CMS 2020 Band Recruitment

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Cave Spring Middle School Band Chris McDilda, Director

Dear 5th Grade Parents/Guardians and Students,

I am so excited to offer you the opportunity to participate in an activity I feel will be one of the most
memorable experiences of your entire school career: Beginning Band. Not only will you learn to play an
instrument and to make music, you will do it while developing life skills of teamwork, self-discipline and
pride. Best of all, you will learn this with your friends! Band is one of the most rewarding experiences you
can be a part of in Middle School. The band program at Cave Spring has a long tradition of excellence and
we want YOU to be part of this tradition.

Music education is more than just playing an instrument. It is immersing yourself in a culture of suc-
cessful students and teachers who care about education. It challenges each participant to use the creative
side of their brain while, at the same time, learning a foreign language…MUSIC. Current data clearly states
that students involved in music education academically out perform their non-musical counterparts.

Parents and guardians, after reading the information in this packet, should you have further ques-
tions concerning your child’s participation in the band program at Cave Spring Middle School, please feel
free to contact me at 540-772-7560 x30043 or at I look forward to meeting with you and
working with you!


Chris McDilda
Chris McDilda
Director of Bands
Cave Spring Middle School
Assistant Director
Cave Spring High School Marching Knights
Who can be in beginning band? ANYONE!
 There is no experience needed! We start everyone from scratch – the very beginning. We
teach you everything you need to know in order to play an instrument; from learning how
to read music to how to hold and make a sound on an instrument.

 We help you select the best instrument for your physical features by letting you try
the instruments with the Band Director’s assistance. BRACES are not a problem!
We have students playing all instruments who wear braces.

What kind of students are in band? ALL KINDS!

 We have many football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and track members in the band. We
also have a lot of cheerleaders. Band does not conflict with any sports or other extracur-
ricular activities because band meets as a class during the school day.

at all in playing a musical instrument and being a part of one of the most interesting and fun
 Studies show students involved in band score higher in core academic classes, score
higher on college entrance tests, such as the SAT and ACT, and are looked more
favorably upon by employers.
 Band is a LIFE long skill. We teach responsibility, teamwork, dedication, and reinforce
core academic subjects.
 You can play sports AND be in band!
 You can be in advanced classes AND band!

“CSMS band rocks, it is so

much fun! We play games,
we play fun songs and the
teachers are so good at
teaching us. We go on awe-
“Band is fun and you
some field trips. After the “I really enjoy band because
can just be yourself.”
first few weeks we all know you get to learn an instru-
the notes and play pretty ment while hearing other in-
well. It is easy for many peo- struments play along. It is a
ple to learn how to play. So lot more fun than playing just “It’s the time of the day
you join, don’t be scared. the recorder with other re- where I can be myself and not
Everyone is nice and the joy corders. Plus, playing an in- have to worry about anything
of playing is off the hook! We strument helps your brain else; it also puts a break in
are like one big family.” and makes you smarter.” the day for fun!” “YAY, BAND

“Band not only teaches you music but, it is a known fact “There are a lot of things I like
that it also helps your education in other classes.” about band, but my favorite is
the concerts! They are very fun
because it lets you show off the
stuff you have learned and the
songs you have practiced.”
What instruments can I play in band?
 The following is a list of the instruments you may choose from:
flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, and baritone.
 Tryouts for instruments such as percussion, alto sax, tuba, and French horn will occur in
the Spring Semester.
 There is no need to get an instrument over the summer. When school begins in August we
will allow you to try each of the instruments and will help you in selecting the one that is
just right for you.
 After trying all instruments in August, you will receive information on where and how to
get an instrument.

ial problem keep your child from participating in one of the most rewarding experiences of their middle sc

When does the band meet?

 Band is a class, just like Math or Science. Its meets every other day for an hour and a half –
ALL YEAR LONG! Band does not conflict with any other class, sport, or activity because it is
a class!

Does the band practice after school?

 NO! The band gives two concerts a year. All rehearsals are held during class.

Here are some recordings of the Cave Spring Middle
School and Cave Spring High School Bands from this
year. You could soon sound as amazing as they do!

Cave Spring Middle School 8th Grade Band

Cave Spring High School Symphonic Band

“What I like about band is the “Band is huge for me because we

winter concert, when you get to do long Christmas songs,
learn how to first play your perform and it gave me huge
instrument, hearing your “There are a lot of things like confidence in myself.”
whole class play together for it helps you express your
the first time and when you feel- ings. Also, band makes
first find out what instrument you feel better. Band is just
you are going to play.” plain fun and I look forward
to Band every day. It is also
fun to play an instrument.” “There are a lot of things I like
about band, but my favorite is
the concerts! They are very fun
because it lets you show off the
stuff you have learned and the
songs you have practiced.”
 To be enrolled in Beginning Band, a student needs to sign up for the class during
registra- tion in January when the Guidance Counselors visit the elementary schools.
 Here are the 6th Grade required
classes: Language Arts
Social Studies
Health and Physical Education (PE)
BAND (This will be the elective you choose.)

h registration or have any questions concerning band, please contact me at

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