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Features from GASCO app provided:

1- Suggestions while typing

2- Changing Layout of tasks/reminders representation from Table to Grid
3- All Task will be grouped by Scheduled, In-progress, Completed and upcoming Headers
4- By default, user can just type a task at first like Notes in iPhone and it could be set as
task/reminder later by the user.
5- Access control to the app by passcode or Touch ID for security reason and when app goes to
6- While setting a reminder, taking a due date for that reminder from user.
7- There should be a To-dos section in which team members can see the tasks assigned to them.
8- Role based Interface and tasks e.g., Manager or subordinates. We can take user email or phone
number or any identity for this purpose.

From Listaway (It is down at the moment):

1- Marking completed tasks as Strikethrough text along with completion date.

2- Different colour schemes for different tasks.
3- Filtering tasks by specific time interval (from, to) to see the progress along with graph or any
other representation. User may delete any task from filtered list.
4- Showing subtasks count along with the main task, if have any.

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