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Quit Looking Around

The eye is a gateway to the soul. Meaning, what you watch and keep your eyes on is what you will eventually begin to
desire. I wouldn’t want to have what he/she has if I never even seen what they had. The eye is powerful. We all
see certain things, but what you look at will either lift you up or destroy you! Contradiction? No. To see something is
simply to perceive it, to notice something that presents itself in front of you. To look at something is to set your gaze on it,
you are intentionally directing your eyes in it’s direction.
David was a king, but kings were still called to go out to war with their troops. However, the bible says David tarried back
in Jerusalem (STRIKE 1). David then went walking in the evening on the roof of his palace and saw Bathsheba
showering, then he noticed that she was beautiful (STRIKE 2). David asked about the woman and he was told that she
was married, but he still sent for her (STRIKE 3). Now let’s go over these three strikes and you tell me if this isn’t still an
issue to address.
1. David was not in position!
When you aren’t where God wants you, you are exactly where the devil wants you! It doesn’t matter if you aren’t “in sin”,
but as long as you don’t go where God sends you, you’re wrong. Jonah was sent to Nineveh and went to Tarshish, God
had to send a storm and a whale to swallow him. You see, there is nothing good happening when we aren’t doing what
the King says to do. Many of are way too “grown” that not even God can tell us what to do. We go where we want, when
we want, dress how we want and only if it’s convenient for our schedule that day. Before God made any of us, He knew
every step we will make. So even though God’s plan was for David to be out at war, David didn’t do it and ended up
committing adultery, making a baby and having a man murdered. All of that just because he didn’t decide to go.  I’m
grateful for mercy, because God could’ve cut David, or you and I, off the many times we’ve done similar things.
2. David was looking where he shouldn’t be looking!
I cannot say I’ve been to David’s house, so I will not say David always had a view of women showering, but the bible does
show that David was looking intently. Maybe there weren’t overhead showers as we see today, but regardless we know
the woman was showering with some form of water and she was naked (common sense). You cannot see someone’s
beauty when they are in/under water. At some point she’s washing her face and other areas, which means he had to stare
for quite a bit to be captivated by her curves and how looks after he spotted her. So it wasn’t a sin that he saw a naked
woman, it became a sin when he decided to stare and desire her (Matthew 5:28). We have to understand, we will see
sinful things daily, but we have the power over what we stop and focus on. You can unfollow that account, you can leave
that area, you can block that number. Staying shows interest. It’s not easy, but sin is so accessible that it’s like you run
from one thing to the next. However, you must guard your eyes in order to protect the anointing inside of you.
3. David was warned!
David knew she was married and still had men bring her to him. Many bash Bathsheba, as if it was her intention to shower
in front of men. The fact remains that David was the king, she had no choice but to go to him or risk her life. If you
would’ve ignored the guards and be killed, I respect you, but let’s not allow a sin issue to cause us to point fingers at her.
Just like David, we are all warned before we commit sin. If you have the Holy Ghost, there is no way God will make you
feel comfortable out of His will. He will bother your conscience. Stop ignoring warning signs and the obvious truth
because of your emotions. God forgives, but that is no excuse to disobey. God forgives, but you will have
consequences for your actions. “I’m sorry, God. It won’t happen again” doesn’t turn away an STD, pregnancy, bitter bf/gf,
a ruined testimony and a soul you may never lead to Christ after, etc. Don’t ignore the signs because you’re lonely.
Many of us like to play the blame game. I wouldn’t lust if they were wearing more clothing, but you don’t have to look.
You can see something wrong/lustful and turn your head, but to look for it, search it, follow it on social media, etc. is
proving you have the issue that needs to be dealt with. Don’t let your eyes get hooked on the devils bait. What you look at
will destroy you if it will distract you from God’s will. Lusting after someone? It isn’t that you have an issue, God gave us all
sex drives and the desire to want someone. The problem rises when you let your desire for something godly come out in
the wrong context. So now instead of desiring sex in marriage, you find yourself filling your heart and mind with sexual
gratification out of His will (pornography, masturbation, sending/receiving lustful messages/pictures).
Understand this, the devil cannot make you do anything. The enemy will only offer you what you desire and its up to
you to decide whether to obey him or God. If I like short, he won’t send tall because he knows I’ll ignore it. Be careful of
the desires you have in your heart because if you keep feeding yourself garbage your life will eventually begin to produce
that. David may not have had a “lust” issue prior to that, but because he was not where he should have been and started
looking where he shouldn’t have been looking, he fell. The one man in the bible considered to be after God’s heart
committed adultery and purposefully had her husband killed, you can fall as well. Samson could be considered arrogant
or foolish, but he was called by God. Your calling doesn’t make you invincible, you have to learn to put your
feelings aside in order to be who you were called to be. The strongest man on the earth fell into sexual sin, you
can too. Solomon was considered the wisest man to ever live, and still couldn’t get enough women in his life.  If he had
more wisdom than anyone may ever have, what makes me think I can’t stumble and lose sight of God?
Unless you’re focused on Jesus, you will (not maybe) drift away spiritually. It is our nature to sin, we must intentionally
set our eyes on Jesus. Choose today to stop following pornography via social media. Call it as it is. If they are
half naked, you don’t need to feed your spirit with it. You may know them, but that doesn’t mean you should allow
social media to cause you to forget what God’s Word says: be holy (1 Peter 1:16), flee youthful lusts (2 Timothy 2:22), or
set your affections on things above (Colossians 3:2).
No, I don’t live a perfect life….but that will not be an excuse to abuse grace. Guard your spirit, don’t allow your eyes to be
sidetracked by things of this world. Peter walked on water when he was looking at Jesus, but began to drown when he
looked at the storm. So many are drowning in sin right now because they stopped looking at God and started looking for
spouses. How can we find love without God who is Love? Turn back to Him, don’t be enticed by their looks or words. Who
God has for you will do more than say the right words, they will be following His Word! Quit looking around, you will die
out of God’s will aiming for something that can only be found in Him.
I have set the Lord always before me:  because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. (Psalms 16:8)

Dating your Distraction

“Should I be patient? We have our differences, but sometimes they can be so hurtful and I don’t know what I should do.”

“I know they don’t love God, but I feel as though I can lead them to Christ.”

“We only had sex once, he’s only touched my breast/butt while kissing, or she knows how to make me feel good. I still
love God, so do you have any advice on how to start living pure again? I don’t want to leave him/her, I really care about

These are all questions and similar stories I come across daily and I know God is directing me in addressing this through
a blog so you won’t feel alone and we all can grow from this. After all, most of us have been in these situations, where we
were either in love with, or attracted to our distraction. Here are some things to take into consideration when we find out
our relationship isn’t heading towards God or we ever think about dating someone who isn’t going to help us spiritually.

1. Love doesn’t lead to sin, lust does.

So many ask “well, what are these warning signs I should be looking for”, if you are a Christian you will know when God
isn’t pleased. The Holy Ghost inside of us should convict us of our actions, which is why the bible says to not allow our
actions to grieve the Holy Spirit within us (Ephesians 4:30).
We all sin because of our human nature, but a lifestyle of sin is what God wants you to avoid. If you see that this person is
consistently causing lust, anger, frustration and confusion, they are not from God. Don’t get me wrong, they may be a well
known preacher… But if they’re not pushing you closer to God, they are a distraction. Don’t be fooled by a title when the
fruit is rotten.

2. God will not send you someone that is in a relationship/married!

Some of you may have laughed or thought to yourself just now “well duh, who thinks that?” You’d be surprised how many
married people are cheating because they are “bored” or they’ve allowed a distraction from outside to subtly creep in and
destroy their marriage. Once in the bible David met a beautiful woman by the name of Abigail, but she was married to a
fool (no seriously, the bible called him foolish. See 1 Samuel 25). I wouldn’t say David was “plotting” on her all along and
waiting to make a move, but it was obvious he saw her as a good choice for a spouse. The bible says that the Lord killed
Nabal and David ended up marrying Abigail. NOW LISTEN, this statement isn’t to justify stealing spouses or praying for
someone to die because of your lust. I’m simply sharing with you that if God wanted you with someone, He would make it
happen. But to disrespect someones marriage is not only rude, but disrespectful to the God that united them.
Never be a back-up plan. So many are in relationships and are having sideline friends that they flirt/run to when their
relationship is not going well. Don’t listen to the “I’m going to break-up with him/her for you”. If they leave someone for
you, they will leave you for someone else that they think is better.

3. They’re not saved but….

I wonder if we ever think about the bigger picture rather than our feelings. If someone isn’t following Jesus, they are going
to hell. No sugar coating. You need to understand that if you two are going inopposite directions, there is no way for you
to grow (Read Amos 3:3). You cannot walk with someone you don’t agree with. So the question isn’t how will you bring
them to God, its are you following God? If you had faith in Him you would know to trust His timing. Picking up some
unsaved person because you’re lonely shows that you listen to emotions more than God.

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and
what communion hath light with darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14).

This verse was a command, not a suggestion. Many obey the verses that pacify our flesh or make our ego get bigger
but ignore the ones that create friction with our lifestyle. You cannot serve God and date someone serving the devil.
They may not be bowing to satan, but by default we are born in sin and in need of salvation, and hell will be where we go
if we don’t accept God’s biblical plan of salvation (not the man made stuff).

You can’t change anyone, only God can. Focus on praying for them to be saved, rather than trying to date them to God.
And don’t compromise to keep them, they won’t see the need for Christ if your actions reject him.

4. Serve God, not your memories.

So many stay in expired situations because of great history. Not everyone in your past deserves to be in your future.
When God says let go, let go. You’ll understand later. Abraham was told to kill what God promised Him. Abraham
would’ve done it, but God stopped him, many of us won’t even unfollow them on social media because we want to
know if who they’re dating looks better than us. Many are being destroyed by themselves. Maybe they hurt you
before, but you’re hurting yourself now by keeping your mind occupied on it even after they’ve left. You miss them, but
you do not need them. You may feel empty, but you need God, not the person who led you into sin and hurt.

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).

5. You sometimes have to love them from a distance. 

No one likes to let go of what they like. You have to realize something though, God wouldn’t remove something from our
life if it wasn’t deadly, useless, or He had something better to give. I know who I want in my life, but ultimately He knows
who I need in my life.

There are some people in some of our lives that can take us out of God’s will with a text! That isn’t even a joke. You’d be
surprised some of the texts and PICTURES you get when you’re trying to live a life of purity. You get a lot of negativity
when God gives you a vision, even from those closest to you/family. Some people you just have to cut some ties with.
Don’t be rude now, end it on good terms. But some numbers and people we follow need to be taken out of our life or they
will always lead us back into a spiritual and emotional prison.

Don’t spend another day dating your distraction. Pray for them. And if you are the distraction, go and let God work on your
heart. We sometimes point fingers and fail to accept our part in the dilemma. But my question to you today is, are you
dating your distraction?
Men Know EXACTLY What They Want!
Men know exactly what they want!… Pretty bold statement and unfortunately, most readers are probably already
disagreeing with me. The fact of the matter is, a real man may be unsure of some things, but they are never indecisive.
Here is proof that a real man knows exactly what they want.

1. Jesus, the perfect man for us males to emulate, was purpose driven. 

Since the day Jesus came on Earth, he had a mission in mind – to redeem us… To win back HIS BRIDE! Jesus received
more opposition in a day than most of us will see in a lifetime. Jesus only had a few people in his inner circle, but his love
was stretched out to all. True love is when you don’t quit when friends betray you and the ones you are trying to help turn
away from you. Jesus showed us that the agony of the cross was worth enduring to get what he loved, us.

2. A real man doesn’t need several women to be satisfied. 

A real man finds his contentment in Christ so he will never seek several women to complete him. He doesn’t flirt around
and he doesn’t entertain every random girl who throw themselves at him. He is chasing God, not skirts. He knows loving
one woman is enough and he chooses a woman that helps him spiritually.

3. A real man makes his intentions clear. 

If you have to guess what his plans with you are, there are no plans. A man who wants to date you for years before
marrying you isn’t interested in you he’s just afraid of being single and just wants someone there all the time. Does a
godly man rush marriage? No, but he isn’t going to need 10 years to know if you’re for him because he spends his time
with God. God would have let him know way ahead of time if he should pursue you. Ladies, a WCW post and occasional
dates doesn’t mean he’s in love. Never allow yourself to give covenant benefits to a convenient person. Men don’t take
advantage of women, he respects God too much to mistreat his daughter.

4. A real man doesn’t give mixed signals. His life produces fruit.

Wise men are careful of what they entertain. They don’t want to preach Christ and live a life ofsin.He wouldn’t seek a
virtuous woman while following immodest women on social media. He wouldn’t lead a woman on if he didn’t want her in
the future. He struggles, but he doesn’t allow mistakes to define him. He allows God to mold him daily.

5. Real men work and wait for what they love.

Let’s be honest, we’ve seen guys wait in line for Jordan’s, video games, and other unimportant things like new iPhones.
We all know men are patient for what interests them. Jacob waited 7 years for the woman he loved and then was tricked
with her sister, and continued another 7 years for her. He wasn’t foolish. He was man enough to seek what he wanted.
Don’t think today you have to rush anything, good things take time.

If you’re a man, strive to do these things more. Ultimately, you want to live more like Jesus. Seek him before you seek a
woman. If you’re a woman reading this, don’t settle for less. No man is perfect, but don’t feel you have to compromise and
lower standards to entertain childish boys when God is preparing a real man for you. Grace and peace.
Five Things to Know about Grace
What is grace? It amazes me that the very thing God uses to save us is often the most misunderstood topic in the bible. I
myself sometimes have a hard time understanding grace, but then I remember God is not a man and He does not think
like us. Here are 5 things you must know about grace.

1. God’s grace saved us.

None of us are worthy of His love. The one thing God hates is in our very nature to do, sin. You must understand that
when Jesus went to the cross that He knew every sin we would commit and still felt compassion and died in our place.
Why? LOVE! God doesn’t love us because we are good, He loves us because He is good. In return His love will draw us
to do good by obeying Him.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Ephesians 2:8 

2. Grace overcomes sin, it does not condone it.

Well you may say that’s contradicting, and that God still loves us when we sin. However, grace never gave a license for
sin, grace is a power to overcome the struggle. Other than Jesus, Paul was one of the greatest men to walk this earth. He
had a struggle as well, God told Him He was not going to remove the struggle because it forces Paul to be humble and
depend on God.

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore
will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

3. Grace rewards.

God is no respecter of person, but there is a principle to everything He does. He is our Father, see him as you would see
your earthly Father. Obedience causes you to walk in God’s will and He then gives you the desires of your heart, but
rebelling may cause Him to allow you to go out on your own and see for yourself that you need Him (the prodigal son for

For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that
walk uprightly. Psalms 84:11

4. You are where you are because of grace. 

God doesn’t hate the less fortunate, let’s set the record straight. Truth be told, we would be in someone else’s shoes if
God didn’t have His hand on our life. You may not be perfect, but God is perfecting you into His image.

But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more
abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. 1 Corinthians 15:10

5. Grace is for everyone. 

There are no favorites. God came for all of us and He is willing to save all of us who seek Him diligently.

For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly
lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious
appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Titus 2:11-13
Everyone worships something or someone. Many of us, and I’m speaking of believers, love God but He isn’t the one who
we worship. We are seeking more followers on social media, education, a better relationship and “real love”, and many of
us are chasing money. I’m not saying having any of these are sins, but when they cloud our mind from more of Jesus,
then we have an issue.

But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and
the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. ( 42:02 stcA)

At the end of the day, Jesus is the only thing that matters. None of our achievements are of significance if He isn’t
pleased with our life.

If you are the only one, keep seeking Jesus. The three Hebrew boys were isolated, but they didn’t compromise. You don’t
have to be like others, but you have to try to live like Jesus. You have to pursue God, even after you have found Him. You
can’t be comfortable where you are spiritually because that’s when the devil and distractions creep in. Seek more of God,
stay desperate for His presence.

Where Are You?

Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” ( 9:3 siseneG NKJV)

By the time we get to Genesis 3:9, we understand that Eve, having been deceived by the serpent, eats from the tree of
knowledge of good and evil and so does her husband, Adam. They are now aware of their nakedness, and in shame they
hide from God. But, God who is all-knowing asks Adam, “Where are you?” God knew Adam was hiding, but beyond this,
his call wasn’t about physical location, but rather spiritual. My question to you is this, where are you, spiritually? At what
end of the spectrum are you regarding your relationship with God? Mankind was now lost, God’s call to Adam was a proof
of God’s love and desire for a relationship. He cares. He wants to know why you have drifted from Him.
Adam hid because he…

Wake Up
Just five more minutes….. It’s still early, I have more time to rest….. That’s what we usually tell ourselves every morning
before we start our day (Lord help us if it’s a Monday). It’s easy to become so tired or so nonchalant and uninterested in
doing certain things when they seem repetitive or unnecessary. It’s okay to be tired, but why is this happening in the

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than
when we believed. -Romans 13:11

You see whether we choose to admit it or not, most of us are either sleeping, or hitting the snooze button spiritually. God
requires much more from us, but we try to give the bare minimum, as though there is some check-off list to salvation. Why
would God save us in order for us to keep quiet and not share His Word with others? Why is it that the preacher is boring
and the music is entertaining? It seems as though the things of God no longer interest us unless they benefit us. Many of
us shout at the thought of being blessed, but we close our ears and shout “YOU’RE NOT FROM GOD” if we are ever told
to die to sin and carry our cross.

God wants more. God deserves more. Are you ready to surrender? It’s no point in us playing church, God isn’t impressed.
We can be born and raised in church and go to Hell. No, I will not say “a Christ-less eternity” to make it sound cute. We
can end up in HELL where the fire and torture doesn’t end. Why give that up for this world that only takes from you and
could never make you happy the way Jesus can?
They confess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto
every good work reprobate. Titus 1:16

None of us are perfect and God knows we struggle. Some of us may never reach a point of perfection, but God is looking
for progression. Wake up and keep pressing. Grace and peace.

Let it Go
The battle is won in the mind. We as Christians must know that living for Jesus is more than a Sunday thing, but a
continual dependence on Jesus. We sometimes allow our minds to be deceived thinking that sin is too good to let go of. If
we knew how filthy our sins are and how great God’s love for us really is, we wouldn’t turn back to it. I pray that
we will stop living lukewarm and double-minded lives. God wants us to evict the sins out of our life that is being a
hindrance in our walk with Him. Ever wonder why there isn’t much growth or miracles in church? Maybe it’s because the
fear for God is long gone and we use grace as an excuse to not change. Jesus didn’t save you in order to make you
better, He saved you to make you over. Don’t try to put God into your schedule, fit your schedule around God. 

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which
clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, (Hebrews 12:1 ESV)

Don’t let your mistake become your lifestyle. You may have failed, sinned, backslid and even gotten weary along the way,
but grace can lift you up. Just know that no matter how much God loves you and cares, He is still a gentleman. He will not
force His love on you. You can’t reject Him any longer to accept things of this world, you have to make the decision to
accept His grace and live in His presence. I don’t mean go to church and find some cool Christian hobbies. I mean
forsake this world in order to gain Christ. Think about it, that sin you enjoy, if it was so awesome why did you feel
disgusted with yourself after? It’s because God’s spirit inside of you is convicting you and reminding you that He is better.
I’ve done so much that felt good and when I finished had me like…. Ummm, was that really me?

The truth of the matter is, even though we are human, we choose to sin. We often fail to realize how harmful it is though
until we are finished. We have to start living more careful because the devil tries to catch us with the subtle sins and
worldly things, that before we know it, we are being entertained by ungodly things. Just as though we have to choose to
sin in our mind first, we can choose to live in obedience to God. The Bible says let the mind of Christ be in you
(Philippians 2:5). How do we do this? By renewing our mind (Ephesians 4:23). We have to renew our mind with God’s
Word, prayer and fasting. Let’s be honest, social networks, technology, and other things we get hooked to isn’t harmful,
but it isn’t spiritually beneficial. We should spend less time with things that doesn’t necessarily cause sin, but pull
our hearts and attention from Jesus. We can’t check His Text (Bible) if we are so busy checking our text messages all
the time.

The devil isn’t afraid of tongues, church music, or someone praising God. What scares him is when a believer
understands who he/she is and walks in authority. Jesus rebuked the devil with the Word, “it is written….” We only
overcome the devils temptations when we submerge our hearts and minds in His Word and in prayer. God’s Word is our
light in a dark world (Psalms 119:105), the Word cleanses us (Psalms 119:9) and if hidden in our hearts it will also help us
to live according to His Word (Psalms 119:11). What a tragedy that the only thing that really helps us is what we stay
away from. 

By no means am I saying I’ve reached the level I’m saying we should strive for, I’m in pursuit of more of His glory just like
you. I just want to remind you that none of us will get more of Christ without letting go of more of the world. John said,
Christ must increase but he would have to decrease (John 3:30). Let that be your goal for this year and the rest of your
life. More of Jesus and less of us. 

Grace and peace,

Tovares Grey
Dead Christians
We buy more books, join more ministries, and we follow cool Christians on social networks. We find everything to occupy
our time with, other than the will of God. Many seek to go higher but they have yet to decide to leave behind the world.
Some even spend hours in Church, but when it comes to personal sacrifice and devotion to God, they aren’t up for that. I
realize now is because the most Christians in the Church are still alive. Now many may read that statement and either
overlook it, or call me a false teacher, but before you call it hogwash, think about it. Has God ever once encouraged us to
live in our flesh or has He commanded us to die to it? We often seek revival but live in rebellion. God won’t work miracles
until we fear Him again.
Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is
idolatry. (Colossians 3:5 ESV)

….I die daily. (I Corinthians 15:31)

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is
enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh
cannot please God. Romans 8:5-8

Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. (1 Peter 1:16)

Five ways to know you’re still alive to your flesh:

1. You lack interest in Godly things.

You can tell where a person’s heart is based on what they are passionate about. It’s a problem if I can tweet about God all
day but cannot spend time with Him alone off of a social network. something is wrong if I only remember God exists is
Sunday during service, but I ignore Him throughout my week. It’s a problem if I can pursue a woman, but cannot pursue
His presence. something is not adding up if I can shout after my favorite team scores or wins, but I am quiet in church or I
cannot at least say “thank you” for many blessings”.

2. You are your own boss.

There is no such thing as “I do what I want, when I want, or how I want.” A Christian says “God, your will, on your
timing, and for your glory.” We cannot think we call the shots, God is our Lord. Serving Him gives more freedom then
being a slave to sin or selfish pursuits. The Bible also shows that Jesus didn’t argue or fight when accused, it says we are
to hold our peace and let God fight for us (Exodus 14:14). Quit trying to be right all of the time, and leave things in the
hand of God.

3. Your priorities are out-of-order:

If we rather hang out with friends or watch television than spend time with Jesus, we have to change something. If we
rather check our texts instead of His Text (The Bible), something is out-of-order. If I can watch a movie for hours or a
game for hours and I think God better be happy with my two-minute prayers throughout the day, then I need to repent.

4. If I’m not in obedience to the Word.

“No one is perfect” is an ungodly excuse from the pit of Hell that seeks to ensnare us believers into complacency. The
devil wants us to give God less than what He deserves and say, “Thank God for grace”. Don’t be fooled, grace saves but
it also changes. The Word of God is our mirror that we need to look into and have God clean us up and chisel us into His
image. We cannot treat God’s Word like a magazine, skimming to what we like and what is convenient. All of it is to be
obeyed, applied, and taken to heart.
5. My friends aren’t seeking God.

Don’t get me wrong, we will all hang around unbelievers, and we will be related to them, but if the relationships you are
closest to you are pointing you towards sin, something is wrong. Don’t seek to be like the world, stand out and be the light
(Romans 12:2). Your friends can determine your outcome, choose wisely (Proverbs 13:20).

A generation is rising that wants the power of God without being in submission to God. Before honor is
humility. Remember this, the God of the Old Testament is the same God in the New Testament. The bible tells us that
Jesus is still the same (Hebrews 13:8), so why do we think He’s comfortable with sin now? Yes, He has always been
merciful, but that never made Him happy that we are comfortable in sin. He said, if you love me you will keep my
commandments (John 14:15). God wants our obedience, not our excuses. You may not be perfect, but God wants you
to die daily to your carnal nature so your spirit can become conformed to His image (Romans 8:29). Maybe you will never
be perfect, maybe you won’t reach maturity for years, but will you at least try to please God with your life and not just your
mouth? I don’t want to simply say I’m a Christian or believer, but I want to live the way the apostles did in the Bible. My
God is still the same, I have more resources than they did, I am probably younger than they were, and I cannot make it
simply seem as though God is retired and the world will never experience true Christianity. I have personally seen
miracles with my own eyes and ears: cancer healed in many at my church, financial breakthroughs, lawsuits and jail time
canceled, and more but I don’t want to sound like I’m boasting. My point is this, I want it to happen more in my life and I
would love for it to happen in yours as well, so I draw this question to you: Are you willing to die so that Christ can finally
take complete control over your life?

“If Jesus isn’t Lord of all, He isn’t Lord at all.”

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I
live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)

The Chase
This one is for the guys. I’m well aware that many guys are seeking relationships: some boys just want to have “fun”, but
there are some men that are looking for commitment, so I had to write something about it to put some things into
perspective concerning relationships.

When seeking a relationship, keep these things in mind:

1. God did not create you to be a player or a pimp.

Do not waste the young lady’s time or emotions with your games. If you want to commit, then do so. If you don’t, move on.
It is not fair for any person to invest so much into you and a future they are expecting only to have you treat them as
though they never mattered. A real man doesn’t make 100 different women fall in love with him, he commits to one and
tries to find hundreds of ways to make her happy. God cannot be pleased with you treating his daughters like toys.

2. Seek her heart, not her body.

Guys, God wants you to pursue a virtuous woman, not chase skirts. Jacob is the perfect example for a man so in love that
he was willing to wait seven years for her (Genesis 29:20).It felt like a few days because of how much he loved her. Even
after being cheated by her father, he went through another seven-year period of waiting for the woman he desired. Until
you two commit to one another at the altar, don’t combine your souls in bed. It just isn’t worth the emotional roller coaster
to have your body connected to many different people.

3. Is she even virtuous?

Stop looking at curves, and look for a woman with a heart after God. It does not matter how nice they look, if their heart is
not after Jesus than how can they build you up spiritually? Many women call themselves “Proverbs 31″ women and many
aim to be there, but did you know that not many live that lifestyle? Proverbs 31 does not mention a woman’s looks, it
focuses on her heart and character. Be careful of getting a beautiful woman who is lukewarm, more concerned about her
fashion and social networks instead of evangelizing to lost souls, or a woman who is lustful instead of spiritual. The
person you marry will be raising your kids, are you sure you want your kids acting like them? It does not matter if she can
twerk, turn you on or she attends church occasionally. The question to ask is does she love Jesus, is she a role model
and can she wait until marriage so you two can remain pure in heart and body?

4. Singleness is not a disease.

It is okay to spend time being single so you can get your life into perspective. Your life does not begin on your wedding
day, so live now! Quit waiting on someone to complete you because true satisfaction does not come from man, it comes
from Jesus. Colossians 2:10 says, “And ye are complete in him (Jesus), which is the head of all principality and
power:.  We are complete in Jesus, don’t look for anyone to fill the void in your heart that can only be filled by Jesus. This
season of singleness is what helps you become a better spouse. Get your life together now before burdening your spouse
with unnecessary baggage later.


 Come on, do I even have to say this? Guys, God created you as a leader and provider, quit being comfortable having the
woman do everything. It is okay if she makes more money than you, but the problem is when you are lazy or have no
ambition, feeling comfortable that you don’t have anything to do. Study, work, learn, excel! Be an example to younger
guys and to this economy. Let her know that even if you guys go through a slump or if you don’t have a job at the
moment, that you will still spend your time finding ways to provide and lead whether financially, spiritually, and

There is nothing wrong with being attracted to someone. It seems as though God wired us as men to be stimulated by
sight, but it can turn chaotic if we go about it the wrong way. Your sex drive is normal, but can be uncontrollable if you
feed your heart and mind with sinful things. Men are initiators, hunters, and even conquerors. What thrills men is the
chase to get a woman, but sometimes that in turn hurts a woman because some men lose interest after they have won
her heart and eventually get bored and want to move on to someone else. God said that it wasn’t good for a man to be
alone so he made a woman to help him. However, I am well aware that not everyone is meant to be married, and
sometimes God simply has a different purpose for them. That is fine, when single you can give more of your heart, time
and resources to your purpose. Just know that whether you are chasing a relationship or not, remember to chase Jesus.
Never stop following Jesus to be with anyone, whoever you end up with should help you grow spiritually.

The sole purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to take from satan what was originally designed for Him, mankind. We are
all born with a sinful nature and are going to rebel against God, even if it wasn’t willfully. Since the fall of Adam, we all
needed a savior. That is the reason Jesus came, to put us back in right standing with God. 
Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Matthew
When Jesus came on earth, He didn’t seek popularity. In fact, His ministry didn’t really start until He was 30 (Luke 3:23).
When His ministry began, He was concerned more about delivering people, rather than getting people to like Him. Jesus
was more concerned about seeing lost souls find their purpose, rather than having a large fan base. There even came a
point when He said some statements that caused many to leave Him (John 6:66). He didn’t break down and give up
because He knew His purpose was redeeming man, not to be famous. There came times when Jesus would heal
someone and would say to keep quiet (Ex: Matthew 8:1-4). There was no fear in Jesus, but He wasn’t seeking attention.
Jesus called only 12 men, and because of their ministry, this world has never been the same. 
And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we
believed. (Romans 13:11)
I believe the church has lost focus a bit. We are so concerned about ourselves and fail to realize many do not yet know
Jesus. Are you more concerned about who’s following you, rather than who’s following Him? We check our social network
followers daily, but how many check to see who’s following Jesus? We have the unfollower apps so we are quick to
unfollow someone back, but we should be more focused on who stopped following Jesus. People are still in church but
have backslidden in their hearts, maybe it’s your prayer or help that could restore them. The Church has many activities
going on and making people believe God is pleased, but is He? Are souls being saved or are lukewarm Christians simply
being entertained?
Be careful of what you focus on. Focus on souls, not just followers. The only thing we can bring to heaven is people, but
we won’t bring a twitter or Instagram account. The main focus there is Jesus, not how many likes or retweets you got on
earth. Stop inviting people to a doctrine, Church or to a party, invite them to Jesus!
Too many want titles, the microphone and popularity. Not many dedicate their lives to serving, praying, studying and
fasting. The men Jesus picked changed the world because they dropped their identity to follow Jesus. They allowed
themselves to be changed by Christ before they shared the Gospel. Too many of us try to follow Jesus, but aren’t willing
to let go of our sins, bad company or even sinful behavior. It’s time for us to stop and think about what’s more important,
social networks or a relationship with Jesus? Church members or disciples? Don’t point people to yourself, point them to

Recreational Dating
I have no idea where this trend started, but I hope it ends soon. There’s a new thing going around and I think it’s called
“recreational dating”. It serves no purpose, but it kills time. Let’s address it….

Here are five types of recreational daters:

1. The bored man/woman. 
They have absolutely no idea who or what they are after. Therefore causing them to be unstable in their choices and
relationships. They will talk to anyone that makes them feel good at the moment, even if they have not known them
very long. Then in a few days, weeks, or maybe even a year they will get bored and try to find someone else to entertain
them. They surely aren’t seeking commitment, just some quick entertainment. Why would you go to a shopping mall and
not plan to buy anything. You will either take something that isn’t yours or leave sad. If you see no future, don’t try to start

2. The envious man/woman. 
They have no idea what it takes to be in a relationship, how to be a good spouse, or how to make someone happy. They
are simply in a relationship because everyone else is doing it. They aren’t seeking Jesus, they are seeking attention
(either from social networks or ” arm candy” for public). They cannot stand the idea that they can be happy when single,
they are probably afraid of themselves. Some people are in relationships that God didn’t put them in, don’t rush into
anything. You may get out of God’s will trying to fit into the world. 

3. Friends with Benefits
Sad to say, but this has even creeped into relationships in church. People are not seeking marriage, but they are seeking
sex or someone to perform spouse duties. No man or woman that you aren’t married to should be serving you or sexually
fulfilling any of your carnal desires. It’s nothing wrong with being kind to a friend or person of interest, but these people
are the ones who don’t want to commit, they just want to reap without sowing anything. Stop wasting your time playing
house with that lazy boy and let God make a man out of him. Guys, stop being played by that girl who’s using
you for what you have and can give her. Be careful of relationships that drain you and you receive nothing in return.
Stay away from anyone that wants you to be a spouse, but aren’t willing to commit. True love leads to Jesus, not sin. 
4. The Missionary daters:
These are the people that claim to be Christians, but date people that aren’t saved. Who you date or marry tells a lot
about yourself. Absolutely no one wholeheartedly following Jesus is going to seek someone that is atheist or living a
lukewarm life. You have to keep in mind, the world is a sea of lost people, not a place of potential mates. Our main goal
should be to tell them about Jesus, not to use Jesus as a way to reach people we are attracted to. Imagine asking
them to pray for you or come to church and they don’t know how to pray or they rather go out and party. That’s simply
pointless that you try to connect to someone going to a different eternal destination as you. Amos 3:3 proposes this
question, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Maybe people in relationships with unbelievers don’t really
believe in the God they profess to love. 

5. Unrealistic singles 
I say this is the person who is single because they expect their life to be like The Notebook, The Vow, or maybe
Cinderella. These people ignore many that like them, to pursue someone that couldn’t care less if they existed.
This man will see many beautiful women with hearts after Jesus but will ignore them to pursue the “curvy” girl that lives
lukewarm. This lady will ignore the many gentlemen that love Jesus and would treat her right for a guy that is a player and
chases skirts instead of Jesus. I don’t know if these people ever get married, I believe they misunderstand what love is.
Love is built and can withstand all, lust is a temporary emotion that usually only comes from looks. Stop trying to find
Mr./Ms. Perfect, relationships work when two imperfect people depend on a perfect God to keep them together. 

You may not be one of these, and that’s great. However, don’t allow yourself to fall into one of these categories because
of a immature mindset. Never feel that you have to do anything that displeases God to get into a relationship, don’t think
you have to pretend to be someone to get married and please never feel you can’t be happy when you’re in a season of
singleness. Let your life be consumed with Christ, not pointless relationships that are not heading towards

- Tovares Grey

Underdeveloped Christians
I’m a person that doesn’t eat breakfast often, but because I know it’s important I try to eat something to start my day now.
Yesterday I was boiling two eggs and a cup of tea for breakfast before work. I looked and noticed that the water was
bubbling hot. But if I took it out the yoke would have still been there. I just thought about ministry and how sometimes
people are called because they look ready but inside they don’t have what it takes yet. Or when we ask for deliverance
from a situation but haven’t allowed the situation to develop us yet. Interesting breakfast, right? 

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh
patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:2-4)

Some people love the idea of being used by God so much that they overlook what God is trying to do. We pray, “God,
please use me to be a light or to help a broken world”, but do we know what that means? When you pray for wisdom, God
will give you difficult times to learn from. When you pray for strength, you may have some burdens to carry. When you ask
to be out in the spotlight we must know the spotlight will shine on our flaws as well. That’s why God wants us to stay in
development process without rushing. The children of Israel wanted deliverance from Egypt but when they received it their
minds were still in bondage. They murmured as if God retired, all because their bodies left Egypt but Egypt never left their

There’s a story of a carrot, egg and coffee bean. They were all boiled, but all had different results. The carrot went in
tough, but after the heat it experienced it came out soft. The egg went in soft but came out hard. The coffee bean turned
into a drink. You see many of us are ministry going in tough as though we know it all, but end up like the carrot.
Weakened by upcoming pressures. Some of us are like the egg, when life sends problems we become so upset and bitter
with our experiences. However, God wants us like the coffee bean. When life gives us a hard time, we should not let it
hurt us, but we should be able to adjust to it and still give God praise. 
Joseph was sold into slavery by brothers. Lied on by a woman and sent to a prison. Later in life God elevated him and he
was used to help his brothers that wanted him dead. When he confessed to his brothers who he was, he told them that it
was God that sent him there (Genesis 45:4-8). It was God who allowed him to experience problems. God sent persecution
to Paul. God allowed satan to attack Job. God knew the three Hebrew boys would be thrown into fire. Yet in every case,
we see that God was always able. Understand that problems and trials aren’t to kill you, but to develop you. Many
want to avoid problems, but God said in His Word many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God will deliver us from
them all (Psalm 34:19). Today I encourage you, to count it all joy. Trust in God even when things are not the way you
want them to be. God is still on the throne no matter our circumstance. 

- Tovares Grey

Who’s my Lord?
Many times today we misunderstand the Bible and think quite deep when it concerns simple principles. For example, we
love the phrase “Jesus is Lord”, but I question whether or not we understand it. Without question, Jesus is in control of
every situation and nothing can happen (both good and bad) without the approval of God. However, when we begin to say
the phrase or even personalize it, “Jesus is my Lord and Savior”, do we mean it?

Lord means Master. Paul once said that He was a slave for Christ, not necessarily belittling himself, but showing his
relationship with Jesus. He is a prisoner to the will and purpose of God (Philemon 1:1). Paul didn’t think it was too much
for him to be souled out to Christ or to be persecuted for His name, he counted everything as a privilege and served Jesus
with passion and love. When you willingly submit yourself as the servant of someone, you are expected to serve them
with joy.

And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46)

Let’s reflect on our daily actions (either right now or after reading, think for like two minutes and see where we are
spiritually). Am I calling Jesus Lord and living as though He doesn’t exist? Am I a Christian that goes about my schedule
living like an atheist? You see, many are in church but they aren’t following Jesus, they want Him to follow them. They
make plans before praying and after things are finalized they consult God expecting His approval or blessing. God isn’t
going to just meet our every request when it’s for selfish gain. God wants our hearts daily, not just on Sundays and at
church services.

I pray right now that every reader will understand my point in writing this, or will see something that makes you want to
submit more to Jesus. Remember, God draws closer to those who draw close to close to Him, but He cannot be your Lord
when you’re your own god.

Don’t follow yourself, you’ll fail. Follow Jesus and let His spirit guide your life.

Grace and peace,

Tovares Grey

Who’s to Blame?
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that
doeth good. (Psalms 14:1)

We go throughout our daily lives and run into many people that are atheists. Some of them wouldn’t bother going to your
church even if you told them about miracles, they just don’t want to believe and says it’s all our imagination. Are they
wrong? Well of course, but can you blame them for shutting us out? Besides the fact that the devil blinds the eyes of
people so they won’t see truth (2 Corinthians 4:4), is there any other reason that people just refuse to believe there is a

Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. (Colossians 4:5)

Paul gives Christians an instruction, not a suggestion, to walk wisely before people without wisdom (fools – atheists).
Why? To redeem, buy back, the time we have already wasted. Paul knew that those walking wisely could have an impact
on those watching them, which is why he said to walk wisely. One way and the main way to walk wisely is in the fear of
The Lord, in obedience to the Word of God. So my question to you is this, how are you walking? Are you living a
consecrated, set apart, life? Or are you listening to the same music/tv/movies as the world? Are you going to the same
parties? Laughing at the same sinful and lustful jokes? Do you look any differently then people in the world? And even if
you don’t appear to look sinful and you’ve managed to look like you love Jesus, does your heart show it? Are you dressing
modestly and having perverted thoughts? Are you smiling in public and gossiping/backbiting in private? Are we in love
with Jesus or are we Christian atheists?

Christian atheist: Believing in God but living as though He doesn’t exist

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
(Matthew 15:8)

Do atheists not believe in Jesus Christ or do they not believe in Christians?.. You see, I think we could be more
effective in soul winning if we didn’t look like the people that were actually lost. I think we could have less people
backsliding if we showed them love the way God loves us. If we were more merciful on those who made mistakes, maybe
people wouldn’t be ashamed and try to hide their struggles. Maybe if we didn’t argue and complain so much people would
actually believe God was a provider. You see, we complain as if God is a genie. God provides for our need, not our greed.
I’m not pointing fingers, I’m guilty of all types of sin. I’m just well aware that we have to do better if we want to win more
souls to the Kingdom. Think about it. People may not read the Bible, but they will read you. 

There would be much less atheists in the world if there were more “Christians” who actually lived the way God intended.
Do people see Jesus when they see you?

God bless. 
– Tovares Grey

(Remember this: No matter how much you love Jesus and how much you persuade people, youcannot save anyone.
Only God can draw them. And no matter how much you try, you can’t convince everyone to turn to Jesus, so don’t worry if

Can God Trust you with Problems?

I can guarantee that when many of us decided to follow Jesus, we thought life would be much easier. Many of us thought
we wouldn’t have to worry about temptation, Hell would disappear and every bill would be paid. I now know that no part of
that is true. I still get tempted to mess up or not pray, Hell still exists for those who don’t obey God, and following Jesus
does not mean you will always have money. Jesus promises eternal life and even joy in this world, but that doesn’t mean
life will be easy. Jesus Himself came to this earth and said he didn’t have a “place to lay his head”, people hated him, and
was killed by people He came to save. Even though God is faithful, don’t expect to have a life of comfort. 

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (2 Timothy 3:12)

You see, many cry at every new problem in their life and it’s as though they aren’t reading their bible. Your persecution
may not be someone threatening to kill you for your faith, it could be attacks from the devil to get you to walk away from
God, problems at work when you’re not a bad employee, or it could be an illness and you don’t think God hears your
prayers for healing. The bible says God is a present help in trouble (Psalms 46:1).  If God is our help in trouble, why do
we do our best to escape trouble? We are becoming to in love with this world that the thought of every problem is shaking
even our faith, instead of using every opposition for a reason to pray more. How could you call God your Healer, but you
don’t want Him to let you go through sickness? You cannot testify of things you do not know, God wants us to understand
Him on a personal level. 

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. (Psalms 34:19)

My question to you is this, can God trust you with trouble? God trusted Job. Job experienced probably more pain than
anyone of us can face. He lost his family, income, his wife wanted him to curse God, and his health was going bad. Yet he
waited on God and never gave up hope. The three Hebrew boys did not bow to the foreign god. Many think the moral of
the story is that God delivered them from the fire, but I don’t think so. I think the most powerful and interesting part of that
story is when they said to the king that God would deliver, but even if He didn’t, they were not bowing to a false god
(Daniel 3:16-18). You see, God could trust them! I want to be at this point in my faith where nothing on earth could shift
my love for God. 

Here are a few people trusted with problems:

1. Paul – He perhaps suffered the most persecution for his faith than any man alive, yet he counted it all joy. (Philippians
2. Joseph – He went from the pit, to potiphar’s house, to prison (for a false accusation), to a palace. In that palace, he was
able to help those who mistreated him. When you are delivered, you can help those that hated you. (Genesis 50:20)
3. Stephen – This man was so full of the Holy Ghost that his last words on earth was begging God to have mercy on
those who stoned him to death. (Acts 7:54-60)
4. Elisha – A man living a holy life before God, but yet had a sickness leading to death. Can you betrusted with a
sickness? (2 Kings 13:14)
5. Jesus – I hope we didn’t forget God on this list! Crucified for all men to live. He could’ve had angels take him off the
cross, but He endured it for our sakes. (Hebrews 12:1-3)

The problem the children of Israel had was that they always wanted deliverance, but they never learned their lesson. God
took them out of bondage and struggles, but the next thing you know they were murmuring and complaining again. You
see God does not want to take us out of trouble, more than He wants the hard times to strengthen us and allow us to be
more dependent on Him. Don’t seek to be delivered, seek understanding for the reason you are in it. When your mind is
delivered, it doesn’t matter what you face. So my question to you is this, can you be trusted with trouble?

- Tovares Grey

Full Time Christian

Does anybody know that you are a Christian? Pause…. Take a minute and think about this. Outside of your church and
household, does anyone know whether or not you follow Jesus Christ? Do you laugh at the lustful or perverted joke, or
are you willing to walk away or end the conversation. Can someone come to you with a problem and you pray for them
rather than look down on them? Do you dress, talk or look exactly like the world, or are you brave enough to try and be

You see, many of us believe in God but sometimes we fail to take our faith and put it to action. God’s Word said that “faith
without works is dead” (James 2:20). Being a Christian is much more than attending church, getting baptized, speaking in
tongues, modest clothing, giving tithes or offering, or even helping the less fortunate. Did you notice something in
common about all of those examples? Those are all outward expressions, but they have nothing to do with the heart. I
mean many do it because their heart is overwhelmed by God’s goodness, but anyone could do those things to look the
part. You see, even though all of these are great, if your heart isn’t in it, then it is pointless. I think we all need a heart
check. We have to pray and ask God to help us to take off the masks we wear. You know, one for church, one for
school/work and another at home? God can never heal someone that doesn’t show their wound. I say that because many
of us do those things but yet we still struggle with envy, pride, lust, bitterness, and many other things that are not visible.
So we look saved, but yet our hearts are not that genuine. Church attendance means nothing, we have to start applying
and allowing God to change us from the inside out.

But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him:
for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. (1
Samuel 16:7)

Many times people do everything in their power to appear saved, but have not really changed in their hearts. Meaning
they will reluctantly follow rules, but their hearts are not surrendered. We may attend church and “look” the part, but
inside we are still broken, lost, and not sure how to be healed. God is ready to mend anyone that will be willing to just
open up to Him. We will all struggle, even me as I write this, but God is bigger than your struggle. If God can rise from
the dead, you have the power inside of you to rise up out of whatever is holding you down.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

God is not seeking “part-time employees”. It’s time for us to surrender our lives over to Him. By life, I don’t mean pray and
study more, because many times we take that for a ritual. We should know that the very privilege to know the One true
living God is a blessing. God wants our desires, not our deeds. Once we fall back in love with God, spending time with
Him will be extremely easy. I spend time with what and who I love, even when I find myself busy. Let’s find ourselves back
to the heart of worship, when it’s all about Jesus. God bless, you.

“Buying soap doesn’t make you clean, using it does. Owning a bible doesn’t make you saved, applying it does.” –
Tovares Grey

The Show is Over

Lights… Camera… Action! The show has begun and the audience expects a good performance. You cannot afford to fail
with all these people coming to watch you entertain them. After all, they didn’t have to watch you right? Make sure
everyone has on their costumes and that replacements are in place. We must please the people that have come to the

Many will read that and think I am referring to a movie or a play, but I am actually referring to the Modern Church. It
seems at times that the place where God once inhabited is now a circus or an amusement park. Remember that place
where we actually went and out of respect kept quiet in church and listened to the pastor? Yeah, I am not sure what
happened but it’s now the place where people use their phones during service. Are the people coming to worship God or
to be restored? Not all the time, it’s more of a social thing. “I had to get out the house, it was too much arguing.” Or when
you knew the people would treat you with love, but you sometimes go and feel rejected and isolated?

Let’s not forget the competition that takes place within ministry! “I sing better than you!”, “I preach better than you!”,
“You’re not even saved, I pray and you never do!”, “He/she doesn’t deserve to be our leader, I work harder than them.
This church is bias!” Or the people that only show up when there’s a big turn out? Not too interested in prayer services,
bible study, or even practice. They just enjoy the spotlight given on Sunday. Sad to say, but most times it’s because they
want to see who’s coming, who’s wearing what, and if the preacher can make me feel good. You know, when I can attend
service enough to make it into Heaven, but not too much where I feel conviction and might have to actually change my
Am I targeting anyone or any church? Of course not! I need grace just like everyone else, I am just pointing to the bigger
picture! If we are not careful, we can so easily lose sight of Jesus. We can attend church faithfully, and not actually be
a follower of Jesus. You and I must wake up everyday asking ourselves, “what can I change to please God more?” You
see, it’s easy to turn God’s house into an entertainment center. We do not preach about repentance because it might
scare our visitors away. We do not talk about principles God has set because it may cause us to lose members, things
such as tithing, holiness, forgiveness, or even Hell. We tend to point just towards grace so much that we give people a
false perception of God. God has many attributes, and to make people think He does not get angry or sad by our
decisions is total deception.

I honestly believe that every believer will serve Jesus differently. That is simply because He made us differently, that is
why I do not believe in comparing anyone or any church. Some people jump and some people stay still. Some people are
quiet and some are loud. Even though I believe we should be free and give God everything, I will not say your heart is not
pure if you aren’t jumping like me. I just know sometimes it’s necessary to shout with the voice of triumph (Psalm 47:1) or
dance and spin (Psalm 118:24); the word rejoice here in Hebrew means to spin in a violent, radical manner. Off topic, but
don’t be afraid to worship, who cares what people think?

My point to you is this, God does not want us to dilute His Word to get more people in church. Jesus told people
some hard things and at one point it caused many to walk away from Him (John 6:66). He simply separated the fans
from the followers! The Gospel and everything God requires will offend people. When you hear it, you will either walk
away or follow Jesus, but that is the point. Do not change it to please people. Hurt someone with the truth before you
comfort them with a lie (PLEASE, do it in love). So whether you are a minister, pastor, musician, or just someone that
goes to church, let it be genuine. God knows our heart and it makes no sense that we try to fool Him. Be open with God
and repent if you have to. But we must go back to the heart and true meaning of worship. When it is all about
Jesus. I understand we cannot make every service sometimes, we are human; and church attendance does not make us
saved, but do not think church is the place to go when you “feel like it”. It’s where we go to worship with the body of Christ,
and to be a blessing, not just expect a blessing.

Get the actors off stage, and let church begin. – Kirk Franklin

Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord. (Lamentations 3:40)

Daily Declarations
Studies show that most people must hear something around 7 times in order for them to retain it, and some people say it
takes around 21 days of repeating something to form a habit. I wouldn’t call people foolish, it just simply takes awhile to
train our minds to operate a certain way. We must understand that no one is born good or bad, we become that way
because of our daily actions. The devil wasn’t always evil, but when his thoughts got evil, his lifestyle became evil.

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the
praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: (1 Peter 2:9)

It’s time for us to see ourselves the way God sees us. Stop defining yourself by your situation or your weakness. You
say you’re weak, but God says to declare that you are strong (Joel 3:10). You say you’re ugly, insignificant or nothing to
be admired, but God’s Word says you’re wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14).

Arguably, the best boxer of all time is Muhammad Ali (I’m sure he’d beat your favorite fighter). One of his methods of
winning was not necessarily his quick jabs and hook shots, it was actually hismouth! Yes, it was his mouth that won most
of his fights! He would always say something catchy like: “I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. You can’t beat the
greatest because I am Muhammad Ali.”, or “his hands can’t hit what his eyes can’t see.” Some may say that has nothing
to do with boxing, but actually it has a lot to do with it. Ali would torment his opponents with his annoying lines,
and before the fight he has already beaten them in their minds. Ali would have them swinging out of anger, and they
would tire out extremely early. Ali even told some guys which round he was planning to knock them out in. Some say he
was too prideful, that may be true, but I say Ali was extremely wise.

I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the
law of sin. (Romans 7:25)

If you could understand that, please understand this: the battle is won in your mind. If you think you can succeed and
you keep telling yourself you can, then you will. If you think you will fail, and walk with a defeated mind, then you will lose.
Ali didn’t just annoy his opponents, he made himself more confident knowing that he doesn’t even have to swing a punch
but his opponent is mentally defeated! I pray that us as believers learn from this man! It is time to wake up everyday and
look the devil in the face and say “you can throw your weapons at me, but they won’t prosper”, “you can tempt me with
pornography, but I am not looking”, and you can even say “nice blow, but now that I’m more dependent on Jesus, you can
come with your best shot and I am not falling down again!”, “I know what the doctor sees, but my God is bigger than any
disease!” Too many of us want to win the battle, but we walk around as if we don’t have power from God. Wake up, walk
in your authority!

But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed
thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. (Isaiah 43:1)

Anyone who doesn’t know their worth, will easily allow themselves to be defined and labeled by people. People
that have no clue of their purpose usually become lost in the crowd and never fulfill their purpose on this earth. That does
not have to be you if you choose to seek God through His Word. When you seek Him, you will understand who you are,
Whose you are, and why you are here. When you begin to say “I am…(something)…”, you attract whatever it is you say
and you will eventually be that by your faith. So please, be careful what you speak over yourself and others.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21)

Remember, it’s not what they call you, it’s what you answer to. When people say hateful things and you get angry, part of
you may think it’s true. Someone can call me a thief all they want, but I won’t feel guilty or upset since I do not steal.
Too many of us live for man’s acceptance, but in return we will die from their rejection. Their isolation will destroy us
mentally, emotionally and even spiritually. That is why we must all know that our worth and significance is in Jesus. Do not
think it is in a person, because if they were ever to walk away, die, divorce you or you just grow apart, that means part of
you will never be complete. Our value is in Jesus.

This may be crazy to some of you, but I want to challenge you to write down 5 things (on paper, phone wallpaper, iPad, or
anywhere you will see it again like on your refrigerator) that God says about you and I want you to repeat them in the
morning, night, in the car, or whenever you have time. If you are a person that is sick, make sure one of your 5 is, “I am
healed”. Try this for one week and have faith, watch your situation begin to line up with God’s Word.

My list of daily declarations (Just 5):

1. I am the head and not the tail.
2. I am no slave to sin, I am loosed because of Jesus.
3. My family will be saved.
4. I am a lender, not a borrower.
5. I am a carrier of God and I will spread His Word.

- Tovares Grey

Temporary Problems | Eternal God

Bills, school, work (maybe even unemployment), family issues, sickness and diseases, broken relationships… The list
goes on and on. We all face problems daily that make us really question God. “Are you even real?”, “if you loved my mom,
why did you allow her to pass away?”, I work hard, tithe, and I give to the homeless, why can’t my bills ever get paid on
time for a change?”, and some of us get a bit crazy and say “God, will I get married before you return?” (Funny, but
serious). Many of us go through trying times and we want to know where God is. I can tell you where He is. It’s easy
because He never moved, He is right beside you! God is carrying you through every situation, sickness, struggle,
fire, storm, and he is bringing you out more refined, more humble, and ultimately more dependent on Him.
Remember the scripture that says God gives beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3)? Well you must go through the fire to get the
ashes that God exchanges for beauty. No cross, no crown. We all have to go through something, it’s inevitable and quite
profitable if you stay in it and learn from it.

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glorywhich shall be revealed
in us. (Romans 8:18)

God is bigger than whatever is stressing you out. Don’t allow problems to determine how you see God, let God
change the way you see your problems. Remember that everything we go through won’t be good, but it will be for our
good. Meaning you may experience many losses, but God now has more room to give you more or something better.
However, I don’t want you to focus on finances, money doesn’t determine if you have a relationship with
God. Sometimes, God takes us through a famine to remind us that He alone can sustain. The devil knows we
already have the victory, it’s just up to you to understand the concept. You are fighting from victory, not for victory. No
matter what you go through, it can do nothing but build you up. The enemy wants to knock you to your feet, but guess
what? You’re in perfect position to pray and allow God to strengthen and lift you right back up. Win-Win situation!

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his
purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Choose today to no longer live by feelings, but by your faith in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:7). Problems will arise,
maybe right after reading this blog, but guess what, God is with you in trouble (Psalms 46:1). Don’t run away from it, God
is with you. God allowed the enemy to make weapons, but He won’t allow any of them to prosper (Isaiah 54:16-17).
God promised to never leave us, be encouraged!

Declare this (by tweeting or setting this as your status):

My problems are only temporary, but my God is eternal. He will come though!

- Tovares Grey

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