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Part I, Chapter One- GHETTO NERD AT THE END OF THE WORLD 1974-1987

• There is a curse called the fuku that seemed to have something to do with dictator-for-life Rafael Leonidas
Trujillo Molina.

• If anyone even thought something bad about Trujillo something horrible would happen.

• The story in the novel is a fuku story, and the narrator wonders if the novel isn't a counterspell known as zafa.

• The hero of the story, Oscar, has a brief period of time when he is seven that he has a lot of luck with females.

• He even had two girlfriends at one time for awhile until Maritza made Oscar break up with Olga.

• Shortly after that, Maritza dumped Oscar.

• Seemingly bad love karma hit Oscar and his former girlfriends.

• Olga and Oscar gain weight and become ugly; Maritza begins to date older men who slap her around.

• Oscar attends an all-boy Catholic high school and spends his adolescence without a girlfriend.

• Oscar has always been a young nerd who read a lot, but by high school, his nerdiness was absolute.

• Oscar's sister Lola, who had turned into a tough long-distance runner, tells Oscar he needs to start changing or he
will never have a girlfriend.

• Lola's girlfriends ignore Oscar and treat him as if he isn't male.

• He dreams about the girls and makes up fantasies about rescuing them.

• Even his friends, who are nerds as well, manage to get girlfriends and look down on Oscar.

• Oscar spends one summer in Santo Domingo with his sister at his abuela's home.

• Unlike his mother, Nena Inca allows Oscar to write as much as he wishes; a habit he continues when he returns

• Oscar begins sending out applications to colleges, and he falls in love with a girl in his SAT prep class.

• Ana is a beautiful girl, whose ex-boyfriend was 24 when she started dating him at age 13.

• Oscar and Ana begin spending time together; Ana even comes to his house to ask him to go to a movie with her.

• Oscar is accepted to Rutgers New Brunswick, and Ana is on her way to Penn State.

• Manny, Ana's ex-boyfriend returns from the army, and she starts seeing him again.

• The time that Oscar spends with Ana dwindles to nothing.

• Even though Manny mistreats Ana and is probably cheating on her, she loves him and doesn't want to leave him.

• College isn't much better for Oscar; the white kids see his black skin and treat him with inhuman cheeriness.
• The other Dominicans don't believe he is one of them.

• He has no luck with girls and joins the resident geek organization, RU Gamers.

Part I, Chapter Two WILDWOOD 1982-1985

• Lola narrates Chapter 2 and tells how her mother learned that she had breast cancer when Lola is twelve.

• Everything changes at that point: Lola's mother has surgery, which causes her to have difficulty lifting her arm
over her head for the rest of her life.

• Belicia's hair starts to fall out, and she pulls the rest out and puts it in a plastic bag.

• Lola and Oscar were scared of their mother because she would always yell at them, hit them, and tell them how
worthless they are.

• Lola's relationship with her mother deteriorates.

• When her mother becomes sick, Lola sees it as her chance to get out from under her mother's thumb.

• Until her mother's sickness, Lola had been a dutiful daughter always tending to the house and making sure Oscar
was fed and everything ran well when Belicia was at work.

• Lola begins to feel a wildness build inside her with her mother's illness; her first act of defiance is to chop off her

• When Lola begins staying out late, her mother locks her out of the house, but Oscar lets her in his window.

• One day Lola disappears and runs off with 19-year-old Aldo and goes to live with him and his 74-year-old father.

• When Lola meets Oscar, her mother shows up and drags Lola back home and then sends her off to Santo
Domingo to stay with her grandmother.

• There, Lola attends a private school where she runs on the track team and the other girls talk about her behind
her back.

• Lola dates a nice boy named Max Sanchez and they spend their time doing inexpensive things like walking along
the Malecon.

• During Lola's stay at her grandmother's she learns that her grandmother and Belicia did not get along when
Belicia was a girl.

• They look at photos Lola has never seen before of her mother when she was young.


• Hypatia Belicia Cabral is a tall girl with dark skin, who has a longing for elsewhere.

• From 1951 on, Beli lives with her aunt in Bani, and they run a bakery together.

• Before that time she had lived with a foster family since her parents and sisters had died.
• Beli has a huge burn on her back from her Lost Years.

• She and her aunt live the good life: they attend church twice weekly and on Fridays stroll through the park.

• Although Beli should have been glad for her good life--her aunt didn't beat her, spoiled her, bought her flashy
clothes, and paid her a little for working in the bakery--she is not content.

• Her life irks her and she wants something - anything - else.

• Part of her longing is due to the fact that her generation has always lived under Trujillo and were never able to

• Beli has her feet firmly planted toward the future, while her aunt tries to glorify the past when Bani's father was
a doctor and her mother a nurse.

• When Beli is 13, La Inca gets her a scholarship to attend El Redentor, one of the best schools in Bani.

• Although Beli's heritage is upper-class, her Lost Years and the years with her aunt have not prepared her to fit in
at the school.

• Beli stands out at the school, and she makes no effort to fit in.

• She is the lowest of low along with a boy with an iron lung who attends the school and a Chinese girl.

• Because Beli had no education during her Lost Years, she isn't prepared for the academics and her grades are

• No one in Beli's barrio realizes how much she hates school.

• She tells stories about how wonderful school is and that she has a boyfriend named Jack Pujols.

• She does learn to speak properly and taunts the young girl who cleans with her mother at her aunt's home.

Part I, Chapter Three, Numero Uno - The Gangster We’re All Looking For

• Jack Pujos is the most popular boy in school and has one of the whitest complexions in the school.

• Beli attempts to get him to notice her by literally running into him.

• The summer of her sophomore year of high school, Beli becomes a beautiful woman.

• She is embarrassed at first, and then feels the power she has over men.

• Again she throws herself at Jack, but he ignores her until October when he breaks up with his girlfriend.

• Then, he stops her in the hall and tells her that she is beautiful, and he is soon having sex with her in a closet.

• They sneak around for a month until they are caught.

• Jack claims it is all Beli’s fault; she seduced him.

• Beli insists she did nothing; she had believed his promises of marriage after they finished high school.
• Jack is sent to military school, and Beli is expelled.

• La Inca wants Beli to attend another school, but Beli rebells and gets a job as a waitress.

• A new waitress convinces Beli to forget Jack, and they go to a nightclub together.

• There, Beli meets the Gangster, who offers to buy her a drink.

• When he touches her, she attacks him.

• La Inca is infuriated when Beli gets home late, but doesn’t beat her.

• The next time Beli goes to the club, she asks the Gangster to dance with her.

• The Gangster works for Trujillo, and he is a man who has dealt in a lot of criminal activity.

• At the time he meets Beli, he is recovering from having to leave Cuba on the last plane out after the uprising.

• The Gangster courts Beli and treats her well; he promises to buy her homes in Miami and Havana.

• La Inca believes that Beli is cursed, and her bosses fire her.

• The Gangster gets Beli her job back, but after receiving the silent treatment at work, she doesn’t return.

• The Gangster disappears frequently and is gone for days and weeks at a time.

• He takes Beli on a trip to Samana that is interrupted when a policeman tells him he needed in the Palacio.

• The Gangster promises to send a car for Beli, but it never comes.

• Eventually, Beli finds a ride back to La Inca’s house.

• Back home, La Inca tells Beli that she is pregnant.

Part I, Chapter Three, Revelation - The Last Days of the Republic

• Beli is pregnant, and she believes this will lead to the life she has always wanted.

• The Gangster never told Beli that he was married—married to Trujillo’s sister.

• The Gangster’s wife has two police officers bring Beli to speak to her in the park.

• Soy Trujilla tells Beli that she is going to be taken to get an abortion.

• When the officers try to drag her into a car, Jose and Juan hear her and come to her rescue.

• Beli returns home, but goes back outside when a neighbor says that the Gangster is there.

• It isn’t the Gangster, but the police again.

• The police drive Beli to the country, beating her as they drive.

• Then they stop and drag Beli into a cane field, where they further beat her with a nightstick.
• While Beli lies in the cane, a mongoose comes to her telling her to get up and that she will have a son and a

• The mongoose leads her out of the cane.

• She comes to the road, just as a truck full of musicians drives by.

• A woman who looks like the mongoose, tells the musicians they will rescue Beli, even though Beli tells them
Trujillo beat her.

• In Bani, the community is divided about Beli’s attack.

• Some say she is cursed, while others say she is fortunate because she survived.

• Beli mourns her baby and her injuries.

• When she wakes one night and hears funeral songs, she believes she has died, but it is Trujillo who has been

• Even with Trujillo dead, Beli is still in danger.

• La Inca sees her dead husband in a dream while she is praying and fasting, and she believes he tells her to send
Beli to New York.

• La Inca is not sure about sending Beli, until the police start appearing in the neighborhood again.

• Beli pays little attention as her aunt prepares for Beli’s trip.

• Beli sees the Gangster once, and he tells her they were betrayed, but he doesn’t share her grief for the dead

• On the plane, Beli does not realize her seat mate is the man she will marry and who will be the father of her

Part I, Chapter Four SENTIMENTAL EDUCATION 1988-1992

• When Yunior is out walking home alone on foot at 2 a.m., he is jumped and beaten.

• Fortunately a good Samaritan comes by.

• Even though Yunior has a girlfriend, it is Lola who cares for him and stays with him at night.

• He and Lola have known one another since the pre-freshman weekend, and they had a brief affair their
sophomore year.

• So when Oscar gets depressed and tries to kill himself, Yunior volunteers to be his roommate their junior year.

• Lola is in Madrid that year, and Yunior want to help out; besides if he doesn't stay with Oscar, he might have to
move back home or live on the street.

• With his family background, Yunior should have known that Oscar is cursed.
• The first month they are roommates, Yunior doesn't pay much attention to Oscar.

• Although Yunior does try to help Oscar with his problem attracting girls, Oscar doesn't pay much attention to
Yunior's advice.

• When Yunior's girlfriend finds out that he has been cheating on her, he has some spare time and decides to work
on Oscar.

• He begins forcing Oscar to run four days a week.

• Finally, Oscar stops on the street and refuses to run anymore.

• They get into a shoving match, and Yunior pushes Oscar into a wall hard.

• Lola calls, but Yunior is sick of the whole situation; he swears and she hangs up on him.

• After that, Yunior quits trying to help Oscar.

• Oscar falls in love with a beautiful girl named Jenni; a girl who had made fun of Yunior.

• They spend time together, even attending a few movies, until Jenni breaks up with him.

• When Oscar walks in upon Jenni and her new punk making love, he goes berserk and starts tearing up her room.

• Someone tells Yunior that his roommate is going insane, and Yunior has to put Oscar in a headlock to get him to

• Their last night as roommates, Oscar shares liquid crack with Yunior.

• Although he should have stayed with Oscar, Yunior leaves.

• Oscar drunkenly makes his way to the train station and onto a bridge 75 feet above the ground.

• He hears the 4:12 express, closes his eyes, and opens them and sees what he calls a Golden Mongoose.

• Oscar throws himself into the darkness, and he lands on the divider, which isn't concrete, but dirt and shrubs.

• He wakes with two broken legs and a separated shoulder; Lola comes from Madrid to be with him.

• Four days later Oscar goes home, and Yunior continues on with his life.

• When Yunior visits Oscar, he sees Lola and wishes he could kiss her.

• Although Yunior hadn't planned on it, he rooms with Oscar their last semester.

• Yunior learns that Oscar has been driving after dark, falling asleep, and then just waking up in time to save

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