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How do I know God’s will for my life? Who does God want me to marry?

Are they going to
be attractive? Will they workout often? Are they spiritual? Is the person I’m with a blessing or a
These are just a few of the random questions that plague our minds when we are single or are
contemplating marriage. There is nothing wrong with taking great thought into marriage, the
issue simply occurs when we allow our emotions or our friends to bring clarity rather than
praying and waiting on Jesus to give us direction. You see, it’s nothing wrong with me being
single, if I’m single and using my singleness to honor Jesus. Meaning I’m honoring God through
my inward (thoughts and desires) and outward (actions, entertainment, dressing, etc.) purity. It’s
also nothing wrong with being in a relationship if I’m using that relationship to glorify Jesus and
not turning that person into an idol/besetting sin (see Hebrews 12:1).
“There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall
stand.” (Proverbs 19:21)
The majority of us want to be married, and I strongly believe it isn’t God’s will for anyone to be
alone. By alone I do not mean “single”, I mean isolated and having a mindset that you can do
everything by yourself. Desiring company, whether that simply being godly friends or a spouse
that you can honor God with, is a good desire to have.
“Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” (Galatians 5:7)
Whoever we date/marry will influence our spiritual walk. Maybe you missed that so I’ll say it
again for anyone who hates that fact, WHOEVER WE DATE/MARRY WILL INFLUENCE
OUR SPIRITUAL WALK. Too often there are believers that feel it’s okay to date
nonbelievers. While that is not the right thing to do biblically (2 Corinthians 6:14 and Amos 3:3),
it really isn’t safe. We may feel as though we are leading them to Jesus, but why couldn’t we do
that outside of dating? Isn’t witnessing God’s will for us? We are to win souls for the kingdom,
not date people into a relationship with Jesus.
For those wondering how good looking their spouse will be…. Of course the person you marry
will be attractive to you, God knows that you will see more than their spiritual walk. However,
everyone who is attractive or is interested is not supposed to be an option for you. That six pack
isn’t a strong enough foundation for marriage. Those curves may look nice, but they do not raise
your children or determine if someone respects you.
You want to know how to tell whether someone is “God’s will” for you? Seek God for yourself!
If you don’t know truth, a lie will always deceive you.
“All men/women are the same”.. You’ve heard it before, but the reason they’ll keep ending up
with those types is because we haven’t surrounded ourselves with God. Evil can’t stand in God’s
presence, so the more you seek Jesus is the more you’ll see Him weed out the bad influences in
your life. We can study a lie so we know how to resist it, but then the enemy will bring another
lie. It’s not enough to understand your enemy, you have to understand Jesus as well so that you
can be alert against every possible attack/distraction coming in.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” (John 10:27)
Just because we believe in Jesus does not mean we have a relationship with Him. God wants us
to keep coming close to Him. We can’t be satisfied with where we are. The closer we get to
Jesus is the further we are from distractions, and that’s definitely the easier way to recognize
when something isn’t God’s will. If someone comes along trying to get you to do the opposite of
what God is telling you, then it is no way that God wants you to be with them (see James 1:13-
Grace and peace.

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