural slip and/or by flexural flow (Donath and eral movement of a line of kerbstones. This move-
Parker, 1964) depending, on the mechanical prop- ment is duplicated because this fault bisects a series
erties of the layered sequence such as; thickness, of buildings, causing damage only by lateral shift
spacing, rheology, the nature of the internal rock with no vertical components, of movement. The
fabric, whether anisotropic, isotropric or layered, central zone of the road, the footpaths and the
the initial strain state of the rock before folding, adjacent grass verges indicate no lateral shift, in
and the types of boundary displacements that lead fact they appear un-affected. The relatively brittle
to formation of folds. Flexural slip folding accom- concrete kerbstones and buildings will shear much
modates the buckling by layer-parallel slip along more easily than the road surface and grass verge.
bedding contacts. This deformation has taken place over a certain
In the Donetsk coal basin, monoclinal flexural period of time, allowing the plastic verge to flow
type folding is common in the Carboniferous and rectify slow anomalous movement via creep.
sequence due to block fault reactivation in the Lateral shear is common with or without vertical
underlying Precambrian basement. The flexuring movement in the South Wales, Midlands and
is complicated due to pre-existing faults and their Donetsk coalfields. Figure 12 illustrates subsidence
associated stress field. In the Ukraine surface step- expected during longwall collapse. In Fig. 12B
ping of this nature has been attributed to the lateral shear occurs along a fault. Where this fault
L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish~EngineeringGeology36 (1994) 243-255 251

S metru IN
I ~ LIIm~ C - C "

II . ' ~ i , ¢ .i I ¢ i , i '''.H.,,,..,i~Hi~,i,i. I I I i

BiLl/ ~ . . . .




i J"

! i m

Dm # m W-n •

"t P-4O-I~

Fig. 9. The location of a surface step following coal extraction in the trough of an asymmetrical syncline (The Donetsk
Coalfield, Ukraine).

is perpendicular to the maximum ground strains, competence. Pull away, void formation and slump-
vertical stepping may occur. (The arrows on the ing may also explain minor movements of lateral
diagram are proportional to ground strains, note shear in a direction away from the workings. There
how faults may absorb such ground strains, reduc- is sufficient evidence to suggest that this form of
ing the degree of subsidence on the side of the lateral shear along lithological contacts rather than
fault away from the workings.) In Fig. 12C lateral along faulted discontinuities occurrs in the British
shear occurs at a lithological contact of contrasting and Ukrainian coalfields.
252 L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish/Engineering Geology 36 (1994)243-255

entk:llmll uxlal trace


100. /





Fig. 10. Step formation not at the outcrop of a fault but resulting from stress variations due to flexural folding.

iiill i !i
ii ! ii

Fig. 11. Lateral shear without vertical movement during the reactivation of a fault in the North Staffordshire Coalfield, Great Britain.
L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish~Engineering Geology36 (1994) 243-255 253

C tIs~

Fig. 12. Variations in the mechanisms for the formation of lateral shear at fault and at lithological discontinuities.

10. Conclusions result of translational bedding plane shear, in

particularly where contrasting lithological contacts
The formation of a topographical step caused are present in planar and parallel stratification.
by reactivation of faults during mining subsidence An example is at a discontinuity spanned by
is generally recognised by geologists and mining competent Bunter Pebble Beds or conglomerates
engineers. It is, however, a poorly understood against relatively plastic Keuper Marls. Or simi-
concept. Recent investigations in the British coal- larly, between coal measure sandstones and shales.
fields suggests that step formation may also be the These observations made in the UK were also
254 L.J. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish~Engineering Geology 36 (1994) 243 255

discovered in the coalfields of the Ukraine. Here, ever this phenomenon may not always be due to
step formation is common at fault outcrops, and mineral exploitation, natural tectonics may hold
numerous case examples were studied and docu- equal responsibility.
mented. Step formation was found to be common
at lithgological contacts via plastic deformation
and buckling of the steeply inclined strata adjacent
to the operating seam. The resultant oscillatory Acknowledgements
to-and-fro motion of the strata results in a multiple
step-on-step topography, with steps occurring at The authors express their appreciation to the
regular intervals, and as also found with the British British Coal Corporation for their support given
examples at contrasting lithological contacts. to this project. Any views expressed in this paper
Furthermore, step formation was common are those of the authors and not necessarily those
outcrop of synclinal folds axes, this coinciding of the Corporation.
with a localised region of compression, and hence Gratitude is also expressed to the friends and
deflecting the path of sub-surface mining subsi- colleagues at the Ukrainian branch of the All-
dence. In a similar manner step formation also Union Research Institute of Rock Mechanics and
occurs in the vicinity of the axial outcrops of Mine Surveying, Donetsk, Ukraine.
flexures, but here being complicated by the pres-
ence of faulting. This mechanisms is unlikely to
occur in the British Coalfields, due to the fact that
no seams are worked in steep synclinal structures.
However, perhaps the potential remains and so References
this must be borne in mind for future mine
planning. Belousov, V.V., 1976. Development of lithosphere and faults.
Historically lateral shear is usually only noted Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Geologiya, 31(4): 6-16.
Chekunov, A.V. and Kuchma, V.G., 1977. Dips of deep faults.
on a scale so small that precise surveying tech- Inst. Geophysics, Ukrainian Acad. Sci., Kiev. Presented by
niques must be utilised in order to detect it. Academician A.V. Peyve, November, 11. Translated from:
However, this has been found not to be the case. O Naklonakh Glubinnykh Razlomov. Doklady Akademii
Many examples clearly demonstrate visible lateral Nauk SSSR, 1978, 238(6): 1441-1443.
shear up to 1 metre with or without vertical Davis, G.H., 1984. Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions.
Wiley, Chicester, 386 pp.
movements. This lateral shear is associated with Donatch, F.A. and Parker, R.B., 1964. Folds and folding.
fault reactivation, as exemplified in Britain and Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 75: 45-62.
the Ukraine. It is further postulated here that the Donnelly, L.J., Whittaker, B.N. and Reddish, D.J., 1993.
mechanisms which operate lateral shear may also Ground deformation mechanisms at fault outcrops during
prevail at certain discontinuities such as bedding mining subsidence; A geological perspective. Conf. Mine
Subsidence Issues in Urban and Developed Areas, Rock
planes, predominant joints and unconformities etc. Springs, Wyo.
Geological evidence has therefore been gathered Higgins, R.N. and Meyen, S.V., Editors, 1979. The
which suggests that step formation does not only Carboniferous of the USSR. Rep. I.U.G.S. Subcomm.
occur at fault outcrops during mining subsidence. Carboniferous Stratigraphy, 8th Int. Congr. Carboniferous
As it is the steps in the topography which create Stratigraphy and Geology, Moscow 1975. Yorkshire Geol.
Soc., Occasional Publ., 4.
the most severe and often spectacular damage to HMSO, 1984. The repair and compensation system for coal
land and structures, then the implications of this mining subsidence damage. The Waddilove Committee
study are of utmost significance in the locating of Report.
future mining operations, if the annual subsidence Khain, V.E., 1985. Geology of USSR. Part 1. Old Cratons
claims for compensation are to be reduced to a and Palaeozoic Fold Belts. Borntraeger, Berlin.
Kozlovsky, E.A., Bogdanov, N.A. and Menner V.V., Editors,
minimum. In addition this study may explain the 1987. Geology of the USSR. 27th Int. Geol. Congr.,
abnormal ground movements which often occur Moscow, 1984. Vneshtorgizdat, USSR.
away from the outcrop of geological faults, how- Kuenen, P.H. and DeSitter, L.U., 1938. Experimental investiga-
LJ. Donnelly, D.J. Reddish~Engineering Geology 36 (1994) 243-255 255

tions into the mechanisms of folding. Leidse Meded., Stepanov, P., Editor, 1937. The Southern Excursion, The
9: 217-239. Donetsk Coal Basin. 17th Int. Geol. Congr., 1937. The
Marr, J.E., 1961. Subsidence observations in the South Geological Prospecting and Geodetic Literature,
Lancashire Coalfield. Sheffield Univ. Min. Mag., pp. 24-35. Lennningrad.
Nalivkin, D.V., 1985. Geology of the USSR. Translated from Whittaker, B.N. and Reddish, D.J., 1989. Subsidence,
Russian by N. Rast; edited by N. Rast and T.S. Westal. Prediction and Control. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 528 pp.

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